Copyright Review Commission Report - ICT Law and Regulation ...

Copyright Review Commission Report - ICT Law and Regulation ...

Copyright Review Commission Report - ICT Law and Regulation ...

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The MITT further recommends that DACST develop guidelines for the employment of musicians by government. Theguidelines should include criteria for the selection of artists, including how artists from across the country can be givenexposure; <strong>and</strong> what constitutes appropriate remuneration, particularly where artists are taken abroad to perform. DACSTshould consult the NAC <strong>and</strong> MUSA in this regard.3.13 CONCENTRATION OF THE MUSIC INDUSTRY IN GAUTENGOne of the major themes of the provincial hearings was the concentration of the music industry in Gauteng <strong>and</strong> theconcommitant lack of access to the industry by aspiring musicians resident in other parts of the country. The MITT is ofthe opinion that it is desirable to foster live <strong>and</strong> recorded music in all of South Africa’s regions. However, the MITT isaware that the conglomoration of the music industry in South Africa is in keeping with international trends <strong>and</strong> tends toaid the growth <strong>and</strong> competetiveness of a national music industry.RECOMMENDATION 33:DACST explore the possibility of creating recording infrastructure in areas outside of Gauteng as part of its CulturalIndustries Growth Strategy (CIGS).RECOMMENDATION 34:The NAC actively solicit proposals for music development outside of Gauteng in particular <strong>and</strong> the major cities in general.RECOMMENDATION 35:DACST discuss with SABC Radio the possibility of the SABC playing a more active role in recording <strong>and</strong> broadcastingmusic in the various provinces.3.14 LIVE MUS<strong>ICT</strong>he hearings of the MITT highlighted musicians’ concern about the state of live music in South Africa. Some the issuesrepeatedly raised include the importance of live music to the development of local music; the exploitation of artists in liveperformances; the lack of support for entrepreneurs who establish live music venues; the tendency of promoters todisregard “local” artists in favour of Gauteng-based artists. Live music, especially where it is accessible to the youth, isseen as the basis for building the future musicians <strong>and</strong> audiences necessary for the growth of the music industry.RECOMMENDATION 36:That those implementing this report are made aware that many of the central recommendations of this report areapplicable to live music. These include:Recommendation 10: Status of musiciansRecommendation 11: Work permits: reciprocityRecommendations 12 & 13: ContractsRecommendation 14: Social security- 178 -

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