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Field procedureData collection was done by school counsellors. All students were informed that theirparticipation would be on an anonymous and voluntary basis (questionnaires are to bereturned in sealed envelopes). Data were collected in one week chosen according toprinciple that no public or school holidays occurred one month before.Data entry and data processing are carried out using the SPSS software.Definition of selected termsRegular use: regular users are those respondents who answered the question about thelifetime use of a certain drug by stating that they had used it 40 or more times.Any illicit drug: this variable encompasses cannabis, amphetamines, cocaine, crack, ecstasy,LSD or other hallucinogens, heroin and GHB.ESPAD countries: countries that participated in the survey in 2011 and whose data areincluded in the 2011 international report. 5ResultsAny illicit drug; cannabisAlmost every other Slovenian respondent (45%) perceives cannabis to be fairly or very easilyaccessible, one quarter of respondents perceive sedatives to be readily available, one fifthconsider ecstasy easily accessible, and 13% of respondents consider amphetamines fairly orvery easily accessible.33One quarter of respondents said that they had used illicit drugs at least once in their lifetime– there was a statistically significant difference between males and females, as more boysthan girls had used drugs in their lifetime (χ 2 =27.831, df=5, p

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