Jun, Jul, Aug 1962 - Navy League of Australia

Jun, Jul, Aug 1962 - Navy League of Australia

Jun, Jul, Aug 1962 - Navy League of Australia

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**BP»PPB"*T.S. <strong>Navy</strong>'s Astronaut Lt. Col. Scott Carpenter afterhis orbits <strong>of</strong> the earth.Amonrsl those who received Scouttnf awards wasKenneth Wray. IS, <strong>of</strong> Armidale. a Cadet Midshipmanin the Royal <strong>Australia</strong>n <strong>Navy</strong>.Midshipman Wray received his Queen's Scoutcertificate.He Joined the Boyal <strong>Australia</strong>n <strong>Navy</strong> this year andU stationed at H.M.A.S. CRESWEIA.The picture shows Midshipman Wray and ChrisWest, <strong>of</strong> Eastwood. N.S.W., after the presentationceremony.20THE B,PLATEFrom a lecture bySIB EUGENE MILLINOTONDRAKE. KC..M.G.(Continued from last issue)Explosion .it 7.54 p.in. 111.34 O.M.T.i reportedinstantaneously to Foreign Offloe anilB.IU'.. who announce it jtwl after midnight.Captain LangxdnrfT. hi- <strong>of</strong>ficers ami crewtransferred to two TISJT— ami lighter thins;Argentine Hair, though belonging In the Hamburg-SmithAmerica Line. III these they rrossovernight t" Buenos Aires.Monday, December 18: Captain Langadorft'atiil his crew reach Buenos Aire* ami are accommodatedin naval barracks. German plea thatthey arc ship-Wrecked sailors, mil liable to internment.The Montevideo press publishesl.angsilorlf's long litter <strong>of</strong> protest, which provnki-s storm <strong>of</strong> indignation in Uruguayan amiArgentine pre**,Tuesday, December 19: Argentine Governmentdecree internment. Captain Langsdorff'slast address to his men and suicide, leaving!letter taking full responsibility for scuttling<strong>of</strong> URAF SPEE.FOREWORD BY ADMIRAL SIK EDWARDPARRY. K.C.B.. TO DUDLEY POPE'S BOOK.THE I'.ATTLK OK THE RIVER PLATE'.i William Kimber. 195H. IThe Battle <strong>of</strong> the River Plate received agreat deal <strong>of</strong> publicity at the time, largelybecause it was fought during the first winter<strong>of</strong> the war. when little else was happening..Moreover, the picture <strong>of</strong> a comparativelylarge enemy vessel being pursued by twosmaller British ships appealed to the imagination.To this day I do not know why theTHI NAVYTLE OF THE RIVERDRAMATIS PERSONAE: THE COMMANDERS. SHIPS. ARMAMENTS, SPEEDS, ETC.TonnageShip and Tear <strong>of</strong> Completion and crew Armament Aircraft SpeedGRAF SPEE 193fi 1:1.000 „ix 11-inch 2 'Arado' with 28 knotsCaptain Hans Langsdorff and 1.100 men ami eight 5.'l ma chine guninch gunsII.M.S. EXETER 1931 8,4(HJ six 8-inch 2 32 knot*Captain F. S. Bell and tiOtl men gunsH.M.S. A.IAX 193.-> 7,000 eight C-inch 2 33 knotsCaptain C. II. L. Woodhouae and 520 men gunsand carrying COMMODORE II. HARWOODII.M.S. ACHILLES 1933 7.000 eight (i-inch None 33 knotsCaptain W. E. Parry and 550 men guns (lost crossingthe Pacific)<strong>of</strong> the NEW ZEALAND DIVISION OK THE ROYAL NAVYH.M.S. CUMBERLAND 1928 10,000Captain Kallowfieldand 710 menURUGUAY (ling. <strong>Navy</strong>)Captain Fernando J. Fuentes1910l,.-)00and 80 menH.M.S. ARK ROYAL 19:15 22,000Captain Arthur J. Power and 1.300 menALTMARK 19:18Captain Heinrich DanTanker on the German <strong>Navy</strong>Auxiliary List, formerly <strong>of</strong>Hamburg-America LineTACOMA 1930Captain Hans Konow. <strong>of</strong>Hamburg-America LineGRAF SPEETHE THREE BRITISH CRUISERSJUM, ItM7,000and 130 men8,300and 112 meneight 8-inchgunstwo 4.7-inchgunssixteen 4.5-inch HA/LAgunsAnti-aircraftguns andpompoms'NoneTOTAL WEIGHT OF BROADSIDES:COMBINEDN

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