Copyright Review Commission Report - ICT Law and Regulation ...

Copyright Review Commission Report - ICT Law and Regulation ...

Copyright Review Commission Report - ICT Law and Regulation ...

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Collecting societies in the UK all agree that the collective management of members’ rights is more effective if there is a singlecollecting society per repertoire. The representatives of the collecting societies were asked during the interviews tosubstantiate this preference. The reasons advanced were varied. It was noted that such arrangement promotesunderst<strong>and</strong>ing, transparency <strong>and</strong> accountability. Representatives that were interviewed also stated that it is much easier forusers to have one society to negotiate with – it lessens the burden. It also ensures consistency of approach <strong>and</strong> efficiency<strong>and</strong> the possibility of disputes are lessened. One representative noted that in markets where there are two societies, time<strong>and</strong> resources must be spent in addressing competitor issues.7.8. COMMUNICATION WITH MEMBERSBoth PRS <strong>and</strong> PPL maintain a useful website for members <strong>and</strong> users alike. These websites boast informative FrequentlyAsked Questions (FAQs) – see, for example, the FAQs for PRS available athttp://www.prsformusic.com/creators/wanttojoin/Pages/NewMemberFAQs.aspx.PPL offers services to its members beyond the UK borders. It notes on its website:In excess of 47 territories around the world have an equivalent organisation to PPL, collecting broadcasting <strong>and</strong> public performancerevenue <strong>and</strong> other sources of revenue which may not exist in the United Kingdom, such as private copying, rental, audio visualcommunication to the public <strong>and</strong> cable retransmission.As a result, during the last few years, PPL has set up a number of agreements with similar licensing organisations in other countries.We continue to develop these relationships <strong>and</strong> we are in constant talks to add to the list of territories <strong>and</strong> licensing organisations thatparticipate in the scheme (see http://www.ppl.com).7.9. COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENTSThe Digital Economy Act (http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2010/24/contents ) is an important law. One of the aims of theDigital Economy Act is to curb piracy of copyright works <strong>and</strong> the illegal downloading <strong>and</strong> reproduction of works through filesharing.7.10. OTHER ISSUESSection 144A of the CDPA 1988 provides for compulsory collective licensing of cable re-transmission rights in, inter alia,musical works a reception of wireless broadcasts from another state in the European Economic Area.The Committee recommends that collecting societies adopt ADR for the resolution of their disputes with copyright users <strong>and</strong>potential users, as well as disputes with members.The IPO has noted that the history of the PRT <strong>and</strong> <strong>Copyright</strong> Tribunal is one of disputes that have spiralled out of control,which have been marked by cost <strong>and</strong> delay. The <strong>Copyright</strong> Tribunal is seen as a desperate option. It ill serves the collectingsocieties <strong>and</strong> the licensees. The cost <strong>and</strong> delay are not intrinsic to the nature of the <strong>Copyright</strong> Tribunal (or the PRT), but for- 162 -

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