STakeholderS' - Doczine

STakeholderS' - Doczine STakeholderS' - Doczine
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Angel investors typically offermore flexible agreements forthe entrepreneur and requireless stringent criteria to be metthan traditional financial lenders.Most angel investors are formerentrepreneurs themselves and canoffer vast knowledge and expertise,as well as important contacts tohelp a new business succeed.own money in a new business venture, they expect a large returnon investment (ROI). The average angel investor ROI can rangeanywhere from 20 percent to 40 percent of the individual’s initialcapital investment. Earnings depend on how long it takes for astart-up to reach critical stages of growth. Although level of companyinvolvement varies for each investor, many angels expect a percentageof company ownership and/or a seat on the new company’s boardin exchange for their investment. Individuals seeking funding fromangel investors must be comfortable with the possibility of giving upsome control of the operations of their company.A good place to start your search is the Golden Seeds ® angelinvestor network, which is the fourth largest angel group in theU.S. The group has 250 members, and the majority of those angelinvestors are women. You can also check out the Pipeline Fellowshipand Women’s Capital Connection mentioned earlier to learnabout their application guidelines and requirements. Another greatresource is the Angel Resource Institute, which has an extensive listof angel groups nationwide on their website with links to details oneach group.When searching for angel investors, there are a number offactors you need to consider. First, you will want to seek out investorswho have proven expertise in your particular industry. It’s alsoimportant to do as much research as possible about prospectiveinvestors you are considering, including the companies they haveinvested in previously, and their reputation and character. A callto the owners of companies these individuals have funded in thepast should provide valuable information to help you find the rightmatch for your new venture. ■Sources for this article are,,,,,,,, 37

Angel investors typically offermore flexible agreements forthe entrepreneur and requireless stringent criteria to be metthan traditional financial lenders.Most angel investors are formerentrepreneurs themselves and canoffer vast knowledge and expertise,as well as important contacts tohelp a new business succeed.own money in a new business venture, they expect a large returnon investment (ROI). The average angel investor ROI can rangeanywhere from 20 percent to 40 percent of the individual’s initialcapital investment. Earnings depend on how long it takes for astart-up to reach critical stages of growth. Although level of companyinvolvement varies for each investor, many angels expect a percentageof company ownership and/or a seat on the new company’s boardin exchange for their investment. Individuals seeking funding fromangel investors must be comfortable with the possibility of giving upsome control of the operations of their company.A good place to start your search is the Golden Seeds ® angelinvestor network, which is the fourth largest angel group in theU.S. The group has 250 members, and the majority of those angelinvestors are women. You can also check out the Pipeline Fellowshipand Women’s Capital Connection mentioned earlier to learnabout their application guidelines and requirements. Another greatresource is the Angel Resource Institute, which has an extensive listof angel groups nationwide on their website with links to details oneach group.When searching for angel investors, there are a number offactors you need to consider. First, you will want to seek out investorswho have proven expertise in your particular industry. It’s alsoimportant to do as much research as possible about prospectiveinvestors you are considering, including the companies they haveinvested in previously, and their reputation and character. A callto the owners of companies these individuals have funded in thepast should provide valuable information to help you find the rightmatch for your new venture. ■Sources for this article are,,,,,,,, 37

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