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DRUG POLICY: LEGISLATION, STRATEGIES ANDECONOMIC ANALYSISJože Hren1.In the Republic of Slovenia, the field of illicit drugs is regulated by the following acts anddecrees: The Criminal Code of the Republic of Slovenia (Official Gazette of RS, No. 55/08,66/08 and 39/09), The Production of and Trade in Illicit Drugs Act (Official Gazette of RS, No.108/99, 44/00, 2/04 and 47/04), Act Regulating the Prevention of the Use of Illicit Drugs andthe Treatment of Drug Users (Official Gazette of RS, No. 98/99), Decree on the Schedulingof Illicit Drugs (Official Gazette of RS, No. 49/00, 8/01).In 2011 the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia adopted draft amendments to theCriminal Code (Official Gazette RS, No. 91/2011), amending both articles governing theissue of illicit drugs. After amendment, Article 187 of the Criminal Code allows the purchaseor possession of illicit drugs and facilitation of illicit drug use under specific legal and healthconditions, thus enabling the establishment of safe injecting rooms.Last year the Government of the Republic of Slovenia added a new substance, namelymephedrone (4-methylmethcathinone), to the list of drugs included in the Decree on thescheduling of illicit drugs, and classified it into Schedule I of illicit drugs, that is in the sameschedule with MDMA, which is not used for medical purposes.15The Ministry of Health adopted two sets of rules in 2011 relating to driving and methods forassessing physical and mental capacity in cases of illicit drug use, among others. Theserules are the Rules on health conditions of drivers of motor vehicles (Official Gazette RS,No. 47/11) and the Rules on the list of narcotic drugs, psychoactive drugs or otherpsychoactive substances and their metabolites (Official Gazette RS, No. 83/11).In July 2012 the Government of the RS adopted the National Crime Prevention and CrimeControl Strategy, which gives much attention to drugs. The solutions to drug-relatedproblems set out in the Strategy include the prevention of illicit drug supply, drug useprevention, and treatment and social rehabilitation of drug users. As a competent institutionresponsible for coordination in the field of drugs, the Ministry of Health (together with othercompetent ministries and non-governmental organizations) is responsible for theimplementation of the mentioned strategy, especially the chapter on illicit drugs.The latest analysis of the operation of the local action groups (LAGs) <strong>net</strong>work in Sloveniashows a decline in the number of LAGs in Slovenia. According to the analysis, there arecurrently 42 active LAGs in Slovenia. 11 Source: Report of the Regional Institute of Public Health Ravne - available from the author

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