Peer-reviewed Journal Papers - Northern Prairie Wildlife Research ...

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and H. R. Stuart, editors. Inventory and Monitoring of Wildlife Habitat. U. S. Bureau of LandManagement, Denver, Colorado.Stephens, P. 1995. Monitoring of swift fox by breeding call playback and other techniques in GrasslandsNational Park Saskatchewan 23.4.95 - 7.4.95. Prepared for Cochrane Ecological Institute. May1995. Unpublished Report.Stephens, P., and H. Etemadi. 1994. Investigation into the habitat and diet of six captive swift fox. Juneto October, 1994. Cochrane Ecological Institute/Cochrane Wildlife Reserve. Unpublished Report.Stewart, D. 1974. Canadian endangered species. Gage Publ., Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Pp. 45-46.Stewart. D. 1999. Caught in a dog fight. National Wildlife 37:34-39.Stukel, E. D. 2000. Swift Fox Conservation Team update. South Dakota Conservation Digest, 67(1): pp.11.Stukel, E. D., C. Roy, B. Giddings, and L. Fox. 1998. A conservation design--conservation assessmentand conservation strategy for swift fox on the United States. Abstracts of the North AmericanSwift Fox Symposium. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Abstract only.Stuetz, G., L. McGivern, and L. Wilson. 1998. A review of the Swift Fox Conservation Society’sactivities in Canada: role of a non-government organization. Abstracts of the North AmericanSwift Fox Symposium. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Abstract only.Swanson, G. A., T. Surber, and T. S. Roberts. 1945. The mammals of Minnesota. Minnesota Departmentof Conservation Division of Game and Fish, Technical Bulletin 2:1-108.Swenk, M. H. 1908. A preliminary review of the mammals of Nebraska, with synopses. Proceeding ofthe Nebraska Academy of Science 8:61-144.Swepston, D. A., and B. C. Thompson. 1986. Texas furbearer bibliography, 1851-1985. Texas Parks andWildlife Department, Austin, Texas. 114 pp.Swift Fox Conservation Team. 1997. Conservation assessment and conservation strategy for swift fox inthe United States. R. Kahn, L. Fox, P. Horner, B. Giddings, and C. Roy, Technical editors.Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks, Helena, Montana, USA.Taylor, W. P., and W. B. Davis. 1947. The mammals of Texas. Bulletin of the Game, Fish and OysterCommission, Austin, Texas 27:1-79.Teeling, E. C. 1998. What do these swift fox really do? Captive swift fox behaviour during the summermonths. Abstracts of the North American Swift Fox Symposium. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.Abstract only.Thwaite, R. G. 1953. Original journals of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Arno Press. New York, NewYork.Uresk, D. W., K. E. Severson, and J. Javersak. 2003. Detecting swift fox: smoked-plate scent stationsversus spotlighting. Research Paper RMRS-RP-39, US Department of Agriculture, ForestService, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Ogden, Utah.Uresk, D. W., K. E. Severson, and J. Javersak. 2003. Vegetative characteristics of swift fox denning andforaging sites in southwestern South Dakota. Research Paper RMRS-RP-38, US Department ofAgriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Ogden, Utah.U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1980. Republication of lists of endangered and threatened species andcorrection of technical errors in final rules. Federal Register 45:33770.U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1990. Report on the status of the swift fox, Vulpes velox, a Category 2Taxon, in North Dakota, September 1990. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bismark, ND.U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1994. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; 90-day finding on a

petition to list the swift fox as endangered. Federal Register. 59:28328.U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1995. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants: 12-month findingfor a petition to list the swift fox as endangered. Federal Register 60:31663-31666.U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1997. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants: review of plantand animal taxa, proposed rule. Federal Register 62:49397-49411.U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2001. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants: Annual notice offindings on recycled petitions. Federal Register 66:1295-1300.Visher, S. S. 1914. Preliminary list of mammals of Harding County. Pages 87-92 in Biology ofHarding County, northwestern South Dakota. South Dakota Geological and Biological SurveyBulletin Number 6.Wagener, T., and M. Fouraker. 1998. Zoo-based conservation initiatives for the swift fox. 1998.Abstracts of the North American Swift Fox Symposium. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Abstractonly.Walker, J. R. 1978. The mammals (exclusive of the bats) of Cheyenne County, Kansas. Transactions ofthe Kansas Academy of Science 81:185-229.Warren, E. R. 1910. The mammals of Colorado. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York.Wayne, R. 1998. Molecular systematics of kit and swift foxes. Abstracts of the North American SwiftFox Symposium. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Abstract only.Weagle, K. 1996. Scent post survey for swift fox (Vulpes velox) in the West Block, Grasslands NationalPark, 1995. Grasslands National Park, Annual Report Volume 1.Weagle, K., and C. Smeeton. 1995. Behavioural aspects of the swift fox (Vulpes velox) reintroductionprogram. Proceedings of the 2 nd International Conference on Environmental Enrichment,Copenhagen, August 1995.Weagle, K., and C. Smeeton. 1996. Captive breeding of swift fox for reintroduction and an evaluation ofsuccess of the use of captive bred animals. Unpublished Report to Canadian Wildlife Service.Cochrane Ecological Institute, Cochrane, Alberta. 17 pp.Wents, A. W. 1979. Endangered and threatened species in South Dakota. South Dakota CooperativeExtension Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks,Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Science, South Dakota State University . EES 27 A. 10pp.West, P. 1990. A diary of two swift fox (Vulpes velox) pups. Animal Keepers Forum 17:54-58.Whitaker, J. O., Jr. 1996. National Audubon Society field guide to North American mammals. Alfred A.Knopf, New York, New York, and Chanticleer Press, New York, New York.White, B. 1980. Food habits of the Nebraska swift fox. Proceedings of the Nebraska Academy ofScience Affiliation Society 90:50. Abstract only.Wilkinson, T. 2004. Return of the swift fox. National Parks Magazine. January/February: 22-25Wilkinson, T. 1998/1999. Rescuing the swift fox. Defenders Magazine (Winter)Winnie, J. Jr. 1999. Little foxes: swift foxes survive despite the odds. Wildlife Conservation Magazine,102:46-51.Woolley, T.P., and F.G. Lindzey. 1995. Swift fox surveys in Wyoming project work plan. WyomingCooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Laramie, Wyoming. 9 pp.Woolley, T. P., F. G. Lindzey, and R. Rothwell. 1995. Swift fox surveys in Wyoming - Annual report.Pages 61-79 in S. H. Allen, J. W. Hoagland, and E. D. Stukel, editors. Report of the swift foxconservation team - 1995. Denver, Colorado.

and H. R. Stuart, editors. Inventory and Monitoring of <strong>Wildlife</strong> Habitat. U. S. Bureau of LandManagement, Denver, Colorado.Stephens, P. 1995. Monitoring of swift fox by breeding call playback and other techniques in GrasslandsNational Park Saskatchewan 23.4.95 - 7.4.95. Prepared for Cochrane Ecological Institute. May1995. Unpublished Report.Stephens, P., and H. Etemadi. 1994. Investigation into the habitat and diet of six captive swift fox. Juneto October, 1994. Cochrane Ecological Institute/Cochrane <strong>Wildlife</strong> Reserve. Unpublished Report.Stewart, D. 1974. Canadian endangered species. Gage Publ., Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Pp. 45-46.Stewart. D. 1999. Caught in a dog fight. National <strong>Wildlife</strong> 37:34-39.Stukel, E. D. 2000. Swift Fox Conservation Team update. South Dakota Conservation Digest, 67(1): pp.11.Stukel, E. D., C. Roy, B. Giddings, and L. Fox. 1998. A conservation design--conservation assessmentand conservation strategy for swift fox on the United States. Abstracts of the North AmericanSwift Fox Symposium. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Abstract only.Stuetz, G., L. McGivern, and L. Wilson. 1998. A review of the Swift Fox Conservation Society’sactivities in Canada: role of a non-government organization. Abstracts of the North AmericanSwift Fox Symposium. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Abstract only.Swanson, G. A., T. Surber, and T. S. Roberts. 1945. The mammals of Minnesota. Minnesota Departmentof Conservation Division of Game and Fish, Technical Bulletin 2:1-108.Swenk, M. H. 1908. A preliminary review of the mammals of Nebraska, with synopses. Proceeding ofthe Nebraska Academy of Science 8:61-144.Swepston, D. A., and B. C. Thompson. 1986. Texas furbearer bibliography, 1851-1985. Texas Parks and<strong>Wildlife</strong> Department, Austin, Texas. 114 pp.Swift Fox Conservation Team. 1997. Conservation assessment and conservation strategy for swift fox inthe United States. R. Kahn, L. Fox, P. Horner, B. Giddings, and C. Roy, Technical editors.Montana Fish, <strong>Wildlife</strong>, and Parks, Helena, Montana, USA.Taylor, W. P., and W. B. Davis. 1947. The mammals of Texas. Bulletin of the Game, Fish and OysterCommission, Austin, Texas 27:1-79.Teeling, E. C. 1998. What do these swift fox really do? Captive swift fox behaviour during the summermonths. Abstracts of the North American Swift Fox Symposium. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.Abstract only.Thwaite, R. G. 1953. Original journals of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Arno Press. New York, NewYork.Uresk, D. W., K. E. Severson, and J. Javersak. 2003. Detecting swift fox: smoked-plate scent stationsversus spotlighting. <strong>Research</strong> Paper RMRS-RP-39, US Department of Agriculture, ForestService, Rocky Mountain <strong>Research</strong> Station, Ogden, Utah.Uresk, D. W., K. E. Severson, and J. Javersak. 2003. Vegetative characteristics of swift fox denning andforaging sites in southwestern South Dakota. <strong>Research</strong> Paper RMRS-RP-38, US Department ofAgriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain <strong>Research</strong> Station, Ogden, Utah.U.S. Fish and <strong>Wildlife</strong> Service. 1980. Republication of lists of endangered and threatened species andcorrection of technical errors in final rules. Federal Register 45:33770.U.S. Fish and <strong>Wildlife</strong> Service. 1990. Report on the status of the swift fox, Vulpes velox, a Category 2Taxon, in North Dakota, September 1990. U.S. Fish and <strong>Wildlife</strong> Service, Bismark, ND.U. S. Fish and <strong>Wildlife</strong> Service. 1994. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; 90-day finding on a

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