Peer-reviewed Journal Papers - Northern Prairie Wildlife Research ...

Peer-reviewed Journal Papers - Northern Prairie Wildlife Research ... Peer-reviewed Journal Papers - Northern Prairie Wildlife Research ...
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Office, Washington, D.C. 210 pp.Baker, A.B. 1889. Mammals of western Kansas. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 11:56-58.Banfield, A.W. F. 1974. The mammals of Canada. University of Toronto Press, Toronto.Beck, W. H. 1958. A guide to Saskatchewan mammals. Saskatchewan Natural History Society SpecialPublication No. 1. 52 pp.Bee, J. W., G. E. Glass, R. S. Hoffman, and R. R. Patterson. 1981. Mammals in Kansas. University ofKansas Museum of Natural History, Public Education Series No. 7. 300pp.Bischof, R. 2003. Swift fox conservation. Nebraskaland 81:37.Black, J.D. 1937. Mammals of Kansas. Kansas State Board of Agriculture, 30th Biennial Report 35:116-217.Black, S. R., A. Moehrenschlager, and L. N. Carbyn. 1998. An investigation into the causes of mortalityin a reintroduced free ranging swift fox (Vulpes velox) population, 1997. Proceedings of theNorth American Swift Fox Symposium. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Abstract only.Blair, K. 1995. Swift fox survey at Pantex Site, Carson County Texas. Unpublished report submitted toPantex, Department of Energy, Amarillo, Texas.Blumberg, C. A. 1993. Little fox on the prairie. South Dakota Conservation Digest 60:2-5.Boggess, E. K., and N. F. Johnson. 1981. Swift fox in Kansas. Swift fox symposium, 26th AnnualConference CMPS Section of The Wildlife Society, Laramie, Wyoming.10 pp.Bowles, J. B. 1975. Distribution and biogeography of mammals of Iowa. Special Publication of theMuseum, Texas Tech University 6:1-184.Brechtel, S. H., L. N. Carbyn, G. Erickson, D. Hjertaas, C. Mamo, and P. McDougall. 1996. NationalRecovery Plan for the Swift Fox. Report No. 15. Ottawa: Recovery of Nationally EndangeredWildlife Committee. 29 pp.Brechtel, S. H., L. N. Carbyn, D. Hjertaas, and C. Mamo. 1993a. Canadian swift fox reintroductionfeasibility study, 1989 to 1992: report and recommendations of the National Recovery Team.Unpublished report, Alberta Fish and Wildlife Services. 116 pp.Brechtel, S. H., L. N. Carbyn, D. Hjertaas, and C. Mamo. 1993b. Status of the Swift Fox RecoveryProject. Swift Fox Recovery Team Final Report for 3-Year Study from 1989-1992.Bremner, S. 1998. Diet and hunting behaviour of captive-bred swift fox (Vulpes velox/Vulpes veloxhebes) intended for release. Proceedings of the North American Swift Fox Symposium.Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Abstract only.Bueler, L. E. 1973. Wild dogs of the world. Stien and Day, New York, New York. 274pp.Busch, R. H. 1994. The comeback kid -- the swift fox (Vulpes velox) reintroduction program. NatureCanada 23:17-21.Caire, W., J. D. Tyler, B. P. Glass, and M. A. Mares. 1989. Mammals of Oklahoma. University ofOklahoma Press, Norman, Oklahoma. 567 pp.Carbyn, L. N. 1986. Some observations on the behavior of swift foxes in reintroduction programswithin the Canadian prairies. Alberta Naturalist 16:37-41.Carbyn, L. N. 1989. Swift foxes in Canada. Recovery 1:8-9.Carbyn, L. N. 1993. Swift fox comeback in Canada. Alberta Naturalist 23:11.Carbyn, L. N. 1995. Swift foxes on the North American Plains. Canid News (August):41-45.

Carbyn, L. N. 1996. The return of the swift fox to the Canadian Prairies. Pages 273-280 in W. D.Willms and J. F. Dormaar, editors. Proceedings of the fourth prairie conservation and endangeredspecies workshop. Provincial Museum of Alberta, Natural History Occasional Paper 23.Carbyn, L.N. 1998. Update on the status of the Swift Fox (Vulpes velox) in Canada. Committee on theStatus of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Ottawa, Ontario. 54 pp.Carbyn, L. N. 1998. Updated COSEWIC Status Report on the Swift fox, Vulpes velox. Committee on theStatus of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service Environment Canada.Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.Carbyn, L. N., and S. Brechtel. 1993. An update on the swift fox reintroduction program in Canada.Pages 366-372 in G. L. Holroyd, H. L. Dickson, M. Regnier, H. C. Smith, editors. Proceedings ofthe 3rd Prairie Conservation and Endangered Species Workshop. Provincial Museum of AlbertaNatural History Occasional Paper No.19.Carbyn L. N., S. Brechtel, D. Hjertaas, and C. Mamo. 1991. Swift fox interim management plan.Unpublished operational report submitted to wildlife directors. Canadian Wildlife Service,Edmonton. 62 pp.Carbyn, L. N., and S. H. Fritts. 1999. How to Reintroduce Carnivores. Council of Europe -Environmental Encounters Series, No. 38: 21-26.Carbyn, L. N., and E. Klausz. 1995. Report on livetrapping of swift foxes in South-eastern Wyoming,August 1994; subsequent release and survival to February, 1995. Report submitted to theCanadian Swift Fox Recovery Team. Canadian Wildlife Service. 39 pp.Chadwick, D. H. 2006. Swift success: Rare foxes return to Montana. Defenders 81:20-23.Chambers G. D. 1978. Little fox on the prairie. Audubon 80:63-71.Channel, R., and M. V. Lomolino. 1998. Patterns of range collapse in swift fox and other canids.Proceedings of the North American Swift Fox Symposium. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Abstractonly.Clark, T. W., and M. R. Stromberg. 1987. Mammals in Wyoming. University of Kansas Museum ofNatural History, Lawrence, Kansas.Cochrane Ecological Institute. 1994a. Survey of swift fox activity and possible release sites inGrasslands National Park (15 August to 6 September 1994). Unpublished Report.Cochrane Ecological Institute. 1994b. Observations of captive raised swift foxes on release intoGrasslands National Park, September 12th - 22nd, 1994. Unpublished Report.Cochrane Ecological Institute. 1995a. Data summary and scent post survey for swift fox in the westblock, Grasslands National Park 1995. Unpublished Report to Grasslands National Park.Cochrane Ecological Institute. 1996. Non-intrusive population estimator for swift fox using voiceprinting. Confidential Report to Alberta EcoTrust, Calgary, Alberta. 53pp.Cochrane Wildlife Reserve. 1993. The use of AA@ frame Portable Protective Structures (PPS) in the 1993Swift fox release program in Grasslands National Park, Val Marie, Saskatchewan Canada.Unpublished Report.Cockrum, E. L. 1952. Mammals of Kansas. University of Kansas Museum of Natural History 7:1-303.Conservation Committee, Kansas Academy of Science. 1974. Rare, endangered and extirpated species inKansas. III. Mammals. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science. 76:267-272.Cooper, D. 1987. Swift fox couldn't elude all its foes. Survivors: Pt. 8. Edmonton Journal, November 30:E-1.Cooper, R. M., S. R. Black, V. L. Honeyman, and H. J. Spratt. 1998. Hematology and serum chemistry

Office, Washington, D.C. 210 pp.Baker, A.B. 1889. Mammals of western Kansas. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 11:56-58.Banfield, A.W. F. 1974. The mammals of Canada. University of Toronto Press, Toronto.Beck, W. H. 1958. A guide to Saskatchewan mammals. Saskatchewan Natural History Society SpecialPublication No. 1. 52 pp.Bee, J. W., G. E. Glass, R. S. Hoffman, and R. R. Patterson. 1981. Mammals in Kansas. University ofKansas Museum of Natural History, Public Education Series No. 7. 300pp.Bischof, R. 2003. Swift fox conservation. Nebraskaland 81:37.Black, J.D. 1937. Mammals of Kansas. Kansas State Board of Agriculture, 30th Biennial Report 35:116-217.Black, S. R., A. Moehrenschlager, and L. N. Carbyn. 1998. An investigation into the causes of mortalityin a reintroduced free ranging swift fox (Vulpes velox) population, 1997. Proceedings of theNorth American Swift Fox Symposium. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Abstract only.Blair, K. 1995. Swift fox survey at Pantex Site, Carson County Texas. Unpublished report submitted toPantex, Department of Energy, Amarillo, Texas.Blumberg, C. A. 1993. Little fox on the prairie. South Dakota Conservation Digest 60:2-5.Boggess, E. K., and N. F. Johnson. 1981. Swift fox in Kansas. Swift fox symposium, 26th AnnualConference CMPS Section of The <strong>Wildlife</strong> Society, Laramie, Wyoming.10 pp.Bowles, J. B. 1975. Distribution and biogeography of mammals of Iowa. Special Publication of theMuseum, Texas Tech University 6:1-184.Brechtel, S. H., L. N. Carbyn, G. Erickson, D. Hjertaas, C. Mamo, and P. McDougall. 1996. NationalRecovery Plan for the Swift Fox. Report No. 15. Ottawa: Recovery of Nationally Endangered<strong>Wildlife</strong> Committee. 29 pp.Brechtel, S. H., L. N. Carbyn, D. Hjertaas, and C. Mamo. 1993a. Canadian swift fox reintroductionfeasibility study, 1989 to 1992: report and recommendations of the National Recovery Team.Unpublished report, Alberta Fish and <strong>Wildlife</strong> Services. 116 pp.Brechtel, S. H., L. N. Carbyn, D. Hjertaas, and C. Mamo. 1993b. Status of the Swift Fox RecoveryProject. Swift Fox Recovery Team Final Report for 3-Year Study from 1989-1992.Bremner, S. 1998. Diet and hunting behaviour of captive-bred swift fox (Vulpes velox/Vulpes veloxhebes) intended for release. Proceedings of the North American Swift Fox Symposium.Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Abstract only.Bueler, L. E. 1973. Wild dogs of the world. Stien and Day, New York, New York. 274pp.Busch, R. H. 1994. The comeback kid -- the swift fox (Vulpes velox) reintroduction program. NatureCanada 23:17-21.Caire, W., J. D. Tyler, B. P. Glass, and M. A. Mares. 1989. Mammals of Oklahoma. University ofOklahoma Press, Norman, Oklahoma. 567 pp.Carbyn, L. N. 1986. Some observations on the behavior of swift foxes in reintroduction programswithin the Canadian prairies. Alberta Naturalist 16:37-41.Carbyn, L. N. 1989. Swift foxes in Canada. Recovery 1:8-9.Carbyn, L. N. 1993. Swift fox comeback in Canada. Alberta Naturalist 23:11.Carbyn, L. N. 1995. Swift foxes on the North American Plains. Canid News (August):41-45.

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