Victor Tomulescu -

Victor Tomulescu - Victor Tomulescu -
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rong>Victorrong> rong>Tomulescurong>Date and place of birth: 1966 August 8 th , Curtea de Arges Arges, RomaniaE-mail: victor.tomulescu@gmail.comPRESENT APPOINTMENT:• Lecturer- University of Medicine "Carol Davila"- Bucharest• Senior Surgeon - Fundeni Clinical Institute, Bucharest, RomaniaPROFESSIONAL EDUCATION, TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE:• 1989, M.D. Graduate of the Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania• 1989-1992 Externship, Pitesti Hospital, Romania• 1992-1995Residency Fundeni Clinical Institute, Bucharest, Romania• 1995 – Attending Surgeon in Fundeni Clinical Institute, Bucharest, Romania• 2000 Senior Surgeon - Fundeni Clinical Institute, Bucharest, RomaniaUNIVERSITY APPOINTMENTS:• 2005– present, Lecturer- University of Medicine "Carol Davila"- BucharestDOCTORATE - "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest:2 0 0 2 - 2 0 0 6 :• Title of the doctoral thesis: “Timectomia toracoscopica”• Doctoral thesis coordinator: Prof. Dr. Irinel Popescu• “Magna cum laudae” PhDMEDICAL SOCIETIES:N a t i o n a l• Member of “Romanian Surgical Society”• Member of “Association of Hepato-Bilio-Pancreatic Surgery and LiverTransplantation” 2006- present• Tresurer of “Romanian Association for Endoscopic Surgery” (ARCE), 2002- present• Member of “Association of Telemedicine and Health Space Applications” (ATASS)2004-presentI n t e r n a t i o n a l• Member of “International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists andOncologists” (IASGO), since 2002• Member of European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES), since 2002• Member Of SMIT (Society of Medical Inovation and Technology)2009I n v i t e d s p e a k e rLast updated:01-Dec-2009

<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Victor</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Date and place of birth: 1966 August 8 th , Curtea de Arges Arges, RomaniaE-mail: victor.tomulescu@gmail.comPRESENT APPOINTMENT:• Lecturer- University of Medicine "Ca<strong>ro</strong>l Davila"- Bucharest• Senior Surgeon - Fundeni Clinical Institute, Bucharest, RomaniaPROFESSIONAL EDUCATION, TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE:• 1989, M.D. Graduate of the Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania• 1989-1992 Externship, Pitesti Hospital, Romania• 1992-1995Residency Fundeni Clinical Institute, Bucharest, Romania• 1995 – Attending Surgeon in Fundeni Clinical Institute, Bucharest, Romania• 2000 Senior Surgeon - Fundeni Clinical Institute, Bucharest, RomaniaUNIVERSITY APPOINTMENTS:• 2005– present, Lecturer- University of Medicine "Ca<strong>ro</strong>l Davila"- BucharestDOCTORATE - "Ca<strong>ro</strong>l Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest:2 0 0 2 - 2 0 0 6 :• Title of the doctoral thesis: “Timectomia toracoscopica”• Doctoral thesis coordinator: P<strong>ro</strong>f. Dr. Irinel Popescu• “Magna cum laudae” PhDMEDICAL SOCIETIES:N a t i o n a l• Member of “Romanian Surgical Society”• Member of “Association of Hepato-Bilio-Pancreatic Surgery and LiverTransplantation” 2006- present• Tresurer of “Romanian Association for Endoscopic Surgery” (ARCE), 2002- present• Member of “Association of Telemedicine and Health Space Applications” (ATASS)2004-presentI n t e r n a t i o n a l• Member of “International Association of Surgeons, Gast<strong>ro</strong>ente<strong>ro</strong>logists andOncologists” (IASGO), since 2002• Member of Eu<strong>ro</strong>pean Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES), since 2002• Member Of SMIT (Society of Medical Inovation and Technology)2009I n v i t e d s p e a k e rLast updated:01-Dec-2009

• Swissendosfribourg, Switzerland 2005 – Eu<strong>ro</strong>pean Expert Meeting “Minimal invasivethymectomy”• Malaga, 6 th MMESA Meeting 2006;• Stockholm EAES Meeting 2008• Bordeaux, 8 th MMESA Meeting 2008;AWARDS:• “Toma Ionescu” prize for year 2000 with: Timectomia pe cale toracoscopica -rezultate preliminare, <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> V, Ion V, Ciurea S, Tulbure D, Radan A, Tomescu D,Hrehoret D, Georgescu S, Popescu I. Chirurgia, 2000, 95(215-220)P u b l i s h e d i n I S I / P u b m e d q u o t e d j o u r n a l s :1. [Hemicolectomia dreaptã lapa<strong>ro</strong>scopicã] V. <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>, O. Stãnciulea, A. KosaChirurgia (Bucur). 2009 Iulie – August ) 104(4): 463-4692. [Anesthesia for experimental surgery in swine] D<strong>ro</strong>c G, Grigorescu B, Grigo<strong>ro</strong>iu M,<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> V, Tulbure D. Chirurgia (Bucur). 2009 May-Jun;104(3):259-65.Romanian.PMID: 19601456 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]3. First year experience of <strong>ro</strong>botic-assisted lapa<strong>ro</strong>scopic surgery with 153 cases in aGeneral Surgery Department: indications, technique and resultsAuthor(s): <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> V, Stanciulea O, Balescu I, Vasile S , Tudor S, Gheorghe C ,Vasilescu C, Popescu ISource: CHIRURGIA Volume: 104 Issue: 2 Pages: 141-150 Published: MAR-APR2009Times Cited: 04. The <strong>ro</strong>botic-assisted left lateral hepatic segmentectomy: the next step.Vasile S, Sgarbură O, <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> V, Popescu I.CHIRURGIA Volume: 103 Issue: 4 Pages: 401-405 Published: JUL-AUG 2008Times Cited: 15. The <strong>ro</strong>le of life-long feeding with different dietary lipid sources on the development ofnon-alcoholic steatoliepatitis (nash) in aged ratsHerlea, V; Pechianu, C; St<strong>ro</strong>escu, C; Paslaru L, Hortopan M, Stoica-Mustafa E, MihaiM Vacarasteanu A , Sobaru I , Driu L, Vasilescu C , Ionescu M , <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> V , DimaS, Popescu I.VIRCHOWS ARCHIV, 452: S128-S129 Suppl. 1 MAY 2008;ISSN: 0945-6317Times cited: 0; IF: 2.0296. Natural orifices transluminal endoscopic surgery - NOTES<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>, V; Popescu, ICHIRURGIA, 103 (2): 135-138 MAR-APR 2008ISSN: 1221-9118Times cited: 0Last updated:01-Dec-2009

7. Thoracoscopic App<strong>ro</strong>ach For Tumors Of Anterior Mediastinum <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> VActa Endo (Buc) 2008 4: 309-319 doi: 10.4183/aeb.2008.3098. Lapa<strong>ro</strong>scopic left lateral sectorectomy: indications, technique, resultsPopescu, I; Vasile, S; Sgarbura, O; O, Hrehoreţ D, <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> V.CHIRURGIA, 103 (1): 17-22 JAN-FEB 2008ISSN: 1221-9118Times cited: 19. [Thoracoscopic sympathectomy for vascular disorders of the upper limbs: preliminaryresults] <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> V, Stănescu C, Kosa A, Sgarbură O, Băilă S. Chirurgia (Bucur).2007 Jul-Aug;102(4):411-3. Romanian.PMID: 17966937 [PubMed - indexed forMEDLINE]10. Thoracoscopic thymectomy mid-term results.<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> V, Ion V, Kosa A, Sgarbura O, Popescu I.Ann Thorac Surg. 2006 Sep; 82(3):1003-7; discussion 1007-8.PMID: 1692852Times Cited: 11, IF - 2.22911. Telementoring versus on-site mentoring in virtual reality-based surgical training.Panait L, Rafiq A, <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> V, Boanca C, Popescu I, Carbonell A, Merrell RC.Surg Endosc. 2006 Jan; 20(1):113-8. Epub 2005 Oct 24.PMID: 16247579 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]Times Cited: 10, IF - 1.74612. Thymectomy by thoracoscopic app<strong>ro</strong>ach in myasthenia gravis.Popescu I, <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> V, Ion V, Tulbure D.Surg Endosc. 2002 Apr; 16(4):679-84. Epub 2001 Dec 31.PMID: 11972214 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]13. [Hemodynamic changes induced by positive pressure capnothorax during thoracoscopicthymectomy] Tomescu D, Grigorescu B, Nitulescu R, <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> V, Popescu I, TulbureD. Chirurgia (Bucur). 2007 May-Jun;102(3):263-70. Romanian.PMID: 17687853[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]14. [Evidence-based surgery: the contemporary app<strong>ro</strong>ach of medical practice] Sgarbură O,<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> V, Popescu I. Chirurgia (Bucur). 2007 Mar-Apr;102(2):155-60. Review.Romanian.PMID: 17615916 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]15. [The 14th Symposium and Post-University International Course of IASGO,(International Association of Surgeons, Gast<strong>ro</strong>ente<strong>ro</strong>logists and Oncologists. Athens,December 7-9, 2006] <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> V. Chirurgia (Bucur). 2007 Jan-Feb;102(1):115-6.Romanian. No abstract available.PMID: 17410745 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]16. Lapa<strong>ro</strong>scopic hand-assisted adrenalectomy for a 20 cm benign tumor. Popescu I,<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> V, Hrehoret D, Popescu A, Herlea V. Chirurgia (Bucur). 2007 Jan-Feb;102(1):75-8.PMID: 17410734 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]17. 46,XY hypergonadot<strong>ro</strong>pic hypogonadism and myasthenia gravis. Lichiardopol C,Herlea V, Ioan V, <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> V, Mixich F. Rom J Morphol Embryol. 2006;47(3):295-9.PMID: 17308692 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]Last updated:01-Dec-2009

18. [Third National Congress of Romanian Society for Endoscopic Surgery and otherinterventional techniques(ARCE), October 4-7, 2006, Timişoara] <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> V.Chirurgia (Bucur). 2006 Sep-Oct;101(5):547-8. Romanian. No abstract available.PMID:17278653 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]19. [The 8th Symposium and Post-University Course of Romanian Section of IASG. TheThird Eu<strong>ro</strong>pean Congress of Eu<strong>ro</strong>pean Academy of Surgery. Also, First Symposium ofthe Romanian Association of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery and Hepatic Transplant] Popescu I, <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> V.Chirurgia (Bucur). 2006 May-Jun;101(3):343-4. Romanian.No abstract available.PMID: 16927927 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]20. [Thoracoscopic splanchnicectomy--a method of pain palliation in non-resectablepancreatic cancer and ch<strong>ro</strong>nic pancreatitis] <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> V, Grigo<strong>ro</strong>iu M, Stănescu C,Kosa A, Merlusca G, Vasilescu C, Ionescu M, Popescu I. Chirurgia (Bucur). 2005 Nov-Dec;100(6):535-40. Romanian.PMID: 16553193 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]21. Lapa<strong>ro</strong>scopic liver surgery. Analysis of a series of 61 patients. Popescu I, <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> V,Hrehoret D, Boeti-Sarbu P, Stanciulea O, Kosa A. Rom J Gast<strong>ro</strong>ente<strong>ro</strong>l. 2005Dec;14(4):343-9.PMID: 16400349 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]22. [Current treatment of <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>hepato</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>cellular carcinoma. Analysis of a series of 123 cases over a5-year period] Popescu I, Ionescu M, Ciurea S, Braşoveanu V, Sârbu-Boeţi P, HrehoreţD, <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> V, Alexandrescu S, Do<strong>ro</strong>banţu B, Grigorie R, Jemna C, Gheorghe L,Anghel R, C<strong>ro</strong>itoru A, Herlea V, Bo<strong>ro</strong>ş M. Chirurgia (Bucur). 2005 Jul-Aug;100(4):321-31. Romanian.PMID: 16238194 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]23. [Thoracoscopic thymectomy in the treatment of myasthenia gravis] <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> V, IonV, Kosa A, Popescu I. Chirurgia (Bucur). 2005 May-Jun;100(3):215-22.Romanian.PMID: 16106927 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]24. [Therapy of malignant liver tumors using mic<strong>ro</strong>wave and radiofrequency ablation]Popescu I, Sîrbu-Boeţi MP, <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> V, Ciurea S, Bo<strong>ro</strong>ş M, Hrehoreţ D, Jemna C.Chirurgia (Bucur). 2005 Mar-Apr;100(2):111-20. Romanian.PMID: 15957451 [PubMed- indexed for MEDLINE]25. [The use of LapSim virtual reality simulator in the evaluation of lapa<strong>ro</strong>scopic surgeryskill. Preliminary results] <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> V, Popescu I. Chirurgia (Bucur). 2004 Nov-Dec;99(6):523-7. Romanian.PMID: 15739670 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]26. [Surgical treatment in ulcerative rectocolitis . Analysis of a 24 years experience of 50patients] Ionescu M, Dumitraşcu T, St<strong>ro</strong>escu C, Bărbuţă S, <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> V, Popescu I.Chirurgia (Bucur). 2004 May-Jun;99(3):125-35. Hungarian.PMID: 15455695 [PubMed- indexed for MEDLINE]27. [Lapa<strong>ro</strong>scopic liver surgery: analyze the experience on 36 cases] Popescu I, <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>V, Hrehoreţ D, Kosa A. Chirurgia (Bucur). 2003 Jul-Aug;98(4):307-17.Romanian.PMID: 14999956 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]28. [Post-caustic esophageal stenosis] Ionescu M, <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> V, Gheorghe C, Popescu I.Chirurgia (Bucur). 2000 Jan-Feb;95(1):23-8. Romanian.PMID: 14959639 [PubMed -indexed for MEDLINE]Last updated:01-Dec-2009

29. [Video-assisted thoracoscopic thymectomy--preliminary results] <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> V, Ion V,Ciurea S, Tulbure D, Radan A, Tomescu D, Hrehoret D, Georgescu S, Popescu I.Chirurgia (Bucur). 2000 Mar-Apr;95(2):215-20. Romanian.PMID: 14768326 [PubMed -indexed for MEDLINE]30. [Lapa<strong>ro</strong>scopic splenectomy--lessons learned f<strong>ro</strong>m a series of 40 cases. The advantagesof the poste<strong>ro</strong>-lateral app<strong>ro</strong>ach] Vasilescu C, <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> V, Ciurea S, Popescu I.Chirurgia (Bucur). 2001 Mar-Apr;96(2):231-6. Romanian.PMID: 12731161 [PubMed -indexed for MEDLINE]31. [Anterior resection of the rectum via lapa<strong>ro</strong>scopy] Vasilescu C, <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> V, Călin I,Nuraltay E. Chirurgia (Bucur). 1998 Jan-Feb;93(1):43-8. Review. Romanian.PMID:9567461 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]32. [Total p<strong>ro</strong>ctocolectomy with an ileoanal anastomosis and reservoir] <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> V,Ionescu M. Chirurgia (Bucur). 1996 Sep-Oct;45(5):223-34. Romanian.PMID: 9091072[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]33. [Distal splenorenal shunt (Warren's operation) in the treatment of portal hypertension.Ap<strong>ro</strong>pos 3 cases] Popescu I, Ionescu M, <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> V. Chirurgia (Bucur).1996;45(1):21-5. Review. Romanian.PMID: 8924784 [PubMed - indexed forMEDLINE]34. [Amputation of the rectum via lapa<strong>ro</strong>scopy] Vasilescu C, <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>Tomulescu</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> V, Tonea A,Pietrăreanu D, Tulbure D, D<strong>ro</strong>c G, Popescu I. Chirurgia (Bucur). 1995;44(3):55-8.Review. Romanian.PMID: 8624452 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]PUBLISHED MONOGRAPHS, TEXTBOOKS AND BOOK CHAPTERS:B o o k c h a p t e r s : 1 1 N a t i o n a lSCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS: 127NATIONAL RESEARCH PROJECTS:P r o j e c t m a n a g e r : 1M e m b e r i n t h e r e s e a r c h t e a m : 6MAIN AREAS OF INTEREST:• Robotic surgery• Mini-invasive Surgery• Digestive OncologyLast updated:01-Dec-2009

• Telemedicine• Academic Education and Medical ResearchOTHERS:• Foreign languages: English, French• International scientific events organizer• Secretary of the 17th World Congress of the International Association of Surgeons,Gast<strong>ro</strong>ente<strong>ro</strong>logists and Oncologists, Bucharest, 5-8 of September 2007 At the official opening the importance of this event was confirmed by HisExcellency the President of Romania Traian Basescu, next to P<strong>ro</strong>fessorMasatoshi Makuuchi, P<strong>ro</strong>fessor N. J. Lygidakis and P<strong>ro</strong>fessor Irinel Popescu Analyzing the Congress, Guido Torzilli said in “Future Oncology” journal(December 2007, Vol. 3, No. 6, Pages 605-607): "The world congress was aperfectly organized scientific event, with a large number of participants and animpressive collection of some of the best experts in the field of <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>hepato</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>biliary,pancreatic and <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>gast<strong>ro</strong></st<strong>ro</strong>ng>intenstinal diseases.”• Secretary of the eight Symposiums and Postuniversitary Courses of the Romaniansection of IASG The 5th Symposium and Postuniversitary Course (9-11 of April 2003,Bucharest) was dedicated to P<strong>ro</strong>fessor Thomas E. Starzl, who initiated anddeveloped the liver transplantation; on the occasion the title of “DoctorHonoris Causa” was awarded to him by the "Ca<strong>ro</strong>l Davila" University ofMedicine and Pharmacy of BucharestLast updated:01-Dec-2009

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