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Waxahachie - Baylor Online Newsroom - Baylor Health Care System


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Is It the Flu?Identifying influenza can be tough, but knowing can help you recover fasterIt’s one of those age-old questions, likesoup or salad? Beach or mountains? Isit a cold or is it the flu?Both are prevalent in winter. “Coldsand the flu are caused by viruses that livebetter in cold temperatures,” says EllaFarricielli, M.D., an internal medicinephysician on the medical staff at <strong>Baylor</strong>Medical Center at <strong>Waxahachie</strong>.But sick is sick, right? Does it matterif it’s a cold or the flu? Yes, Dr. Farriciellisays. “It’s very important to know if youhave a cold or the flu,” she says. “Coldsare typically mild, but the flu can be quitesevere and may lead tocomplications like pneumoniaand, in severecases, even death.”How Do You Know?Both colds and the flu share many symptoms,including coughing, sneezing,headache, nasal congestion and fever.Colds tend to last a week or less andHow to Prevent Cold and Flul Wash your hands frequently and keep hands awayfrom your eyes, nose and mouth.l Use hand sanitizer when hand washing isn’t possible.l Avoid contact with those who are ill.l Eat a healthy diet rich in fruits,vegetables and whole grains.l Exercise regularly.l Get a flu shot every year.bring on lower-grade fevers than the flu,which usually lasts seven to 10 days.But the main difference betweencolds and the flu is severity at onset,Dr. Farricielli says. “The flu is a wholebodyillness, and it starts suddenly witha high fever, body aches and fatigue,” shesays. “Colds are mostly localized to yourhead and start much slower.”What Can You Do?If it’s a cold, rest, take over-the-countermedications to lessen the symptoms andlet it run its course. But with the flu, seeyour doctor within 48 hours. He or she canprescribe an antiviral medication. It won’tcure you, but it can shorten the illness andprevent complications.If you develop signs of pneumonia—shortness of breath or pain when takinga deep breath—or an earache, see yourdoctor again right away. l By ShelleyFlanneryProtect YourselFcall for aFlu shot todayThe best way to guard against the flu isto get vaccinated. Call your doctor to geta flu shot. Don’t have a physician? Call1-800-4BAYlor for a referral or visitFindDrright.com.4 <strong>Baylor</strong><strong>Health</strong> November 2011 l Sick? Click. <strong>Baylor</strong><strong>Health</strong>.com/<strong>Waxahachie</strong>

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