Lenin CW-Vol. 23.pdf - From Marx to Mao

Lenin CW-Vol. 23.pdf - From Marx to Mao

Lenin CW-Vol. 23.pdf - From Marx to Mao

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OPEN LETTER TO B. SOUVARINE201other hand, the American Renaudels and Sembats advocate“national defence” and “preparedness”. The American Longuetsand Pressemanes—the poor souls!— are trying <strong>to</strong> bringabout a reconciliation between social-chauvinists and revolutionaryinternationalists.Two Internationals already exist. One is the Internationalof Sembat-Südekum-Hyndman-Plekhanov and Co. Theother is the International of Karl Liebknecht, MacLean (theScottish school-master whom the English bourgeoisie sentenced<strong>to</strong> hard labour for supporting the workers’ classstruggle), Höglund (the Swedish M. P. and one of the foundersof the Zimmerwald Left sentenced <strong>to</strong> hard labour forhis revolutionary propaganda against the war), the fiveDuma members exiled <strong>to</strong> Siberia for life for their propagandaagainst the war, etc. On the one hand, there is the Internationalof those who are helping their own governments wage theimperialist war, and on the other, the International of thosewho are waging a revolutionary fight against the imperialistwar. Neither parliamentary eloquence nor the “diplomacy”of socialist “statesmen” can unite these two Internationals.The Second International has outlived itself. The ThirdInternational has already been born. And if it has not yetbeen baptised by the high priests and Popes of the SecondInternational but, on the contrary, has been anathemised(see Vandervelde’s and Stauning’s speeches), this is notpreventing it from gaining strength with every passing day.The Third International will enable the proletariat <strong>to</strong> riditself of opportunists and will lead the masses <strong>to</strong> vic<strong>to</strong>ry inthe maturing and approaching social revolution.Before concluding, I would like <strong>to</strong> say a few words inreply <strong>to</strong> Souvarine’s personal polemics. He asks (the socialistsnow residing in Switzerland) <strong>to</strong> moderate their personalcriticism of Bernstein, Kautsky, Longuet, etc.... For mypart, I must say that I cannot accept that. And I wouldpoint out <strong>to</strong> Souvarine, first of all, that my criticism of the“Centre” is political, not personal. Nothing can res<strong>to</strong>re themass influence of the Südekums, Plekhanovs, etc.: theirauthority has been so undermined that everywhere the policehave <strong>to</strong> protect them. But by their propaganda of “unity”and “fatherland defence”, by their striving <strong>to</strong> bring abouta compromise, by their efforts <strong>to</strong> draw a verbal veil over

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