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elated social security programmes, which received financial resources totalling EUR4,490,697.60. More than 6,400 users participated in these programmes; most of them(4,491) in low-threshold programmes, 1,048 in high-threshold programmes, 890 in mediumthresholdprogrammes and 12 in reintegration programmes.Chapter 9In 2011, the police recorded 1,925 criminal offences (according to the Criminal Code) and3,691 offences (as defined in the Production of and Trade in Illicit Drugs Act) involving illicitdrugs, and investigated 2,229 people on suspicion of criminal offence involving illicit drugs. In2011, cannabis remains the illicit drug that accounts for the largest proportion of criminal andminor offences. In 2011, the police treated 128 suspects who were under the influence ofillicit drugs at the time they committed the offence, and recorded 210 criminal offencescommitted with the intention of acquiring money to purchase illicit drugs. The police ordered1,162 expert examinations to establish the presence of illicit drugs and other psychoactivesubstances in drivers, 648 of which tested positive for drugs. Most drivers were driving underthe influence of methadone, opiates or benzodiazepines. In 2011, there were 81 cases ofjudicial police officers discovering illicit drugs in prisons, and cannabis accounted for thelargest number of finds. There were 4,975 people imprisoned in Slovenian prisons in 2011; of1,073 prisoners who had drug-related problems, 623 received substitution treatment.According to available data on test results, there were no HIV virus positive prisoners in2011. 15 prisoners tested positive for hepatitis B, and 55 for hepatitis C.11Chapter 10The total quantities of most illicit drugs seized in Slovenia decreased in 2011 compared tothe year before. The only exceptions were cannabis and hashish, in the case of which thepolice noted an increase both in smuggling over the Slovenian territory to other EU membercountries as well as in the quantity intended for sale in the Slovenian market. The police alsonoted an increase in the production of cannabis; in 2010 they recorded 42 spaces adaptedfor cultivation of cannabis under artificially created conditions, whereas in 2011 it recorded 52such spaces. Average prices of heroin, cocaine, amphetamine, cannabis and hashish roseslightly in 2011 in comparison with the year before, particularly because of the increasedavailability of particular illicit drugs of higher purity. In 2011, average concentrations of illicitdrugs such as cocaine, amphetamine, cannabis and hashish were similar as in previousyears, while the average concentration of heroine was much lower in 2011.

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