Jun, Jul, Aug 1962 - Navy League of Australia

Jun, Jul, Aug 1962 - Navy League of Australia

Jun, Jul, Aug 1962 - Navy League of Australia

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. • •:.»ZT^MELBOURNESTEAMSHIPCO. LTD.Head <strong>of</strong>ficeII KING ST.. MELBOURNEBranches or Agenciesac all portaManaging AsressU forIIOBSONS BAY DOCK ANDENGINEERING CO. PTYLTD.Wtsrfca: williamuown, VictoriaHODCI ENGINEERING CO.PTY. LTD.Works: Susses Si., SvdsWSandCOCKBURN ENGINEERINGPTY. LTD.Wesrks: Hints Hd , FruBanOcShip Repairen. etc.MORRISON fcSINCLAIRPTY. LTD.ShipbuildersLONGNOSE POINTSYDNEY-Phone:82 0701 (3 lines)plete H :t«i degrees turn. The tba sliipN <strong>of</strong> the Royal <strong>Navy</strong>model'a | mill W rewarded being equipped with the safestpM>tographit-aH} bj multiple and must efficient anchors inexposures on 11 single plate, the world Design informationThe photograph shows the resulting fr these anchorposition <strong>of</strong> the how ami stern tent* has heen made freeljlights at various points durin.: available In ihe shipping andthe experiment By niialysinu shipbuilding world.these photographs the experts The Kstahlish Ill has also;nv able to assess nil the rele- produced a new type <strong>of</strong> anchorMini iiirninii eharaeteriHties »l for permanent in invr— whichihe eraft. and the senta. <strong>of</strong> weigh* onlj one-eighth <strong>of</strong> thethese experiments is now weight <strong>of</strong> those now in use butbeing widened In include the provides the same holding pull.Measurement <strong>of</strong> rildder forrea and which will SUM- millionsMIMI xig /.»i! ami spiral <strong>of</strong> pounds in the pr KS <strong>of</strong>uianoeiivres with remote- normal replacement <strong>of</strong> thecontrolled IIIIKICIS. anchors i.. tin' pcrtnallenlThe : Ilnr tests :il the monrillll* amuild the eonsl illKsialilislniH'iil have resulted in BritainASH DISPOSAL RESEARCHResearch into the prospect*<strong>of</strong> disposal <strong>of</strong> Hue lt\ ash alsea is being carried out liy iheN.S.VV. Electricity Commissionin conjiii-tion with the I diversity<strong>of</strong> Xett Sonlli Wale* amiwith assistance from theC.S.I.Ho.The Savj ami Ihe Volunteerroastal r.'iirol are co-operatingin field test* which began <strong>of</strong>fWyhutig Head, central coast,on <strong>Jul</strong>ie 13.In these teats, trial loads <strong>of</strong>tine asli will lie dumped throughhoses to the sea bed, anil thedispersal <strong>of</strong> the nsh trackedby skin divers and by surfaceobservers using echo soundingami charting equipment.Kly ash consists <strong>of</strong> very fineparticles collected by electrostaticprecipitators from powerstation Hue gasses before theyleave the chimney*.The research is proceeding onthe theory that such line particleswill lie carried out to seabelow the surface and dispersedin deep water.The theory will be scientificallytested for the first timeill the tests <strong>of</strong>f Wylnintr.Purpo-. <strong>of</strong> tins.- ami associal..Iexperiments is toat ml} the possibility <strong>of</strong> largescale disposal at sea <strong>of</strong> Hyash from power stations in thenorthern area.Some <strong>of</strong> the investigationwork is being carried out b>the C.S.I H.i I. at its OcciiimgraphicLaboratory. Cronulla.For the ash disposal tests<strong>of</strong>f Wyliinii! Head the Xavywill provide a team <strong>of</strong> divers,and the Volunteer CoastalPatrol will provide boats usedas bases for observations.The Police Diving Squad haspreviously trained a number<strong>of</strong> Commission engineers' indiving.Members <strong>of</strong> the Commission'sPower Development BranchProjects Division arc taking anactive |»irt in the tests, directedIn Kngineer Power l)cvclopmciit Bruce Kirkwood.Projects Division observerswill eo-oitlinate the results <strong>of</strong>the tests with other investigationwork, but there are n<strong>of</strong>irm plans for the use <strong>of</strong> themethod al this sialic.THE NAVYRESERVE SAILORS LEAVEFOR UKA party <strong>of</strong> twelve ratings <strong>of</strong>the Royal <strong>Australia</strong>n NavalReserve lias lefl Sydney forBritain to help man new shipsfor deliver}' In <strong>Australia</strong> Interthis year.The men arc ihe first <strong>of</strong>lifty-six K.A.X.K. ratines whon ill go to Kllglalld to serve in<strong>Australia</strong>'s new uihleswccpingsquadron. This was one <strong>of</strong> themost significant peacetime• -out riliut ions made by Aus-I "alia 's Naval reserves.The first twelve reserves,who conic from all parts <strong>of</strong><strong>Australia</strong>, are electrical andengmerooui ratings. In privatelife they range from clerks tomedical orderlies. They willundergo special trainingcourses iii England beforejoining their ships during <strong>Jul</strong>yand <strong>Aug</strong>ust.Three Keserve <strong>of</strong>ficers havealready left for Britain, anilthree more will go later,making a lotal <strong>of</strong> sixty-tworeserve <strong>of</strong>ficers ami men in theinineaweeping squadron. Thereserves will comprise sixtyper cent, <strong>of</strong> the crews in four<strong>of</strong> the six minesweepers, whichare due ill Sydney in December.RAN GETS WARMWELCOME IN JAPANThirty-tluiusaml people havevisited five ships <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Australia</strong>nCombat Meet since theyarrived in Japan,The flagship. II.M.A.S. MEL-IIOL'RNK, is heading the biggestforce <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong>n shipsIn go to .lapan in peacetime.MELBOURNE. Hying theting <strong>of</strong> Bear Admiral AlanMcXiroll. the Hag OfficerCommanding the <strong>Australia</strong>nFleet, fired a national salute onlier arrival at Tokyo's seaportcity. A shore battery returnedIhe salute.<strong>Jun</strong>e, If62The <strong>Australia</strong>iu force comprises.MKLBOCRNK, the destroyers,VKNDKTTA andVOYAGER and the new frigates.YAHRA and PARKA-MATTA. MKLBOCRNK iscarrying twenty-one Navalaircraft, ami there is a total<strong>of</strong> two-anil-ii-lialf'-tlioiisaml menin the Task IJronp.The Minister for the <strong>Navy</strong>.Senator Gorton, said that the<strong>Australia</strong>ns were given a verywarm welcome, with the Japanesearranging sightseeing toursand sporting fixtures. In thevisits already made to Nagasaki,Kiirc and Kobe, someihirty-lhousaiid people hadtaken advantage <strong>of</strong> open daysMl the <strong>Australia</strong>n ships.Host ships for the <strong>Australia</strong>nClcct in Yokohama werethe Japanese Training Squadron,commanded by Rear AdmiralNobiiro Nagai. which isto visit <strong>Australia</strong> in .Inly.NEW CAPTAIN FORFLAGSHIPA new captain has been appointedto command II.M.A.S.MKLBOCRNK. the flagship <strong>of</strong>the <strong>Australia</strong>n Fleet.The Minister for the <strong>Navy</strong>.Senator (iortoii. announcedrecently that Captain R. 1.Peek. O.B.K.. D.S.C. wouldtake command <strong>of</strong> II.M.A.S.MELBOURNE, lie will alsoserve as Chief Staff Officer tothe Flag <strong>of</strong>ficer CommandingSupportthe <strong>Australia</strong>n Fleet, RearAdmiral Alan McNieoll.Captain Peek succeedsCaptain V. A. Smith, D.S.C,who is to become SecondMember <strong>of</strong> the Naval Boardwith the rank <strong>of</strong> Acting RearAdmiral.Captain Peek lias been incommand <strong>of</strong> the fast troopcarrier. II.M.A.S. SYDNEY,since his return from theUnited Kingdom earlier thisyear. In Britain he was on exchangeduty with the Admiraltyand also attended theImperial Defence College.lie began his Naval careerthirty years ago when hegraduated from the Royal<strong>Australia</strong>n Naval College(19:12). During the SecondWorld War he served as SquadronGunnery <strong>of</strong>ficer in bothII.M.A.S. II O BART andII.M.A.S. AUSTRALIA. Hewas awarded the D.S.C. forskill and devotion to duty atLingayen Gulf.Since the war he has servedat <strong>Navy</strong> Office as Director <strong>of</strong>Plans and as Deputy Chief <strong>of</strong>Naval Personnel, ami he hasalso commanded SHOAL-HAVEN. B A T A A N andTOBRCK. ,Captain Peck will Hy toTownsville to formally takecommand <strong>of</strong> MKLBOCRNKwhen the flagship arrives thereon her way home from a tour<strong>of</strong> duty in South East Asia.theRED CROSSBLOOD BANKI

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