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Page 1 of 360 Indonesia 2007.xls Indonesia's 2007 CEPT Package ...

Page 1 of 360 Indonesia 2007.xls Indonesia's 2007 CEPT Package ...

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<strong>Indonesia</strong>'s <strong>2007</strong> <strong>CEPT</strong> <strong>Package</strong>PriorityAHTN CodeNegativeCC Description IntegrationStatus(ver.<strong>2007</strong>)ListSectorMFNTariffRates(datedNov2006)01.01 Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies.ID 8506.50.00.00 -Lithium electronics IL 10 5ID 8506.60.00.00 -Air-zinc electronics IL 10 58506.80 -Other primary cells and primary batteries :ID 8506.80.10.00 --Zinc carbon, having an external volume electronics IL 10 5not exceeding 300 cm³ID 8506.80.20.00 --Zinc carbon, having an external volume electronics IL 10 5exceeding 300 cm³ID 8506.80.90.00 --Other electronics IL 10 5ID 8506.90.00.00 -Parts electronics IL 0 085.07 Electric accumulators, including separatorstherefor, whether or not rectangular(including square).8507.10 -Lead-acid, <strong>of</strong> a kind used for starting pistonengines :ID 8507.10.10.00 --Of a kind used for aircraft IL 10 0ID 8507.10.90.00 --Other automotive IL 15 08507.20 -Other lead-acid accumulators :ID 8507.20.10.00 --Of a kind used for aircraft IL 15 0ID 8507.20.90.00 --Other automotive IL 15 0ID 8507.30.00.00 -Nickel-cadmiumnone/automotiveIL 10 0ID 8507.40.00.00 -Nickel-ironnone/automotiveIL 10 08507.80 -Other accumulators :--Lithium ion accumulators :ID 8507.80.11.00 ---Of a kind used for laptop (including automotive IL 15 0notebook and subnotebook) computersID 8507.80.19.00 ---Other automotive IL 15 0ID 8507.80.20.00 --Other, <strong>of</strong> a kind used for aircraft IL 15 0ID 8507.80.90.00 --Other automotive IL 15 08507.90 -Parts :--Plates :ID 8507.90.11.00 ---Of goods <strong>of</strong> subheading 8507.10.90 automotive IL 5 5ID 8507.90.12.00 ---Of a kind used for aircraft automotive IL 5 0ID 8507.90.19.00 ---Other automotive IL 15 0--Other :ID 8507.90.91.00 ---Of a kind used for aircraft IL 15 0ID 8507.90.92.00 ---Battery separators in sheets, rolls or automotive IL 5 5cut to size <strong>of</strong> materials other than poly(vinyl chloride)ID 8507.90.93.00 ---Other, <strong>of</strong> goods <strong>of</strong> subheading 8507.10.90 automotive IL 10 5ID 8507.90.99.00 ---Other automotive IL 10 585.08 Vacuum cleaners.-With self-contained electric motor :ID 8508.11.00.00 --Of a power not exceeding 1,500 W and having electronics IL 10 5a dust bag or other receptable capacity notexceeding 20 lID 8508.19.00.00 --OtherICT/electronicsIL 10 5ID 8508.60.00.00 -Other vacuum cleaners ICT IL 10 58508.70.00 -Parts :ID 8508.70.00.10 --For domestic useICT/electronicsIL 5 0ID 8508.70.00.90 --OtherICT/electronicsIL 0 085.09Electro-mechanical domestic applianceswithself-contained electric motor, other thanvacuum cleaners <strong>of</strong> heading 85.08.ID 8509.40.00.00 -Food grinders and mixers; fruit or vegetable electronics x IL 10 5juice extractors<strong>CEPT</strong>Rates<strong>2007</strong><strong>Page</strong> 286 <strong>of</strong> <strong>360</strong><strong>Indonesia</strong> <strong><strong>2007</strong>.xls</strong>

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