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Download the app or visit <strong>SES</strong>NewYork.com. sessionsSample SessionsDownload the app or visit www.<strong>SES</strong>NewYork.com for complete agenda and session descriptions.2:30-3:30pmTrack 5Programmatic Trading: New Display OpportunitiesWith a third of ads now bought and sold programmatically, advertiserscan no longer afford to remain on the sidelines of automatedad buying. But is programmatic buying ready for the big time? Canagencies and brands really buy and manage all their display mediabuys programmatically across the web, social, video, and mobile?Hear from the CMO of the world’s fastest-growing programmaticad tech company, whose platform evaluates over 10 billiondigital advertising opportunities per day, and the head of revenuefrom the leading Facebook Exchange retargeting company thatpowers the retargeting for over 1B monthly unique site visitors onFacebook for the world’s largest brands. Find out how to apply andmeasure programmatic buying to improve cross-channel results,reduce costs, and boost ROI. Discover:••How to use programmatic buying tools effectively.••What percentage of your ad buys should be done programmaticallyand why.••A case study on how BMW deployed programmatic buying toimprove offline-online campaign results.••New near-term FBX ROI data.Moderator:••Dax Hamman, Chief Revenue Officer, ChangoSpeakers:••Eric Porres, CMO, Rocket Fuel••Chris Zaharias, Chief Revenue Officer, TriggitDay 3—Thursday, March 289:30–10:30amTrack 2Next Generation Paid Search StrategiesMany marketers miss easy wins. To win with your paid searchstrategy, you need to execute your campaign using best practices.These include having the right level of keyword depth, the optimalmix of match types, well-written ads, optimized landing pages, andan account structure that maximizes your possible quality score.Are you optimizing the mobile and tablet opportunity? Do you needa tactical bidding strategy? If you’re an advanced search marketer,you should also consider segmentation models to truly outwit thecompetition.This session will cover all this and more. You will leave with ahomework assignment that will increase your chances of getting apromotion and a raise.Moderator:••Noran El-Shinnawy, Digital Marketing ExpertSpeakers:••Bill Mungovan, Director of Product Strategy, AdvertisingSolutions, Adobe••David Szetela, Author, Speaker and Consultant2:15–3:15pmSpotlight SessionFacebook Graph Search and ItsImpact on Reputation Management,Privacy, Local Search, & MoreFacebook Graph Search is an incredibly important step for thesocial network. If executed properly, it could take market sharefrom Google while also providing a sustainable revenue source. ButFacebook contains so much personal information that it needs tobe extremely careful about surfacing the right information withoutangering its users.Attend this session to learn the nuts and bolts and hear some ofthe findings from hundreds of Graph Searches—findings that couldimpact users, SEOs, parents, marketers, local businesses, and more.The goal of this session is to base the content on actual use versusopinion or theory. Topics will include:••Real privacy concerns.••Online reputation management.••Local graph search.••Autocomplete in graph search.••Graph Search ranking factors based on heavy analysis of localsearch rankings.Moderator:••Danny Goodwin, Associate Editor, Search Engine WatchSpeakers:••Glenn Gabe, President, G-Squared Interactive••Clayburn Griffin, Organic Search Director, Catalyst2:15–3:15pmSpotlight SessionOptimizing Con<strong>version</strong> from Strategy toExecution—The Three Keys to SuccessGet what you need to implement, scale, and execute a successfulcon<strong>version</strong> optimization program in your company. Packed withbest practices, this session will cover three main areas:••Alignment and strategy—how to link your con<strong>version</strong> optimizationto your company’s overall business strategy andbe seen as the true drivers of accelerating growth and profitwithin marketing.••Process and organization—where the con<strong>version</strong> optimizationteam should live within your company and who should bedriving versus participating, and how to set up website publishing(IT versus marketing) for optimal success.••Tactical execution—best practices and tips full of con<strong>version</strong>ideas (A/B and multivariate), and the top five site areas tochange to drive the biggest impact.Speaker:••Lisa Flosznik, Senior Manager, Web Marketing: Testing andOptimization, Adobesesconference.com • <strong>SES</strong> 19

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