Peer-reviewed Journal Papers - Northern Prairie Wildlife Research ...

Peer-reviewed Journal Papers - Northern Prairie Wildlife Research ...

Peer-reviewed Journal Papers - Northern Prairie Wildlife Research ...


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Flaherty, M., and R. Plakke 1986. Response of the swift fox, Vulpes velox, to water stress. <strong>Journal</strong> of theColorado - Wyoming Academy of Science 18:51. Abstract only.Floyd, B. L. 1983. The little known swift fox. Wyoming <strong>Wildlife</strong> 47:26-27.Fowler, R., J. Sharps, and C. Hillman. 1978. Swift fox investigation and restoration. Paper presented atjoint meeting of Society of Range Management and the Soil Conservation Society of America.Fox, L. B., and C. C. Roy. 1995. Swift fox (Vulpes velox) management and research in Kansas:1995annual report. Pages 39-51 in S. H. Allen, J. W. Hoagland, E. D. Stukel, editors. Report of theSwift Fox Conservation Team - 1995. Denver, Colorado.Fox, M. W. editor. 1975. The wild canids. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, New York. 508pp.Frederickson, L. 1979. Furbearer population surveys: techniques, problems and uses in South Dakota.Pages 62-70 in Proceedings of the Midwest Furbearer Conference, Cooperative ExtensionService, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas.Frei, R. 1990. Mission improbable. Nature Canada (Fall):46-47.Gauthier, D. A. 1998. Landscape changes and swift fox conservation. Proceedings of the NorthAmerican Swift Fox Symposium. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Abstract only.Giddings, B., and C.J. Knowles. 1995. Current status of swift fox in Montana. Pages 101-131 in S. H.Allen, J. W. Hoagland, E. D. Stukel, editors. Report of the Swift Fox Conservation Team - 1995.Denver, Colorado.Giddings, B. and C.J. Knowles. 1996. The current status of swift fox in Montana. MontanaDepartment of Fish, <strong>Wildlife</strong> and Parks, and FaunaWest <strong>Wildlife</strong> Consultants. 6 pp.Ginsberg, J. R., and D. W. MacDonald. 1990. Foxes, wolves, jackals and dogs: an action plan for theconservation of canids. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources,Gland, Switzerland.Gittleman, J. L. 1989. Carnivore group living: comparative trends. Pages 183-207 in J. L. Gittleman,editor. Carnivore behavior, ecology, and evolution. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York.620 pp.Glass, B. P. 1959. Status of the kit fox, Vulpes velox, in the High Plains. Proceedings of the OklahomaAcademy of Science 37:162-163.Grier, R. 2003. Little fox of the shortgrass. Nebraskaland 81:28-36.Hall, E. R. 1955. Handbook of mammals of Kansas. Museum of Natural History University of Kansas.17:1-103.Hall, E. R. 1981. The mammals of North America. John Wiley and Sons, New York, New York,USA.RM-215.Hamilton, D. A. and L. B. Fox. 1987. Wild furbearer management in the Midwestern United States.Pages 1100-1116 in M. Novak, J. A. Baker, M. E. Obbard, and B. Malloch, editors. Wildfurbearer management and conservation in North America. Ontario Trappers Association. NorthBay, Ontario, Canada.Harris, W. C. and S. M. McAdam. 1994. Assessment of swift fox populations in Saskatchewan -Winter/Spring 1994. Prepared for Swift Fox Conservation Society, Calgary and SaskatchewanEnvironment and Resource Management, Regina. Unpublished Report.Harris, W. C., and J. R. Taggert. 1998. Swift fox habitat protection guidelines: do we have enoughknowledge? Proceedings of the North American Swift Fox Symposium. Saskatoon,Saskatchewan. Abstract only.Harrison, R. L., and C. G. Schmitt. 1998 Current swift fox (Vulpes velox) distribution and habitat

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