Copyright Review Commission Report - ICT Law and Regulation ...

Copyright Review Commission Report - ICT Law and Regulation ...

Copyright Review Commission Report - ICT Law and Regulation ...

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(i)requiring notice of any intended application to the court under section 36 to be given to the tribunal <strong>and</strong>to the other parties to the proceedings;(iii) suspending or authorizing or requiring the tribunal to suspend the operation of orders of the tribunal incases where after giving its decision an application under section 36 to any provincial division of theSupreme Court is noted;(iii) modifying in relation to orders of the tribunal, of which the operation is suspended, the operation of anyprovisions of this Chapter as to the effect of orders made thereunder;(iv) the publication of notices or the taking of any other steps for ensuring that persons affected by thesuspension of an order of the tribunal will be informed of its suspension;(v) regulating or prescribing any other matters incidental to or consequential upon any request, application,order or decision under section 36.[Sub-para. (v) substituted by s.26 (a) of Act No. 125 of 1992.](4) Without prejudice to any method available by law for the proof of orders of the tribunal, a document purportingto be a copy of any such order <strong>and</strong> to be certified by the Registrar to be a true copy thereof shall in any legalproceedings be sufficient evidence of the order unless the contrary is proved.(5) The Registrar shall act as the registrar of the tribunal.(6) Any reference in this Chapter to the giving of an opportunity to any person of presenting his case shall beconstrued as a reference to the giving to that person of the opportunity of submitting representations in writing<strong>and</strong> of being heard.[Sub-s (6) added by s.26 (b) of Act No. 125 of 1992.]30. General provisions as to jurisdiction of tribunal.1. Subject to the provisions of this Chapter, the function of the tribunal shall be to determine disputes arising betweenlicensing bodies, or other persons from whom licences are required <strong>and</strong> persons requiring licences, or organizationsclaiming to be representatives of such persons, either—(a)on the reference of a licence scheme to the tribunal; or(b)on the application of a person requiring a licence either in accordance with a licence scheme or in a case notcovered by a licence scheme.[S.30 substituted by s.27 of Act No. 125 of 1992.]31. Reference of licence schemes to tribunal.(1) Where at any time while a licence scheme is in operation a disputearises with respect to the scheme between thelicensing body operating the scheme <strong>and</strong>—- 184 -

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