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Focus groups of high-school students aged between 15 and 19 years show that studentsconsider drug-related prevention programmes too similar and mostly uninteresting. Theywish for experiential programmes and small group discussions where students would not beafraid to ask questions.The Faculty of Social Work of the University of Ljubljana has developed a community-basedmodel of work with children, their parents and school workers. Its primary purpose is topromote community responses to risky situations in a school environment or a classroomcommunity.The Institute Utrip has issued Guidelines and Recommendations for School-basedPrevention, which were drawn up during the pilot implementation of the school-basedprevention programme “Izštekani” (Unplugged). Preliminary evaluation of the effects andresults of the Unplugged programme showed that it has reduced the actual use of alcohol,tobacco and other drugs in the intervention group in comparison with preliminary predictionsof students. There were significant differences regarding tobacco smoking (predicted 8%,actual 3.8%), alcohol drinking (predicted 31.7%, actual 18.4%) and drinking to intoxication(predicted 10.5%, actual 2.8%).An analysis of the obstacles to the implementation of family prevention programmes showedthat more than 63% of parents participate in preventive activities in Slovenia. The mostcommon reasons for parents' non-participation are lack of time, the fact that schools do notorganize such activities, and the fact that parents prefer to discuss these issues at home.43The evaluation of the effects of the Strengthening Families Program showed excellent resultsfor 89% of all measurable indicators. The most significant effects of the programme includepositive changes in parenting skills and parenting styles of both parents, and an increase inpositive parenting and parent effectiveness.In the framework of the international Addiction Prevention within Roma and SintiCommunities project, researchers have reviewed the legislation governing the status ofRoma communities, their healthcare and social security coverage, and the use of licit andillicit drugs. Furthermore, they studied the situation concerning licit and illicit drug addictionproblems in Roma population.The Svit Association upgraded its low-threshold programme with a programme for families,children and adolescents; the programme is aimed at children of drug users, at-risk children,drug using parents, girls with associated problems, and grandparents of drug users' children.In addition to addressing the problem of drug use, the programme also promotes and carriesout safe leisure activities.

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