Peer-reviewed Journal Papers - Northern Prairie Wildlife Research ...

Peer-reviewed Journal Papers - Northern Prairie Wildlife Research ...

Peer-reviewed Journal Papers - Northern Prairie Wildlife Research ...


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Unpublished report submitted to Texas Parks and <strong>Wildlife</strong> Department, Austin, Texas, Projectnumber TX W-117-R-5. 46 pp.Jones, J. K., Jr., C. Jones, and D. J. Schmidly. 1988. Annotated checklist of recent land mammals ofTexas. Texas Tech University, Lubbock Museum Occasional <strong>Papers</strong> No. 119. 26 pp.Jones, J. K., Jr., R. W. Manning, R. R. Hollander, and C. Jones. 1987. Annotated checklist of recentmammals of northwestern Texas. Texas Tech University, Lubbock Museum Occasional <strong>Papers</strong>No. 111. 14 pp.Jordheim, S. 1996. The swift fox. Blue Jay 54:163.Jones, J. K., Jr., R. W. Manning, C. Jones, and R. R. Hollander. 1988. Mammals of the northern Texaspanhandle. Texas Tech University, Lubbock Museum Occasional <strong>Papers</strong> No. 126. 54 pp.Kahn, R., and T. Beck. 1996. Swift fox investigations in Colorado. Pages 10-15 in B. Luce, and F. G.Lindzey, editors. Annual report of the swift fox conservation team 1996. Omaha, Nebraska.Kahn, R., and J. Fitzgerald. 1995. Swift fox investigations in Colorado (1995). Pages 53-60 in S. H.Allen, J. W. Hoagland, E. D. Stukel, editors. Report of the Swift Fox Conservation Team - 1995.Denver, Colorado.Kintigh, K. M., and M. C. Andersen. 1998. A den-centered analysis of swift fox (Vulpes velox) habitatcharacteristics on the Kiowa National Grasslands, New Mexico. Proceedings of the NorthAmerican Swift Fox Symposium. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Abstract only.Kitchen, A. M., E. M. Gese, and E. R. Schauster. 1998. Resource partitioning between swift foxes andcoyotes: space, time and diet. Proceedings of the North American Swift Fox Symposium.Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Abstract only.Klausz, E. E., R. W. Wein, and L. N. Carbyn. 1996. Interaction of vegetation structure and snowconditions on prey availability for swift fox in the northern mixed-grass prairies: somehypotheses. Pages 281-286 in W. D. Willms and J. F. Dormaar, editors. Proceedings of thefourth prairie conservation and endangered species workshop. Provincial Museum of Alberta,Natural History Occasional Paper 23.Knowles, C. J. and A. R. Dood. 1993. Status of the swift fox in Montana, U.S./Canada Swift FoxWorkshop, Medicine Hat, Alberta. 2 pp.Knowles, C. J., P. R. Knowles, B. Giddings, and A. R. Dood. 1996. Historical and recent status of theswift fox in Montana. In Review. FaunaWest <strong>Wildlife</strong> Consultants, Boulder, Montana. 16pp.Knowles, C. J., P. R. Knowles, B. Giddings and A. R. Dood. 1998. Historical and recent status of theswift fox in Montana. Proceedings of the North American Swift Fox Symposium. Saskatoon,Saskatchewan. Abstract only.Knox, M. V. B. 1875. Kansas Mammalia. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 4:19-22.Krejczyk, T. J. 1998. The status of the swift fox in zoos and how both can benefit from each other.Proceedings of the North American Swift Fox Symposium. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Abstractonly.Kruse, K. W., J. A. Jenks, and E. D. Stukel. 1995. Presence of swift fox (Vulpes velox) in southwesternSouth Dakota. Pages 91-99 in S. H. Allen, J. W. Hoagland, E. D. Stukel, editors. Report of theSwift Fox Conservation Team - 1995. Denver, Colorado.Lantz, D. E. 1905 A list of Kansas mammals. Transaction of the Kansas Academy of Science 19:171-178.Lantz, D. E. 1905. Kansas mammals in their relations to agriculture. Kansas State Experimental StationBulletin 129:331-404.Laurion, T. R. 1988. Underdog. Natural History 97:66-70.

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