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DRUG USE IN THE GENERAL POPULATION ANDSPECIFIC TARGETED GROUPS2.The National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) conducted a survey on the use of tobacco,alcohol and other drugs in 2011 and 2012. The target population of the survey includedinhabitants of Slovenia aged between 15 and 64 years living in private households. 15,200people aged between 15 and 64 were included in the survey. 7,516 people answered surveyquestions, which means that the survey response rate was 50%. To determine theprevalence of drug use in the general population, three standard time frames were used,namely lifetime use (use of drugs at any time in an individual's life), use of drugs in the past12 months before the survey (past-year drug use) and use of drugs in the past 30 daysbefore the survey (past-month drug use). According to the Survey on the use of tobacco,alcohol and other drugs, 16% of inhabitants of Slovenia have used an illicit drug on one ormore occasions in their lifetime. Most of those who reported lifetime drug use (15.8%) usedcannabis or hashish. 2.1% of people reported lifetime use of cocaine, and the sameproportion of people reported lifetime use of ecstasy. 1% reported lifetime use of LSD, andamphetamines and heroin were used by less than one percent of people each. 6.4% ofpeople reported lifetime polydrug use. Data broken down by sex shows that prevalence ratesof drug use are higher among men than among women for all the mentioned drugs. Acomparison with the European Union showed that the lifetime prevalence of cannabis use inSlovenia is below the European average, and so is the use of some other drugs.25In 2011, the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) wasconducted for the fifth time in Slovenia. The survey is carried out with a representativesample of students who turn 16 years old in the data collection year. The main objective ofthe ESPAD survey is to collect comparable data on the use of various psychoactivesubstances among 15- and 16-year-old students in Europe to monitor trends in individualcountries and between countries. The questionnaire contains questions about the use ofdifferent drugs in lifetime, 12 months and 30 days before the survey. According to surveyresults, 24.8% of respondents have used at least one illicit drug in their lifetime. The dataalso show a trend similar to those in other countries, namely the stabilization of theprevalence of illicit drug use after 2007. Slovenian prevalence rates of lifetime use ofinhalants and cannabis stand out in comparison with the ESPAD countries average rates;20% of Slovenian respondents reported lifetime use of inhalants, and 23% reported lifetimeuse of cannabis.The study of drinking environments and young people's drinking behaviours conducted infour European cities (Liverpool, Palma de Mallorca, Utrecht and Ljubljana) shows that the

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