DIARY OF EVENTS 2002 JANUARY - Doi-archived.gov.mt

DIARY OF EVENTS 2002 JANUARY - Doi-archived.gov.mt

DIARY OF EVENTS 2002 JANUARY - Doi-archived.gov.mt


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<strong>DIARY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>EVENTS</strong><strong>2002</strong>Important Note: Dates hereunder do not denote the actual dates on which therespective events occur, but refer to the dates on which they are reported in thelocal print media, which is normally on the morrow.<strong>JANUARY</strong>• 1 January <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco received Libyan Leader Muammar Gaddafi’s message tothe Maltese people in which he called for peace between Muslims and Christians, as two religions thatwere not in conflict with one another. The message was handed to Prof. de Marco by LibyanAmbassador to Malta Ali Salih Muhammed Nagem.• 1 January <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo announced that arrivals in 2001 were down by anestimated 60,000 over the previous year. This works out at a five per cent drop. Dr Refalo wasspeaking during his traditional end of year call on three hotels to exchange greetings with staff andguests.• 1 January <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo said that travellers outside the eurozone wouldcontinue losing out on exchanging money. In a price sensitive market, this was a consideration tomake. Dr Refalo was being interviewed by The Times newspaper on the introduction of the Euro.• 1 January <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli said that for the time being, there was no decision tochange the weighting of the currency basket which made up the Maltese lira in order to bring it closerto the Euro. The Maltese lira is pegged to three currencies – the Euro at 56 per cent, the US dollar at22 per cent and Sterling at 22 per cent. Mr Dalli made his comments to The Times.• 1 January <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Financial Services Centre became the single competent authority toregulate and supervise credit and financial institutions. A <strong>gov</strong>ernment statement said that, during thecoming year, the single regulator would also assume regulatory and supervisory responsibilities for theMalta Stock Exchange and stockbrokers, including the functions of a listing authority.• 1 January <strong>2002</strong> The Central Bank of Malta announced that Demirbank TAS had voluntarilysurrendered its banking licence in Malta and ceased operations. The Central Bank said that thisdevelopment was the result of a strategic decision taken by Demirbank’s Board of Directors and didnot arise from any statutory or regulatory measure taken by the Central Bank in respect of DemirbankMalta branch.• 2 January <strong>2002</strong> Acting Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi conveyed New Year greetings to PresidentGuido de Marco at the Palace, in Valletta. Dr Gonzi was accompanied by Cabinet Ministers andParliamentary Secretaries. The President also reciprocated seasonal greetings from the Archbishop, theLeader of the Opposition, Members of Parliament, the Judiciary, Constituted Bodies and members ofthe public.• 2 January <strong>2002</strong> The Cabinet of Ministers, led by Acting Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi, visitedArchbishop Joseph Mercieca at the Archbishop’s Palace, in Valletta, to exchange New Year greetings.• 3 January <strong>2002</strong> Maltacom plc announced that 15,640 residential subscribers had between them made31,641 telephone calls on Christmas Day and Boxing Day. Maltacom had offered discounted rates onthese two days.• 3 January <strong>2002</strong> Air Malta’s travel fair Amitex <strong>2002</strong> will be held at the Trade Fair grounds in Naxxarbetween April 11 and 14. Last year Amitex attracted some 40,000 visitors.

• 3 January <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Tourism Authority office in Frankfurt launched a major promotioncampaign on Malta in co-operation with leading German travel magazine Travel Talk. The campaignalso included a competition in which winning travel agents had the opportunity to participate in afamiliarisation trip to Malta, organised with the collaboration of Air Malta and other tourism suppliers.• 4 January <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco said that one of the most unsightly areas of Valletta wasthe old Opera House. He said that the site would be ideal as the seat of Parliament. The President wasspeaking during a visit by the Valletta and Floriana Rehabilitation Project Committee.• 4 January <strong>2002</strong> Alfred Zarb, the Maltese representative at the Euro-Med Process, called for theBarcelona Committee to review the mechanism employed since the first Ministerial meeting of theEuro-Med Process in 1995. Mr Zarb was speaking at a seminar organised by the Institut Catala` de laMediterrania in which ideas to relaunch the Barcelona process were discussed.• 5 January <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco, who is also Chairman of the Commission for theAdministration of Justice, said that he had received written confirmation from the Minister of Justicethat the structured majority of the judiciary in the Commission would be retained. Prof. de Marco wasreceiving outgoing Chief Justice Joseph Said Pullicino during a farewell call at the Palace, in Valletta.• 5 January <strong>2002</strong> A statement issued by the Malta-EU Information Centre says that the permanentarrangement Malta had obtained, restricting the right of EU citizens to buy property in Malta, was apermanent arrangement. As such it would not come to an end after a certain number of years butwould continue to apply indefinitely.• 6 January <strong>2002</strong> Acting Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that this year would be a crucial one forthe country as the negotiations towards EU membership would be concluded. Dr Gonzi, who wasdeputising for the Prime Minister who was abroad, was speaking at the annual exchange of greetings ata reception held at Villa Arrigo, San Pawl tat-Targa.• 7 January <strong>2002</strong> Malta features as one of the list of 100 best holidays for the year <strong>2002</strong>, published withprominence in the travel supplement of the London Sunday Times.• 8 January <strong>2002</strong> In an interview with The Times newspaper, Social Affairs Minister Lawrence Gonzirevealed that Anthony Galdes, Chairman of the Welfare Reform Commission, had resigned. Dr Gonzisaid that the Government was asking Mr Galdes to reconsider his decision.• 8 January <strong>2002</strong> A Malta Tourism Authority billboard in Germany promoting Malta autumn holidaysplaced first in a survey of advertising billboards, conducted by the IMAS Institute, in Munich. TheMalta campaign billboard, which carried the slogan Malta– there is still sunshine there, was judged toportray the most effective advertising message and motif.• 8 January <strong>2002</strong> The Employment and Training Corporation announced that application forms fortraining grants under the Industrial Development Act Scheme for 2001 were available to eligiblecompanies. Application forms may be obtained from the Training Services Division, ETC, Hal Far.The closing date for applications is March 31.• 8 January <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Council for Science and Technology launched its first issue of synRG – anewsletter that focuses on the European Union’s research programme under the Fifth FrameworkProgramme for research, technological development and demonstration. MCST may be contacted ontel. 21241176 and e-mail fp5@mcst.org.<strong>mt</strong>• 8 January <strong>2002</strong> Seven Westin employees were selected to participate in a work placement under theEU Community Programme Leonardo da Vinci. The placement is co-sponsored by the EU and theWestin Dragonara Resort.• 8 January <strong>2002</strong> Bank of Valletta awarded 51 graduates with a commemorative gift. The graduateswere members of the BoV Club who graduated with a 1 st Class degree. Bank Chairman Joseph Zahrapresented the gifts.• 9 January <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg said that this year would be a year of new and excitingchallenges. He said that the Government’s main aim was to form part of the EU’s next enlargementand it was working to be fully prepared for membership by January 1, 2003. Dr Borg was addressingthe ninth meeting of Maltese Ambassadors at the Foreign Ministry.

• 9 January <strong>2002</strong> The Ambassadors also called on President Guido de Marco at the Palace, in Valletta.Addressing them, Prof. de Marco said that, although Malta was a small island, it had a relevantstrategic position. The Ministry’s Permanent Secretary, Gaetan Naudi, accompanied the ambassadors.• 9 January <strong>2002</strong> Moody’s latest opinion update has just been released. It said that Malta’s foreigncurrency as well as domestic currency ratings were A3/Prime-2. The ratings, said Moody’s, reflectedthe country’s moderate external debt and adequate foreign liquidity.• 9 January <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Financial Services Centre announced that it was instructing financialintermediaries to write to clients having investments in Argentinean securities to inform them on thestatus of their investments in such holdings. The measures were being taken as a result of the MFSC’son-going assessment of queries received.• 9 January <strong>2002</strong> The Malta-EU Information Centre announced that the European Commission hadadopted a proposal to protect the rights of air passengers who faced denied boarding, cancellation offlight, or a long delay. The Malta-EU Information Centre has published the EU passenger rights inMaltese.• 10 January <strong>2002</strong> Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that the definition of a trade dispute as‘an individual or collective dispute between an employer and workers who are his employees’ hadbeen given to him by the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development. Dr Gonzi said,however, that one should not forget that this was a White Paper, to which the Government was seekingreactions.• 10 January <strong>2002</strong> Go mobile CEO Juanito Camilleri announced that mobile phone penetration inMalta now exceeds 55 per cent. He said that the company was fast approaching an active subscriberbase of 80,000, following a highly successful Christmas sales period.• 11 January <strong>2002</strong> The President of the European Union’s Committee of Regions, Jos Chabert, saidthat he would be supporting Malta’s request to be represented by six members (not five) uponaccession. Mr Chabert was speaking to the press following a meeting in Valletta with Foreign MinisterJoe Borg and the Chairman of the Core Negotiating Group, Richard Cachia Caruana.• 11 January <strong>2002</strong> Sir Peter Hall, who is former Chairman of the urban task force for the regenerationof British cities, paid a visit to President Guido de Marco. Sir Peter was invited to Malta byParliamentary Secretary George Pullicino to give advice and discuss with Planning Authority officialsthe draft proposals for the regeneration of Valletta, Floriana and the Cottonera area.• 11 January <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo said that in a co-ordinated effort, the Ministries ofHome Affairs, Agriculture, Environment, Local Councils and Tourism were carrying out a programmeto clean up the countryside. Minister Refalo was speaking at the launch of the Government’sprogramme of activities for the United Nations’ International Year of Ecotourism.• 11 January <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said that the number of companiesexpanding outweighed those that were reducing their workforce. Prof. Bonnici was commenting on thelaying-off of some 350 workers during the first week of January.• 11 January <strong>2002</strong> Czech Ambassador Hana Sevcikova inaugurated a branch of the Milan Czech TradeOffice at the Chamber of Commerce, in Valletta. The Honorary Consul of the Czech Republic, TonioCasapinta, said that the aim of the office was to promote collaboration in matters relating to EUaccession and to assist the Czech Republic to tap the Mediterranean and North African markets.• 11 January <strong>2002</strong> Malta was granted 50,000 Euros for the setting up of a research clinic at St Luke'sHospital for use by women going through menopause. The grant was made under the EU’s FifthFramework Programme. Further information on the project can be accessed at www.womanlab.com• 11 January <strong>2002</strong> Ambassador to France Salvino Busuttil inaugurated an exhibition of Maltese art atthe Hotel D'Aubasson, in Paris. The exhibition was organised by the Malta Tourism Authority office inFrance, in collaboration with the Maltese Embassy in Paris and the Institute of Maltese Culture.• 12 January <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco stressed that, because of its geography, language, anddisposition, Malta could truly bridge differences and incomprehension in the Mediterranean region.

Prof. de Marco was speaking to members of the Diplomatic Corps at the traditional exchange of NewYear greetings, at the Palace.• 12 January <strong>2002</strong> At the exchange of New Year greetings, Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami toldmembers of the Diplomatic Corps that, despite a period of relative economic difficulty in 2001, theGovernment had been able to proceed with measures aimed at introducing long-term economic andsocial reforms. Over the past year, the Government enacted a significant volume of new legislation andintroduced administrative reforms in a number of important sectors.• 12 January <strong>2002</strong> Addressing the Ambassadors, Foreign Affairs Minister Joe Borg said that, duringthe upcoming year it was Malta’s intention to pursue, with strong determination, a vigorous role in theMediterranean.• 12 January <strong>2002</strong> Government granted an area measuring 1,320 square kilometres, situated to theNorth West of Gozo, to ENI for oil exploration. Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami signed thecontract on behalf of the Government, and Dott. Stefano Cao signed on behalf of the company.• 12 January <strong>2002</strong> In a second agreement signed with ENI, the Maltese Government gave its consentfor the laying of a gas pipeline across Malta’s continental shelf en route from Libya to Sicily. Theagreement was also signed by a member of the pipeline project management, in which Libya’sNational Oil Corporation participates.• 12 January <strong>2002</strong> Enemalta and ENI subsidiary SNAM signed an agreement to carry out a detailedstudy to establish the technical viability and economic feasibility of laying a gas pipeline betweenSicily and Malta. The study will also go into the cost of modifications to the power stations for the useof gas instead of fuel oil or gas oil, if this were to be found feasible.• 12 January <strong>2002</strong> Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna Executive Director Mario Farrugia announced that theNotre Dame Gate, the main gateway on the 17th century Cottonera Lines, is to be turned into aMuseum of Military Architecture and Fortification. Mr Farrugia was speaking during a visit to the gateby Environment Minister Francis Zammit Dimech.• 12 January <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Stock Exchange’s market turnover last year rose by 14 per cent toLm169.5 million. “This higher figure reflected a sharp rise in bond business which more than made upfor a weaker equity market,” the MSE said.• 12 January <strong>2002</strong> The Foundation for Medical Services appointed Dr Kenneth Grech to the post ofChief Executive Officer at the new Tal-Qroqq hospital. Dr Grech, who will operate from within StLuke's Hospital, is to manage the preparations for the transfer of services and personnel to the newhospital.• 12 January <strong>2002</strong> The Malta-EU Information Centre launched a publication providing information onthe Euro for Maltese travelling to countries that have just introduced the new currency. The pocketsizedbooklet contains a quick reference table that converts the Euro to the Maltese lira. The bookletmay be obtained free of charge from the Malta International Airport, as well as from the MIC offices,in Valletta.• 13 January <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that, during membership negotiationswith the EU, the Government was safeguarding the interests of all Maltese and Gozitans. At the sametime it was keeping in mind the specific needs of Gozo. The Prime Minister was speaking atGhajnsielem.• 13 January <strong>2002</strong> A report drawn up by the European Commission says that candidate countries wouldbe invited to adopt the European Charter for Small Enterprises. Candidate countries would also beincluded in the preparation of the 2003 implementation report.• 13 January <strong>2002</strong> Twelve Maltese journalists have been selected to go to Brussels to cover EuropeanUnion affairs during the coming months. In this initiative, the MIC is teaming up with the Malta PressClub, the Strickland Foundation, and the Department of Information.• 14 January <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that the Government did not intend tocurtail the trade unions’ right to call sympathy strikes, but wanted to ensure that no one would abusesuch a right. Dr Fenech-Adami was speaking in Gozo.

• 14 January <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo said that, according to initial data, tourist arrivalswere better than predicted, with the downturn for December being less than 20 per cent. The Ministerwas speaking at the Malta Cookery and Food Association's prize-giving ceremony, at the New DolmenHotel.• 14 January <strong>2002</strong> The House of Representatives met again after the Christmas recess.• 15 January <strong>2002</strong> The Cabinet, meeting for the first time this year, approved the publication of a draftof a new Police law. The draft follows a White Paper on which suggestions had been submitted to theHome Affairs Ministry.• 15 January <strong>2002</strong> Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that, as Government encouragedwomen’s participation in the workforce to grow, it had to provide parents with adequate familyfriendlymeasures. Dr Gonzi made this comment after being presented with a report by the Child-CareTask Force, led by Chairman Godfrey Baldacchino.• 15 January <strong>2002</strong> The House Business Committee has decided that the precincts of the House ofRepresentatives are to be a no-smoking zone, apart from specially designated areas. The policy isbeing adopted following meetings between Government Whip Mario Galea and Opposition assistantWhip Carmelo Abela.• 15 January <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Communications Authority has released a consultative paper on thedominant market position in Maltese telecommunications and has called for representations by allinterested parties. The consultative paper may be viewed on the MCA website athttp://www.mca.org.<strong>mt</strong>• 15 January <strong>2002</strong> EU Commissioner Guenter Verheugen was quoted as saying that the EUCommission would be financing a 1.4 million Euro pre-accession project to strengthen the Malteseadministrative capacity in the environment. Information on the decision came in reply to aParliamentary Question on Gozo’s Il-Qortin landfill, put in the European Parliament by Green MEPAlexander de Roo.• 15 January <strong>2002</strong> Bank of Valletta has appointed John Pollacco as manager of its Libya representativeoffice. Bank of Valletta’s Libya representative office is situated at Floor No. 11, Office No. 7, AlFateh Towers, Tripoli, and may be contacted on tel. 00218 21 335 1661/2/3, fax 00218 21 335 1665,and e-mail john.pollacco@bov.com• 15 January <strong>2002</strong> The Civil Court ordered the modification of a birth certificate to indicate that theholder, a transsexual who had undergone gender reassignment surgery, was now a woman. Mr JusticeGeoffrey Valenzia, sitting in the First Hall of the Civil Court, concluded that Zammit’s right to privacyhad been violated and upheld a constitutional application filed by Francis Zammit against the AttorneyGeneral and the Director of Public Registry.• 16 January <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco received Malta’s Honorary Consuls at the Palace, inValletta. Prof. de Marco encouraged the Consuls to adopt a two-way traffic approach and make knownadvantageous aspects of Malta in the countries they represented.• 16 January <strong>2002</strong> Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that the proposals in the White Paper onindustrial relations would provide a tool that would help transform the work environment into aflexible one. Dr Gonzi was one of three speakers at a seminar covering the White Paper from the legalaspect.• 16 January <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg tabled Malta’s negotiating paper for agriculture in theHouse of Representatives. The Malta EU Information Centre said that, in the accession negotiations onthe sector, the Maltese Government was making a total of 42 requests for special arrangements.• 16 January <strong>2002</strong> The Department of Health Information launched the first national health interviewsurvey. The survey, involving a randomly selected sample of 5,500 people over 16 years of age, willattempt to provide an insight into the physical and mental conditions affecting the nation and theirresulting morbidity. It will also investigate issues such as eating habits, exercise, previous accidents, aswell as consumption of medicines.

• 17 January <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco met European head-teachers to discuss the merits of theComenius project, which aims at bringing together students in schools across Europe. The headteachersrepresented schools in Slovenia, Austria, Finland, Sweden, and Malta.• 17 January <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Maritime Authority said that a total of 356 cruise liners, with 272,000passengers on board, had called at Grand Harbour during 2001. The number of passengers representsan increase of 56 per cent over last year's figures.• 17 January <strong>2002</strong> Chris Falzon, CEO of the Viset consortium, said that the Lm14 million Vallettawaterfront project will target the home porting business by providing a modern facility that wouldentice more shipping lines to begin and end their cruises at the Grand Harbour. The project would alsogenerate a large number of jobs and help the economy.• 18 January <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco swore in Mr Justice Noel Arrigo as Chief Justice. ChiefJustice Arrigo said that the priorities of his first year would be to set up the Family Court, improve theMaster system, and reduce the number of pending appeals.• 18 January <strong>2002</strong> Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi reiterated the assurance, given by the PrimeMinister during a public meeting, that the Government did not intend to curtail the right to stagesympathy strikes but wanted to ensure that no one would abuse it. Dr Gonzi was speaking to reportersat the end of a two-hour meeting of the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development.• 18 January <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo said that the Government was to aim for limitedgrowth in tourism until the year 2010, after a study found that the current August tourism volume of1.4 million guest nights was the maximum socially acceptable level. The study was carried out by theMalta Tourism Authority, with the assistance of the United Nations.• 18 January <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office announced that tourist arrivals for September totalled131,216, a drop of one per cent when compared to the figure for the same month in the previous year.Arrivals in the first nine months of 2001 totalled 963,644, from 974,026 in the same nine months inthe year 2000.• 18 January <strong>2002</strong> Dr Joseph Licari, Malta’s Permanent Representative to the Council of Europe,signed the Convention on Cyber Crime in the presence of Council of Europe Secretary General WalterSchwimmer. The convention is the first international treaty on crimes committed via the internet.• 19 January <strong>2002</strong> Air Malta has been listed as a Quality Approved Airline and given a four-starranking by Skytrax, a leading specialist advisor to the aviation industry. The UK-based Skytrax appliesinternational benchmarks to rank quality of product and staff service supplied to passengers. Itincludes in-flight services, comfort and safety.• 19 January <strong>2002</strong> Bank of Valletta Chairman Joseph F.X. Zahra said that BoV was fully conscious ofthe potential offered by the Tunisian market. This had spurred the bank to set up a presence there toidentify new niche markets in which Maltese and Tunisian entrepreneurs could co-operate. Mr Zahrawas speaking during a meeting with Fethi Merdassi, Minister of International and External InvestmentCo-operation, in Tunisia.• 19 January <strong>2002</strong> A delegation from Italy exhibited products from the Abruzzo region at the Chamberof Commerce, in Valletta. The products included furs, wines, smoked salmon, fish patés andconfectionery.• 19 January <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco swore in Dr Joseph Galea Debono and Dr Tonio Malliaas judges in a ceremony at the Palace, in Valletta. Present for the swearing-in ceremony were ChiefJustice Noel Arrigo, Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami, Justice Minister Austin Gatt, AttorneyGeneral Anthony Borg Barthet, and Court Registrar Charles Micallef.• 19 January <strong>2002</strong> The Institute for the Promotion of Small Enterprise has been accepted as anassociation member of UEAPME (Union Europeenne De L’Artisanat et des Petites et MoyennesEnterprises) at the recent meeting of UEAPME's general assembly, in Brussels. This event is theculmination of nearly three years of close co-operation between UEAPME and IPSE.• 19 January <strong>2002</strong> Government MP John Vella and Opposition MP Joe Debono Grech took part in thefirst session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, held in Strasbourg. Among the

subjects discussed were the situation in Cyprus, the implementation of decisions of the EuropeanCourt of Human Rights, and the enhancement of security against terrorism.• 20 January <strong>2002</strong> Local Government Minister Austin Gatt announced that, in April, the Governmentwould be launching its own internet portal. The services to be given priority are those that are usedmost by the public namely, the ordering of certificates; passport applications; drivers’ licences; incometax; services offered by the Employment Training Corporation; and library catalogues.• 20 January <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco presented three works by Maltese artists to the UnitedNations, WIPO, and the City of Geneva. The works were presented on behalf of the Government andPeople of Malta at the opening of the Malta, Crossroads of Civilisations art exhibition, in Geneva.• 21 January <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that the country was moving aheadtowards membership of the EU, and this direction was helping the country become more modern andefficient. This year, he said, would be one of trials and acquisitions. Dr Fenech-Adami was speaking atMellieha.• 21 January <strong>2002</strong> Water Services Corporation Chief Executive Anthony Rizzo said that thecorporation was determined to reduce the amount of nitrates in drinking water to the levels set out inan EU directive by the end of the year. Mr Rizzo was addressing a news conference at Ta' Kandjapumping station.• 21 January <strong>2002</strong> Health Minister Louis Deguara said that the United Arab Emirates and variousNorth African countries had expressed interest in sending patients for hospital care in Malta. DrDeguara said that the Maltese Public Health authorities would consider offering such services insectors where there was spare capacity, and which in no way would affect Maltese needs.• 21 January <strong>2002</strong> Environment Minister Francis Zammit Dimech said that, in future, as an effect ofglobalisation, our approach to environmental issues would need to be revised. Dr Zammit Dimech wasaddressing experts attending the UN Environment Programme conference on the Emergency Protocolto the Barcelona Convention, being held at the Le Meridien Phoenicia, in Floriana.• 21 January <strong>2002</strong> Environment Minister Francis Zammit Dimech said that information in hispossession showed that last year was the best year as far as the quality of seawater was concerned. Hesaid that the number of site days where bays had been declared unfit for swimming was 56, comparedto 59 in the year 2000. Dr Zammit Dimech was speaking in Swieqi.• 21 January <strong>2002</strong> Home Affairs Minister Tonio Borg said that, for the first time, the criminality rate inMalta last year had dropped by 6.4 per cent, and in certain months the rate even went down by nearly30 per cent. Dr Borg said that although criminality had never reached alarming proportions, it hadalways been on the increase.• 22 January <strong>2002</strong> Malta has been asked by the European Union to submit the names of its Governmentand Parliamentary representatives for the convention the EU will hold to discuss the future of theUnion. French former President Valery Giscard D’Estaing made the invitation to Prime MinisterEdward Fenech-Adami.• 22 January <strong>2002</strong> Joe Attard Kingswell died yesterday, aged 76. Mr Attard Kingswell was one of thepioneers of the General Workers’ Union, and a former Labour Party General Secretary. Prime MinisterEdward Fenech-Adami described him as “a model trade unionist who always had the workers’ and thenational interest at heart”.• 22 January <strong>2002</strong> Maltacom plc is divesting itself of the 20 per cent shareholding it has in competitorVodafone Malta Limited. An international call for expressions of interest has just been issued.Authority Chairman Joseph V. Tabone said that he was happy that things were now moving the waythey should.• 22 January <strong>2002</strong> The Malta External Trade Corporation announced that, over the past six months, thenumber of members of the Metco’s Libya office had doubled from 50 to over 100 companies. SomeMaltese companies were also considering joint ventures with Libyan companies, and a good number ofMaltese companies had already opened offices in this market, the spokesman said. Metco’s new Libyaoffice website is at libyaoffice.metco.net

• 22 January <strong>2002</strong> The Museums Department is this year again opening all state museums andarchaeological sites, with the exception of the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum, to the Maltese free of charge onthe last Sunday of every month. The initiative was introduced last year. Further information isavailable on the Ministry of Education’s website at www.education.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>/her_cult/her_cult.htm• 22 January <strong>2002</strong> Bank of Valletta has sponsored the restoration and embellishment of four ofValletta's fountains, lying in St George’s Square and St John’s Square. The bank has built a traditionof supporting and promoting Malta's cultural heritage and has fully financed the restoration of AntonioSciortino’s Christ the King monument in Floriana as well as the restoration of the main group ofarmour on display at the Palace Armoury.• 23 January <strong>2002</strong> The Anglican Bishop of Gibraltar in Europe, Rt. Rev. Dr Geoffrey Rowell, paid acourtesy visit to President Guido de Marco at the Palace, in Valletta.• 23 January <strong>2002</strong> Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi told the top ranks of the General Workers’Union that he would consider in detail the Union’s counter-proposals to the White Paper onemployment and industrial relations. He stressed, however, that it was time to take decisions.• 23 January <strong>2002</strong> The Malta-EU Information Centre released details of the transition periods beingrequested by Malta in its negotiations with the EU on agriculture.• 23 January <strong>2002</strong> The British High Commission announced that Dame Blanche Martin and PhilipGrech Snr have been appointed honorary members of the Order of the British Empire. The awardswere made in recognition of the outstanding contribution that Mr Grech and Dame Blanche made torelations between the UK and Malta.• 23 January <strong>2002</strong> The aftershock of an earth tremor off Crete was felt in parts of Malta shortly before6 a.m. The digital seismograph at Wied Dalam, in Birzebbuga, operated by the Physics Department ofthe University of Malta, recorded the event.• 24 January <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco led the congregation in a vigil of prayer for peace at theCathedral, in Mdina. Seven religious communities represented in Malta took part in the vigil.• 24 January <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco was presented with the General Workers’ Union’sproposed amendments to the White Paper on the Conditions of Employment Regulations Act and theIndustrial Relations Act.• 24 January <strong>2002</strong> Union Haddiema Maghqudin officials presented a copy of their proposedamendments to Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi.• 24 January <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco paid tribute to the late Joe Attard Kingswell, who died onMonday. Addressing GWU officials at the Palace, Prof. de Marco said that Mr Attard Kingswell hadmade a significant contribution to trade unionism in Malta as well as to the GWU.• 24 January <strong>2002</strong> Malta ratified the ILO Merchant Shipping (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1976(No 147) and its Protocol of 1996. Both instruments will come into force on January 10, 2003. TheILO Convention aims at ensuring the observance on merchant ships of a wide range of standardsrelating to safety, social security, shipboard conditions of employment and living arrangements.• 24 January <strong>2002</strong> The Federation of European Securities Exchanges has invited the Malta StockExchange to become a founder member of the European Corporate Governance Institute. The ECGIwas formally launched in Brussels earlier this month.• 24 January <strong>2002</strong> National Statistics Office figures show that total exports in November were down byLm25.2 million to Lm80.9 million, from Lm106.1 million last year. Total imports in November weredown by Lm32.8 million to Lm106.1 million over the same month in the previous year.• 24 January <strong>2002</strong> All indoor areas of the House of Representatives have been designated as smokefreezones. The only exceptions to this rule are the individual offices of the Prime Minister, the Leaderof the Opposition, Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries.

• 24 January <strong>2002</strong> Home Affairs Minister Tonio Borg said that since 1998 no thefts were reported inManikata, Bidnija and Zebbiegh. Dr Borg was replying to a Parliamentary Question.• 25 January <strong>2002</strong> Public Service Commission Chairman Joseph Curmi said that new Public ServiceCommission (General) Regulations and the Public Service Commission (Appointments Procedure)Regulations will make it possible for calls for application and the process for the filling of vacancies inthe Public Service to be transferred to Heads of Department. Mr Curmi was speaking on the occasionof a visit to the PSC by President Guido de Marco.• 25 January <strong>2002</strong> Minister of Foreign Affairs Joe Borg had a meeting with the Minister of ForeignAffairs of Spain, Joseph Piqué i Camps, at Palacio de Viana in Madrid. During the meeting, theSpanish Foreign Minister reiterated Spain’s support for Malta’s accession to the Union in the firstenlargement.• 25 January <strong>2002</strong> The Malta-EU Information Centre said that Malta was requesting a number ofderogations in its negotiations with the European Union on the Agriculture Sector. MIC said that thederogations or exemptions were being requested for areas that fall under the veterinary, phyto-sanitary,and common market organisation of certain products.• 25 January <strong>2002</strong> The first of a two-part seminar on the evaluation of European Union socio-economicprogrammes, co-financed by the European Commission, was held this week. The seminar is beingorganised by the Staff Development Organisation and the Regional Policy Directorate.• 25 January <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said that the rapidly expanding Libyanmarket was a prime destination for Maltese investment and exports. Prof. Bonnici was speaking duringthe official opening of the new Bank of Valletta office in Tripoli.• 25 January <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo said that the new Food Act, currently beingdiscussed by Parliament in committee, would introduce greater accountability, tougher penalties andeasier means of redress. Dr Refalo was speaking at a Malta Hotels and Restaurants Associationworkshop on hygiene and food safety, at St Julian’s.• 25 January <strong>2002</strong> Sea Malta Chairman Marlene Mizzi was presented with the Environment Award forIndustry by award committee president Ugo Mifsud Bonnici, in the presence of Environment MinisterFrancis Zammit Dimech. The award was jointly sponsored by the Ministry of the Environment and theCentre for Cleaner Technology.• 25 January <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office announced that, in the fourth quarter of 2001, 7.1million kilograms of fresh fruit and vegetables, worth Lm1.7 million, had passed through organisedmarkets. This is a decline by weight of 22.2 per cent and an increase in value of 23.8 per cent, whencompared to the same quarter in 2000.• 25 January <strong>2002</strong> The Museums Department announced the temporary closure for refurbishment ofthe Roman Villa, in Rabat. This project is one of a number of similar projects undertaken by theDepartment in collaboration with the Malta Tourism Authority.• 26 January <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that a network model for the Europe ofthe future had to be a multi-level construction, in the sense that authority had to be exercised at local,regional, national and continental levels. Dr Fenech-Adami was speaking at the opening of the 13 thNational Student Travel Foundation Mini-European Assembly, at Auberge de Castille, in Valletta.• 26 January <strong>2002</strong> Malta played host to the signing of a milestone agreement, when all the parties ofthe Mediterranean Action Plan launched a decisive initiative to prevent shipping accidents anddischarges of noxious substances into the sea. At a press conference at the Palace in Valletta followingthe signing ceremony, Environment Minister Francis Zammit Dimech hailed the agreement asextremely significant for Malta and the Mediterranean region.• 26 January <strong>2002</strong> Justice Minister Austin Gatt announced that the number of pending court cases hadonce again gone down. Dr Gatt was speaking during the presentation of warrants to some 80 lawyersand legal procurators, at the Casino Maltese, in Valletta.• 26 January <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said that both Malta Shipbuilding andMalta Drydocks were bidding for a number of important conversion jobs, but it was premature to say

what the outcome would be. Prof. Bonnici said that it was a declared policy that, so far as possible, the’yards would try to win contracts that would utilise the workers of both ’yards.• 26 January <strong>2002</strong> Government MP Francis Agius will represent the Council of Europe in theforthcoming Global Forum on Food Safety Regulators, to be held in Marrakesh. Dr Agius is Chairmanof the Committee on Food, Agriculture and Fisheries of the Council of Europe and the rapporteur onthe issue of food safety and genetically modified food products.• 26 January <strong>2002</strong> Australian High Commissioner Iain Dickie said that Maltese and Gozitans who hadmigrated to Australia had played a significant part in the building of Australia as it is today. Mr Dickiewas delivering a message to mark Australia Day.• 27 January <strong>2002</strong> The Justice and Local Government Ministry announced that, on the advice of theevaluation committee, the Cabinet had decided to start negotiations with Compaq Consortium asstrategic partner for the Government’s extensive e-<strong>gov</strong>ernment programme. Justice Minister AustinGatt, who is responsible for the sector, expressed his delight that such a positive step has beenachieved.• 27 January <strong>2002</strong> The Palestinian Ambassador, Awad Yakhlef, thanked Malta for seeking peace in theMiddle East in international fora such as the United Nations and the European Union. Mr Yahlef saidthat President Guido de Marco was held in high esteem for doing what he could to bring Palestine andIsrael back to the negotiating table.• 27 January <strong>2002</strong> Sir Peter Hall, the former chairman of the urban task force for the regeneration ofBritish cities, said that he was ‘extraordinarily impressed’ by the residential environment of Valletta,Floriana, Senglea, Vittoriosa and Cospicua. Sir Peter visited Malta as the guest of ParliamentarySecretary George Pullicino to lend advice and discuss the regeneration of Valletta, Floriana and theCottonera area.• 28 January <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami warned Drydocks workers that the timewhen they could receive a salary and not work was over. Speaking at Senglea, Dr Fenech-Adami saidthat the Government was committed to spending some Lm60 million over the next seven years tobring the ’yards back onto their feet.• 28 January <strong>2002</strong> Environment Minister Francis Zammit Dimech said that <strong>gov</strong>ernment plans totemporarily rehabilitate the bus terminus at City Gate until plans were ready to upgrade the area. DrZammit Dimech was speaking at the inauguration of the Salinos football ground, in Valletta.• 29 January <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami welcomed the Opposition’s decision toparticipate in the EU Convention on the Future of Europe, saying it was a positive outcome. The EUhas invited member states and applicant countries to participate at the convention, to be held in Spainin March. Malta can send three representatives - a <strong>gov</strong>ernment representative and two representingParliament. The House later unanimously approved a motion by the Prime Minister accepting theinvitation.• 29 January <strong>2002</strong> The Malta-EU Information Centre said that Malta has made 42 requests for specialarrangements for the implementation of certain laws in its negotiations with the European Union in theagriculture sector. Of the 42 requests, 10 are for transitional periods and six for derogations.• 29 January <strong>2002</strong> Sergey Zotov, Ambassador of the Russian Federation, presented President de Marcowith a message from Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation. The message underlined thegood relations between the two countries which this year will be celebrating the 35 th Anniversary ofdiplomatic relations. Ambassador Zotov also paid tribute to the high regard with which the Presidentof Malta is held in international fora.• 29 January <strong>2002</strong> The Tourism Ministry, in conjunction with the Institute for Tourism Studies,launched the ITS Quality Service Training Programme. Tourism Minister Michael Refalo said thatafter 2003, only those Maltese or foreigners who have undergone training would be eligible foremployment in Maltese hotels and catering establishments.• 29 January <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said that talks were currently in handwith a Libyan company on the possibility of building ships in Malta. Prof. Bonnici was replying to aParliamentary Question.

• 29 January <strong>2002</strong> Transport and Communications Minister Censu Galea said that internationalconsultants appointed by the Wireless and Telegraphy Branch had prepared a draft report on theallocation and distribution of frequencies for third generation cellular telephony. Mr Galea gave theinformation in reply to a Parliamentary Question.• 29 January <strong>2002</strong> Ambassador Saviour Gauci presented his credentials to the Emir of Qatar, SheikhHamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani, as the Maltese Ambassador to Qatar. The ceremony took place at thePalace, in Doha, Qatar.• 29 January <strong>2002</strong> Two Maltese, one from South Australia, the other from Victoria, featured in theAustralia Day Honours List. Gaetan Grech, the Maltese former Consul in Adelaide, and NicholasChircop from Bundoora, Victoria, were awarded the Order of Australia Medal in the General Division.• 30 January <strong>2002</strong> Justice and Local Government Minister Austin Gatt announced the forthcomingopening of the Cisco Regional Academy. The academy will be a partnership between the Governmentand the private sector and will lead to the creation of Cisco-certified network engineers in Malta. DrGatt was speaking during the launch of a new survey to determine the perception of businessestowards e-<strong>gov</strong>ernment.• 30 January <strong>2002</strong> Cottonera Waterfront Group architect Edward Bencini said that over 40 per cent ofthe new apartments forming part of the Cottonera project have been sold. A total of 110 luxuryapartments, selling for around Lm97,000 each, are being built.• 30 January <strong>2002</strong> According to figures released by the National Office of Statistics, the inflation ratein December 2001 rose to 2.93 per cent. In November 2001, it stood at 2.64 per cent. The Retail PriceIndex also went up, by 0.24 per cent, in December compared to the previous month, to stand at 118.76.• 31 January <strong>2002</strong> The EU Chief Negotiator for Malta, Arhi Palosuo, led a delegation of 20Commission officials for technical meetings with the Government over some of the pending issueswhich are still being negotiated, and which could be concluded by the end of the Spanish presidency inJune. In a comment to the press, Mr Palosuo said that the meetings tackled various chapters, includingenvironment, taxation, fisheries and customs union.• 31 January <strong>2002</strong> Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi and Alan Whitehead, UK Minister forHealth and Safety, signed a twinning agreement under the pre-accession funding programme of theEU. The project, worth 705,000 Euro, will assist the Government on practical aspects of Europeanhealth and safety law and will raise awareness of the hazards and risks at the workplace.• 31 January <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco said that the maturity in the level of <strong>gov</strong>ernance of thecountry depended on the maturity of trade unions. Prof. de Marco was speaking to executive councilmembers of the Union Haddiema Maghqudin at the Palace, in Valletta, during a presentation of theUHM’s proposals for amendments to the White Paper dealing with employment relations.• 31 January <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said that Malta must strengthen and buildupon the capacity of the manufacturing sector to regenerate itself and consolidate its position ofleadership in the economy. Prof. Bonnici was addressing the Malta Export Trade Corporationmarketing conference entitled Think Global, Act How? at St. George’s.• 31 January <strong>2002</strong> Environment Minister Francis Zammit Dimech announced that, over the comingmonths, the Government intended to take in hand the restoration of Portes Des Bombes, in Floriana.Dr Zammit Dimech was visiting restoration work worth Lm100,000 in the King George V Gardens, atFloriana.• 31 January <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo said that the number of Italian visitors had notgone up proportionately to the effort and expense that Malta had undertaken in the Italian market. DrRefalo was speaking during a destination workshop organised by the Malta Tourism Authority, topItalian tour operator Settemari, and local agents Events.• 31 January <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Tourism Authority is to set up a contingency fund of Lm350,000 ‘in viewof the current situation and possible developments that may require the use of further funds’. Thisresults from the Financial Estimates of the Authority, tabled in Parliament.

• 31 January <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office announced that, while total exports last year haddeclined by Lm190.8 million, or 17.8 per cent, to Lm881.6 million, total imports dropped by Lm266.1million, or 17.8 per cent, to Lm1,226.3 million. The visible trade gap contracted by Lm75.3 million, toLm344.7 million.• 31 January <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Communications Authority said that the consultation period for thedocument on Dominant Market Position in the Telecommunications Sector has been extended to noonon February 14, from the previous deadline of today. A Consultative Paper on the subject can beviewed on the MCA website at www.mca.org.<strong>mt</strong>• 31 January <strong>2002</strong> Air Malta announced that, as from tomorrow, Air Malta’s London ticketing office,until now situated at Malta House in Piccadilly, will be at its Regional Head Office at 314-316, UpperRichmond Road, Putney. The main aim of the transfer is to fully utilise available resources, a companystatement said.• 31 January <strong>2002</strong> The Chinese Embassy has acquired premises located on the corner of St Paul Streetand Melita Street, in Valletta, for the setting up of a Chinese cultural centre. The purchase comes in thewake of an agreement reached during President Jiang Zemin’s official visit to Malta last July.• 31 January <strong>2002</strong> Pauline Galea, lecturer at the physics department of the University of Malta, saidthat the tremor felt at around 1.15 a.m. yesterday was due to a local earthquake registering 3.5 on theRichter scale. The tremor was also recorded in Sicily.FEBRUARY• 1 February <strong>2002</strong> The Cabinet has decided that Government’s representative at the European UnionConvention on the Future of Europe will be former University Rector Peter Serracino Inglott. As theMP from the Government’s side, Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami has nominated MichaelFrendo. John Inguanez, Director (Policy) within the EU Directorate, will be the substitute for Prof.Serracino Inglott and MP Dolores Cristina will substitute Dr Frendo.• 1 February <strong>2002</strong> Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi announced that his Ministry had started toevaluate proposals and comments on the White Paper proposing changes to the Conditions ofEmployment (Regulations) Act and the Industrial Relations Act. Dr Gonzi was speaking as he receivedreactions to the White Paper from the Confederation of Malta Trade Unions, the Foundation forHuman Resources Development, and six employer organisations.• 1 February <strong>2002</strong> Transport Minister Censu Galea said that the Lm13 million Cirkewwa/Mgarr portupgrading project was progressing according to schedule and the Planning Authority was expected toissue the permit for the construction of the Cirkewwa terminal/car park in the next few weeks. MrGalea was giving an update on the project during a site tour at Cirkewwa at the end of the successfulcompletion of new berthing quay No. 2.• 1 February <strong>2002</strong> Health Minister Louis Deguara said that, with the appointment of Dr Kenneth Grechas Chief Executive Officer of the Tal-Qroqq hospital, the Health Division was moving towards its roleas a Regulator. Dr Deguara was introducing the new CEO to the media.• 1 February <strong>2002</strong> The Monetary Policy Council of the Central Bank has lowered the bank’s centralintervention rate and the discount rate by 25 basis points, to four per cent. The Council said in astatement that it had arrived at its decision after considering recent international and domesticeconomic and financial developments within the context of the objectives of the bank’s monetarypolicy.• 1 February <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Business Bureau will be organising a series of information and discussionmeetings over the course of <strong>2002</strong> about trading with Britain. The Bureau, a joint initiative of the MaltaFederation of Industry and the Chamber of Commerce will hold the meetings in collaboration with theBritish High Commission. The full programme may be obtained from either the FOI or Chambersecretariats.

• 1 February <strong>2002</strong> Charles Mercieca, the re-elected President of the Maltese-American Chamber ofCommerce, said that membership of the EU would serve to strengthen the bilateral trade, financial andhuman links between Malta and the US. “This will be a win situation for all three sides, including theUS, the EU and, most of all, Malta.”• 2 February <strong>2002</strong> Transend Worldwide Limited, a subsidiary of New Zealand Post, has bought 35 percent shareholding in Maltapost and will manage the company for two years under two separateagreements. The agreements were announced at a joint press conference held by Maltapost ChairmanFrank Dimech and the Parliamentary Secretary within the Economics Services Ministry, Dr GeorgeHyzler.• 2 February <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami, Finance Minister John Dalli, and theParliamentary Secretary within the Ministry for Economic Services, George Hyzler, toured the set ofthe TV mini-series Julius Caesar, at Fort Ricasoli. Guido de Angelis, producer of the historical saga,said that a number of other movie projects were in the pipeline for Malta.• 2 February <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg said that today we were constantly bombarded withinformation, most of which reaches us in real time. A good diplomat was not only cognisant of thisfact but had the necessary tools at hand to sift through and process that data into intelligent and usefulinformation. Dr Borg was speaking at the opening of the second international conference on webmanagement and diplomacy, organised by the Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies, atSalina.• 2 February <strong>2002</strong> An international poll carried out in all the EU candidate countries has shown that, ina referendum on accession, 49 per cent of the Maltese would vote in favour, and 39 per cent wouldvote against. Twelve per cent did not reply. The poll was carried out by leading market-researchcompany GfK Group.• 2 February <strong>2002</strong> A spokesman for the Malta Film Commission announced that local film companyDrunken Angel Productions had become the first local film production company to be grantedfinancial aid from the European Union. The script for ‘The Village’ was included in a list of 25 featurefilms that will be receiving some 32,000 Euro each under the Medea programme.• 2 February <strong>2002</strong> APS Bank announced changes to its interest rates, following the discount rate cutannounced by the monetary policy council of the Central Bank.• 2 February <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Bankers’ Association announced that local commercial banks wouldcontinue to accept bank notes denominated in any of the twelve currencies that have been replaced bythe Euro until February 15. After that date, the banks can only accept these notes on a collection basisor through special arrangements, and may also levy a charge.• 3 February <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco visited the Malta Centre for Restoration in Bighi,Kalkara. Prof. de Marco pointed out that the Lm400,000 that the Centre had received under the termsof the fourth Italian financial protocol reflected the close collaboration between Malta and Italy, andthe way funds can be channelled to a very good effect.• 3 February <strong>2002</strong> Education Minister Louis Galea concluded a half-day seminar that discussed theStrategy for a National Language. Dr Galea said that he would like to see a Bill on the subjectdiscussed in Parliament this year.• 4 February <strong>2002</strong> The Malta External Trade Corporation has launched the fourth edition of the MetcoInternational Marketing Awards. Further details on this initiative and the official application form canbe obtained from Ms Antoinette Catania at Metco on tel. 21446186, or on e-mail addressinfo.ccs@metco.net• 4 February <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that he was very satisfied that 252candidates would be contesting next month’s local elections. He stressed that local councils wouldstrengthen democracy in the country. Dr Fenech-Adami was speaking during an activity in Zurrieq.• 4 February <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said that New Zealand Post subsidiaryTransend, which has acquired a stake in Maltapost, would not be paying the Government in cash forits shareholding but would be investing capital in Maltapost. Prof. Bonnici was speaking to The Timesnewspaper.

• 4 February <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli is leading the Maltese delegation taking part in a threedaytechnical meeting between Malta and Libya, at St Julian’s. Mr Dalli said that Malta would like tosee a regeneration of Libyan investment activity here and the Government also wanted to exploreavenues to facilitate Maltese investment in Libya. The Libyan delegation is led by Industry MinisterHasan Abdullah Hamed-Abu Khzan.• 4 February <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo said that Malta would continue to concentrate itsefforts to attract more tourists by offering quality rather price reductions. Dr Refalo was speaking atthe launch of the fourth edition of the Air Malta Travel Trade Directory.• 5 February <strong>2002</strong> The death was announced of former President of the Republic Agatha Barbara.Parliament paid homage to Ms Barbara and the sitting was cut short as a sign of mourning.Government announced that Ms Barbara would be given a State Funeral.• 5 February <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco said that Malta had lost a very patriotic woman whobelieved in the country. Prof. de Marco said that Ms Barbara gave all that she could and all that sheknew to Malta.• 5 February <strong>2002</strong> In Parliament, Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami praised Ms Barbara as awoman who contributed a lot to Malta’s social and political history. Dr Fenech-Adami also praised herintegrity that was shown even when one did not agree with her. Leader of the Opposition Alfred Santpraised Ms Barbara as a ‘freedom fighter’, as Minister for Education, and as President, in which officeshe gave a direct contribution to the whole country.• 5 February <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami wrote to the President of the Convention forthe Future of Europe, Valery Giscard d’Estaing, informing him that the representative of theGovernment side of Parliament will be Dr Michael Frendo, former Minister for Transport,Communications and Technology, while the representative of the Opposition side will be Dr AlfredSant, Leader of the Opposition and a former Prime Minister.• 5 February <strong>2002</strong> Dr Fenech-Adami also informed Mr Giscard d’Estaing that the alternate to DrMichael Frendo would be Ms Dolores Cristina, Chairperson of the Foreign Affairs Committee ofMalta’s House of Representatives, while the alternate to Dr Alfred Sant would be Dr George Vella,former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Environment.• 5 February <strong>2002</strong> Robert Musumeci, who is the chairman of the Building Industry ConsultativeCouncil, said that one in every five occupational accidents was related to the construction industry.This has prompted BICC to launch an education campaign to limit or eliminate these accidents. MrMusumeci was addressing a news conference at the construction site of the Cottonera sports complex,attended by Environment Minister Francis Zammit Dimech and the Parliamentary Secretary for Youthand Sport, Jesmond Mugliett.• 5 February <strong>2002</strong> The Maltese Ambassador to China, Saviour Borg, and the President of the ChinesePeople’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Chen Haosu, jointly hosted a specialreception in Beijing to mark the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Malta.More than 300 guests attended the event, including Ambassadors, Chinese Ministry officials,journalists and guests.• 5 February <strong>2002</strong> HSBC announced that it would be reducing the interest rates on all its personal andcommercial lending products, including home loans, by 0.25 per cent. This follows the Central Bankof Malta’s decision to reduce the central intervention rate and the discount rate by 25 basis points tofour per cent.• 5 February <strong>2002</strong> The Institute for the Promotion of Small Enterprise has been accepted as anassociate member of the European union of small and medium enterprises (UEAPME). The Europeanbody is an employers’ organisation representing the interests at European level of crafts, trades andSMEs in the European Union and countries applying for accession to the EU. UEAPME has 65member organisations.• 5 February <strong>2002</strong> The United Nations International Institute on Ageing, in collaboration with the UN‘Fund for Population Affairs’ is currently holding an international short programme on social

gerontology until February 15. The aim of the two-week programme is to provide understanding of thecomplex and far- reaching consequences of mass longevity.• 6 February <strong>2002</strong> Libyan Industry Minister Hassan Hammed Abdallaha called on Malteseentrepreneurs to invest in his country. Over the past few days, Dr Hammed Abdallaha representedLibya in talks with the Maltese Government. Finance Minister John Dalli, who led the Maltesedelegation, said that that the talks were held in preparation for a meeting of the joint commissionbetween the two countries to be held in Libya in May.• 6 February <strong>2002</strong> The agreement for Transend Worldwide Ltd to acquire a 35 per cent stake inMaltapost was laid on the table of the House of Representatives.• 6 February <strong>2002</strong> Education Minister Louis Galea said that students who follow the Erasmusprogramme would be in a better position to provide working skills to Maltese companies. Over 300university students are taking part in this year’s Erasmus programme.• 6 February <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office said that, in the fourth quarter last year, 620,102passengers used the Malta-Gozo ferries to cross between the Islands. This is an increase of 5,703 or0.9 per cent over the same period the previous year.• 7 February <strong>2002</strong> People from all walks of life paid their last respects to former President AgathaBarbara during a Mass praesente cadavere at St John’s Co-Cathedral, in Valletta. The congregationwas led by President Guido de Marco and included close relatives, former Presidents Anthony Mamo,Censu Tabone and Ugo Mifsud Bonnici, Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami, Leader of theOpposition Alfred Sant, Government Ministers, Members of the Judiciary and Diplomatic Corps, andMPs from both sides of the House.• 7 February <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg expressed great satisfaction at the contribution that theItalian Military Mission based in Malta had given over the years to training in key areas. Dr Borg wasspeaking during a meeting with Italian Defence Minister Antonio Martino, at the Ministry of Defence,in Rome.• 7 February <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said that, following the resignation of theChief Executive of the Marsa ’yard, the marketing department of Malta Shipbuilding had merged withthat of Malta Drydocks. Prof. Bonnici was replying to a Parliamentary Question.• 7 February <strong>2002</strong> Parliamentary Secretary at the Ministry of Economic Services George Hyzler saidthat the part-privatisation of Maltapost was aimed at improving the quality of service and positioningthe company within the Mediterranean region. Dr Hyzler was addressing the media during a visit tothe St Julian’s branch of the company.• 7 February <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli said that the Government had appointed the board of theFinancial Intelligence Unit and its composition would be announced in the coming days. Mr Dalli wasreplying to a Parliamentary Question.• 7 February <strong>2002</strong> In reply to a Parliamentary Question Education Minister Louis Galea identified theareas that will be given priority in the Leonardo programme this year. These were: technology andinformatics, alternative sources of energy, restoration and rehabilitation studies, tourism andhospitality, teaching of foreign languages, innovation in agricultural production, aquaculture, financialservices, precision tool engineering and specialised construction methods.• 7 February <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Financial Services Centre said that Finansbank (Malta) Ltd hadvoluntarily surrendered its banking licence. The bank ceased to operate on January 31.• 7 February <strong>2002</strong> The German Embassy announced that former German Ambassador to MaltaGottfried Pagenstert died last Friday, following a prolonged illness. He is survived by his wife andthree children. Dr Pagenstert served as Germany’s Ambassador to Malta between 1986 and 1991.• 8 February <strong>2002</strong> The Justice Ministry, together with Vodafone Malta Ltd., launched the concept of m-<strong>gov</strong>ernment - the efficient provision of <strong>gov</strong>ernment services via mobile telephones, using the ShortMessaging System (SMS). Justice Minister Austin Gatt said that the initiative was a clear example ofhow private-public partnerships could work.

• 8 February <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco received Mr Scott Kilner who is the US Department ofState Director for Western Europe. The two discussed the situation following the September 11terrorist attacks, and relations between Malta and the US. Attending the meeting were US AmbassadorAnthony Gioia and Tom Murphy, Deputy Chief of Mission.• 9 February <strong>2002</strong> President Jiang Zemin of China sent a message of condolences to the Governmentover the death of former President Agatha Barbara. The message was conveyed to President Guido deMarco by the Chinese Embassy.• 9 February <strong>2002</strong> Elisabeth Mann Borgese, the founder and honorary president of the InternationalOcean Institute, which has its headquarters in Malta, died on Friday in St Moritz, Switzerland. She was83.• 9 February <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office announced that tourist arrivals last October droppedby 4.4 per cent, to 106,855, over the same month the previous year. During the same month, thenumber of cruise passengers increased by 13,945, to 44,869.• 9 February <strong>2002</strong> Bank of Valletta reduced its base rate from 4.25 per cent to four per cent. Thisdecision follows the announcement by the Central Bank of Malta of a reduction in its centralintervention rate and discount rate by 0.25 per cent.• 9 February <strong>2002</strong> Education Minister Louis Galea said that the objective truths about sexual activitycould not be abstracted from wider issues of equality and dignity. Dr Galea was addressing the fifthbiennial national conference of the Malta Union of Professional Psychologists, with the participationof the Malta Gay Rights Movement, on the theme Homosexuality: initiating a national debate.• 9 February <strong>2002</strong> The Central Bank of Malta announced that, in the nine-month period to September2001, the official reserves rose by Lm47.3 million. The news is carried in the latest edition of thebank’s Quarterly Review.• 9 February <strong>2002</strong> The CBM Quarterly Review said that it expected real growth in GDP for 2001 to belower than its revised estimate of 3.5 per cent. It cited the worsening international economic outlook,the deceleration in the pace of domestic economic activity in the first quarters of 2001, and indicationsfrom its Business Perceptions Survey as the reasons behind the revised estimate.• 9 February <strong>2002</strong> In its negotiations with the EU, Malta is asking for a number of specialarrangements for the adoption of a special market policy programme for Maltese agriculture in sevensensitive sectors. The Government is requesting these measures in order to enable farmers and foodprocessors to integrate themselves gradually with the workings of the EU’s Common AgriculturalPolicy.• 9 February <strong>2002</strong> A Russian television crew was in Malta to film an episode of the popular series‘Kobra’. The crew was assisted by the Malta Tourism Authority and tourism agency Triton Services.The Malta episode will be aired sometime in spring.• 10 February <strong>2002</strong> University Rector Roger Ellul Micallef appealed to industry to inform theUniversity on its forecast personnel requirements so that the University would be able to cater for suchneeds. The Rector was speaking during a seminar held at the University attended by EducationMinister Louis Galea and Justice Minister Austin Gatt.• 10 February <strong>2002</strong> Agriculture Minister Ninu Zammit said that, with or without European Unionmembership, agriculture needed to be restructured. Restructuring was achievable at a cost but, withoutEU accession, these costs would have to be met from the country’s coffers, said Mr Zammit. TheMinister was speaking during a seminar on ‘Developing a Rural Development Plan for Malta’,organised by Fondazzjoni Ceratonia, in collaboration with the German Heinrich Böll Foundation, theAustrian Grüne Bildungswerkstatt, and the Dutch Groenlinks.• 10 February <strong>2002</strong> The absolute majority of the Maltese would like the Euro to be introduced as theirnational currency, replacing the Maltese lira. This results from a survey carried out by MISCO andcommissioned by the Malta-EU Information Centre.

• 11 February <strong>2002</strong> The National Commission - Persons with Disability - presented its 2001 annualreport to Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi. Dr Gonzi expressed his appreciation for theCommission’s work and its development and advances since its inception 15 years ago.• 11 February <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici insisted that, despite a rather bleakpicture portrayed by the latest issue of the Central Bank’s Quarterly Review, the Maltese economy wasnot in recession. With a rate of inflation of under three per cent and a growing employment sector, anytalk of doom and gloom in the economy was uncalled for, said Prof. Bonnici.• 12 February <strong>2002</strong> A delegation from the Finance Committee of the German Bundestag paid acourtesy call on President Guido de Marco. The President described the relations between Germanyand Malta as excellent, saying that this was evidenced by his state visit to Germany last November.• 12 February <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami met the visiting members of the Bundestagat a meeting at Auberge de Castille. Dr Fenech-Adami said that it was his Government’s policy tohave Malta firmly anchored within Europe.• 12 February <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco and Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami signed thebook of condolence at the British High Commission, in Floriana, following the demise of PrincessMargaret. The President, on behalf of the Government and People of Malta, also sent a letter to QueenElizabeth II expressing condolences.• 12 February <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said that, if one excluded the electronicssector, exports for the manufacturing sector for 2001 were up by eight per cent over the previous year.Prof. Bonnici said that indications show that the electronics sector would be recovering by the middleof this year.• 12 February <strong>2002</strong> The British Foreign and Commonwealth Office announced that Vincent Fean hasbeen appointed British High Commissioner to Malta. Mr Fean will be taking over in early Septemberfrom Howard Pearce, who will be taking up a new appointment.• 12 February <strong>2002</strong> The Malta-EU Information Centre (MIC) said that the rural developmentprogramme currently being drawn up would be submitted to the European Commission by the firstquarter of this year. “Malta considers it imperative that the implementation of this programme willcommence during the pre-accession period,” the centre said.• 12 February <strong>2002</strong> The Prime Minister today starts a visit to Italy where he will be meeting his Italiancounterpart, Silvio Berlusconi tomorrow.• 12 February <strong>2002</strong> Scenes for the film Pinocchio were shot at the tanks of the Mediterranean FilmStudios, last week. Roberto Benigni stars and directs.• 13 February <strong>2002</strong> Former Italian Prime Minister and Senator Giulio Andreotti paid a surprise call onPrime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami, who is on an official two-day visit to Rome. Speaking toreporters after the meeting, Dr Andreotti said that it was clear logic that Malta would have a place inthe EU.• 13 February <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami met Walter Veltroni, the Mayor of Rome.Following this meeting, Dr Fenech-Adami said that there was space for co-operation in the touristsector.• 13 February <strong>2002</strong> A <strong>gov</strong>ernment statement said that all sides represented on the EnvironmentMonitoring Board had agreed on the need to step up efforts to curb illegal hunting and trapping. Themembers of the board were addressed by Environment Minister Francis Zammit Dimech and theParliamentary Secretary in the Ministry for Home Affairs, George Pullicino.• 13 February <strong>2002</strong> Transport Minister Censu Galea announced that the Government would beembarking on the construction of an underpass at Marsa. The underpass will connect Tigrija Street andthe area close to the Maria Regina Church in Marsa as soon as the Planning Authority approved theplans.

• 13 February <strong>2002</strong> On the initiative of the Ministry of Social Policy, a small-scale pilot project isbeing organised for women in the Cottonera region. The project consists of discussion meetingsduring which women can talk with specialists about issues that relate directly to their lives andcircumstances.• 13 February <strong>2002</strong> A German delegation from the Finance Committee of the German Bundestagended a two-day working visit to Malta. The 10-member delegation held meetings with Prof. JoeBannister, Chairman of the Malta Financial Services Centre, the Public Accounts Committee at theHouse of Representatives, Finance Minister John Dalli and Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici.• 13 February <strong>2002</strong> Dr Simon Busuttil, Head of the Malta-EU Information Centre, said that the newMIC office in Gozo was part of the centre’s strategy to decentralise the process of information and tobring it closer to the people. The new office can be reached on tel. 2155 8001 and fax 2155 8010.• 13 February <strong>2002</strong> Mr Joseph Tabone, Chairman of the Malta Communications Authority, announcedthat the authority had commissioned the Malta National Laboratory to carry out a detailed survey onemissions by mobile phone base station antennas. The aim of the survey is to ensure that mobile phonebase stations are operating correctly and safely.• 13 February <strong>2002</strong> Carnival came to a grand finale after a defile through Valletta, dances in FreedomSquare, and a parade down St Anne Street, in Floriana.• 14 February <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that Malta was hoping to finalise anagreement on the fifth financial protocol with Italy in the coming weeks. Dr Fenech-Adami wasaddressing the media after his meeting in Rome with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.• 14 February <strong>2002</strong> The Prime Minister visited the Link Campus University of Malta, and had meetingswith Italy’s President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi and the President of the Camera dei Deputati, PierFerdinando Casini. Dr Fenech-Adami also visited the Camera dei Deputati, where those present burstinto spontaneous applause.• 14 February <strong>2002</strong> Health Minister Louis Deguara launched an advertising campaign aimed at raisingawareness about cancer prevention. The campaign is funded by the National Plan for the Adoption ofthe Acquis after the EU allocated funds for such programmes for candidate countries.• 14 February <strong>2002</strong> A statement issued by the Malta-EU Information Centre says that, in itsnegotiations with the EU on agriculture, Malta was arguing that it had specific socio-economicconcerns relating to the supply of food and agricultural products essential for daily consumption,agricultural production, as well as processing. MIC says that Malta was therefore requesting theintroduction of specific supply arrangements for essential basic products.• 14 February <strong>2002</strong> Councillors from Gozo’s fourteen local councils, as well as the members of theGozo Business Chamber and the Gozo Tourism Association, presented President Guido de Marco witha declaration calling for a strengthening of the existing regional administration in Gozo. The Presidentsaid that it was necessary to bear in mind how Gozo could be improved in a way that bettered Malta asa whole. The particular interests of Gozo, said Prof. de Marco, should therefore be considered within anational context.• 14 February <strong>2002</strong> Metco organised a familiarisation visit in Malta for senior executives from theFederation of the Chambers of Commerce of Libya. The weeklong visit was organised within theframework of the co-operation agreement between Metco and the Federation of Chambers ofCommerce of Libya.• 14 February <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Tourism Authority has commissioned a number of brand-new,informative road signs indicating a number of heritage sites and environmental beauty spots. The signsinclude icons and colours in conformity with standard signage used across Europe.• 15 February <strong>2002</strong> Former President Ugo Mifsud Bonnici writes that an EU constitution would furtherdefine the institution’s legal identity and strengthen its political life and prospects. Dr MifsudBonnici’s article is included in a German collection of essays on aspects of the EU by prominentpeople in different countries.

• 15 February <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco received the diplomatic credentials of AlbanianAmbassador Pellumb Xhufi and Israeli Ambassador Ehud Gol in separate ceremonies at the Palace, inValletta. The new Ambassadors are both resident in Rome.• 15 February <strong>2002</strong> The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Anton Tabone, accompanied byGovernment MP John Vella and Opposition MP Joe Mizzi, attended the 3rd Conference of Euro-Mediterranean Speakers, held in Athens. The conference centred round two themes: the role ofParliaments in enhancing the Euro-Mediterranean political dialogue, and the importance of thecultural, social, and human dimension in strengthening the Euro-Mediterranean partnership.• 15 February <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said that the Business Promotion Actidentified the servicing of the aviation industry as one of the specific target sectors for furtherdevelopment. Prof. Bonnici was visiting Medavia that carries out maintenance on aircraft and providescharter services. Medavia is jointly owned by Libyan Arab Maltese Holdings Co., Air Malta, and theLibyan Arab Finance Investment Company.• 15 February <strong>2002</strong> Education Minister Louis Galea said that the Foundation for Educational Services’programmes Klabb Hilti and Id f’Id, targeting children who fall behind due to learning difficulties andtheir parents, were being extended to another five schools following the success of a pilot project atGzira primary school. Dr Galea said that 210 activity teachers would be needed for the programmesand these would also be engaged within the next three years.• 15 February <strong>2002</strong> Environment Minister Francis Zammit Dimech said that a number of fortificationsof the British era were being restored. Dr Zammit Dimech was speaking during a recent visit to viewrehabilitation works at Pembroke Battery, in Pembroke. The battery has been transformed into a publicgarden, a playing field and a museum on the history of the locality.• 16 February <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami inaugurated the Grand Hotel MercureCoralia San Antonio, in Bugibba. Dr Fenech-Adami said that the Coralia San Antonio was a veryvisible confirmation of the industry's acceptance of <strong>gov</strong>ernment policy, which favours a controlledtourism development strategy with the upgrading and refurbishment of existing hotels. TourismMinister Michael Refalo attended the inauguration.• 16 February <strong>2002</strong> Home Affairs Minister Tonio Borg announced that a total of 2,266 foreigners hadbeen refused entry into Malta last year. Dr Borg was speaking shortly before inaugurating the newImmigration Reception Centre, at Hal Far. The new building replaces the detention centre at Ta’Kandja.• 16 February <strong>2002</strong> Transport Minister Censu Galea said that work on the 1.8 kilometre long peripheralroad that stretches from the Santa Margerita area in Mosta to the roundabout at the end of LabourAvenue, Naxxar, had been awarded as a ‘Design, Build and Maintain’ contract. The estimated value ofthe contract is Lm600,000.• 16 February <strong>2002</strong> Environment Minister Francis Zammit Dimech said that investment in theconstruction sector had grown by 6.5 per cent in real terms in the first nine months of 2001, comparedto the figure for the same period the previous year. Dr Zammit Dimech was speaking at the opening ofan exhibition of designs by members of the students of architecture and civil engineering society, at StJames Cavalier in Valletta.• 16 February <strong>2002</strong> According to statistics released by the National Statistics Office, theunemployment rate in September 2001 stood at 6.3 per cent, compared to 6.8 per cent in June 2001.The figures are based on the third labour force survey carried out during the last week of September2001. Definitions and criteria used in this survey match international methodologies used by the ILO.• 16 February <strong>2002</strong> Ambassador Anthony Gioia and his wife invited a select audience of about 40 toattend the world premier of Charles Camilleri’s composition Dirge 110901, recalling the September 11attacks on the United States, at the US Ambassador’s Attard residence. The guests of honour at theconcert were President Guido de Marco and Mrs de Marco.• 16 February <strong>2002</strong> The textiles, clothing and leather section of the General Workers’ Union has linkedup with two foreign trade unions and two universities to take part in a Socrates Gruntvig 1 programme.The EU programme will look into repetitive strain injuries. Collaborating on the project are the British

GMB clothing section, the Italian Filtea CGIL, the Italian Aquila University, and the University ofMalta.• 16 February <strong>2002</strong> Max Planck Institute for Atmospheric Chemistry of Mainz, Germany, and theInstitute for Meteorology and Climate Change of the Karlsruhe Research Centre have drawn up plansto expand the Ta’ Giordan Lighthouse observation centre in Gozo into an organisation that willfurnish data on climate change affecting European and Mediterranean countries. The project willrequire over 30 million Euro to be launched.• 17 February <strong>2002</strong> Justice and Local Government Minister Austin Gatt urged mayors to join theGovernment and the Private Sector in the e-<strong>gov</strong>ernment project. Dr Gatt said at a conference formayors that e-<strong>gov</strong>ernment would revolutionise the way the Government provided its services to thepublic.• 18 February <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli denied a newspaper report that negotiations for thesale to Alterra of part of the Malta International Airport shareholding had collapsed. Mr Dalli said thatthe previous day the Privatisation Unit had informed him that Alterra had reconfirmed its bid-bond.Minister Dalli was speaking at Zejtun.• 19 February <strong>2002</strong> Albanian President Rexhep Meidani started a two-day state visit to Malta.Speaking to reporters at the President’s Palace in Valletta, Prof. Meidani said that Albania saw Maltaas a model for European Union integration.• 19 February <strong>2002</strong> President de Marco said that Malta had a long-standing commitment ofencouraging and enhancing dialogue between the northern and southern areas of the Mediterranean,and that this dialogue was even more important today, following the September 11 tragedy. Prof. deMarco was speaking during a state dinner in honour of President Meidani.• 19 February <strong>2002</strong> In his speech, President Meidani said that Malta and Albania shared the sameperspectives of co-operation and vision. Prof. Meidani said that, for Albania, Malta’s experience inconforming to EU legislation was a further attraction and an added incentive for co-operation.• 19 February <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco invested the Albanian President with the insignia ofCompanion of Honour with Collar of the National Order of Merit. On his part, Prof. Meidianiconferred the insignia of the Order of Skanderberg, first class, on President de Marco.• 19 February <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco hosted the annual concert organised by the Chamber ofEngineers at the Presidential Palace, at San Anton. At the end of the concert, Prof. de Marco said thatmore recognition should be given to engineers in the leadership position locally, as engineers hadample skills and expertise to contribute towards the continued development of society.• 19 February <strong>2002</strong> Delegates from 12 leading Libyan banks attended a three-day seminar oninternational trade finance at the Bank of Valletta’s Training and Education Centre, in Valletta.Participants discussed international trade and trade finance in general, with particular reference toletters of credit as a form of payment.• 19 February <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Tourism Authority quoted French tour operator Nouvelles Frontieres assaying that Malta was now its most important destination for English language courses. MTA said thatthe statement by Nouvelles Frontieres was made at the Expolangues fair, in Paris.• 20 February <strong>2002</strong> Albanian President Rexhep Meidani described his two-day visit to Malta assuccessful and fruitful, saying that both countries had established ‘a new dimension’ to conductrelations. The two countries also signed two agreements dealing with the fight against the illicittrafficking of narcotic drugs and organised crime and the exemption of visas for diplomatic passports.Prof. Meidani was addressing a news conference at San Anton Palace, prior to his departure fromMalta.• 20 February <strong>2002</strong> The Cisco Networking Regional Academy was launched in Malta. LocalGovernment Minister Austin Gatt, who attended the launch, said that the academy’s presence in Maltawas expected to help bridge the existing digital divide.

• 20 February <strong>2002</strong> Figures provided by the National Statistics Office show that the number of licensedvehicles on the road at the end of December 2001 stood at 254,052, compared to 246,825 at the end ofDecember 2000. This figure represents an increase of 3.51 per cent.• 20 February <strong>2002</strong> A Parliamentary delegation led by MP John Vella and having MPs FrederickAzzopardi and George Vella as members attended the first winter meeting of the OSCE ParliamentaryAssembly, in Vienna.• 20 February <strong>2002</strong> The German-Maltese Circle announced that Malta’s Honorary Consul General inHamburg, Otto K. Techau, had died. In 1996, Mr Techau had been awarded the insignia in the grade ofOfficer of the National Order of Merit.• 20 February <strong>2002</strong> Maltapost Philately and Public Relations Executive Tony Barbaro Sant announcedthat Maltapost would be introducing stamp labels. “The idea is to use views of these Islands as apromotion of the country from a tourist point of view,” Mr Barbaro Sant said. The labels show Vallettaby night; the Azure Window in Gozo; Mdina Gate; and the Blue Lagoon.• 20 February <strong>2002</strong> Filming of the Lm23 million TV mini-series Julius Caesar is running into the thirdof a nine-week shoot in Malta. The footage currently being shot involves some 650 extras, a figure thatproducer Giuseppe Pedersoli says could rise to 1,000. 70 per cent of the 250 hands working backstagehave also been recruited locally.• 21 February <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco conferred the National Order of Merit on surgeon AlexManchè and the Midalja ghall-Qadi tar-Repubblika on Sr. Cecilia Muscat, at the Palace in Valletta.Mr Manchè and Sr. Cecilia had been included in the list of worthies to receive honours on RepublicDay but had been unable to attend.• 21 February <strong>2002</strong> Agriculture Minister Ninu Zammit said that in order to survive and remainsustainable, Malta’s rural economy needs to develop beyond its traditional role of production and offermore differentiated, high quality products, among other measures. Mr Zammit was speaking at themeeting for Agriculture Ministers of candidate countries, organised by the Committee for Agricultureand Rural Development of the European Parliament, in Brussels.• 21 February <strong>2002</strong> The Maltese delegation to the first meeting of senior officials’ meeting of the Euro-Mediterranean Process, represented by Ambassador Alfred Zarb, tabled a contribution on therestructuring of the Euro-Med process. Malta’s contribution is considered to be complementary to anaction plan proposed by Spain. The meeting was held in Brussels.• 21 February <strong>2002</strong> The Planning Authority launched the first course in environment impactassessment methods and techniques with the help of the UK’s Institute of Environmental Managementand Assessment, at Floriana. The course was attended by 40 participants and focused on good EIApractice with practical case studies.• 22 February <strong>2002</strong> Cypriot Foreign Minister Ioannis Kasoulidis said that Cyprus and Malta have had aparallel history and have a common future ahead of them. Malta and Cyprus applied for membershipin the same period and are both perceived as frontrunners for the next enlargement. Mr Kasoulidis wasspeaking at a joint news conference with Foreign Minister Joe Borg.• 22 February <strong>2002</strong> French Minister for the Civil Service and Administrative Reform, Michel Sapin,invited Malta to send senior Public Service officials for training at some of its high level institutions.Mr Sapin was in Malta for talks aimed at strengthening collaboration with Malta.• 22 February <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami was one of the keynote speakers in a forumorganised by the Fondazione Alcide de Gasperi, in Rome. The theme of the forum was ‘Europe in theworks and thoughts of Pope John Paul II’. Speaking at the forum, Dr Fenech-Adami recalled what thePope had said on his first visit to Malta in 1990 namely, “Malta is called to contribute to the spiritualunity of the Old Continent by offering her treasures of Christian faith and values. Europe needsMalta’s faithful witness too.”• 22 February <strong>2002</strong> At the United Nations Malta called for an immediate cease-fire in the Middle Eastto prevent the cycle of violence from further spiralling out of control. It also called for urgentconsideration to be given to the convening of an emergency session of the United Nations SecurityCouncil to address this highly volatile situation.

• 22 February <strong>2002</strong> Officials of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise were in Malta on a two-dayvisit to establish contact with employers/industrial organisations and to familiarise themselves with thesituation in Malta regarding prospective EU membership. The familiarisation visit was organised bythe Malta Federation of Industry.• 22 February <strong>2002</strong> The Economic Services Ministry concluded a twinning agreement with the UK’sLocal Authorities Co-ordinating Body on Food and Trading Standards to provide training andconsultancy services in market surveillance. The agreement was made possible through funds providedby the European Commission.• 23 February <strong>2002</strong> The Government agreed to pay an ex gratia sum equivalent to the service bonus toshipyard workers who opt for part one of Scheme A of the early retirement scheme. The agreementwas announced at a meeting of the drydocks task force by Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi.• 23 February <strong>2002</strong> Cypriot Foreign Minister Ioannis Kasoulides urged the European Union torecognise the important role that Cyprus and Malta could play, if the EU wanted to see stability in theMediterranean. The Cypriot Minister and his Maltese counterpart, Joe Borg, were speaking during theNSTF Mini-European Assembly on the theme Wrapping up the negotiations - A big bangenlargement?• 23 February <strong>2002</strong> The head of Malta’s European Union Core Negotiating Group, Richard CachiaCaruana, said that Malta was very close to reaching agreement with the EU on the need for the watersaround the Islands to be managed as a conservation zone. Mr Cachia Caruana was addressing aconference that scrutinised the state of Malta’s negotiations.• 23 February <strong>2002</strong> Addressing the conference, EU Chief Negotiator for Malta, Arhi Palosuo, said thatin sensitive areas, such as the free movement of persons and capital, the two sides had agreed onarrangements that took into account the unique circumstances prevailing in Malta. “This proves thepoint that, in these negotiations, tailor-made solutions are possible,” said Mr Palosuo.• 23 February <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg said that, once negotiations were concluded, theGovernment would be honouring its promise to present the final package to the people in order toallow them to decide whether to join the EU or not. Dr Borg was addressing the conference on thestate of Malta’s negotiations.• 23 February <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco attended Mass to mark the 60th anniversary of theillegal deportation of 43 Maltese nationals to Uganda during the Second World War. Prof. de Marcostressed that he had attended the Mass to raise the event to one of a state occasion.• 24 February <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami was received in audience by Pope JohnPaul II at the Vatican, along with other participants in the third international forum organised by theFondazione Alcide de Gasperi. The forum had as its theme the Pope’s vision of Europe.• 24 February <strong>2002</strong> Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that the Government had bought 100beds in privately owned homes for senior citizens. Dr Gonzi said that, in partnering the private sectorin this way, the Government had been able to mitigate the immediate demand for more beds and tosave a lot of money in capital and in recurrent investment. Dr Gonzi was speaking during a newsconference in Balzan.• 25 February <strong>2002</strong> Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi announced the opening in September of thefirst one-stop shop of social welfare services for the people of Cottonera. The centre will provideservices from the agency Appogg, the Employment and Training Corporation, the Housing Authority,the Department of Social Security, and the Department for the Elderly. Dr Gonzi was speaking on thesite of the centre, which is at an advanced stage of construction, at Vittoriosa.• 25 February <strong>2002</strong> The Sunday Times travel supplement included a positive write-up on diving inMalta. David Wickers, the London weekly’s travel correspondent, wrote: “The scenery’s spectacular,the locals are friendly and the water’s crystal clear: all in all Malta is an ideal spot to learn to dive.”• 26 February <strong>2002</strong> Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi said in Parliament that workers at theshipyards might have to work on a shorter working week if the targets set for the shipyards to becomefinancially viable were not achieved. The Minister was replying to a Parliamentary Question.

• 26 February <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici announced that the Institute for thePromotion of Small Enterprises had drawn up an action plan that includes measures and initiativesaimed at ensuring the printing industry in Malta enhances its competitiveness. Prof. Bonnici said thatthe action plan followed the publication of the sector report on the printing industry in June last year.• 26 February <strong>2002</strong> Agriculture Minister Ninu Zammit launched the first Rural DevelopmentProgramme consultation meeting, which should lead to the formulation of a rural development plan forthe period 2003-2006. Speaking during the launch, Mr Zammit said that the plan would help tosafeguard the historical, rural and cultural heritage of the country.• 26 February <strong>2002</strong> The Directorate-General on Agriculture within the European Commission haspublished a press release by the European Commission explaining the integration strategy onagriculture for the EU’s new member states. The press release is available in the language of eachcandidate country, except Turkey, atwww.europa.eu.int/comm/agriculture/external/enlarge/press/176_<strong>mt</strong>.pdf• 26 February <strong>2002</strong> The European Parliament has posted on its website 16 pages of information on itswork and role in 27 languages, including Maltese. The entry can be accessed atwww.europarl.eu.int/presentation/default_<strong>mt</strong>.htm• 26 February <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said in Parliament that the volume ofletters handled by the Maltese postal authorities in recent years had increased. However, a decreasehad been registered in the number of parcels handled. The Minister was replying to a ParliamentaryQuestion.• 26 February <strong>2002</strong> Home Affairs Minister Tonio Borg said in reply to a Parliamentary Question, that atotal of 773 work permits had been issued for EU nationals last year. The highest numbers were 313from the UK, 119 from Italy, and 117 from France.• 26 February <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco visited the War Museum in Valletta, with the aim ofhighlighting the importance and relevance of that period of Maltese history. Prof. de Marco noted thatthe country would soon be celebrating the 60th anniversary of the award of the George Cross.• 26 February <strong>2002</strong> Dale Keller, Air Malta head of marketing and sales for northern Europe, announcedthat the airline would be increasing by eight per cent its capacity on the UK this summer inanticipation of expected growth in demand. The airline will be operating from Heathrow, Gatwick andStansted.• 27 February <strong>2002</strong> Spanish Prime Minister José Maria Aznar said that he was ‘hoping and trusting’that Malta would make the wise move of joining the European Union. Mr Aznar, whose countrypresently holds the rotating EU Presidency until June, was in Malta for talks with Prime MinisterEdward Fenech-Adami at Auberge de Castille, in Valletta.• 27 February <strong>2002</strong> Mr Aznar said that Malta was making significant improvement in the accessiontalks with the EU. He expressed his confidence that Malta could be one of the first candidate countriesto be included in the coming enlargement. Mr Aznar was addressing a joint press conference withPrime Minister Fenech-Adami following talks at Auberge de Castille.• 27 February <strong>2002</strong> During the joint press conference, Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami describedthe talks with Mr Aznar as ‘extremely fruitful’. Dr Fenech-Adami said that the talks focused onMalta’s EU membership bid, the programme of the Spanish Presidency of the EU, and theMediterranean dimension of the EU. The two Prime Ministers also expressed concern at the situationin the Middle East.• 27 February <strong>2002</strong> According to figures released by the National Statistics Office the inflation rate inJanuary <strong>2002</strong> was 3.27 per cent; the highest since the retail price index was revised in 1997. InDecember 2001 the inflation rate was 2.93 per cent.• 27 February <strong>2002</strong> French women’s lifestyle magazine Atmosphères carried a 14-page article thatfeatured Malta’s cuisine, its architectural and cultural riches, as well as Gozo’s uniqueness. Themagazine has a circulation of 80,000.

• 27 February <strong>2002</strong> A Malta Tourism Authority statement said that the Maltese Islands’ culture andwealth of historical treasures are to be the focus of promotional efforts in Germany during <strong>2002</strong>. MTAsaid that, as from this month, an advertising campaign is to utilise full-colour posters and billboards inover 4,834 locations, including train stations, main roads, pedestrian areas, and trams.• 28 February <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami left for Queensland, Australia, to take partin the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting. The theme of the meeting is TheCommonwealth in the 21st Century: Continuity and Renewal. The Prime Minister is accompanied byMrs Fenech-Adami, Foreign Minister Joe Borg, and the Permanent Secretary at the Foreign Ministry,Gaetan Naudi.• 28 February <strong>2002</strong> Parliamentary members Dr Michael Frendo, Dr Alfred Sant, Ms Dolores Cristina,and Dr George Vella attended the inaugural session of the Convention on the Future of the EuropeanUnion, being held in Brussels. The Convention brings together representatives of the EuropeanParliament, representatives of Parliaments of the member states of the Union and candidate countries,representatives of Heads of State of member states and candidate countries, and representatives of theEuropean Commission.• 28 February <strong>2002</strong> The United Nations Security Council met to discuss the situation in the MiddleEast including the Palestinian Question. The Malta Government aligned itself with the statementdelivered by Spain on behalf of the European Union that inter alia “strongly condemns” and“expresses dismay at the latest outbreak of terror and violence in the Middle East”.• 28 February <strong>2002</strong> Minister for Economic Services Josef Bonnici officially inaugurated the Child DayCare Centre at Bulebel Industrial Estate, in the presence of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister forSocial Policy Lawrence Gonzi. The Bulebel Industrial Estate Tenants Association launched the centrefor use by the children of employees who work in the centre.• 28 February <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said that, during the past five years,Enemalta had spent Lm5.25 million on maintenance and repair work at the Marsa Power Station andanother Lm1.81 million on the power station at Delimara. Prof. Bonnici was replying to aParliamentary Question.• 28 February <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office said that the number of tourists in November lastyear dropped by 7,569, or 11.1 per cent, to 60,498, from 68,067 in the same month the previous year.In the eleven-month period to November last year, the number of tourist arrivals dropped by 22,843, oralmost 2.0 per cent, over the previous year to 1,130,997, the NSO said.• 28 February <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo told Parliament that tourist bookings in Januarywere down compared to last year. Dr Refalo said, however, that the Malta Tourism Authority hadassured him that Malta would be able to attract up to 1.1 million tourists this year.• 28 February <strong>2002</strong> Education Minister Louis Galea said that the lack of enthusiasm for science thatcharacterises many teenagers, and the fall in the number of students seeking to study chemistry andrelated subjects in higher education, was a matter of major concern. Dr Galea was addressing the firstnational chemistry symposium organised by the Department of Chemistry at the University.• 28 February <strong>2002</strong> Transport and Communications Minister Censu Galea met students from the WorldMaritime University who are on a field study visit to Malta as part of their post-graduate course in portmanagement. Malta is the host country to the International Maritime Organisation’s InternationalMaritime Law Institute.• 28 February <strong>2002</strong> The President and Mrs de Marco, on behalf of the Malta Community Chest Fund,presented Lm19,154 in cash as well as specialised equipment and white goods to various philanthropicinstitutions and individuals in need. Nine philanthropic institutions and 116 individuals benefited fro<strong>mt</strong>he donation.• 28 February <strong>2002</strong> The Malta-EU Information Centre is resuming its information meetings incollaboration with local councils. Since May last year, MIC has held 15 such meetings at variouscouncils. Other local councils have now accepted the invitation to organise public informationmeetings on Malta and the EU in their respective localities.

• 28 February <strong>2002</strong> Malta featured in Tours, a German upmarket travel magazine with a circulation of65,000 and in women’s magazine Vida, with a circulation of 750,000. In France, maritime magazineChasse Marée carried an article on the Maltese dghajsa.• 28 February <strong>2002</strong> Maltapost suspended the release of a postage stamp set featuring five of the bestknownfeature-films shot in Malta since 1950. A spokesman for the company said that the films wereheld up because of ‘a technical problem’.MARCH• 1 March <strong>2002</strong> An unprecedented Convention to chart the future of the European Union opened withcalls for a European constitution to transform the bloc into a global political power in the 21 st century.The 105 delegates from national and European Parliaments, member <strong>gov</strong>ernments, candidatecountries, including Malta, and the executive European Commission will debate how to make the 15-nation EU more democratic and efficient as it enlarges to 25 or 30 states.• 1 March <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli said that, once Malta joined the European Union, it wouldhave a role to play in acting as Libya’s partner and gateway into EU markets. Mr Dalli was speaking ata conference organised by Bank of Valletta on the theme Libya - your neighbour and business partner,held at the San Gorg Corinthia.• 1 March <strong>2002</strong> The seven European partners of the Parent Empowerment for Family Literacy projectstarted a three-day workshop in Malta. PEFAL aims to support children who have literacy problems,through the empowerment of their parents. Education Minister Louis Galea said that the EU, throughits Grundtvig Programme, had funded the project at a cost of Lm70,000.• 1 March <strong>2002</strong> A <strong>gov</strong>ernment statement published in The Government Gazette said that, as from today,ministerial responsibility for environmental protection falls under the Home Affairs Ministry, that hasbeen renamed the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Environment. The Ministry will continue to beresponsible for the Planning Authority, which has been renamed the Malta Environment and PlanningAuthority (MEPA). Parliamentary Secretary George Pullicino will oversee the Authority.• 1 March <strong>2002</strong> The statement said that Dr Francis Zammit Dimech, Minister for the Environment,shall be styled Minister for Resources and Infrastructure, with responsibility for capital andconstruction projects, public cleanliness, drainage, waste management, the Malta Resources Authorityand the Consultative Council for the Construction Industry.• 1 March <strong>2002</strong> Environment Minister Francis Zammit Dimich distributed appointment letters to themembers of the newly set-up National Commission for Sustainable Development. One of theresponsibilities of the commission is to prepare a national strategy for sustainable development.• 1 March <strong>2002</strong> Parliamentary Secretary responsible for the Malta Environment and Planning AuthorityGeorge Pullicino announced that the Government will soon start recruiting personnel to serve asenvironment protection officials in the newly set-up Malta Environment and Planning Authority. MrPullicino said that the new officials would be required to work on three aspects of environmentprotection - pollution control, bio-diversity, and waste management.• 1 March <strong>2002</strong> Parliamentary Secretary George Pullicino said that the Government had earmarked theSt George’s Bay area for a proposed underground multi-storey car park, housing between 800 and1,000 vehicles. The area will be one of three strategic car parks intended to ease the parking problemsin Paceville and surrounding localities.• 1 March <strong>2002</strong> The new Ambassador of Indonesia, Freddy Numberi, presented his diplomaticcredentials to President Guido de Marco. Mr Numberi will be resident in Rome.• 1 March <strong>2002</strong> Mr Le Vinh Thu, who is to be the new Ambassador to Vietnam, presented hiscredentials to President Guido de Marco. Mr Thu will be resident in Rome.

• 1 March <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco was interviewed by journalists from Spain, Hungary andChad on his perceptions of the YMCA. The journalists are conducting a project, commissioned by theUnited Nations, the European Union, and Prospective International.• 1 March <strong>2002</strong> Malta’s High Commissioner in London, George Bonello Du Puis, has written to theeditor of The Sunday Telegraph in reply to a feature headed ‘Outrage at Maltese massacre of swans’.In his letter, Dr Bonello Du Puis pointed out that those responsible for the shooting had been arrestedand arraigned in court.• 1 March <strong>2002</strong> According to figures issued by the National Statistics Office the gainfully occupiedrose by 1,209 in October 2001 over the same figure in October 2000, to reach 138,565. The number ofunemployed was 7,183, compared to 7,161 in October 2000.• 1 March <strong>2002</strong> The Parent Teacher Association of Stella Maris College is taking part in a projectsupported by the EU under the Socrates programme. The other participants in this project are thePedagogical Institute of the Archdiocese of Vienna, an institute for further education from Finland,two schools from Norway, and an educational institute from Estonia.• 2 March <strong>2002</strong> The video documentary The Maltese cheese-let (Il-Gbejna), produced by theDepartment of Agriculture, has tied for second place at the 18th International Agrofilm Festival, heldin Nitra, in the Slovak Republic. The video portrays the traditional cottage industry of making fresh,dried, or peppered cheese-lets.• 2 March <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli announced the setting up of the Financial IntelligenceAnalysis Unit. The formation of the unit was a follow-up to recent amendments to the Prevention ofMoney Laundering Act.• 2 March <strong>2002</strong> A Malta-Libya Duty Free Shopping Festival is to be held by the Libyan-MalteseChamber of Commerce in Tripoli, between November 20-29. Chamber Chairman Anthony Micallefsaid that the aim of the festival was to attract Maltese established and new business to the Libyanmarket. More information about participation in the festival may be obtained from the Chamber, tel.21333666, fax 21332734.• 2 March <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said that economic data disproved the doomand gloom message that was being projected by the General Retailers and Traders Union. Prof.Bonnici said that according to the Economic Survey 2001, the economy grew by 5.2 per cent in realterms for the first nine months of last year when one excluded the electronics sector, which wascompletely dependent on the international economic environment.• 3 March <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco urged the young to take an interest in politics. Prof. deMarco was addressing a conference organised by the National Youth Council on the theme Youngpeople and politics – Virtues, defects and influences, at the Corinthia San Gorg Hotel.• 4 March <strong>2002</strong> Home Affairs Minister Tonio Borg said that the Civil Protection Department was notthere to replace voluntary organisations but to assist this sector in its duties. Dr Borg was speakingduring a Civil Protection Department open weekend, at Hal Far.• 4 March <strong>2002</strong> Malta recorded the warmest winter day ever. Meteorologist John Mallia, from the MetOffice at Malta International Airport, said that the maximum temperature at the airport had reached27.7 o Celsius, or 12 degrees above the average for early March.• 5 March <strong>2002</strong> Malta External Trade Corporation Chairman Anthony Diacono called on PresidentGuido de Marco and presented him with the corporation’s new strategic direction for <strong>2002</strong>-2004. Thecorporation’s new strategy includes marketing Malta as a hub for regional trading.• 5 March <strong>2002</strong> Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that the incidence of sexual harassment atthe place of work was low, according to a survey carried out by the Ministry. The problemnevertheless existed and had to be addressed. Dr Gonzi was speaking during the launch of a WhitePaper on Gender Equality that proposes that sexual harassment be considered a criminal act.Suggestions on the White Paper may be e-mailed to: info.msp@<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>• 5 March <strong>2002</strong> Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi told the House Business Committee that thePresident of the European Parliament, Pat Cox, would be visiting Malta, possibly on March 21 and 22.

Dr Gonzi said that the Government was exploring the possibility that Mr Cox would address theMaltese Parliament during his visit.• 5 March <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said that the Malta DevelopmentCorporation last year approved 51 new and expansion projects in the manufacturing sector, involvingan investment of Lm27.3 million and projecting an employment figure of 1,620. Prof. Bonnici wasreplying to a Parliamentary Question.• 5 March <strong>2002</strong> The Chief Executive Officer of the Foundation for Medical Services, EmmanuelAttard, said that the construction of the new hospital at Tal-Qroqq was on target and if all goesaccording to plan it should welcome its first patients by the end of June 2003. Mr Attard wasaddressing the media at an on-site press conference.• 5 March <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Tourism Authority announced that French television channel Escales was tobroadcast four special programmes on Outdoor Malta as part of their popular series Les Yeux del’Aventure. The programmes will present the Maltese Islands as a location for practising outdooractivities such as diving, abseiling, horse riding, and yachting.• 5 March <strong>2002</strong> The British High Commission announced that Captain Angus Sinclair, RN, had beenappointed as the British Defence Adviser to Malta at the High Commission. Capt. Sinclair will beresident in Rome where he is accredited as British Naval Attaché.• 6 March <strong>2002</strong> A research study about young people’s perceptions of issues relating to Malta’s EUaccession process, reveals that EU membership is seen by an absolute majority as offeringopportunities for employment, study, improvement of standards, and better mobility. The projectentitled Y-EU? is a programme of the Youth Studies of the University of Malta, the Malta Associationof Youth Workers, and the Malta-EU Information Centre.• 6 March <strong>2002</strong> InterProgetti, a joint venture between FXB, Fino, and Joinwell, has been awarded thefurniture and joinery contract for the 300-room five-star Corinthia Tripoli Hotel, after an internationalcall for tender submissions. This is the largest such contract ever awarded to a Maltese company.• 6 March <strong>2002</strong> Education Minister Louis Galea said in Parliament that 2,006 students had graduatedfrom the University last year, 1,720 in the year 2000, and 1,978 in 1999. Dr Galea said that accordingto a study by the University’s Advisory Services Unit, of the graduates in 2000, 82 per cent had foundemployment within six months and 15.6 per cent were furthering their studies.• 6 March <strong>2002</strong> Nino Masetti, who is the President of Apistoria, a society interested in the preservationof rural buildings and apiaries, suggested that Maltese ancient apiaries should be preserved andincluded as stops in country walks as an added attraction to visitors. Mr Masetti writes for magazinesin the US, including ‘The American Bee Journal’, about his research and observations.• 7 March <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami returned to Malta after participating in theCommonwealth Summit in Australia. Addressing a press briefing at the VIP lounge of the airport, DrFenech-Adami said that Commonwealth leaders had ended their meeting in Australia by reaffirmingtheir commitment to democratic values and promising to work together in the fight against terrorismand poverty.• 7 March <strong>2002</strong> Local Government Minister Austin Gatt said that the Government plans to invest overLm750,000 in a bid to bridge the digital divide. Dr Gatt said that the Government wanted to makeavailable the services of internet and e-mail to all those persons who wanted to use them as a steppingstone to bring into their reach the benefits of electronic <strong>gov</strong>ernment. Dr Gatt was addressing a newsconference at his office at Auberge de Castille, in Valletta.• 7 March <strong>2002</strong> Health Minister Louis Deguara said that mental health reform was succeeding. In fact,more patients were being integrated into society, and local councils could soon be asked to contributeby offering mental health services in the community for patients from the hospital who were startingthe slow process of re-integration. Dr Deguara was speaking at the opening of the Mixed AdmissionWard at Mount Carmel Hospital.• 7 March <strong>2002</strong> Transport and Communications Minister Censu Galea inaugurated this year’s edition ofthe Motor Fair, at Naxxar. Addressing the press, the Minister said that although the number of cars onour roads was increasing at a rate of 6,000 cars every year, he was against imposing any restrictions on

the importation of cars. Mr Galea mentioned that the Government is implementing a number ofprojects to ease parking problems in heavily congested areas such as Valletta.• 7 March <strong>2002</strong> Sea Malta chairman Marlene Mizzi said that the company would be offering technicaladvice on shipping matters for free to all firms making use of facilities offered by the Institute for thePromotion of Small Enterprise. Ms Mizzi was speaking during a news conference at the company’shead office, in Marsa.• 7 March <strong>2002</strong> The Department of Information announced that it would be publishing the officialresults of the Local Councils elections on its website at www.doi.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong> Local elections are due to beheld in twenty-two towns and villages in Malta and Gozo on Saturday 9 th March.• 8 March <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that the environment was very high on theGovernment’s priority list, but the problem was one related to financing. Dr Fenech-Adami wasinterviewed on Malta’s environmental problems, including the Maghtab landfill and hunting, by BBCWorld television for the programme Europe Direct.• 8 March <strong>2002</strong> Malta was among the applicant countries attending a European Union EnvironmentMinisters’ meeting in Brussels where it was decided that member states should implement the KyotoProtocol on toxic gas emissions. Parliamentary Secretary at the Home Affairs Ministry GeorgePullicino said that Malta had ratified the treaty last November.• 8 March <strong>2002</strong> Apostolic Nuncio Luigi Conti presented President Guido de Marco with a copy of PopeJohn Paul II’s letter to Heads of State and Governments, as well as ‘The Decalogue of Assisi forpeace’. Referring to the situation in the Middle East, President de Marco said that religion could neverbe a weapon for war and terrorism could never help humanity.• 8 March <strong>2002</strong> Parliamentary Secretary for the Care of the Elderly Antoine Mifsud Bonnici announcedthat 100-year-old wards for elderly men and women at St Vincent de Paul Home for the Elderly wouldbe replaced by new and modern accommodation. The project will cost the hospital’s welfarecommittee Lm3 million.• 8 March <strong>2002</strong> Parliamentary Secretary at the Ministry for Home Affairs George Pullicino said that theinstallation of five security cameras in Paceville had helped to reduce vandalism in the locality. Hesaid that the Government was committed to strengthening security in the area, both for visitors andresidents alike. Parliamentary Secretary George Pullicino was speaking during a visit to Paceville.• 8 March <strong>2002</strong> Parliamentary Secretary in the Economic Services Ministry Edwin Vassallo released adocument on the implementation of the European Charter for Small Enterprises, published by theSmall Business Unit. Mr Vassallo said that Malta was aiming to implement the charter, which outlinedthe EU’s policy on the development of a political environment to assist small and medium enterprisesto be sustainable.• 8 March <strong>2002</strong> A study by Prof. Anthony M. Abela on women’s welfare in society calls for greatercollaboration between welfare agencies offering similar services and policies to empower women toreturn and/or continue working. The study was commissioned by the Commission for theAdvancement of Women.• 8 March <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office announced that in the fourth quarter last year investmentin manufacturing declined by Lm8.9 million to Lm7.3 million. In the same quarter of the year 2000 itwas Lm16.2 million.• 9 March <strong>2002</strong> A <strong>gov</strong>ernment statement said that summer time in Malta will, this year, commence at2.00 a.m. of the last Sunday in March, that is on the 31 st March <strong>2002</strong>. It will end at 3.00 a.m. of the lastSunday in October, that is, on the 27 th October <strong>2002</strong>.• 9 March <strong>2002</strong> Ms Simone Vella, Chairman of the Commission for the Advancement of Women,presented the Commission’s annual report to Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami. The ceremonytook place at Auberge de Castille, in Valletta.• 9 March <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco visited female workers at the Bortex clothing factory andreceived female MPs at the Palace. The two visits were held to mark Women’s Day.

• 9 March <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office on the occasion of Women's Day released variousstatistics as salient indicators on women from a demographic point of view and as health careproviders. One statistic shows that life expectancy for women in the year 2000 stood at 80.2 years,whereas that for men was 74.3 years.• 9 March <strong>2002</strong> The Institute of Water Technology launched the Water Wisdom project at the WaterServices Corporation, in Luqa. The €600,000 project is subsidised under the fifth water frameworkdirective of the EU Socrates programme.• 9 March <strong>2002</strong> The latest US State Department report on human rights in Malta last year said thathuman rights were generally respected and the law and the judiciary provided effective means ofdealing with individual instances of abuse. The report notes that, while violence against women was aproblem, and societal discrimination against women persisted, the Government had taken steps toaddress both issues.• 9 March <strong>2002</strong> According to the US Government’s International Narcotics Control Strategy Report for2001, Malta is not a significant player in the production or trafficking of narcotics and does not play alarge role in money laundering. The report says that drug trafficking to Malta and overall drug abuseamong Maltese youth was limited to ‘small, but increasing’ amounts of heroin, cocaine and ecstasy.• 10 March <strong>2002</strong> Alan Vella, who regularly writes on tourism-related topics for The Sunday Times, isthe winner of this year’s Tourism Journalism Award organised by the Ministry of Tourism for thesecond consecutive year. Tourism Minister Michael Refalo presented Mr Vella with a trophy and acheque. Mr Vella has also been given the opportunity to attend the International Tourism Bourse, inBerlin.• 10 March <strong>2002</strong> A survey commissioned by the Malta-EU Information Centre shows that the majorityof those who are aware of the special arrangement agreed between the Maltese Government and theEuropean Union on the acquisition of property in Malta by foreigners, view the deal positively. Thescientific survey, carried out by MISCO, was conducted using a sample of 500 respondents, aged 16and over.• 10 March <strong>2002</strong> British High Commissioner Howard Pearce visited Vodafone Malta's head offices atImsida, as well as the Company’s operations building in Birkirkara. Vodafone Malta Ltd forms part ofthe Vodafone Group, one of the UK’s three largest companies.• 10 March <strong>2002</strong> Malta International Airport has revamped its weather website, accessed through thelink in the main MIA website at www.maltairport.com The greatest innovation of the new site is theintroduction of a five-day forecast.• 11 March <strong>2002</strong> At local council elections in 22 towns and villages in Malta and Gozo, the NationalistParty polled 44.84 per cent, down from 49 per cent, and elected 66 councillors, down from 72 threeyears ago. The Malta Labour Party polled 52.24 per cent, up from 46 in 1999, electing 72 councillorscompared to 61 three years ago. One independent candidate was also elected at Dingli.• 11 March <strong>2002</strong> Spain has invited leaders of candidate EU countries to the European Union summit inBarcelona, to try and involve them more closely with the region’s reform process. Spanish PrimeMinister Jose Maria Aznar sent invitation letters to the leaders of the 13 countries, including Turkey,aspiring to join the 15-nation European Union.• 12 March <strong>2002</strong> Malta followed the example of the European Union and banned the importation ofanimal products from China. The EU in January decided to suspend imports of some Chinese foods,including rabbit meat, crustaceans and frozen shrimps, which experts said contained traces of bannedantibiotic chloramphenicol.• 12 March <strong>2002</strong> An Armed Forces of Malta Islander plane took part along with two Italian searchaircraft and one navy vessel in a rescue mission off Lampedusa after a boat packed with some 70illegal immigrants capsized in rough seas. Only 12 were rescued.• 12 March <strong>2002</strong> An Malta Armed Forces boat joined two other vessels in another rescue and assistanceoperation, this time after a Turkish cargo ship, the MV Camadan, started taking in water 14 nauticalmiles off Malta. American warship USS Vella Gulf was the first to intercept the Mayday call andassisted the Turkish ship by sending in one of its helicopters.

• 13 March <strong>2002</strong> European Commission President Romano Prodi said in an interview in Brussels thatMalta would have a strong voice as an EU member and he could visualise Malta as being among theactive protagonists. Mr Prodi said that it was up to the Maltese people to make up their mind on theissue of membership.• 13 March <strong>2002</strong> The Leader of the House of Representatives, Lawrence Gonzi, informed the HouseBusiness Committee that a planned visit this month by the President of the European Parliament, PatCox, has been postponed to May.• 13 March <strong>2002</strong> The Government has launched its e-payment gateway that will make it possible forpeople to buy and pay for <strong>gov</strong>ernment services through the internet. The e-payment gateway has beenput together with the participation of Bank of Valletta and Maltacom subsidiary Terranet.• 13 March <strong>2002</strong> Eighty-three immigrants from Eritrea, Somalia and Bangladesh were arraigned beforethe Magistrates’ Court in Gozo and convicted of entering the country illegally. Their deportationorders were suspended pending the outcome of applications for refugee status.• 13 March <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Stock Exchange entered into a memorandum of understanding with thePolish Securities and Exchange Commission. The purpose of this memorandum is to encourage andfacilitate co-operation between the MSE and the PSEC in communications, technical expertise,regulatory framework and other matters of mutual interest.• 13 March <strong>2002</strong> Poet Oliver Friggieri addressed the League of Libyan Writers on the topic A crossculturaldialogue through poetry. The Maltese Ambassador to Libya, Richard Vella Laurenti, spokeabout Prof. Friggieri’s literary merits and referred to the need for similar cultural initiatives betweenthe two countries.• 14 March <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami left for Barcelona to take part in the EuropeanCouncil meeting. For the first time, EU candidate countries, including Malta, have been invited to takepart in a working session. Foreign Minister Joe Borg, Finance Minister John Dalli, and the Chairmanof the Core Negotiating Group, Richard Cachia Caruana, accompanied the Prime Minister.• 14 March <strong>2002</strong> US Ambassador Anthony Gioia said that the US Government was looking into theissue over the cancellation of the tax agreement between the US and Malta. The United States hadunilaterally decided to end the tax treaty with Malta in 1996. Mr Gioia was being interviewed by TheTimes newspaper.• 14 March <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco criticised university students for their lack of interest inwhat was happening around them. Prof. de Marco was speaking at the annual general meeting of theUniversity Students’ Representative Council.• 14 March <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg briefed French Senator Lucien Lanier on the negotiatingprocess and said that the Government was hoping to close six more chapters in its negotiations withthe EU by the end of June. Mr Lanier is the French Senate’s rapporteur on Malta’s EU membershipprocess.• 14 March <strong>2002</strong> The delegation of the European Commission has revamped its newsletter and internethomepage. The newsletter, now both in English and Maltese, carries news focusing not only on EUissues in general but also on EU developments in Malta. Subscription to the newsletter may beobtained by contacting the delegation on 21 344891/3/5.• 14 March <strong>2002</strong> The Malta-EU Information Centre is broadcasting daily one-minute information slotsbefore the main news bulletins on various radio stations. MIC officials also participate in programmeson a number of radio stations. In these short interviews, they give explanations about the Malta-EUnegotiations.• 14 March <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg said that the Malta-EU Information Centre last year spentLm142,154 on advertising on television, the newspapers, magazines, radio, the Internet and cinema.Dr Borg was replying to a Parliamentary Question.• 14 March <strong>2002</strong> The Chargé d'Affaires at the Canadian High Commission to Malta in Rome, MalcolmMcKechnie, said that Maltese emigrants to Canada had made a significant contribution to the

development of that country and Canada was grateful for the Maltese contribution. Mr McKechnie wasspeaking during the inauguration of ‘Canada Days & Nights of Malta’, at Valletta.• 15 March <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami took part in a debate of the European People’sParty in Barcelona, which called on the EU to intervene urgently in an attempt to stop the carnage inthe Middle East. The meeting was held on the eve of a European Council meeting.• 15 March <strong>2002</strong> An international consortium made up of K Line and Yang Ming Line has announcedthat it will start using the Malta Freeport as a hub for Eastern and Western Mediterranean. Aspokesman for the Freeport said that the first ship was expected at the Freeport in mid-April.• 15 March <strong>2002</strong> Malta Development Corporation Chairman Lawrence Zammit said that MDC has setup a new investment aftercare unit to provide investment aftercare services to the manufacturing sectorin Malta. Its aims are to support and guide business clients, ‘hand-hold’ new projects, and assess anyenquiries or complaints and take the necessary remedial action.• 15 March <strong>2002</strong> Grand Harbour Marina Limited, owners of the marina element of the CottoneraWaterfront Project, announced the programme for the installation of the new marina and prices for afive-year berth licence for boats up to 15 metres. Grand Harbour Marina Limited is a Maltese companyowned jointly by overseas investors and local companies Cottonera Waterfront Group, V&F Portelli &Sons Ltd., and Portosalvo Holdings Ltd.• 15 March <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo left for Germany heading a delegation for the ITBBerlin, which is Europe’s premier tourism exhibition. Malta Tourism Authority Chairman John C.Grech will join the Minister in Berlin after talks in Hanover with TUI, Germany’s largest touroperating group.• 15 March <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office said that the number of registered unemployed inNovember rose by 245 over the figure for the previous month, pushing the unemployment rate up to5.1 per cent of the labour supply. In November, the gainfully occupied declined by 361or 0.3 per cent,over the previous month to reach 138,204.• 15 March <strong>2002</strong> Bank of Valletta, through its representative office in Canada, sponsored a visit by DunManwel Curmi, director of the Arka Foundation, to the Maltese communities in Canada, Michigan,and San Francisco. During Curmi’s visit, 34,000 Canadian dollars were raised during various fundraising events.• 16 March <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that the EU summit in Barcelona hadconfirmed that the EU was no longer treating candidate countries as applicants, but as future Unionmembers. Dr Fenech-Adami was speaking after addressing fellow European leaders at a workingsession of the European Council.• 16 March <strong>2002</strong> In Barcelona, Foreign Minister Joe Borg attended a meeting for Foreign AffairsMinisters of all member and candidate states. The meeting dealt with the external dimension of theLisbon strategy and focused in particular on the economic, social and environmental dimensions.• 16 March <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli attended a meeting for Finance and Economy Ministers,in Barcelona. The meeting focused on the modernisation of the labour market; the development of thefinancial markets; and the liberalisation of certain sectors of the economy, concentrating in particularon the network agencies.• 16 March <strong>2002</strong> European Parliament President Pat Cox described the planned enlargement of theEuropean Union as politically irreversible and said that the matter was Parliament’s first priority. InBarcelona, Mr Cox told The Times newspaper that, given Malta’s relative scale, and subject to its ownnational preference, Malta would be among the first applicant countries to become member of the EU.• 16 March <strong>2002</strong> Communications Minister Censu Galea said that the Malta CommunicationAuthority’s role as regulator would reach its full potential when the market was fully liberalised at theend of this year. Mr Galea was addressing a Staff Development Organisation conference on Managingthe transition from a department of <strong>gov</strong>ernment to a regulator.• 16 March <strong>2002</strong> Ray Bugeja, Secretary of the Kooperattiva Nazzjonali tas-Sajd announced thatagreement had been reached in principle with Italian fishermen on how fishermen should operate at

sea in order to avoid clashes such as those that occurred at sea over tuna last year. The agreement, saidMr Bugeja, allows space for everyone to work without hindering other parties.• 16 March <strong>2002</strong> Justice Minister Austin Gatt said that, in the coming weeks, the Government would beissuing a call for proposals from private companies interested in providing e-<strong>gov</strong>ernment services. TheMinister said that the Government wanted to create synergy between all the sectors so that the countrywould have an excellent information society. Dr Gatt was speaking during a visit to computer softwareand systems company Megabyte, at Mosta Technopark.• 16 March <strong>2002</strong> Parliamentary Secretary in the Economic Affairs Ministry Edwin Vassallo said thatthe Government recognised that time meant money for Business. Mr Vassallo was speaking at thelaunch of a new system of ‘business-friendly’ application forms that would be processed within legallyfixed time- limits.• 16 March <strong>2002</strong> According to figures released by the National Statistics Office, the most frequentedplaces that come under the control of the Museums Department are the monuments and archaeologicalsites. In 2000, these garnered 35.2 per cent of all individual admissions, while the archaeology andhistory museums received 22.2 per cent.• 16 March <strong>2002</strong> Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti launched an exhibition on Antique Furniture in Malta.The exhibition, being held at St James Cavalier in Valletta, features around 120 pieces of Malta’sfinest antique furniture, mostly loaned by private collectors.• 17 March <strong>2002</strong> Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen told The Sunday Times newspaperthat the European Commission is to release a progress report about the candidate countries two weeksbefore an EU summit in October. The report would pinpoint those countries set to join the EuropeanUnion in the next enlargement. Mr Rasmussen was speaking at the end of the two-day EuropeanCouncil in Barcelona.• 18 March <strong>2002</strong> The European Commission is expected to recruit lawyers from all the candidatecountries that have the potential to be included in the next enlargement, scheduled for 2004. As part ofthis effort it is expected to recruit three Maltese lawyers to assist the EU legal service team in its workas part of Malta’s accession process. The successful applicants will become the first Maltese workingin the heart of the EU, in Brussels.• 18 March <strong>2002</strong> Government MP Mario Galea returned to Malta from Zimbabwe, where he formedpart of a Commonwealth elections-monitoring team. Mr Galea said upon his return to Malta that theCommonwealth team did not view the elections as having been free or fair. He said that he now hopesthat the international community would immediately take action against President Mugabe and imposesanctions against Zimbabwe.• 18 March <strong>2002</strong> Minimum health and safety requirements for workplaces have been issued in a legalnotice by the Minister for Social Policy in consultation with the Occupational Health and SafetyAuthority. The regulations come into force immediately with regard to new places of work, and onJanuary 1 of 2003 for workplaces already in use.• 19 March <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco criticised the violence of anti-globalisation protesters andtold youths that there was nothing more irrelevant than being a rebel without a cause. Prof. de Marcowas delivering the opening speech of the Aiesec International Presidents’ meeting, held in Malta.• 19 March <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo said that, notwithstanding the difficult times in thetourism industry following September 11, there have been only relatively few discharges from fulltimeemployment in the industry. Dr Refalo was speaking at the second meeting of the TourismRecovery Committee, in Berlin. The committee is hosted by the World Tourism Organisation.• 19 March <strong>2002</strong> The Housing Authority announced the installation of the first lift, in a Floriana<strong>gov</strong>ernment block, as part of its lift-installation programme that started two years ago. Social WelfareMinister Lawrence Gonzi said that, for this financial year, the Housing Authority had voted thesubstantial amount of Lm730,000 towards the installation of 54 lifts, with each lift costing aboutLm13,500.

• 19 March <strong>2002</strong> A Legal Notice that will come into force by the end of April will permit late-nightshopping on three days of the week. Shops will be allowed to stay open until 10 p.m. on Thursdays,Fridays and Saturdays as from May without the need for a licence.• 19 March <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office said that the number of mobile phone subscriptions roseby 171 per cent between September 2000 and September 2001. In September 2001, 50.1 per cent ofthe total population owned a mobile phone.• 19 March <strong>2002</strong> A wall forming part of the podium of a Roman temple to the god Apollo wasunearthed at Mdina. The archaeological discovery is the most important one made so far in the oldcapital.• 20 March <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco said that before the time came to relinquish his term ofoffice as President, he hoped to set up an organisation of volunteers to spring into action when theneed to express solidarity arose, locally or overseas. President de Marco was speaking at St JosephHome, in Hamrun, where he met some 200 employees from various firms who spent the day of thefeast of St Joseph the Worker doing voluntary work in homes in Malta and Gozo.• 20 March <strong>2002</strong> The daughter of the late Mayor Joe Cassar inaugurated new council offices at Zurrieq.Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami, who was present at the inauguration, said that Joe Cassarshould be looked upon as a role model for mayors. Dr Fenech-Adami said that Cassar believed that,once elected, councillors had to unite to serve the community that voted them into office. More praisewas showered on Mr Cassar by Local Government Minister Austin Gatt, Labour spokesman on localcouncils Charles Mangion, and Zurrieq Mayor Antonia Farrugia.• 20 March <strong>2002</strong> Home Affairs Minister Tonio Borg said that Malta would have no problem adopting aCouncil of Europe protocol banning the death penalty in all circumstances. The Committee ofMinisters of the Council of Europe has just adopted a text banning the death penalty in allcircumstances, including crimes committed in times of war and imminent threat of war. Thetext will be opened for signature to all member states on May 3, <strong>2002</strong> when the Committee ofMinisters meets in Vilnius.• 20 March <strong>2002</strong> The organising committee of the Song for Europe Festival launched the video and CDof Ira Losco’s song 7 th Wonder. Ira Losco will be representing Malta at the Eurovision Song Contest inEstonia on May 25. It is expected that the video would be seen by around 100 million televisionviewers spread over Europe.• 21 March <strong>2002</strong> The House of Representatives rose for its Easter recess. Leader of the HouseLawrence Gonzi augured a Happy Easter to all. Speaker Anton Tabone and Opposition Whip JoeMizzi reciprocated the greetings. The House will reconvene on April 9.• 21 March <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg had talks with the European Commissioner responsible forEnlargement, Gunter Verheugen, in Brussels. The meeting focussed on Malta’s EU accession processwhere specific attention was given to the chapters of the acquis still under negotiation. During thetalks, Foreign Minister Joe Borg was accompanied by the Chairman of the Core Negotiating Group,Richard Cachia Caruana.• 21 March <strong>2002</strong> A Lm100,000 sponsorship by Maltacom was signed with the e-Malta Commission.The sponsorship agreement, covering the next two years, will assist the marketing campaign by the e-Malta Commission in its bid to encourage a wider use of the internet and e-mail communication by allsectors of the population. The signing of the agreement was attended by Justice and Local GovernmentMinister Austin Gatt.• 21 March <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici took part in the EUROMED Conference ofTrade Ministers from the EU and the Mediterranean Counties in Toledo, Spain. The meeting discusseda number of initiatives to increase trade and investment flows in the Mediterranean region, both withreference to the EU countries as well as between the Mediterranean countries themselves.• 21 March <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo was unanimously elected to chair the WorldTourism Organisation’s Task Force on ‘Destination Management’, at the conclusion of its firstmeeting convened on the 17 th March under the Presidency of WTO Secretary General FrancescoFrangialli, in Berlin. The meeting was called to discuss and find ways to assist destinations solvecommon problems.

• 21 March <strong>2002</strong> Agreement in principle has been reached for ITS students to spend their one-yearindustrial working placement in Kempinski hotels around Europe. Agreement followed a meeting atITB Berlin between Tourism Minister Michael Refalo and representatives of Germany’s largest hotelchain.• 21 March <strong>2002</strong> Malta Tourism Authority Chairman John C. Grech launched the state of the art, userfriendly,German language edition of the Authority’s website visitmalta.com, at the Malta stand attourism fair ITB, in Berlin. Dr. Grech took his invited audience of travel writers and journaliststhrough the various innovative features of Malta’s tourism website, stressing that it complemented andcompleted the Authority’s communication strategy for the German tourist market.• 21 March <strong>2002</strong> Malta External Trade Corporation Chairman Anthony Diacono said that, over the lasteight months, membership at METCO’s Libya Office had doubled. Apart from assisting Maltese firmson a daily basis in conducting business in Libya, the office also organises a number of events,including mini trade missions.• 21 March <strong>2002</strong> The Government announced the issue of Lm20.2 million 5.9 per cent MaltaGovernment Stock 2015 (Second Issue) in terms of the Malta Stock Exchange Act. Interest at the rateof Lm2.95 for every Lm100 stock would be payable half-yearly in arrears on April 9 and October 9 inevery year for the duration of the stock.• 21 March <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office said that early estimates of Malta’s balance of paymentsstatement for 2001 reveal a substantial contraction in the current account deficit of Lm151.8 million,from a net negative balance of Lm232.7 million during 2000, to one of Lm80.9 million. Generatingthis outcome in Malta's international economic and financial transactions were invariably a series offavourable shifts in the goods, services and income accounts of the statement, the NSO said.• 21 March <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Export Interactive Directory, a guide to Maltese companies and theirproducts and services, has just been launched by Awesome Interactive.• 22 March <strong>2002</strong> The Chairman of the Core Negotiation Group, Richard Cachia Caruana, said thatMalta was making preparations so that it would be able to handle any rise in demand for visas. Uponaccession, Malta’s harbours and airport would become the southernmost external border of theEuropean Union; by that time, therefore, Malta’s visa requirements had to be the same as those for therest of the EU. Mr Cachia Caruana was addressing a meeting of the EU accession conference, inBrussels.• 22 March <strong>2002</strong> Government MP Michael Frendo said that the choice the EU faced was not betweenEuropean Federalism and a Europe of Nations. Calling on members not to take a dogmatic attitude, DrFrendo said that Europe had been a success because it had not made a straight choice between the tworoads. Dr Frendo was addressing the Convention on the Future of Europe.• 22 March <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg said that the Government believed Malta would enrich theMediterranean dimension of the European Union and contribute to the building of ever-strongerpolitical, commercial, and cultural bridges to the Union’s Mediterranean partners. Dr Borg wasaddressing the Wilton Park Conference on Enlarging the European Union, in Sofia.• 22 March <strong>2002</strong> A total of 139 newly elected Councillors from 23 localities were sworn in during twoseparate ceremonies at Auberge de Castille, in Valletta. The ceremonies were presided over by LocalGovernment Minister Austin Gatt.• 22 March <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office announced that tourist arrivals last year dropped by35,568, or 2.9 per cent, to 1,180,145 from 1,215,713 in the previous year. The Office said that earningsfrom tourism were estimated at Lm260.7 million, a drop of Lm7.4 million over the year 2000.• 22 March <strong>2002</strong> Infrastructure Minister Francis Zammit Dimech said that preparations by the VisetConsortium for the building of cruise liner and sea passenger terminals in Grand Harbour was ahead ofschedule. The Minister was speaking during a visit to the site, near Crucifix Wharf.• 22 March <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Tourism Authority quoted French newspaper La Dêphece du Midi asdescribing Malta as ‘one of the most promising destinations for French visitors this summer’.

• 23 March <strong>2002</strong> Prof. Rev Peter Serracino Inglott, the Government’s delegate at the EuropeanConvention, presented the idea of multi-level networking as a third way that was more creative thanthe standard Federalism or Inter-<strong>gov</strong>ernmentalism. Prof. Serracino Inglott was speaking during thesecond session of the Convention.• 23 March <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli said that, in Malta, political stability, soundmacroeconomic policies, and a well-educated and skilful workforce had proved to be the basicelements for the promotion of sustainable development. Mr Dalli was speaking at the internationalconference on Financing for Development, in Monterrey, Mexico.• 23 March <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Tourism Authority announced that the Authority is to establish arepresentative office in Beijing in recognition of the potential for tourism from China. MTA’s activityin China follows the opening of the market as a result of an agreement signed by Tourism MinisterMichael Refalo and his Chinese counterpart Mr He in late 2000.• 23 March <strong>2002</strong> Mixables, an HSBC Young Enterprise company representing the Junior College,placed second in the Best Overall Company Award at the European Trade Fair held this year inGateshead, Newcastle. Xpertease, another Maltese company, also achieved considerable success byplacing second in the International Award.• 24 March <strong>2002</strong> Home Affairs Minister Tonio Borg met his Italian counterpart Claudio Scajola inRome to discuss the present wave of illegal immigrants in the Mediterranean, and how both countriescould strengthen their co-operation in this field. Dr Borg said that Italy was prepared to discuss detailsof how the two countries could start to share fingerprint records of illegal immigrants.• 24 March <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said that work on the new Gozo Channelvessel took three times the time it would have taken in any other shipyard. Minister Bonnici wasspeaking during the inauguration of the MV Malita, at Mgarr, Gozo.• 24 March <strong>2002</strong> A spokesman for the Ministry of Social Policy said that the Government had askedformer Central Bank Deputy Governor Henry Degabriele to take stock of the work carried out by theGaldes Commission on welfare reform. The spokesman said that, before appointing a new chairman,the Government would be waiting for the stocktaking report.• 24 March <strong>2002</strong> National heritage association Din l-Art Helwa received the prestigious Europa NostraMedal of Honour for its restoration of the Msida Bastion Cemetery. The award was received by Din l-Art Helwa’s founder-President, Judge Maurice Caruana Curran, and by the project’s team leaders, Drand Mrs Alexander Welsh, in Copenhagen.• 25 March <strong>2002</strong> Education Minister Louis Galea said that he felt compelled to set up the NationalBook Council with the specific intention of promoting books in an effective manner. Dr Galea wascommenting on the findings of a National Statistics Office survey on reading habits that showed that56 per cent of respondents had not read a single book, and 44 per cent had not read a magazine, duringa 12-month period.• 25 March <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo said that incentive travel was gradually regaininglost ground and it was hoped that the momentum of recovery would accelerate. Dr Refalo waspresiding over the opening ceremony of the annual conference of the New York-based Society ofIncentive and Travel Executives.• 25 March <strong>2002</strong> Shipyards Chairman John Cassar White said that, unless certain outdated workpractices were done away with, it would be impossible for the ’yards to compete. Mr Cassar Whitewas being interviewed by The Times newspaper, following the inauguration of the Gozo Channelvessel MV Malita.• 25 March <strong>2002</strong> Mr George Carbone and Mr Randall Caruana from the Viticulture and Oenology Unitwithin the Department of Agriculture took part in a meeting of experts from the Office of the Vine andWine, in Paris. OIV is an international organisation that contributes to the international harmonisationof practices and norms to improve the trade conditions in the vine and wine sectors.• 26 March <strong>2002</strong> A <strong>gov</strong>ernment statement says that, in the run-up to the Summit of the Arab Leaguescheduled to take place in Beirut on 27 and 28 March, the Maltese Government expresses its firmsupport for the participation of Palestinian Leader Yasser Arafat at this important event. It maintains

that this is a unique opportunity to pursue a just and comprehensive solution to the present conflict,starting with the urgent implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1397.• 26 March <strong>2002</strong> Suret il-Bniedem Chairman Joe Gerada said that a new centre for the homeless inValletta would be welcoming its first guests by July. Details about the initiative were given during apress tour for which Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi and the Opposition spokesperson onsocial affairs, Marie Louise Coleiro, were present.• 26 March <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli announced that the Government would soon be setting upa new Lotteries and Gaming Authority. The authority would, for the first time, be a one-stopregulatory centre for the sector, both for land-based and for on-line operations. Mr Dalli wasdelivering the opening address at the On-line Gaming from Malta Conference, organised byEuropAdvise Ltd.• 26 March <strong>2002</strong> Transport Minister Censu Galea said that speed cameras will start operating in thecoming weeks, following a public announcement on where they would be positioned. Mr Galea saidthat the primary aim of the cameras was to deter speeding rather than to fine people.• 26 March <strong>2002</strong> According to figures released by the National Statistics Office, in the first month ofthis year, total exports declined by Lm16.1 million to Lm64.3 million from Lm80.4 million last year.In January this year, total imports dropped by Lm21.5 million when compared to the same month lastyear and reached Lm88.5 million. This reduced the visible trade gap to Lm24.2 million, from Lm29.6million last year.• 26 March <strong>2002</strong> An advertisement in last Sunday’s edition of the influential British newspaper TheObserver calls for a boycott of Malta and Cyprus as holiday destinations. The advertisement wassubmitted by environment organisation Restore UK in protest against the two countries’ huntingreputation.• 26 March <strong>2002</strong> Maltacom Chairman Maurice Zarb Adami announced that subsidiary companyTerranet had reached an agreement with SearchEurope.com to acquire the search-engine websitewww.searchmalta.com Mr Zarb Adami said that the website would be added to Terranet’s expandingportfolio of content services, which already includes the portal www.di-ve.com• 26 March <strong>2002</strong> Maltese High Commissioner in Australia Ives de Barro and Mrs de Barro were theguests of honour at the annual Royal Commonwealth Society dinner in Canberra on CommonwealthDay.• 26 March <strong>2002</strong> The Chamber of Commerce has published the <strong>2002</strong> edition of the Malta TradeDirectory. The 36th edition of the directory contains a wide range of information on privatecompanies, organisations, embassies and consulates, as well as <strong>gov</strong>ernment ministries. The publicationalso provides information on the various sectors, such as banking, insurance, and shipping, representedby the Chamber of Commerce.• 27 March <strong>2002</strong> The Government published a White Paper on the keeping and carrying of firearms andother weapons. Speaking at a news conference, Home Affairs Minister Tonio Borg said that theGovernment planned to come down strongly on those who did not adhere to the regulations.• 27 March <strong>2002</strong> According to figures released by the National Statistics Office, the rate of inflation inFebruary stood at 3.48 per cent. In February 2001it stood at 2.01 per cent.• 27 March <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Development Corporation co-sponsored a promotional seminar inWashington as part of the ongoing investment promotion activities being carried out in the UnitedStates. Malta’s Ambassador to the US George Saliba and MDC overseas representative PaulaCalamatta attended on behalf of the MDC.• 27 March <strong>2002</strong> Culture Minister Louis Galea urged the Malta Centre for Restoration to share itsinfrastructure with its Euro-Mediterranean partners. Minister Galea was addressing the first steeringcommittee meeting of the IKONOS Project Consortium, held at the Centre.• 27 March <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Communications Authority and the Internet Service Providers Sub-Sectionof the Malta Chamber of Commerce jointly launched the first code of practice for internet serviceproviders, at the Radisson SAS Baypoint Resort, in St George’s Bay. The code lays down ethical and

professional standards. It reassures users of a certain standard of service, data privacy, and adequatelevels of service quality, and outlines a means of redress in the eventuality of dispute.• 28 March <strong>2002</strong> The Government of Malta aligned itself with the statement delivered by Spain onbehalf of the European Union at the UN Human Rights Commission on agenda item 8, entitled ‘TheQuestion of the Violation of Human Rights in the Occupied Arab Territories, including Palestine’.Inter alia, Spain reiterated the conviction that there can be no military solution to the conflict inPalestine and strongly called for the immediate cessation of all acts of violence.• 28 March <strong>2002</strong> The Government’s representative on the Convention on the Future of Europe, Rev.Prof. Peter Serracino Inglott, said that there seemed to be consensus among representatives that Europeshould not become a single state. Prof. Serracino Inglott was speaking during a public debate on thefuture of Europe organised by the Malta-EU Information Centre.• 28 March <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office said that, over the previous year, Malta’s grossdomestic product for 2001 increased nominally by Lm60 million, or 3.9 per cent, to Lm1,618.4million. In real terms, said the NSO, the GDP went down by Lm14.7 million, or one per cent.• 28 March <strong>2002</strong> The Economic Services Ministry said that a rebound in the economy was to beexpected in the light of its underlying state and indications that world demand would pick up.Commenting about Malta’s economic performance in 2001, the Ministry said that that the effects ofthe sluggish performance in the world economy were limited mainly to the electronics sub-sector,along with the post-September 11 impact on the tourist industry.• 28 March <strong>2002</strong> The Museums Department is participating in an international initiative, Printemps DesMusees, aimed at promoting visitor attendance to museums and archaeological sites. The Departmentwill be participating in this event by providing free entry to 17 archaeological sites and museums to allvisitors, both local and foreign, on Sunday 7 th April <strong>2002</strong>.• 28 March <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Tourism Authority participated in ITB, the annual travel fair held in Berlin.The Authority said that Malta was one of the destinations showing a good rate of demand. This waspartly due to its marketing and promotion campaign in Germany, the Authority said.• 28 March <strong>2002</strong> A statement issued by Malta Drydocks announced that the US-owned drilling rigActinia had entered the ’yard for routine repairs prior to deployment in the Mediterranean. The rig wasexpected to be at the ’yard for about five weeks.• 28 March <strong>2002</strong> Malta’s prehistoric temples were featured in a seven-page article with colourfulphotos in the March <strong>2002</strong> issue of Emirates Inflight magazine. The article, in the Arabic language witha summary in English, focused on the major temple sites. Emirates Inflight magazine is distributed onEmirates’ fleet of 38 aircraft which serve 56 cities in 39 countries.• 30 March <strong>2002</strong> A report on the state of enlargement tabled in the European Parliament ForeignAffairs Committee recommends that the Government should intensify its efforts to abolish theremaining price controls and press ahead more actively with the restructuring of public utilities andloss-making state enterprises. The report focuses on the state of the enlargement negotiations with the12 candidate countries.• 30 March <strong>2002</strong> The European Commission delegation to Malta stated that, in preparation for the EU’senlargement, the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre was opening up its activities andlaboratories to the candidate countries.• 30 March <strong>2002</strong> Chief Justice (Emeritus) Joseph Said Pullicino was appointed Chairman of theBroadcasting Authority for the next three years. Dr Reno Borg, Mr Antoine Ellul, Dr Joseph PaceAsciak, and Ms Rose Sciberras are members.• 30 March <strong>2002</strong> Security printers De La Rue are to invest some Lm4.5 million in a plan to step upproduction at their Malta plant. De La Rue also plans to raise the workforce by up to 120 employees.Commenting on the company’s expansion programme, Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici saidthat the development was a vote of confidence in Malta.• 30 March <strong>2002</strong> Maurice de Giorgio, Chairman of The Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti, said that theexhibition of antique furniture in Malta organised by Fondazzjoni featured 120 pieces of Malta’s best

examples of seventeenth and eighteenth century furniture, accompanied by fine paintings of the sameperiod. The exhibition is being held at St James Cavalier until April 14.• 30 March <strong>2002</strong> Malta Tourism Authority Chairman John C. Grech said in an interview that he wasexpecting the local tourism market to fully recover from the September 11 attacks by the end of thisyear. Dr Grech warned, however, that Malta’s tourism was likely to be affected should largecompeting countries like Spain and Tunisia drastically slash prices.• 31 March <strong>2002</strong> Government MP Dolores Cristina, Chair of the Parliamentary Foreign Affairscommittee, chaired a seminar on Opportunities for Women in an enlarged Europe, organised by theNational Council of Women, at Sliema. The seminar brought together representatives of nationalcouncils of women from all over Europe and from a wide spectrum of local organisations.• 31 March <strong>2002</strong> In a statement, the Maltese Government said that it had followed with deeppreoccupation the serious escalation in the situation in the Middle East over the previous three days. Iturged the Israeli Government to withdraw from Palestinian cities and called on Israelis andPalestinians to do all that was within their power to defuse tension.• 31 March <strong>2002</strong> Government MP Michael Frendo, one of Malta’s members at the EuropeanConvention on the Future of Europe, launched a website and online interactive forum on the Future ofEurope Convention. The website, which is a personal initiative of Dr Frendo, has the domain namewww.futureofeurope.info.• 31 March <strong>2002</strong> The <strong>2002</strong> World Telecommunication Development Conference elected Malta to Chairthe Gender Issues Committee and to form part of the steering committee of the World Conference. TheConference was inaugurated in Istanbul by the President of Turkey, Ahmet Necdet Sezer, in thepresence of 60 ministers from all over the world and more than 1,200 delegates.• 31 March <strong>2002</strong> Members of the Palestinian community in Malta gathered in Valletta to call for animmediate stop to the bloodshed in their homeland. They condemned Israel’s siege of PalestinianPresident Yasser Arafat’s headquarters in Ramallah and called for peace.• 31 March <strong>2002</strong> Gozo Channel General Manager Marvic Fenech Adami said that, following thecommission of the three new boats, Gozo Channel had managed to reduce waiting time and becomemore cost-effective. In fact, though the number of cars ferried to Gozo for the Easter period hadincreased by 200 over last year, Gozo Channel had made 20 per cent fewer trips.• 31 March <strong>2002</strong> Resource and Infrastructure Minister Francis Zammit Dimech said in a statement thatthe Casinò Municipale di Venezia was interested in investing in the construction of a large hotel nextto the casino in Vittoriosa to increase the tourism potential in Cottonera. Concrete proposals for thehotel investment had already been presented and the Maltese side was expected to give its reactions tothe proposals in the coming days.April• 1 April <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco and Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami placed wreaths atthe foot of the Freedom Monument in Vittoriosa to mark Freedom Day. During the ceremony,protestors from Moviment Graffitti, Azzjoni Pozittiva, and UK organisation People Not Profitdemonstrated against the presence of warships in Malta.• 1 April <strong>2002</strong> A report by the Department of Industrial and Employment Relations shows that 14industrial actions had cost the country almost 2,800 working days last year. The report was drawn upby Department Director Frank Pullicino.• 1 April <strong>2002</strong> Maltacom announced that it was introducing a new service for subscribers, enablingcallers to leave messages when the person they are calling was out or had a busy line. The service,PhoneMail, is being offered free of charge, and will not require the installation of any new equipment.• 1 April <strong>2002</strong> Senglea won this year’s March 31 regatta Open Shield. The Under 23 Shield was wonfor the first time by Marsamxett.

• 2 April <strong>2002</strong> Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat appealed to President Guido de Marco to urge theUnited Nations to send international observers to protect the Palestinians. The appeal was made in aletter delivered to the Palace by Palestinian Ambassador Awad Yakhlef.• 2 April <strong>2002</strong> The Government announced that, as from the third week of April, commercial outlets ofa certain size and in certain tourist areas selling grocery items would be permitted to trade on Sundays.The limited liberalisation follows the green light given just days ago to late-night shopping on one dayof the week.• 2 April <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Tourism Authority launched a photographic competition with the themeTourism and the natural environment. The initiative is part of a programme of activities being coordinatedby the Ministry of Tourism on the occasion of the International Year of EcoTourism.• 2 April <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office is carrying out a survey on the type and quality ofdomestic waste generated by Maltese households. 400 households are being asked to place their wastein garbage bags supplied by the office.• 3 April <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg stressed that the Government was flexible over the removal oflevies on agricultural products. Dr Borg was speaking in meetings he had, together with FinanceMinister John Dalli, Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici, and Agriculture Minister NinuZammit, with representatives of different sectors of the agriculture industry over the Special marketpolicy programme for Maltese agriculture which Malta is negotiating with the EU.• 3 April <strong>2002</strong> The Representatives of the Parties to the Conference of the Security and Co-operationwithin the Inter Parliamentary Union adopted by consensus an Instrument based on a Malteseparliamentary initiative for the setting up, in the long run, of a Parliamentary Assembly ofMediterranean States. The CSCM is made up of all the coastal states of the Mediterranean.• 3 April <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco, together with around 200 members of the public, signed thebook of condolence for the late Queen Mother at the British High Commission, in Floriana. Prof. deMarco also sent a letter of condolences to Queen Elizabeth II on behalf of the Government and peopleof Malta.• 3 April <strong>2002</strong> Italian experts, with the help of the Restoration Unit within the Resources andInfrastructure Ministry, started restoring the stonework of the Advanced Gate, the main gate intoCouvre Porte, in Vittoriosa. The restoration work is being supervised by architect Herman Bonnici.• 3 April <strong>2002</strong> MIDI Consortium Chairman Albert Mizzi announced that the consortium had startedrestoration work on Fort Manoel and the 18th century baroque chapel of St Anthony of Padua that isintended to restore the two historical landmarks to their former beauty. Resources and InfrastructureMinister Francis Zammit Dimech toured the area to see the works in progress.• 3 April <strong>2002</strong> A ship entered Malta Shipbuilding for the first repair job to be carried out there. Thecontract was negotiated and signed by Malta Drydocks and the work was assigned to the shipbuilding’yard within the framework of close co-operation between the two ’yards.• 3 April <strong>2002</strong> Local Government Minister Austin Gatt and Parliamentary Secretary Jesmond Mugliettattended the launch by Alert Communications Ltd of the first edition of the Youth for Internet awards.The aim of the competition is to provide young people with an incentive to come up with innovativeideas relating to the use of the internet in business and society.• 3 April <strong>2002</strong> The German-Maltese Circle announced the death, at the age of 87, of Horst Hauthal,Ambassador of Germany to Malta between 1976 and 1978. During his term of office in Malta, DrHauthal was involved in the promotion of cultural activities and in the enhancement of the German-Maltese Circle’s library and German language courses.• 4 April <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami told Leader of the Opposition Alfred Sant that, inhis view, the Malta-EU Information Centre was scrupulously fulfilling its mandate not to enter intopolitical controversy. Dr Fenech-Adami made the statement in a letter to the Opposition Leader, inreply to Dr Sant’s recent declaration of lack of confidence in the Broadcasting Authority over MICprogrammes.

• 4 April <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco told former German Foreign Minister Hans Dietrich Genscherthat Malta would continue to push the idea that there could be no security in Europe without securityin the Mediterranean. Mr Genscher, who was on a private visit, paid an official visit on the President.• 4 April <strong>2002</strong> Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Education Jesmond Mugliett representedMalta in the first meeting of the multinational panel on innovation policy for candidate countries, heldin Luxembourg. Mr Mugliett highlighted a number of examples of innovation in Malta, such as theconcept of e-<strong>gov</strong>ernment and in the field of telecommunications.• 4 April <strong>2002</strong> Resources and Infrastructure Minister Francis Zammit Dimech said that 23 of the 56measures that had to be completed by 2005, according to the strategy launched last October, were to beimplemented this year. These included plans for development of two new landfills. Dr ZammitDimech was addressing a press conference.• 4 April <strong>2002</strong> Agreement was reached between Government, represented by the ParliamentarySecretary in the Economic Services Ministry Edwin Vassallo, and the tenants of the Ta’ Qali craftsvillage for the development of a new-look village. The tenants would be given an option onconstructing their new outlet or taking on a site on emphytheusis.• 4 April <strong>2002</strong> An exhibition on the achievements of Czech President Václav Havel was held at theChamber of Commerce, in Valletta. The display was meant to tie-in with Havel’s forthcoming statevisit to Malta.• 5 April <strong>2002</strong> The Government aligned itself with the statement delivered by Spain on behalf of theEuropean Union on the situation in the Middle East. The EU Presidency had expressed dismay at the‘seemingly unending spiral of death, destruction, revenge and reprisal’ in the Middle East.• 5 April <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg highlighted Malta’s role as an international financial andshipping centre. Dr Borg, who was on an official visit in Hamburg, was addressing members of theAnglo-German Club.• 5 April <strong>2002</strong> Justice Minister Austin Gatt quoted the first statistical report on law-suits to show thatthat the strategy adopted to tackle the backlog of pending civil court cases was proving to besuccessful. The Courts of Justice 2001 analyses data relative to the various courts, and carries the firsteveranalysis of pending cases.• 5 April <strong>2002</strong> Prim Minister Edward Fenech-Adami visited the University’s Department of ElectricalPower and Control Engineering. The department is developing an electric car. Dr Fenech-Adami alsovisited the University Sports Hall and the new Cottonera Sports Complex.• 5 April <strong>2002</strong> The Government received applications for more than double the amount offered in thestocks issue announced on March 18, and applications stopped one day earlier. The stocks issue wasfor Lm20.2 million and the Treasury received 5,615 applications for an amount of Lm50.6 million.• 5 April <strong>2002</strong> Mr Paul Galea, who is the Malta Tourism Authority marketing and promotion Director,announced that the MTA planned to open an office within the Maltese Embassy in Beijing in the nexttwo months. MTA is aiming to capitalise on the Chinese Government’s decision to designate Malta asone of its exclusive tourist destinations and is aiming to woo an annual 25,000 Chinese tourists toMalta, within the next five years.• 5 April <strong>2002</strong> Air Malta Group general manager Joe Cappello said that the Maltese outgoing travelmarket was slowly showing signs of recovery following a slump of 40 per cent in the monthsfollowing September 11. Mr Cappello was speaking at the launch of the ninth Air Malta’s internationaltravel exhibition AMITEX.• 5 April <strong>2002</strong> The telecommunications system in Valletta is being replaced in a project estimated tocost between Lm2.5 million and Lm3 million. Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici, MaltacomChairman Maurice Zarb Adami, and Valletta Mayor Paul Borg Olivier visited some of the sites wherework is underway.• 6 April <strong>2002</strong> A parliamentary delegation led by Government MP Anthony Abela, and comprising ofOpposition MPs Michael Farrugia and Rita Law, attended the 33 rd Commonwealth ParliamentaryConference of the British Isles and Mediterranean Region. Government MP Mario Galea, who is

Regional Representative and member of the Executive Committee of the CommonwealthParliamentary Association, also participated.• 6 April <strong>2002</strong> Tug Malta Chairman John Sullivan announced that the company had posted a profit ofLm395,000 before tax in the year ending September 30, 2001. Mr Sullivan warned the companygeneral meeting, however, that the company would not be able to make the substantial investmentrequired to upgrade its tugs unless its profitability improved.• 6 April <strong>2002</strong> EU enlargement Commissioner Guenter Verheugen said that the European Union wouldsign accession treaties with up to 10 applicant countries early next year. Mr Verheugen said that EUexpansion would probably go ahead by mid-2004, but could still be delayed by rows over costs andfuture farm polices, as well as shaky support for membership in some candidate states.• 6 April <strong>2002</strong> Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that history had proven the Governmentright in many important choices. The choice to be made at this period in time on membership of theEU had to be another wise one that enjoyed the people’s full confidence. Dr Gonzi was addressing theParty’s general congress.• 6 April <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg stated that Malta’s membership of the EU would bring hugebenefits to Malta, including higher environmental standards, better consumer protection, support inmodernising Malta’s infrastructure, better social protection, access to huge markets in the EU, andmuch more. Dr Borg was delivering a speech to the Catholic Academy in Hamburg, entitled Malta onthe way to the European Union.• 6 April <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli stressed the importance for Malta to be continually on thealert for developments in the financial environment to ensure that the international standards achievedto date would be maintained. Mr Dalli was addressing an international conference on the subject ofcorporate <strong>gov</strong>ernance, organised by the Malta Stock Exchange.• 6 April <strong>2002</strong> Health Minister Louis Deguara announced that the new Tobacco Bill, which is expectedto be presented in Parliament next month, proposes that the legal age-limit for smoking be raised to 18from the present legal age of 16. Dr Deguara was speaking during the launch of the fifth Quit and Wincompetition organised by the Health Promotion Department.• 7 April <strong>2002</strong> Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Education Jesmond Mugliett launched theYouth Community Internet Portal as part of the Youthnet programme. The portal is to give access toall youth organisations in Malta, not only to create and maintain their own websites, but also to carryout web-streaming of all their activities.• 7 April <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami, Opposition Leader Alfred Sant, and thePalestinian Ambassador Awad Yakhlef joined protesters demonstrating against the Israeli occupationof Palestine, at Valletta. Earlier, Mr Yakhlef, together with representatives of the Palestiniancommunity, called on President Guido de Marco at the Palace, in Valletta. Also present at the Palacewere Dr Fenech-Adami and Dr Sant.• 7 April <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Government aligned itself with a statement delivered by Spain on behalf ofthe European Union on the situation in the Middle East. The statement notes the deterioration of thehuman rights situation and repeats the call of the EU for both sides to take ‘immediate and effectiveaction to stop the bloodshed’. The statement was made at a special sitting of the Commission onHuman Rights on Palestine, at the UN in Geneva.• 7 April <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco announced that members of the Judiciary were, for the firsttime this year, submitting a report about cases which have been pending for over five years. Prof. deMarco was addressing a press conference marking the third anniversary of his election as Head ofState on April 4, 1999. The obligation stems from the Commission for the Administration of JusticeAct of 1994.• 8 April <strong>2002</strong> Czech President Václav Havel arrived in Malta for a two-day State Visit. Mr Havel andhis wife Dagmar Havlova were greeted at the airport by President Guido de Marco and Prime MinisterEdward Fenech-Adami. Government MPs and Ambassadors were also present at the welcomingceremony.

• 8 April <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that it had not yet been decided whether tohold an EU referendum before or after a general election, or whether to hold them both on the sameday. Dr Fenech-Adami said that the decision would be taken ‘at the opportune moment in the bestinterests of the country’. The Prime Minister was commenting shortly after he concluded the generalcouncil meeting of the Nationalist Party.• 8 April <strong>2002</strong> Resources and Infrastructure Minister Francis Zammit Dimech said that a disused quarryin the limits of Gharghur would start being used for the dumping of construction waste as from mid-May. The Minister was speaking during a meeting with members of the Maghtab action committee,led by hotelier Winston Zahra.• 9 April <strong>2002</strong> Czech President Václav Havel heaped praise on the performance of small countries likeMalta, saying that they often displayed a better understanding of fundamental issues than largercountries. Mr Havel was making his first statement to the media on day one of his two-day State Visitto Malta.• 9 April <strong>2002</strong> Speaking during a state dinner in his honour, President Havel said that Czech-Maltesetrade had been developing in a dynamic way and, over the past few years, the Czech Republic hadwitnessed a marked upsurge in Maltese investments. Mr Havel also paid tribute to Prof. de Marco,describing him as a real friend to his country.• 9 April <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco described Mr Havel as a hero who, during difficult times, ledby example, by civil defiance, and opposition to oppression and injustice. Prof. de Marco was toastingMr Havel during the state dinner in his honour.• 9 April <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli said that the Government would be able to balance itsbudget if <strong>gov</strong>ernment departments were to achieve a seven per cent saving on spending across theboard. The current <strong>gov</strong>ernment budget is Lm823 million, which works out at about 46 per cent of theGDP. The Mr Dalli was speaking at the beginning of a two-day seminar for Public Sector Managersand Heads of Department about Benchmarking in the Public Service, in Qawra.• 9 April <strong>2002</strong> A <strong>gov</strong>ernment statement announced that the price of petrol would be going down by onecent per litre. Unleaded petrol will now be sold at 35 cents per litre instead of 36 cents, while leadedpetrol will be sold for 38 cents instead of 39 cents per litre. The price of diesel and kerosene remainsunchanged.• 9 April <strong>2002</strong> A draft report, drawn up by the European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee on thestate of enlargement negotiations, invites Malta to speed up its timetable for presenting its firstnational development plan to the Commission. The report says that, once the plan is presented, ‘it willbecome clear exactly how much assistance Malta can expect in terms of structural funds from the EU’.• 9 April <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Tourism Authority announced a publicity campaign in which around 4,000buses throughout the UK will carry an advertisement promoting Malta. The campaign is the largestbus promotion ever undertaken by a single company in the UK.• 9 April <strong>2002</strong> Bank of Valletta has opened an operations centre at 13, Independence Square, Victoria,Gozo. BoV announced that, as a result of this decision, it would be in a position to offer a number ofGozitan employees currently working in Malta the opportunity to work in Gozo.• 10 April <strong>2002</strong> Malta and the Czech Republic signed an agreement on investment guarantees, atAuberge de Castille. The agreement foresees the promotion and protection of investments in the twocountries. The agreement was signed by Czech Ambassador Hana Sevcikova and Foreign AffairsPermanent Secretary Gaetan Naudi.• 10 April <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that Malta and the Czech Republic wereboth aspiring to be among the frontrunners for EU membership. He said that he looked to the EU forits political dimension and he hoped that Malta would soon play a part in this great experiment. DrFenech-Adami was addressing a joint press conference with President Václav Havel.• 10 April <strong>2002</strong> Czech President Václav Havel was conferred with an Honoris Causa Degree in Law atthe Jesuits’ Church, in Valletta. Orator Prof. Joseph Pirotta paid tribute to Mr Havel, the politician, therevolutionary, the writer. Present for the ceremony were Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami,

University Rector Roger Ellul Micallef, University Chancellor John Rizzo Naudi, Ambassadors, andseveral Government MPs.• 10 April <strong>2002</strong> The European Commission is co-financing a twinning project entitled Specialpreparatory programme to the structural funds, under Malta’s 2001 National Pre-AccessionProgramme. The main objective of the project is to assist the Maltese Government strengthen theinstitutional framework and administrative capacity in order to effectively implement the structuraland cohesion funds, as well as the pre-accession funds currently available to Malta.• 10 April <strong>2002</strong> Maltacom Chairman Maurice Zarb Adami announced that the company had registered amarginal drop of two per cent in its profit after tax for the financial year ending December 31.Maltacom’s financial results show that, this notwithstanding, the group’s profits from direct operationswent up by 19.1 per cent, to Lm13.5 million.• 11 April <strong>2002</strong> A Cabinet committee on agriculture, chaired by Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami,decided to ask the European Union for more time to remove levies on fresh fruit, vegetables and dairyproducts. It suggested that levies would be phased out gradually between July this year and the year2007.• 11 April <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that awareness of the need to protect theenvironment had grown and significant progress had been made, but there was room for furtherimprovement. Parliament shared the awareness, he said, so much so that last year it had enactedanother Environment Protection Act to replace a rather recent one, enacted in 1993. Dr Fenech-Adamiwas speaking at the first meeting of the National Commission for Sustainable Development.• 11 April <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said in Parliament that a total of 272 personshad taken up permanent employment with the civil service in the first two-and-a-half months of thisyear. Dr Fenech-Adami said that the new civil servants included 208 teachers.• 11 April <strong>2002</strong> The Prime Minister said that last year fifty-five officers and 244 other ranks in theArmed Forces of Malta had gone on training or attachments abroad. The countries involved were Italy,Germany, Britain, the United States, Sweden and Belgium. Dr Fenech-Adami was replying to aParliamentary Question.• 11 April <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco said that, in spite of the country’s diversity of opinions andvisions, there was a great sense of unity among the people. Prof. de Marco was speaking at Safi.• 11 April <strong>2002</strong> Home Affairs Minister Tonio Borg said in Parliament that Malta was to sign and ratifythe Council of Europe Civil Law Convention on Corruption. Dr Borg was speaking when the Housestarted debating a Bill to amend the Civil Code, in line with the convention.• 11 April <strong>2002</strong> Education Minister Louis Galea said that the National Curriculum was set to linkscience and technology in primary schools, although mathematics would still be considered a separatesubject. Dr Galea was opening a three-day conference on the theme Linking science, mathematics andtechnology education and their social relevance, at St Andrew’s.• 11 April <strong>2002</strong> Fifteen members of the Victoria Cross and George Cross Association and their partnersarrived in Malta for the 60th anniversary celebrations of the award the George Cross to Malta. Themedal holders are being hosted by the Tourism Ministry and were brought over on the initiative ofMalta’s High Commissioner in London, George Bonello du Puis.• 11 April <strong>2002</strong> The Governor of the Central Bank, Michael C. Bonello, said that the challenge facingthe country was to reconcile what was politically and socially desired with what was financiallyaffordable. Mr Bonello was commenting in the CBM annual report for 2001.• 11 April <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office said that overall investment within the manufacturingsector rose by 116.4 per cent between 1999-2000, but dropped by 49.2 per cent in 2001. The greatestmovements in absolute terms, in both real increases and decreases, occurred in radio, TV andtelecommunications. The NSO was reviewing the performance of the sector for the years 1999/2001.• 11 April <strong>2002</strong> National Statistics Office Director General Alfred Camilleri announced that the NSOwould, this year, launch new annual statistical publications on the balance of payments, agriculture andfisheries, the environment, labour force, culture, and social welfare-oriented non <strong>gov</strong>ernment

organisations. It will also be releasing the Household Budgetary Survey 2000. Mr Camilleri wasaddressing a news conference.• 11 April <strong>2002</strong> Middlesea Group Chairman Mario C Grech announced consolidated profits of Lm1.42million for the year ended December 31, 2001, as compared to a profit of Lm760,000 the previousyear. Middlesea Insurance is celebrating its 20th year of operation.• 11 April <strong>2002</strong> The Staff Development Organisation in the Office of the Prime Minister organised atwo-day training programme on Decision-making in the European Union: update and perspectives.The programme formed part of a training strategy in support of Malta’s preparations for accession tothe European Union and was co-financed by the European Commission.• 12 April <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that the Israeli Government’s policy oftrying to impose some sort of solution to the Middle East crisis by force was simply illogical and hadmade the situation worse. Dr Fenech-Adami was being interviewed by The Times newspaper about thedeteriorating situation in the region.• 12 April <strong>2002</strong> Brandstätter Group Managing Director Helga Ellul told Prime Minister EdwardFenech-Adami that product sales this year were expected to increase by 25 to 30 per cent. Dr Fenech-Adami visited the Brandstätter Group's factories as part of a series of visits to various industries he ismaking on the initiative of the Federation of Industry.• 12 April <strong>2002</strong> According to figures given in the fourth Labour Force Survey released by the NationalStatistics Office, unemployment in December stood at 6.5 per cent, the same as in December 2000.The survey showed that there were 10,164 persons unemployed in December 2001, compared to10,151 in December 2000.• 12 April <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Rafalo said that, according to provisional returns from MaltaInternational Airport and Air Malta, visitor volume for March was practically on a par with that ofMarch last year. Dr Refalo announced the results at the opening of Air Malta’s ninth internationaltravel exhibition, AMITEX, at the Trade Fair Grounds in Naxxar.• 12 April <strong>2002</strong> The Government has announced the appointment of a number of new ambassadors, aswell as new postings for various other ambassadors. Ms Cecilia Attard Pirotta has been appointedAmbassador to Spain as from July 1; Mr Edward Melillo has been appointed the new Ambassador toItaly; and Mr Carmel J. Aquilina will be the first resident Ambassador in Copenhagen. Mr Yves DeBarro will be Malta’s new Ambassador in Tunis as from August; Dr Ivan Fsadni will be Malta’s newHigh Commissioner in Canberra; and Mr Alfred Falzon will be the new Ambassador to Sweden.• 12 April <strong>2002</strong> Three Ambassadors presented their diplomatic credentials to President Guido de Marcoin separate ceremonies. The new Ambassadors are: Drago Kraljevi, Ambassador of Croatia; Ali AbdelQawi El-Ghaffari, Ambassador of Yemen; and Bahram Ghassemi, Ambassador of Iran.• 12 April <strong>2002</strong> Parliamentary Secretary George Pullicino announced that the Government had accepteda proposal by the Planning Authority and will be setting up a third Development Control Commission.Mr Pullicino said that four local plans had been finalised and two more, those for the centre of Maltaand for Gozo, were in the pipeline.• 12 April <strong>2002</strong> The Maltese Government expressed its complete support for the mission to the MiddleEast by United States Secretary of State Colin Powell in an attempt to secure a cease-fire andimplement a step-by-step plan ultimately leading to peace talks. Malta urged Israel and the PalestinianAuthority to take advantage of this window of opportunity by co-operating fully with the mission sothat calm may be restored and a political process resumed.• 12 April <strong>2002</strong> The Regional Policy Directorate within the Office of the Prime Minister, in conjunctionwith the Directorate General of Economy in the Regional Government of the Balearic Islands, Spain,officially launched the twinning project titled Special Preparatory Programme to the Structural Fundsat the Crowne Plaza Hotel, in Sliema. The project is co-financed by the European Commission underMalta’s 2001 pre-accession programme.• 12 April <strong>2002</strong> Minister for Tourism Michael Refalo said that the Fireworks Festival launched by theMalta Tourism Authority combined the popular and spectacular aspects of lighting, decorations,

music, merriment and fireworks of the Festa season with the dramatic backdrop of the Grand Harbour.The festival will be held over two evenings, on the 10 th and 11 th May.• 12 April <strong>2002</strong> Minister for Economic Services Josef Bonnici announced that the Malta DevelopmentCorporation would be issuing a call for interested developers/investors to submit proposals for thedevelopment of a Micropark, or a zone for micro-enterprises, at Luqa. Prof. Bonnici was addressing apress conference.• 13 April <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli said that macroeconomic stability, together with structuralreforms in the context of Malta’s policy of seeking European Union membership, was expected toprovide a platform for sustainable economic growth and rising living standards. Mr Dalli was speakingat the World Economic Prospects and Financial Stability Seminar, organised by the Central Bank ofMalta.• 13 April <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco signed an ‘act of commitment’ to the national heritage of theMaltese Islands. Also signing the act were Culture Minister Louis Galea, on behalf of the PrimeMinister, and Opposition environment spokesman Joe Mizzi on behalf of the Leader of the Opposition.Present for the ceremony were officials of Din l-Art Helwa and children from various schools.• 13 April <strong>2002</strong> The Housing Authority said that subsidies for repair grants had increased considerablyover the last two years. In the financial year 1999-2000, the Authority paid out Lm63,246 in cashgrants to improve existing housing; in the following year, the amount jumped to Lm370,494.Authority Chairman Marisa Micallef Leyson said that the increase in the number of applications wasdue in part to greater awareness as a result of publicity campaigns.• 13 April <strong>2002</strong> Over 18,000 visitors have already listened to Voice of the Mediterranean on theinternet. Test transmissions on the website started in December. The site address is:http://vomradio.com• 14 April <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said that the Chinese and MalteseGovernments were working hard to translate the good relations that existed between the two countriesinto bigger trade and investment flows between the two countries. Prof. Bonnici was speaking duringthe opening of a Chinese Commodities Exhibition at the Chamber of Commerce, in Valletta.• 14 April <strong>2002</strong> The Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Jesmond Mugliett, said thatunfortunately Malta suffers from a lack of science culture. Government was doing its utmost toaddress this situation by investing appropriate resources in various initiatives through the MaltaCouncil for Science and Technology. Jesmond Mugliett was speaking during a seminar entitledPromoting Science Education and a Science Culture in Malta.• 14 April <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami defended his Government’s restructuringpolicies. He said that it was generally agreed that the Government could not go on subsidising thecountry’s loss-making shipyards, and that was why it was paying out millions of liri in retirementschemes. Dr Fenech-Adami was speaking during a seminar organised by the General Workers Unionand the Confederation of Malta Trade Unions in collaboration with Italian trade union CGIL.• 14 April <strong>2002</strong> Government Ministers in meetings with the operators of agricultural sub-sectorsannounced that, as from July 1, consumers would start reaping the benefits of lower prices of pork,eggs and poultry products. This will come about as a result of the gradual dismantling of levies and theintroduction of direct <strong>gov</strong>ernment subsidies to the local agricultural sector.• 14 April <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami told The Sunday Times newspaper that, inNovember, the Armed Forces would be receiving a new 87-foot patrol boat from the United States. DrFenech-Adami said that the vessel, which costs between Lm2.5 million and Lm3 million, would besimilar to the ones currently in use by the US Coast Guard.• 15 April <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that it seemed that the White Paper onIndustrial and Employment Relations was going to have the consensus of all the social partners. TheWhite Paper, he said, was suggesting new rights for workers. Dr Fenech-Adami was speaking inBirkirkara.• 15 April <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami denied that he was giving more attention to EUrelatedpolicies than other domestic issues, but he insisted that Malta’s future lay in EU membership.

Dr Fenech-Adami was being interviewed on radio on the occasion of his silver jubilee as leader of theNationalist Party.• 15 April <strong>2002</strong> A Maltese Parliamentary delegation visited Berlin and Brandenburg at the invitation ofthe German Parliament. The delegation was made up of Michael Bonnici, John Attard Montalto, ChrisCardona, Jean Pierre Farrugia and Victor Galea Pace.• 16 April <strong>2002</strong> Princess Anne, The Princess Royal, joined the Maltese in celebrating the 60 thanniversary of the award of the George Cross to Malta by King George VI. The Princess said that shewas delighted to be here.• 16 April <strong>2002</strong> Princess Anne attended an ecumenical memorial service for her grandmother, theQueen Mother, at St John’s Co-Cathedral. The memorial service was led by Archbishop JosephMercieca and Auxiliary Bishop Annetto Depasquale. The congregation was led by President and Mrsde Marco and included Prime Minster Edward Fenech-Adami, Deputy Opposition Leader GeorgeVella, MPs from both sides of the House, members of the Diplomatic Corps and Senior Civil Servantsamong others.• 16 April <strong>2002</strong> Opposition Leader Alfred Sant told participants at the Convention on the Future ofEurope in Brussels that the implementation of the acquis communautaire would erode Malta’s nationalstructures and seriously undermine the future of young people. It was Dr Sant’s first speech to theconvention.• 16 April <strong>2002</strong> Government MP Michael Frendo, who is the Maltese Parliament’s secondrepresentative, also addressed the Convention. Dr Frendo stressed the need for the Charter ofFundamental Freedoms to be incorporated into a consolidated European basic treaty, for the urgentstrengthening of the EU common foreign and security policy, and for the EU’s tasks and competenciesto be capable of evolution from the ground up.• 16 April <strong>2002</strong> The Government announced its intentions on Sunday trading, which it will regulatethrough a comprehensive legal notice that is expected to lead to the lawful opening of hundreds ofshops, seven days a week. Details of the planned legal notice were given by the ParliamentarySecretary in the Economic Services Ministry, Edwin Vassallo, during a news conference.• 16 April <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office said that, the quantity of local fish landings passingthrough the fish market during the first quarter had risen from 72,955 kilo last year to 93,587 kilo thisyear, an increase of 28.3 per cent. The wholesale value of the fish also rose, from Lm151,938 toLm172,790.• 17 April <strong>2002</strong> Palestinian Leader Yasser Arafat told President Guido de Marco in a letter that politicalnegotiations were the only solution to the crisis. In the letter, delivered to Prof. de Marco byPalestinian Ambassador Awad Yakhlef, Mr Arafat reiterated his commitment to a ‘just and honourablepeace’.• 17 April <strong>2002</strong> Italian Minister for European Community Policies Rocco Buttiglione highlighted theprominent and fundamental role Malta would play as an EU member to bring about change in thehighly volatile Mediterranean region. Prof. Buttiglione was addressing a news conference following ameeting with Foreign Affairs Minister Joe Borg.• 17 April <strong>2002</strong> Malta’s Core Negotiating Group Chairman Richard Cachia Caruana said that, in theshorter term, Malta was aiming to finalise discussions on fisheries, taxation, customs union,environment and competition. The chapters on agriculture, regional policy and budget contained astrong financial element and would therefore require detailed negotiations before they could beconcluded. Mr Cachia Caruana was addressing the Foreign Affairs Committee of the EuropeanParliament.• 17 April <strong>2002</strong> Arhi Palosuo, the EU’s Chief Negotiator for Malta, also addressed the Committee. MrPalosuo commented on Malta’s ‘remarkable ability to catch up with the states which startednegotiations two years earlier’ and agreed with Mr Cachia Caruana that the accession negotiationswith Malta would be concluded by the end of this year.• 17 April <strong>2002</strong> Education Minister Louis Galea announced that, by summer, the international tendersfor the design of the protective tents to cover the entire Mnajdra and Hagar Qim sites would be issued.

Dr Galea was speaking at the presentation by Din l-Art Helwa Executive President Martin Scicluna ofvideo copies of the TV series Heritage in Peril.• 18 April <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco said that there exists a special relationship between Italy andMalta that is determined by geographical proximity, historical and cultural links. Prof. de Marco madethis statement when he received Rocco Buttiglione, Minister for European Community Policies, at ThePalace, in Valletta.• 18 April <strong>2002</strong> Two sets of draft regulations have been drawn up with the aim of updating andreplacing the Public Service Commission Regulations of 1960. This results from the Commission’sannual report, tabled in Parliament.• 18 April <strong>2002</strong> Parliamentary Secretary in the Economic Services Ministry, Edwin Vassallo, said thatthe Government is to ratify the European Charter for Small Enterprises, showing its commitmenttowards the development of its entrepreneurship policy. The ratification of the charter is being heldduring a conference in Slovenia to which applicant countries have been invited.• 18 April <strong>2002</strong> The Minister of Finance, John Dalli participated in an International Seminar aboutEnlargement, Decentralisation, and Institutional Reforms. The Seminar took place in Se<strong>gov</strong>ia, Spain.• 18 April <strong>2002</strong> Justice and Local Government Minister Austin Gatt said that by the end of the year,Malta would be one of the leaders in the number of <strong>gov</strong>ernment services available via the internet. DrGatt was speaking at a press conference announcing the results of a survey with the businesscommunity about e-<strong>gov</strong>ernment services.• 18 April <strong>2002</strong> Prof. Edward Scicluna, Chairman of the Malta Council for Economic and SocialDevelopment, said that proper research structures providing factual information on the economy andsocial issues should be strengthened within the council. Prof. Scicluna was speaking during a seminaron the importance and relevance of the MCESD.• 18 April <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office announced that the number of registered unemployed inMarch dropped by 216, or 2.7 per cent, over the previous month, to 7,725.• 18 April <strong>2002</strong> The police force has been provided with some new equipment. It has installed anautomatic fingerprint-reading machine and bought seven new motorcycles as well as a number ofbullet-proof vests. A new gym has also been installed at SAG quarters, in Ta' Kandja.• 18 April <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Tourism Authority office in Paris has organised a two-week poster campaignin the Paris Metro with over 700 posters focusing on the imposing Valletta fortifications and thefishing village of Marsaxlokk. A similar campaign advertises Gozo on some 2000 billboards scatteredover Germany.• 19 April <strong>2002</strong> The Maltese economy is expected to continue growing at relatively high rates over thecoming years. The prediction is made in a report on macroeconomic and financial sector stability inthe EU candidate countries released by the European Commission.• 19 April <strong>2002</strong> Minister of Foreign Affairs Joe Borg insisted that the Government stood by the standadopted by the farmers’ and producers’ representatives with regard to Malta’s position in negotiationswith the European Union. Dr Borg was answering a Parliamentary Question.• 19 April <strong>2002</strong> The British authorities reduced the departure tax on economy-class travel to non-EUcountries from £20 to £5 for EU candidate countries and Switzerland. The reduction will take effect onNovember 1. Tourism Minister Michael Refalo welcomed the reduction.• 19 April <strong>2002</strong> Education Minister Louis Galea launched a policy document entitled Good behaviourand discipline policy for schools. The new policy provides for sanctions for bad behaviour rangingfrom warnings to expulsion, but also rewards good behaviour.• 19 April <strong>2002</strong> The Chairman of the European Parliament’s Environment Committee, Ms CarolineJackson, said that Malta needed to be absolutely certain that it could get the maximum benefit fromEuropean Union funding, if and when it joined the EU. Ms Jackson toured the site of the Maghtablandfill and the power stations.

• 19 April <strong>2002</strong> Mr Saviour Gauci presented his credentials to King Fahd Bin Abdul Aziz as Malta’sAmbassador to Saudi Arabia.• 19 April <strong>2002</strong> The London Times labelled Malta ‘the Mediterranean’s mini-Hollywood’. Writing onMalta’s film industry, author Daniel Rosenthal listed the Island’s list of recent credits, from Gladiatorto U-571, Guy Ritchie’s Swept Away and The Count of Monte Cristo, as well as a host of commercialsand music videos.• 19 April <strong>2002</strong> American expert paper conservator T.K. McClintock was in Malta as a guest lecturer ofthe Malta Centre for Restoration. Mr McClintock was due to assist students in the training of paperconservation.• 20 April <strong>2002</strong> British Conservative MEP Caroline Jackson, who was on a fact-finding mission inMalta, visited the Maghtab landfill, the Marsa and Delimara power stations, and the nature reserve ofGhadira. She said that, once Malta becomes a member, the EU would be able to allocate money thatshould help in Malta’s major infrastructural and environmental projects. Ms Jackson heads theenvironmental committee of the European Parliament.• 20 April <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco and Broadcasting Authority Chairman Joseph Said Pullicinoappealed to the broadcasting media to relay information in a proper manner, especially as a historicmoment in the country's history was approaching. The newly appointed members of the BroadcastingAuthority, headed by Dr Said Pullicino, paid a courtesy visit on the President at the Palace.• 20 April <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo said that the total number of 45,000 foreign studentswho came to Malta last year to study English could go up this year. Dr Refalo was speaking during anews conference at the Ministry in Valletta about new regulations that will shortly come into force forfamilies who host students enrolled at English language schools.• 20 April <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said that one year after starting operations inMalta, FAL Malta Ltd was ahead of its business plan and had introduced an additional shift due to theever-increasing workload. FAL Malta Ltd produces system components and solutions for wirelesscommunication. The company forms part of the German Funkanlagen Leipoldt QHG group.• 20 April <strong>2002</strong> Malta again aligned itself with a statement issued by the European Union on thesituation in the Middle East that was delivered at the UN Security Council. “We reiterate our sharedcondemnation of violence and terrorism, express our deep distress at the loss of innocent Palestinianand Israeli lives, and extend our deepest sympathy to the families of those killed and wounded,” thestatement said.• 20 April <strong>2002</strong> Government MP John Vella, who is the leader of the Maltese Parliamentary delegationto the Council of Europe, attended a session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europein Strasbourg. Dr Vella was accompanied by Opposition MP Joe Debono Grech and Government MPFrancis Agius.• 20 April <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office said that tourist arrivals in January this year dropped by6,728 or 15.3 per cent, to 37,325 from 44,053 in the same month last year. The number of cruisepassengers went up to 3,658 from 1,967 in the comparative month last year.• 20 April <strong>2002</strong> K Line started calling at Malta Freeport on its AES2 Express Service, following itsdecision to use Malta as a hub for the east and west Mediterranean.• 21 April <strong>2002</strong> The Tourism Authority organised a seminar on Tourism and the Arts at theMediterranean Conference Centre. The seminar was opened by Tourism Minister Michael Refalo andaddressed by Education Minister Louis Galea and MTA Chairman John C. Grech, among others.Anyone interested in contributing to the debate can e-mail maria.camilleri@visitmalta.com• 21 April <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco spoke on the importance of a diversity of opinions in ademocracy, telling students that this was part of the very essence of democracy. Prof. de Marco wasopening the second national students’ congress, which had as its theme Students, a vital tool forstrengthening our future society, at Bay Street, St George’s. Education Minister Louis Galea attendedand addressed the seminar.

• 21 April <strong>2002</strong> Agriculture Minister Ninu Zammit said that the European Commission had approvedsubstantial aid to Malta to enable the Government to start implementing its programme to strengthenthe agriculture sector before accession. Mr Zammit was speaking at Mgarr.• 21 April <strong>2002</strong> The Ministry of Agriculture said in a statement that the pork industry would be assistedfinancially to the tune of Lm6 million during the three and a half years during which levies protectingthe industry would be gradually lifted. The Ministry said that the assistance would mean a reduction inthe consumer price of pork products and assistance to breeders and to processors to upgrade theiroperation.• 21 April <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli revealed in his column in The Sunday Times that aboutLm170 million in funds held abroad by Maltese nationals were registered with the Treasury by the endof March. In his column, Mr Dalli said the scheme has been a success as Government’s projectionshave been exceeded.• 22 April <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo announced that best-selling Latin recording artistEnrique Iglesias is to give a concert in Malta at the beginning of summer. Dr Refalo said that thesinger is to be brought to Malta thanks to a local promotion company. Government would be assistingin attracting tourists to the concert.• 22 April <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami thanked the Maltese bishops for taking aninterest in the EU issue when they released an open letter to the political leaders calling for consensus.“One does not expect the bishops to tell people to vote yes to EU membership as it is not their job totell people what to do in this respect, but it is commendable they have taken an interest in the issue”,he said. Dr Fenech-Adami was speaking at Sta. Venera.• 22 April <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that the Government’s two top priorities forthe coming months would be to ensure that the economy performs well, and to conclude negotiationswith the EU by the end of the year. Dr Fenech-Adami was being interviewed by The Times newspaper.• 23 April <strong>2002</strong> Countries which are candidates for European Union membership, including Malta, willknow in October whether they will be in the next enlargement. Eneko Landaburu, Director-Generalfor Enlargement in the European Commission, was speaking in Brussels when financial andbudgetary provisions were discussed at the level of deputies.• 23 April <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said that membership of the EuropeanUnion was the foundation for the achievement of a higher level of competitiveness. He was speakingat the inauguration of a training workshop on Competitiveness strategies for small states as part of theMalta-Commonwealth Third Country Training Programme.• 23 April <strong>2002</strong> Parliamentary Secretary in the Economic Services Ministry, Edwin Vassallo, said thatthe opening of a Small Business Unit in Gozo, as well as the extension of the Malta Crafts Council toGozo would serve to strengthen Gozo's economic operation. Mr Vassallo was addressing a number ofGozitan craftsmen and crafts teachers, together with Gozo Minister Giovanna Debono.• 24 April <strong>2002</strong> Hungarian President Ferenc Mádl said that Malta plays a very important role in solvingproblems within the Mediterranean region and Hungary supports these efforts. Replying, President deMarco spoke about the need to secure peace in the Middle-East by ensuring the implementation ofUnited Nations Security Council resolutions by the international community. The two heads of statewere speaking during President Guido de Marco’s State Visit to the Republic of Hungary.• 24 April <strong>2002</strong> European Commission President Romano Prodi reassured Malta that it would not be anet contributor to the EU following accession. He also said that he was sure that negotiations withMalta would be concluded this year, in due time for enlargement. Mr Prodi was speaking at theheadquarters of the European Commission in Brussels, following intensive talks with Prime MinisterEdward Fenech-Adami.• 24 April <strong>2002</strong> Following a presentation on their visit to Malta, MEPs Caroline Jackson and Mrs JuttaHaug reported that the European Parliament’s Environment Committee had said that Malta would getfunding to help with the environment. During their visit, the MEPs concentrated on issues relating toMalta’s problems with waste and the difficulties regarding the EU's existing law on the protection ofbirds.

• 24 April <strong>2002</strong> According to the latest Eurobarometer report, fifty-one per cent of Europeans supportMalta’s EU accession, a level of support higher than for any other candidate country. The report wasreleased by the European Commission.• 24 April <strong>2002</strong> Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Euro-Mediterranean partner countries meeting inValencia, Spain, called on Israel to halt its military operations and immediately withdraw its forcesfrom Palestinian cities. The Ministers called for the full and immediate implementation of UNSCResolutions 1402 and 1403 with a view to starting negotiations within a well defined timeline.• 24 April <strong>2002</strong> Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that the new Bill on Employment andIndustrial Relations would give extensive new rights to workers which, in other countries, have takenyears of hard work to achieve. He said that the Government was recognising these rights because itstrongly believed that economic progress results from social progress and vice-versa. Dr Gonzi wasaddressing a news conference.• 24 April <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Affairs Minister Joe Borg said that, over the past three years, 11 ForeignMinisters, 15 Ministers and seven other personalities had visited the Island. These personalitiesincluded the Pope, Prince Philip, and European Commission President Romano Prodi. Dr Borg wasreplying to a Parliamentary Question.• 24 April <strong>2002</strong> According to the National Statistics Office, Government debt outstanding at the end ofMarch stood at Lm1,045.8 million, up by Lm86.4 million, or nine per cent, from the Lm959.4 millionoutstanding at the end of March last year.• 24 April <strong>2002</strong> A wreath-laying ceremony took place at the at Air Forces memorial. Distinguishedguests offering a silent prayer in remembrance included former President Censu Tabone, British HighCommissioner Howard Pearce, Australian High Commissioner Iain Dickie, Armed ForcesCommander Rupert Montanaro, and representatives of the Canadian Consulate and the Royal BritishLegion.• 24 April <strong>2002</strong> Gozo Channel Co Ltd. General Manager Marvic Fenech Adami announced that,following the commission of three vessels, negotiations were under way for the sale of the formerGozo Channel ferries Mgarr and Cittadella.• 24 April <strong>2002</strong> Public Broadcasting Services and di-ve.com have teamed up to offer most of thenational television station’s programme content over the internet. Details were given at a pressconference on the streaming of TVM over the internet through the di-ve portal.• 25 April <strong>2002</strong> Eni SpA has commenced drilling an exploratory well in offshore Malta in accordancewith its agreement with Government of 11 th January <strong>2002</strong>. The new well, Lampuko-1, is located about14 nautical miles to the north west of Gozo, in about 250 m of water.• 25 April <strong>2002</strong> The Prime Minister appointed Mr Joseph C Schembri, FCCA, CPAA, FIA, Chairmanof the National Commission on Welfare Reform.• 25 April <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco became the first head of state to meet the Hungarian PrimeMinister elect Péter Medgyessy. The two met at the Socialist Party headquarters in Budapest anddiscussed their countries’ EU applications, the situation in the Middle East and the strengthening ofbilateral relations.• 25 April <strong>2002</strong> The Malta High Commission in London organised, in conjunction with METCO, atrade workshop covering the cities of Leeds, Bradford and York. The purpose was to raise awarenessamong the business community in the Yorkshire region on Malta’s products and services, as well asMalta’s potential to act as a platform for doing business within the Euro-Mediterranean region.• 25 April <strong>2002</strong> Local Government Minister Austin Gatt said that E-business companies were on thelookout for regions and countries to which they could transfer their operations and run them effectivelyand efficiently at lower costs, which could provide opportunities for Malta. Dr Gatt was speaking atthe annual conference of the Chamber of Engineers.• 25 April <strong>2002</strong> Over 31,000 audio tapes known as talking books were issued last year to about 800library members, the head of the central public library in Floriana, Joe Debattista said while speaking

during the inauguration at the central public library of a sound and vision studio that will be used torecord talking books and later on visual material.• 25 April <strong>2002</strong> Households surveyed by the National Statistics Office this month generated an averageof 2.2kgs each of waste per week. The NSO is carrying out a household waste composition surveyspread out over a year, in collaboration with the Department for Waste Management. The survey willbe conducted for one week in every quarter. A sample of 400 households was randomly selected froma list of households.• 25 April <strong>2002</strong> The Government has ratified the European Charter for Small and Medium Enterprises.The signing was held in Slovenia where the Parliamentary Secretary in the Economic ServicesMinistry, Edwin Vassallo, was attending a conference for EU candidate countries.• 25 April <strong>2002</strong> The Malta-EU Information Centre has published the fifth issue in the series Question& Answer on Malta and the European Union. Copies may be obtained from MIC, tel. 2590 9192,email: euinfo@mic.org.<strong>mt</strong>• 25 April <strong>2002</strong> The film ‘Revelation’, partly shot in Malta over a period of two weeks, was released inthe UK on April 12 and will be released elsewhere in Europe later in the year. Producer JonathanWoolf of Romulus Films Ltd described the production company's experience in Malta as “very good”and said it would strongly recommend the island to any film company.• 25 April <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Tourism Authority's human resources and support services directorate haspublished the first volume of a set of career guides of what is being called the “Your Future” serieswhich gives detailed information about careers within the various sectors of the tourism industry.• 26 April <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami urged local firms to follow the example set byFoster Clark Products Ltd, which, he said, has reacted to the needs of the global market withremarkable success. Dr Fenech-Adami made his comments during a tour of the company's state-ofthe-artautomated factory in San Gwann.• 26 April <strong>2002</strong> An ecumenical service and wreath-laying ceremony to mark the 87th anniversary ofANZAC Day was held at Pietà Military Cemetery. The ceremony was organised by the AustralianHigh Commission in conjunction with the Royal British Legion. Wreaths were laid by ActingPresident George Hyzler, Australian High Commissioner Iain Dickie and British High CommissionerHoward Pearce, amongst others.• 26 April <strong>2002</strong>: The Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association (MHRA) has taken part in the generalassembly in Copenhagen of HOTREC, the association that represents hotels, restaurants and cafés inEurope. MHRA said the core issue of the discussions was the application of a mandatory reduced rateof VAT.• 26 April <strong>2002</strong> British veterinary experts Dr Martin Palmer and Dr Bob McCracken discussed thelocal pork, beef and poultry industry during a two day visit organised through the EU Help Desk of theMalta Business Bureau by the Malta Chamber of Commerce and the Malta Federation of Industry. Itwas made possible by the British High Commission in Malta.• 27 April <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli announced Government's airport deal with MaltaMediterranean Link Consortium for the sale of a 40 per cent stake in the Island's airport, who said itwas worth Lm40 million, made up of a Lm20 million equity payment with the balance paid in theform of special dividends and taxes. He described it as an excellent deal for the country and MIA.• 27 April <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami congratulated radio staff at Calypso FM for "ajob well done" during a visit to the radio station's head offices in Victoria, Gozo. The Prime Ministerjoined Calypso FM breakfast presenter Simon Lumsden on air, talked about the likes and dislikes ofhis job, and revealed the most impressive people he had ever met were Presidents Gorbachev andBush.• 27 April <strong>2002</strong> Government gave the green light to the Grand Harbour local plan, which was drawn upby the Planning Authority. The plan comprises 237 policies which deal with the use of land for thenext 10 years in Valletta, Floriana, Marsa, Kordin, Senglea, Cospicua, Kalkara, Ricasoli and theirsurroundings. There are a total of 38,000 residents in these areas.

• 27 April <strong>2002</strong> Government MP Francis Agius has presented a report on sustainable fishing at theCouncil of Europe's plenary session. The report said about 17 per cent of our protein needs come fromfish, a figure set to double by 2025. It warned that uncontrolled fishing threatened the species and theseas.• 27 April <strong>2002</strong> Negotiations on the free movement of services have been provisionally closed with the10 countries that, according to the EU, could be ready to join by 2004, the Malta-EU InformationCentre said in its latest roundup on negotiations.• 27 April <strong>2002</strong> Domestic exports in the first quarter this year dropped by Lm36 million, to Lm187.8million, official figures released show. Re-exports were up by Lm11.5 million, to Lm29.4 million.Imports were down by Lm52 million, or 15.8 per cent, to Lm276.3 million from Lm328.3 million. Asa result, the visible trade gap in the first quarter narrowed by Lm27.5 million, to Lm59.1 million, fromLm86.6 million.• 27 April <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said an Australian pharmaceuticals companywas to set up shop in Malta and would be engaging some 120 new employees. The company, ArrowPharmaceuticals, which has a successful track record, was setting up shop here with the aim ofexporting.• 27 April <strong>2002</strong> Elisabeth Mann Borgese's passion for the ocean was remembered at a memorial serviceheld at St John's Co-Cathedral. Prof. Mann Borgese was the founder and Honorary President of theInternational Ocean Institute, which has its headquarters in Malta. Acting President George Hyzlerread out a speech which President Guido de Marco requested him to deliver in his absence.• 28 April <strong>2002</strong> Justice and Local Government Minister Austin Gatt said the Government will besetting up the Cyber-Crime Forum in June. The forum is a permanent structure which will bring all thestakeholders together to review, analyse and advise Government on legislation and enforcementrelated to cyber-crime. Dr Gatt was speaking during the opening of a Data Protection Conference in StJulians.• 28 April <strong>2002</strong> Dr Michael Frendo has suggested the setting of a minimum representation thresholdfor each member state in the European Parliament while addressing the International AcademicConference on "Democracy and Bureaucracy - EU Enlargement and the Future of Europe", on "AFuture for Parliamentary Democracy in the European Union".• 28 April <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Ministers of the 27-nation EuroMediterranean Partnership, at their conferencein Valencia on April 22-23, launched several activities to revitalise the pact, which included a numberof proposals initiated by Malta.• 29 April <strong>2002</strong> Speaking in Naxxar, Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said the fact that a bigconsortium was arguing that the Government should have chosen it as partner in the MaltaInternational Airport privatisation process, showed the kind of confidence there was in the country asbusinesses were willing to invest their money here.• 29 April <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli said that if Alterra consortium, the shortlisted group whichlost out in the partial privatisation of Malta International Airport, felt its rights had been somehowtrampled on, it could seek a remedy in court. He warned, however, that the Government too, couldseek this remedy against the consortium for the damage caused to the country by false and baselessaccusations. Minister Dalli made his points in a speech at Hamrun.• 29 April <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg in an interview said he believes the Government will beable to clinch a deal with the EU that would guarantee for Malta a significant net amount in funds andassistance upon accession.• 29 April <strong>2002</strong> Resources and Infrastructure Minister Francis Zammit Dimech said the investment ofbetween Lm100-Lm150 million needed for the protection of the environment including wastemanagement, drainage water purification and water production, would have to be made irrespective ofwhether or not Malta joined the European Union.• 29 April <strong>2002</strong> The total number of deliveries and births has declined over the last seven years,according to a report by Lina Janulova from the National Obstetric Information System.

• 30 April <strong>2002</strong> There was a future for farming in the present and future European Union memberstates, the EU’s Chief Negotiator for Malta, Arhi Palosuo, declared while speaking during the 17thmeeting of the EU-Malta Joint Parliamentary Committee held at the Westin Dragonara in St Julian’s.• 30 April <strong>2002</strong> European Parliamentarian Ms Miet Smet compared Malta to Luxembourg which, shesaid, had an important role in Europe and “always obtained what it wanted”. During a meeting withSocial Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi, Ms Smet said the referendum over whether Malta should jointhe European Union should be “prepared well” and that the electorate be encouraged to vote.• 30 April <strong>2002</strong> The Government called upon two foreign companies to stop making unfoundedallegations it said were aimed at undermining the integrity of the airport privatisation process and alsoto withdraw the allegations they have made so far. The call was made in a counter-protest filed by thePrime Minister, the Finance Minister and the Attorney General rebutting the allegations made againstthem by Alterra Partners Malta Limited and Grupo Dragados SA.MAY• 1 May <strong>2002</strong> The Prime Minister said the Employment and Industrial Relations Bill would be anotherlandmark in the country's labour sector. Dr Fenech-Adami was speaking at a round table conference on"Employment: The fruit of social dialogue", organised on the occasion of Worker's Day. During thesame conference, Miet Smit, a member of the European Parliament, described it as an important pieceof legislation, especially in view of Malta's negotiations with the EU.• 1 May <strong>2002</strong> Speaking to members of the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development(MCESD) in Floriana on the occasion of Worker's Day, President Guido de Marco said the councilwas not a forum where total agreement between the members of the council would be reached. But allrepresentatives and members of the civil society had to bear in mind that they were pulling the samerope, living in the same country and were players in the same economy.• 1 May <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg said the Government was confident that fair and just solutionswould be found in areas being negotiated with the European Union that had not yet been concluded.Speaking at a Union Haddiema Maghqudin conference, Dr Borg said the Government was determinedto close negotiations in these sectors by the end of the year. Minister Borg said that the negotiatingprocess was not only bearing fruit, but it was also benefitting the country.• 1 May <strong>2002</strong> Prince Abdullah F.A. Al-Saud of Saudi Arabia recently paid a visit to the Malteseshipyards to familiarise himself with facilities offered by the yards. Prince Abdullah was accompaniedby Dr Talal R. Chiack, General Manager of Fama Trading Company, which was appointed agent forthe Maltese yards in Saudi Arabia. The Saudi delegation also had talks with Economic ServicesMinister Josef Bonnici, and Drydocks officials.• 1 May <strong>2002</strong> The Government published new wide-ranging trade licence regulations which propose toradically overhaul the issuing of licences and eliminate bureaucracy once and for all. The final detailsof the new trade licence regulations were given at a news conference by Parliamentary Secretary inthe Economic Services Ministry Edwin Vassallo and Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici. Theregulations also include the new Sunday trading and late-night shopping regulations.• 1 May <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office (NSO) said there were 5,061 occupational accidents lastyear; 4,515, or 89.2 per cent, involved men and 546, or 10.8 per cent, women.• 1 May <strong>2002</strong> Malta has been elected to the Commission for Social Development for a four-year termstarting on January 1, 2003. The Commission is a functional commission of the Economic and SocialCouncil (ECOSOC) of the United Nations. It consists of 46 members elected by ECOSOC.• 1 May <strong>2002</strong> The Housing Authority has announced a substantial increase in grants for therefurbishing of properties to be leased to Maltese tenants. The Authority said that the purpose of thescheme was to encourage owners of vacant properties and prospective tenants to make use of existinghousing.

• 1 May <strong>2002</strong> Bank of Valletta has changed the network of representative offices in Australia, as aresult of which operations will be consolidated into two principal offices, one in Sydney (New SouthWales) and one in Sunshine, Victoria.• 1 May <strong>2002</strong> The winner of the BPC Gold Award, introduced five years ago, was Anthony Montanaro.The BPC Award to Journalists covers five categories: print journalism; broadcast journalism; sportsjournalism; press photography, and press cartoons. A total of 35 journalists submitted their workwhich had to be published or broadcast last year and 15 finalists were selected to contend for the fivecategories.• 2 May <strong>2002</strong> Speaking in Ta' Qali to mark Worker's Day, Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami saidif Malta did not take the opportunity and join the EU in less than two years' time, no one knew whenthe EU would open its doors again. Referring to the new law on industrial relations being debated inParliament, he said it not only guaranteed existing workers' rights but created new ones.• 2 May <strong>2002</strong> Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi gave figures in Parliament which show that thehighest number of women in employment perform clerical duties.• 2 May <strong>2002</strong> Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi said in Parliament that a total of 951 workerswere made redundant and started registering for work in the first quarter this year.• 2 May <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg said in reply to a Parliamentary Question that an industrialtribunal in Geneva has ordered the Maltese Embassy there to compensate two workers after they weredismissed.• 2 May <strong>2002</strong> Home Affairs Minister Tonio Borg said the police are currently holding 280 illegalimmigrants, of whom two have been in custody since 1999 because their identity and nationality havenot been established. Dr Borg was replying to a Parliamentary Question.• 2 May <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Film Commission (MFC) is experiencing yet another busy period.Commenting on the latest project, Parliamentary Secretary in the Economic Services Ministry GeorgeHyzler remarked that USA Cable Entertainment's decision to shoot the mini-series Helen of Troy inMalta confirmed yet again that the Island was turning into a reliable and popular film destination.• 2 May <strong>2002</strong> Malta's success in hosting an international meeting of incentive professionals has spurredlocal professionals involved in incentive travel to establish a fully-fledged chapter of the worldwideorganisation’s Society of Incentive & Travel Executives (SITE).• 3 May <strong>2002</strong> Justice Minister Austin Gatt announced Cabinet had given the go-ahead for a Lm2million infrastructural improvement programme at the Law Courts in Valletta. Dr Gatt was speakingwhen he launched the academy for the training of Court staff.• 3 May <strong>2002</strong> When touring the factory of Dedicated Micros (Malta) Ltd (DMML) at San Gwannindustrial estate, Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said the success of DMML was a clearexample of the capabilities of the local workforce, and was a good advert for Malta and its humanresources.• 3 May <strong>2002</strong> The President of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, Josef Migas, was in Maltaon an official visit to reciprocate a visit made by Speaker Anton Tabone last year. Mr Migas wasaccompanied by members of the Slovak National Council (Parliament).• 3 May <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Standards Authority said it had established the standard for computerkeyboards having Maltese language characters in conformity with the standards of the InternationalStandards Organisation. Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said this was an important step asthe Maltese language was finally catching up with the computer and informatics era. He said the nextstep would be the development of Maltese software, including a spellchecker.• 3 May <strong>2002</strong> Valletta Rehabilitation Project coordinator Ray Bondin was elected President of theInternational Committee of Historic Towns and Villages at the Committee's general assembly inCorfu. Mr Bondin said this was one of the most important scientific committees in the field ofconservation and restoration.

• 3 May <strong>2002</strong> Maltese company Hal Mann International has been awarded a €1.3 million contract forworks at the new Corinthia Towers Hotel under construction in Tripoli, Libya. The firm said it haswon the contract despite fierce competition following an international call for tenders late last year.• 4 May <strong>2002</strong> A collection of colour photographs taken on location in Malta and Gozo was the focus ofa full-colour 10-page spread in the Dutch edition of Elegance fashion magazine. The magazinehighlights the beauty, history and heritage of the Islands. Malta was also featured in Dutch magazinesSociety Quarterly, Move and Op Lemen voeten.• 4 May <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli said one of the functions of the new Malta FinancialServices Authority will be the promotion of the general interests and legitimate expectations ofconsumers related to financial services; another function would be to promote fair competitionpractices and consumer choice. Minister Dalli was speaking at a conference on consumer protection atPalazzo Parisio.• 4 May <strong>2002</strong> The Malta-EU Information Centre (MIC) said that negotiations on the free movement ofcapital were provisionally closed with the 10 countries that according to the EU could be ready to joinby 2004. All transition periods start from January 1, 2003, though in Malta's case, the permanentrestriction starts from the day of accession, MIC said.• 4 May <strong>2002</strong> Agriculture Minister Ninu Zammit said the Government would be granting over Lm9million in aid to the potato industry over a period of 12 years: this aid would make up for the gradualremoval of levies, to help farmers improve their produce and tap new markets. Minister Zammit wasspeaking during a visit to the Ta' Qali grading station which is busy handling potatoes for export to theNetherlands.• 4 May <strong>2002</strong> To mark Press Freedom Day, The Malta Press Club joined the international organisationReporters Sans Frontières to highlight the increase in the number of attacks on journalists andincidents threatening freedom of the press. On this occasion, press club members called on PresidentGuido de Marco at the Palace, who, on his part, said the freedom of the press was fundamental to anydemocracy and the public's right to be informed.• 4 May <strong>2002</strong> Bank of Valletta Group made a pre-tax profit of Lm6.9 million for the six months endingon March 31, marginally up from Lm6.8 million for the same period in 2001. Commenting on theresults achieved, BOV Chairman Joseph Zahra said that the period under review had witnessed astrengthening of the core activities of the BOV Group.• 5 May <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli explained that the Government went through various stagesof consultation before embarking on the privatisation of the Malta International Airport. He also saidthat experts from the World Bank helped to plan the process and to choose an international consultant.• 5 May <strong>2002</strong> By joining the EU, Malta would complete the circle of colonialism by taking part indecisions with those countries which formerly were colonisers, MP Michael Frendo said. TheEuropean Union would keep developing irrespective of whether Malta joined it or not. When speakingduring a discussion meeting at Ta’ l-Ibragg , Dr Frendo - who represents the <strong>gov</strong>ernment side at theConvention for the Future of Europe - said that the people's choice had to be made in a referendum.• 5 May <strong>2002</strong> A number of Maltese firms recently put up stands at the Africa Trade Centre in Misurata,Libya. The fair was organised by the Green Leaves Co Ltd, in collaboration with the MisurataChamber of Commerce. Mr Jalal Elmangoush, Chairman of Green Leaves Co, a Libyan living andworking in Malta, was instrumental in getting the Maltese firms to participate in the fair.• 6 May <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami brought up the Presidental elections in France topoint out the difference between somebody who was forward-looking and someone who wanted toturn the clock back. Dr Fenech-Adami also said that investment in the country was on the increase,mentioning in particular the construction of a new hotel in Paceville which planned to employ some400 people.• 6 May <strong>2002</strong> Agriculture Minister Ninu Zammit said the Lm70 million which the Government wasproposing to pass on to producers in agriculture were aimed at helping them restructure, apart fromensuring a just living following the gradual removal of protection levies. Minister Zammit wasspeaking to farmers and herdsmen in Gozo.

• 6 May <strong>2002</strong> Agriculture Minister Ninu Zammit said the Maltese were among the greatest rabbit eatersin the world, and estimates show that there are around 15,000 people breeding rabbits in Malta. MrZammit said he felt the time had come for the creation of a register for breeders. The Minister wasspeaking at the opening of the national championship show organised at San Anton Gardens by theMalta Rabbit Club.• 6 May <strong>2002</strong> Education Minister Louis Galea launched the local branch of the London-based NauticalInstitute which will be using the facilities of the Maritime Institute, which has a satellite campus inVilla Portelli. The opening of the Malta branch will benefit most of the local professional seafarerswho were affiliated to the London-based institute.• 6 May <strong>2002</strong> Transport Minister Censu Galea said plans are in the pipeline to extend the publictransport service by two hours in certain localities, starting from Mellieha, in summer, in an attempt tomake more people use public transport. Discussions about the introduction of ticketing machines werealso expected to be concluded in the near future, Mr Galea said. In the meantime, the first low-floorbus made in Malta is expected to come into service very soon.• 6 May <strong>2002</strong> Some 4,000 Maltese and Gozitan scouts and guides marched along the streets of Vallettain the traditional annual parade. The parade included the participation of the Scout Fellowship and theIsland Trefoil Guild. On Palace Square, President and Mrs de Marco, patrons of the respectiveassociations, were given the salute. The parade also saw a reappearance of air and sea scouts after anabsence of 30 years and 36 years respectively.• 6 May <strong>2002</strong> Culture Minister Louis Galea inaugurated The Limestone Heritage, a new and uniquetourist attraction offering an insight into the ancient crafts of quarrying and masonry, which is situatedin Siggiewi and set within a disused open pit quarry spreading over 0.33 hectares. Attractions includea 10-minute, multi-lingual video production and fossil remains from ancient seas embedded in whatwas a sandy seabed. An orange grove graces the site, reflecting the typical destiny of many quarries inMalta.• 7 May <strong>2002</strong> The Government said Malta has aligned itself with a statement made on by the EuropeanUnion in a security meeting, called to discuss the situation in the Middle East, including thePalestinian question. In its statement, the EU said it expected the personal security and freedom ofmovement of the recognised and elected leader of the Palestinian people would be fully respected andguaranteed.• 7 May <strong>2002</strong> Planned amendments to the Malta Stock Exchange (MSE) Act would create new anddifferent challenges for the exchange, MSE Chairman Alfred Mallia wrote in the Exchange's annualreport for 2001, tabled in Parliament by Finance Minister John Dalli. Mr Mallia said that 2001 wascharacterised by the introduction of remote trading and the Exchange's move to the former GarrisonChapel in Valletta.• 7 May <strong>2002</strong> The Planning Authority has formally become the Malta Environment and PlanningAuthority (MEPA) (L-Awtorita' ta' Malta dwar l-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar). In a message to employees,MEPA Chairman Andrew Calleja described the merger as both a challenge and an opportunity. Thewebsites of the Environment Protection Department and the Planning Authority have been redesignedand amalgamated. www.mepa.org.<strong>mt</strong>• 7 May <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said Airport Consulting Vienna Gmbh - oneof Vienna International Airport plc's consultancy companies - had been engaged as a consultant by theMalta International Airport in July 1999 in connection with the Schengen system, and had been paidLm19,133. The Minister was answering a Parliamentary Question.• 7 May <strong>2002</strong> Agriculture Minister Ninu Zammit said a total of Lm8.09 million in pork was producedlocally last year. Mr Zammit, who was answering Parliamentary Questions, also said that the value ofvegetables and fruit taken to the central agricultural produce market last year stood at Lm5.3 million.• 7 May <strong>2002</strong> The vice-President of the German Bundestag, Rudolf Seiters paid a courtesy call onPresident Guido de Marco. Prof. de Marco told Dr Seiters that Malta valued its friendship withGermany, adding that the two countries had solid political relations, which would be enhanced by thevisit.

• 7 May <strong>2002</strong> Condor, a leading global leisure airline, plans to bring about 50,000 tourists to Maltafrom Germany this summer and next winter. Condor is now operating five weekly flights to Malta.• 7 May <strong>2002</strong> The six winners of the Malta Student Science Forum will be attending various scientificactivities in Europe, the National Student Travel Foundation (Malta) (NSTF) said. NSTF organisedthe forum in collaboration with the Malta Junior Chamber of Scientists and with the support of theItalian Cultural Institute, Air Malta, Malta International Airport and the Parliamentary Secretariat forYouth and Sports.• 8 May <strong>2002</strong> Eight Permanent Secretaries were presented with their letters of appointment by thePrime Minister, who said that the modern needs of a reformed Public Service were reflected in theappointments: promotions were no longer influenced by seniority, adding that the move towards agraduate Civil Service was encouraged. The eight Permanent Secretaries have been appointed for athree-year term.• 8 May <strong>2002</strong> A consultation paper on the development of a strategy for the exploitation of renewableenergy sources was published by the Malta Resources Authority (MRA). Resources and InfrastructureMinister Francis Zammit Dimech said the overall objective of the initiative was to exploit efficient andclean energy technologies, while satisfying Malta's international obligations. The Paper is availablefrom the MRA at the Resources and Infrastructure Ministry, or can be downloaded from theDepartment of Information’s web site at www.doi.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>.• 8 May <strong>2002</strong> Attorney General Anthony Borg Barthet said his office was working on the amendmentsto the electoral laws and described the task as one of his priorities at the moment. Justice MinisterAustin Gatt said that he had been given a copy of what had been agreed between the political partiesand there were three clauses upon which the parties could not agree. In all, Dr Gatt said, there arearound 80 clauses which are expected to be amended.• 8 May <strong>2002</strong> Parliamentary Secretary in the Economic Services Ministry Edwin Vassallo said therehad been an overwhelming response by shop-owners to the new Sunday trading laws and late-nightshopping. He said no fewer than 693 pending licence applications, some dating back to 1995, could beprocessed within the next eight weeks following the recent transfer of responsibility from the police toother authorities.• 8 May <strong>2002</strong> APS Bank has posted a pre-tax profit of Lm1,152,515 for the year ended December 31,2001. Although down from Lm1,307,216 in the previous year, chairman Prof. E.P. Delia said it wasanother good year for the bank. In a statement, APS said 2001 was a period of keen competition andlimited opportunities.• 8 May <strong>2002</strong> President and Mrs Guido de Marco presented Lm21,000 worth of financial assistanceand specialised equipment to 11 institutions and 84 needy individuals on behalf of the MaltaCommunity Chest Fund.• 8 May <strong>2002</strong> New regulations are in force which set classification standards for existing and approvedtourist accommodation, the Malta Tourism Authority (MTA) said. The new standards are based on thestar-rating system.• 8 May <strong>2002</strong> German tour operator FTI Frosch Touristik said it offered the largest flight capacities toMalta in the German market, and was working with airline partners Air Berlin, Air Malta and Condor.FTI was reacting in a press release to what it said were incorrect reports which stated that it hadcollapsed and pulled out of Malta.• 8 May <strong>2002</strong> Part of the second original door of the city of Mdina was recently found duringexcavation works at Vilhena Palace. The Mdina Rehabilitation Project (MRP) in the Resources andInfrastructure Ministry is currently restoring and upgrading the palace.• 9 May <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami welcomed the Vice-President of the GermanBundestag, Rudolf Seiters, at Auberge de Castille. Mr Seiters was making one of a series of courtesycalls during a short visit to Malta.• 9 May <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco launched his new book Momentum. The book carries thespeeches delivered by Prof. de Marco during the first three years of his Presidency. Momentum is theProf. de Marco’s fourth publication.

• 9 May <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli insisted in Parliament that the privatisation process of MaltaInternational Airport had been conducted in the most serious and transparent manner possible. MrDalli was rebutting allegations made in the House the previous day by Opposition spokesmen.• 9 May <strong>2002</strong> Resources and Infrastructure Minister Francis Zammit Dimech said that over 57,100accidents at work were reported between 1992 and last year. He said that the accidents had cost theGovernment millions of liri in lost hours of work, not to mention the human suffering they entailed.Dr Zammit Dimech was speaking during the launch of a Health and Safety Policy document for theWorks Division, at the Ministry, in Floriana.• 9 May <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Maritime Authority and Malta Maritime Legislative Association signed anagreement formally establishing the Maritime Legislative Research and Development Council.Transport Minister Censu Galea said that the initiative was intended to bring about legislative changesin a more structured and eventually more proactive manner.• 9 May <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Tourism Authority has been given responsibility for the issuing of licences forbars, kiosks and coffee shops, as well as permits for tables and chairs to be placed outsideestablishments. The police were previously responsible for the issuing of such licences and permits.• 9 May <strong>2002</strong> Lombard Bank (Malta) posted a pre-tax profit of Lm604,000 for the six months endingMarch 31, an increase of 3% over profits in the same period last year. The results were announced bythe bank in a statement following the approval by the board of directors of the unaudited financialstatements for the period October – March.• 10 May <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami visited the Toly Products manufacturing plant atBulebel industrial estate. Toly Chairman and Chief Executive Andy Gatesy told the Prime Ministerthat, despite high automation, Toly employed 540 workers and produced over 250,000 finishedcomponents each day.• 10 May <strong>2002</strong> Justice and Local Government Minister Austin Gatt said that the Government hadreceived 58 submissions from 44 international and 14 local ICT players following its request forproposals on an e-<strong>gov</strong>ernment partnership agreement in March last year. Dr Gatt was addressing aseminar on e-commerce organised by the Institute for the Management of Information Systems, inSliema.• 10 May <strong>2002</strong> Gozo Minister Giovanna Debono called for co-operation in health services and care forthe elderly between the countries participating in the 22nd Conference of the Islands Commissionwithin the Conference of Peripheral and Maritime Regions (CPMR), in Orkney, Scotland. Ms Debonoalso proposed joint projects, as well as seminars and exchange visits for medical and paramedical staffand other employees in these sectors.• 10 May <strong>2002</strong> The Ambassador of Lithuania, Edminas Bagdonas, presented his credentials to PresidentGuido de Marco. The ceremony took place in the Ambassadors’ Room at the Palace, Valletta, and wasfollowed by an official luncheon at San Anton Palace.• 10 May <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Federation of Industry co-ordinated a three-day visit to Malta by twodelegates from the Association of Lebanese Industrialists. The familiarisation visit was organisedthrough the UNIMED BN initiative, which is managed by the Union of Industrial and Employers'Confederations of Europe (UNICE) and supported by the European Commission in the framework ofthe Euro-Mediterranean Partnership.• 10 May <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office said that tourist arrivals in February had dropped by2,553, or 4.6 per cent, to 53,339, from 55,892 in the same month last year.• 10 May <strong>2002</strong> The Union Haddiema Maghqudin signed an agreement with the Management andPersonnel Office in the Office of the Prime Minister on the postal workers who opted to remain withthe civil service instead of joining Maltapost. In a statement, the UHM said that these workers wouldnow be given the grade of clerk or messenger, with an opportunity to advance in their career within thecivil service.• 10 May <strong>2002</strong> The recently-appointed President of the Malta Red Cross Society, Lino Cutajar,appealed for tangible, financial and logistical backing for the Society to survive and flourish. Prof.

Cutajar said that the national society is currently carving its own niche in the management of illegalimmigrants and refugees, and explained that the recent influx of immigrants has put a strain on Malta'slogistical and human resources.• 10 May <strong>2002</strong> Go Mobile announced that it had switched to paper-based cards. Go Mobile said thatboth the Lm10 top-up card issued in December 2001 and the new Lm5 ninety day window card justissued are made out of environment-friendly paper rather than plastic.• 11 May 200 The Government told fishermen’s representatives that it has the basis of an agreementthat had been reached with the European Union over a 25-mile fishing conservation zone aroundMalta, guaranteeing the livelihood of local fishermen. The Government explained the situation tofishermen's representatives at a meeting of the Malta-EU Steering and Action Committee.• 11 May <strong>2002</strong> A <strong>gov</strong>ernment study concludes that Malta's seas fully complied with the criteria set bythe Barcelona Convention in terms of water quality. At a news conference, Health Minister LouisDeguara said that the Bathing water quality report 2001, drawn up by the Environmental Health Unitand the Department of Public Health, should silence claims that Malta's seas were contaminated withsewage.• 11 May <strong>2002</strong> The Tunisian Secretary of State in the Foreign Ministry, Youssef Mokaddem, made anofficial visit to Malta. The Foreign Ministry said that, within the framework of the existing friendlyand close relations, Malta and Tunisia held political consultations that covered various issues. MrMokaddem also paid a courtesy call on President Guido de Marco.• 11 May <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco presented the Europa Nostra silver medal of honour to theDin l-Art Helwa team responsible for the restoration and rehabilitation of the Msida Bastion Garden ofRepose. The cemetery is the resting ground of Mikiel Anton Vassalli, father of the Maltese language.• 11 May <strong>2002</strong> A parliamentary delegation led by John Vella, who is a member of the ParliamentaryForeign Affairs Committee, attended the XXVI Conference of European Affairs Committees of theNational Parliaments of the European Union, the European Parliament, and the Parliaments ofapplicant states, in Madrid. The delegation included <strong>gov</strong>ernment MP Victor Galea Pace and oppositionMP Chris Cardona.• 11 May <strong>2002</strong> Grand Harbour provided an excellent backdrop for Malta's first fireworks festival.Organised by the Malta Tourism Authority, the festival involved 13 fireworks factories from Maltaand Gozo.• 12 May <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that the country was going through a periodof change which was opening up new opportunities for the Maltese. Dr Fenech-Adami said that EUmembership would open up further opportunities for Malta in various sectors.• 12 May <strong>2002</strong> Gozo Minister Giovanna Debono participated in the 22nd Conference of the IslandsCommission which formed part of the Conference of Peripheral and Maritime Regions, held inOrkney, Scotland. The conference this year focused on transport and the role islands play in the<strong>gov</strong>ernance of the European Union.• 12 May <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco visited an art exhibition set up under a marquee on the site ofthe former Royal Opera House in Valletta, as part of a programme of activities to mark the 50thanniversary celebrations of the locally-produced soft drink Kinnie. Proceeds from the events were inaid of children's homes and Church homes for the elderly.• 12 May <strong>2002</strong> A Maltacom plc delegation returned from Riga, Latvia, after taking part in the EuropeanTelecommunications Networks Operators General Assembly. During the Assembly, Anthony De Bonowas appointed vice-Chairman of the conference. Mr De Bono will be taking up the position ofChairman of ETNO as from January 2003, when Maltacom will be the host for ETNO's GeneralAssembly.• 12 May <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Centre for Restoration was entrusted with conservation of very rare 14th and15th century textiles by the Belghazi Museums Morocco. These museums have also accepted tocontribute to the cataloguing part of the MCR-led, EU funded project, Ikonos.

• 13 May <strong>2002</strong> A <strong>gov</strong>ernment statement announced that Maltese will be one of the official languages ofthe European Union. The statement said that, during a meeting in Brussels, the Committee ofPermanent Representatives of EU Member States known as COREPER accepted the recommendationof the European Commission that, upon accession, the Maltese language would be one of the officiallanguages.• 14 May <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami attended the EU Defence Ministers’ meeting, inBrussels. The meeting brought together defence ministers from member states, candidate countries,Norway, Iceland and Turkey. Dr Fenech-Adami was accompanied by Core Negotiation GroupChairman Richard Cachia Caruana, Armed Forces of Malta Deputy Commander Col Carmel Vassallo,and the Permanent Secretary in the Prime Minister’s Office, Joseph R Grima.• 14 May <strong>2002</strong> The Egyptian Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mohamed Shaban, paid a courtesycall on Foreign Minister Joe Borg. Dr Shaban also met Gaetan Naudi, Permanent Secretary at theMinistry of Foreign Affairs. The two sides discussed the forthcoming meeting of the Maltese-EgyptianMixed Commission.• 14 May <strong>2002</strong> The Leader of the House of Representatives, Lawrence Gonzi, told the House BusinessCommittee that the drafting of a Bill to amend the electoral law as agreed between the Governmentand the Opposition was in its final stages. Dr Gonzi was replying to questions by Opposition DeputyLeader George Vella.• 14 May <strong>2002</strong> A Justice Ministry statement said that the pending caseload at the Civil Court (FirstHall) and the Magistrates Court continued to fall in April. However, the various Appeal Courts aswell as the Constitutional Court registered slight increases. The Small Claims Tribunal againregistered an increase in backlog.• 15 May <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami referred to the pledge made by Malta thatenvisages a light infantry platoon of 30 soldiers from the Armed Forces of Malta participating inUN/OSCE mandated missions of a humanitarian and rescue nature under EU command. He confirmedthat training both in Italy and in Malta had intensified and that, later this year, a second group ofMaltese soldiers will travel to Italy for further training. Dr. Fenech-Adami was addressing a meeting inwhich the Ministers of Defence of the 15 EU Member States met the Ministers of Defence of the 13candidate countries, as well as the Defence Ministers from Norway and Iceland.• 15 May <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco had a meeting with Dr Han Seung-soo, President of theUnited Nations General Assembly, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The meetingfocused on the ongoing efforts for reform of the main organs of the United Nations Organisation,including the need to revitalise the General Assembly.• 15 May <strong>2002</strong> Malta signed and ratified Protocol 13 to the Convention for the Protection of HumanRights and Fundamental Freedoms, which effectively abolishes the death penalty in all circumstances,including crimes committed in times of war and imminent threat of war. The protocol was signed byForeign Minister Joe Borg during the Ministerial Meeting of the Committee of Ministers of theCouncil of Europe, held in Vilnius, Lithuania.• 15 May <strong>2002</strong> Valletta ranks among the top 10 base-ports in the Mediterranean and Northern Europeancruise region for the year <strong>2002</strong>. This results from a report about cruise activity in the Mediterraneanand Northern Europe, which featured in this year’s first quarter edition of GP Wild’s Cruise MarketMonitor, one of the foremost authorities on passenger shipping.• 15 May <strong>2002</strong> Education Minister Louis Galea presented Mohamed Shaban, Assistant Minister at theMinistry of Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt, with copies of thirty-three Arabicmanuscripts found in the National Library of Malta. The donation will contribute to the setting up ofthe new Bibliotheca Alexandrina in Alexandria, Egypt.• 15 May <strong>2002</strong> Air Malta celebrated the 25th anniversary of its first flight by organising a Malta night inZurich, the destination of the inaugural flight. It is expected that Air Malta will have carried over600,000 passengers to and from Switzerland since its first flight in 1977.• 15 May <strong>2002</strong> A new weekly info-entertainment production, X’Inhu Ghaddej, has been launched toguide TV viewers and internet users to the best indoor and outdoor events on the Maltese Islands. Themulti-media production is by Lunik Digital for TV and MaltaMedia on the internet.

• 16 May <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco delivered a lecture entitled The Mediterranean - the art of theimpossible? at the Fairleigh Dickinson University of New Jersey. Prof. de Marco was later hosted todinner by Michael Adams, President of the University.• 16 May <strong>2002</strong> A Foreign Ministry spokesman categorically denied that thirteen Palestinian militantswho spent five weeks detained in Bethlehem’s Nativity Chapel would be transferred to Malta. Thespokesman said that the Government had never made a proposal for the transfer of the militants toMalta; nor had any such proposal been made to Malta. The report appeared in the Italian newspaperCorriere della Sera.• 16 May <strong>2002</strong> A Foreign Ministry statement said that the EU provides for a level playing field.Anybody from the EU wishing to establish himself in Malta will have to comply with local licensinglaws and be in line with all VAT, income tax, social security and other administrative requirements.No specific request had been made during negotiations under the Free Movement of Services chapter.• 16 May <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli said in Parliament that he expected to see a downwardpressure on prices as Malta joined the EU and prepared to adopt the Euro. Mr Dalli was replying to aParliamentary Question.• 16 May <strong>2002</strong> Education Minister Louis Galea said that the results of the Kultura 2000: CulturalParticipation Survey carried out by the National Statistics Office were worrying. The figures showedthat the cultural tendencies of the Maltese were not developed enough and cultural participationneeded to be increased. Dr Galea was speaking during a presentation at St James Cavalier, in Valletta.• 16 May <strong>2002</strong> Infrastructure Minister Francis Zammit Dimech visited the Jesuits’ Church in Valletta tosee the progress of the restoration works. Dr Zammit Dimech was accompanied by VallettaRehabilitation Project Co-ordinator Ray Bondin and Valletta mayor Paul Borg Olivier.• 16 May <strong>2002</strong> Health Minister Louis Deguara announced that Malta had managed to reduce its mentalhospital population by about a fifth over the past five years as a result of changes within the mentalhealth sector. Dr Deguara was speaking at the 55th World Health Assembly, in Geneva.• 16 May <strong>2002</strong> The Health Department announced that a national health survey had been held among4,250 people earlier this year with the aim of collecting precise information on people’s health. Theresearch should provide statistics on several important sectors, including chronic and mental illness,lifestyle, use of health and medicinal services, disease prevention, and physical and emotionaldisabilities.• 16 May <strong>2002</strong> Mr Carmel J. Aquilina, Malta’s first Ambassador to Denmark, presented his credentialsto Queen Margrethe II, in a ceremony that took place at Fredensborg Palace, outside Copenhagen.Ambassador Aquilina conveyed the personal greetings of the President of Malta, which werereciprocated by Queen Margrethe.• 16 May <strong>2002</strong> Ambassador Saviour Gauci presented his credentials as Malta’s non-residentAmbassador to the Republic of Yemen to Lt-General Ali Abdullah Saleh, President of the Republic ofYemen, at Sanaa. During the ceremony, Ambassador Gauci conveyed the cordial greetings ofPresident Guido de Marco to President Saleh.• 16 May <strong>2002</strong> International Oil Exploration Company Hardman Resources said in its quarterly reportthat the Government had extended its exploration permit until October. Hardman holds an 87.6 percent interest in Blocks 4 and 5 offshore Malta, 60 kilometres east of the Island, and south-east ofseveral oil fields off Sicily.• 17 May <strong>2002</strong> The President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organisation for Security and Cooperationin Europe, Adrian Severin, arrived in Malta on an official two-day visit. Prof. Severin’s visitincludes meetings with President Guido de Marco, Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami, andOpposition Deputy Leader George Vella, among others.• 17 May <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Furniture Manufacturers’ Organisation launched the first quality mark forfurniture manufactured in Malta. Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici, who was present for thelaunch, said that the quality mark was the first tangible venture of the organisation, founded lastNovember.

• 17 May <strong>2002</strong> The oil pollution response team quickly and efficiently cleared an oil spill near theRinella tank-cleaning farm at Kalkara during a training exercise held in the presence of InfrastructureMinister Francis Zammit Dimech. There is an average of 52 spills annually in Malta, ranging from halfa tonne to a 110 tonne spill in 1998.• 17 May <strong>2002</strong> Home Affairs Minister Tonio Borg met a delegation from the Chinese Overseas Officeled by the vice-Minister at the office, Liu Zepeng. Dr Borg and Mr Liu discussed an agreementfor co-operation in the fight against drug trafficking signed between Malta and China last October.• 17 May <strong>2002</strong> The Government is urging local enterprise to contribute a small percentage of its profitto the new environment fund that is to be set up under the Environment Protection Act. TheParliamentary Secretary in the Environment Ministry, George Pullicino, said during a meeting with theFederation of Industry that money collected from fines imposed under this Act for harm caused to theenvironment would also be channelled into the fund.• 17 May <strong>2002</strong> Minister of Education Louis Galea set up a committee to formulate the first draft of astrategic plan on Lifelong Learning. The committee is in the process of compiling a database of allorganisations, agencies and departments that offer learning opportunities through certified or noncertifiedcourses or through other educational activities.• 17 May <strong>2002</strong> The Maltese-American Association presented a cheque for $5,843.08 to US AmbassadorAnthony Gioia to help families of the victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks. The cheque wasforwarded to the American Red Cross Liberty Disaster Fund.• 17 May <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco, President of Malta, participated at the United NationsGeneral Assembly Council of Presidents, in New York. The council “firmly condemned all acts ofinternational terrorism and violence and emphasised the importance of addressing the root causes ofconflicts”.• 17 May <strong>2002</strong> The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Anton Tabone, received the President ofthe Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly, Professor AdrianSeverin, at the start of an official visit to Malta.• 18 May <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami announced that, over the years, Government hadinvested more then Lm80 million in <strong>gov</strong>ernment-related information technology. Dr Fenech-Adamiwas speaking at the launch of its revamped portal, <strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>, at Auberge de Castille. The launch wasattended by Justice and Local Government Minister Austin Gatt.• 18 May <strong>2002</strong> At the launch of the <strong>gov</strong>ernment portal, Local Government Minister Austin Gattrevealed that the Government would be offering free internet access in every local council. Dr Gattsaid that the Government would be installing a total of 100 webphones; it would also be openingcomputer laboratories in public schools to teach computer skills to local communities free of charge.• 18 May <strong>2002</strong> Figures released by the National Statistics Office show that the structural budget deficitbetween ordinary revenue and total expenditure in the first four months this year amounted to Lm49.6million, up from Lm36.7 million for the same period last year. Government debt outstanding at theend of April stood at Lm1,049.1 million, up by Lm110.2 million, or 11.7 per cent, from Lm938.9million outstanding at the end of April last year.• 18 May <strong>2002</strong> Go Mobile launched a new service allowing people to listen to live radio broadcasts bycalling a Go Mobile number. The radio stations that can be accessed to date are Radio 101, on 79890101, and Super 1 Radio on 7989 0927.• 19 May <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that the Government had chosen to hold areferendum on EU membership to give people the opportunity to take a decision independently of theirpolitical opinion. Dr Fenech-Adami said that the question of joining the EU was a national issue thatshould be separated from all other matters. Dr Fenech-Adami was speaking in Gozo.• 19 May <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg participated in the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Groupthat discussed the situation in Zimbabwe, Fiji, the Solomon Islands and Pakistan. During hisintervention, Dr Borg reiterated Malta’s commitment to the principles of democracy and rule of law asoutlined in the Harare Declaration and outlined Malta’s views on each item on the CMAG agenda.

• 19 May <strong>2002</strong> Minister for Justice and Local Government Austin Gatt said that Government islaunching a request for proposals for a registration and authentication (R&A) mechanism to ensureconfidentiality and security in all e-<strong>gov</strong>ernment transactions. Dr Gatt said that the mechanism is thethird of three pillars in the building of an e-service environment for the Public Service, the first beingthe new <strong>gov</strong>ernment portal, and the second the payment gateway.• 19 May <strong>2002</strong> Transport and Communications Minister Censu Galea said that Malta’s geographicallocation between Europe and North Africa positions it very well to act as an e-hubbing centre ofactivity for companies seeking to establish a foothold in regions adjacent to the Mediterranean. MrGalea was delivering a message on the occasion of World Telecommunications Day.• 19 May <strong>2002</strong> Education Minister Louis Galea addressed the inaugural meeting of the Malta branch ofthe International Council of Museum, at St James Cavalier Centre for Creativity, in Valletta. ICOM isan international organisation of museums and museum professionals dedicated to the conservation,continuation and communication to society of the world's natural and cultural heritage. ICOM-Maltamay be contacted at icom-malta@melitensia.org• 19 May <strong>2002</strong> The oil pollution response team, Armed Forces of Malta and Civil ProtectionDepartment, cleaned up a large patch of diesel and oil off the Pembroke coast measuring some 200metres in length.• 20 May <strong>2002</strong> Former Director of Museums Fr Marius Zerafa delivered a lecture entitled Caravaggio:The man and his art, at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC. The event was organised by theMaltese Embassy, in collaboration with the Malta Tourist Office in New York, and the Toronto Officeof the Bank of Valletta.• 20 May <strong>2002</strong> Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that the process of downsizing the workforce at the shipyards has so far cost the Government some Lm3 million. Dr Gonzi said that this was aprice the Government was willing to pay so that the ’yards could now start to move ahead. TheMinister was speaking at Cospicua.• 21 May <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco received the newly elected president and committee membersof the Għaqda Maltija kontra d-Dijabete at The Palace, in Valletta. The meeting discussed theorganisation’s concern at the fact that cases of diabetes in Malta are now reaching alarmingproportions.• 21 May <strong>2002</strong> The Parliamentary Secretary in the Environment Ministry, George Pullicino, said thatthe draft National Report on Sustainable Development examines what Malta has done to promotesustainable development in line with Agenda 21, identifies shortcomings, and proposes a way forward.More details on the report can be found at www.mha.<strong>gov</strong>/<strong>mt</strong>.maltanationalreport.pdg• 21 May <strong>2002</strong> Maltapost spokesman Tony Barbaro Sant announced that postal collection times as fromMonday 27 th will be at 11.00 a.m. and 7.00 p.m., Mondays to Fridays, and at 11.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m.on Saturdays. Collection times to date - 7.00 am and 11.00 a.m. - used to allow a same-day deliveryservice that will now no longer be possible with the new collection times.• 22 May <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg said that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is holding talks on acontract for professional advice to be given to the Government on how it may raise awareness ofMalta's foreign policy both locally and abroad. Dr Borg was replying to a Parliamentary Question.• 22 May <strong>2002</strong> Justice and Local Government Minister Austin Gatt announced that information on<strong>gov</strong>ernment services will be available through mobile telephones as from next month. Dr Gatt wasspeaking on the investment made by the Government to develop the concept of e-<strong>gov</strong>ernment when hevisited go-mobile offices, at Marsa.• 22 May <strong>2002</strong> According to the Malta External Trade Corporation, export prospects resulting from atrade mission to Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates were very encouraging and a number of trialorders have already been confirmed. Metco led a delegation of 25 businessmen to the Gulf regionearlier this month.• 22 May <strong>2002</strong> President of the European Parliament Pat Cox, in Malta for a two-day official visit, hadmeetings with President Guido de Marco, with Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami, with the

Speaker of the House of Representatives, Anton Tabone, with Foreign Minister Joe Borg, withFinance Minister John Dalli, and with Leader of the Opposition Alfred Sant. Mr Cox also addressedthe House of Representatives, addressed a press conference, met students from the Mini EuropeanAssembly of the National Students Travel Foundation, and gave a public lecture on the theme TheEuropean Parliament – Preparing for Enlargement, at the Aula Magna of the Old University, inValletta.• 22 May <strong>2002</strong> European Parliament President Pat Cox urged the Maltese people to ‘seize the moment’presented by European Union membership. “The choice is yours, not mine. Our door is open, ourhearts are open to you, but the choice to seize it or not is yours.” Mr Cox was addressing the House ofRepresentatives.• 22 May <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that the Government viewed accession tothe European Union as a consolidation of Malta’s sovereignty. Dr Fenech-Adami said thatmembership was not viewed as some form of threat to sovereignty but as an opportunity for us tostrengthen and exercise our sovereignty. The Prime Minister was speaking in Parliament immediatelyafter the address delivered by the President of the European Parliament, Pat Cox.• 22 May <strong>2002</strong> Speaking in Parliament in the presence of the President of the European Parliament, PatCox, Opposition Leader Alfred Sant reiterated his Party's policy of seeking a partnership with theEuropean Union on the model of ‘Switzerland in the Mediterranean’. “We believe that Malta shouldhave the best relationship possible with the European Union, one that should fit our own particularcircumstances,” said Dr Sant.• 22 May <strong>2002</strong> European Parliament President Pat Cox urged the Maltese to decide once and for allwhether they want to join the EU when the time comes. “I hope that there will not be a situation whereyou plug in and some months later you decide to plug out. Out of the different meetings I held withdifferent leaders in Malta, that would be the appeal that I would like to make.” Mr Cox was addressinga news conference.• 22 May <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami left for Denmark for talks with his Danishcounterpart, Anders Fogh Rasmussen. Denmark takes over the rotating EU Presidency on July 1, acrucial period before the intake of the new member countries.• 23 May <strong>2002</strong> Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen said that he believed that negotiationswith Malta would be successfully concluded under the Danish Presidency later on this year. MrRasmussen discussed Malta’s negotiations, as well as the priorities of the forthcoming Danish EUPresidency, with Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami, in Copenhagen. Denmark will be taking overthe EU rotating Presidency from Spain in July.• 23 May <strong>2002</strong> Speaking at the Danish Institute for International Affairs, Prime Minister EdwardFenech-Adami said that Europe was finally focusing greater attention on its southern flank. The Euro-Med process was on the move, recently receiving an invigorating shot in the arm through the actionplan drawn up, a few weeks ago, at the Foreign Ministers’ Conference in Valencia. Dr Fenech-Adamisaid that Malta supported all the efforts of the European Union, especially those made through EUrepresentative Javier Solana on the Middle East.• 23 May <strong>2002</strong> Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi told Parliament that the Government has startedtalks with a Polish agency responsible for inter-country adoptions with a view to helping Maltesecouples adopt children from Poland. He said that preliminary contacts had also been made with theGovernments of Russia and Ukraine for the same purpose. Dr Gonzi was replying to a ParliamentaryQuestion.• 23 May <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Affairs Minister Joe Borg took part in the ninth meeting of Foreign Ministers ofthe Mediterranean Forum, held in Delos, Greece, earlier this week. The Ministers approved a Code ofConduct on Terrorism, and agreed to present the document to the Barcelona Process, with the aim ofseeking its endorsement by the 27 member states of the Euro-Med Process.• 23 May <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg confirmed in Parliament that the Maltese Government hadnot been asked by the EU to consider sheltering some of the Palestinian militants formerly held undersiege at the Church of the Nativity in Betlehem. Minister Borg was replying to a ParliamentaryQuestion.

• 23 May <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg said in reply to a Parliamentary Question that Malta’sEmbassies and High Commissions abroad had spent Lm154,630 on the purchase of cars in the pastthree years. The Minister said in reply to another Question that, over the past three years, Malta’sEmbassies had hosted 94 receptions at a cost of Lm40,455.• 23 May <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said in Parliament that Malta InternationalAirport is planning to make a capital expenditure of Lm1.07 million in the year ending March 2003.Minister Bonnici explained that Lm400,000 would be spent on new offices in the check-in area and thearrivals hall; the rest would go for a new airfield lighting system, high voltage circuit breakers, andheavy maintenance of Parks 8 and 9.• 23 May <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici tabled figures in Parliament that show thatthe Malta Development Corporation had approved 164 industrial projects during the past three years.The figures show that the MDC approved 27 new projects in 1999, 47 in the year 2000, and 24 lastyear. It had also approved 28 expansions in 1999, 12 in the year 2000, and 26 last year.• 23 May <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli said that no attempts were currently being made forMediterranean Oil Bunkering Company to be privatised. Minister Dalli said that, although a call forinterest had been issued, the process was halted because of problems involving the Planning Authoritythat had since been resolved.• 23 May <strong>2002</strong> Government MP Dolores Cristina told a meeting in Brussels that the debate on thefuture of Europe must take on board a gender dimension. "Unless the debate is engendered it isendangered and risks losing credibility and legitimacy," she said. Ms Cristina is substitute member forthe parliamentary delegate of the Nationalist Party for the Convention on the Future of Europe.• 23 May <strong>2002</strong> The Resources and Infrastructure Ministry announced that Government's works divisionhas awarded a contract worth Lm213,333 for the development of environmentally sound restorationstrategies for Maghtab, Qortin and Wied Fulija dump sites. The contract was won by Scott WilsonKirkpatrick & Company Limited of the United Kingdom.• 23 May <strong>2002</strong> Four distinguished war veterans - former President Censu Tabone, Brigadier GeorgeMicallef, Lt Col Anthony Pace Bonello and Flt Lt Douglas Robertson - signed 600 prints showing fourSpitfires flying over Grand Harbour. The project is an initiative of the George Cross IslandAssociation and is aimed at raising money for the association.• 23 May <strong>2002</strong> A moderate underwater earthquake near southern Greece was felt in different areas ofMalta, notably at Siggiewi and Naxxar. Seismologist Pauline Galea said that the tremor, registering 5.3on the Richter scale, was recorded at Wied Dalam Station.• 24 May <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that he was pleased to see that three largefurniture manufacturers were collaborating to turn the challenges ahead into new opportunities. DrFenech-Adami was speaking during a visit to the plants of InterProgetti, a new joint ventureconsortium set up in 2001 between Joinwell Limited, C. Fino and Sons and FX Borg Limited.• 24 May <strong>2002</strong> Eneko Landaburu, Director General at the Directorate for Enlargement, in a meetingwith Minister for Gozo Giovanna Debono, referred to the fact that the Maltese language wouldbecome one of the official languages of the Union on accession. "Through this, the EU gives proof ofthe importance it gives to respecting diversity and helping regions maintain their identity."• 24 May <strong>2002</strong> The 10 EU candidate countries, including Malta, are urging the European Union to treatthem as equal members when they join the Union. In a joint declaration issued at a one-day strategysession in Warsaw, the Ministers confirmed their determination to conclude enlargement negotiationsby the end of the year <strong>2002</strong> to join the EU in January, 2004. They said they expected the EuropeanCouncil in Seville to confirm this timetable and objective. The candidate countries also argued thatadequate financial resources should be made available by the EU for enlargement.• 24 May <strong>2002</strong> Malta Drydocks Chairman John Cassar White toured the Irving Primrose together withSocial Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi and Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici. The 340-metre tanker is the largest ship that has ever entered the MDD. The contract is worth some $500,000.• 24 May <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo said that a Malta Tourism Authority survey showedthat about 40,000 divers visited Malta and Gozo annually, mostly accompanied by family and friends,

accounting for around 80,000 visitors. Dr Refalo was speaking at the launch of Peter G. Lemon's bookGuide to shore diving in the Maltese Islands, in Qawra.• 24 May <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo said that Malta's performance in tourism still showeda downturn although it was better than the Mediterranean average. He said that Malta had managed toachieve such results thanks to the efforts of the Government, MTA, Air Malta and the private sector.Dr Refalo was launching a new Malta Tourism Authority leaflet.• 24 May <strong>2002</strong> Culture Minister Louis Galea said that the new heritage act, which was recentlyapproved by Parliament, would create structures to facilitate site management and marketing andwould rope in the private sector and NGOs. Dr Galea was speaking at the inauguration of a new 900-square metre wing at the Ghar Dalam Museum.• 24 May <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Development Corporation has held an investment promotion seminar for thefirst time in Zurich as part of its campaign to introduce Malta to Swiss industrialists. The activity wasorganised in collaboration with the 11,000-member strong Swiss Export Association, and the Swiss-Maltese Chamber of Commerce, which is based in Zurich.• 24 May <strong>2002</strong> Seven Maltese venture scouts who hold the prestigious Dolphin Award returned fromLondon after attending the jubilee celebrations for Commonwealth scouts who hold this level ofachievement. The Maltese scouts took part in the St George's Day parade of Queen's scouts and theNational Scout Service at Windsor Castle on April 21, the Queen's birthday. The Queen reviewed theparade.• 24 May <strong>2002</strong> A student from the Institute of Electronics Engineering at the Malta College of Arts,Science and Technology was awarded first place in the 14th European Contest for Young Scientists.Glenn Camilleri designed and built an electronic pager for the transfer of messages from a computerand their transmission on a particular band of radio frequencies within a localised area. The device is agood means of communication where mobile phones cannot be used.• 25 May <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that an umbrella law was needed to regulatevoluntary organisations. Dr Fenech-Adami was speaking during a discussion on the kind of servicethat voluntary organisations offer to society, at the Caring Awareness Fair, in Naxxar. The discussionwas also addressed by Leader of the Opposition Alfred Sant.• 25 May <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that Malta had been asked to take part inoverseas humanitarian and rescue operations and Maltese soldiers were being prepared for the task."You know your responsibilities. Prepare to do your duties as necessary," Dr Fenech-Adami said. ThePrime Minister was speaking at the passing out parade of sixty-four new AFM recruits.• 25 May <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo said that the structure for the running of the Tourismindustry was a private-public partnership, with <strong>gov</strong>ernment support, financing and policy making. DrRefalo was addressing a seminar organised by the Tourism Ministry on Public-Private Partnership inthe Tourism Industry, at the Portomaso Hilton, in St Julian's.• 25 May <strong>2002</strong> The 40,000 holders of trading licences will now be able to renew their licences and payfor them over the internet, the first <strong>gov</strong>ernment service to offer electronic transactions. The service waslaunched by Local Government Minister Austin Gatt who said that payment facilities were possiblefollowing the setting up of a payment gateway by the Government and e-Shore, a subsidiary companyof Maltacom and Bank of Valletta.• 25 May <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo said that the effects of September 11, 2001 would befelt well into the year and the industry would only achieve pre-crisis volume levels towards the end ofthe third quarter and, more probably, in the fourth quarter. Dr Refalo was speaking during apresentation of certificates to Mellieha Bay Hotel staff who completed the Quality ServiceProgramme, run by the Institute for Tourism Studies.• 25 May <strong>2002</strong> The Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Environment,George Pullicino, said that membership of the European Union was a catalyst for environmentalimprovements to be made in a shorter period than would otherwise have been the case. Mr Pullicinowas speaking at the informal meeting of Ministers of the Environment of EU candidate countries, in StJulian's.

• 25 May <strong>2002</strong> Home Affairs Minister Tonio Borg also addressed the Environment Ministers. He saidthat the aim of the meeting was to focus on the concept of sustainable development, that is the need toensure that all peoples lived in prosperity, without prejudicing humankind's duty of stewardship overtheir common heritage and common concern - the environment.• 25 May <strong>2002</strong> The European Union Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs approvedunanimously a resolution amendment which asks that Malta be given six seats in the EuropeanParliament. The resolution as amended will be voted on by the European Parliament later on this year.The amendment was put forward by Green MEPs Elizabeth Schroedter, Matti Woori, Joost Lagendijk,Dany Cohn Bendit and Jean Lambert.• 25 May <strong>2002</strong> The European Convention on the Future of Europe was addressed in Maltese for the firsttime when the Government's representative, Prof. Peter Serracino Inglott, made an intervention. Thiswas made possible following the recent decision by the presidium of the convention which extendedthe opportunity to members of the convention to speak in their native tongue.• 25 May <strong>2002</strong> Maltacom group CEO Stephen Muscat gave an overview of how the parent companyand its subsidiaries fared during the past year. The group registered a profit after tax of Lm9.3 millioncompared to Lm9.5 million in 2000. Earnings per share were 9c2 compared to 9c4 in 2000. A netdividend of 3c2 was approved. Mr Muscat was addressing the annual general meeting of the company,at the Mediterranean Conference Centre, in Valletta.• 25 May <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office announced that the number of registered unemployed inApril <strong>2002</strong> stood at 7,637, down from 7,725 in March.• 26 May <strong>2002</strong> Local Government Minister Austin Gatt announced that the Government was launchinga pilot project at a secondary school in collaboration with a local council to provide free computerclasses for the community after school hours. He said that, if this project proved successful, theGovernment would introduce the plan in as many secondary schools as possible from the end of theyear. Dr Gatt was addressing Local Council mayors meeting at the Jerma Palace Hotel.• 26 May <strong>2002</strong> The Speaker of the House, Anton Tabone, led a parliamentary delegation taking part inthe 13th meeting between the President of the European Parliament and the Presidents of theParliaments of the countries participating in the enlargement process. The meeting was held in Riga,Latvia, and was hosted by the Saeima, (Latvian Parliament). The delegation included Government MPJason Azzopardi and Opposition MP Noel Farrugia.• 26 May <strong>2002</strong> Maltese singer Ira Losco placed second in the Eurovision Song Contest with herinterpretation of 7th Wonder, composed by Philip Vella with lyrics by Gerard James Borg. Ms Losco’splacing is the highest to be achieved by a Maltese singer to date.• 27 May <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami announced that negotiations with the EuropeanUnion would be concluded by October when the Government would be ready to ask the people to votein a referendum for or against membership under the conditions obtained in negotiations. Dr Fenech-Adami was speaking at Swieqi.• 27 May <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici told a news conference that the framework ofthe new Malta Enterprise Board, formed by the merger of three key current <strong>gov</strong>ernment agencies, is tobe finalised by the end of next month. The Malta Development Corporation, the Maltese ExternalTrade Corporation, and the Institute for the Promotion of Small Enterprise are to be merged into one inorder to streamline and reorganise the business and services industry.• 27 May <strong>2002</strong> Ms Victoria Demanuele, a former teacher of Italian who had served as secretary to MgrMichael Azzopardi when he founded Villa Mgr Gonzi, the Siggiewi home for the handicapped, wonthis year’s Mgr Azzopardi Award. Ms Azzopardi was presented with the award by Homes directorMgr Lawrence Gatt.• 28 May <strong>2002</strong> Malta Drydocks chairman John Cassar White announced that the ’yard was tendering fortwo large conversion contracts which would give it a tremendous boost should they be won. The ’yardis competing for the contracts against shipyards from Spain and Poland, he added. Mr Cassar Whitewas speaking to The Times newspaper.

• 28 May <strong>2002</strong> The Ombudsman gave a largely favourable report on the treatment of illegal immigrantsin Malta. He said, however, that the detention centre at Ta’ Kandja should be closed as soon as thedetainees can be transferred to the new centre at Hal Far, where works are in the process of beingcompleted. The report by Mr Joe Sammut was presented to Parliament and tabled by the Speaker.• 28 May <strong>2002</strong> Agriculture Minister Ninu Zammit attended the 23rd regional conference of the Foodand Agriculture Organisation, in Cyprus. The conference discussed, among other items, food qualityand safety, and sustainable management of land and water resources.• 28 May <strong>2002</strong> Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that achieving sustained economic andsocial prosperity required political harmonisation on all fronts, across all sectors and stakeholders. DrGonzi was speaking at a seminar organised by the Employment and Training Corporation and theEuropean Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions.• 28 May <strong>2002</strong> Parliamentary Secretary in the Social Policy Ministry, Antoine Mifsud Bonnici, said thatduring the last few years, the courts had began to take a harsher stand on domestic violence. “Themessage is clearly coming through that there is zero tolerance to violence, especially in the family,” hesaid. Dr Mifsud Bonnici was speaking at the opening of a training programme on domestic violencefor the Appogg agency, conducted by trainers from the Tavistock Clinic in London, provided through agrant from the Commonwealth Secretariat.• 28 May <strong>2002</strong> Air Malta’s flight services section has been awarded Airtours’ Best onboard servicesoverseas airline award, for summer 2001. This is the second award from Airtours in the past threeyears, and the seventh award won by Air Malta and its flight services section for in-flight servicestandards.• 28 May <strong>2002</strong> Euromed Cruises are introducing a programme of cruises using Malta as a home base. Afurther bonus for the Maltese tourism industry is that Louis Tours of Cyprus plan to bring over touristsfrom Cyprus for a stay in Malta followed by a cruise in the Mediterranean starting off from GrandHarbour.• 29 May <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami announced that the new hospital at Tal-Qroqq isto be named Mater Dei, meaning Mother of God. He said that the name for the new hospital waschosen after a Cabinet meeting, and followed a suggestion made by Health Minister Louis Deguara. DrFenech-Adami spoke to reporters during a tour of the hospital in which he was accompanied by DrDeguara.• 29 May <strong>2002</strong> Whilst speaking at a seminar at Qawra, Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami quotedfigures based on Employment and Training Corporation statistics and issued by the National StatisticsOffice, saying that unemployment was now below 6,900. Dr Fenech-Adami said that the fall inunemployment was the result of <strong>gov</strong>ernment policies bearing fruit, particularly in the generation ofemployment.• 29 May <strong>2002</strong> Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi listed the aims of the European Year forPersons with a Disability to be celebrated next year. These were: for society to have concreteinformation on what disability was; that people with a disability would make a useful contribution tosociety; and that a concrete plan would be drawn up and implemented with the full contribution of thedisabled themselves. Proposals for inclusion in the official programme can be mailed to the NationalCommission for Persons with a Disability at pr@kndp.org• 29 May <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo announced that the World Tourism Organisation'sCommission for Europe would be meeting in Malta next spring. Dr Refalo was speaking at the launchof the <strong>2002</strong> edition of the Mediterranean Yacht Planners Guide, which can be viewed atwww.medyachtplanners.com• 29 May <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said that the realisation of a Euromed freetrade area by 2010 required the removal of barriers that inhibit trade between the EU andMediterranean countries. Prof. Bonnici was speaking during a conference on intellectual property ofsmall and medium sized enterprises, at Le Meridien Phoenicia Hotel, in Floriana.• 29 May <strong>2002</strong> The Government intends to write to EuroNews to protest against the unfair andunbalanced feature putting the spotlight on Malta's environment. Resources and Infrastructure MinisterFrancis Zammit Dimech said that the feature failed to give the Government's view on the

environmental problems. EuroNews is a European news channel transmitting in seven languages andcovering world news from a European perspective.• 29 May <strong>2002</strong> Malta’s Eurovision star Ira Losco was received by President Guido de Marco. Prof. deMarco praised the singer and said that she had made all Malta proud. Earlier, the singer visited PrimeMinister Edward Fenech-Adami at Auberge de Castille. Dr Fenech-Adami told Ms Losco: “You havegiven a lesson in self-confidence to all Maltese people”.• 29 May <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office said that, in April <strong>2002</strong>, the rate of inflation stood at 3.65per cent, up from 3.62 per cent the previous month. The rate in April 2001 was 1.91 per cent. In April<strong>2002</strong>, the Retail Price Index went up by 0.20 per cent over March to reach 117.79.• 29 May <strong>2002</strong> A Malta Tourism Authority poster has been voted the Best advertising poster sinceJanuary <strong>2002</strong> in a consumer survey in Germany. Other competitors for the title included Nike,L'Oreal, Nissan, Ford Mondeo and Mc Donald's.• 29 May <strong>2002</strong> The Department of Information announced the introduction of a direct mailing servicevia internet. Subscribers to the new service can choose to receive notice of scholarships and jobvacancies in the public sector; calls for tenders issued by <strong>gov</strong>ernment departments, parastatalcompanies and local councils; press releases and photo images taken during <strong>gov</strong>ernment activities; aswell as a monthly diary of <strong>gov</strong>ernment activities and events. The DOI can be accessed atwww.doi.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>• 30 May <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that it would be a mistake for Malta toremain stuck with an antiquated neutrality clause that related to the international political situation of20 years ago. The Prime Minister said that the Constitution should be updated to reflect today'ssituation. Dr Fenech-Adami was speaking at Salina.• 30 May <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami presided over the inauguration of DowtyAutomotive (Malta) Ltd’s new factory, Business Brakes Unity, at Hal Far. Dr Fenech-Adami praisedthe ability of the Maltese employees and the fact that, despite strong competition and globalisation,Malta still managed to attract substantial foreign investment. During the meeting, the Prime Ministerwas accompanied by Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici.• 30 May <strong>2002</strong> Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that the Employment and IndustrialRelations Bill should not be seen in a vacuum but in a wider context, that is, as a link in the chain ofdevelopment of the country's economic and social framework. Dr Gonzi was making his final addressto the Malta Employers' Association annual general conference, at the Radisson SAS Bay PointResort, in St Julian's.• 30 May <strong>2002</strong> Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi announced that the Cabinet had accepted hisMinistry's proposal to have a Commissioner for Children and the Attorney General was alreadydrafting the required Bill. Dr Gonzi was speaking at the launch of Children: a thematic collection ofstatistical data. The publication is available for sale from the Department of Information atwww.doi.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>• 30 May <strong>2002</strong> The Government announced the issue of Lm10 million worth of stock at 5.6 per cent,maturing in 2007. Dividend is payable half yearly in arrears on June 10 and December 10 during thetenure of the stock.• 30 May <strong>2002</strong> Hamilton Travel Managing Director Norman Hamilton announced that, in the 21-weekperiod between June 19 and November 13, the MV Mistral luxury liner will be bringing 33,000 cruiseliner passengers to Malta. Mr Hamilton was speaking during a reception on board the 49,000-tonluxury liner attended by Tourism Minister Michael Refalo.• 30 May <strong>2002</strong> Comino Caves, Dwejra, Wied Iz-Zurrieq and the site of the Um el Faroud top the list ofthe most popular dive sites in the Maltese Islands. Malta attracted 36,750 divers in 1999 and 38,588 inthe following year. The information, tabled in Parliament by Tourism Minister Michael Refalo, isbased on the findings of a survey conducted by the Malta Tourism Authority.• 30 May <strong>2002</strong> The Foreign Ministry took part in cultural events in Helsinki, London, Athens andMadrid in the past two weeks. Participation was aimed at promoting the diverse cultural backgrounds

and traditions of applicant countries for the European Union in preparation for the forthcomingenlargement process.• 30 May <strong>2002</strong> Maltapost is seeking to employ a new Chief Executive to implement the company’sbusiness plan. The decision comes in the wake of the removal of Chief Executive Bob Macgregor afterjust three months in the post. Maltapost and Transend said that the decision to remove Mr Macgregorand employ a new chief executive was taken unanimously in the long-term business interests ofMaltapost.• 30 May <strong>2002</strong> Government MP Francis Agius and Opposition MP John Attard Montalto attended ameeting of the Economic Affairs Committee of the Council of Europe, in Baku, Azerbaijan. Topicsdiscussed included the reconcilement of economic and environment protection needs.• 30 May <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office said that a total of 617,417 passengers used the Malta-Gozo ferries in the first quarter of this year. The figure shows an increase of 51,478, or 9.10 per cent,over the same quarter last year. The NSO said that the number of commercial vehicles making thecrossing declined by 276, or 5.54 per cent, to 4,709 from 4,985 last year.• 31 May <strong>2002</strong> Respondents to the Central Bank of Malta’s latest business perception survey reportedbelow-normal activity levels during the fourth quarter of 2001. However, performance was better thanexpected since in the previous survey respondents were very pessimistic about the short-term outlook.The survey is published in the Bank’s Quarterly Review for March.• 31 May <strong>2002</strong> In a meeting with President Guido de Marco, the Deputy Prime Minister of the RussianFederation, Valentina Matvienko, expressed her happiness at returning to Malta. Ms Matvienko wasthe Soviet Union and Russian Federation’s Ambassador to Malta between 1991 and 1994.• 31 May <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco made an official visit to Mosta. Prof. de Marco visited theMosta civic centre, which houses the council offices, the police station, a library and a health centre.The President also visited the day care centre for the elderly, the rotunda church, Mosta football club,the St Mary and the Nicolò Isouard band clubs, and the town’s primary schools.• 31 May <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg proposed to the 5+5 Western Mediterranean countries toengage in practical measures to strengthen their co-operation. In this respect he called for theidentification of a number of confidence building measures. Dr Borg was addressing the Meeting ofMinisters of Foreign Affairs of the Western Mediterranean States, in Tripoli.• 31 May <strong>2002</strong> MIC said in a statement that just over 72 per cent of the Maltese questioned in a surveysaid that the Malta-EU Information Centre had helped them to get to know more about the EU. Thesurvey was conducted by MISCO using a sample of 800 people.• 31 May <strong>2002</strong> An official EU poll carried out in all EU member states by Eurobarometer shows that avast majority of EU citizens are badly informed about the enlargement process and do not even knowwhich countries are candidates. Only 17 per cent are aware that Malta is among the candidatecountries.• 31 May <strong>2002</strong> The Parliamentary Secretary in the Home Affairs and Environment Ministry, GeorgePullicino, said that Michael Zammit Cutajar has been appointed Consultant to the Government for theWorld Summit on Sustainable Development, which is to be held in Johannesburg, South Africa, inSeptember. Until a short while ago, Mr Zammit Cutajar was director of the secretariat for the UnitedNations Framework Convention on Climate Change.• 31 May <strong>2002</strong> Consolidated Biscuit Co Ltd won Metco’s award for exporter of the year formanufacturing, while Medavaia Co Ltd won the award for exporter of the year for services. Theawards were presented by President Guido de Marco at the end of a gala dinner at the WestinDragonara Hotel.

JUNE• 1 June <strong>2002</strong> EU Commissioner for Trade Pascal Lamy delivered the inaugural speech at the fifthMinisterial Trade Conference of EU candidate countries. Mr Lamy spoke of two basic kinds of modelof regional trade: the first, which he labelled ‘the good neighbours model’, is essentially about theabolition of barriers at the frontier, as neighbours try to minimise transaction costs; the other is what hedescribed as ‘the happy family’, where countries share the political will to build a community and topool sovereignty.• 1 June <strong>2002</strong> EU Commissioner for Trade Pascal Lamy pointed out that an association agreement withthe EU could not offer the same benefits and opportunities as membership. Mr Lamy, in Malta to takepart in a meeting of the EU candidate countries focusing on trade, was speaking at a meeting with thebusiness community, at the Chamber of Commerce.• 1 June <strong>2002</strong> The Malta-EU Information Centre announced that negotiations on statistics wereprovisionally closed with the 10 countries that, according to the EU, could be ready to join by 2004.These 10 countries are Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta,Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia. Negotiations on this chapter were also closed with Bulgaria andRomania.• 1 June <strong>2002</strong> Lawrence Zammit, Chairman of Malta International Airport, said that the retail outlets inthe departures and arrivals halls of the airport have made a staggering Lm84 million in sales over thepast 10 years. Mr Zammit was speaking during the launch of the latest promotion by the airport andthe Tax Free Marketing Group.• 1 June <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office announced that, in the first quarter of this year, total salesby manufacturing enterprises decreased by Lm31.7 million or 12 per cent to Lm231.5 million, fromLm263.2 million a year earlier.• 1 June <strong>2002</strong> Figures released by the National Statistics Office show that both exports and importswent down in the first quarter of <strong>2002</strong>. The slump resulted in a reduction in the visible trade gap ofLm17.4 million, from Lm115.6 million in 2001 to Lm98.2 million this year.• 1 June <strong>2002</strong> A statement released by the International Institute on Ageing says that the agreementbetween the United Nations and the Government renews the International Institute on Ageing for afurther five years, as from January 1, 2003. The renewal was confirmed by UN Secretary General KofiAnnan in writing to Foreign Minister Joe Borg.• 2 June <strong>2002</strong> The European Union has declared 2003 as the European Year of Persons with Disability.A national co-ordinating committee made up of representatives of the National Commission forMental Health Reform, the Federation of Organisations for Persons with Disability, and the NationalCommission for Persons with Disability has been set up.• 2 June <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli said that Malta has presented the EU with a long list ofproducts that Malta wants to retain at zero VAT rate, following the British and Irish models. “The EUargument is that England and Ireland are members, while Malta wants to join. I believe that we willretain the main part of the list at zero VAT,” the Minister said. Mr Dalli was speaking at Ta’ l-Ibragg.• 2 June <strong>2002</strong> Local Government Minister Austin Gatt said that local councils are to becomeresponsible for the issuing of temporary permits and licences in a number of areas, making them moreautonomous and responsive to the public's needs. Dr Gatt was speaking at a news conference at theLocal Government Ministry, in Valletta.• 2 June <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo told the annual meeting of the Rent-A-Car Associationthat provisional indications for March and April showed an increase in tourist arrivals from Malta'smain markets. Dr Refalo said that the indications confirmed the view he had expressed during theBudget debate in Parliament in December that Malta would have a good summer and that at least 1.1million tourists would visit Malta this year.

• 2 June <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo and Gozo Minister Giovanna Debono launched the‘Island of Gozo Country Walks’ project. The initiative marked the World Tourism Organisation'sInternational Year of Tourism.• 2 June <strong>2002</strong> The Queen's Jubilee Baton arrived in Malta for the start of the last leg of a relay aroundCommonwealth countries before being used to officially open the Commonwealth Games inManchester on July 25. Parliamentary Secretary for Youth and Sport Jesmond Mugliett officiallystarted the Maltese leg of the relay by presenting the baton to the President of the Malta OlympicCommittee, Mr Justice Lino Farrugia Sacco, who in turn handed it to athlete Geraldine CassarTorregiani.• 2 June <strong>2002</strong> The Government warned the crews of 11 foreign private aircraft that they should stoptuna-spotting during June. The order was given following the publication of a Legal Notice a few daysago empowering the Civil Aviation Authorities to stop aircraft suspected of being used for tunaspottingfrom taking off or landing at Malta. Spotter planes are used to relay the exact position of tunato large foreign trawlers that use purse-seine nets to catch the fish.• 3 June <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli said that the VAT Department has made arrangements forthe visit of two Swedish experts, Anders Runebjer and Goran Bodin, to discuss and recommendpossible procedural improvements in the VAT Appeals Boards. Mr Dalli was speaking at a seminar onVAT Appeals Boards procedures, at the METCO premises in San Gwann.• 3 June <strong>2002</strong> New regulations that have just come into effect simplify procedures for the installation ofsatellite dish antennas. The notification process previously applicable to satellite dishes has been doneaway with and people need only notify the Malta Environment and Planning Authority of theirintention to install a satellite dish if the premises lie in scheduled areas.• 4 June <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli announced that the Malta Financial Services Centre is to berenamed the Malta Financial Services Authority in terms of a Bill entitled Special Funds (Regulation)Bill. The Authority will become the sole regulator of all financial services in Malta. Minister Dalliwas speaking in the House of Representatives.• 4 June <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said that Malta Freeport handled 415,433containers in the first four months of this year compared to 375,382 in the same period last year. Prof.Bonnici was replying to a Parliamentary Question.• 4 June <strong>2002</strong> British High Commissioner Howard Pearce presented the ISO 900: 2000 Certificate toMaltacom group chairman Maurice Zarb Adami. The company said that the award commits MaltacomTraining College to quality and standards that will contribute to its future success and development.• 4 June <strong>2002</strong> The Queen's Jubilee Baton was presented to President Guido de Marco during aceremony at the Upper Barrakka Gardens. British High Commissioner Howard Pearce and LinoFarrugio Sacco, president of the Malta Olympic Committee, attended the presentation.• 4 June <strong>2002</strong> Eight poems by Prof. John Cremona have been set to music by Prof. Mro CharlesCamilleri and released on CD. The launching of War Cantata, War Poems coincides with the 60thanniversary of the award of the George Cross to Malta.• 5 June <strong>2002</strong> The Maltese Language Board welcomed the news that Maltese will become an officialEU language if Malta gains accession. In a statement, the Board said that this was the least one couldexpect, given that Maltese, although spoken by a small number of people, was nonetheless the nationallanguage of a sovereign state.• 5 June <strong>2002</strong> Arab League Secretary General Amre Moussa called on Malta to support a fair, just andcomprehensive solution to the Middle East conflict, not as a spectator, but as a country that had a stakein the Middle East. Malta had always played this role in the Non-aligned Movement, the UnitedNations and the Barcelona process, he said, and he was confident that it would continue to do so. MrMoussa was addressing a special sitting of Parliament during his official visit to Malta.• 5 June <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami told the Secretary General of the Arab League,Amre Moussa, that Malta would back his efforts to achieve peace and stability in the Mediterranean.Dr Fenech-Adami was speaking during a special sitting of Parliament.

• 5 June <strong>2002</strong> Opposition Leader Alfred Sant said that Malta’s neutrality should be a core-definingelement of its policy as an independent nation state. Dr Sant was addressing a special sitting ofParliament attended by the Secretary General of the Arab League, Amre Moussa.• 5 June <strong>2002</strong> The Arab League’s Secretary General, Amre Moussa, said that he looked on Malta’s EUmembership bid as a positive development. Mr Moussa said that Malta could play an important role inthe EU when the European leaders formulated their position on the troublesome situation in theMiddle East. Mr Moussa was addressing a joint news conference with Foreign Minister Joe Borg.• 5 June <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg said that talks with Mr Moussa focused on the relationsbetween the Arab League and Malta. Dr Borg said that the talks with Mr Moussa also focused on thesituation in the Middle East and Malta’s EU membership process. Dr Borg was addressing a jointnews conference with Dr Moussa.• 6 June <strong>2002</strong> Amre Moussa, Secretary General of the Arab League, met President Guido de Marco.Prof. de Marco said that both believed that the Mediterranean was closely linked to events in Europeand beyond. “Only a studied approach to the problems of the Mediterranean can lead to solving manymajor issues which are at the moment facing the international arena,” said President de Marco after themeeting.• 6 June <strong>2002</strong> Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi, Chairman of the Task Force for the restructuringof the shipyards, said that 688 workers had so far left Malta Drydocks and the Malta Shipbuildingunder the early retirement and voluntary resignation schemes. Dr Gonzi said that a total of 791workers had applied under the schemes, but 67 applications were rejected because the workersinvolved were considered vital for the 'yards. The remaining applications were being processed. DrGonzi was speaking in Parliament.• 6 June <strong>2002</strong> The latest <strong>gov</strong>ernment stock issue has been subscribed more than three times over. Over2,700 applications for the purchase of stock were received, amounting to a total of Lm37,156,600.Because of the great response, the sale had to close a day before the stipulated date.• 6 June <strong>2002</strong> Transport and Communications Minister Censu Galea said in reply to a ParliamentaryQuestion that, as of April <strong>2002</strong>, there were 235,770 mobile phones and 207,640 fixed telephone lines.This means that, for the first time, the number of mobile phones exceeds the number of fixed telephonelines.• 6 June <strong>2002</strong> The Ministry of Foreign Affairs entered into an agreement with Proximus PR for thecompany to design and implement, in collaboration with the Ministry’s staff, a communicationstrategy aimed at raising awareness of Malta overseas and raising awareness of Malta’s foreign policyboth locally and abroad. The agreement was tabled in Parliament by Foreign Minister Joe Borg inreply to a Parliamentary Question.• 6 June <strong>2002</strong> The Parliamentary Secretary in the Environment Ministry, George Pullicino, said that thepark-and-ride scheme between Floriana and Valletta should in place by the end of next year. The parkand-ridescheme would considerably reduce traffic in Valletta, and the problems it causes throughpollution and parking.• 6 June <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Environment and Planning Authority is offering subsidies of up to 60 per centfor the restoration of wooden balconies in the Three Cities and Kalkara. The MEPA has allocatedLm16,000 towards the scheme, part of which is being paid by Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna.• 6 June <strong>2002</strong> Enemalta Chairman Robert Ghirlando said that the Corporation would be looking into thepossibility of expanding into the fixed line telephony market when the liberalisation of internationalconnection and fixed line telephony comes into force on January 1, 2003. Maltacom has a monopolyover fixed line telephony and international connection until January 1, 2003.• 6 June <strong>2002</strong> European guidelines for the control or prevention of travel-associated Legionnaires’Disease were finalised at the 17 th annual meeting of the European Working Group for LegionellaInfections. Eighty-six participants attended the Malta meeting.• 7 June <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami was shown round the Mosta Technopark by thechairman of the Tenants’ Association, Henry Borg. Dr Fenech-Adami described the work of the

association as a successful experiment. He said that the substantial upgrading and upkeep of the estateshould serve as a model for other industrial estates, some of which had unacceptable surroundings.• 7 June <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office said that tourist arrivals for the first quarter of <strong>2002</strong> remain10,000 less than in the same period last year: a decline of five per cent to 175,862 from 185,053 duringthe first quarter of 2001. On the other hand, <strong>2002</strong> saw an increase in the number of cruise passengers:from 10,097 during the first quarter of 2001, to 12,111 in the comparative quarter of this year.• 7 June <strong>2002</strong> The Health Department, the Malta Air Traffic Services, Air Malta, the Civil ProtectionDepartment, Police Headquarters, the Armed Forces, and the Department of Information took part in amock emergency exercise involving the crash of a Boeing 737 with 33 passengers on board. At a pressbriefing following the ‘disaster’, MIA Head of Security Mario Cuomo said that the primary aim of theexercise was to verify the response time and the way the passengers were treated.• 7 June <strong>2002</strong> Justice Minister Austin Gatt said that the results of the eEurope+ Action Plan provedMalta to be a leader among the 13 EU candidate countries in the field of Information andCommunication Technology. Dr Gatt was addressing a news conference.• 7 June <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco paid an official visit to Cospicua. Prof. de Marco was shownround the town by Mayor Paul Muscat.• 7 June <strong>2002</strong> The <strong>2002</strong> report on candidate countries' progress towards EU accession criticisedMalta’s ports monopoly. The report was released by Unice, a European business body that embraces34 central industry and employers' federations from 27 European countries.• 7 June <strong>2002</strong> The Malta-EU Information Centre said that negotiations on industrial policy have beenprovisionally closed with the 10 countries that the European Union says could be ready to join by2004. No transitional periods or special arrangements were requested by any of the countries withwhich negotiations took place.• 8 June <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami and Infrastructure Minister Francis ZammitDimech viewed the beautiful bronze face of Christ the King by Alessandro Algardi, which has justbeen restored to its original glory by the firm Sante Guido Restauri. The work, which cost Lm8,800,was funded by the Valletta Rehabilitation Project.• 8 June <strong>2002</strong> Pakistan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has requested the Maltese Government to help itsearch for some one hundred children, allegedly abducted or illegally taken from Pakistan andsmuggled to Malta in the last three years. Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi says that all childrenbrought from Pakistan over the past 15 years or so had the proper documentation and visas issued byPakistan and verified by Maltese courts.• 8 June <strong>2002</strong> Playmobil Malta's Managing Director, Helga Ellul, called on Malta genuinely to seek toattract and enhance foreign direct investment in an integrated manner. "Overall, Malta makes sense ifit provides added value in skills and knowledge through a workforce that is keen to learn and developand displays the right attitude." Ms Ellul was addressing a session wholly dedicated to Malta on thesecond and final day of the European Business Summit.• 8 June <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici, addressing the European Business Summitfocused on the attractions that Malta had to offer to investors. In order to underscore the Island's closelinks with the international economic climate, Prof. Bonnici noted that the ratio of exports of goodsand services in relation to GDP fell from 104 per cent in 2000 to 88 per cent last year.• 8 June <strong>2002</strong> Speaker Anton Tabone announced that Prof. Godfrey Pirota, with the collaboration of theDepartment of Information, is writing the history of Parliament. Mr Tabone was speaking during theSette Giugno commemoration ceremony, at St George's Square, in Valletta.• 8 June <strong>2002</strong> Government MP Michael Frendo said that the role of national Parliamentarians is not thatof substituting or overlapping with the role of the nationally elected European Parliamentarians,elected to represent the peoples of Europe in their various constituencies and legislate on a Europewidescale. Dr Frendo was addressing the convention on the Future of Europe, in Brussels.

• 9 June <strong>2002</strong> Dr Francis Zammit Dimech, Minister of Resources and the Infrastructure, inaugurated therefurbished 1.5 km-long Sliema promenade. The project was designed by Architect EmanuelButtigieg.• 9 June <strong>2002</strong> Education Minister Louis Galea said that the Education Ministry had established aNational Academic Recognition Information Centre to strengthen compliance with the LisbonRecognition Convention and to prepare for the implementation of the relevant European Uniondirectives. Dr Galea was addressing the ninth joint meeting of the European Network of NationalInformation Centres ENIC (Council of Europe) and NARIC (European Commission) on informationand recognition of academic qualifications, at the Foundation for International Studies, in Valletta.• 9 June <strong>2002</strong> The Ministry of Education said that Malta and Kuwait have signed an agreement oneducation, culture and scientific research co-operation. The agreement was signed in Kuwait betweenthe Kuwaiti Minister of Education, Dr Imsaed Rashid Al-Haroun, and his Maltese counterpart, DrLouis Galea.• 9 June <strong>2002</strong> Council of Europe representative Anthony Everett described as ‘invigorating’ Malta'sfirst cultural policy, drawn up last year. Professor Everett was in Malta with a delegation of five otherexperts led by CoE Cultural Committee President Pirrko Rainesalo.• 10 June <strong>2002</strong> Agriculture Minister Ninu Zammit told the annual meeting of the Gozitano co-operativethat financial assistance that would be given to farmers later this year would ensure that they continuedto have a fair income even as levies started to be lifted. Mr Zammit said that the money would alsohelp them restructure their sector.• 10 June <strong>2002</strong> The floating resort The World sailed out of Grand Harbour after a short visit to Malta.The £182-million liner has been described as the most expensive apartment block in the world.• 11 June <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that concerted action should be taken by allnations to free future generations from the spectre of hunger. Dr Fenech-Adami was addressing theWorld Food Summit, organised by the Food and Agriculture Organisation, in Rome. The summit wasattended by 185 Heads of State.• 11 June <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg participated in the 6 th Meeting of the Accession Conferencewith Malta, in Luxembourg. During the meeting, negotiations were provisionally closed on Chapter 30regarding Institutions. By means of the provisional closure of this Chapter it has been agreed that theMaltese language will become an official language of the Union upon Malta’s accession.• 11 June <strong>2002</strong> The Permanent Representative of Malta to the Council of Europe, Joseph Licari, signedProtocol No. 4 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Atthe same time, Dr. Licari deposited with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe the Instrumentof Ratification of the said Protocol.• 11 June <strong>2002</strong> A commemorative service marking the 200th anniversary of the Declaration of theRights of the Maltese was held at San Anton Palace, the original venue of the 1802 presentation of thedocument. The service was organised by the National Festivities Committee, together with theUniversity of Malta, under the patronage of President Guido de Marco.• 12 June <strong>2002</strong> In a letter to Justice Minister Austin Gatt, Attorney General Anthony Borg Barthetreferred to the draft amendments to the Constitution and the electoral laws prepared by the twopolitical parties. Dr Borg Barthet said that he could not reconcile the two texts because the differencesin the proposals put forward were not merely linguistic but of a substantive nature.• 12 June <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said that the Government had never stated itintended to close down the Malta Shipbuilding ’yard. He added that the Government was only tryingto make the shipyard sector viable. Prof. Bonnici was commenting on a report in the media stating thatleaked internal <strong>gov</strong>ernment correspondence suggested that the Government intended to close down theshipbuilding 'yard.• 12 June <strong>2002</strong> Two health co-operation agreements were renewed yesterday by Health Minister LouisDeguara and the Chinese Health Deputy Minister Zhu Qingsheng. One agreement <strong>gov</strong>erns cooperationin different sectors of medicine and the other is for the Corradino Centre to continuespecialising in traditional Chinese medicine.

• 12 June <strong>2002</strong> The Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Economic Services, Edwin Vassallo,said that the Government planned to transform the crafts village at Ta' Qali into a handcrafts, sports,and cultural centre. Mr Vassallo said that the plan was to give the place a pleasant village ambiencewhere tourists could watch artisans at work in a pedestrian zone. The Parliamentary Secretary wasspeaking at a news conference at Ta' Qali national park.• 12 June <strong>2002</strong> Maltacom's pre-tax profit rose by 11 per cent, to Lm2.9 million, in the first quarter of<strong>2002</strong>. The company’s profit after tax, however, went down by 2.7 per cent, to Lm1.9 million, over thesame period last year, due to a higher tax charge.• 12 June <strong>2002</strong> Malta Tourism Authority Chairman John Grech admitted that Malta had still notrecovered from the September 11 backlash. He said, however, that Malta was performing better incomparison to competitors like Spain and Cyprus. Dr Grech was speaking at a news conference tolaunch the MTA strategic plan covering the years <strong>2002</strong> - 2004.• 13 June <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo announced that Thomson Holidays would beincreasing their Malta programme for winter <strong>2002</strong>/2003. Dr Refalo also said that Fritizresor, Sweden'slargest tour operator to Malta, which had temporarily withdrawn from the scene, would be making awelcome return in 2003.• 13 June <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo said that his Ministry was negotiating for a team ofexperts from Spain to share with Maltese operators their experience of the way they had adjustedfollowing Spain's accession to the EU. Dr Refalo was speaking on board the MV R Five Blue Dream.• 13 June <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Business Bureau organised a familiarisation visit to Brussels for a number ofChief Executive Officers. The delegation had meetings with the Maltese Ambassador to Brussels,Victor Camilleri, as well as with high-ranking EU officials. The main aim of the meetings was to brieflocal participants on the workings of the European Union, while over-viewing the progress of EU-Malta negotiations to date and the issues still open for discussion.• 13 June <strong>2002</strong> The European Parliament approved a report on the state of enlargement negotiationswith the 12 candidate countries. The report welcomes the fact that Malta is making marked progresswhere the acquis is concerned, especially in the telecommunications and taxation sectors.• 14 June <strong>2002</strong> EU Director General on Regional Policy Guy Crauser said that, upon joining theEuropean Union, Malta would definitely be eligible to cohesion funds for infrastructural projectsrelated to transport and the environment. He said that cohesion funds were a way to reduce a country'sdebts in spite of making heavy investment to upgrade the infrastructure. Mr Crauser was addressing apress conference.• 14 June <strong>2002</strong> Lufthansa Technik (a subsidiary of Lufthansa German Airlines) and Air Malta have setup a joint venture company to carry out maintenance checks on aircraft belonging to the two airlines aswell as to third parties. Lufthansa Technik Malta, as the company has been called, will be based inMalta and will start operating on January 1.• 14 June <strong>2002</strong> Andorra Foreign Affairs Minister Juli Minoves, in Malta to set off a programme ofcollaboration between the two countries, met Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami and ForeignAffairs Minister Joe Borg. Mr Minoves said that his country's Foreign Affairs Ministry was growingand the Maltese model was found to be interesting.• 14 June <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Affairs Minister Joe Borg met the Canadian Secretary of State for Central andEastern Europe and the Middle East, Gar Knutson, who is leading a trade and investment delegation inMalta. The two ministers discussed the strong political ties between the two countries, co-operationwithin the Commonwealth, and the possibility of strengthening tourism between their respectivecountries.• 14 June <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici inaugurated an extension to the RaeschQuarzglas factory at Mosta Technopark. The firm specialises in the design, production anddistribution of customised quartz glass products for industrial and scientific applications.• 14 June <strong>2002</strong> Resources and Infrastructure Minister Francis Zammit Dimech said that, since thesetting up of the Valletta Rehabilitation Project fifteen years ago, about Lm4.5 million had been

invested in restoration and rehabilitation projects in the capital city. Dr Zammit Dimech was speakingduring a seminar on Regeneration of Walled Baroque Cities in Malta, at the Italian Cultural Centre, inValletta.• 14 June <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Engineering Excellence Awards were officially launched by the Chamber ofEngineers in collaboration with the Ministry of Resources and the Infrastructure. The awards providenational recognition to individuals and organisations achieving outstanding engineeringaccomplishments with significant impact on engineering in Maltese society.• 14 June <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Communications Authority said that it had designated three operators with adominant market position in telecommunications. It designated Maltacom as having a DMP in publicfixed telephony, Vodafone (Malta) Ltd in mobile telephony, and Melita Cable in cable television andradio services. The document Dominant Market Positions in Telecommunications - Responses toConsultation and Designations - May <strong>2002</strong> can be viewed on the MCA website www.mca.org.<strong>mt</strong>.• 14 June <strong>2002</strong> United States Ambassador Anthony Gioia donated a collection of books known as theLibrary of America Collection to Education Minister Louis Galea for use at the University of Malta.The collection includes some 100 books representing over two centuries of American writing.• 14 June <strong>2002</strong> Air Malta registered its 600,000th passenger on the Switzerland route earlier this month.This year marks the 25th anniversary of continuous direct services by Air Malta between Malta andSwitzerland.• 15 June <strong>2002</strong> Gar Knutson, the Canadian Secretary of State for Central and Eastern Europe and theMiddle-East, said that he looked forward to furthering relations between Malta and Canada. MrKnutson was speaking during a meeting he had with President Guido de Marco, at the Palace. Prior tovisiting the President, Mr Knutson called on Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami.• 15 June <strong>2002</strong> An Economic Services Ministry statement reiterated that the Government's policy wasto integrate the operations of the two shipyards. For this purpose, continued the statement, the twoshipyards had a common Chairman and many management functions had been integrated. Action wasalso being taken for the workers in both 'yards to be given training so that they could be more flexibleand productive.• 15 June <strong>2002</strong> Transport Minister Censu Galea announced that Malta had been accepted as a memberof the European Conference of the Ministers of Transport. This was a major step towards the openingof European land transport markets to Maltese road haulage operators, said the Minister. Mr Galea wasaddressing a press conference after attending the 86th session of the Council of Ministers of theEuropean Conference of Transport Ministers, in Romania.• 15 June <strong>2002</strong> The Malta-EU Information Centre announced that negotiations on small and mediumsizedenterprises were provisionally closed with the 10 countries that, according to the EU, could beready to join by 2004. The acquis currently in force under this chapter heading covers the area ofenterprise policy, distributive trades, tourism and social economy.• 16 June <strong>2002</strong> The head of Malta's European Union membership negotiating team, Richard CachiaCaruana, said that Malta was still insisting on retaining zero VAT rating on food and medicines, andwould continue to do so as long as other EU member states (Ireland and the UK) had similararrangements. Mr Cachia Caruana was being interviewed by The Times newspaper.• 16 June <strong>2002</strong> The Government has unveiled a Lm2.4 million financial package in aid for localfishermen to strengthen their operations. The package, revealed to fishermen's representatives byFisheries Minister Ninu Zammit, will start being given to fishermen as from September and will bespread over 18 months.• 16 June <strong>2002</strong> Culture Minister Louis Galea left Malta for China on the invitation of his Chinesecounterpart Sun Jin Zhung. The visit follows an agreement signed in July last year.• 17 June <strong>2002</strong> Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi again dismissed the claim that the Governmentwas planning to close down Malta Shipbuilding. He insisted that the only document submitted to theEU was the Task Force's report on the yards. Dr Gonzi was speaking at Pieta.

• 17 June <strong>2002</strong> MIDI, the consortium carrying out the Lm140 million development of Tigné Point andManoel Island, has commissioned work on the rehabilitation of St Luke's Garrison Chapel at Tigné. Afoundation stone at the chapel records the date January 16, 1910.• 18 June <strong>2002</strong> European Integration Minister Neven Mimica, on an official visit to Malta, said thatCroatia has much to learn from the experience of candidate countries like Malta. Speaking to reportersat a joint news conference with Foreign Affairs Minister Joe Borg, Mr Mimica said: “We want to learnfrom the success and the mistakes of applicant countries, as this will enable us to speed up our EUprocess.” Mr Mimica also met President Guido de Marco, Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami,Leader of the Opposition Alfred Sant, and Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Dolores Cristina.• 18 June <strong>2002</strong> A Lm3 million investment is to be made by the Foundation for Tomorrow’s Schools invarious projects including the construction of a new secondary school and sports complex in Karwija.A call for tenders in connection with the projected works was issued by the foundation last week.• 18 June <strong>2002</strong> Air Malta Group General Manager Joe Cappello told a news conference that the Swissmarket was slowly recovering following the post-September 11 slump. The company had increased thenumber of flights to Switzerland and was now making five flights to Zurich and two to Geneva eachweek.• 19 June <strong>2002</strong> The Department of Information published the text of a letter that Economic ServicesMinister Josef Bonnici wrote to Tony Coleiro, Secretary of the General Workers' Union's dockyardworkers section. In the letter Prof. Bonnici informed Mr Coleiro that the Government's position on the'yards was contained in the restructuring plan, which had been discussed within the Task Force onwhich the GWU was also represented. The position, which includes integrating the two 'yards andtrying to win contracts to build parts of vessels instead of whole ships, had been spelled out in earlierstatements.• 19 June <strong>2002</strong> Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi together with the Employment and TrainingCorporation launched The Development of a Strategy for ETC Operation in Gozo, a report compiledby Prof. Lino Briguglio, Mr Kenneth Camilleri and Mr Manwel Debono. The report highlights theseasonal pattern of employment in Gozo. Minister for Gozo Giovanna Debono attended the launch.• 19 June <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said in reply to a Parliamentary Question thata Russian delegation that had talks with the management of Malta's shipyards was interested intechnical co-operation on the sale and purchase of machinery, design work, project management, andthe financing of projects. The delegation had given no indication that it was interested in ship-buildingin Malta, said Prof. Bonnici.• 19 June <strong>2002</strong> Infrastructure Minister Francis Zammit Dimech told Parliament that the Valletta CityGate project has been postponed. Minister Zammit Dimech was replying to a Parliamentary Question.• 19 June <strong>2002</strong> Home Affairs Minister Tonio Borg told Parliament that eight applications for thedevelopment of hotels are among a total of 231 applications for ‘major projects’ pending before theEnvironment and Planning Authority. Dr Borg said that there were three applications for thedevelopment of golf courses, four for the building of tourist projects, 37 for industrial projects, and179 for other projects also considered major.• 20 June <strong>2002</strong> Michael Schwarz, who is the Director of the European Commission's TransportInfrastructure Needs Assessment (TINA), announced that Malta would need 490 million Euro over thenext 13 years to implement all the air, sea and road projects that would integrate the Island with theTrans-European Transport Network. Mr Schwarz was speaking during a workshop attended byTransport Minister Censu Galea; the Head of the EU delegation, Ronald Gallimore; and TransportConsultant David Sutton.• 20 June <strong>2002</strong> The Fisheries Department said that it was seeking compensation on behalf of Maltesefishermen who were involved in incidents with Spanish fishermen. Mr Raymond Bugeja, who is thesecretary of the Fishermen’s Co-operative, said that Maltese fishermen were finding it impossible todo their work because their lines were being cut by foreign tug-boats towing tuna cages.• 20 June <strong>2002</strong> Seventeen delegates from various Commonwealth countries attended a two-weektraining programme on Trade Promotion and Export Development, organised by the Malta ExternalTrade Corporation (METCO). The course was part of the Malta co-operation programme that is jointly

funded and administered by the Maltese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the UK CommonwealthSecretariat.• 20 June <strong>2002</strong> A spokesman for Malta International Airport said that the strike action by Air TrafficControllers in several European countries and the partial action taken by controllers in Malta did notcause any significant delays in departures or arrivals at Malta International Airport. Air TrafficControllers took part in the first international strike organised by the Air Traffic Controllers EuropeanUnions Co-ordination, in protest against the EU Commission’s Single Sky programme.• 21 June <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that, with Malta on the doorstep of EUmembership, efforts were to be made to increase viticulture on the island. Dr Fenech-Adami wastouring the Meridiana Wine Estate in Ta' Qali, accompanied by Environment Minister Tonio Borg andParliamentary Secretary George Pullicino.• 21 June <strong>2002</strong> Education Minister Louis Galea, on an official visit in China, discussed co-operation inscience and technology, education, and culture during meetings with Chinese <strong>gov</strong>ernment officials, inBeijing. Dr Galea and his opposite number, Chen Zili, agreed on a scholarship programme that wouldestablish relations between the higher educational institutions of the two respective countries.• 21 June <strong>2002</strong> The General Secretary of the Union Haddiema Maghqudin, Gejtu Vella, expressed theUnion's concern that no mechanism to help resolve trade disputes in the public sector was in place. MrVella was speaking during a call on President Guido de Marco by a delegation from the Union.• 21 June <strong>2002</strong> K Line’s MV Suez Canal Bridge called at Malta Freeport. The line’s carriers are to startusing Malta as a central Mediterranean hub.• 21 June <strong>2002</strong> The Government Printing Press published in a limited edition of 250 copies a facsimilecopy of the first 50 issues of the Government Gazette, dating back to 1813-1814. A companion volumeexamines the introduction of printing in Malta at the time of the Knights of St John.• 22 June <strong>2002</strong> A statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs says that the Government"cannot, and will not" take up Opposition Leader Alfred Sant's suggestion to shelve the EuropeanUnion issue. The Ministry was reacting to an opinion piece published in The Times in which theLeader of the Opposition said that he had increasingly come to believe that it might be better for thecountry as a whole to totally shelve the EU membership/partnership issue for a few years.• 22 June <strong>2002</strong> A statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs made reference to the meetingbetween EU Commissioner for Trade Pascal Lamy and Opposition Leader Alfred Sant. Following themeeting, which was conducted in French, Dr Sant claimed that Mr Lamy "seems to have said that itdoesn't matter if we sacrifice agriculture, as this makes up just three per cent of the Maltese economy".The Ministry said that what Mr Lamy actually said, and what was reported in the press, was theopposite - that agriculture is a highly sensitive issue, and that the European Commission knows justhow important it is to Malta.• 22 June <strong>2002</strong> The President of the European Parliament, Pat Cox, urged Malta to take a definitedecision on whether it wants to join the EU by the time the accession treaty would be up forratification. Mr Cox was speaking to reporters after he addressed the 15 EU leaders taking part in thefirst day of the Seville summit.• 22 June <strong>2002</strong> The Malta EU-Information Centre said that negotiations on science and research wereprovisionally closed with the 10 countries that, according to the European Union, could be ready tojoin by 2004. The 10 countries are Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania,Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia. MIC said that negotiations on this chapter were also closed withBulgaria and Romania.• 22 June <strong>2002</strong> Middlesea Insurance plc's consolidated profits last year almost doubled, to Lm1.42million, a marked increase on the profits of Lm0.76 million posted in 2000. Based on the Board'srecommendation, the payment of a gross dividend of 7 cents per 50 cents share was approved. Theprofits were announced during Middlesea's 21st annual general meeting.• 23 June <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami announced that Malta would have no problem totake on board the Seville Agreement on the issue of illegal immigration. Dr Fenech-Adami was

addressing a press conference, following a working lunch with the 15 EU leaders and the other headsof <strong>gov</strong>ernment of the candidate countries, at Seville.• 24 June <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami hinted that the EU referendum could be heldsome time in the first quarter of next year. The Prime Minister also said that the referendum on EUmembership and the general election would be held separately. Dr Fenech-Adami was speaking atBalzan.• 24 June <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo announced that results for the first five months of theyear showed that the Italian market had completely recovered from the impact of September 11. Infact, Malta’s share of this market had improved in a way as to achieve better returns than ever before.Dr Refalo was addressing guests at a reception held on board the Ariadne Palace 1 ferry.• 24 June <strong>2002</strong> Agriculture Minister Ninu Zammit said that pig breeders were to benefit from a specialassistance package of Lm14 million, spread over a period of 12 years. Mr Zammit said that the moneywas part of the <strong>gov</strong>ernment package aimed at assisting producers in the agriculture sector to cope withthe removal of protection and restructuring. Mr Zammit was addressing the annual general meeting ofthe Pig Breeders Co-operative Society.• 24 June <strong>2002</strong> Legal Notice 133 of June 4, <strong>2002</strong> creates the ‘Broadcasting Code on the Correct Use ofthe Maltese Language on the Broadcasting Media’ and binds broadcasters to use the Maltese language"correctly". The code lays down responsibility for correctness on broadcasting stations, each stationbeing obliged to apply the rules and directives issued by the Akkademja tal-Malti where the use of theMaltese language is concerned.• 25 June <strong>2002</strong> According to figures published by the National Statistics Office, Malta’s economy hasreturned to growth after two straight quarters of decline. The Gross Domestic Productincreased in real terms by 1.4 per cent, or Lm4.8 million, in the first three months of this year. Duringthe preceding quarter, the GDP had shrunk by 2.9 per cent in real terms, under the impact of thedownturn in the world’s economy in the wake of September 11.• 25 June <strong>2002</strong> The Economic and Commercial Counsellor at the Chinese Embassy, Xue Wenqi, saidthat a high-level delegation from China would be donating mechanical equipment worth Lm300,000 tothe Malta Drydocks. The donation will be made in September, when a Chinese delegation will be inMalta to attend the next meeting of the Joint Trade Commission.• 25 June <strong>2002</strong> Eni SpA completed drilling its ‘Lampuko No 1’ well in North-West offshore Gozo. Thewell was plugged and abandoned in accordance with oil industry practice and procedure after theminor shows of gas encountered were considered non-commercial to explore.• 25 June <strong>2002</strong> Drydocks Chief Executive Peter Moore announced that Malta Drydocks and MaltaShipbuilding had joined forces with the Swiss-based safety-company Du Pont Safety Resources to setup a major safety improvement programme involving all levels of employees throughout eachbusiness. The extensive programme will last three years and is aimed at substantially reducing thenumber of unsafe acts that ultimately lead to accidents.• 25 June <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Linux User Group has published a free spell-checker for the Malteselanguage. The spell-checker has a list of approximately 840,000 words, including personal names andplace names. Enquiries about Linux may be made by e-mail to info@linux.org.<strong>mt</strong>• 25 June <strong>2002</strong> An Armed Forces of Malta patrol boat brought three Maltese men to safety after theirboat ran out of fuel. The 14-foot power-boat was drifting some 27 nautical miles northwest of Luqawhen it was spotted by a private plane.• 26 June <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami inaugurated the 45th Malta International TradeFair, in Naxxar. Delivering the inauguration speech, Dr Fenech-Adami described joining the EuropeanUnion as the fulfilment and celebration of Malta's independence in 1964.• 26 June <strong>2002</strong> To mark World Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, a number oforganisations and individuals involved in the fight against drugs signed a declaration underlining theircommitment to the support of victims and to achieving a society free from drug abuse. The partieswere brought together on the initiative of President Guido de Marco, who is also a signatory.

• 26 June <strong>2002</strong> The Housing Authority launched Care and Repair, an initiative to help improve theliving standard of people who do not normally seek help from the Authority and its schemes. SocialPolicy Minister Lawrence Gonzi, who was present for the launch, said that the scheme formed part ofa wider reform that was taking place in the provision of personalised social welfare services.• 26 June <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco met officials from the Federation of Industries at the Palace.On the EU debate, Prof. de Marco was reported to have said that, when the Maltese decide, “everyonehas to observe the people's decision because the political parties owe their legitimacy to the people andmust respect their choice".• 26 June <strong>2002</strong> Michael Frendo, the Representative of Malta's Parliament at the European Convention,indicated his support for the inclusion of a right to a healthy environment in the EU Charter ofFundamental Rights. He said that environmental issues cut across frontiers, the action of one nation ora group of nations affecting other countries. Therefore, action at a European level was often necessaryin the actual application of the principle of subsidiarity, said Dr Frendo.• 26 June <strong>2002</strong> The Association of Inter-professional Employers/Businessmen Organisations ofEuropean Capital Cities (OPCE) said that it supported the accession of Malta, Poland and Hungary inthe first enlargement of the European Union. This was stated in a final declaration, issued at the end ofthe association’s 13th Congress, held in Warsaw. Malta, Hungary and Poland are all members ofOPCE.• 26 June <strong>2002</strong> According to figures issued by the National Statistics Office, the rate of inflationdropped marginally from 3.65 per cent in April to 3.64 per cent in May. The retail price index went upby 0.72 points, or 0.61 per cent, over April to reach 118.47.• 26 June <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office reported that, in May domestic exports dropped by Lm2.5million to Lm65.8 million compared to the figure for the same month last year, while re-exports wereup by Lm4.2 million, to Lm10.9 million. Imports went up, by Lm1.8 million, to Lm108.8 million.• 26 June <strong>2002</strong> A <strong>gov</strong>ernment statement said that a meeting for Permanent Secretaries had focused on anumber of projects that have to be carried out over the coming nine months. The statement said that alot of work was being carried out which, notwithstanding its importance, did not reach the attention ofthe public.• 26 June <strong>2002</strong> Enemalta Engineer John Pace announced that that the company was shortly expected toinstall fuel vapour recovery units that would enable it to recover petrol evaporating from its tanks atBirzebbuga. Mr Pace said that the recovery units would be paid for through a grant of one millionNorwegian Crowns (over Lm56,000) made available to Enemalta by the Norwegian Government.• 26 June <strong>2002</strong> Lady Mamo, wife of the first President of Malta, and co-founder of the CommunityChest Fund, passed away. She was 86. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband, Sir Anthony Mamo,and her three children, Josephine, Monica and John.• 27 June <strong>2002</strong> A <strong>gov</strong>ernment statement said that it was a well-known fact that the EU had no right - orthe competence - to impose a position in favour of abortion on its members. The Government alsostressed that the resolutions issued by the European Parliament were not legally binding on memberstates. The Government was replying to a statement, signed by Archbishop Joseph Mercieca, GozoBishop Nikol Cauchi, and Auxiliary Bishop Annetto Depasquale, expressing concern over a reportapproved earlier this month by a committee of the European Parliament that recommends that abortionshould be made legal in all EU present and future member states.• 27 June <strong>2002</strong> Ms Sina Bugeja, Co-ordinator of Sedqa, the national agency against drug and alcoholabuse, handed a copy of The European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (1999), toPresident Guido de Marco, Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami, Leader of the Opposition AlfredSant, and Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi. Ms Bugeja made the presentation during a Sedqaactivity at City Gate, in Valletta.• 27 June <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami, accompanied by Resources and InfrastructureMinister Francis Zammit Dimech, toured the site of the St Julian's embellishment project. Dr Fenech-Adami referred to the project as the "golden mile" and said that Lm10 million had been spent onembellishment projects over the past six years.

• 27 June <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco presented Bernice Graham and Antoine Frendo, both 13years of age, with this year's Pope John XXIII Award for Kindness, organised by the Peace Lab. Theceremony was held at the Palace in Valletta and was attended by Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami and Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi.• 27 June <strong>2002</strong> Resources and Infrastructure Minister Francis Zammit Dimech said that theGovernment was committed not only to implement a solid waste strategy for the Maltese Islands butalso to the closing down of the present refuse dumps and their rehabilitation. Dr Zammit Dimech wasspeaking at the end of a workshop, at Floriana.• 27 June <strong>2002</strong> The National Pavilion at the International Fair of Malta this year has the Malta-EUmembership negotiations as its theme. The Pavilion, mounted by the Department of Information,features visual and audio-visual information about the results achieved so far, and invites visitorparticipation through daily competitions on the subject.• 27 June <strong>2002</strong> Bank of Valletta launched the BoV Cashlink International, a new debit card that can beused world-wide. The card can be used at any ATM or at any outlet displaying the VISA sign, locallyor abroad.• 28 June <strong>2002</strong> The Employment and Training Corporation's first employment barometer has found thatmost of the occupations that will be in demand by employers until October are low-skilled. Thebarometer was constructed with the assistance of the Swedish National Labour Market Board.• 29 June <strong>2002</strong> Malta and the EU reached agreement on a Maltese 25-mile fisheries management zonefor conservation purposes. Addressing the accession conference, the Chairman of the Core NegotiatingGroup, Richard Cachia Caruana, welcomed the closure of negotiations in this area, saying that offundamental importance was “that the Union has recognised Malta’s efforts to conserve fish stockswithin its 25-mile management zone for more than 30 years, and that the Union has accepted theprinciple that the accession of Malta should not lead to a decline in the protection of living resourceswithin this zone”.• 29 June <strong>2002</strong> The European Commission confirmed that the EU had no right whatsoever to imposethe introduction of abortion on member states. An EU spokesman for social issues told The Timesnewspaper: "There is absolutely no consequence of any decision taken by the European Parliament orthe EU on your country where it concerns issues like abortion."• 29 June <strong>2002</strong> The Malta-EU Information Centre said that negotiations on education and training hadbeen provisionally closed with the 10 countries that according to the EU could be ready to join by2004. The 10 countries are Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta,Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia. Negotiations on this chapter were also closed with Bulgaria andRomania. Education, Training and Youth are primarily the competence of the member states.• 29 June <strong>2002</strong> Malta Freeport Terminals Ltd registered an operating profit of $8.5 million, doublinglast year's figures. A spokesman for the Freeport said that the company, which operates the containerterminals and the warehousing facilities at the Freeport, registered an operating profit of $8.5 millionfor the period March 1, 2001 to December 31. Net profit before tax is $4.5 million.• 29 June <strong>2002</strong> Agriculture Minister Ninu Zammit announced that financial aid schemes would beintroduced to encourage farmers to grow vines and improve the quality of wine produced in Malta. MrZammit said that the first scheme, to come into effect next January, consisted of a direct grant ofLm4,000 per hectare of land on which vines were planted using modern methods. The schemes wereannounced when Mr Zammit visited vineyards at Zebbiegh.• 29 June <strong>2002</strong> The Principal Administrator in the ‘Co-ordination Unit for Policy Development andSectoral Pre-accession’ in the Directorate General - Enlargement, Maurice Guyader, said that EUmember states often expressed fears of invasion by workers and businesses from poorer EU applicantcountries. Mr Guyader was speaking at a half-day seminar organised by the Malta-EU InformationCentre and the Delegation of the European Commission in Malta, at the Old University building, inValletta.• 29 June <strong>2002</strong> The Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Jesmond Mugliett, said thatalthough some people were sceptical about Malta's participation in the EU Fifth FrameworkProgramme, the Maltese participants in the FP5 availed themselves of almost €3 million

(Lm1,175,000) in the first 12 months. Mr Mugliett was addressing a news conference organised bythe Malta Council for Science and Technology.• 29 June <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office said that a provisional statement on the internationaleconomic and financial transactions of Malta for the first three months of the year reveals a notableimprovement in the current account balance of Lm20.6 million. The net deficit during the March 2001quarter was Lm34 million; during the relative quarter this year it was Lm13.4 million.• 29 June <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office said that provisional statistics issued by the Central Bankof Malta show that <strong>gov</strong>ernment debt outstanding at the end of May stood at Lm1,050.3 million. Thefigure is Lm88 million, or 9.1 per cent, higher than the Lm962.3 million outstanding at the end of Maylast year.• 30 June <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that Malta must form part of an economicbloc, because opting for isolation is neither possible nor desirable in a globalised world. Dr Fenech-Adami was addressing delegates at the FIDAL/KPMG Consultants' Convention, at the MediterraneanConference Centre, in Valletta.• 30 June <strong>2002</strong> Agriculture Minister Ninu Zammit said that food processors would be benefiting from<strong>gov</strong>ernment assistance during the month of July. As a result, the price of pork was expected to godown by 7c a kilo, eggs to be cheaper by 5c a dozen, and chicken by 2c per kilo. Mr Zammit wasspeaking before the presentation of trophies and palios, at the Mnarja show.• 30 June <strong>2002</strong> In a joint statement, the Ministry for Social Policy and HSBC Bank Malta plcannounced that HSBC has introduced a new no frills/no cost bank account. Deputy Prime Minister andMinister for Social Policy Lawrence Gonzi expressed satisfaction at the pro-active manner in whichHSBC was ensuring that lower-income and needy sectors of society could continue to use basicbanking services free of charge through the use of easily accessible automated machines.JULY• 1 July <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that the lifting of levies on agriculturalproduce would translate into better prices for consumers. He said that farmers and herdsmen wouldbenefit from financial aid to improve their produce, while consumers would get better products atcheaper prices. Dr Fenech-Adami was speaking at Fgura.• 1 July <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli said that he was optimistic that the Government’s fiscaltargets would be reached by the end of the year, despite the rather dismal revenue and expenditurefigures released by the National Statistics Office. NSO figures show that ordinary revenue in the firstfive months this year rose by 4.6 per cent while total expenditure rose by 9.3 per cent, pushing up thedeficit to Lm68.3 million. The target deficit for this year is of Lm77.6 million.• 1 July <strong>2002</strong> The Paris Memorandum of Understanding which lists sub-standard ships this yearclassifies Maltese ships as posing a ‘medium’ risk compared to a ‘medium to high risk’ in last year’sreport. An official of the Malta Maritime Authority, Lino Vassallo, said the situation was much betterthan last year, not least as the average age of ships under the Maltese flag was falling.• 2 July <strong>2002</strong> Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that only 80 out of the 1,300 literate personsaged over 40 and registering as unemployed had joined a training scheme to help them find work. DrGonzi was speaking at the Employment and Training Corporation, in Hal Far, at the launch of theTraining and Employment Exposure Scheme (TEES).• 2 July <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Tourism Authority and German tour operating giant Frosch Touristikannounced a three-year joint marketing strategy in a concerted effort to draw German tourists to Malta.MTA Chairman John Grech said that it was estimated that FTI would fly some 40,000 German touriststo Malta this year.• 2 July <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office embarked on a second quarterly survey on domestic wastecomposition. The objective of the survey, being carried out with the co-operation of the Departmentfor Waste Management, is to gather information about the type and quality of domestic waste.

• 2 July <strong>2002</strong> The Central Bank of Malta issued a gold commemorative coin as part of the Royal MintPrecious Fine Gold Collection. The coat-of-arms of Malta and the year of issue, <strong>2002</strong>, are shown onthe obverse of the coin, while the reverse depicts an 18th century xprunara, the sailing vessel whichfor centuries was an important means of transport and communication between Malta and the rest ofthe world. The coin is legal tender for the value of Lm10.• 2 July <strong>2002</strong> Maltapost unveiled a new personalised mail service called Postie Pick Up. Through thisnew service, mail is collected directly from businesses between 4 .00 and 6.00 p.m., Mondays toFridays, and delivered directly at no extra charge to the central mailroom for next day delivery.Initially, Postie Pick Up is being restricted to businesses in Republic Street, Valletta.• 3 July <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco paid on official visit to the National Library in Valletta. Duringhis visit, Prof. de Marco inaugurated a closed circuit television system in the library.• 3 July <strong>2002</strong> Justice Minister Austin Gatt said that a Task Force to protect children from abuse over theinternet has been set up. The task force is composed of representatives from the MaltaCommunications Authority, the Police, Agenzija Appogg, the Press Club, the Ministry for SocialPolicy, and the Ministry of Education. Mr George Sammut chairs the task force.• 3 July <strong>2002</strong> Government announced higher prices for unleaded and leaded petrol, diesel, and kerosenedue to shifts in the international market over the past three months. Unleaded petrol went up to 36.7cents per litre, which means a rise of 1.7 cents per litre; diesel is now 23 cents per litre, a rise of 1.5cents; leaded petrol rose by 1.7 cents to 39.7 cents; and kerosene by 0.3 cents to 12.2 cents per litre.• 4 July <strong>2002</strong> The Ambassador of the EU delegation, Ronald Gallimore, said that a waste-watertreatment plant for Gozo is one of the infrastructural projects to be financed out of the 13 million Europre-accession funds that Malta is receiving in 2003. Mr Gallimore was addressing a conference onRegional Policy: the Irish and Portuguese Experience, organised by the Malta-EU Information Centre,at the Westin Dragonara Resort.• 4 July <strong>2002</strong> The Head of the Malta-EU Information Centre, Simon Busuttil, said that EU funds wouldfail to materialise unless Malta was prepared to absorb them by demonstrating that it could use them in‘meaningful, well-thought-out and well-prepared projects’. Dr Busuttil was addressing the conferenceon regional policy.• 4 July <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg expressed astonishment that the Leader of the Opposition hadreiterated his stance for the shelving of Government's EU membership bid as well as the LabourParty's own partnership option. Dr Borg was referring to the contents of a column written by Dr AlfredSant in The Times newspaper where the Leader of the Opposition declared that he stood by thestatement made the week before in favour of shelving negotiations with the EU.• 4 July <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli said in Parliament that the Government had total control ofthe privatisation programme and it could proceed or stall in any point of time according tocircumstances. Mr Dalli was replying to a Parliamentary Question.• 4 July <strong>2002</strong> Justice and Local Government Minister Austin Gatt said that a call for tenders was to beissued shortly for the installation of a registration and authentication system for e-<strong>gov</strong>ernment. Such asystem, Dr Gatt said, would eliminate the need for the Government to buy security certificates fromabroad. Mr Dalli was speaking at the launch of the Inland Revenue Department's website, atwww.ird.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>• 4 July <strong>2002</strong> The Chairman of the Malta Standards Authority, Francis Farrugia, announced that theauthority was going to start offering accreditation service to Maltese laboratories so that they would beable to issue certificates that would be recognised in European and other countries. He said that theauthority was also seeking to become a member of the European Co-operation for Accreditation, inwhich it had observer status. Mr Farrugia was speaking at a press conference.• 4 July <strong>2002</strong> A statement issued by the Ministry for Agriculture and Fisheries said that theGovernment's fishing agreement with the European Union guaranteed Malta a 25-mile fishing zone.The Ministry was replying to claims by the Opposition that the agreement over territorial watersbetween the Government and the European Union was a ‘betrayal of the national interest’ as Maltawould give up rights over fishing zones that had existed for the last 30 years.

• 4 July <strong>2002</strong> The Permanent Representative of Malta to the Council of Europe, Joseph Licari, ratifiedthe Council's Protocol 6 to the General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities on behalf of theGovernment of Malta. The Protocol consolidates into one legally binding instrument, the relevantprovisions of the Fourth and Fifth protocol to the agreement and makes them applicable to the newCourt of Human Rights.• 4 July <strong>2002</strong> Fisheries and Agriculture Minister Ninu Zammit said that his Ministry was beingreorganised, with one of the main aims being to make a distinction between its regulatory role and itsfunction to provide services. As part of the reorganisation, three new sections have been set up, each ofwhich will be headed by a director general. Mr Zammit was speaking during the inauguration of a newministry website at maf.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>• 4 July <strong>2002</strong> According to figures released by the National Statistics Office, the number of registeredunemployed in May dropped by 214 over April, to 7,423. In May last year, it was 6,781.• 4 July <strong>2002</strong> Bank of Valletta is launching a new finance package loan facility for bus owners who areplanning to change their old bus for a new and modern vehicle. The package under this scheme is for amaximum amount of Lm45,000 for each bus purchased, up to a maximum of two buses per applicant.• 5 July <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that a Bill to regulate internal audit andfinancial investigations within the Public Service has been approved by Cabinet and will shortly beincluded in Parliament’s agenda. Dr Fenech-Adami said that the legislation would strengthen thepowers of the Internal Audit and Investigations Directorate and also regulate its role as the anti-fraudinterlocutor in Malta for the EU.• 5 July <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami toured the plant of Methode Electronics MaltaLtd, in Mriehel. The company designs and assembles component devices and subsystems for vehiclemanufacturers across the world. Dr Fenech-Adami said that the company's achievements confirmedwhat the Maltese workers could do when motivated and when they had good management.• 5 July <strong>2002</strong> The new Italian Ambassador to Malta, Alvise Memmo, presented his credentials toPresident Guido de Marco, at the Palace. Speaking to reporters afterwards, Dr Memmo said that hehoped there would be a positive outcome to the meeting Malta and Italy would be having to discussthe fifth financial protocol between the two countries. Meanwhile, Finance Minister John Dalliconfirmed that, on July 18, he would be meeting his Italian counterpart, Giulio Tremonti, in Rome, todiscuss bilateral issues, including the fifth financial protocol.• 5 July <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Communications Authority, as the telecommunications regulator, is to carryout on-site measurement of emissions from mobile phone base stations. The Authority's ChiefTechnical Officer, Colin Camilleri, said that the exercise would start shortly and that the Authorityintended to publish its findings. The Malta National Laboratory had been subcontracted to carry outthe on-site surveys.• 6 July <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco insisted that the problems of the Mediterranean had to be givengreater significance by the international community and had to be put on the front burner of its agenda.Prof. de Marco was speaking during a meeting that he had with Pier Ferdinando Casini, President ofthe Italian Chamber of Deputies, at the Palace, in Valletta.• 6 July <strong>2002</strong> Pier Ferdinando Casini referred to the setting up of an Euro-Mediterranean parliament. Hesaid that such a structure would provide and promote dialogue and stability between the neighbouringcountries of both its littorals. Dott. Casini was speaking during a meeting he had with President Guidode Marco.• 6 July <strong>2002</strong> Pier Ferdinando Casini argued that neutrality had been superseded by history. "Russia hasjoined the G8 and has signed an agreement with Nato. What sense does neutrality hold today?" heasked. Dott. Casini was delivering a lecture on the theme Europe and the Mediterranean, at the AulaMagna.• 6 July <strong>2002</strong> International credit ratings agency Standard & Poor’s confirmed its stable outlook forMalta. The international credit rating agency affirmed its single 'A' foreign currency and double 'A'minus local currency long-term issuer credit ratings. The affirmation reflects ongoing structural

eforms and medium-term prospects for further reform, the Government's commitment to fiscalconsolidation, and strong external solvency, the agency said.• 6 July <strong>2002</strong> Communications and Transport Minister Censu Galea said that his Ministry wascommitted to bring about a modal shift from the private car to public transport. Minister Galea wasaddressing the second high-level meeting on transport, environment and health organised by the WorldHealth Organisation, in Geneva.• 6 July <strong>2002</strong> Air Malta Chairman Louis Grech announced at a press conference that Airbus Industrieaircraft had been chosen to replace the airline's fleet, saying that the deal would lay the foundations ofthe company's next 12 years at least. Mr Grech categorically denied any political component in thecompany's decision to choose between Airbus and Boeing and stressed that the decision was based onfinancial, commercial and product development implications.• 6 July <strong>2002</strong> Enemalta Chairman Professor Robert Ghirlando has been elected the first chairman of theNetwork of Managers of Small Island Systems within EURELECTRIC, the association that representsthe electricity industry of Europe. The network was formally set up during a recent meeting of theBoard of Directors, which was held in Leipzig.• 6 July <strong>2002</strong> The Meteorological Office at Malta International Airport announced that the meantemperature for June had been 24.6°C, that is, 1.6°C higher than the mean for the years 1961 – 1990.One reason for this rise in temperature was the persistence throughout most of the month of a highpressurearea over the central parts of the Mediterranean, the office said.• 7 July <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli said that the reports issued by two international credit ratingagencies over the past days had confirmed that a Yes vote in the upcoming referendum on EuropeanUnion membership would improve Malta's credit ratings. Mr Dalli was speaking to The Sunday Timesnewspaper, following the publication of the Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s reports.• 7 July <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco inaugurated an exhibition hall in Couvre Porte, in Vittoriosa.Prof. de Marco described Vittoriosa as the stage for the greatest events of Malta's history. Present atthe inauguration were Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and Resources and InfrastructureMinister Francis Zammit Dimech.• 8 July <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami approved the award of Long and Efficient ServiceMedals and clasps to serving members of the Armed Forces of Malta, with effect from March 31. Therecipients were listed in The Government Gazette.• 8 July <strong>2002</strong> Maltapost plc and Transend Worldwide Ltd announced the appointment of Robert Lake asthe new Chief Executive Officer of Maltapost. Mr Lake will be taking up his position a month after theprevious CEO, Bob Macgregor, was removed from the post ‘in the long-term business interests’ of thecompany.• 9 July <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that, apart from being given an update on thesituation at the shipyards, the Cabinet had discussed various draft laws, the most important being theconstitutional amendment related to the right to vote and amendments to the Electoral Law. DrFenech-Adami was addressing the media following a Cabinet meeting.• 9 July <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco paid a visit to the Gutenberg printing press in Tarxien. He wasshown round by Frank Spiteri, Managing Director. At the end of his visit the President presented MrSpiteri with a copy of his latest publication, Momentum. Prof. de Marco also received a donation in aidof the Malta Community Chest Fund, made by the company directors and staff.• 9 July <strong>2002</strong> Education Minister Louis Galea said the number of students with serious behaviouralproblems in schools was not simply increasing, but multiplying. He said that what was happening inMalta's schools was actually a reflection of what was happening in and to the family, in and to societyat large. Dr Galea was speaking at the inaugural session of the five-day Malta European seminar onCatholic Education in Europe, organised by the Secretariat for Catholic Education of the Archdioceseof Malta, in Qawra.• 9 July <strong>2002</strong> Education Minister Louis Galea met five youths who were due to take part in theEuropean Convention for Youth, in Brussels. During the meeting, Dr Galea said that the young peoplehad the perfect opportunity to play a part in the formation of a future Europe.

• 9 July <strong>2002</strong> The Parliamentary Secretary in the Economic Services Ministry, George Hyzler,announced that the filming of Ridley Scott’s $150 million historical epic, Tripoli, will take place inMalta. Filming is expected to start in May 2003 and to run for eight weeks. The film re-unites actorRussell Crowe with his Gladiator director/producer Branko Lustig.• 10 July <strong>2002</strong> The Finnish Minister of Foreign Trade and European Affairs, Jari Vilen, is on an officialvisit to Malta. During his visit, Mr Vilen will be holding talks with Minister of Foreign Affairs JoeBorg and will meet Minister of Economic Services Josef Bonnici. Mr Vilen will also call on thePresident, the Prime Minister, and the Deputy Leader of the Opposition.• 10 July <strong>2002</strong> The European Commission dismissed a Reuters' report saying that Malta may miss theboat for the next EU enlargement because it was falling behind in the number of chapters closed. Jean-Christophe Filori, who is a spokesman for EU Enlargement Commissioner Guenter Verheugen, toldThe Times that there was absolutely no reason to indicate that Malta was at risk of failing to beincluded in the next enlargement because of delays in the negotiations.• 10 July <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami visited the St Aloysius College sports complex.The Prime Minister toured the site that is to include an Olympic category synthetic turf ground, anindoor pool complex, a climbing wall, a pavilion for indoor sports, and an aerobic/martial arts studio.Dr Fenech-Adami was accompanied by Parliamentary Secretary Jesmond Mugliett.• 10 July <strong>2002</strong> Transport Minister Censu Galea announced that the International Labour Organisation'sMerchant Shipping (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1976, commonly referred to as ILO Convention147, and its related protocol of 1996, will enter into force for Malta on January 10, 2003. ILO 147aims at ensuring a wide range of minimum standards relating to safety, social security, shipboardconditions of employment, and living arrangements for merchant ships.• 10 July <strong>2002</strong> Transport Minister Censu Galea told Parliament that 4,098 new cars, or just over 34 carsa day, were registered in the first four months of this year. Mr Galea was replying to a ParliamentaryQuestion.• 10 July <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said in Parliament that a number of MaltaShipbuilding workers had been temporarily assigned to local councils. Prof. Bonnici was replying to aParliamentary Question.• 10 July <strong>2002</strong> The Parliamentary Secretary in the Home Affairs and Environment Ministry, GeorgePullicino, attended the launch of the draft local plan for Gozo and Comino, which has been publishedby the Malta Environment and Planning Authority for public consultation. Mr Pullicino said that,although the Government did not necessarily agree with the entire contents of the local plan, it agreedwith its general direction and its insistence on the need for sustainable development. A copy of theplan may be seen at the MEPA website at www.mepa.org.<strong>mt</strong>• 10 July <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Environment and Planning Authority set up a steering committee to overseeenvironmental management concerns on Comino, a nature reserve. The move is in line with policyproposals that form part of the Gozo and Comino Local Plan.• 10 July <strong>2002</strong> The Institute for the Promotion of Small Enterprise (IPSE) published two reports, one onthe local winemaking industry, the other on the fruit and vegetable processing industry. Speaking toproducers at the IPSE offices in Marsa, IPSE Chief Executive Officer Joe Vella Bonnici said that thereports were meant to highlight the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and challenges, thatproducers would have to meet once protective levies were removed.• 10 July <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco was presented with the sum of Lm19,104 in aid of theCommunity Chest Fund by Bank of Valletta Chairman Joseph FX Zahra. The presentation took placeat the Palace, in Valletta.• 10 July <strong>2002</strong> Go Mobile Chief Executive Officer Juanito Camilleri announced that the company’ssubscriber base now exceeded the 90,000 mark. On the occasion, Go Mobile and Air Malta signed apartnership agreement as a result of which clients of both companies will enjoy mutual benefits in therespective loyalty schemes, namely Air Malta’s Fly-pass and Go Mobile’s go Gifts.

• 11 July <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg said that there was no risk of Malta not making the next EUenlargement because of delays in negotiations. He reiterated that the Government would concludenegotiations with the EU by the end of the year. Dr Borg was commenting on the Reuters report thatsaid that Malta might miss the boat for the next EU enlargement.• 11 July <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg met Finnish Minister of Foreign Trade and EU Affairs JariVilen at his office, in Valletta. Speaking to The Times newspaper following the meeting, Dr Borg saidthat the meeting with Mr Vilen focused on Malta's EU membership process, going into specific issuesof the negotiations and the timing of their conclusion.• 11 July <strong>2002</strong> Finnish Minister of Foreign Trade and EU Affairs Jari Vilen said that he believed Maltahad an important role to play as an EU member state in the Mediterranean, especially in bringingtogether partners from North Africa and the southern part of the EU. Mr Vilen was speaking to thepress following his meeting with Dr Borg.• 11 July <strong>2002</strong> Communications Minister Censu Galea announced that fourteen out of 26 projectstaking part in the EUMedis initiative were Maltese. Mr Galea was speaking at a workshop held toevaluate the local projects.• 11 July <strong>2002</strong> The representative of the Nationalist Parliamentary Group, Michael Frendo, said that thecompetence for such highly divisive matters as abortion and euthanasia belonging exclusively to themember states needed to be reasserted and emphasised in the new treaty following the EuropeanConvention. Dr Frendo said that certain candidate countries could mistakenly think that such aresolution had some binding effect on member states.• 11 July <strong>2002</strong> The Consul General at the Embassy of Malta in Washington DC, Alfred Farrugia, waselected President of the Consular Corps of Washington DC for the third year in succession. MrFarrugia’s nomination was endorsed by the entire executive committee and approved by the generalmembership at its annual general meeting.• 11 July <strong>2002</strong> The Foreign Ministry took part in a European Cultural Festival organised by theEuropean Union. The event was organised by the Danish EU Presidency at the famous Tivoli Gardens,in Copenhagen. Malta's participation at the Tivoli was co-ordinated by the Maltese Embassy inCopenhagen and the Economic Affairs Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.• 11 July <strong>2002</strong> Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Communities in Luxembourg, haspublished a new yearbook on candidate countries, including Malta. The 257-page yearbook carriesdetailed statistical tables on a variety of subjects.• 11 July <strong>2002</strong> Former museums director Fr Marius Zerafa delivered a lecture on Caravaggio’s life andwork in Rome and Malta to a packed hall of over 500 guests at the prestigious Smithsonian Institute,in Washington DC. The event was organised by the Embassy of Malta in the US in collaboration withthe Malta Tourism Authority’s New York office.• 12 July <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg said that the European Commission’s reform plans for theEU’s Common Agricultural Policy seemed to favour small leaseholds and small farms. In his firstreaction to the Commission’s review, Dr Borg said that the move would be positive for Malta.• 12 July <strong>2002</strong> Transport Minister Censu Galea announced that an agreement had been reached betweenthe Bank of Valletta, the Public Transport Authority, and the Public Transport Association regardingthe financing of low-floor buses.• 12 July <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo announced that a programme of activities, including are-enactment of the entry into Grand Harbour of the Sta Marija Convoy, was being organised by theTourism Ministry and the Malta Tourism Authority to mark the 60th anniversary of OperationPedestal. Dr Refalo was speaking at the Upper Barrakka Gardens, in Valletta.• 12 July <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo said that, according to Malta Tourism Authorityforecasts, tourism from Japan was expected to grow by 20 per cent this year. Around 10,000 Japanesetourists currently visit Malta per year. Dr Refalo was speaking during a visit by a 24-member Japanesedelegation, led by Mayor Mitsuo Gima from Urasoe City in Okinawa, Japan.

• 12 July <strong>2002</strong> Prof. Zhang Guangrui, who is the Director of the Tourism Research Centre of theChinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that Malta has become the first European country to sign aprotocol with the People’s Republic of China, giving it ‘approved destination status’. This means thatMalta will be among the first European countries to receive Chinese tourists in the near future, pavingthe way to making China among the most important tourist markets for Malta outside Europe. Only 21countries world-wide enjoy ‘approved destination status’ by China.• 12 July <strong>2002</strong> Legal Notice 188/<strong>2002</strong> brings into effect the new Customs Code that Parliament hadunanimously approved on February 11, <strong>2002</strong>. The new code simplifies many procedures, while at thesame time improving controls.• 12 July <strong>2002</strong> The Association of General Retailers and Traders said that 48 per cent of trade fairexhibitors it had surveyed had reported a decrease in sales at this year’s trade fair compared to lastyear’s. The GRTU said that 27 per cent reported better sales and 23 per cent said that this year’s salescompared very well with last year.• 13 July <strong>2002</strong> Austrian Foreign Minister Benita Ferrero-Waldner said that, in a globalised world, asmall country could only shape decisions by being within an institution. She said that Austria wassupporting the Government in the negotiations, but it was up to the Maltese to make up their ownmind. Ms Ferrero-Waldner was speaking at a joint news conference with Foreign Minister Joe Borg.• 13 July <strong>2002</strong> The Malta-EU Information Centre said in its latest round up of negotiations thatnegotiations on fisheries had been provisionally closed with the 10 countries that, according to the EU,could be ready to join by 2004. Special arrangements were obtained for Malta, with a specificconservation management regime in a 25-mile zone.• 13 July <strong>2002</strong> The Government's nominee at the European Convention, Prof. Peter Serracino Inglott,told the convention that the EU needed to designate a tailor-made, diplomatic agency to deal with thenon-European Mediterranean states in a privileged way. Prof. Serracino Inglott was speaking at theplenary session of the convention which got under way on July 11, and which dealt with EU externalaction.• 13 July <strong>2002</strong> Government MP Michael Frendo supported the view that the office of HighCommissioner occupied by Javier Solana and that of External Affairs Commissioner Chris Pattenshould be merged. Dr Frendo said that this should resolve current ambiguity and overlapping of rolesand give the Union a single focal point for its foreign, security and defence policies. Dr Frendo wasaddressing the European Convention.• 13 July <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Tourism Authority launched a strong advertising campaign in Hungary in abid to attract more visitors from one of the emerging markets in Eastern Europe. The campaignincluded advertising on billboards, buses, and national newspapers, as well as a number of press tripsto Malta by Hungarian journalists.• 13 July <strong>2002</strong> The Rescue Co-ordination Centre of the Armed Forces of Malta kept under surveillancea boat packed with suspected illegal immigrants reported sailing outside territorial waters to the westof Malta. Maltese authorities were in constant contact with the Italian authorities on the location of theboat.• 14 July <strong>2002</strong> The Italian Ambassador, Dr Alvise Memmo, visited the Italian excavation projects underway at the archaeological sites of Tas-Silg at Marsaxlokk, and San Pawl Milqi at Burmarrad.Ambassador Memmo was accompanied by Anthony Pace, Director of the Museums Department, andby members of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Malta.• 15 July <strong>2002</strong> Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that the Government was committed tofighting all forms of child abuse. Dr Gonzi said that Cabinet's approval of the creation of aCommission for Children was a further step in this direction.• 15 July <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco and Resources and Infrastructure Minister Francis ZammitDimech inaugurated the newly rehabilitated Vilhena Palace forecourt in Mdina. The project, whichwas carried out over a period of five months, was funded by the Portuguese Calouste GulbenkianFoundation. The ceremony was attended by Dr Jose' Blanco, trustee of the Foundation, CabinetMinisters, and Dona Luisa Manoel de Vilhena, a descendant of the Grand Master.

• 16 July <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli said in an interview on a local radio station that, whileGovernment expenditure was spread throughout the year, the main chunk of its income did not becomeavailable till the half-year mark. This income was expected to significantly reduce the deficit figureand reach the targets set by the Finance Ministry, said Mr Dalli.• 17 July <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami visited reconstruction works at eight wards at StVincent de Paule Residence for the Elderly. The project, which is to be completed by August nextyear, is estimated to cost Lm4.5 million. Dr Fenech-Adami was accompanied by the ParliamentarySecretary in the Social Policy Ministry, Antoine Mifsud Bonnici.• 17 July <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli said that Lm200 million held by Maltese abroad have beendeclared under the investment registration scheme in the first half of this year. Figures given by theMinister show that, of these, Lm24.5 million were invested in Portugal, Lm8.8 million in Russia,Lm1.8 million in Hungary, and Lm1 million in the Czech Republic. Mr Dalli was addressingParliament.• 17 July <strong>2002</strong> Justice Minister Austin Gatt praised the vast majority of judges and magistrates who, hesaid, were ‘rising to the challenge’ and working to reduce the backlog of cases before the Courts. TheMinister gave an overview of the situation in the Law Courts when he opened the debate in Parliamenton the Courts and Tribunals Procedures Bill.• 17 July <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco unveiled two marble plaques in the new CID block at PoliceHeadquarters in memory of PC 949 Roger Debattista, killed in a bank hold-up last year, and PC 525Mark Farrugia who was murdered in 1999. During his tour, Prof. de Marco was accompanied byHome Affairs Minister Tonio Borg, Police Commissioner John Rizzo, and Deputy CommissionerJoseph Cachia.• 17 July <strong>2002</strong> Bank of Valletta Chairman Joseph Zahra said that he was very satisfied that efforts toconsolidate the bank's leading role in the economy had been recognised, and that the bank's short- andlong-term rating had been reaffirmed at F2 and A- respectively. Mr Zahra was referring to the ratingassigned to the bank by Fitch's credit agency.• 17 July <strong>2002</strong> According to the second Household Waste Composition Survey, carried out by theNational Statistics Office in collaboration with the Waste Management Strategy ImplementationDepartment, organic waste accounts for 60 per cent of the total rubbish collected. The NSO plans torepeat the survey every quarter over a one-year period.• 18 July <strong>2002</strong> The House of Representatives unanimously approved a motion for Joseph G. Galea toserve as auditor-general for a second five-year term. The appointment needed the approval of at leasttwo-thirds of the members of the House. The motion was moved by Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami and seconded by Opposition MP Leo Brincat.• 18 July <strong>2002</strong> President and Mrs de Marco presented on behalf of the Malta Community Chest Fundfinancial aid, specialised apparatus, and white goods to various philanthropic institutions andindividuals in need. A total of Lm25,628 was presented to 81 individuals and 17 philanthropicinstitutions. The presentation was held at the Palace, in Valletta.• 19 July <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami officially opened the Armed Forces’s newoperations centre, at Luqa. Dr Fenech-Adami thanked the Italian Government, represented at theceremony by Italian Ambassador Alvise Memmo, the Italian Coast Guard Command, the ItalianMilitary Mission in Malta, the Italian Air Force, as well as the United States, for donations ofequipment and expertise.• 19 July <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco presented Ms Cecilia Attard Pirotta with her letters ofcredence as Malta’s Ambassador to Spain. Ms Attard Pirotta is the first female career diplomat to havebeen nominated as resident Ambassador in another country.• 19 July <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo praised the Malta Tourism Authority which, he said,had successfully managed to minimise the backlash of the September 11 attacks. The Minister saidthat it was thanks to the MTA’s excellent marketing and publicity that Malta was still attractingthousands of tourists at a time when, world wide, tourism was still feeling the pinch. Dr Refalo wasspeaking following a visit to Fort Rinella, in Kalkara.

• 19 July <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office said that, in April this year, the total number of touristarrivals dropped by 16,658, or 15.5 per cent, to 91,141, from 107,799, in the same month last year.During the same month, the number of cruise passengers went up by 3,261 to 20,203, from 16,942 inthe same month last year.• 19 July <strong>2002</strong> The Federation of Industry said that it was finalising a twinning arrangement with theIrish Business and Employers’ Confederation, thanks to funding provided by the EuropeanCommission under a Euro-Med project. The FOI said that, through this arrangement, IBEC officialswould be assisting the federation to give a better service to its members in several respects.• 19 July <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Tourism Authority’s Milan office, in conjunction with leading Italian touroperator Settemari, utilised two postcards from Malta in an advertising campaign run targeted at 600bars and restaurants in central and northern Italy. The cards carried the strap-lines Profumo di Maltaand Malta Blue & Blues.• 19 July <strong>2002</strong> Malta was the backdrop for the popular Flemish soap opera Familie that has beenrunning in Belgium for over 11 years. This was not the first time an episode of ‘Familie’ has beenfilmed in Malta. In fact, it has become more or less a tradition for the series to come to Malta everyyear.• 19 July <strong>2002</strong> The former Commander-in-Chief of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet and first deputycommander-in-chief of Russia’s Navy, Igor Kasatonov, paid a visit to the Maritime Museum inVittoriosa. Admiral Kasatonov, who was in Malta on a private visit, was accompanied by RussianAmbassador Sergey Zotov.• 20 July <strong>2002</strong> Malta's Permanent Delegate to the EU, Ambassador Victor Camilleri, wrote to theSecretary General of the European Parliament making clear Malta’s stand against abortion. The letteralso notes that the issue of whether or not abortion should be legalised was a domestic one in whichthe European Union, in terms with its acquis communautaire and in line with the principle ofsubsidiarity, "has no competence to act, decide or legislate".• 20 July <strong>2002</strong> Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that Government was hoping to close thechapter on Article 64 of the Industrial Relations Bill with the blessing of all the social partners. Article64 deals with the clause on essential services that prevents certain categories of workers from striking.Dr Gonzi was speaking to reporters following a meeting with the constituted bodies of the MaltaCouncil for Economic and Social Development.• 20 July <strong>2002</strong> The Malta-EU Information Centre said in its latest round-up that negotiations onConsumer and Health Protection were provisionally closed with the 10 countries that, according to theEuropean Union, could be ready to join by 2004. The 10 countries are Cyprus, the Czech Republic,Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia. Negotiations on thischapter were also closed with Bulgaria and Romania.• 20 July <strong>2002</strong> Figures released by the National Statistics Office show that the inflation rate fell in Juneto 3.54 per cent, down from 3.64 per cent the previous month. In June, the retail price index also wentdown, by 0.37 per cent over May, and stood at 118.03.• 20 July <strong>2002</strong> A survey carried out by the Department for Women in Society revealed that the politicalinterests of the majority of women who ran for local council elections revolved around the family,education, youth and sport. None of the women candidates who took part in the survey expressed aninterest in issues related to industrial relations and economic services.• 21 July <strong>2002</strong> A spokesman for the Freeport said that, during the first six months of the year, theFreeport handled 613,000 containers, compared to 563,000 during the same period last year. Theincrease took place at a time when the client portfolio underwent substantial upheavals, with GrandAlliance shifting its business to Gioia Tauro, and a new consortium made up of the Taiwanese carrierYang Ming and the Japanese carrier 'K' Line introduced its container traffic to Malta.• 21 July <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Centre for Restoration concluded a first round of talks with the Libyanauthorities with a view to establishing collaboration between the Department of Antiquities in Libyaand Malta's national agency for the provision of conservation services, in Tripoli. The Maltesedelegation was led by the Chairman of the MCR's Board of Governors, Joe Cannataci.

• 22 July <strong>2002</strong> Agriculture Minister Ninu Zammit said that poultry breeders were to benefit fromLm12.5 million in assistance over a 12-year period between this year and 2013. The Minister said thatthis assistance was to be divided in Lm5.7 million for the production of broilers and Lm6.8 million forthe production of eggs. Mr Zammit was speaking at the annual general meeting of the PoultryBreeders Co-operative.• 23 July <strong>2002</strong> Malta, together with Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania andSlovenia, all EU candidate countries, teamed up with the European Agency for Safety and Health atWork to launch joint occupational safety and health websites. The launch of the new sites marks amilestone in the implementation of the agency's strategy to integrate all 13 EU candidate countries intoits information network. The agency can be accessed at europe.osha.eu.int/systems/programmes/ andat osha.eu.int/• 23 July <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli said that it was hoped that the new operator of Public Lottocould start operations on January 1, 2003. The Minister said that the date was conditional on theconclusion of the talks with the operator and the Union of Lotto Receivers, as well as final Cabinetapproval. Mr Dalli was replying to a Parliamentary Question.• 23 July <strong>2002</strong> Education Minister Louis Galea launched the <strong>2002</strong>-2003 prospectus of the MaltaCollege of Arts, Science and Technology. The prospectus includes facts and figures on MCAST, adescription of life at college, a description of the campuses, as well as detailed information on the 33full-time and 60 part-time courses offered by the six institutes of the college. Information on selectioncriteria, registration, maintenance grants, and ETC apprenticeship schemes are also included.• 23 July <strong>2002</strong> University Rector Roger Ellul-Micallef announced that the Centre for CommunicationTechnology of the University of Malta, with the full support of the Strickland Foundation, will inOctober be introducing courses related to journalism at Master’s and Diploma level. Details of thecourses were given by Prof. Saviour Chircop and Prof. Albert Caruana from the CCT.• 23 July <strong>2002</strong> New regulations published in The Government Gazette establish that newly qualifieddrivers would be given a driving licence provisionally for a probationary period of three years. Penaltypoints for traffic offences would be recorded on the driving licence, and the licence could bewithdrawn if 12 penalty points were accumulated within the probationary period. Transport MinisterCensu Galea said that the penalty points system would be introduced towards the end of the year, andwould initially apply only to new drivers.• 23 July <strong>2002</strong> Resources and Infrastructure Minister Francis Zammit Dimech visited the site of thenewly restored monument to Sir Alexander Ball, at the Lower Barrakka, in Valletta. The restorationwas carried out at a cost of Lm37,000 by staff and students from the Malta Centre for Restoration,under the supervision of Italian restorers.• 23 July <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office said that a total of 11.6 million kilos of fresh fruit andvegetables, yielding Lm2.12 million, passed through organised markets in the second quarter of thisyear. This marks an increase of 13.2 per cent in quantity, and 7.1 per cent in value, over the sameperiod last year.• 24 July <strong>2002</strong> Prof. Giuliano Amato, who is the vice-President of the Convention on the Future ofEurope, met President Guido de Marco, Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami, Foreign Minister JoeBorg, Leader of the Opposition Alfred Sant during a one-day visit to Malta. Later, at a public dialogueorganised by the Malta-EU Information Centre, he had this advice to offer: "I am here to sell aproduct, Europe, but take the decision you consider best".• 24 July <strong>2002</strong> A Bill to amend a clause in the Constitution dealing with the qualification of votersfailed to make it through Parliament when it did not achieve the required support of at least two-thirdsof the members of the House. The Bill would have extended the categories of people who would notlose the right to vote even if they were temporarily resident abroad for a longer period than normallyallowed by the Constitution.• 24 July <strong>2002</strong> The Government and the Trade Unions reached an eleventh hour agreement on clause 64of the Employment and Industrial Relations Bill, which limits industrial action that may be taken byworkers who provide an essential service. The agreement was reached in talks with Social PolicyMinister Lawrence Gonzi a few hours before a Parliamentary Committee was due to consider theclause.

• 24 July <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg tabled in Parliament an updated version of the NationalProgramme for the Adoption of the Acquis. The updated version incorporates the progress made byMalta in adopting the European Union's body of laws and in establishing the necessary administrativecapacity.• 24 July <strong>2002</strong> The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance released four new reportsexamining racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and intolerance in Finland, Latvia, Malta, and theUkraine. ECRI recognised that, in all four Council of Europe member states, positive developmentshad occurred. In Malta’s case, ECRI stressed the importance of combating stereotypes and prejudicessince ‘such latent phenomena’ might lead to more overt forms of racism and discrimination.• 24 July <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office said that the structural deficit between ordinary revenueand total expenditure in the first six months this year amounted to Lm78.5 million, up from a deficit ofLm53.9 million for the same period last year. The figure does not include contributions to the sinkingfund in respect of local and foreign loans as well as less direct repayment of loans.• 24 July <strong>2002</strong> Deputy MIA Chairman Joseph Darmanin said that the Malta International Airport hadinvested over Lm1.1 million by at its meteorological office over the past three years. Mr Darmaninwas speaking during the inauguration of new equipment at the Met Office, at Luqa.• 24 July <strong>2002</strong> The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Anton Tabone, is leading a parliamentarydelegation on an official visit to the People's Republic of China. The visit is taking place at theinvitation extended by the Chinese authorities, following the visit to Malta of a delegation of theStanding Committee of the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China led by TiamJiyua, Vice Chairman of the Congress, in November 2000.• 25 July <strong>2002</strong> Libyan Foreign Minister Mohamed Abdel Rahman Shalgam said that Malta’srelationship with Libya would not change if this country joins the EU. Mr Shalgam was addressing ajoint press conference with his Maltese counterpart Joe Borg, following meetings with Prime MinisterEdward Fenech-Adami, Leader of the Opposition Alfred Sant, and Finance Minister John Dalli.• 25 July <strong>2002</strong> The Human Development Report Office of the United Nations Development Programmepublished its Human Development Report, <strong>2002</strong>. Malta retains the 30 th spot, that is the same rankingobtained last year and features in the category of countries with a ‘High Degree of HumanDevelopment’. Copies of the report can be found on the web-site of the United Nations DevelopmentProgramme at http://hdr.undp.org• 25 July <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco visited the offices of the Malta Maritime Authority. He saidthat the aim of such visits was for the country to focus its attention on a particular, important, socialand economic aspect of the country's life. Prof. de Marco said that such visits also provided him withaccess to the workers of the place he was visiting. President de Marco was welcomed by TransportMinister Censu Galea.• 25 July <strong>2002</strong> Transport Minister Censu Galea told President Guido de Marco that cruise liners wereexpected to make more than 400 calls at Malta this year, bringing over some 300,000 tourists. MrGalea said that Malta was becoming known as a port of call, with liners starting and finishing theircruises here. President de Marco was visiting the offices of the Malta Maritime Authority.• 25 July <strong>2002</strong> Education Minister Louis Galea said that the Malta College of Arts, Science andTechnology would, as from the next scholastic year, have its own centre in Gozo that would beoffering all courses that are offered in Malta. Gozo Minister Giovanna Debono said that the new centrewas in line with the Government's policy to provide the best opportunities for Gozitans in Gozo. Thetwo Ministers were addressing a joint news conference.• 25 July <strong>2002</strong> Official figures issued by the National Statistics Office show that the number of peopleregistering for work in June fell by 302, to 7,121, compared to the figure for May. The figure is 592higher than that for June last year.• 25 July <strong>2002</strong> The BBC is shooting parts of its three-part TV serial Daniel Deronda in Malta. Locationwork is being carried out at Bighi; at the Vittoriosa waterfront; at Palazzo Parisio, in Naxxar; and outat sea, with Grand Harbour as the backdrop. Producer Louis Marks said that the authorities had beenvery accommodating and the co-operation he was receiving was ‘remarkable’.

• 26 July <strong>2002</strong> Home Affairs Minister Tonio Borg and Libyan Foreign Minister Mohamed AbdelRahman Shalgam signed the first extradition treaty between Malta and a North African country. TheGovernment said that the agreement was another step forward in the strengthening of relationsbetween the Maltese and Libyan people.• 26 July <strong>2002</strong> Justice and Local Government Minister Austin Gatt said that Government had embarkedon plans for public-private initiatives to make internet accessible to more people. He announced thatthe Government, together with the internet service providers, would be setting up an internet centre ateach local council to be used by the community. Dr Gatt was speaking at the International Comnet-ItWorkshop, at Salina Bay.• 26 July <strong>2002</strong> The Government Gazette published the text of the ‘Mutual Recognition of QualificationsBill’. The Bill provides for Malta to recognise the professional qualifications of foreigners wishing towork or provide a service in Malta as long as reciprocal recognition is granted by the countries of thepersons concerned.• 26 July <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office said that, in the first half of this year, domestic exportsdropped by Lm47.9 million, to Lm377.8 million. With imports down by Lm39.2 million, to Lm598.6million, and re-exports up by Lm18.9 million, to Lm59.6 million, the trade gap narrowed by Lm10.2million, to Lm161.2 million.• 26 July <strong>2002</strong> The Armed Forces of Malta rescued and brought ashore two hundred and twenty-eightillegal immigrants from aboard a sinking boat off Malta. The AFM said that the immigrants on boardthe 20-metre Zimalef were bound for Italy, but encountered problems in rough seas some 44 nauticalmiles south of the Island.• 26 July <strong>2002</strong> The Head of the Malta-EU Information Centre, Simon Busuttil, announced a newscheme under which each media house would be asked to send one of its journalists to cover EUaffairs in Brussels for one month. Journalists will be chosen through a selection board composed ofMIC, the Malta Press Club, the Strickland Foundation and the Department of Information.• 26 July <strong>2002</strong> The third edition of the national programme for the adoption of the acquis, published bythe Government earlier this week, has been made available to the public on the website of the Malta-EU Information Centre. MIC’s website address is www.mic.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>• 26 July <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici announced that the setting up of a plant inMalta to assemble part of the range of Britain’s oldest surviving car marque, AC. The plant is expectedto employ some 40 people.• 26 July <strong>2002</strong> The former Director of Museums Department, Tancred Gouder, died at age 66. DrGouder was also the Chairman of the Antiquities Board and a member of the National Commission toUNESCO since 1987. He was an expert in the Punic period and had also published works about thePhoenician period. Dr Gouder was married to Rosanne and had two children, Paula and Albert.• 26 July <strong>2002</strong> An Efficiency Report, drawn up by the Local Councils Department and tabled inParliament, places the Gozitan village of Fontana first among twenty-two towns and villages inspectedduring the first quarter of this year.• 27 July <strong>2002</strong> At the United Nations’ Economic and Social Council in New York, the EU reiteratedthat a settlement between Israel and the Palestinian people “can only be achieved through negotiation”,and that it “shares the vision of two States living side by side in peace and security, which includes anend to the occupation, and the early establishment of a sovereign, viable and peaceful State ofPalestine with democratic institutions”. The Malta Government aligned itself with the EU statement onthe situation in the Middle East.• 27 July <strong>2002</strong> Malta International Airport appointed Austrian Peter Bolech, a member of themanagement team at Vienna International Airport, as its Chief Executive Officer. Mr Bolech’sappointment was announced during the signing of the agreement to sell a 40 per cent stake in MIA tothe consortium Malta Mediterranean Link.• 27 July <strong>2002</strong> Malta and Kuwait signed a convention for the avoidance of double taxation and theprevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income. The agreement, which aims to promote

economic relations between Malta and Kuwait, was finalised following lengthy negotiations betweentax officials of both countries.• 28 July <strong>2002</strong> Museums Director Anthony Pace was appointed Malta's first ‘Superintendent of CulturalHeritage’ under the new cultural heritage law. The Cultural Heritage Act gives a wide definition ofheritage to encompass material heritage, archaeology, fine arts, anthropology and various aspects ofour intangible culture.• 29 July <strong>2002</strong> A <strong>gov</strong>ernment statement lashed out at Leader of the Opposition Alfred Sant for accusingthe Government of being so obsessed with joining the EU at any cost that, if the EU were to setabortion as a condition for joining, the Prime Minister would accept. Dr Sant’s assertion, theGovernment said, was most defamatory and broke all the limits of decency expected of a person inpublic life. “Dr Sant knows that the Government led by Dr Fenech-Adami has, on every occasion thathas come up in Malta, in the EU, and at the United Nations, shown that it is strongly against abortion,”said the statement.• 29 July <strong>2002</strong> Russian Ambassador Sergey Zotov presented Foreign Minister Joe Borg with a letterfrom the Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation, Igor Ivanov, on the occasion of the 35 thanniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Malta and Russia. In his letter, theRussian Foreign Minister expressed satisfaction with the state of relations between the two countries.Dr Borg sent a letter to the Foreign Ministry in Moscow highlighting a number of key achievements inthe relations.• 30 July <strong>2002</strong> Negotiations on regional policy were closed during an accession conference betweenMalta and the EU, held in Brussels. The Chairman of the Core Negotiating Group, Mr. Richard CachiaCaruana, announced that the first draft of Malta’s Single Programming Document will include aseparate priority entitled “Regional Development of Gozo” dealing with Gozo’s special needs. Thesession, which was the first to be convened under the Danish Presidency, brought the total number ofareas where Malta has concluded negotiations to twenty-four.• 30 July <strong>2002</strong> Bank of Valletta and Air Malta will be supporting a series of initiatives by the NationalYouth Council throughout this year and the beginning of the next under the first sponsorshipagreement signed between the NYC and the private sector. The Parliamentary Secretary for Youth,Jesmond Mugliett, attended the signing ceremony.• 30 July <strong>2002</strong> The Government launched this year’s edition of the Environment Award for Industrywith the aim of acknowledging the contribution of industry in favour of sustainable development. Theenvironment award would be given in two categories, the first being a Management Award forSustainable Development, and the second the Conservation Award for Sustainable Development.Category ‘A’ focuses on the methods used, while Category ‘B’ focuses on the results achieved.• 30 July <strong>2002</strong> In its first-ever report on non-<strong>gov</strong>ernment organisations involved in social welfare, theNational Statistics Office said that, in 2000, such organisations employed 787 full-timers and had49,898 people as members. 30,505 (61.1 per cent) of the members were women and 19,393 (38.9 percent) were men.• 30 July <strong>2002</strong> Maltacom is offering its customers a whole month of reduced international rates for callsto Australia, the US, and Canada. Residential customers can call the countries in question at a specialrate of 29c4 per minute, and commercial customers can call at 32c2 per minute. The rates are inclusiveof Vat. Further information may be obtained from the Maltacom website at www.maltacom.com• 31 July <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli said that legislation <strong>gov</strong>erning the accountancy professionwould be amended with a view to bringing it in line with developments, and to strengthen theprofession itself. The Government, he said, was planning to publish the Bill containing theamendments over the summer, after it has received the approval of Cabinet. Mr Dalli was speakingduring a presentation ceremony at the Ministry of Finance.• 31 July <strong>2002</strong> Government is to start negotiations with the consortium that submitted the best proposalfor a public-private partnership project to embellish the environment. The negotiations are expected tolead to an agreement over how embellishment of the country could be carried out economically,effectively and efficiently.

• 31 July <strong>2002</strong> HSBC launched its business profile of the Maltese Islands. The profile provides all thelatest economic data, as well as information about the Government, investment, and trade regulations.HSBC Chief Executive Officer Tom Robson told Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi that thebusiness profile would be distributed to all HSBC offices world wide, as well as to various trade anddiplomatic organisations.• 31 July <strong>2002</strong> The Parliamentary Secretary within the Economic Services Ministry, Edwin Vassallo,launched a directory of craftsmen and entrepreneurs registered with the Malta Crafts Council. Thedirectory is being distributed free of charge to shops selling artisan products, and may be obtainedfrom the Malta Trade Council.• 31 July <strong>2002</strong> Infrastructure Minister Francis Zammit Dimech visited San Anton Gardens to view theEagle fountain that has been restored at a cost of Lm22,000. The project was carried out by Italianrestorers helped by members of the Restoration Unit.• 31 July <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Tourism Authority has recruited 20 people to act as marketing, enforcementand administrative executives and operatives. Tourism Minister Michael Refalo said that the MTA'scomplement was now complete and the new personnel could in time be called to serve in MTA'soffices abroad.• 31 July <strong>2002</strong> Malta International Airport Chairman Lawrence Zammit announced that MIA would beimposing a new fee on all departing passengers to recoup the costs of new security measures at theairport. Mr Zammit said the fee would come into force on April 1 next year.• 31 July <strong>2002</strong> Malta's first interactive newspaper kiosk, Presspoint, was installed at the Radisson SASBaypoint resort. Presspoint digitally prints on demand any of 100 newspapers from 43 countries.Newspapers on offer include The Los Angeles Times, Sports Nippon, El Pais, Komsomolskaya Pravda,The Times of India, Die Welt and El Economista.AUGUST• 1 August <strong>2002</strong> In a joint statement, Foreign Minister Joe Borg and Gozo Minister Giovanna Debonosaid that all indications point to the fact that Malta would be considered as a region under Objective 1.They said that the Single Programming Document, explaining how Malta plans to spend EU fundsafter membership, will include a separate priority entitled ‘The Regional Development of Gozo’,which will deal with Gozo's special needs.• 1 August <strong>2002</strong> The Malta-EU Information Centre said that, under the agreement reached with the EU,funds would be allocated to Malta and Gozo as one unit. It would then be up to the Maltese authoritiesto see how these funds would be allocated, spent, and all accounts verified. The Regional PolicyDirectorate at the Office of the Prime Minister, said MIC, had been set up for this end.• 1 August <strong>2002</strong> Outgoing British High Commissioner Howard Pearce said that relations between Maltaand the UK were of the highest level and would become closer if Malta decided to join the EuropeanUnion. Howard Pearce was paying a farewell call on Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami at the endof his three-year posting in Malta.• 1 August <strong>2002</strong> A <strong>gov</strong>ernment statement reiterated that there was no condition or obligation to legaliseabortion on any country joining the EU. The statement said that the Government would continue tostress its anti-abortion position even after Malta gained membership of the EU. The statement wasissued in reply to claims by the Opposition that the Government would be ready to legalise abortion ifthis were to be made a condition for EU membership.• 1 August <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo said that Malta was embarking on a new nicheholiday market, that is, the organisation of wedding holidays. Dr Refalo said that tour operatorsThomson and Cosmos were already promoting Malta as a wedding destination.• 1 August <strong>2002</strong> Resources and Infrastructure Minister Francis Zammit Dimech toured the site of StThomas tower, in Marsascala. The tower is being restored at a cost of Lm75,000.

• 1 August <strong>2002</strong> The Ombudsman, Mr Joe Sammut, warned that the setting up of new administrativestructures within the Public Service should not be accompanied by a loss in the standards of publicaccountability. Mr Sammut said that recruitment and promotion procedures adopted by some of thenew autonomous bodies, as well as the engagement of consultants by Government Ministries, werecases in point. The Office of the Ombudsman has just published its annual report for the year 2001.• 1 August <strong>2002</strong> The Armed Forces of Malta launched its newly designed official website. The sitegives an overview of the AFM, its organisation, tasks and commitments. The website address iswww.afm.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>.• 2 August <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami announced that the police were investigatingChief Justice Noel Arrigo and Judge Patrick Vella over claims that they had accepted thousands of liriin return for reducing a convicted man's prison sentence on appeal by four years. Dr Fenech-Adamisaid that he had met President Guido de Marco and Leader of the Opposition Alfred Sant over thecase. The Prime Minister made the announcement at a news conference at Auberge de Castille, inValletta.• 2 August <strong>2002</strong> During an official visit to the Federation of Professional Associations, President Guidode Marco referred to a speech he made in February 2000 during a visit to the courts. Prof. de Marcohad said: "Honesty and integrity are the greatest heritage of the Maltese judiciary. This is a quality thatwe cherish. To be brilliant in law is important. To be dedicated and motivated to the work of thejudiciary is essential. To be honest is indispensable.”• 2 August <strong>2002</strong> Culture Minister Louis Galea launched Heritage Malta, the new <strong>gov</strong>ernmentorganisation that will take over from the Museums Department. The body’s task will be to manage theIsland's heritage sites and museums in a sustainable manner. Heritage Malta will be <strong>gov</strong>erned by aboard of directors headed by Chairman Alex Grech.• 2 August <strong>2002</strong> Maltapost Chief Executive Officer Robert Lake said that with immediate effectMaltapost was withdrawing as legal tender all decimal stamps issued before January 1, 1998. As from1 st August <strong>2002</strong>, only stamps issued after 1 st January 1998 will be valid for postal purposes. Mr Lakealso announced an increase of one cent in local postage rates, effective 13 th August of this year.• 2 August <strong>2002</strong> In an effort to enhance the quality of life of blind and deaf mobile phone users, GoMobile is collaborating with the National Commission Persons with Disability to top up the Go Mobilepre-paid accounts of some 150 blind and partially deaf people with Lm30 talk-time. The Chairman ofthe National Commission Persons with Disability, Joseph Camilleri, said that the scheme had beenvery well received.• 2 August <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Stock Exchange has published a booklet about the Upper Barrakka Gardensand the Garrison Chapel, now the Malta Stock Exchange. The money raised is to go towards theupkeep of the gardens. The booklet is for sale from all leading bookshops.• 3 August <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici held talks with the Icelandic ForeignAffairs and Trade Minister, Halldor Asgrimsson, in Reykjavic. Prof. Bonnici said that a doubletaxation agreement between Malta and Iceland was expected to be concluded shortly.• 3 August <strong>2002</strong> The Malta-EU Information Centre stressed that, contrary to the impression given bysections of the media, the negotiations on Gozo had not yet been concluded. MIC said that Maltawould be negotiating a protocol for Gozo that would take into consideration issues like fundingrequirements.• 3 August <strong>2002</strong> The Malta-EU Information Centre said in its latest round-up that negotiations on theCommon Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union were provisionally closed with the 10countries that, according to the EU, could be ready to join by 2004. The 10 countries are Cyprus, theCzech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.Negotiations on this chapter were also closed with Bulgaria and Romania.• 3 August <strong>2002</strong> Prof. Edward Scicluna has been re-appointed Chairman of the Malta Council for Socialand Economic Development for a year from August 17, according to a notice in The GovernmentGazette. The Permanent Secretary at the Office of the Prime Minister, Joseph R Grima, is the DeputyChairman of the MCSED.

• 3 August <strong>2002</strong> Carnival Cruise Lines will be introducing cruises in the Mediterranean as from 2004and Malta could feature in the company's itineraries. The announcement was made by the CarnivalCruise Lines Business Development Manager, Ms Viviana Natta.• 3 August <strong>2002</strong> Internet portal www.di-ve.com was considered Malta's favourite website in anindependent survey conducted on advertising trends in Malta by Informa Marketing Consultants.www.searchmalta.com came a close second. The survey was conducted in April through telephoneinterviews.• 4 August <strong>2002</strong> Government announced that it was still following developments regarding the policeinterrogation of Chief Justice Noel Arrigo and Mr Justice Patrick Vella. After it resulted there wasenough proof of misbehaviour, according to the Constitution, a motion is to be presented in Parliamentfor the removal of the two judges. Opposition Leader Alfred Sant was informed of the PrimeMinister's declaration, the statement said.• 4 August <strong>2002</strong> Education Minister Louis Galea launched the Committee of Guarantee for Malta'scultural heritage. Dr Galea said that the committee’s function was to facilitate synergy between thevarious agencies responsible for the protection and administration of the cultural heritage.• 4 August <strong>2002</strong> Resources and Infrastructure Minister Francis Zammit Dimech said that the 56 timeframes and targets set by Progett Skart, Government's Waste Management Strategy, were on targetand in most cases exceeded. He said that 11 of Progett Skart's proposals had been accomplished, 21were currently being carried out, and 24 had started. Dr Zammit Dimech was addressing a pressconference, held to give an update report of the waste management situation.• 5 August <strong>2002</strong> Chief Justice Noel Arrigo and Mr Justice Patrick Vella were arraigned in court andcharged with accepting bribes. Magistrate Antonio Mizzi granted the judges bail, on condition thatthey do not leave their houses except for medical reasons. Each accused was bound with a Lm5,000deposit and a Lm10,000 personal guarantee.• 5 August <strong>2002</strong> Former Chief Justice Joseph Said Pullicino told Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adamithat he was shocked when he heard that two judges were being investigated over allegations of bribery.In a letter to the Prime Minister released by the Government, Dr Said Pullicino said that he appreciatedand supported the speedy, correct and transparent manner in which the Prime Minister had acted toensure that the process of justice takes its course.• 5 August <strong>2002</strong> Twelve Maltese young people joined 1,000 young Europeans in Denmark for a twoweekstay in 13 Danish Folk High Schools to work on a proposal for a European constitution. TheYouth <strong>2002</strong> Meeting ran in parallel with the Youth Convention on the Future of Europe.• 6 August <strong>2002</strong> Chief Justice Noel Arrigo and Mr Justice Patrick Vella, both charged with acceptingbribes individually wrote to the President saying that they would like to refrain from carrying out theirduties. The two judges made it clear, however, that they were not resigning from their posts.• 6 August <strong>2002</strong> A motion for the impeachment of the two judges, signed by the Prime Minister and bythe Leader of the Opposition, was presented to the Speaker of the House of Representatives. SpeakerAnton Tabone will be passing the motion on to President Guido de Marco, who also chairs theCommission for the Administration of Justice.• 6 August <strong>2002</strong> Culture Minister Louis Galea launched the Malta Council for Culture and the Arts, at anews conference at St James Centre for Creativity. Dr Galea said that the council would be replacingthe Department of Culture.• 6 August <strong>2002</strong> According to the June issue of the Central Bank of Malta Quarterly Review, during thefirst quarter of <strong>2002</strong>, the economy showed some signs of recovery following the sharp downturn thathad characterised the second half of 2001. The CBM quotes the Gross Domestic Product as growingby 1.4 per cent in real terms.• 6 August <strong>2002</strong> A group of 49 illegal immigrants were rounded up soon after the small boat they werein landed at Il-Qammiegh, near Paradise Bay. After interrogation by the police they were taken to Ta’Kandja and the Hal-Far reception centre. The immigrants are understood to be mainly Iraqis andEgyptians and their boat is thought to have left from Turkey.

• 7 August <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco, acting on the advice of the Prime Minister, designated MrJustice Joseph David Camilleri to perform the functions of the Chief Justice. The Constitution enablesthe Government to appoint an acting Chief Justice when the incumbent cannot perform the duties ofChief Justice.• 7 August <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco visited the site of the new Inter-Continental Hotel, at St.George’s Bay. The Lm25 million, 451-room hotel, is owned by the Eden Leisure Group, and will bethe largest five-star hotel on the Island when it opens in November.• 7 August <strong>2002</strong> The Home Affairs Ministry announced that the Government had set up a committee todeal with the problem of the sharp rise in the number of illegal immigrants. The 514 immigrantscurrently being held have stretched resources to the limit, the Ministry said.• 7 August <strong>2002</strong> Import levies on a wide range of industrial-agro products will decrease by an average10 per cent on 1 st September <strong>2002</strong>, 1 st January 2003, and 1 st July 2003, respectively. The remaining 70per cent of the current levy will be removed completely upon Malta's accession into the EU, scheduledto take place on January 1, 2004.• 7 August <strong>2002</strong> The General Assembly of the United Nations met in an emergency special session toconsider a report by the Secretary General of the United Nations on the situation in the Middle East.During the session, Malta aligned itself with the statement by the European Union and voted in favourof the resolution adopted by the United Nations.• 7 August <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office said that a total of 252,670 people, or 64 per cent of thepopulation, now own a mobile phone. The statistics, compiled by the NSO with the co-operation ofEurostat, show an increase of 79.2 per cent in mobile phone customers between March 2001 andMarch <strong>2002</strong>.• 8 August <strong>2002</strong> Communications Minister Censu Galea said that, in the past two years, the number ofmobile telephony subscribers had increased from 20,000 to 250,000. He said that for the first timemobile telephony had overtaken fixed line telephony. Minister Galea was speaking at a newsconference at the launch of the Malta Communications Authority's strategic plan.• 8 August <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco presided over an urgent meeting of the Commission for theAdministration of Justice. The meeting was called to determine how to deal with the motion for theimpeachment of Chief Justice Noel Arrigo and Mr Justice Patrick Vella for alleged misbehaviour.• 8 August <strong>2002</strong> The Department of Culture within the Ministry of Education approved the sum ofLm9,255 as financial support for cultural events or projects to be carried out by thirty-nine culturalsocieties, organisations, artists, students, and other groups during the first semester of the year <strong>2002</strong>.• 8 August <strong>2002</strong> The shipyards have taken on 30 apprentices in a scheme launched by the Employmentand Training Corporation. Shipyards' Chairman John Cassar White said that the apprentices would betrained over a period of three years. Those concluding their apprenticeship would receive aJourneyman's certificate. According to the restructuring plan agreed upon in the task force, theshipyards plan to employ a limited number of apprentices in the coming years to fill the void createdby retirement, resignations, and illness.• 8 August <strong>2002</strong> A group of 48 men were given a six-month jail term suspended for a year for landingin Malta illegally. Three men requested refugee status on the grounds that, once they were members ofthe Armed Forces of Iraq, repatriation would have negative political repercussions on them. MagistrateGiovanni Grixti ruled that the deportation order issued against the three Iraqis would not be executeduntil the refugee status proceedings were concluded. Meanwhile, the other 45 men will be deported.• 9 August <strong>2002</strong> A spokesman for the Office of the President confirmed that President Guido de Marcohad chaired Wednesday's meeting of the Commission for the Administration of Justice, held to discussthe impeachment motion against Chief Justice Noel Arrigo and Mr Justice Patrick Vella. Thespokesman said that the meeting focused on the procedures to be adopted by the Commission withinthe parameters of the law.• 9 August <strong>2002</strong> EU Commissioner for enlargement Gunther Verheugen said that his advice to theMaltese was to wait to see the package negotiated with the EU before making up their mind in favouror against membership. Mr Verheugen was being interviewed by The Times newspaper.

• 9 August <strong>2002</strong> The joint committee for the north of the Island, embracing the local councils forGharghur, Mgarr, Mellieha, Mosta, Naxxar, and St Paul's Bay, agreed to run a pooling system for theenforcement of regulations in their localities. The agreement will become effective on September 1.• 9 August <strong>2002</strong> A spokesman for ST Microelectronics said that Tonio Portughese, the company'sDirector and Human Resources and External Relations Manager, has been appointed HumanResources Development Vice-President for ST's assembly and testing plants in Morocco, China,Singapore, Malaysia and Malta. The plants have a total head count of 14,000 employees.• 9 August <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office announced that expenditure on village feasts by parishchurches had increased, from Lm574,641 in 1999 to Lm593,091, in 2001. Expenditure on parish festasheld in Gozo last year stood at Lm173,751, or 29.3 per cent of the total recorded expenditure.• 9 August <strong>2002</strong> A tremor was felt following an earthquake on the seabed 20 kilometres north of theMalta. The tremor was felt by people living in Birkirkara, Lija, Valletta, St Julian's, and Mriehel,among others. Pauline Galea, a physics lecturer responsible for the seismograph station at WiedDalam, said that the tremor measured 3 on the Richter scale.• 10 August <strong>2002</strong> Chief Justice Noel Arrigo personally tendered his resignation to President Guido deMarco, apologising to the public for what he had caused and expressing regret at the manner in whichhe had been ‘pre-judged’. Prof. de Marco accepted Dr Arrigo's resignation.• 10 August <strong>2002</strong> Education Minister Louis Galea launched Skolasajf, the Education Division's summerschool programme, at the Kordin III megalithic site, in Paola. The venture is organised by FondazzjoniWirt Artna and has the financial support of Bank of Valletta.• 10 August <strong>2002</strong> The Parliamentary Secretary in the Home Affairs Ministry, George Pullicino,launched four projects which are to be presented to the World Summit on Sustainable Development,being held in Johannesburg later this year. The projects are meant to regenerate Valletta; to safeguardthe sustainable use of coastal and sea resources; to control the management of building waste; and toensure greater use of public transport.• 10 August <strong>2002</strong> Representatives of the Malta Press Club had a meeting with the Speaker of the Houseof Representatives, Anton Tabone, in his office at The Palace, in Valletta. Mr Tabone expressed thewish to maintain a constant dialogue with the media to ensure that the highest standards of journalismwere maintained.• 11 August <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami described the resignation of Chief JusticeNoel Arrigo as a ‘step in the right direction’. He said that Dr Arrigo's resignation should lead to agradual return to normality in the judiciary. Dr Fenech-Adami was speaking to The Sunday Timesnewspaper from Australia.• 11 August <strong>2002</strong> The Prime Minister started a visit to Australia. In a radio interview broadcast by theSpecial Broadcasting Services, Dr Fenech-Adami said that Maltese living in Australia who hold dualcitizenship would benefit from what the EU had to offer. He said that the Government had changedcitizenship laws in 1989, following which all Maltese who had lost their citizenship when acquiringanother one had automatically re-acquired their Maltese citizenship.• 11 August <strong>2002</strong> A statement issued by the Malta Freeport said that the company has managed tomaintain the targets it had set. During the first six months of this year, said the statement, the Freeportregistered a throughput of 612,000 containers. This is an increase of 50,000 containers over the sameperiod last year.• 12 August <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami met Maltese-Australian businessmen,members of the Maltese-Australian Chamber of Commerce and of the Maltese-Australia Businessmenand Professionals Association. The businessmen expressed great interest in developments in Malta’sEU membership issue.• 13 August <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami started an official visit to New Zealand, thefirst by a Maltese Prime Minister. Shortly after his arrival, Dr Fenech-Adami met the GovernorGeneral of New Zealand, Dame Silvia Cartwright. Diplomatic relations between the two countries,established in 1973, were briefly discussed.

• 13 August <strong>2002</strong> Mr Justice Patrick Vella handed in his resignation from the Bench to President Guidode Marco, at Verdala Palace. In his letter of resignation Dr Vella appealed to the public to let thejudiciary work in the peace that they deserved and to stop criticising them indiscriminately because ofthe bribery case which led to his and the Chief Justice's resignation. Dr Vella cited health reasons fornot resigning earlier.• 13 August <strong>2002</strong> A Gozo Channel ferry moored for the first time at the new berth in Cirkewwa thatforms part of the Lm13 million Cirkewwa terminal project. Transport and Communications MinisterCensu Galea, who was present for the occasion, said that the berth would enable the Gozo ferries tomoor in all weather conditions.• 13 August <strong>2002</strong> The Maltese Ambassador in Tripoli, Richard Vella Laurenti, said that theGovernment was seeking an official explanation why twenty-one Maltese workers, most of whomworked on construction and technical projects, had been sent back immediately on landing in Tripoli.Mr Vella Laurenti said that the issue had been addressed, ‘and was receiving a willing ear from theLibyan side’.• 14 August <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami met his counterpart in New Zealand, HelenClark. The two Prime Ministers discussed Malta’s EU bid, the Commonwealth, the political situationin Zimbabwe, the Middle East, Israel, Iraq, and the Mediterranean. Dr Fenech-Adami later also metLeader of the Opposition Bill English.• 14 August <strong>2002</strong> In New Zealand, Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami explored with New ZealandPremier Helen Clark the possibility of strengthening bilateral relations between their respectivecountries. In the wake of the Maltese Premier’s visit, Malta and New Zealand are to start negotiationson three bilateral agreements, dealing with social security, double taxation, and working holidayschemes.• 14 August <strong>2002</strong> Dr Fenech-Adami told Prime Minister Clark that he hoped that the investment byNew Zealand Post in Maltapost would pave the way for more development. Given Malta's strategiclocation in the centre of the Mediterranean, he said, it was hoped that Maltapost would develop as astaging post from Malta to other Mediterranean areas. “It is too early to speak about results butexpectations are high,” said the Prime Minister.• 14 August <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami described the allegations of bribery that led tothe resignation of the Chief Justice and a judge as ‘very unfortunate’, but said that Malta has a verystrong judicial system that worked well. “This does not mean that every now and then there is not theoccasional black sheep,” he said. Dr Fenech-Adami was replying to a question about the case by acorrespondent for New Zealand state television.• 14 August <strong>2002</strong> The mini-series Helen of Troy is currently shooting in Malta for USA Cable TV.Producer Ted Kurdyla said that he was very happy with the location work he has been able to do here.He also praised Maltese acting talent and local craftsmen. Mr Kurdyla said that Malta would be on hisagenda for other future productions.• 14 August <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Environment and Planning Authority released two separate studies in theform of topic papers on Public utilities and Urban conservation and built environment. The studiesform part of the structure plan review that examines the land-use implication over the next 20 years.MEPA has already published similar studies on issues like tourism, employment, and wastemanagement. Copies of the topic papers may be obtained from MEPA or viewed on the authority’swebsite at www.mepa.org.<strong>mt</strong>• 14 August <strong>2002</strong> The recent intake of shipyard apprentices has made history including as it did the firstfemale apprentice. Ms Elaine Saliba of Luqa will be receiving training in electronic servicing.• 15 August <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that Malta in the EU could become astaging post for New Zealand businessmen who wanted to exploit the European, African, and Middle-Eastern markets. Dr Fenech-Adami, who was in New Zealand on an official visit, said that Malta's EUmembership could give a new dimension to the friendship that existed between the two countries.• 15 August <strong>2002</strong> The Government announced that upgrading and refurbishing programme of policestations was taken in hand this year and that all disused cells were being taken out of service. The

announcement took the form of a reply to a report drawn up by the European Committee for thePrevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.• 15 August <strong>2002</strong> The Patriarch of Jerusalem, Mgr Archbishop Michel Sabbah, paid a courtesy call onActing Prime Minister Louis Galea. Mgr Sabbah was on his first visit to Malta to preside overcelebrations being held to mark the feast of Santa Maria, at Mosta Parish Church.• 15 August <strong>2002</strong> The annual agricultural show at Villa Rundle in Victoria was inaugurated by GozoMinister Giovanna Debono. There were some 4,500 exhibits in this year's show, timed to coincidewith the feast of Santa Marija.• 15 August <strong>2002</strong> Acting President George Hyzler attended the 17th edition of the Malta VolleyballMarathon, in the absence of President Guido de Marco, who is on holiday. The marathon, being held atthe Trade Fair Grounds in Naxxar, is in aid of Id-Dar tal-Providenza and the Dominican Mission inAlbania.• 15 August <strong>2002</strong> A Malta Tourism Authority billboard promoting Malta holidays placed first in asurvey of advertising billboards in Germany. The Malta campaign billboard, which carried the sloganMalta ist etwas Besonderes (Malta is something special), was judged to portray the most effective andappealing advertising message and motif.• 16 August <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici launched a Technology Venture Fund witha capital of Lm1 million. The fund is to be administered jointly by the Malta DevelopmentCorporation and the Institute for the Promotion of Small Enterprise and will provide financial capitalfor technological initiatives, as announced by Finance Minister John Dalli in last November’s budget.• 17 August <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami and his delegation were welcomed inMelbourne by Dr Clemente Zammit, the Consul General and President of the Maltese CommunityCouncil of Victoria. The Prime Minister said that, when Malta joined the EU, Maltese living abroadwould have the same rights as any other European. Dr Fenech-Adami is on an official visit to Australiaafter visiting New Zealand.• 17 August <strong>2002</strong> The Malta-EU Information Centre said in its latest round-up that negotiations onenergy had been provisionally closed. EU energy policy obliges member countries to maintain at alltimes their stocks of crude oil and/or petroleum stocks at a level corresponding to at least 90 daysinternal consumption. The Maltese Government requested and obtained a transition period of six yearsto implement this chapter.• 17 August <strong>2002</strong> Culture Minister Louis Galea visited the Mediterranean Conference Centre to viewrefurbishment works costing nearly Lm2 million. The MCC is a member of the International Congressand Convention Association, which is the largest global association involved in conferences.• 18 August <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that there was scope for changingelectoral laws in a reasonable way so that Maltese working abroad would be allowed to vote. He saidthat he felt that those involved in voluntary work, and those engaged with Maltese and othercompanies abroad, should be allowed to vote. Dr Fenech-Adami was being interviewed by RichardCurmi on the Australian Special Broadcasting services radio station in Melbourne.• 19 August <strong>2002</strong> In Victoria, Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that he did not expect therewould be significant changes to the value of the Maltese lira when a switch is made to the Euro afterMalta joins the EU. This was because the Euro featured prominently in the basket of currencies againstwhich the Maltese lira is pegged. Dr Fenech-Adami was answering a reporter’s question about theeffects the introduction of the Euro might have on people's savings.• 19 August <strong>2002</strong> The European Central Bank publication The Eurosystem's dialogue with EUaccession countries lists Malta, Estonia and Hungary as the candidate countries that have managed tonarrow their income gap with the euro area by around 10 per cent since 1995. Other candidatecountries, the ECB says, have not progressed in this regard, and some have even regressed.• 19 August <strong>2002</strong> Legal Notice 147 of this year announces new hospital fees for foreign patients. Thenotice, carried in The Government Gazette, amends notice 147 of 1989.

• 20 August <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami told an audience in Canberra that in Malta theOpposition was ‘playing on a fear of the unknown’ in its campaign against EU membership. DrFenech-Adami was fielding questions following the delivery of a speech entitled ‘Malta and the EU –a Mediterranean perspective’, at the European Centre of the University of Canberra.• 20 August <strong>2002</strong> Education Minister Louis Galea said that, in the last two years, over 360 Maltese hadbenefited from training in EU member states. These included 130 students and apprentices, 125workers, and 110 teachers and managers. Minister Galea was speaking during a meeting with 12students of the Institute of Health Care who will be in Belgium between August 29 and September 28as part of the Leonardo da Vinci programme.• 20 August <strong>2002</strong> Education Minister Louis Galea met the fourteen Chinese students being hosted bythe Cospicua Council as part of an exchange programme between Malta and China. A co-operation,friendship, and exchange agreement was signed in April between Cospicua Council and the YanchengCity authorities.• 20 August <strong>2002</strong> Transport Minister Censu Galea said that the new access road to the new Mater DeiHospital and San Gwann Industrial Estate, which forms the first phase of a project involving theconstruction of four roads, would be completed by the end of the year. Mr Galea, who toured theworks in progress, said that the entire project was expected to be completed early in 2003, ‘quite aheadof schedule’.• 20 August <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office said that the number of occupational accidents hadgone down in the period between January and March <strong>2002</strong> in comparison with the same term in 2001.Between April and June <strong>2002</strong>, the number of accidents at work had remained constant to that of thesame quarter last year. The NSO was reporting on a survey of accidents at work reported to theDepartment of Social Security in the period between January and June <strong>2002</strong> for the purpose ofobtaining injury benefit.• 21 August <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami inaugurated the new Maltese HighCommission in Canberra. Dr Fenech-Adami was shown round the High Commission by outgoingHigh Commissioner Yves de Barro. The Prime Minister also inaugurated a new website which, whileproviding information about Malta, serves as bulletin board where Maltese Australians can post theirmessages. The new website can be accesed at http://www.gregfarrugia.com/tal-maltin/• 21 August <strong>2002</strong> Kunsill Studenti Universitarji, the students’ council of the University of Malta, haspublished a report on the effect that EU membership would have on the student population. The reportis entitled The EU – possible scenarios and their effect on Maltese University students. KSU PresidentJames Scicluna said that, though the report does not reach any conclusions as to whether EUmembership is beneficial or not, the content lists several opportunities for students.• 21 August <strong>2002</strong> A consortium made up of universities and coastal management agencies from Italy,Malta, Morocco, Portugal, Tunisia, and the UK has published a project manual that proposes practicalmethods of conserving the coastal region and its diverse assets. The manual is entitled Baseline for theIntegrated Sustainable Management of Mediterranean Sensitive Coastal Ecosystems. EducationMinister Louis Galea was present for the presentation.• 21 August <strong>2002</strong> Figures published by the National Statistics Office show that the number of foreignstudents following English language courses in Malta last year shot up by 26.9 per cent, to 52,680. Asin previous years, the highest number of students came from Germany.• 21 August <strong>2002</strong> The Maltese Islands are to feature in television programmes in France and Spain. Onthe Spanish national station TVE Malta will feature in a documentary travel programme, titled ParaisosCercanos (Nearby Paradises). Meanwhile, French TV station Histoire was recently in Malta to shoot afeature about Neolithic Malta.• 21 August <strong>2002</strong> Sean Connery is in Malta for the filming of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.The film is being shot on location in Prague, with additional scenes being shot in Gozo. The film payshomage to the grand adventure stories of yesteryear and stars Connery in the role of Allan Quatermain.• 22 August <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami met Australian Premier John Howard inCanberra. Dr Fenech-Adami later told newsmen that the two leaders had discussed matters of interest

to the Maltese in Australia. The Prime Minister said that they had also agreed to start discussions toreview the existing social security agreement between the two countries.• 22 August <strong>2002</strong> Australian Prime Minister John Howard said he knew that Malta’s aspiration was tobecome a member of the EU. He said that Australia looked forward to the day when Malta joined theUnion as the Australian perspective would be better understood by an EU member state. Mr Howardwas speaking following a meeting with Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami.• 22 August <strong>2002</strong> President and Mrs Guido de Marco postponed their private visit to the CzechRepublic on the advice of the Czech authorities, in view of the floods that inundated Prague. Theinvitation to pay a private visit in Prague had been made to Prof. de Marco by Czech President VaclavHavel during his state visit to Malta last April.• 22 August <strong>2002</strong> Agriculture Minister Ninu Zammit announced that his Ministry is aiming to treble theamount of land used for vine-growing by the year 2014. He said it was intended to gradually increasethe wine-growing area from 320 hectares to 1,104 hectares. Mr Zammit was speaking during a visit toMarsovin's Ghajn Rihana Estate, in Burmarrad.• 22 August <strong>2002</strong> Gozo Minister Giovanna Debono and Civil Protection Department Director PeterCordina presided over a preparatory meeting with a view to setting up a contingency plan for Gozo inline with provisions of the Civil Protection Act of 1999. Attending the meeting were members of thePolice, the AFM, the health sector, Enemalta, Maltacom and Gozo Channel, as well as the Red Crossin Gozo.• 22 August <strong>2002</strong> The Parliamentary Secretary in the Economic Services Ministry, Edwin Vassallo,launched a scheme to facilitate the identification and building of new industrial zones for the selfemployedand small business. The Malta Environment and Planning Authority said that it hadidentified over 282,000m 2 of land that could be developed into parks for micro-enterprises. Copies ofMEPA's public consultation draft of the site selection exercise are available on www.mepa.org.<strong>mt</strong>.• 22 August <strong>2002</strong> Employees at the Land Registry Department started to register private property inValletta and Vittoriosa as part of a plan to register all property in Valletta, Floriana and Cottonera. Theexercise is being carried out according to a joint plan of the Land Registry Department and the Officeof Rehabilitation Projects.• 23 August <strong>2002</strong> The Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Environment,George Pullicino, said that the Government was appealing for common sense to prevail over anemotional reaction to the issue of hunting and trapping. Mr Pullicino stressed that the agreementreached in the negotiations made sense because it took into account the interests of all Maltese andGozitans. “Above all, a balance has been struck between tradition and the conservation of theenvironment," said Mr Pullicino.• 23 August <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Financial Services Centre again warned about requests emanating fromabroad that offer rewards in return for ‘assistance’, usually related to the transfer of funds from onecountry to another. The MFSC said that, despite past warnings, a number of people still fell victim tothese scams.• 23 August <strong>2002</strong> The adult education section of the Education Department published an informativeprospectus for the benefit of those interested in furthering their education. The prospectus gives detailsabout 227 classes covering academic, engineering, craft and leisure courses, together with literacy andnumerical courses, and courses in English and Maltese for foreigners. A copy of the prospectus may beobtained from the Department’s webpage at www.education.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>• 23 August <strong>2002</strong> Elena Zokas, production manager responsible for the film The League ofExtraordinary Gentlemen, starring Sean Connery, said that her company had chosen to do locationwork in Gozo instead of South Africa. Ms Zokas said that the reason for choosing Gozo was that theMaltese Islands have a film infrastructure, many movies have been produced here, and they enjoy agood reputation. Ms Zokas has worked on four James Bond movies.• 23 August <strong>2002</strong> Kerygma raised its highest-ever amount for charity, collecting Lm232,228 during agruelling 240 hours of volleyball. The marathon was visited by 76,000 people.

• 24 August <strong>2002</strong> Malta and Libya renewed an agreement on the running of the Voice of theMediterranean radio station. The agreement was signed in Libya by Finance Minister John Dalli, whoheaded a delegation for the 22nd session of the Maltese/Libyan Joint Commission.• 24 August <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli said that Malta and Italy were expected to sign the fifthand final financial protocol by the end of September or early October. Mr Dalli said that the protocolwas likely to cover three years, with funding expected to remain at the same level as in the existingprotocol - about Lm10 million a year.• 24 August <strong>2002</strong> The Malta-EU Information Centre said in its latest round-up that negotiations onculture and audio-visual policy were provisionally closed with the 10 countries that, according to theEU, could be ready to join by 2004. The 10 countries are Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia,Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia. Negotiations on this chapter werealso closed with Bulgaria but are still open with Romania.• 24 August <strong>2002</strong> The Central Bank announced that, in a bid to better reflect both present and futuretrends in Malta's external trade, it had decided to upgrade the weight of the Euro in the Maltese lirabasket. As a result of this latest decision the Euro now has a weighting of 70 per cent in the Malteselira basket, up from 56.8 per cent; sterling has a weighting of 20 per cent, down from 21.6 per cent;and the US dollar has a weighting of 10 per cent, down from 21.6 per cent.• 24 August <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office announced that <strong>gov</strong>ernment debt outstanding at the endof July stood at Lm1,049.5 million, up by Lm55.7 million, or 5.6 per cent, from Lm993.8 millionoutstanding at the end of July last year. The structural deficit between ordinary revenue and totalexpenditure amounted to Lm72.5 million, up from a shortfall of Lm68 million for the same period lastyear.• 24 August <strong>2002</strong> According to the latest labour force survey issued by the National Statistics Office,unemployment rose sharply in the 12-month period up to March, by 2,551 to 11,983. The surveyshows that the unemployment rate in March reached 7.7 per cent. This is an increase of 1.6 per centover March 2001.• 25 August <strong>2002</strong> A <strong>gov</strong>ernment statement announced the appointment of Mr Justice Vincent DeGaetano as Chief Justice. The appointment, by the President made on the advice of the Prime Minister,follows the resignation of Chief Justice Noel Arrigo who, with Mr Justice Patrick Vella, was chargedwith accepting bribes in return for reducing a drug trafficker's jail term.• 26 August <strong>2002</strong> A Police statement said that some 400 Tunisian nationals had been refused entry toMalta after they failed to produce the necessary documentation at the seaport. The Tunisians werepassengers abroad the Greek cargo and passenger ship Ariadne’s Palace that was in transit fromTunisia to Genoa in Italy. An Armed Forces patrol boat assisted in the operation.• 27 August <strong>2002</strong> Judge Vincent De Gaetano was sworn in as Chief Justice by President Guido deMarco at the Palace, in Valletta. Chief Justice De Gaetano marked his swearing in with a strong appealfor the country to stop the siege against the administration of Justice. He admitted that he had a toughroad ahead in order to restore faith in the judiciary, but added that this would be achieved with the cooperationof all concerned.• 27 August <strong>2002</strong> During the swearing in of Chief Justice De Gaetano, President Guido de Marco saidthat the public’s faith in the judiciary was indispensable to ensure the correct <strong>gov</strong>ernance of a civilisedcountry. Prof. de Marco said the nomination of the Chief Justice was witness to the quality of thejudiciary.• 27 August <strong>2002</strong> A <strong>gov</strong>ernment statement announced the names of the eight members of the ElectoralCommission for the next year. The Government said the appointments by the President were made onthe advice of the Prime Minister following consultation with the Leader of the Opposition. Themembers of the commission are Gorg Borg Cardona, Victor Cavallo, Mario Callus, Ena Cremona,John De Gray, Henry Distefano, Vanni Ganado, and Carmel J. Portelli.• 27 August <strong>2002</strong> The Parliamentary Secretary for the Environment, George Pullicino, announced at ajoint news conference that the Malta Environment and Planning Authority was relaxing its policy onthe placing of tables and chairs outside bars and restaurants. He said MEPA was changing its current

Structure Plan Policy in favour of a more liberal official attitude. Tourism Minister Michael Refalosaid that tourism operators welcomed the new arrangement.• 27 August <strong>2002</strong> The Consumer Division of the Ministry of Economic Services approved an increaseof one cent in the price of bread. As from Wednesday 28 th , a large loaf will cost 16 cents. The price fora small loaf will also go up by one cent, to 10 cents.• 28 August <strong>2002</strong> The Institute for the Promotion of Small Enterprise (IPSE) signed an agreement withBank of Valletta and HSBC Bank Malta setting up the operation of the New Enterprise LoanGuarantee. As a result of this agreement, IPSE will be in a position to offer a guarantee of up to 80 percent of the value of a loan required by first-time entrepreneurs willing to start a business. Through thisagreement, Bank of Valletta and HSBC will charge an interest rate of 1.75 per cent over base rate forthe total amount of the assisted loan.• 28 August <strong>2002</strong> A report that compiles and evaluates technical information about the environmentconcludes that airborne fine dust levels in Malta are above what is considered safe. The report alsowarns of the harmful emissions produced by the Marsa power station. The report, entitled The State ofthe environment report for Malta, <strong>2002</strong>, was commissioned by the Environment Protection Directorateand is to be available on-line from the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Environment.• 28 August <strong>2002</strong> Maltacom Chairman Maurice Zarb Adami said that, while turnover was up by 8.2 percent to Lm26 million, profit after tax had dipped by 6.4 per cent to Lm3.7 million when comparedwith the same period last year. Mr Zarb Adami said that, while Go Mobile was doing well and nowhad 95,000 customers, Maltacom was looking into ways and means to make the most of its fixed lineinfrastructure. Mr Zarb Adami was giving an overview of the company’s financial statement for thesecond quarter to stockbrokers.• 29 August <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco left Malta for Maastricht to deliver the keynote address atthe graduation ceremony of the academic year of the Maastricht School of Management. Prof. deMarco was invited to the ceremony by Dr R. van der Linden, school board chairman.• 29 August <strong>2002</strong> Agriculture Minister Ninu Zammit said that scientific studies on the two local grapevarieties, Girgentina and Gellewza, were being carried out as part of a twinning project on viticulture,in conjunction with Italy and subsidised by the EU. Following the tests, it would be possible todetermine the ideal vines for Malta to be able to produce quality wine, Mr Zammit said. The Ministerwas on a tour of the Emmanuel Delicata winery.• 29 August <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Communications Authority published a consultative paper on theintroduction of two new telecommunication services that will enable consumers to choose what bestsuited their needs in price and quality. The paper seeks the views of operators and interested parties onthe phased introduction of the so-called Carrier Selection and the Carrier Pre-Selection.• 30 August <strong>2002</strong> International credit rating agency Fitch affirmed Malta's ratings at their previouslevels. The London based rating agency maintained its long-term foreign currency rating of A, shorttermat F1, and long-term local currency of AA-. These ratings apply to senior unsecured debt of theMaltese Government.• 30 August <strong>2002</strong> In the commentary to the report, Fitch warned that a decision not to join the EuropeanUnion could impair the Island's creditworthiness. The agency put a lot of emphasis on EU membershipand said the referendum could prove critical for the future course of the economy. Although opinionpolls currently showed a small majority in favour, EU membership remained contentious, it said.• 30 August <strong>2002</strong> International credit rating agency Moody's announced that it had downgraded theoutlook of the financial strength rating for Bank of Valletta from stable to negative. The negativeoutlook for the bank's A3/Prime -2 foreign currency deposit ratings remained unchanged. The outlookchange for the financial strength rating was prompted by increasing concerns about the Bank'sdeteriorating loan portfolio quality and declining profitability, Moody's said.• 30 August <strong>2002</strong> Air Malta's Board of Directors approved the appointment of the group's new SwissChief Executive, Ernst Funk. Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said that, for the future, theposts of chairman and chief executive would be invested in two different persons. The chairman wouldbe more orientated towards policy, while the chief executive will be responsible for the management

of the company, the day-to-day administration, and for ensuring that the necessary changes are carriedout.• 30 August <strong>2002</strong> The National Office of Statistics said that the rate of inflation had gone down in July,to 3.39 per cent from 3.54 per cent in the previous month. This is the third month running in whichinflation has gone down. In July last year the inflation rate stood at 2.04 per cent.• 30 August <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Tourism Authority said that the performance of the British tourist marketthis year had proved the wisdom of the decision to replace the TOSS exchange rate subsidy with anenhanced marketing plan and joint initiatives with UK tour operators. The MTA said that <strong>2002</strong> was thefirst full year in which the TOSS subsidy was not available and, despite September 11, the UK markethad performed well.• 31 August <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco lamented the lack of a UN policy backed by the majorpowers to achieve the end of the occupation of Palestine, the right of the Palestinian people to a stateof their own, and the right of Israel to exist within sure and guaranteed frontiers. Prof. de Marco wasspeaking at the graduation ceremony of the Maastricht School of Management, where he delivered thekeynote address on ‘The kindred spirit in politics and management’.• 31 August <strong>2002</strong> Enemalta Corporation Chairman Robert Ghirlando announced that the feasibilitystudy being carried out by ENI subsidiary SNAM into laying a gas pipeline between Malta and Sicilyshould be ready by the end of the year. Prof. Ghirlando was speaking at Marsa where he launched aprogramme of activities to celebrate the corporation's 25th anniversary.• 31 August <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister re-appointed Dr John Grech chairman of the Malta TourismAuthority for a term of three years. Dr Grech called for a concerted effort to promote tourism in thewake of today’s global downturn.• 31 August <strong>2002</strong> Prof. Lino Briguglio was engaged as a consultant by UNDP and is in Johannesburg,South Africa to finalise a position paper on the Economic Vulnerability of Small Island States. Prof.Briguglio is the lead author of the Malta National Report on Sustainable Development.• 31 August <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office said that, at the end of June, the total stock of licensedmotor vehicles stood at 258,045, compared to 250,950 in June 2001. Of the total this year, 191,908 or74.4 per cent were private vehicles, while commercial vehicles made up 43,664 or 16.9 per cent.September• 1 September <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg said that the EU would not grant Malta a derogation tokeep the soft drink plastic bottles ban. However, said the Minister, the Government was determined tocreate the mechanisms in an attempt to maintain the status quo as much as possible. Dr Borg wasdiscussing the Environment Chapter with The Times newspaper.• 2 September <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said that Malta Drydocks is consideringsetting up a facility for the maintenance of super yachts. "There is no such facility in theMediterranean and we are looking at this niche market which promises to be quite successful ifhandled correctly,” Prof. Bonnici said.• 2 September <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici announced that the Government wassearching for a practical way to solve the drydocks’ Lm200 million debt. One possibility beingexamined, said Prof. Bonnici, is that the 'yards pass on to the Government parcels of land that they cando without and, in return, the Government would take it upon itself to honour the debt owed by the'yards.• 2 September <strong>2002</strong> Victor Camilleri, Ambassador to the EU, said that, with the technical negotiationsexhausted, Malta's bid to retain zero VAT rating on food and medicines in its membership negotiationshad now become a political issue. Mr Camilleri, who is a member of the Core Negotiating Group, wasinterviewed at his office in Brussels by The Times newspaper.

• 2 September <strong>2002</strong> Malta and Hungary were selected to represent the Central Group, that is the grouprepresenting EU candidate countries, at the World Summit on Sustainable Development taking placein Johannesburg, South Africa. The other groups taking part in the debate are the EU member states;the Group of 77 which represents the Third World Group; a group representing Japan, Canada, andNew Zealand; and the United States.• 2 September <strong>2002</strong> The Government Gazette published regulations that establish rules for thetransmission, distribution, supply and storage of natural gas. The regulations form part of thetransposition to the EU's acquis communautaire. "These regulations are just a formality on how toregulate a gas pipe network which we don't have in place yet," Enemalta Chairman Robert Ghirlandosaid.• 2 September <strong>2002</strong> A spokesman for Air Malta said that a directive by international aviationauthorities instructing airlines to check their Boeing jets because of a potentially dangerous fault incertain fuel pumps did not affect Air Malta's Boeings. The advice received concerned particular fuelpumps but the fuel pumps on the Air Malta Boeing jets were not from the batch involved.• 2 September <strong>2002</strong> A total 152, representing 9.48 per cent, of the 1,603 inspections carried out onMalta-registered vessels in 2001 resulted in the vessels being detained, while 985 ships (61.45 percent) were found to have deficiencies. The average detention rate for all flag states was 9.09 per cent.These statistics emerge from the Blue Book 2001, recently published by the Paris Memorandum ofUnderstanding on Port State Control.• 3 September <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami appointed Herbert Aguis as Head of theSecurity Service. Mr Agius has been acting head for the past 11 months. Prior to that, Mr Agius wasthe Director of the National Drug Intelligence Unit.• 3 September <strong>2002</strong> Public Broadcasting Services Chairman Anthony Tabone presented the sum ofLm476,000, collected in the popular PBS programme L-Istrina, to President Guido de Marco, for theCommunity Chest Fund, and to four other philanthropic institutions at the Palace, in Valletta. In hismessage, President Guido de Marco stressed the importance of being close to people with disabilityand special needs.• 3 September <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office announced that, in May this year, the number oftourist arrivals dropped by 8.3 per cent to 106,060, from 115,647 in the same month last year. Thisbrought the arrivals total in the first five months this year to 373,063, down by 8.7 per cent from408,499 last year.• 3 September <strong>2002</strong> Five organisations involved with young people signed up to the EU’s Youthprogramme after their projects were approved by the Youth Co-ordinating Committee. A total ofLm14,300 has been allocated to the projects by the EU. The contracts were signed in the presence ofthe Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Jesmond Mugliett.• 3 September <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Communications Authority announced that all the surveys carried outon mobile phone base stations in Malta have shown emission levels of electromagnetic frequencies tobe far lower than internationally accepted limits. The authority said that the finding shouldsignificantly reduce the degree of public concern.• 4 September <strong>2002</strong> Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that Malta was planning to build itscapacity to assist in overseas development. The plan, he said, entailed the formulation of a NationalDevelopment Co-operation Policy backed by a Secretariat for International Development. Dr Gonziwas addressing the World Summit for Sustainable Development, in Johannesburg.• 4 September <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco inaugurated the Ta’ Qali national stadium MillenniumStand. The opening ceremony was followed by a friendly match between a selection from the Maltanational team and Italian club Inter.• 4 September <strong>2002</strong> Figures issued by the National Statistics Office show that total sales bymanufacturing enterprises in the second quarter of this year dropped by Lm11.6 million, or 4.8 percent, to Lm240.9 million compared with the same quarter last year. A drop in sales was registered inthe sub-sectors of radio, television and communications; electrical machinery; plastic and rubberproducts; leather; tobacco; and machinery and equipment.

• 4 September <strong>2002</strong> According to statistics published by the Department of Health Information almost950 babies were born in Malta during the second quarter of this year. This is a decrease of 25 over thesame period last year, when 971 babies were born.• 4 September <strong>2002</strong> Bank of Valletta again won the Financial Times Group’s Bank of the Year in Maltaaward. This is the second consecutive year that BoV has won the award.• 5 September <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office reported that, in the seven-month period to July,total imports were down by Lm32.9 million, or 4.4 per cent, to Lm711.2 million from Lm744.1million. Total exports dropped by Lm15.1 million, or 2.8 per cent, to Lm518.2 million from Lm533.3million. The visible trade gap contracted by Lm17.8 million, to Lm193 million, from Lm210.8 millionin the same period last year.• 5 September <strong>2002</strong> According to statistics issued by the National Statistics Office, the population(Maltese citizens only) in the year 2000 stood at 382,525, and the density of the population was 1,211people to every square kilometre. Life expectancy for men stood at 74.9 years and 79.8 years forwomen. Infant mortality was 6.1 per 1000 live births.• 5 September <strong>2002</strong> A platoon from C Company, 1st Regiment AFM, started a four-week trainingattachment with Italian troops in Italy for the second time this year. The training attachment was madepossible through the efforts of the Italian Military Mission based in Malta.• 6 September <strong>2002</strong> The National Office of Statistics announced that a new index measuring the pricesof agricultural output shows an overall increase of 8.08 per cent in 2001 compared to the previousyear. The NSO said that it had also started compiling an index for the prices of agricultural inputwhich, last year, went up by 0.67 per cent over the previous year.• 7 September <strong>2002</strong> A <strong>gov</strong>ernment statement replied to comments that the Ombudsman, Mr JoeSammut, made in a wide-ranging interview he gave to The Independent on Sunday on 1 September<strong>2002</strong>. The statement said that a number of opinions expressed in the interview were gratuitous and didnothing to enhance the respect in which the institution should be, and was in fact, held. Indeed,continued the statement, the whole tone of the interview and the way that the Ombudsman handledmany of the issues could be said to give the distinct impression that the replies had the flavour ofpolitical comment.• 7 September <strong>2002</strong> Government Member of Parliament Frederick Azzopardi and Opposition MemberGeorge Vella participated in the preparatory meeting of the Group for Mediterranean Affairs of theOSCE Parliamentary Assembly, in Limassol, Cyprus. The meeting was convened to discuss thecreation, the composition, and the mandate of an ad hoc committee on the Mediterranean within theParliamentary Assembly of the OSCE.• 7 September <strong>2002</strong> According to statistics released by the National Office of Statistics, unemploymentin April increased by 656 over the same month last year to reach 7,637. At 5.3 per cent, theunemployment rate was stable when compared to the previous month. The figures were based onstatistics from the Employment and Training Corporation.• 7 September <strong>2002</strong> The former Gozo Channel ferry MV Ghawdex, renamed Virgem de Fatima, wastowed out of the Cassar Shiprepair 'yard in Marsa to meet its final resting place, a Turkish scrapyard.Two years ago Gozo Channel sold the MV Ghawdex for $180,000.• 7 September <strong>2002</strong> An earthquake measuring 5.6 on the Richter scale rocked the southern ItalianIsland of Sicily and was also felt in various parts of Malta. The ’quake’s epicentre was in theMediterranean Sea, some 30 to 40 kilometres north east of Palermo.• 8 September <strong>2002</strong> Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi stated that, ‘our most important steptowards sustainability has been the decision to accede to the European Union’. Dr Gonzi wasaddressing the World Summit on Sustainable Development, at Johannesburg.• 8 September <strong>2002</strong> EU Environment Commissioner Margot Wallstrom told The Sunday Times inJohannesburg that Malta and other candidate countries would be closely involved in EU follow-upactions to the World Summit on Sustainable Development. “Mainstreaming sustainability into theEuro-Mediterranean Partnership on both the political and financial level is particularly important,” saidMs Wallstrom.

• 8 September <strong>2002</strong> Education Minister Louis Galea announced that 1,132 Maltese students hadalready benefited from EU programmes. Dr Galea was speaking at the end of a conference on thetheme Youth policy - small states' perspective.• 8 September <strong>2002</strong> Parliamentary Secretary George Pullicino announced that the Government hadearmarked an area where all licensed fish farms in Malta could be relocated. Mr Pullicino said thatthere were strong environmental advantages in having all the fish farms located in one area.• 9 September <strong>2002</strong> Archbishop Joseph Mercieca celebrated a Pontifical Mass with Te Deum at StJohn's Co-Cathedral in Valletta, to commemorate victory in the two sieges. The President and Mrs deMarco led the congregation, which was also attended by Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami,Speaker of the House Anton Tabone, AFM Commander Rupert Montanaro, Chief Justice Vincent DeGaetano, members of the judiciary, Ministers, MPs and members of the Diplomatic Corps, amongothers. Also present were knights and dames of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.• 9 September <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco laid a wreath at the foot of the Great Siege monument tohonour the fallen of the two sieges.• 9 September <strong>2002</strong> The keenly contested traditional Regatta, held in Grand Harbour, was this year wonby Senglea.• 9 September <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that preparations for the next budgetwere well under way and the Finance Minister had finalised the basis of a report that would bediscussed at the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development shortly. “There will be nogimmicks in the budget,” said the Prime Minister. Dr Fenech-Adami was speaking at Zabbar.• 9 September <strong>2002</strong> The Prime Minister, accompanied by Mrs Fenech-Adami, left Malta for a week'sholiday in England. Social Police Minister Lawrence Gonzi was Acting Prime Minister in Dr Fenech-Adami's absence.• 10 September <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco arrived in Nicosia at the start of a two-day state visit toCyprus. Prof. de Marco was greeted at the Presidential Palace Square by Cypriot President GlafcosClerides.• 10 September <strong>2002</strong> President de Marco said at a state dinner in his honour in Nicosia that the GreenLine that divided the island was a wound on the conscience of the international community. Prof. deMarco said that the Government of Malta believes that Cyprus is fully entitled to pursue successfullyits quest to join the European Union in that it cannot be penalised for the fact that it is still sufferingfrom the occupation of part of its territory, and this in violation of United Nations resolutions.• 10 September <strong>2002</strong> Dr. George Bonello Du Puis, High Commissioner of Malta in the UnitedKingdom, attended the inauguration of the Images of a New Europe photographic exhibition, inLondon. The photographs exhibited show life as it is lived in all twelve applicant countries and aim toraise awareness of EU enlargement.• 11 September <strong>2002</strong> In a statement carrying the heading 'The Ombudsman - defender of the citizen andpromoter of good administration', issued through the Department of Information, Ombudsman JoeSammut replied to <strong>gov</strong>ernment criticism of an interview he gave to The Independent on Sunday. MrSammut said that Government’s statement gave him the satisfaction that at least the Government notedwhat the Ombudsman had to say and directed departments and public agencies mentioned in theinterview to act on the Ombudsman's critical comments.• 11 September <strong>2002</strong> Moody's credit rating agency published its analysis on HSBC Malta. Moody’sreported that, although the outlook for HSBC Malta's ‘D+’ financial strength remained stable, thiscould come under negative pressure should the deterioration in the bank's loan portfolio qualitycontinue.• 11 September <strong>2002</strong> One year after the terrorist attacks on the United States, Finance Minister JohnDalli said that the September 11 attacks had unleashed a devastating economic blow to manycountries. In Malta it had dealt a blow to the business of the biggest micro-electronics company (STMicroelectronics), something which reflected on the country's growth. Mr Dalli said: “However, our

forward-looking economic policies allowed us to weather the storm reasonably well in the light of thecircumstances”.• 11 September <strong>2002</strong> The Foundation for Tomorrow's Schools reached an agreement with APS BankLtd, with the approval of the Finance Ministry, to acquire the funds it requires for an acceleratedprogramme to construct, restore, modernise and maintain state schools. At Corradino, EducationMinister Louis announced that the foundation would be investing Lm7 million a year in state schoolsover the next eight years.• 11 September <strong>2002</strong> President and Mrs de Marco visited the city of Limassol and Kolossi Castle. TheCypriot Minister of Finance and Mrs Takis Klerides then hosted the presidential couple to a luncheonin their honour.• 11 September <strong>2002</strong> According to the census of agriculture held in 2001 by the National StatisticsOffice the Maltese Islands have a total agricultural area of 10,013 hectares. Malta accounts for 8,081hectares and Gozo for 1,932 hectares. The land is managed within 11,887 agricultural holdings.• 11 September <strong>2002</strong> A <strong>gov</strong>ernment counter-statement commented on the Ombudsman’s recentcommunication to the press, particularly to Mr Sammut’s assertion that the interview was given withthe intention of spurring Parliament as a whole to take heed of his reports. The Government pointedout that it had spared no effort in setting up the Ombudsman institution, Local Councils, the NationalAudit Office, and the Customer Service Charters in <strong>gov</strong>ernment departments, amongst others. “Theseinstitutions all had but one clear aim in mind, that is to give the citizen a better deal,” said thestatement.• 12 September <strong>2002</strong> Acting President George Hyzler sent a message to US Ambassador AnthonyGioia to mark the anniversary of the September 11 attacks. Dr Hyzler said that the whole of Malta andthe world were shocked and saddened when last year’s terrible terrorist attack occurred.• 12 September <strong>2002</strong> Malta associated itself with a declaration by the EU Heads of State andGovernments, the President of the European Parliament, the President of the European Commission,and the high representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy. September 11, thedeclaration said, was a reminder that security and democracy could never be taken for granted but hadto be defended actively and ceaselessly.• 12 September <strong>2002</strong> Malta joined the rest of the world in remembering the events of September 11with a commemoration ceremony organised by the US embassy at St James Cavalier. The ceremonywas attended by Acting Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi, Archbishop Joseph Mercieca, Ministers,Labour Party deputy leader Joe Brincat, and members of the diplomatic corps, among other guests.• 12 September <strong>2002</strong> US Ambassador Anthony Gioia recalled the “unprovoked act of terrorism” thathumanity had witnessed a year ago against the US and the world community, which claimed the livesof citizens from some 90 countries, including a young man of Maltese origin. Mr Gioia said that hewas deeply moved by the countless expressions of sympathy and solidarity from the Malteseauthorities and people from all walks of life. Mr Gioia was speaking during the commemorationceremony at St James Cavalier.• 12 September <strong>2002</strong> Addressing the ceremony, Acting Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that Maltahad been among the first six countries to sign the Convention for the Suppression of the Financing ofTerrorism, and on November 11 became one of the first states to ratify it. Last November Malta alsoacceded to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against InternationallyProtected Persons including Diplomatic Agents, to the International Convention against the Taking ofHostages, as well as to the International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings.• 12 September <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco arrived in Athens at the start of a state visit to Greecefollowing his two-day visit to Cyprus. Prof. de Marco was greeted by Greek President ConstantinosStephanopoulos during a welcoming ceremony at the Presidential Palace in Athens, where the twoPresidents had official talks.• 12 September <strong>2002</strong> In Athens, President de Marco was decorated by the Greek President with thecollar of the Grand Cross of the Redeemer. Prof. de Marco reciprocated by making PresidentStephanopoulos Companion of Honour of the National Order of Merit.

• 12 September <strong>2002</strong> Resources and Infrastructure Minister Francis Zammit Dimech said that seaquality this summer was the “best ever”. From the samples taken over the last few months, it emergedthat the sea was unfit for bathing for just seven site/days this season, Dr Zammit Dimech said. TheMinister was speaking at the end of a 'Clean Up the Seas' activity, at St Julian's.• 12 September <strong>2002</strong> Maltapost said that the ‘Series 9000’ sort system introduced at Naxxar post officehad yielded an improvement in sorting productivity time of 46 per cent. The system was developed inNew Zealand.• 13 September <strong>2002</strong> The first official calculation of the cost of enlargement, submitted by theEuropean Commission to the 15 EU member states, shows that Malta, Cyprus, Slovenia, Hungary, theCzech Republic, and Slovakia could become net contributors to the EU budget by the first year ofmembership, in 2004. However, the European Commission would be proposing adequatecompensation for Malta and the other five candidate countries to ensure that they will be netbeneficiaries upon accession.• 13 September <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco had talks with Greek Prime Minister Costas Simitis atthe start of the second day of his state visit to Greece. Prime Minister Simitis later told a joint pressconference that Greece supported Malta's membership in the EU.• 13 September <strong>2002</strong> Education Minister Louis Galea said that the link between education, commercialcompanies, and employers was an essential factor in students' academic success. Minister Galea wasspeaking at a training and development conference for teachers of the Business and Trade Institute ofthe Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology.• 13 September <strong>2002</strong> Malta was one of fourteen countries signing the Council of Europe's Anti-DopingConvention during a meeting of Sports Ministers in Warsaw, Poland. The other countries wereArmenia, Austria, Canada, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg,Norway, Sweden, and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Malta was represented byParliamentary Secretary Jesmond Mugliett.• 13 September <strong>2002</strong> The Maltese Armed Forces joined units from Italy, France, Greece and Tunisia ina search-and-rescue exercise in the waters around Malta. The exercise, Canale <strong>2002</strong>, was jointlyorganised by Italy and Malta and also included an exercise in the control and inspection of merchantvessels suspected of illegal activities.• 14 September <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco said that Greece and Malta both shared a commonunderstanding for peace in the Mediterranean region. The President was addressing the EconomicForum at the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry.• 14 September <strong>2002</strong> Prof. Peter Serracino Inglott, who is the representative of the MalteseGovernment at the European Convention, suggested that the future Union should seek to lay downonly what have hitherto been labeled as framework laws and should avoid the exigency of rigiduniformity in their application. The session dealt primarily with the simplification of the Union'sinstruments and procedures.• 14 September <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici had talks in Ireland on co-operation intrade and investment promotion between the two countries. He also met Mary Harney, Minister ofEnterprise, Trade and Employment and Deputy Prime Minister of Ireland. The Minister's declared aimwas to understand better the Irish experience as a guide to some of the measures currently underreview to promote Malta's future industrial development.• 14 September <strong>2002</strong> Maltapost announced that Pat Burke, the company’s general manager for postalservices, had relinquished his post ‘due to personal and family reasons’. Mr Burke will be returning toNew Zealand once a replacement for his position has been selected.• 15 September <strong>2002</strong> The Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom, Jack Straw, reiterated the supportof the United Kingdom for Malta’s membership to the EU at the first enlargement. Mr Straw metForeign Minister Joe Borg in New York, where the two discussed bilateral relations and issues relatedto the Commonwealth.

• 15 September <strong>2002</strong> Minister Joe Borg participated in the Meeting of Commonwealth ForeignMinisters, at the United Nations General Assembly. The Ministers present discussed a number ofitems, particularly the Commonwealth response to terrorism.• 15 September <strong>2002</strong> A protocol was signed to establish a working group to consider the feasibility ofan alliance of Mediterranean stock exchanges. The agreement was signed by Malta Stock ExchangeChairman Alfred Mallia, Tunis Stock Exchange Chairman Slahadem Ladjimi, and Cairo andAlexandria Stock Exchange Chairman Sameh Torgoman, at the Westin Dragonara Resort, in StJulian's. The protocol was signed in the presence of Finance Minister John Dalli, amongst others.• 15 September <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli met the members of the Malta Council for Economicand Social Development to present them with a document outlining the Government's financialperformance, targets and projections. During the meeting, the Minister asked the Constituted Bodies todraw up a list of proposals for next month's meeting when the Budget for 2003 will be under thespotlight.• 15 September <strong>2002</strong> A team from the Malta Centre for Restoration has developed a process to produceaccurate, three-dimensional surveys of important cultural heritage sites to a level of detail andaccuracy that has, until now, not been possible. The process, technically known as ‘the thealasermetryapproach’ was launched at the International Workshop on Scanning for Cultural Heritage Recording,held in Corfu earlier this month.• 16 September <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg said that the Government would be making a strongcase during intense negotiations on the financial dimension of EU membership to ensure that, uponaccession, Malta would get a reasonable net amount of funding. Dr Borg was speaking with The Timesnewspaper from New York, where he was taking part in the United Nations General Assembly.• 17 September <strong>2002</strong> At a news conference held at Auberge de Castille, Prime Minister EdwardFenech-Adami reviewed the Government’s fourth year in office. Dr Fenech-Adami said that theGovernment had managed to make an impact on many aspects of the economy in the past four years,and had managed to curb unemployment, empowered local councils, and made substantialcontributions to the education sector.• 17 September <strong>2002</strong> Addressing the 57 th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in NewYork, Foreign Minister Joe Borg called for discussions on a ‘two state’ solution to the conflict in theMiddle-East. Dr Borg stated that the recent initiative by the Member States of the European Union inpresenting a ‘road map’ for the Middle-East outlining a three-stage process leading to the creation of aPalestinian State by 2005 provided a veritable basis to take negotiations forward.• 17 September <strong>2002</strong> President George W. Bush wrote to President Guido de Marco to say that theAmerican people were ‘profoundly grateful’ to him and the people of Malta for their ‘invaluablecontributions’ to the campaign against terrorism. President Bush’s letter was released by The Office ofthe President.• 17 September <strong>2002</strong> Malta Drydocks received a grant of Lm300,000 from the Chinese Governmentfollowing several meetings within the Malta-China Joint Economic Commission. Economic ServicesMinister Josef Bonnici and the Chinese Overseas Trade and Economic Co-operation Deputy Minister,Zhou Keren, signed the hand-over certificates and presented the grant to MDD Chairman John CassarWhite.• 17 September <strong>2002</strong> Agriculture Minister Ninu Zammit announced an agreement between theGovernment, A.C van Diepen of Berkhout, Holland, and four Maltese producers for the growing andexportation of 200,000 gladioli. The Dutch company will be providing the flower bulbs of five typesof gladioli which, when fully grown, will be exported to Italy.• 18 September <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami addressed the first Cabinet meetingfollowing the summer recess. Speaking after the meeting, Dr Fenech-Adami said that Cabinet haddiscussed the political situation in the country in the light of recent events. The feeling in Cabinet, hesaid, was that the Government was managing to stay on top of things.• 18 September <strong>2002</strong> EU Enlargement Commissioner Günter Verheugen gave a guarantee that theEuropean Commission will not allow Malta, Cyprus, Slovenia and the Czech Republic to become net

contributors to the EU budget in the first years after accession. Mr Verheugen was speaking aboutenlargement at the two-day European Economic Summit, in Salzburg.• 18 September <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli said that, during a recent meeting in Tripoli of themixed commission between Malta and Libya, it was agreed that the Home Affairs Ministers of bothcountries would be holding detailed discussions on the introduction of visas for visitors from Libya.Mr Dalli was replying to a Parliamentary Question.• 18 September <strong>2002</strong> The Finance Minister said in reply to another Parliamentary Question that theprivatisation of the Libyan Arab-Maltese Holding Company was not being considered for the moment.The company had been included in the White Paper on privatisation, published in 1999.• 18 September <strong>2002</strong> Mr Alfred Mallia, who is the Chairman of the Malta Stock Exchange, announcedthat the recently set up Mediterranean Corporate Governance Round Table had held its first councilmeeting. Mr Mallia is the Council's first Chairman.• 18 September <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli said in reply to a Parliamentary Question that theCentral Bank is to engage Dr Alexander Markowski as an economic consultant for a year, as from nextOctober. The engagement will be made in association with the International Monetary Fund under theFund's technical assistance programme.• 18 September <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli told Parliament that, following the publication ofrevised estimates of <strong>gov</strong>ernment capital spending, the Central Bank had revised this year's projectionsof economic growth to 3.3 per cent, from the estimate of 2.5 - 3 per cent given in its Annual Report.Mr Dalli cautioned, however, that economic projections were difficult in the current uncertain globaleconomic climate and Maltese economic growth depended heavily on the performance of Malta'strading partners. Mr Dalli was replying to a Parliamentary Question.• 18 September <strong>2002</strong> The Chinese Overseas Trade and Economic Co-operation Deputy Minister, ZhouKeren, said that the volume of trade between Malta and China over the last seven months was alreadyhigher than that in the whole of the preceding year. Mr Zhou was speaking at the conclusion of thefourth meeting of the China-Malta Joint Economic Commission.• 18 September <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici expressed his appreciation for the ofLm300,000 grant that China had made. He said that the grant would be used to increase theinfrastructural investment required in the shipyards, at present undergoing a restructuring programme.Prof. Bonnici was speaking at the conclusion of the fourth meeting of the China-Malta Joint EconomicCommission.• 18 September <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said in Parliament that Air Maltawould be paying its new Chief Executive Officer Lm60,000 per year. The CEO would also enjoy aperformance allowance and other allowances relating to relocation and accommodation, which wasnormal in the remuneration package of foreigners. The new CEO would also be Deputy Chairman ofAzzurraAir.• 18 September <strong>2002</strong> Infrastructure and Resources Minister Francis Zammit Dimech visited therecently restored St Luke's Chapel, at Tigné. Developers MIDI said that the rehabilitation andrestoration of the chapel was just one practical example of the thorough and professional approach thatMIDI were taking prior, during, and after each aspect of this Lm140 million project.• 18 September <strong>2002</strong> According to the World Investment Report <strong>2002</strong> released by the United NationsConference on Trade and Development, Malta is among 43 countries considered to be front runners interms of high performance and high potential in terms of foreign direct investment. Commenting onthe report, Central Bank Governor Michael C. Bonello said that, while Malta’s performance was amatter of great satisfaction, it should not, however, give rise to complacency.• 18 September <strong>2002</strong> The British Royal Navy and the British Merchant Service, in conjunction with theMalta High Commission in London, organised a remembrance occasion of Operation Pedestal.Malta's High Commissioner, George Bonello Du Puis, along with the Deputy Master Trinity Houseand Senior Naval Officer Admiralty were the guests of honour to the remembrance service at the AllHallows-by-the-Tower, wreath-laying at the Merchant Navy Memorial reception, and reunionluncheon at Trinity House.

• 18 September <strong>2002</strong> The Department of Information website has launched a chronicle of historicallandmarks entitled Flashbacks from Malta's Past. ‘Flashbacks’ makes full use of the Department’sown <strong>archived</strong> films and photos, as well as various other records. The first feature in the series,recalling the 1964 Independence celebrations, can be viewed at www.doi.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>• 19 September <strong>2002</strong> Deloitte and Touche announced the results of a survey for the second quarter,carried out for the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association. Commenting on the survey, TourismMinister Michael Refalo said that the survey confirms that Malta's tourism industry has managed toweather September 11 and recessionary conditions in source markets better than competingdestinations as Malta's performance is rated above the market average.• 19 September <strong>2002</strong> Infrastructure Minister Francis Zammit Dimech said that restoration work at thePresidential Palace in Valletta incorporated three main projects. These were the courtyard, the MatteoPeres D'Aleccio fresco at the Grand Council Hall, and the Paladini Hall and its wooden ceiling. DrZammit Dimech was speaking during a visit to the Palace.• 19 September <strong>2002</strong> Transport Minister Censu Galea said that the European Council for Ministers ofTransport has accepted a Maltese request for the extension of the multilateral quota for road haulageoperation to Malta. The request had been unanimously accepted. This means that, as from next year,Maltese truck drivers will be able to drive across Europe without any difficulties. Mr Galea wasspeaking at the ECMT Workshop.• 19 September <strong>2002</strong> Speaker Anton Tabone informed the House Business Committee that theSecretary General of the Council of Europe, Walter Schwimmer, would be visiting Malta betweenOctober 9 and 11 and had expressed a desire to address the House.• 19 September <strong>2002</strong> Maltese MP and delegate to the European Convention on the Future of EuropeMichael Frendo accepted to take part in the campaign to get Irish voters to support the Nice Treaty. DrFrendo was invited by John Bruton, former Prime Minister of Ireland and current Director of Electionsfor the Irish Yes to the Nice Treaty campaign.• 19 September <strong>2002</strong> Malta Freeport's financial statements, tabled in Parliament, show that MaltaFreeport Terminals Ltd made an operating profit before depreciation of $8.5 million, and a net profitof $4.5 million, in the period between March and December last year. Company Chairman Marin Hilisaid that during 2001 Malta Freeport handled a record 1,165,070 TEUs. This is an increase of 12.8 percent over the previous year.• 19 September <strong>2002</strong> The Accountant General announced Lm21 million worth of <strong>gov</strong>ernment stock, tobe issued on Monday 23 rd . The stock, carrying an interest rate of 5.7 per cent, matures in 2012.• 19 September <strong>2002</strong> Air Malta and Alitalia have signed a memorandum of understanding to start theprocess by which Air Malta will soon join the SkyTeam Alliance as an associate member. Through thismove Air Malta will gain greater distribution and market access.• 19 September <strong>2002</strong> Transport Minister Censu Galea announced that, by the end of the year, thirtynew buses would be joining the seven new low-floor public buses already on the road. The owners arereceiving a subsidy of Lm32,000 each from the Government to help them change their buses.• 19 September <strong>2002</strong> Aviation magazine Flight International reported that an Australian venture capitalcompany is showing active interest in acquiring Air Malta's financially troubled subsidiary,AZZURRAair. The company, Integrated Airline Solutions (IAS), has embarked on a due diligenceexercise of the Bergamo-based company in the hope that it can acquire the regional carrier andtransform it into a low-fare operator. Air Malta has a 49 per cent stake in AZZURRAair.• 19 September <strong>2002</strong> Winston Azzopardi relinquished his post as Film Commissioner, which heoccupied since the establishment of the Film Commission in 1999. Oliver Mallia, who works in theEconomic Services Ministry and has been involved in the Film Commission since its inception, hasbeen appointed acting Film Commissioner.• 19 September <strong>2002</strong> A reception for about 40 World War II veterans who have a Malta connection hasbeen held at the Imperial War Museum in London to mark the 60th anniversary of Operation Pedestal.The guest of honour was Malta's High Commissioner in London, George Bonello Du Puis.

• 20 September <strong>2002</strong> The Danish EU Presidency is expected to invite Malta and other candidatecountries to a Mini-Summit in Copenhagen on October 28 where they would be briefed on accessionterms. Reuters quoted diplomats as saying that the meeting would follow the October 24-25 Summitin Brussels where the 15 EU member states are due to name the countries set to complete enlargementtalks in December. The Foreign Ministry welcomed the news as a "positive development".• 20 September <strong>2002</strong> Newly appointed British High Commissioner Vincent Fean said that Britainbacked Malta's efforts to join the EU and was committed to EU enlargement. Mr Fean made hiscomments shortly after presenting his Letters of Commission to President Guido de Marco at thePalace, in Valletta.• 20 September <strong>2002</strong> The new Ambassador of Egypt, Fatma El Zahraa Ibrahim Othman, and newKuwaiti Ambassador Abdulal Sulaiman Al-Qenaei, presented their diplomatic credentials to thePresident.• 20 September <strong>2002</strong> Resources and Infrastructure Minister Francis Zammit Dimech announced that asewage treatment plant costing Lm3.4 million is to be built in Gozo. He said that EU pre-accessionfunds allocated to Malta for next year were intended to finance a substantial part of the plant. DrZammit Dimech was speaking during a seabed clean-up activity in Gozo, during which he presentedanti-sea pollution equipment worth Lm30,000 to Gozo Minister Giovana Debono.• 20 September <strong>2002</strong> More than 100 veterans of Operation Pedestal, the 1942 Santa Marija Convoy,have accepted the Ministry of Tourism's invitation to meet in Malta to celebrate the 60th anniversaryof the event. The veterans will be joined by Maltese nationals who were on active service during thosemomentous days in August 1942.• 21 September <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that joining the EU was for Malta acontinuation and a natural development of its history. Membership, said Dr Fenech-Adami,strengthened our sovereignty and helped us voice our opinion in Europe. The Prime Minister wasaddressing a political meeting in Floriana.• 22 September <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco and Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami ledactivities marking the 38 th anniversary of Malta’s Independence. The two leaders attended Mass at StJohn’s co-Cathedral, led by Archbishop Joseph Mercieca, and laid wreaths at the IndependenceMonument in Floriana. Later, during an investiture ceremony at the Palace in Valletta, President deMarco conferred honorary membership of the National Order of Merit on one Honorary ConsulGeneral and two Honorary Consuls for Malta overseas.• 22 September <strong>2002</strong> The European Commission approved the restructuring plan for Malta Drydocksand Malta Shipbuilding aimed at achieving financial viability and eliminating subsidies by 2008. TheEuropean Commission position now has to be analysed and approved by the individual membercountries.• 22 September <strong>2002</strong> For the second consecutive year, the Malta High Commission in Londonorganised Malta Day UK, in conjunction with a number of Maltese migrant organisations based in theUK, Government Ministries, and other entities in Malta. Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonziparticipated in the activities.• 22 September <strong>2002</strong> A parliamentary delegation led by Government MP John Vella attended theFourth part-session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, in Strasbourg.Government MP Michael Asciak and Opposition MPs John Attard Montalto and Joe Debono Grechformed part of the delegation.• 22 September <strong>2002</strong> The Museums Department is carrying out a joint project with the Italian Navy forthe identification and protection of archaeological and historical sites at sea. The project is proving tobe an important step forward towards the creation of a marine heritage map for Malta, and for theimproved policing of these threatened marine resources.• 23 September <strong>2002</strong> Government announced plans to develop, in partnership with the private sector,the Pace Grasso football ground area into a complex that would incorporate a home for the elderly,assisted-living apartments for the elderly, offices, a commercial area, parking bays, and lock-upgarages. Parliamentary Secretary in the Minister of Education Jesmond Mugliett has been given chargeof the project.

• 23 September <strong>2002</strong> Local councils of eighteen localities took part in car-free day. The Maltese townsand villages joined another 1,500 European cities marking the day.• 24 September <strong>2002</strong> Deputy Prime Minister and Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi, together withEducation Minister Louis Galea, Health Minister Louis Deguara, and Economic Services MinisterJosef Bonnici, addressed a joint news conference at Auberge de Castille. The conference reviewedGovernment’s achievements in areas affecting the family during the last four years. ParliamentarySecretaries Jesmond Mugliett, George Hyzler, and Edwin Vassallo also addressed the newsconference.• 24 September <strong>2002</strong> In his contribution to the conference, Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi saidthat over 5,000 people had found new employment as a result of 185 projects approved by the MaltaDevelopment Corporation. Dr Gonzi said that the feather in the cap of this Government, however, wasa major revision of the employment and industrial relations legislation through social dialogue of allthe partners involved.• 24 September <strong>2002</strong> Education Minister Louis Galea told newsmen present that, during the past fouryears, the Government had invested Lm19 million in upgrading, refurbishing and building schools. DrGalea said that a further Lm3 million were being invested this year.• 24 September <strong>2002</strong> During the news conference, Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said thatforeign direct investment had increased by 36 per cent during the Nationalist Government years.• 24 September <strong>2002</strong> Health Minister Louis Deguara said that, although construction of the new MaterDei hospital was still underway, the Government had continued with a modernisation programme at StLuke's Hospital, purchasing highly advanced modern equipment that would eventually be transferredto the new hospital. Dr Deguara was addressing members of the media assembled at Auberge deCastille.• 24 September <strong>2002</strong> Agriculture and Fisheries Minister Ninu Zammit informed Parliament that, onAugust 23 rd , the Director-General of Fishing had written to the fishing authorities in Tunisia to suggestways how clashes between fishermen from the two countries could be avoided. Unfortunately, therehad been no reply from Tunisia yet, the Minister said. Mr Zammit was replying to a ParliamentaryQuestion following complaints by Gozitan fishermen concerning clashes with Tunisian fishermen ininternational waters.• 24 September <strong>2002</strong> Figures released by the Ministry of Education show that this year over 42,000students - 21,630 boys and 20,650 girls - are attending primary and secondary schools.• 25 September <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami delivered a public speech on Malta's EUmembership bid at a discussion held by the European Policy Centre, in Brussels. The discussion wasone in a series called 'Meet the member states', at which Prime Ministers and Foreign Ministers ofapplicant countries are invited to give their views on how the EU would function after enlargement.• 25 September <strong>2002</strong> In Brussels, Dr Fenech-Adami had an informal meeting with EU enlargementCommissioner Gunther Verheugen. During the meeting, the Prime Minister was accompanied by theChairman of the Core Negotiating Group, Richard Cachia Caruana, and by Malta's Ambassador to theEU, Victor Camilleri.• 25 September <strong>2002</strong> Jiang Zemin, President of the People's Republic of China, said in a letter toPresident Guido de Marco that the forthcoming opening of the Chinese Culture Centre in Vallettawould help to deepen mutual understanding between Malta and China. The letter was presented toProf. de Marco at the Palace by Chinese Ambassador Yang Guirong.• 25 September <strong>2002</strong> The newly appointed Maltese Ambassador to Spain, Cecilia Attard-Pirotta,presented her diplomatic credentials to King Juan Carlos of Spain in a ceremony at the Royal Palace.The possibility of a visit to Malta by the King was also discussed.• 25 September <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli informed Parliament that the Government had arevenue of Lm75.3 million from Value Added Tax between January and August this year. Mr Dalliwas replying to a Parliamentary Question.

• 25 September <strong>2002</strong> Infrastructure Minister Francis Zammit Dimech said in reply to a ParliamentaryQuestion that restoration works on Portes des Bombes and the Lower Barrakka are expected to beconcluded by March 2003 and will cost Lm40,000 and Lm90,000 respectively. Work on HastingsGarden in Valletta is due for completion next December and will have cost Lm25,000, the Ministersaid.• 25 September <strong>2002</strong> A report, drawn up by the Rural Development Plan Unit within the Ministry ofAgriculture, shows that the most relevant threat to the survival of Maltese agriculture in the comingyears is its present condition, in which Maltese agriculture supplies consumers with high-priced, lowqualityproducts. However, the plan departs from a number of studies that had previously concludedthat the present situation of Maltese agriculture was largely unsustainable, regardless of EU accession.• 25 September <strong>2002</strong> Figures released by the National Statistics Office show that the number ofunemployed persons in August had risen by 235 over the figure for July to reach 7,412. The rise overAugust last year was of 356. The figures issued by the NSO are based on Employment and TrainingCorporation data. However, figures for the labour supply were not available, making it impossible togive an unemployment rate.• 25 September <strong>2002</strong> The vice-Chancellor and President of Victoria University, Jarlath Ronayneannounced that the possibility of creating a virtual campus on internet between Victoria University, inMelbourne, and the University of Malta. The idea is the brainchild of the Consul General in Australia,Clemente Zammit. A recent survey showed that a significant number of people of a Maltesebackground living outside Malta were interested in learning about the Maltese language, the history ofMalta, as well as traditional Maltese customs, arts and crafts.• 25 September <strong>2002</strong> The Malta-EU Information Centre has selected thirteen journalists to go toBrussels to cover European Union affairs in the coming months. MIC teamed up for this initiative withthe Malta Press Club, the Strickland Foundation, and the Department of Information.• 26 September <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami gave a broad overview of Malta'snegotiating pace with the EU. He stressed that the Government never had any doubts or secondthoughts about reaching its objective of successfully concluding its EU negotiations on time, placingMalta among the candidate countries that will form part of the next enlargement. Dr Fenech-Adamiwas addressing a public audience in Brussels at the invitation of the European Policy Centre.• 26 September <strong>2002</strong> Malta aligned itself with a statement that the EU made at the United NationsSecurity Council on the recent developments in the Middle East. The statement unreservedlycondemned the suicide bomb attacks in Umm el-Fahm and Tel Aviv, in which at least six Israelis werekilled and many more injured. It likewise condemned the bomb attack on a Palestinian school inHebron.• 26 September <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli chaired a private-public dialogue session on ‘e-Transition - Modernising Governments’, organised by the Commonwealth Business Council. MinisterDalli was in London for the Commonwealth Finance Ministers' meeting.• 26 September <strong>2002</strong> Agriculture Minister Ninu Zammit said that the Government was providingaround Lm1 million in financial assistance to the main meat processors for the upgrading ofproduction plants so that they could attain the highest standards in food hygiene. Minister Zammit wasspeaking during a visit to the firm Chef Choice, in Marsascala.• 26 September <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office said that 348 holdings scattered over Malta andGozo between them have 1,023 greenhouses. 843 of these glasshouses are found in Malta, theremaining 180 are located in Gozo.• 27 September <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that the UHM was obliged to explainthe impact of EU membership to its members. “The Government believes that the advantages ofmembership by far outweigh the disadvantages. I am certain the UHM has reached this conclusion tooand I urge the union to continue to communicate with its members to help them make the best futurefor themselves and for their families,” Dr Fenech-Adami said. The Prime Minister was addressing thegeneral council meeting of Union Haddiema Maghqudin.

• 27 September <strong>2002</strong> The Slovenian Minister for European Affairs, Janez Potocnik, said that asmembers of the European Union small nations like Malta and Slovenia had the opportunity ofbecoming much stronger in comparison to the size of their population. Dr Potocnik, who is also thehead of Slovenia’s negotiating team, was speaking at a joint news conference with Foreign MinisterJoe Borg and the chairman of Malta’s Core Negotiating Group, Richard Cachia Caruana.• 27 September <strong>2002</strong> Government MP Michael Frendo told a public meeting in Dublin that an Irish‘Yes’ vote in the Nice Treaty referendum was crucial in order not to stall the enlargement process. DrFrendo, who is one of the Maltese parliamentary representatives at the Convention for the Future ofEurope, was speaking at a meeting organised by the Yes for Nice referendum group.• 27 September <strong>2002</strong> Home Affairs Minister Tonio Borg said that the Government was working hard torepatriate a substantial number of illegal immigrants soon. Dr Borg said that there were also moves torepatriate some of the illegal immigrants who had been in Malta for a substantial period of time. “Ihave seen significant developments in this direction,” said Dr Borg.• 27 September <strong>2002</strong> A spokesman for the Economic Services Ministry announced that MaltaDrydocks had reached agreement with the United States’ premier custom yacht builders PalmerJohnson Yachts to create a strategic Mediterranean refit and service location at the drydocks. Thepartnership will be known as PJ@Malta Super and Megayacht Refit and Service Centre.• 27 September <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office announced that domestic exports rose by Lm8million to Lm64.2 million in August compared to the same month last year. This was the secondsuccessive month that domestic exports had risen after showing a decline between January and June.• 27 September <strong>2002</strong> The Royal Navy’s flagship, HMS Ark Royal, sailed into Grand Harbour for afour-day visit, escorted by the destroyer HMS Southampton. The ships are in Malta for thecelebrations of the 60th anniversary of Operation Pedestal.• 28 September <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that the prospect of European Unionmembership presented both a challenge for the Government to negotiate the best deal possible, as wellas an exciting moment in the country's history. Dr Fenech-Adami spoke briefly to reporters shortlybefore a meeting with the Slovenian Minister for European Affairs, Janez Potocnik, at Auberge deCastille, in Valletta.• 28 September <strong>2002</strong> Hundreds of people lined up the ramparts overlooking Grand Harbour, inValletta, to watch the re-enactment of the arrival to the beleaguered island of the American tankerOhio during World War II. Also present was a group of veterans who had been invited to the island bythe Ministry of Tourism. President Guido de Marco and Tourism Minister Michael Refalo attended there-enactment.• 28 September <strong>2002</strong> The new High Commissioner for Malta in Australia, Ivan Fsadni, presented hisletters of commission to the Australian Governor General, Dr Peter Hollingworth.• 28 September <strong>2002</strong> Figures published by the National Statistics Office show that <strong>gov</strong>ernment debtoutstanding at the end of August stood at Lm1,031.3 million, up by Lm24 million, or 2.4 per cent,from the figure outstanding at the end of August last year. However, compared to one month earlier,<strong>gov</strong>ernment debt declined by Lm18.2 million.• 28 September <strong>2002</strong> The film industry trade magazine Hollywood Reporter reported that a "big budgetproject, based on Homer's epic account of the Trojan War is set to begin shooting in Malta, the UKand Morocco in spring, with an eye toward a 2004 release". The Malta Film Commission, declined toconfirm the news, saying that it was ‘too early’ to confirm anything at this stage.• 29 September <strong>2002</strong> Home Affairs Minister Tonio Borg said that, next month, he would be meeting aLibyan Government delegation to draw up a readmission agreement in an attempt to staunch theinflow of illegal immigrants. Such an agreement, which already exists with Italy, would enable theMaltese authorities to repatriate immigrants to Libya once it is established that their trip originatedfrom there.• 29 September <strong>2002</strong> The Government has appointed Dr Austin Sammut as the new Chairman ofPublic Broadcasting Services. Dr Sammut, 48, takes over from Anthony Tabone, who held the post forthe past three years.

• 30 September <strong>2002</strong> A delegation of 18 businessmen and officials of the Chamber of Commerce andthe Federation of Industry returned from a three-day visit to Brussels. The delegation had meetingswith EU officials involved in the accession negotiations between Malta and the European Union.• 30 September <strong>2002</strong> Thousands of people attended the Malta international air show to view some ofthe world's most impressive aviation hardware, and admire the pilots’ skills. The high point of theshow was a heart-stopping display by the RAF's Red Arrows aerobatics team. The air show was put upby the Malta Aviation Society in association with Malta International Airport.OCTOBER• 1 October <strong>2002</strong> Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Social Policy Lawrence Gonzi said that theGovernment’s multi-million lira programme of investment in care services for the elderly has broughtabout a complete overhaul of state-run homes, day-centres, and medical treatment. He said that Lm7million had been invested in St Vincent de Paule residence alone over the last two years. Dr Gonzi wasspeaking at a news conference to review the <strong>gov</strong>ernment’s fourth year, focusing specifically on thesector of the elderly.• 1 October <strong>2002</strong> Mr Alfred J. Falzon presented his credentials to King Carl XVI Gustaf in Stockholmas Malta's Ambassador to Sweden.• 1 October <strong>2002</strong> The Tunisian Ambassador expressed confidence that a solution would be found to thedispute between Maltese and Tunisian fishermen. Ambassador Abdessalem Hetira said that he hadcontacted the authorities in Tunisia and a preliminary investigation had been launched. Mr Hetira wasinterviewed by The Times newspaper following a meeting with President Guido de Marco.• 1 October <strong>2002</strong> Middle Sea Group declared a consolidated profit of Lm586,980 for the half year toJune 30. This is a 15 per cent increase in the group's overall profit after taxation and minority interestover the corresponding 2001 figure. Earnings per share for the period is 4c7, as against 4c1 in 2001.• 1 October <strong>2002</strong> Figures published by the National Statistics Office show that the number of touristarrivals last June reached 109,121, a drop of 11,354 or 9.4 per cent over the same month last year. Inthe same month, the number of cruise passengers increased by 17,519 over last year and reached42,932.• 1 October <strong>2002</strong> University of Malta Rector Roger Ellul Micallef welcomed close to 3,950 newstudents on campus. In his address, the rector put an accent on the University’s need to move towardsinternationalisation. “One can safely say that no change is possible without opening our doors to ourinternational partners," Prof. Ellul Micallef said. Education Minister Louis Galea and UniversityChancellor John Rizzo Naudi were among those present for the ceremony.• 1 October <strong>2002</strong> Mr Anthony Borg, president of the Nationalist Party's pensioners' association, APAN,won the Elderly Person of the Year award. Mr Borg, 81 from Sliema, has been involved in voluntarywork for over 40 years and is a member of several committees doing work related to the elderly. MrBorg is also the deputy mayor of Sliema and helps in the running of the Royal British Legion.• 2 October <strong>2002</strong> Malta has successfully closed negotiations with the EU on matters pertaining to theenvironment. Malta successfully negotiated a number of transitional arrangements to be able to adaptto EU environmental standards. These cover areas such as air quality, sea quality, and wastemanagement.Malta also negotiated a special arrangement to continue to allow hunting and trapping inspring. The results were described by Minister of Foreign Affairs Joe Borg as ‘excellent news forMalta’.• 2 October <strong>2002</strong> Chief Justice Vincent De Gaetano voiced his concern at "the trend, which hassprouted in some quarters of late, of criticising the judiciary and its administration with gay abandon".Chief Justice De Gaetano spoke at the ceremony marking the start of the forensic year, whichtraditionally marks the end of the summer recess.• 2 October <strong>2002</strong> Frank Pullicino, Director of Industrial and Employment Relations within the Ministryof Social Policy, announced that the Department of Employment and Industrial Relations would besupporting a research project on collective agreements, being co-ordinated by the Workers'

Participation Development Centre of the University of Malta. Mr Pullicino was speaking at a newsconference to launch the research project.• 2 October <strong>2002</strong> The Monetary Policy Advisory Council has been constituted under the provisions ofamendments to the Central Bank of Malta Act, which have just come into force. The council will becomposed of the Governor, the Deputy Governor, the other three directors of the bank, and three otherindividuals appointed by the Governor after consultation with the board.• 2 October <strong>2002</strong> Restoration work has started on the central feature of the façade of the church of OurLady of Victory in Valletta, by the Valletta Rehabilitation Project. The project, which is beingcompletely financed by the VRP, is being executed by the firm Sante Guido Restauri.• 2 October <strong>2002</strong> The Prime Minister of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Jean-Claude Juncker, todayarrives in Malta on a two-day official visit.• 3 October <strong>2002</strong> The Prime Minister of Luxembourg, Jean Claude Juncker, arrived in Malta for a twodayofficial visit. Mr Juncker was given a warm welcome by Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami atMalta International Airport. Later, at an official dinner at Auberge de Castille, Dr Fenech-Adamitoasted him "as a future partner for Malta in the great family of the European Union".• 3 October <strong>2002</strong> The Chairman of TUI AG's executive board, Michael Frenzel, said that TUI wouldsoon be launching its own low-cost airline and that he would be alerting TUI AG to Malta's potentialfor group and short break holiday traffic. Dr Frenzel was on a short fact-finding visit to Malta duringwhich he called on Tourism Minister Michael Refalo and on the Prime Minister.• 3 October <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said that the Malta DevelopmentCorporation (MDC), the Institute for the Promotion of Small Enterprise (IPSE) and the Malta ExternalTrade Corporation (METCO) were to merge into ‘Malta Enterprise’. Prof. Bonnici has given hisassurance that none of the 210 employees of the three agencies would end up unemployed, and hasmet representatives of Union Haddiema Maqghudin and of the General Workers' Union about theissue.• 3 October <strong>2002</strong> The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Anton Tabone is leading aparliamentary delegation to the OSCE Parliamentary Conference on the Mediterranean with the themeEnsuring Peace, Democracy and Prosperity in the Region. The Maltese parliamentary delegation alsoincludes Government MP John Vella and Opposition MP Anglu Farrugia.• 3 October <strong>2002</strong> Air Malta Chairman Louis Grech was chosen as the tourism industry ‘Personality ofthe Year’ in the Malta Tourism Awards. The ceremony was organised by Skal Malta in conjunctionwith the Malta Financial and Business Times.• 3 October <strong>2002</strong> According to figures issued by the National Statistics Office, Gross Domestic Productfigures maintained a steady recovery in the second quarter this year, rising by 2.2 per cent in real termsin the June quarter on top of an increase of 1.4 per cent in the first quarter. GDP had dropped by 1.0per cent in the whole of last year.• 3 October <strong>2002</strong> The Government announced a reduction in the price of leaded and unleaded petroland higher prices for diesel and kerosene. Leaded and unleaded petrol went down 1 mil per litre each,to 39c6 and 36c6 cents per litre, respectively; diesel went up by 8 mils to 23c8 per litre; and kerosenewent up by 5 mils to 12c7 per litre.• 3 October <strong>2002</strong> Go Mobile launched a photo messaging service – Snap & go. “This is just thebeginning of a new range of multi-media messaging services that Go Mobile is planning to launch inthe near future," Chief Executive Officer Prof. Juanito Camilleri said. The service is being launchedfor a trial period until the end of November, and during that time sending and receiving photomessages will be free.• 4 October <strong>2002</strong> Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean Claude Juncker said there would be no third chancefor Malta to join the EU if the Maltese voted 'No' in next year's referendum. Mr Juncker was speakingat a joint news conference with Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami at Auberge de Castille.• 4 October <strong>2002</strong> Mr Juncker stated that Malta should have six Members in the European Parliament,the same number that Luxembourg has, and not five as it was allocated in the Nice Treaty. The

Luxembourg Prime Minister was addressing a public meeting organised by the Malta-EU InformationCentre.• 4 October <strong>2002</strong> Prime Ministers Jean Claude Juncker and Edward Fenech-Adami presided over thesigning of an agreement between the two countries on stronger co-operation in areas related to youngpeople. The agreement was signed by Parliamentary Secretary Jesmond Mugliett and Minister Marie-Josee Jacobs.• 4 October <strong>2002</strong> According to a survey published by Eurostat, Malta is the second most expensive EUcandidate country for food, beverages and tobacco. Prices in Malta for these products are 88 per centof the EU average. The survey relates to the prices of more than 550 comparable products in 2001.• 5 October <strong>2002</strong> Mrs Margot Wallstrom, the European Commissioner for the Environment, presenteda European Award for the Environment to Mr Gene Gretchen, Vice-President of ST Microelectronics(Malta), in Budapest. Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami, in his capacity as Chairman of theNational Commission for Sustainable Development, congratulated Mr Gretchen saying that, “the factthat a Maltese company was awarded such an award proves that our industry is geared to compete inthe international market whilst giving its share in environmental protection”.• 5 October <strong>2002</strong> Justice Minister Austin Gatt hailed the new Court registry as proof of theGovernment's determination to upgrade the legal system in Malta. He said the new registry was thefirst in a series of structural alterations at the Law Courts, which are expected to cost Lm2.5 million intotal. Dr Gatt was speaking at the official inauguration of the new Court registry, which is located inthe same area that used to house the Valletta police station.• 5 October <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said at a press conference that the MaltaEnterprise Board pools the resources of the Malta Development Corporation (MDC), the Institute forthe Promotion of Small Enterprise (IPSE) and the Malta External Trade Corporation (Metco). The neworganisation has studied closely the strategy employed by ‘Enterprise Ireland’, which had notched aseries of successes, the Minister said.• 5 October <strong>2002</strong> The Chairman of the Malta Tourism Authority, John C. Grech, launched the Frenchversion of the MTA website, during Top Resa, the most important travel trade fair in France. TheMTA website is currently available in English, French, German and Italian. The website can beaccessed at www.visitmalta.com• 6 October <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami announced that opinion polls consistentlyshowed that support for EU membership is growing and indications were that it would continue togrow. Dr Fenech-Adami was fielding questions by the public during an open-air debate on EUmembership, in Sliema.• 6 October <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that ex Premier Dom Mintoff's argumentthat Malta's membership of the European Union would have to be approved by a two-thirds majority inParliament was untenable. Dr Fenech-Adami said that, "Negotiations on foreign policy wereconcluded with the EU a long time ago and the EU stated clearly that Malta's neutrality will not beaffected."• 6 October <strong>2002</strong> The Prime Minister said that, according to the formula used Malta would receive onlysome 7 million Euro each year in the first three years of membership, apart from the structural funds."This is a pittance," said Dr Fenech-Adami, adding that he had already taken up the matter with EUPresident Romano Prodi, and the Commissioner for Enlargement, Guenther Verheugen. The PrimeMinister was answering questions after addressing a conference on the theme The quality of life: TheEuropean Social Model in concrete terms.• 6 October <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said that leaded petrol would be phasedout by the end of the year and lead-replacement petrol would be introduced in its place, without achange in price. The transition, which was beneficial to the environment and to public health wasexpected to be extremely smooth, Professor Bonnici said.• 7 October <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami referred to the declaration made by past PrimeMinisters Dom Mintoff and Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici on television discussion programme Xarabank.Dr Fenech-Adami said: "That is exactly why Malta should join the EU, as the EU was born

specifically to work for peace in Europe and beyond." The Prime Minister was speaking at SanGwann.• 8 October <strong>2002</strong> Slovenian President Milan Kucan began a two-day state visit in Malta. On his arrival,he said that he was looking forward to seeing his country share the stage with Malta as a partner in anenlarged European Union. Later, at a state dinner at the Palace, Mr Kucan said that, as smallercountries, Malta and Slovenia would share an almost identical starting position.• 8 October <strong>2002</strong> At the state dinner in honour of President Kucan, President Guido de Marco said thatthe Government was confident that entry negotiations would be concluded in the coming weeks. Thepackage of negotiations would then be referred to the people to exercise their sovereign democraticright and decide on EU membership. "I am convinced that, as shown in the past, once a decision istaken, all Malta will stand by it," Prof. de Marco said.• 8 October <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said that Lufthansa Technik Malta, theMalta-based Company set up by Lufthansa and Air Malta to carry out maintenance checks on aircraft,already had 60 job orders and would employ 32 technicians this week. Prof. Bonnici was addressing anews conference reviewing the fourth year in office.• 8 October <strong>2002</strong> Speaking at the same conference, Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said thatthe number of under-25s registering for work with the ETC in May <strong>2002</strong> stood at 1,800, comparedwith 2,100 in September 1998. This meant that people were finding it easier to get their first job, saidDr Gonzi.• 8 October <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli said that the Government had been bold and opened upthe economy to create new sectors whose value-added was higher than ever. Competitiveness nolonger relied on low wages, Mr Dalli said. The Minister was speaking at a news conference reviewingthe fourth year in office that was also addressed by Tourism Minister Michael Refalo and EducationMinister Louis Galea.• 8 October <strong>2002</strong> The Ministry for Economic Services decided to remove, with immediate effect, theremaining import levy on furniture following a specific request by the Malta Furniture ManufacturersOrganisation, subsequently endorsed by the Chamber of Commerce and the Federation of Industry. Tothis effect, a general levy exemption on all furniture was published in The Government Gazette.• 8 October <strong>2002</strong> The University of the Third Age again opened its doors to some 850 students,marking the 10th anniversary of its foundation. University Chancellor and U3E Chairman JohnRizzo Naudi urged the students to carry out research projects to record certain cultural aspects ofMalta, that were destined to be lost forever once the elderly generations passed away.• 8 October <strong>2002</strong> MaRIS, the Malta Real-time Inter-bank Settlement System, a payment system for thelocal handling of large inter-bank payments, became fully operational on October 1, with the cominginto force of the recent amendments to the Central Bank of Malta Act. The system provides for theimmediate delivery and settlement of wholesale financial payments and replaces the correspondentbanking method of payments previously used by banks in Malta to effect such payments.• 8 October <strong>2002</strong> The US guided missile cruiser Monterey entered Malta Drydocks for possible repairs.The American Embassy said that the Sixth Fleet ship was here on a routine port call that might requireengine repairs.• 9 October <strong>2002</strong> Slovenian President Milan Kucan said that the Irish referendum on the Nice Treatyshould not and would not prevent enlargement, but a 'No' vote would mean that selfishness would haveprevailed over solidarity. Mr Kucan was speaking at a joint press conference with President de Marco,at San Anton Palace.• 9 October <strong>2002</strong> During the press conference, Mr Kucan described his state visit to Malta as amilestone in the relationship between the two countries. He said that, to Slovenia, Malta is a veryfavourable destination from which Slovenian companies, with the co-operation of Maltese companies,could work on North African markets. To Malta, Slovenia could serve as a springboard for the marketsin former Yugoslavia and south-east Europe in general. Earlier in the day President Kucan had held ameeting with Maltese businessmen at the Chamber of Commerce, in Valletta.

• 9 October <strong>2002</strong> The Chairman of the Institute of Directors, James Satariano, presented a cheque for$5,000 to US Ambassador Anthony Gioia at the US Embassy for the victims of the September 11attacks in the United States. Mr Satariano said the IoD would like the donation to be administeredthrough Red Cross organisations that are supporting and counselling family members of the September11 victims.• 10 October <strong>2002</strong> The European Commission released a report called ‘Towards an Enlarged Union’,in which Malta was named as one of the 10 candidate countries able to assume the obligations ofmembership within the envisaged time frame. The Commission said negotiations would be concludedby the end of the year and the 10 countries would be ready for membership from the beginning of2004. Foreign Minister Joe Borg said that Malta was "one step away from EU membership".• 10 October <strong>2002</strong> EU Chief Negotiator for Malta Arhi Palosuo and the head of the EU delegation inMalta, Ronald Gallimore, presented the progress report on Malta to Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami, at Auberge de Castille. Dr Fenech-Adami said at the presentation that the report on Maltashowed the huge progress that had been made by the country in the implementation of the acquis.• 10 October <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco swore in two new judges in the presence of the PrimeMinister, the Minister of Justice, the Attorney General and the Chief Justice. The two judges arelawyer Dr Philip Sciberras, 57, and Magistrate Noel Cuschieri, 50, respectively.• 10 October <strong>2002</strong> The Chairman of the Privatisation Unit, Emanuel Ellul, explained the process thathad led to the selection of the Malta Mediterranean Link Consortium as partner with a 40 per centholding in Malta International Airport. Mr Ellul was addressing a meeting of the Public AccountsCommittee.• 10 October <strong>2002</strong> Bank of Valletta Chairman Joseph F. X. Zahra said that an encouraging number ofMaltese firms have, in the past few years, been gaining a stronger foothold in Tunisia, particularly intourism, manufacturing, the construction sector and production of consumer goods. Mr Zahra wasaddressing a seminar at the San Gorg Corinthia Hotel.• 10 October <strong>2002</strong> A <strong>gov</strong>ernment statement said that Malta would only extend shelter to recognisedrefugees, who were given the right to stay on the island together with their dependants, the right tohave a travel document, the right to have free hospitalisation and schooling and the right to a workpermit.It was not fair that the same treatment should be accorded whether one applied for refugeestatus or not, as that would mean the dismantling of the country's structures, the statement added. Thedeclaration came in the wake of the recent deportation of 223 Eritreans.• 11 October <strong>2002</strong> Council of Europe Secretary General Walter Schwimmer said that Malta deserved tobe a member of the European Union. Dr Schwimmer said accession to the EU "will be an advantage toMalta and the European Union". He referred to EU membership for an eligible European country likeMalta as a right and not a gift. Dr Schwimmer was in Malta on an official visit to finalise preparationsfor the chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, which Malta willassume for six months as from November 7.• 11 October <strong>2002</strong> The Finance Ministry said that the prospectus for the acquisition of shares in MaltaInternational Airport will be available by the end of the month. The Government will be selling 20%of the company's shareholding to the public after selling 40% earlier this year to Malta MediterraneanLink Consortium. Investors in Malta Government Privatisation Bonds will be given preference toconvert their bonds into shares.• 11 October <strong>2002</strong> Government MP Helen D'Amato, Chairman of the Parliamentary Social AffairsCommittee, was the keynote speaker at the fifth annual convention of the Global Alliance of MentalIllness Advocacy Networks - Europe, being held in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The theme of her talk wasemployment and people with mental health problems, with particular reference to initiatives beingundertaken in Malta.• 11 October <strong>2002</strong> A group of 35 children aged between 5 and 17 from Stechovice, in the CzechRepublic, visited Malta at the invitation of President Guido de Marco. The children presented Prof. deMarco with souvenirs and photos of their village before and after the recent floods that played havocon their homes.

• 11 October <strong>2002</strong> Special Olympics Malta hosted the fourth annual Special Olympics FootballConference, at the New Dolmen Hotel in Qawra. About 50 delegates, as well as a number of observersfrom 55 countries, took part in the conference.• 12 October <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco received Dr Walter Schwimmer, Secretary General of theCouncil of Europe, at the Palace, in Valletta. Dr Schwimmer said later that their discussion had"hovered on the position of the Council of Europe within the new political architecture of Europe, inparticular to its role with regards Central-Eastern European affairs, where new democracies stillrequire the Council's assistance".• 12 October <strong>2002</strong> The General Secretary of the Council of Europe, Walter Schwimmer, stressed thecouncil's role to promote respect for cultural diversity and social cohesion in and around Europe, basedon the values of human rights, the rule of law and democracy. In this context he praised Malta's role inthe council to promote the Mediterranean dimension of Europe. Secretary General Schwimmer wasaddressing a special session of Parliament. An audio broadcast of Dr Schwimmer’s address can befound at http://www.doi.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>/EN/archive/PMaudio/schwimmerparl.asp• 12 October <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that, when Malta assumed thePresidency of the Council's Committee of Ministers next month, it would continue to insist on theprinciples that the council fostered, particularly the protection of human rights, the rule of law, peaceand stability, and social, political and economic development. Dr Fenech-Adami was speaking at aspecial sitting of Parliament in the presence of Council of Europe General Secretary WalterSchwimmer. An audio broadcast of the Prime Minister’s address can be found athttp://www.doi.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>/EN/archive/PMaudio/pmschwimmerparl.asp• 12 October <strong>2002</strong> Leader of the Opposition Alfred Sant said at the same sitting that the Oppositionbelieved that Malta should be a partner of the European Union without becoming a full member in allthe common policies that the Union had developed. Dr Sant said that these policies reflected the needsand achievements of big continental countries and it was not realistic to expect that they would fit wellwith the conditions of Malta as a small Mediterranean country.• 12 October <strong>2002</strong> The Malta-EU Information Centre said in its latest update of negotiations thatnegotiations on the Environment were provisionally closed with all the 10 countries that, according tothe EU, could be ready to join by 2004. These 10 countries are Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia,Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia. Negotiations on this chapter arestill open with Bulgaria and Romania.• 12 October <strong>2002</strong> A spokesman for the Home Affairs Ministry said that there was no evidence that theEritreans sent back to their homeland after arriving in Malta had been jailed and tortured. Thespokesman said that the claims were being made by a London-based movement whose main interestwas to create unrest in Eritrea.• 12 October <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Environment and Planning Authority unanimously approved anapplication for the construction of a world-class marina within Dockyard Creek, in Vittoriosa, as partof the Cottonera project. The marina would provide berths for 255 vessels, 34 of them super-yachts.• 12 October <strong>2002</strong> Air Malta launched a new website to speed up communications between the airlineand its customers. Local and overseas customers can now book a flight and use a credit card to pay onthe internet. The site can be accessed at www.airmalta.com• 12 October <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Tourism Authority said that a number of tour operators in Japan hadincluded Malta in their travel brochures. The brochures include information on Malta's location,history, gastronomy and culture.• 13 October <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici announced that the volume of work interms of TEUs at Malta Freeport between January and September had increased by eight per cent overthe same period last year. Prof. Bonnici said that the results were considered to be very positive,particularly since the volume of trade world-wide had decreased for the first time in 20 years, andcompetition from other ports was very tough. The Minister was speaking during a tour of the Freeport.• 13 October <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici visited Delimara power station where anopen day was organised to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Enemalta Corporation. Prof. Bonniciannounced that a new combined cycle plant, which runs on diesel and is more eco-friendly, would be

constructed within the next five years to meet demand. He added that a site at the power station hasalready been earmarked for the plant.• 13 October <strong>2002</strong> Justice and Local Government Minister Austin Gatt said that, within the next threeyears, the Government planned to more than double the number of households that had access to theInternet. Minister Gatt was speaking, together with Education Minister Louis Galea, at theMediterranean Conference Centre where he launched the initiative dubbed myWeb. myWeb is gearedto eradicate the digital divide by offering the public free computer and internet courses.• 14 October <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami announced that the EU referendum would beheld very early in the New Year. Dr Fenech-Adami warned that the present opportunity for Malta tojoin the EU would be the last one.• 14 October <strong>2002</strong> Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi, who is also Chairman of the task force onthe restructuring of the shipyards, said that the task ahead is to seek ways of reducing the workforce atthe 'yards by a further 500 over the coming year. Dr Gonzi was being interviewed by The Timesnewspaper.• 14 October <strong>2002</strong> Professor Edward de Bono, a leading authority in creative thinking, innovation, andthe direct teaching of thinking as a skill, was awarded an honorary degree in design from the RoyalMelbourne Institute of Technology of the University in Melbourne. Prof. de Bono was honoured forhis contribution to the development of thinking, his work teaching creative and conceptual thinking tomany organisations, <strong>gov</strong>ernments, communities and schools, and his efforts to promote thinking to theyoung.• 15 October <strong>2002</strong> British Minister for Europe Peter Hain urged Malta to grasp the opportunity to jointhe EU because there might not be a second chance. Mr Hain was in Malta for a day in which he hadmeetings with President Guido de Marco, Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami, Foreign MinisterJoe Borg, and Leader of the Opposition Alfred Sant.• 15 October <strong>2002</strong> Speaking at a joint news conference after a meeting with Foreign Affairs MinisterJoe Borg, British Minister for Europe Peter Hain stressed the UK’s strong support for Malta’saccession. “We will be Malta’s best friend in the EU, just as we have been Malta’s closest friend in thenegotiations to secure membership,” Mr Hain said.• 15 October <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami presented the letter of appointment to newMalta Freeport chairman Mark Portelli who succeeds Marin Hili. During the ceremony, which wasalso attended by Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici and Finance Minister John Dalli, DrFenech-Adami heaped praise on Mr Hili who had been at the helm of the Freeport since 1987.• 15 October <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli announced that the Government had concluded talkswith a Greek operator interested in running the Public Lotto Department. Mr Dalli was speakingduring a news conference reviewing the Government’s fourth year in office.• 15 October <strong>2002</strong> Staff from the Integrated Administration and Control System Unit in the Ministry ofAgriculture and Fisheries and from the Ministry for Gozo paid a five-day visit to Rome as part of atwinning project funded by the EU Commission aimed at introducing the IACS system in Malta. Thedelegation was given an overview of the administration and controls of the subsidies to farmers underthe various schemes of the Common Agriculture Policy.• 15 October <strong>2002</strong> Senior distribution technical officer Charles Said won this year’s Enemalta ‘Workerof the Year’ award. Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici made the presentation during aceremony at the Marsa power station.• 15 October <strong>2002</strong> Maltacom announced that it was planning to launch a service whereby customerswould be able to receive local and foreign TV channels via a telephone line. In addition to TVreception, the proposed service would also enable users to browse the net and send and receive e-mailsusing the TV set as monitor. “The service will change the whole idea of television as we know ittoday,” a Maltacom spokesman said. The revolutionary system is to be demonstrated at theforthcoming IT & T Fair.• 15 October <strong>2002</strong> An Australian of Maltese descent was missing following the blast that rippedthrough a Bali nightclub, killing 181 people and injuring 300. Another Australian with a Maltese

surname was seriously injured. A spokesman for the Maltese High Commission in Canberra told TheTimes newspaper that Anthony Francis Cachia was reported missing by a friend in Bali.• 16 October <strong>2002</strong> Hungary’s State Secretary for EU integration, Peter Gottfried, met Foreign MinisterJoe Borg, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in Valletta. Mr Gottfried said that Malta and Hungarywere negotiating the same issues with the EU and it was therefore useful to share information on theproblems, and the way each country was addressing them.• 16 October <strong>2002</strong> Agriculture and Fisheries Minister Ninu Zammit said in Parliament that preparationswere being made for a meeting between the Maltese and Tunisian authorities about clashes betweenfishermen of the two countries. Mr Zammit said the incidents had happened in international waters andMaltese law therefore had no jurisdiction, but Malta and other countries wanted to make arrangementsto resolve such issues as they arose.• 16 October <strong>2002</strong> Dr Abraham Borg presented his letters of credence to Israeli President MosheKatsav as Malta’s Ambassador to Israel.• 16 October <strong>2002</strong> Central Bank of Malta <strong>gov</strong>ernor Michael Bonello said that the social partners mustaccept that Malta’s national deficit was a problem, to understand the entity of that problem, and thedifficulty of solving it. The main problem, he said, was that much of the recurrent expenditure was notdiscretionary but committed, mostly to providing social services. And the social services were viewedas sacred cows by the political parties and by the electorate. Mr Bonello was speaking at the annualconference of the Chamber of Commerce, in St Julian’s.• 16 October <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo told Parliament that the Malta Tourism Authoritywas hoping to attract 25,000 tourists from China by the year 2007. The Minister said that the fact thatGermany, like Malta, was recently designated a preferred tourist destination by China wasadvantageous for Malta in view of Lufthansa’s direct flights to China and Malta.• 16 October <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Tourism Authority’s office in Paris launched an intensive advertisingcampaign to coincide with the match between Malta and France at Ta’ Qali Stadium. Some 300posters, each measuring four metres by three, were put up in vantage points across Paris and Lyons.• 16 October <strong>2002</strong> A Maltese consultant vascular surgeon, Alex Attard, performed a complex eighthouroperation to remove an aneurysm situated in the renal artery. The operation, carried out at StLuke’s Hospital, was deemed a success and the patient was doing well. This was the first operation ofits kind to be performed in Malta.• 16 October <strong>2002</strong> ‘The Mediterranean Yacht Planners’ Guide <strong>2002</strong>’ is now available on CD. Theguide, launched last May, highlights the major yachting areas in the Mediterranean, including Malta. Itis also a world-wide comprehensive yachting directory.• 17 October <strong>2002</strong> European Commission President Romano Prodi reassured former Prime MinisterDom Mintoff that the Nice Treaty did not jeopardise neutrality and said that enlargement was anopportunity not to be missed. “Already today we have three neutral members in the Union and theirposition is not threatened in any way,” said Mr Prodi. President Prodi met the Mr Mintoff at theheadquarters of the European Commission, in Brussels.• 17 October <strong>2002</strong> National Statistics Office figures show that, in the first six months of this year, theconstruction and quarrying industry contributed Lm23.2 million to Malta's Gross Domestic Product,marking the highest sectoral growth. The figures were announced by Resources and InfrastructureMinister Francis Zammit Dimech during a seminar on Protection <strong>2002</strong>, organised by Alberta FireFighting and Security Equipment.• 17 October <strong>2002</strong> Transport Minister Censu Galea said that 238 licensed buses, coaches and minibusesthat are in service are more than 41 years old. A further 445 are between 21 and 40 years old.The figures were given in reply to a Parliamentary Question.• 17 October <strong>2002</strong> Government MPs Dolores Cristina and Helen D'Amato and Opposition MPs HelenaDalli and Rita Law attended the Third Euro-Mediterranean Forum of Women Parliamentarians, inMadrid. The conference focused on the themes Education and Equality of Women and Violence andTrafficking in Women.

• 17 October <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office said that fresh fish landings at the central fish marketin the third quarter this year amounted to 303,673 kilo. This is a drop of 14,162 kilo, or 4.5 per cent,from 317,835 kilo in the third quarter of 2001. On the other hand, the wholesale value of these fishlandings was Lm556,231, an increase of Lm67,072, or 13.7 per cent, over the same quarter last year.• 17 October <strong>2002</strong> A TV commercial for oil-company Shell was shot in Spain and at the MediterraneanFilm Studios in Kalkara. Local filming consisted of the creation of various water effects shot in thestudios' shallow tank where storm scenes have been created for movies such as White Squall and U-571.• 18 October <strong>2002</strong> EU Commissioner for Enlargement Gunter Verheugen met Prime Minister EdwardFenech-Adami, at Auberge de Castille. Following this meeting, Dr Verheugen said that the decision bythe Commission that Malta will be one of the 10 states it considers will be ready for accession byJanuary 2004 represents a great success for Malta. Dr Fenech-Adami said he was looking forward to aspeedy conclusion of the negotiations, and expressed his appreciation to Mr Verheugen for his visit atthis particular juncture, when the Island was on its final lap. An audio broadcast of the press statementsmade by the Prime Minister and Dr Gunther Verheugen can be heard onhttp://www.doi.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>/EN/archive/PMaudio/audioindex.asp• 18 October <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said that participation in EU budgetarystructures would reduce the overall volatility of the local economy. Prof. Bonnici was speaking at aseminar on 'The EMU and countries applying for accession to the EU', organised by the EconomicsDepartment of the University.• 18 October <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco said that, although drug use was a crime, abusers werevictims themselves and should therefore be assisted to reintegrate themselves in society. Prof. deMarco was speaking at a seminar on the correlation between drugs and criminality organised by thenational agency against drug and alcohol abuse, Seqda, and the European Collaborating Centres inAddiction Studies, at Qawra.• 18 October <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco received the diplomatic credentials of two newAmbassadors to Malta. These are the Algerian Ambassador Mokhtar Reguieg and EcuadorianAmbassador Marcelo Fernandes de Cordoba Ponce.• 18 October <strong>2002</strong> Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi met the National Council of Women. Thecouncil presented Dr Gonzi with reports of conferences that NCW representatives had attended inrecent months. They also presented him with studies of job evaluation systems and checklists for theimplementation of the principle of equal pay for work of equal value.• 18 October <strong>2002</strong> Senior officials from Malta's employer, labour and human resource organisationsvisited Dublin for an intensive, week-long study on social dialogue. The visit was organised by theUniversity of Malta's Workers' Participation Development Centre, with the sponsorship of theFriedrich Ebert Foundation.• 18 October <strong>2002</strong> The Armed Forces of Malta's 'C' Company completed a four-week trainingattachment held with the Italian 1st Lagunari Serenissima Battalion based in Venice. Radio procedure,vehicle recognition and basic soldiering skills were brushed up during this initial phase under theguidance of Maltese and Italian instructors.• 18 October <strong>2002</strong> German Ambassador Georg Merten presented the University library with a numberof books on folklore studies on behalf of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinshaft foundation of Bonn andthe Marchen Stiftung Walter Kahn foundation of Munich. Both foundations are strongly committed toresearch in folklore.• 18 October <strong>2002</strong> A European experts' report on Malta's culture and the arts said that a key policyobjective should be to increase access to the arts, heritage, libraries and archives. The report waspresented to the council's Steering Committee for Culture by a group of experts headed by PirrkoRainesalo of Finland. The report was assembled by Professor Anthony Everitt, a cultural policy expertin the UK.• 19 October <strong>2002</strong> President of Malta Guido de Marco received EU Enlargement Commissioner GunterVerheugen at the Palace, in Valletta. Addressing members of the press following the meeting,Commissioner Verheugen stressed that, "Malta, as part of the Euro-Mediterranean region, when

forming part of an enlarged European family, will have an important consideration in the EuropeanCouncil. This consideration is further underlined within the perspective of the role Malta can play inthe southern dimension of the European Union."• 19 October <strong>2002</strong> Commissioner Gunter Verheugen said he was convinced Malta would get a "verygood" financial package from the EU. He appealed to the Maltese to await the outcome of the wholepackage before making a judgement on the financial package. Mr Verheugen was replying to questionsfrom an audience made up mainly of representatives of different organisations on discussionprogramme Xarabank, on TVM.• 19 October <strong>2002</strong> Negotiations on Competition were closed during the fifteenth meeting in Brussels ofthe Accession Conference held at Deputies’ level between Malta and the European Union. Malta wasrepresented by the Chairman of the Core Negotiating Group, Richard Cachia Caruana. Following themeeting, Malta has closed negotiations on a total of twenty-six areas, leaving talks open on the areas ofTaxation, Customs, Agriculture and Budgetary Provisions.• 19 October <strong>2002</strong> Housing Authority Chairman Marisa Micallef Leyson announced that the Authorityis making available 195 new units spread over various localities in Malta and Gozo, with a commercialvalue of around Lm5.7 million. The subsidised units will be sold for around Lm3.8 million. SocialPolicy Minister Lawrence Gonzi said work was under way to simplify Housing Authority applications.• 19 October <strong>2002</strong> The third survey on domestic waste composition carried out by the NationalStatistics Office among a sample 400 households showed that each household generated an average of2.2 kilo of waste per week, or 0.65 kilo per person.• 19 October <strong>2002</strong> Agriculture Minister Ninu Zammit said that the Ministry of Agriculture has drawnup a plan of action to ensure Maltese farmers complied with Eurepgap standards for the developmentof good agricultural practices in the production of potatoes intended for the export market. Mr Zammitwas speaking at the final session of a training programme for Maltese agricultural officers andagricultural extension workers.• 20 October <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that it was his Government's policy toeventually liberalise areas of the energy market, including the importation and distribution of fuels forthe inland market. Dr Fenech-Adami was addressing a conference organised on the occasion ofEnemalta’s 25 th anniversary, at the Mediterranean Conference Centre.• 20 October <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici referred to the potential that Malta heldas a base for industrial and commercial activities in support of developments in the energy sectorwithin neighbouring countries and the Mediterranean region in general. Prof. Bonnici was closing theEnemalta conference.• 21 October <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami urged the Maltese to wait for the finalpackage before deciding on EU membership. “But decide in the interests of your children too,"continued Dr Fenech-Adami. The Prime Minister was commenting on the outcome of the Irishreferendum.• 21 October <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg said that Ireland's 'Yes' vote was excellent news forIreland and Europe. “It's now impossible to turn the clock back. It is one hurdle less now," said DrBorg.• 22 October <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that he had personally congratulatedIrish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern on the Irish electorate's decision to ratify the Nice Treaty, paving theway for enlargement. Dr Fenech-Adami was speaking to reporters following the weekly Cabinetmeeting at Auberge de Castille. An audio broadcast of the Prime Minister’s comments can be found athttp://www.doi.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>/EN/archive/PMaudio/audioindex.asp• 22 October <strong>2002</strong> According to an Eurobarometer survey, Malta is the second most popular countryamong citizens of EU member states to join at the next enlargement. Forty-eight per cent of EUcitizens said they most favoured Hungary to join the EU, with a close 47 per cent expressing supportfor Malta's membership. The survey was carried out last spring and was published by the EuropeanCommission.

• 22 October <strong>2002</strong> Speaking at a news conference to review the fourth year in office, Home AffairsMinister Tonio Borg announced that talks are in hand with the Libyan Government over an agreementto repatriate all illegal immigrants arriving in Malta from Libya. The news conference was alsoaddressed by Justice Minister Austin Gatt, Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici, and by DeputyPrime Minister Lawrence Gonzi. A video feature connected with the conference can be accessed athttp://www.doi.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>/EN/archive/gverninsahhupajz/index.asp• 22 October <strong>2002</strong> Around 120 Malta Shipbuilding workers are involved in the construction of a 73-metre long, 3,800-ton vessel for Havtrade. Speaking to reporters at the 'yard, Company ChairmanMikkel Vaage said that the whole project is estimated to cost NOK 125 million (around Lm7 million),some 40 per cent of which will be generated at the Malta 'yard.• 22 October <strong>2002</strong> Malta's competitive advantages and the opportunities of using Malta as a platform topenetrate the Euro-Mediterranean region were highlighted during a seminar in Toronto organised byBank of Valletta's Canada representative office on the theme ‘Malta: An emerging financial servicescentre’. The seminar was inaugurated by Finance Minister John Dalli.• 22 October <strong>2002</strong> Education Minister Louis Galea opened the first international Archives conferenceon the theme ‘Converging frontiers: Regional co-operation in the archives sector’. The conferencewas organised by the Libraries and Archives Department, in collaboration with the Maltese NationalCommission for Unesco, within the Education Ministry.• 22 October <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco made an official visit to the main campus of the MaltaCollege of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST), in Paola. During his visit, Prof. de Marco wasaccompanied by Victor Scicluna and Roy Snelling, President of the Board of Governors and CollegePrincipal respectively.• 22 October <strong>2002</strong> A delegation from the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National People's Congressof China paid a courtesy call on the Speaker of Parliament, Anton Tabone, Foreign Affairs MinisterJoe Borg, and Opposition Leader Alfred Sant. The Chinese delegation also met with the ForeignAffairs Committee, at the Palace, in Valletta.• 22 October <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Tourism Authority has carried out its first large-scale advertisingcampaign in Poland. As a first step, the MTA posted large outdoor billboards in over 100 locations inWarsaw.• 22 October <strong>2002</strong> Museums and sites under the responsibility of the Museums Department will beopen to the public free of charge on Sunday, on the occasion of European Heritage Day. EuropeanHeritage Day is observed annually by the Council of Europe and is promoted in Malta by theMuseums Department.• 23 October <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg joined his counterparts from the other nine EU accedingcountries in welcoming the result of the Irish referendum, in Prague. Following the meeting, the 10Foreign Ministers issued a joint statement in which they expressed their expectation that the EuropeanCouncil in Brussels would decide on a financial package that will reflect a fair balance between rightsand obligations of membership. It was agreed that the next meeting of the acceding states would beheld at prime ministerial level next month.• 23 October <strong>2002</strong> A Bill to promote equality between men and women has just been published in TheGovernment Gazette and is expected to be debated in Parliament shortly. The bill provides for thesetting up of a National Commission for the Promotion of Equality for Men and Women which shall“identify, establish, and update all policies directly or indirectly related to sexual equality, identify theneeds of persons who are disadvantaged by reasons of their sex, and propose measures to cater forsuch needs”.• 23 October <strong>2002</strong> US Ambassador Anthony Gioia presented a cheque for $60,000 to the Commanderof the Armed Forces of Malta, Rupert Montanaro, for refurbishment of the AFM's newly createdSearch and Rescue centre. During the presentation ceremony at the AFM barracks in Luqa,Ambassador Gioia praised Malta as being one of the first countries to co-operate in the fight againstterrorism.• 23 October <strong>2002</strong> Maltapost's stamp for the <strong>2002</strong> Europa stamp issue was selected by the plenarydelegates of PostEurop as the best out of 44 entries submitted for the stamp design competition. This

is the first time in the 50-year history of the Europa stamp that a contest was organised among postaloperators to pay tribute to the originality and attractiveness of a design.• 23 October <strong>2002</strong> For the second consecutive year, the Malta Tourism Authority's London office hasbeen voted the ‘Best UK-based Mediterranean Tourist Office’ by around 600 travel agents in the <strong>2002</strong>Travel Industry Awards. The awards are organised by Business Magazine International, publishers ofSelling Short Breaks magazine.• 24 October <strong>2002</strong> According to the latest Eurobarometer survey carried out in candidate countries,fifty-five per cent of eligible voters in Malta would vote 'Yes' in a referendum on European Unionmembership. Forty-five per cent of Maltese respondents aged 18 and over would vote 'No'. The surveywas conducted in late March and early April in the 13 candidate countries.• 24 October <strong>2002</strong> Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that, for various reasons, statistics onoccupational accidents did not give a clear picture of the situation. Many of the incidents that tookplace at work were not reported, he said, while statistics did not gauge risk situations or lack ofwellbeing arising from bad working conditions. Dr Gonzi was speaking at a conference entitledWorking on Stress, organised by the Occupational Health and Safety Authority.• 24 October <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli attended a European Investment Bank meeting thatgrouped Finance Ministers from EU member states and the Mediterranean, in Barcelona. The meetingdiscussed an Euro-Mediterranean investment partnership, with a view to the creation of a CustomsUnion by 2010.• 24 October <strong>2002</strong> Police Commissioner John Rizzo said at a news conference that illegal immigrantswere proving to be a strain on the human resources of the police force. Some 100 members of the forcewere engaged in maintaining order and as escorts and guards at hospital when illegal immigrants arehospitalised. In addition, said Mr Rizzo, the kitchen at Police Headquarters had to cater for mealspractically round the clock.• 24 October <strong>2002</strong> Figures published by the National Statistics Office show that unemployment inSeptember went up by 108 over the figure for the previous month, reaching 7,520. The number was536 higher than that for the same month last year. The figures are based on Employment and TrainingCorporation figures.• 24 October <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office reported that the retail price index in September wentup by 0.28 points, or 0.24 per cent, over August and reached 119.16. In September the inflation ratestood at 2.89 per cent.• 24 October <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Red Cross Society hosted the annual European working-group conferenceon first aid, at the New Dolmen Hotel, in Qawra. Sixty-two delegates from 27 European countries andfour from the US took part in the conference.• 25 October <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli said that the Government was investigating allegationsof irregularities by a Greek bidder involved in the privatisation of the Lotto Department. The Ministerwas referring to reports that Intralot, which forms part of the consortium short-listed for theprivatisation, was involved in irregularities.• 25 October <strong>2002</strong> The new Chief Executive of Malta International Airport, Peter Bolech, said that hebelieved that MIA had the capacity for a substantial increase in air traffic. He observed that MaltaInternational Airport handled three million passengers annually with two runways, while London'sGatwick Airport handled over 30 million with just one. Mr Bolech was addressing a business breakfasthosted by The Malta Business Weekly• 25 October <strong>2002</strong> Figures issued by the National Statistics Office show that domestic exports rose byLm2 million, to Lm65.8 million, in September compared to the figure for the same month last year.Total imports in September rose by Lm12.7 million, to Lm96.6 million, with imports of industrialsupplies rising by Lm6.4 million, to Lm49.7 million.• 25 October <strong>2002</strong> Air Malta announced that it would be imposing a total ban on smoking on all itsscheduled and charter flights as from Sunday 27 th. The airline said the decision to ban smoking on allits services was in line with moves by other major airlines to provide an optimum environment insidethe aircraft.

• 25 October <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office reported that, in the third quarter this year, the totalquantity of agricultural produce sold through organised markets increased by 1.5 million kilos, or 12.3per cent, to 13.5 million kilos over the same quarter last year.• 26 October <strong>2002</strong> President Romano Prodi said that he was convinced that the final financial packagethat Malta would acquire would be "more than acceptable". Mr Prodi was speaking at the end of thetwo-day Brussels summit that discussed the thorny issues of finance and agriculture.• 26 October <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg said that co-operation in fisheries, entry visa agreements,and illegal migration were among the topics that should be discussed by both Malta and Tunisia. DrBorg was speaking at the fourth session of the Maltese-Tunisian Mixed Commission which held itsfourth session in Tunis.• 26 October <strong>2002</strong> Figures released by the National Statistics Office show that the Government'sstructural deficit in the first nine months this year reached Lm85.6 million, that is, Lm4.6 million morethan in the same period last year. Provisional statistics supplied by the Central Bank show that<strong>gov</strong>ernment debt outstanding at the end of September stood at Lm1,042.7 million, up by 3.9 per cent,over the figure for September last year.• 26 October <strong>2002</strong> Education Minister Louis Galea said that no fewer than 300 university students hadbenefited from the European Union's educational programmes every year. Dr Galea was speaking at anactivity at the University marking the millionth student taking part globally in the Erasmusprogramme.• 26 October <strong>2002</strong> Transport Minister Censu Galea said that the Ports Consultative Council hadrecommended the setting up of a port authority to take responsibility for the management of theIsland's two major ports. He said that the recommendation, as well as others made by the councilearlier this year, was now being studied by the Ministry. Minister Censu Galea was speaking at aseminar on port development organised by the Foundation for Transport Studies, at the MaritimeMuseum in Vittoriosa.• 26 October <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo announced that Volksbank Malta Ltd, operating inMalta for the last seven years, was expected to be granted an onshore licence shortly. Bank ChairmanMaurice Mizzi said that the new services provided by the bank would be available to local and foreignclients. Dr Refalo was speaking at the bank's premises in Sliema.• 26 October <strong>2002</strong> Minister of Education Louis Galea inaugurated an exhibition entitled ‘Lost Arts ofthe Ancient Goldsmiths’, at the National Museum of Archaeology in Valletta. The exhibition wasfunded by the European Union as part of the Fifth Framework programme.• 26 October <strong>2002</strong> Malta was recently the subject of a one-page promotion carried in popular Germanwomen's magazine, Freundin. According to a spokesperson for the magazine, over 155,000 readerstook part in the promotion, organised by the Malta Tourism Authority office in Frankfurt, andKelloggs.• 27 October <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami welcomed the European Union's enlargementdeal and expressed optimism that the Government would be able to negotiate a good financial packagefor Malta in one of the last hurdles to membership. "The internal problems of the EU have been ironedout and nothing can stop enlargement now," Dr Fenech-Adami told The Sunday Times newspaper.• 27 October <strong>2002</strong> Israeli Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Shimon Peres thanked PresidentGuido de Marco for taking the initiative to bring together in Malta a group of Israelis and Palestiniansin an effort to bridge differences between the two peoples. The message was forwarded throughMalta's Ambassador to Israel, Dr Abraham Borg, who presented his credentials on October 14.• 28 October <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami attended the summit for the accedingcountries, in Denmark. Prime Ministers from the ten acceding countries were invited by EuropeanCouncil President Anders Fogh Rasmussen to be formally briefed about the outcome of the EUBrussels summit and its implications, as well as the way forward. Dr Fenech-Adami was accompaniedby Foreign Minister Joe Borg, Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici, and the Chairman of theCore Negotiating Group, Richard Cachia Caruana.

• 28 October <strong>2002</strong> Justice Minister Austin Gatt said that more than 6,000 people had already appliedfor free computer tuition in <strong>gov</strong>ernment schools during the afternoons. The Minister said that mostapplicants were over forty, and were people whose children were computer literate and who did notwant to fall behind. Dr Gatt was speaking in Victoria, Gozo.• 28 October <strong>2002</strong> Home Affairs Minister Tonio Borg said that Malta was already benefiting from itsexpected EU membership and was currently trying to reach an agreement with Europol on sharinginformation related to organised crime, particularly drug-related crime. Dr Borg was speaking inVictoria.• 28 October <strong>2002</strong> Also speaking at Victoria, Parliamentary Secretary George Hyzler referred to thefilm industry in Malta. He announced that Warner Brothers UK would be co-producing Troy, theirbiggest film next year, in Malta. Dr Hyzler said that the film would cost more than $100 million.• 28 October <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli said that the Government wanted to control the deficitwithout taking any measures that would stall the economy. He said that the deficit would be asprojected, that is, around Lm78 million, representing less than 4.5 per cent of the Gross DomesticProduct. Mr Dalli was speaking at a public consultation meeting about the Budget.• 28 October <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli had a meeting with his French counterpart to lobby forwhat Malta is asking for from the EU. Last week, Mr Dalli had a similar meeting with the GermanForeign Minister about the same matter.• 28 October <strong>2002</strong> Mount Etna made a heavy physical presence in Malta as ash from the volcanocrossed the Mediterranean and coated the country in an insidious film of black fine dust. The volcanicplume was swept to Malta by north-to-north-easterly winds blowing from Sicily.• 29 October <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that, in all probability, the referendumwould be held at the beginning of spring. Prime Minister Fenech-Adami was addressing a newsconference in Copenhagen where the 13 candidate countries were updated on the outcome of the EUCouncil's two-day meeting in Brussels.• 29 October <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami left Copenhagen for an official visit toChina. Dr Fenech-Adami was accompanied by Foreign Minister Joe Borg.• 29 October <strong>2002</strong> The European Commissioner responsible for the budget, Michaele Schreyer,applauded Malta for reaching an advanced stage of institutional building in so far as internal auditingwas concerned. Ms Schreyer was speaking during the opening of the fifth contact group meeting forEuropean financial control organisations held in Malta.• 29 October <strong>2002</strong> Parliamentary Secretary George Pullicino said that pending applications at the MaltaEnvironment and Planning Authority (MEPA) were down by nearly 1,500 in less than a year. Headded that MEPA officials were removing an average of 100 illegal structures every year. Mr Pullicinowas speaking when reviewing his fourth year in office during a press conference at Auberge deCastille.• 29 October <strong>2002</strong> Reviewing Government’s fourth year in office during a press conferenhce atAuberge de Castille, Resources and Infrastructure Minister Francis Zammit Dimech said that theGovernment had carried out 70 restoration projects in the last four years, while another 50 were inhand. During the said conference, Agriculture Minister Ninu Zammit said that farmers' co-operativesand associations had received technical advice and would be receiving an aid package worth Lm70million. On his part, Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi challenged the Opposition to state how itintended to finance its environment policy. Dr Gonzi said that it was thanks to this Government thatthe issue of the environment had been put on the front burner.• 29 October <strong>2002</strong> Fourteen employees from Malta Drydocks, Malta Shipbuilding, and Manoel IslandYacht-yard were the first of a group of forty workers due to leave Malta for training in super-yachtwork at Palmer Johnson, in the United States. Palmer Johnson has joined up with the 'yard to developDock No. 3 for super-yacht refurbishment and repair.• 30 October <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco said that the path towards EU membership for theMaltese and Polish Governments was difficult and full of sacrifices. He said, however, that the newgeneration was determined that it would never again experience a divided Europe, an iron curtain, or

cities and peoples blocked by walls. Prof. de Marco was speaking in Warsaw on the first day of a twodaystate visit to Poland.• 30 October <strong>2002</strong> Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski said that, whereas Poland plays animportant role in Central-Eastern Europe, Malta is situated in a strategic position of the Mediterranean.“Therefore, through our shared experiences, both countries can benefit from the formulation of acommon foreign policy which enhances co-operation,” he said. President Kwasniewski was addressinga news conference held jointly with Prof. de Marco.• 30 October <strong>2002</strong> The European Commissioner responsible for the budget, Michaele Schreyer, saidthat she was optimistic that the EU would take into consideration Malta’s ‘specific situation’ whendrawing up its budgetary package for the island. “The Commission will make a specific offer to Malta,but this depends on the proposals and tough negotiations of the Government,” Ms Schreyer said. TheEU Commissioner was speaking at a joint news conference with Finance Minister John Dalli after ameeting at the Finance Ministry.• 30 October <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli said Malta would become a net contributor to the EUonly when, with the EU’s help, it became much richer than it is today. He said that he hoped thiswould take place sooner rather than later. Mr Dalli was speaking in the presence of the EuropeanCommissioner responsible for the budget, Michaele Schreyer, who was on a visit to Malta.• 30 October <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli said that there was no doubt that the foreign investmentregistration scheme, announced in the last Budget speech, had been a success. Targets for the wholeyear had been achieved by June when Lm200 million in funds held abroad were registered. TheMinister was replying to a series of parliamentary questions.• 30 October <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Environment and Planning Authority said that six local schools were totake part in a pilot initiative aimed at empowering pupils, teachers and parents to take practical steps toreduce the environmental impact of their schools. If successful, this pilot initiative would enableMaltese schools to join some 7,000 other schools in 26 countries in a programme known as ‘Eco-Schools’.• 30 October <strong>2002</strong> Figures given in Parliament show that the workforce at Malta Drydocks has been cutby 38 per cent in five years. Malta Drydocks employed 3,186 in 1997 and 1,978 last month. Theworkforce at Malta Shipbuilding had been reduced from 849 in December 1997 to 692 last month. Thefigures were given by Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici in reply to a parliamentary question.• 30 October <strong>2002</strong> Malta is to take part in the EU’s FP6 Research Programme. This follows the signingin Brussels of the association agreement by the Parliamentary Secretary responsible for Science andResearch in the Ministry of Education, Jesmond Mugliett. Further information may be obtained fro<strong>mt</strong>he MCST website at www.mcst.org.<strong>mt</strong>• 30 October <strong>2002</strong> According to the latest labour force survey issued by the National Statistics Office,the number of unemployed in June reached an estimated 11,049, representing an unemployment rate of6.9 per cent. In March, the figure was 11,983, representing a rate of 7.7 per cent.• 30 October <strong>2002</strong> Archbishop Jose Sebastian Laboa died in his native Spain. He was 79. ArchbishopLaboa was Apostolic Nuncio for Malta between 1995 and 1998.• 30 October <strong>2002</strong> Prof. Victor Griffiths was presented with the award of Honorary Member of theOrder of the British Empire (MBE) in recognition of his work in promoting relations between the UKand Malta, especially in medicine, culture, and education. The award was presented by British HighCommissioner Vincent Fean, on behalf of Queen Elizabeth II.• 31 October <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami, who was in China on an official visit, metassistant Foreign Minister Zhao Jin Jun. During the visit, Dr Fenech-Adami inaugurated a Maltesepainting exhibition by artist John Grima at the Yanhuang Museum.• 31 October <strong>2002</strong> Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that the Government's policy for Gozoin the last four years had produced unprecedented results. Gozo had registered its lowest levels ofunemployment and the highest levels of Maltese and foreign visitors, he said. Dr Gonzi, together withMinister for Gozo Giovanna Debono, was giving an overview of the Government's performance inGozo during the last year.

• 31 October <strong>2002</strong> Justice Minister Austin Gatt and Jean Philippe Courtois, who is President ofMicrosoft Europe, Middle East and Africa, told members of the press that the two sides had agreed oninitiatives that should enhance Malta's reputation in information technology and make the Island aregional technology centre. Dr Gatt said a number of initiatives were agreed, including the setting upof a Microsoft academy financed by the multinational.• 31 October <strong>2002</strong> Representatives of key organisations involved in labour and industrial relations tooka close look at the Irish experience of sustained social partnership during a week spent in Ireland. Thevisit was organised by the Workers' Participation Development Centre and co-ordinated by the centre'sdirector, Godfrey Baldacchino, with the support of the Friedrick Ebert Foundation of Germany.NOVEMBER• 1 November <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami, who was on an official visit to Beijing, waswelcomed at the Great Hall of the People by Chinese Premier Zhu Ringji. Dr Fenech-Adami alsotoured the Forbidden City, inspected a guard of honour, and addressed a business forum.• 1 November <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Affairs Minister Joe Borg signed an educational agreement with hisChinese counterpart Shen Zhi Li, in Beijing. Dr Borg formed part of the delegation to China led byPrime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami.• 1 November <strong>2002</strong> Negotiations between Malta and the European Union entered their final phase witha meeting between Malta's negotiators and the Danish Presidency in Brussels. The Head of the CoreNegotiating Group, Richard Cachia Caruana, led the Maltese delegation, which included Malta'sAmbassador to the EU Victor Camilleri. The Danish Presidency was represented by Ambassador PoulSkytte Christofferson and Director General for Enlargement, Eneko Landaburo.• 1 November <strong>2002</strong> Transport Minister Censu Galea said that, last year the number of cruise linerpassengers had been 50 per cent higher than that for the year 2000. And, this year, the number wasexpected to be significantly higher than that for 2001, continued the Minister. Mr Galea wasaddressing a seminar on new regulations for commercial vessels.• 1 November <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Tourism Authority's Product Planning and Development Directoratelaunched information booklets on three countryside walks at Girgenti, Bahrija and Dwejra Lines.Tourism Minister Michael Refalo visited Dwejra Lines in Gozo for the launch.• 1 November <strong>2002</strong> Figures published by the National Statistics Office show that tourist arrivals haddropped by 5.3 per cent in July, maintaining a downward trend into the summer. Arrivals in Julytotalled 142,487, a decline of 8,023 over the same month last year.• 1 November <strong>2002</strong> The Maltese High Commissioner in Australia, Dr Ivan Fsadni, and his wife Ritamet some of the relatives of the two known Maltese victims of the terrorist attacks in Bali earlier thismonth. The victims' relatives were taken to Canberra for a ceremony conducted by the AustralianGovernment.• 2 November <strong>2002</strong> The Central Bank of Malta left the central intervention rate and the discount rateunchanged at four per cent. Bank Governor Michael Bonello explained that, though domestic moneymarket interest rates had eased in October, the comparable rates on the currencies of the Maltese lirabasket had fallen too. The analysis of economic and financial data undertaken by the council revealeda continuation of prevailing trends.• 2 November <strong>2002</strong> A statement issued by Maltapost said that, over the next few months, the companywould be undergoing a major restructuring process in an effort to sustain the future economic viabilityof the company, after an internal study concluded that it had over 260 extra employees. "Similar toother postal administrations world-wide the company faces declining volumes, higher costs, and morecompetition. The major threats specifically come from new technology, e-mails, internet, and largeinternational alternative delivery networks," the company said.

• 2 November <strong>2002</strong> Bank of Valletta Chairman Joseph F.X. Zahra announced a bonus issue of oneordinary share for every five held, at no cost to shareholders. He also said that a special dividend offive cents gross per share would be paid over and above a dividend for the year of 11 cents gross pershare. Mr Zahra was speaking at a press conference on the BoV Group's performance in the pastfinancial year.• 2 November <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office announced that a total of 7,520 people wereregistering for work with the Employment and Training Corporation last September. This is anincrease of 108 over August. The unemployment rate in September was 5.2 per cent.• 3 November <strong>2002</strong> Acting Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi referred to a ceremony held at Auberged'Aragon earlier on in the week commemorating the 22nd anniversary of the death of former PrimeMinister George Borg Olivier. Dr Gonzi said that, when Dr Borg Olivier obtained independence forMalta in 1964, he had already been visualising a united Europe. It was because Malta had such peopleof vision that the country could now apply for membership in the EU, concluded Dr Gonzi.• 3 November <strong>2002</strong> In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that, over the past few days, theLabour Party had made much of two documents presented at the Convention on the Future of Europe.The statement continued: "Labour cannot grasp one simple fact about these proposals - that they areexpressly meant for countries in the Mediterranean and to the East of the enlarged Union that cannot orare not yet in a position to enjoy the benefits of membership."• 3 November <strong>2002</strong> In a message to the forces of law and order, Home Affairs Minister Tonio Borgpraised the efforts of the Police and the Security Service for winning an important battle againstcriminality in connection with drugs. The message, sent on Government's behalf, is addressed toPolice and the Security Service following the arraignment of 19 people charged with conspiring to dealin four kilos of cocaine and one kilo of cannabis in Malta and Italy last May.• 3 November <strong>2002</strong> Air Malta officially announced the appointment of Ernst Funk as its ChiefExecutive. The appointment took effect on October 15. Mr Funk takes over from Louis Grech, whoremains the airline's chairman.• 4 November <strong>2002</strong> Acting Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that Malta was linked to the EU inevery sector of activity and the next logical step for the country was therefore membership of theUnion. Dr Gonzi was speaking at Fgura.• 4 November <strong>2002</strong> European Commissioner for the Environment Margot Wallstrom said that Malta'saccession to the European Union would provide "a greatly strengthened framework for bird protectionon the island". Once a member, Malta will have to conform to the common standards defined in theBirds Directive and already applied in all member states, she said. Ms Wallstrom was replying in aletter to Max Van den Berg, vice President of the European Socialists Group in the EuropeanParliament.• 4 November <strong>2002</strong> The Chairman of the Malta Development Corporation, Lawrence Zammit,announced that the Corporation had approved thirty new projects (or expansions of existing projects)in the first nine months of this year. Mr Zammit said that these projects were expected to generate acapital investment of over Lm25 million and create a substantial number of jobs.• 5 November <strong>2002</strong> A draft resolution on enlargement was presented to the members of the EuropeanParliament's Committee on foreign affairs, human rights, common security and defence policy duringa session that was addressed by Gunter Verheugen, the EU Commissioner for Enlargement. Thesection about Malta recommends that an appropriate financial package should be agreed upon withMalta to ensure that Malta will have "a net beneficiary status during the first years of membership".• 5 November <strong>2002</strong> Transport Minister Censu Galea said that, over the past four years, the Governmenthad invested Lm30 million in improving the roads network system. Mr Galea said that extensive workwas carried out on 20 arterial roads and 300 residential streets, as well as roads in a number ofindustrial estates. Minister Galea was reviewing his fourth year in office.• 5 November <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco received a delegation from the General Workers' Union,at the Palace in Valletta. In reply to Union General Secretary Tony Zarb, who appealed for toleranceon the EU issue, Prof. de Marco said that the right to hold an opinion was a democratic right. The

President concluded, "In the end we have to bow our heads to what the people decide on this issuebecause the people are sovereign."• 5 November <strong>2002</strong> Parliamentary Secretary Edwin Vassallo said that a total of 54 new initiatives,inspired by the European Charter for Small Businesses, form the backbone of the second business planlaunched by the Parliamentary Secretariat Responsible for the Self-Employed. Mr Vassallo said thatthe initiatives contained in the plan were the result of public consultation with the commercial sector.• 5 November <strong>2002</strong> Transport Minister Censu Galea said that sixteen Maltese companies were alreadyreceiving aid through the EU programme EUMEDIS - Euro Mediterranean Information Societyprogramme. EUMEDIS is the largest project ever undertaken by the European Commission in thedevelopment of the global information society. Mr Galea was delivering the opening speech at a halfdayseminar on ‘Managing the Supply Chain from Suppliers to Customers’, at the Metco offices, inSan Gwann.• 5 November <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo said that Malta had successfully made a bid tohost big conferences mainly in the medical and pharmaceutical sector. A number of such conferenceshad been confirmed for 2003, he said. Minister Refalo was speaking at a meeting with Dr JeroenTorenbeek, vice President for international relations of the European Association for InternationalEducation.• 6 November <strong>2002</strong> David Harley, who is the spokesman for the President of the European Parliament,announced that six Maltese MPs were to take part in a special session of the European Parliament to beheld between November 18 and 19. The session would discuss "the enlargement debate in the presenceof candidate countries".• 6 November <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli said that Malta would be ready to adopt the Euro by2005, even though the currency was likely to be introduced sometime between 2006 and 2007. MrDalli said that Malta was taking the necessary measures to be able to adopt the Euro, includingreducing the deficit and unemployment. The Minister was speaking to the press after a meetingbetween the Finance Ministers of European Union and candidate countries.• 6 November <strong>2002</strong> Nine Maltese companies involved in the manufacture of furniture and furnishingsjoined forces with a Libyan firm to set up an international furnishing centre in Tripoli, Libya. Thecompanies forming a consortium known as the Maltese Consortium Holding Limited (MC Holdings)teamed up with Ashkahi Company of Tripoli. Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said that onewonders why such a venture was not undertaken before now.• 6 November <strong>2002</strong> Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries Ninu Zammit addressed a 'Business toBusiness' networking organised jointly by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Malta ExternalTrade Corporation, at the Malta Embassy in Paris. Mr Zammit briefed those present on Malta'sagricultural and fisheries credentials, emphasising the opportunities offered through EU accession.Ambassador Salvino Busuttil made a presentation on the business investment and exportingopportunities in Malta.• 6 November <strong>2002</strong> Agriculture Minister Ninu Zammit announced an agreement introducing a newdirect compensation scheme on the milk produced by herdsmen. The agreement was signed betweenthe Agriculture Ministry and the Milk Producers Co-operative Society Ltd (KPH). The new DairyCompensation Scheme, on trial for a year, is replacing the Beef Intervention Scheme.• 6 November <strong>2002</strong> Transport Minister Censu Galea said in reply to a Parliamentary Question that theCirkewwa quays project is expected to cost Lm13 million by the time it is completed in 2004. MinisterGalea said that Lm4.9 million had been spent so far.• 6 November <strong>2002</strong> An action committee is being set up between the office of the ParliamentarySecretariat in the Economic Services Ministry, the Malta Environment and Planning Authority, and theSmall Business Unit (SBU) to better organise industrial zones which were not the responsibility of theMalta Development Corporation. Parliamentary Secretary Edwin Vassallo said that the Committeewould also see that those working in such estates had all possible assistance in acquiring the requiredpermits and licences.

• 6 November <strong>2002</strong> According to the National Office of Statistics, the number of foreign students whocame to Malta to study English in 2001 was 52,680. In the same year there were 32 schools of Englishin operation, including four in Gozo.• 7 November <strong>2002</strong> Resources and Infrastructure Minister Francis Zammit Dimech announced that, inthe first seven months of the year, 166,702 tourists visited Malta on cruise liners. This figure is 26 percent more than in the same period the previous year.• 7 November <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Tourism Authority's London office embarked on one of the largest everadvertising campaigns on buses. Following the success of a similar campaign in April this year, theMTA's London Office launched the advertisements on just under 5,000 buses in all major Britishcities. The advertising campaign highlights Malta as an ideal winter-sun destination.• 7 November <strong>2002</strong> The European ombudsman's website has been updated to provide information in anumber of new languages, including Maltese. This makes the ombudsman one of the first EUinstitutions to offer information in the Maltese language on his website. ‘A guide to the EuropeanOmbudsman’ in the applicant country languages may be found in Maltese by clicking on theappropriate language bar at www.euro-ombudsman.eu.int/home/en/default.htm• 7 November <strong>2002</strong> Home Affairs Minister Tonio Borg announced that a meeting of the CivilProtection Council had agreed to set up a voluntary corps in co-operation with non-<strong>gov</strong>ernmentalorganisations. Dr Borg said that a register would be kept of people wishing to give a helping hand inemergencies. The Minister was speaking in Parliament following the first big storm of the season thatsaw a number of drivers being rescued from cars trapped in floodwaters.• 7 November <strong>2002</strong> Education Minister Louis Galea praised the initiative taken by Karistu Abela whodeveloped the first Maltese language spell-check. Dr Galea said at the launch that his hope was that theprogramme would be compatible with all computers. Local Government Minister Austin Gatt, whowas also present, said that the Government was giving importance to increasing the presence of theMaltese language, especially on the Internet.• 8 November <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg set out Malta's priorities as it took over the presidency ofthe Council of Europe for the next six months. The priorities focus on two basic objectives: to continuethe process of unification of a greater Europe on the basis of the co-operation structures offered by theCouncil of Europe; and to strengthen the social and cultural dimensions of European integration on acontinent-wide scale. Dr Borg was speaking during the 111th ministerial session of the Council ofEurope, in Strasbourg.• 8 November <strong>2002</strong> A top-level delegation from Vienna International Airport, which is a majorityshareholder in the consortium Malta Mediterranean Link, started a working visit in Malta. The directorof Vienna International Airport, Herbert Kaufmann, spoke of the importance of Malta joining theEuropean Union for the strengthening of MIA. He also said that the long-term objective was todevelop MIA into a hub for Northern Africa and the Mediterranean region.• 8 November <strong>2002</strong> Agriculture Minister Ninu Zammit met Agriculture Ministers from EU candidatecountries in Prague, where they discussed the pending problems in the agriculture sector with FranzFischler, the EU Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development, and Fisheries. Contacted for hisreactions to the meeting, Mr Zammit said that each Minister had the opportunity to explain hiscountry's problems in the sector and why requests for assistance or exemptions were being made.Minister Zammit said: "We have made our position very clear and negotiations are still going on."• 9 November <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that there was no reason why theCommission for the Administration of Justice should have doubted Dr André Camilleri's credentials ashaving practised as a lawyer in Malta for more than 12 years. He said that Dr Camilleri's decision wasa big loss for the courts. Dr Fenech-Adami was reacting to Dr Camilleri's withdrawal from hisappointment as a judge.• 9 November <strong>2002</strong> Catherine Combette, an administrator in the European Commission's enlargementunit, said in an interview that in negotiations related to agriculture, Malta had been given much moreconsideration than other countries because of its size and specific agricultural situation. Ms Combettehad meetings with the Malta Agricultural Lobby, in Brussels.

• 9 November <strong>2002</strong> A top-level delegation, led by the Director of Vienna International Airport, HerbertKaufmann, met Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami to discuss the latest developments regardingthe privatisation of MIA, at Auberge de Castille. Dr Fenech-Adami said that he was of the opinion thatMalta had not managed to get the full benefit of the location of its international airport in such astrategic position in the Mediterranean. Mr Kaufmann replied that he saw a lot of potential for anincrease in tourist traffic at the Maltese airport.• 9 November <strong>2002</strong> Malta International Airport Chairman Lawrence Zammit said that MIA had made aseries of proposals to the Transport Infrastructure Network Assessment to bring the airport up to EUstandards. Mr Zammit said MIA's request focused mainly on the resurfacing of runways, theconstruction of an internal flight gate, and the construction of a new taxiway. The request, said MrZammit, was part of a package of structural funds Malta would obtain from the EU.• 9 November <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli spoke about the need to introduce and instil a cultureof moderation in the demands placed on Government. "I keep reminding everybody that demands onGovernment will only translate into demands by Government, that is taxation. There is no mannafalling from Heaven," said the Minister. Mr Dalli was speaking during the annual dinner hosted by theInstitute for Financial Services.• 9 November <strong>2002</strong> Central Bank Governor Michael Bonello said that EU membership promisedimmediate benefits to local exporters. Any product made in Malta would not only have completeaccess to the EU, but would also benefit from any preferential treatment which the EU receives underthe various reciprocal trade agreements it has with third countries. Mr Bonello was delivering hisspeech at the annual dinner of the Institute for Financial Services.• 9 November <strong>2002</strong> Figures published by the National Statistics Office show that total sales by largemanufacturing enterprises in the third quarter this year amounted to Lm251.7 million. This is anincrease of Lm20.4 million, or 8.8 per cent, over the same period the previous year.• 9 November <strong>2002</strong> The Commission for the Administration of Justice said that its constitutionalfunction precluded it from making a public statement about its operations, let alone to enter into adispute. The Commission, however, expressed its disappointment at "certain words" expressed in itsregard, and towards President de Marco, who presides over it.• 10 November <strong>2002</strong> Gunnar Wiegand, official spokesman for EU Commissioner for ExternalRelations Chris Patten, said that, “Malta has a very clear choice ahead: to join the EU or to remain insplendid isolation." Mr Wiegand was interviewed by The Sunday Times newspaper.• 10 November <strong>2002</strong> Government announced a share offer of over 13 million shares in MaltaInternational Airport. The shares, which have a nominal value of 20c, are being offered at 73c each.Speaking during a news conference at the San Gorg Corinthia, Finance Minister John Dalli urgedinvestors to be aware of the tremendous potential of the airport’s new strategic partner.• 10 November <strong>2002</strong> Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi inaugurated a new shelter for homelesswomen and children in Valletta. The home, which can take in a maximum of 25 people, was namedDar Tereza Spinelli, after the founder of the Augustinian nuns, herself a victim of domestic violence.• 10 November <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici augured that the Opposition wouldfinally realise the benefits of Government's plan to merge the Institute for the Promotion of SmallEnterprise (IPSE), the Malta Development Corporation (MDC), and the Malta External TradeCorporation (Metco). Professor Bonnici said that it would be beneficial if there were politicalconsensus about this kind of development.• 11 November <strong>2002</strong> Malta, together with other Commonwealth countries, celebrated ‘RemembranceDay’ in memory of the victims of the two World Wars. A concelebrated mass held at St John’s co-Cathedral was followed by a remembrance ceremony at the War Memorial in Floriana, led byPresident Guido de Marco.• 11 November <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami assured farmers that, in its negotiationswith the European Union, the Government was committed to safeguard their interests and those of thefuture of agriculture in Malta. Dr Fenech-Adami was addressing visitors to the ‘Fruit and VegetableFair’ at the Pitkali vegetable market, at Ta’ Qali.

• 11 November <strong>2002</strong> Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that Malta’s membership in theEuropean Union would help safeguard the future of Maltese factory workers. On the other hand, ifMalta did not join the EU, member countries would take preference over Malta, Dr Gonzi continued.The Minister was addressing a meeting at Zabbar.• 11 November <strong>2002</strong> A watercolour showing the Grand Harbour, painted in 1830 by J.M.W. Turner, isbeing loaned by HSBC to the Museum of Fine Arts for the Maltese to enjoy. The loan was decided at ameeting between HSBC Chief Executive Officer Chris Hothersall and Education Minister LouisGalea, where they discussed ways in which HSBC could contribute more to the Maltese community.• 12 November <strong>2002</strong> Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that Malta had been embellishedover the past four years. He said that, as a result of infrastructure projects undertaken directly byGovernment, the quality of life of the Maltese had continued to improve. Dr Gonzi was speaking at apress conference that was also addressed by the Minister for Resources and Infrastructure, FrancisZammit Dimech.• 12 November <strong>2002</strong> Arhi Palosuo, who is Head of the section responsible for Malta at the EuropeanCommission’s Enlargement Unit, said in an interview that Malta could expect to receive up to 75 percent of the cost of infrastructural projects after joining the EU. Mr Palosuo said infrastructuralinvestment was linked to regional policy and EU members had the possibility of submitting projectsfor assistance.• 12 November <strong>2002</strong> Trade union leaders described a meeting they had with Finance Minister JohnDalli over the Civil Service collective agreement as ‘productive’. Follow-up talks are scheduled forFriday 15 th . The two main points of contention in the dispute are the unions’ demand for an increase insalaries between this year and January 2005, and the right of civil servants to refer a dispute to anindustrial tribunal.• 12 November <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli announced that the fifth financial protocol betweenMalta and Italy has been initialled. The Minister said, however, that since the protocol still had to besigned and ratified, it was not prudent to give information about it. Mr Dalli was replying to aParliamentary Question.• 12 November <strong>2002</strong> Queen Elizabeth expressed her appreciation to the Government of Malta for thehospitality and welcome extended to the British participants in the recent activities marking the 60thanniversary of Operation Pedestal, the Santa Marija convoy. The Queen’s sentiments were conveyedby means of a letter from Sir Robin Janvrin, her private secretary, to Malta High CommissionerGeorge Bonello Du Puis.• 13 November <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami visited Sir Adrian Dingli School inPembroke where a Lm2.5 million-modernisation project is being carried out by the Foundation forTomorrow's Schools. Dr Fenech-Adami praised all those who had helped transform the school, aformer British military hospital, into a great working environment for the students. The Prime Ministerwas accompanied by Education Minister Louis Galea, Parliamentary Secretary Jesmond Mugliett,Education Division Director General Charles Mizzi, and FTS Chairman Conrad Thake.• 13 November <strong>2002</strong> Malta was reported to have won important transition periods in negotiations onthe chapter on agriculture. Agreement was also reached on a number of issues, including those relatedto veterinary and phytosanitary issues. Richard Cachia Caruana, who is the Head of the CoreNegotiating Group, led the Maltese delegation at the negotiating session. He had with him in thedelegation Malta's Ambassador to the EU, Victor Camilleri. The Danish Presidency was representedby Ambassador Poul Skytte Christofferson and Director General for Enlargement Eneko Landaburo.• 13 November <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo said that Malta should contain its losses intourism volume in <strong>2002</strong> to under-five per cent. Dr Refalo said Malta was “over-performing” thegeneral trend for European and Mediterranean destinations, although it was still below levels achievedin 2000 and 2001. The Minister was speaking following the meeting of the World TravelOrganisation’s Tourism Recovery Committee, of which Malta is a member, in London.• 13 November <strong>2002</strong> Two reports commissioned by the Institute for the Promotion of Small Enterprise(IPSE) show that Maltese operators in the building materials industry were still refusing to co-ordinate

etween themselves and were failing to tap niche markets overseas. The reports, 'Basic Metals:Aluminium, Iron and Copper Products' and ‘Non-Metallic Mineral Products’ were released at a newsconference at the Economic Services Ministry.• 13 November <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Centre for Restoration signed a contract with Loral Cyberstar Europe,one of the leading suppliers of satellite-based services world-wide, to provide the telecommunicationsystem for an innovative distance-learning project in conservation education. The contract wasawarded by the Centre in its capacity as the contracting authority for the EU-funded IKONOS Project,valued at over €3 million. Education Minister Louis Galea attended the signing ceremony.• 13 November <strong>2002</strong> A <strong>gov</strong>ernment statement announced that, following a public invitation, a numberof commercial outlets in various towns and villages in Malta have agreed to stock <strong>gov</strong>ernmentpublications. To date, these publications had been offered for sale solely from the DOI Sales Office.• 14 November <strong>2002</strong> US Ambassador Anthony Gioia handed over a new patrol boat worth aroundLm2.2 million to the Government for use by the Maritime Squadron of the Armed Forces of Malta insearch-and-rescue operations. Speaking during the commissioning of the boat at the MaritimeSquadron headquarters in Hay Wharf, Floriana, Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that Maltahad to shoulder the responsibility to patrol an area of about 250,000 square kilometres.• 14 November <strong>2002</strong> Economic activity in Malta is expected to progressively recover from thedownturn experienced last year. In 2003 and 2004, improvements are expected in the rate ofunemployment, imports, exports, inflation and the <strong>gov</strong>ernment deficit. The recovery is forecast in thereport published by the EU Commission on candidate countries.• 14 November <strong>2002</strong> MIA Chief Executive Peter R. Bolech described the acquisition of shares in MIAas a ‘very safe investment’, and a great opportunity to take part in the challenges ahead to develop theairport into a very strong commercial centre. The shares, at a nominal value of 20 cents each, wereoffered at the price of 73 cents.• 14 November <strong>2002</strong> The Malta-EU Information Centre launched its Information Point at the formeroffices of the Malta Tourism Authority, in Republic Street, Valletta. Foreign Minister Joe Borg praisedMIC for its development and said that giving objective information without going into the for-andagainstdebate on the EU was no easy task. However, MIC was managing to provide the facts, said DrBorg, and the information it handed out was very complete.• 14 November <strong>2002</strong> Malta took over the six-month Presidency of the Council of Europe Committee ofMinisters. On this occasion, the standing committee of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly- comprising of the President and 19 vice presidents of the assembly, the chairmen of the politicalgroups, of national delegations, and of the general committees - meets in Malta for a local exchange ofviews.• 14 November <strong>2002</strong> ETC Chief Executive John Camilleri said that a training scheme entitling the over-40 unemployed to full employment for at least a year had only been taken up by 81 persons out of theeligible 1,200. Mr Camilleri said that the corporation would strike off the unemployment register anyjob seeker that refused to accept job training for no valid reason.• 14 November <strong>2002</strong> The Malta External Trade Corporation led a business delegation to Dubai for theannual Big 5 Show, held at the Trade Fair Grounds of the World Trade Centre. The show is the leadinginternational event in the Gulf region for building materials, construction works, interiors and relatedproducts and services.• 15 November <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that the recent investment of Lm3.5million by De La Rue Currency and Security Print Ltd, in Bulebel, was proof that Malta was stillcapable of attracting foreign investment. During a visit to the factory, Dr Fenech-Adami said that itwas encouraging to note that, despite the fact that De La Rue had various plants around the world, ithad opted for an extension in Malta, viewing the country as having the right opportunities for suchinvestment.• 15 November <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that about 64% of the Maltesepopulation own a mobile phone. Internet subscriptions had continued to increase, and internet users inMalta had increased to 25.4 % of the total population. The Prime Minister was speaking at a

conference entitled The Information economy: New work, new workers, new organisations, organisedby Malta Information Technology and Training Services Ltd, at the Corinthia San Gorg Hotel. Theconference was closed by Local Government Minister Austin Gatt.• 15 November <strong>2002</strong> A total of 171 students from the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technologyreceived their certificates or diplomas. During the college’s first graduation ceremony, EducationMinister Louis Galea announced that MCAST was taking the necessary measures to open a number ofother institutes for education and vocational training in electrical engineering, mechanical engineering,agri-commerce, and community services.• 15 November <strong>2002</strong> Health Minister Louis Deguara said that EU membership would offer newopportunities for professionals because their qualifications would be considered on a par with those oftheir counterparts in EU member sates. "On the other hand, it is completely out of the question thatMalta would be inundated with foreign nurses," he said.• 15 November <strong>2002</strong> Three Ambassadors presented their diplomatic credentials to President Guido deMarco. The new ambassadors are Muhammed Farooq Qari, High Commissioner of Pakistan, NikolaIvanov Kaloudov, Ambassador of Bulgaria, and Song Young-Oh, Ambassador of the Republic ofKorea.• 15 November <strong>2002</strong> Bank of Valletta won the Best Bank Award <strong>2002</strong> for Malta awarded by GlobalFinance magazine. This is the third consecutive year that BOV has won the prestigious award.• 16 November <strong>2002</strong> The Heads of Government of the 10 EU acceding-countries, including PrimeMinister Edward Fenech-Adami, issued a joint declaration emphasising that negotiations on the finalfinancial package must address specific concerns of each candidate country. The 10 leaders met inWarsaw to discuss the final phase of accession negotiations.• 16 November <strong>2002</strong> A conference organised by the Council of Europe and the Maltese Governmentconcluded that poverty and exclusion would only be eliminated when fundamental social rightsbecame legally binding. In the Malta Declaration adopted in the presence of President Guido deMarco, participants called on Governments and other partners to promote access to social rights.• 16 November <strong>2002</strong> According to the latest Eurobarometer survey carried out among candidatecountries, a total of 47 per cent of the Maltese would vote 'Yes' in a referendum on EU membership.Thirty-two per cent said they would vote against membership, while just five per cent said they wouldnot vote. The rest expressed no opinion. The survey was based on a sample of 500 face-to-faceinterviews carried out between September 2 and October 16.• 16 November <strong>2002</strong> The Central Bank's Quarterly Review announced that the Maltese economy hadrecovered further in the second quarter this year, with growth in real gross domestic productaccelerating to 2.2 per cent, from 1.2 per cent in the March quarter. According to the Central Bank'slatest forecasts, given in the review, real GDP is expected to grow by 2.9 per cent this year.• 16 November <strong>2002</strong> Sea Malta chairperson Marlene Mizzi said that, from a loss of over Lm500,000 inits last financial year, Sea Malta Group had managed to post an after-tax profit of Lm160,000 in theyear ending March 31, <strong>2002</strong>. Ms Mizzi was addressing the shareholders at the company’s annualgeneral meeting.• 17 November <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that the economy has started torecover and GDP is expected to grow by some three per cent by the end of the year. Dr Fenech-Adamisaid that in view of the negative growth last year - mainly reflecting the performance of the largestcompany in the electronics sector - the growth in the economy this year was quite acceptable. ThePrime Minister was addressing a press conference on the performance of the economy, which was alsoaddressed by Foreign Minister Joe Borg.• 17 November <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami inaugurated Access, a community centreencompassing district offices from the Housing Authority, the Elderly and Community ServicesDepartment, the Social Security Department, the Employment and Training Corporation, and Agency‘Appogg’, at Vittoriosa. Dr Fenech-Adami said he hoped the centre would be a beneficial experienceto families and all who had social needs.

• 17 November <strong>2002</strong> The Chairman of Malta’s Core Negotiating Group, Richard Cachia Caruana, saidthat the European Commission was preparing a concrete proposal about the financial package Maltawould be eligible for in the first years after EU accession. The proposal was expected to be circulatedamong EU member states over the coming weeks so that decisions may be taken, either at the GeneralAffairs Council in the beginning of December or at the European Council in mid-December. MrCachia Caruana was interviewed by The Sunday Times.• 17 November <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco urged European young people to work for a Europe ofculture in the context of unity within diversity, and said that young people should work to eliminateeconomic divides. President de Marco was addressing the concluding session of the General Assemblyof the European Youth Forum, meeting in Malta.• 18 November <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that he would not decide when andhow the referendum and election were to be held in the interest of the party, but in the interest of thecountry. Dr Fenech-Adami said that he wanted the people themselves to decide whether or not theywanted EU membership: “What they choose has to be done,” he said.• 18 November <strong>2002</strong> EU Chief Negotiator for Malta Arhi Palosuo criticised the Opposition's EUoption, describing it as nothing more than a ‘one-sided solution’ favouring the EU. He said:"Membership is clearly the option which makes sense. I don't understand why it should be worthwhilediscussing any other policy at greater length because any other option would involve mainlyobligations, duties, responsibilities, and very few benefits." Mr Palosuo was interviewed at hisBrussels office.• 18 November <strong>2002</strong> An overwhelming 84.5 per cent of residents voted against the Qala Creek projectin a referendum organised by the local council over the weekend. The proposed development involvesa five-star hotel and marina on the site of a disused quarry in Qala. The project, which wouldincorporate a port, a tourist village and a yacht marina, would cost some Lm41 million and take aroundfour years to complete.• 18 November <strong>2002</strong> Guzè Diacono, playwright, critic, author and lexicographer died a week beforeturning 90. His most famous work is the TV series Il-Madonna tac-Coqqa. In 1997, Guzè Diaconowas made a member of the National Order of Merit by President Ugo Mifsud Bonnici for hiscontribution to society.• 19 November <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg said that Malta is expecting a “substantially higher sumof financing” from the European Union compared to the contribution it would make to the EU.Speaking to The Times following the conclusion of a General Affairs Council session in Brussels, DrBorg said that Malta had made its case for a good financial package.• 19 November <strong>2002</strong> European Parliament President Pat Cox urged Maltese reporters in Brussels tolook at his native country, Ireland, to realise how small countries have had an influence in the EU'sproceedings. Mr Cox said: “You are speaking to someone whose country has 15 members in theParliament and will shortly lose three. And you are interviewing the President of the EuropeanParliament, an Irishman. So my attitude is - don't let size get in your way. That's in your head. Itshouldn't be in your system.”• 19 November <strong>2002</strong> Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi proposed the holding of a round tableconference on migration policies in early 2003 to discuss the migration management strategy proposedby the Council of Europe. He said that the Maltese chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers wouldgive the necessary political support to ensure progress in the work currently being done on theproposal to prepare a European Convention on Trafficking in Human Beings. Dr Gonzi was speakingat the meeting of the standing committee of the Council of Europe, at the Hilton, in St Julian’s.• 19 November <strong>2002</strong> According to a report tabled by Health Minister Louis Deguara, the migrationfrom St Luke’s to the Mater Dei Hospital will cost just under Lm3 million and will take three years tocomplete. International consultants Cyril Sweett, specialists in the field, had prepared three options forthe Government to choose from, Dr Deguara said.• 19 November <strong>2002</strong> The annual report of the Malta Maritime Authority tabled in Parliament showsthat, at the end of September, the number of ships registered in Malta was 3,143, with a total grosstonnage of 27 million. This figure represents a decrease in gross tonnage of 2.44 per cent compared tothe previous year. The Authority said it was confident that the loss suffered by the registry would be

ecovered as the registry attracted more serious ship-owners who looked for a flag that inspiredconfidence and reliability.• 19 November <strong>2002</strong> Maltapost has decided to withdraw the Christmas surcharge on the Yuletidestamps. A spokesman for Maltapost said that the amounts collected had dwindled, from Lm10,000some thirty years ago, to the Lm3,000 collected last year. “Collection boxes are being placed instead inall Maltapost branches in Malta and Gozo over the Christmas period, and it is sincerely hoped that thepublic will respond by showing their usual generosity,” Maltapost said in a statement.• 20 November <strong>2002</strong> The President of the EU Council, Danish Prime Minister Anders-FoghRasmussen, warned Malta and some other candidate countries to desist from making too manydemands or else risk missing the enlargement. Mr Rasmussen was speaking to Maltese reportersshortly after addressing a news conference following the first-ever-plenary session at the EuropeanParliament involving the candidate countries.• 20 November <strong>2002</strong> Addressing the European Parliament, Government MP Michael Frendo said thatMalta’s small size was, in a way, "a contribution", because nobody perceived the country as a threat;on the contrary, it could be seen as a natural base for reconciliation. Opposition MP Chris Cardonasaid the Labour Party openly welcomed the enlargement of the EU, even though it opposed Malta'smembership of the bloc. Alternattiva Demokratika Deputy Chairman Arnold Cassola said the specialsitting at the European Parliament had effectively sealed the reunification of Europe. The speakersaddressed the plenary session of the European Parliament in Maltese.• 20 November <strong>2002</strong> The first phase of the Lm2.5 million upgrading programme of Pharmamed Ltd'sBulebel facility was inaugurated in the presence of Icelandic Foreign Affairs and External TradeMinister Halldor Asgrimsson. Present at the inauguration were also Health Minister Louis Deguaraand Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici.• 20 November <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici officially opened Toly Products's newfactory housing a state-of-the-art UV lacquering facility, at Bulebel industrial estate. Today, Tolyoccupies seven factory units and employs over 400. It specialises in the manufacture of luxurypackaging for the beauty business, with its own sales offices in London, New York, Paris andBrussels.• 20 November <strong>2002</strong> The 15th meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Committee for Tourism, set up in 1998,discussed action on various topics, including road signage, diving regulations, and the beaches in thenorth-west of the Island. Tourism Minister Michael Refalo said these subjects were of particularinterest to the tourism industry, but most fell outside the Tourism Ministry's and the Malta TourismAuthority's remit.• 20 November <strong>2002</strong> Home Affairs Minister Tonio Borg told Parliament that the first group of illegalimmigrants' children had started schooling. Dr Borg said he hoped that more immigrant childrenwould start school soon, and that more schools would open their facilities to immigrant children.• 20 November <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office announced that households generated an estimated2.2 kilograms of domestic waste every day during October. This is 0.2 kilograms less than the amountfor the previous July. The NSO carried out its third household waste composition survey, incollaboration with the Waste Management Strategy Implementation Department, in the week betweenMonday 30 th September and Saturday 5 th October.• 20 November <strong>2002</strong> A group numbering several hundred marched down Republic Street to the Palacein Valletta calling for the enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act. The activists presented HomeAffairs Minister Tonio Borg with a petition bearing 8,348 signatures.• 21 November <strong>2002</strong> The European Parliament approved a resolution about Malta. The resolutionexpressed the hope that "the result of a referendum concerning EU accession will be accepted as ademocratic decision of the population”. The resolution also recommended, amongst others, that anappropriate financial package be agreed upon with Malta to ensure that Malta will have "a netbeneficiary status during the first years of membership"; that Malta be granted six seats in theEuropean Parliament; and that Malta's requests for a transition period for VAT exemption on food andpharmaceuticals be considered.

• 21 November <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg said that significant progress had been made in theongoing negotiations with the European Union and he was certain that all the remaining issues wouldbe cleared by next month's Copenhagen summit. Dr Borg was reacting to a statement made by thePresident of the EU Council, Danish Prime Minister Anders-Fogh Rasmussen, who warned Malta andsome other candidate countries to stop making too many demands or risk missing the enlargement. DrBorg said: “Mr Rasmussen is in the middle of tough negotiations and therefore his comments have tobe taken in this context.”• 21 November <strong>2002</strong> The Government and the Unions reached agreement over a new collectiveagreement for the Civil Service. Mr Dalli expressed satisfaction that the agreement had been reached.He said that he appreciated that unions had shown a sense of responsibility as they fought for workers'rights, keeping the country's financial position and national interest in mind.• 21 November <strong>2002</strong> The House Business Committee agreed on a provisional timetable for the debateon the Budget and the financial estimates of a number of public corporations and authorities. TheBudget will be presented on the evening of Monday 25 th . Opposition Leader Alfred Sant will give hisreaction on Monday December 2 nd , and Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami will reply onWednesday, December 4 th . The debate ends on December 18 th , with the debate on the Office of thePrime Minister in the morning and the vote on the Appropriation Bill in the evening.• 21 November <strong>2002</strong> The Commission set up to investigate and report on matters relating to theappointment of court experts presented its report to Justice Minister Austin Gatt. In its report theCommission drew up an extensive list of subject areas where expertise may be required. These includemedical specialities, scientific specialities, legal, traffic, technical, computers, financial, education,forensic and others.• 21 November <strong>2002</strong> The Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Economic Services, GeorgeHyzler, announced that, as from next year, the Government will be offering, on a case-by-case basis,incentives to film production companies shooting in Malta. Dr Hyzler was speaking at the opening ofthe MEDEA Script Development seminar held in Malta by the Mediterranean and European AudiovisualDevelopment Programme (MEDEA) and the Malta Film Commission in collaboration with theEuropean Audio-visual Entrepreneurs.• 21 November <strong>2002</strong> The High Commissioner of Malta, George Bonello Du Puis, launched the HighCommission's first edition of the business newsletter, Malta-UK Business Link. The newsletter, whichis to be published every two months, forms part of a joint project between the Malta External TradeCorporation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, working together to promote Malta’s businessinterests abroad.• 21 November <strong>2002</strong> The Malta High Commission in London participated in the recent 36thCommonwealth Fair in Kensington Town Hall, London. The annual event is organised by theCommonwealth Country League, and High Commissions in London take part by selling a wide varietyof indigenous products, with the proceeds going to charity.• 21 November <strong>2002</strong> Bank of Valletta is to launch a range of alternative ways to access bankingservices, including internet banking. Chairman Joseph Zahra said that, as from December 2, customerscould choose to bank via the internet, 24 hours a day, by phone from anywhere in the world, orthrough a dedicated customer service centre.• 22 November <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo said that preliminary figures showed that, involume terms, Malta had enjoyed a good summer, and the trade also pointed towards a positiveconclusion to <strong>2002</strong>. Dr Refalo was delivering the closing address at the Malta Tourism Authority'sfourth annual conference, 'Three Years of Achievements - A Review of the Malta Tourism Authority'sPerformance'. Dr Refalo dedicated a good part of his speech to the importance of EU membership forthe tourism industry.• 22 November <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco paid official visits to Public Broadcasting Services,Super One Television, and Net Television on the occasion of World Television Day. During hisrespective visits Prof. de Marco stressed the role of a diversity of views in a democracy.• 22 November <strong>2002</strong> Malta Freeport Chairman Mark Portelli told the House Public AccountsCommittee that the Malta Freeport was planning to increase productivity with a view to keeping itsshare of a market that has more than doubled in the Mediterranean region. Mr Portelli said that the

Freeport's technological set-up was considered to be among the best, to the extent that other freeportshad shown interest in buying software from the Malta Freeport.• 22 November <strong>2002</strong> Figures published by the National Statistics Office show that provisional data onMalta's current account transactions in the first nine months reveal a deterioration in the currentaccount balance of Lm14 million compared to the same period last year, from Lm21.9 million toLm35.9 million. The NSO also said that early indicators of the international economic and financialtransactions during the third quarter of <strong>2002</strong> revealed an improvement in the current account balanceof Lm2.5 million, from a net surplus of Lm13.1 million during the September 2001 quarter, to one ofLm15.6 million.• 22 November <strong>2002</strong> Malta Freeport Chairman Mark Portelli told the House Public AccountsCommittee that the Freeport is planning to increase productivity with a view to keeping its share of amarket that has more than doubled in the Mediterranean region. Mr Portelli said that Malta Freeport'stechnological set-up was considered to be among the best, to the extent that other freeports had showninterest in buying software from the Freeport.• 23 November <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli said that the wage rise to be given under the newCivil Service collective agreement will cost the Government about Lm2 million annually. Under theagreement, public sector employees will receive a minimum Lm2.50 a-week wage rise in 2003 and2004, which includes cost-of-living adjustments. The agreement is backdated to January <strong>2002</strong> andlasts until the end of 2004.• 23 November <strong>2002</strong> The second phase of a four-stage scientific profile of the Maghtab, Qortin andWied Fulija landfills carried out by Scott Wilson Kirkpatrick & Company Limited did not identifyliquid seepage into the ground. Neither did it show contamination of the marine environment atMaghtab. The results were released by Infrastructure Minister Francis Zammit Dimech during a pressconference at the Ministry.• 23 November <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office announced that a rise in <strong>gov</strong>ernment revenue of 6.9per cent between January and October failed to make up for an increase in <strong>gov</strong>ernment expenditure of7.3 per cent, resulting in another increase in the structural deficit. The deficit reached Lm91.9 million,up by Lm9.2 million from Lm82.7 million in the same period last year.• 23 November <strong>2002</strong> The Parliamentary Secretary responsible for the environment, George Pullicino,announced a Cabinet decision to issue a tender for the lease of 20 electric cars to be used by<strong>gov</strong>ernment officials. The electric cars are to replace conventional fuel-operated vehicles.• 23 November <strong>2002</strong> Air services between Malta and Germany were liberalised following an agreementgiving Air Malta access to all destinations in Germany without any limits set on the number of flights.Malta has been trying to obtain this agreement since 1992.• 23 November <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Privatisation Unit announced that the Malta International Airport shareoffer has been fully taken up, with a margin of over-subscription. The Government said that it "wouldlike to thank the investing public for its support and the team of advisers for their effort and diligenceto make this offer a success".• 23 November <strong>2002</strong> Director of Information Emanuel Abela said that, following the publication ofextracts from The Government Gazette on DOI website http://www.doi.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong> subscriptions to theGazette had dropped by 30 per cent. He said that the drop in sales was in fact cost-effective becausethe cost of paper and printing far-outweighed relative revenue made from the Gazette. Mr Abela wasinterviewed by The Times newspaper.• 24 November <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco took part in the international conference Europe, theUnited States and the Mediterranean held in Barcelona. In his intervention, the President highlightedthe need to guarantee peace and security in the Mediterranean region, while stressing the importanceof the observation and implementation of pertinent United Nations resolutions.• 24 November <strong>2002</strong> Transport Minister Censu Galea and his Greek counterpart, Minister of MercantileMarine George Anomeritis, said that the Maltese and Greek Governments were expected to sign threemaritime-related agreements within the next two months. Mr Galea said the agreements were amaritime agreement between the two countries, an agreement in the field of search-and-rescue, and an

agreement for the mutual recognition of standards of training, certifications and watch-keeping forseafarers.• 24 November <strong>2002</strong> Resources and Infrastructure Minister Francis Zammit Dimech announced that therestoration of the figure of Christ the Saviour by renowned baroque sculptor Algardi had beencompleted at a cost of Lm10,000. Dr Zammit Dimech was speaking following a visit to St John's Co-Cathedral.• 25 November <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that the Budget for 2003 wouldcontain no surprises and the exercise would be a realistic one. The Budget would be no magic wandaimed to solve the country's problems, turning the island into a heaven on earth, but would includemeasures aimed at boosting specific categories of society. "The message of the budget will be that thecountry has started to reap the fruit of the work carried out over the past four years." Dr Fenech-Adamiwas speaking at Birkirkara.• 25 November <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said that the liberalisation of airservices between Malta and Germany would give Air Malta greater flexibility to operate to anydestination in Germany as long as there were air slots available. Prof. Bonnici said that Malta was nowholding talks with France to increase the frequency of Air Malta flights to Paris.• 25 November <strong>2002</strong> Agriculture Minister Ninu Zammit announced that the Agriculture Department isto draw up a four-year plan to strengthen the Maltese cheeselets (gbejniet) sector. The plan wouldinclude a study on the assistance the sector required for expansion, training on the production ofcheese other than cheeselets, the use of modern technology, the use of solar energy, control of farms,waste management, and the use of by-products. Mr Zammit was addressing the annual general meetingof the Assocjazzjoni Maltija tal-Produtturi tal-Gbejniet.• 26 November <strong>2002</strong> In his Budget speech for the year 2003, Finance Minister John Dalli announced aneasing of income tax for low- and middle-income earners, as well as a number of measures to benefitsmall businesses and the environment. "The purpose of the Budget is to ensure not only that no onefalls behind but also that the country does not fall behind," the Minister said in a press briefing prior tothe delivery of his speech in Parliament.• 26 November <strong>2002</strong> Mr Dalli said that the Gross Domestic Product was this year expected to show agrowth rate of 2.7 per cent in real terms and five per cent in nominal terms to reach Lm1.714 billion.Government ordinary revenue was expected to reach Lm746 million, while total expenditure this yearwould reach Lm825 million. The structural deficit would this year reach Lm78 million, down by Lm7million from last year.• 26 November <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli devoted much of his Budget speech to listing theGovernment's achievements over the past four years. The results, he said, showed how theGovernment had not concentrated solely on preparing Malta for European Union membership, but hadworked to improve everyone's standard of living. Next year, said Mr Dalli, would be the year ofdestiny when the people would be asked to make important choices.• 26 November <strong>2002</strong> The full text of the Budget Speech can be accessed athttp://www.doi.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>/EN/archive/Budget2003/eng/Budgetspeech.docwhile the Economic Survey can be accessed athttp://www.doi.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>/EN/archive/Budget2003/Econsurvey.pdf• 26 November <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that the Government wanted theBudget to strengthen the economy and to satisfy social needs. Dr Fenech-Adami said when one lookedback at the past year, one found that there had been a ‘measured success’ in Malta's economy. ThePrime Minister was speaking shortly after Finance Minister John Dalli had finished reading the Budgetspeech. Audio and visual recordings of the Prime Minister’s press statement and his replies to thepress can be accessed athttp://www.doi.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>/EN/archive/Budget2003/budgetindex.asp#video• 26 November <strong>2002</strong> Dr Abraham Borg presented his credentials as the new Ambassador of Malta tothe Republic of Albania to the President of Albania, Alfred Moisiu. The ceremony took place in thePresidential Palace in the presence of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Head of Protocol.

• 26 November <strong>2002</strong> The Central Bank of Malta warned the public that the Lm20 banknote (4th Series),which ceased to be legal tender 10 years ago, would remain exchangeable only until December 2 nd .The banknote, which is brownish in colour, shows a portrait of the late President Agatha Barbara and aMaltese sailing boat of the xambekk type on the front, and images of Auberge de Castille and of theWorker's Monument at the back.• 26 November <strong>2002</strong> The University Students' Council announced that the latest issue of Question andAnswer on Malta and the European Union, written both in English and Maltese, carries 43 questionsof interest to students. The publication was launched by the Malta-EU Information Centre togetherwith the KSU.• 27 November <strong>2002</strong> The EU Presidency presented its ‘comprehensive’ package to Malta. Speaking toreporters shortly after the meeting, the Chairman of Malta’s Core Negotiating Group, Richard CachiaCaruana, said that the package was very ‘technical’, and a reaction would be given after theGovernment had studied the proposals in detail. Mr Cachia Caruana expressed optimism that acompromise acceptable to Malta and the EU would be reached.• 27 November <strong>2002</strong> The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Anton Tabone, together withGovernment MP Victor Galea Pace and Opposition MP Joe Mizzi were in Brussels for the President ofthe European Parliament’s meeting with the presidents of the parliaments of the countries participatingin the enlargement process. The President of the European Parliament, Pat Cox, delivered the openingaddress.• 27 November <strong>2002</strong> The Government again allocated money to constituted bodies and representativeorganisations to assist them to keep abreast of developments in the European Union and enable the<strong>mt</strong>o better educate their members about EU matters. The organisations benefiting from the scheme willbe required to submit a project proposal, including details of all activities envisaged, together with abreakdown of the anticipated costs for each activity.• 27 November <strong>2002</strong> Infrastructure Minister Francis Zammit Dimech announced the setting up of WasteManagement Services Ltd, the company that is to be responsible for the closure and rehabilitation ofthe Maghtab and Qortin rubbish dumps. Dr Zammit Dimech said that, for 2003, the company had beenallocated a recurrent budget of Lm450,000 and a capital budget of over Lm1 million. The company'sshares are to be held by the Government through Malta Government Investment Ltd and Mimcol.• 27 November <strong>2002</strong> Transport Minister Censu Galea attended the launch of the prototype of the SolarisUrbino Low Floor bus, which was built specifically for Malta's public transport system. The bus seats45 passengers, has access for the disabled by means of a fixed ramp, and boasts large windows,automatic transmission, and air-conditioning.• 27 November <strong>2002</strong> Malta International Airport chief executive Peter Bolech said that the MIA boardof directors had decided not to get involved in ground handling services when the market becomesliberalised. Instead, Mr Bolech explained, the company would oversee the liberalisation of the market,focusing on the quality aspect of the services offered to customers.• 28 November <strong>2002</strong> The Danish Presidency of the EU ruled out Malta’s request for an additional seatin the European Parliament. Malta was allocated five seats under the Nice Treaty, but had asked for anadditional seat to be on a par with Luxembourg, which has a similar sized population. Foreign MinisterJoe Borg reacted to the Presidency’s decision by saying that Malta had achieved its two key goalsunder the Institutions chapter: to have a commissioner, and that Maltese should be an official languageof the Union.• 28 November <strong>2002</strong> Government MP Michael Frendo said that a good financial proposal from theEuropean Union for Malta would ultimately be reflected in a positive referendum result. Dr Frendowas speaking to Commission officials in Brussels at the invitation of the European Commission’schief negotiator for Malta, Arhi Palosuo.• 28 November <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo said that the number of tourists from Japan, oneof the most promising of Malta’s emerging sources of visitors, should this year exceed 12,000. TheMalta Tourism Authority’s long term target is to attract 35,000 visitors from Japan every year.

• 28 November <strong>2002</strong> The Sewers’ Maintenance Section within the Drainage Department launched itsQuality Service Charter. Infrastructure Minister Francis Zammit Dimech said that the charter placednew obligations on the Department.• 28 November <strong>2002</strong> The Head of the Malta-EU Information Centre, Simon Busuttil, presented a copyof MIC’s publication ‘Favur jew Kontra l-Unjoni Ewropea?’ to President Guido de Marco, at thePalace, in Valletta. The publication contains opinions in favour and against Malta’s accession to theEU.• 29 November <strong>2002</strong> In its latest report, Moody's credit rating agency maintained Malta's negative A3rating outlook, first pegged in February 1999. The agency said that the outlook stance reflectednumerous constraints as well as concerns that much-needed reforms in the pension system and thelabour market were ‘deeply contentious politically’. The agency said that constraints on Malta's ratingsalso included a lack of economic diversification, the large public sector debt, and sizeable structuraldeficits in the public finances and external accounts.• 29 November <strong>2002</strong> European Commissioner for Enlargement Gunther Verheugen said the EuropeanUnion had ‘gone a long way’ to meet Malta's needs and demands, and expressed optimism that a goodoverall package would be agreed to at the Copenhagen summit. Mr Verheugen was speaking duringthe 18th Meeting of the EU-Malta Joint Parliamentary Committee in Brussels, the last before thenegotiations are officially sealed.• 29 November <strong>2002</strong> Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi praised the Housing Authority for itsimpressive level of activity over the past year. Speaking in Parliament, Minister Gonzi said that thesale of housing units by the Authority had risen to Lm3 million from Lm2 million the year before. DrGonzi said that, what was even more significant was that the Housing Authority was becoming moresocially oriented.• 29 November <strong>2002</strong> Home Affairs Minister Tonio Borg said that this year the Government had madesubstantial investment to ensure that the police were suitably equipped with up-to-date technology andequipment, spending more than Lm151,418 on vehicles, motorcycles and horses for the Police Force.Dr Borg was speaking during the presentation of 28 new vehicles to the Force.• 29 November <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo said that estimates made by Air Malta revealeda 9 per cent increase last month over October last year. This translated into a total of 116,000 visitors.Dr Refalo was closing the annual general meeting of the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association.• 29 November <strong>2002</strong> The Central Bank of Malta has left the central intervention rate and the discountrate unchanged at four per cent. The decision was taken by the Governor Michael C. Bonello in termsof article 17A of the Central Bank of Malta Act, following a meeting of the Monetary Policy AdvisoryCouncil.• 29 November <strong>2002</strong> Malta Enterprise Executive Director Joe Zammit Tabona said that the setting up ofMalta Enterprise through the amalgamation of the Malta Development Corporation, the Institute forthe Promotion of Small Enterprise, and the Malta External Trade Corporation would allow the countryto benefit from an integrated approach to economic and social activity. Mr Zammit Tabona wasspeaking at The Malta Business Weekly - Le Méridien Phoenicia Business Breakfast on MaltaEnterprise: why the change?• 29 November <strong>2002</strong> Air Malta has signed a contract with Lufthansa Technik AG for the enginemaintenance of its new Airbus A319/A320 fleet over the next 12 years. Lufthansa Technik AG said thecontract would start with the roll out of the new Airbus planes in December of 2003.• 29 November <strong>2002</strong> Malta's High Commissioner in London, George Bonello Du Puis, presented a printto the Duke of Edinburgh marking the 60th anniversary of the presentation of the George Cross toMalta. The presentation took place during an audience at Buckingham Palace.• 30 November <strong>2002</strong> Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that the relevance of many of thecomments made by the latest update on Malta by Moody's credit agency depended on when its updatewas drafted. Dr Gonzi supported his statement by quoting as examples the fact that the Employmentand Industrial Relations Bill had ended up being applauded by all; the fact that during the third andfourth quarters the deficit had been brought under control; and the fact that tourism was nowrecovering.

• 30 November <strong>2002</strong> The Government presented its counter-proposal to the EU's offer of a financialpackage for the first years of accession. Foreign Minister Joe Borg said that the Government had putforward a detailed case on the need for the EU to take account of ‘our special circumstances’ whencompared with other acceding countries. Dr Borg and Chief Negotiator Richard Cachia Caruana metDanish Foreign Minister Per Stig Møller, representing the EU Presidency, in Copenhagen, four daysafter the EU's proposal was presented to Malta.• 30 November <strong>2002</strong> Malta became the 85th State Party to the Rome Statute of the InternationalCriminal Court when the Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Walter Balzan, depositedthe necessary Instrument of Ratification at the United Nations Headquarters, in New York. The courtwas set up to pursue atrocities like genocide, war crimes and gross human rights abuses.DECEMBER• 1 December <strong>2002</strong> Joe Camilleri, who chairs the National Commission Persons with Disability, saidthat 140 organisations and commercial firms had signed a declaration that recognises that persons withdisability face various obstacles in their daily lives because of lack of accessibility. The signatoriespledged that they would work in a reasonable manner to offer equal opportunities to persons withdisabilities and their families. Mr Camilleri thanked President Guido de Marco for his support.• 1 December <strong>2002</strong> Edward Borg, Chief Executive Officer of Mount Carmel Hospital, was awarded theWorker of the Year award for his leadership skills, tenacity and dedication. The award was presentedto Mr Borg at a ceremony held under the auspices of President Guido de Marco.• 1 December <strong>2002</strong> Fisheries Minister Ninu Zammit gave details of the assistance package theGovernment has prepared for fishermen who want to improve their operations. Speaking during aseminar organised by the Federazzjoni ta' Sajjieda Dilettanti - Malta, Mr Zammit said that thisassistance was aimed at both full and part-time fishermen who owned their own boats.• 2 December <strong>2002</strong> Eneko Landaburu, European Commission Director General for enlargement, saidthat Malta was expecting ‘too much’ from the EU in the final phase of negotiations. However,speaking at an interview, Mr Landaburu expressed optimism that a compromise would be reached onMalta's requests on VAT on foods and pharmaceuticals.• 2 December <strong>2002</strong> Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that the Government was workinghard so that no one would be left behind and to assist those who were mostly in need. He said thatworkers' wages had increased by an average of Lm19 in the last four years and, as a result of thebudget measures, couples making a joint declaration of income would be saving up to Lm187 a year.Those making a separate declaration would save up to Lm108. Dr Gonzi was speaking in Sliema.• 2 December <strong>2002</strong> Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Social Policy Lawrence Gonzi presentedDominic Lewis, who is the Deputy Head of Human Resources at HSBC Bank Malta, with the <strong>2002</strong>Human Resources Practitioner of the Year Award. The award is given annually by the Foundation forHuman Resources Development to highlight excellence in human resources management anddevelopment.• 3 December <strong>2002</strong> The Central Bank of Malta announced that the liberalisation of a number ofexchange control measures comes into effect on January 1, as announced by Finance Minister JohnDalli in the Budget Speech. The liberalisation measures include travel allowance, cash gift allowance,the foreign portfolio investment allowance, and foreign currency holdings/demand deposit accounts.All exchange controls are to be removed by the date of EU accession.• 3 December <strong>2002</strong> The Government's Privatisation Unit announced that over 4,700 applications hadbeen received for the sale by the Government of 13,530,000 ordinary shares in Malta InternationalAirport. The share offer was fully taken-up with a margin of over-subscription.• 3 December <strong>2002</strong> A huge banner bearing a full size print of Portes des Bombes at Floriana has beenhung on the old structure to cover scaffolding during the restoration of what is the main gateway into

Floriana and Valletta. The banner was designed to soften the visual impact of the scaffolding. TheLm55,000 restoration work started in September and is expected to be completed in March.• 3 December <strong>2002</strong> Malta International Airport CEO Peter Bolech said that the Shop and Winpromotion organised by the Tax-Free Marketing Group was an effective way to boost sales. He saidthat, for the past six years, back-to-back lottery promotions had contributed in no small manner to anincrease of 53 per cent in sales from tax-free shops. This year all three prizes at stake were won in theUK.• 3 December <strong>2002</strong> A delegation from the Employment and Training Corporation made up of JohnCamilleri, Chief Executive Officer, and Senior Manager Sue Vella, took part in a meeting of theEuropean Union Employment Committee, in Brussels. This was the first time that Malta wasrepresented at the meeting for EU member and applicant countries. The Committee's role is to draw uplong-term labour strategies.• 3 December <strong>2002</strong> Malta and the Netherlands have ratified a bilateral agreement on social security.The agreement, signed in Rome on 11 th September 2001, provides for a reciprocity scheme with regardto the payment of social insurance benefits and the payment of social contributions by employees, selfoccupiedand self-employed persons. The agreement will come into effect on January 1, 2003.• 3 December <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Environment and Planning Authority appointed Godwin Cassar its firstDirector General. The move is part of the restructuring exercise undertaken by MEPA following themerger of the Planning Authority and the Environment Protection Department in March.• 3 December <strong>2002</strong> Bank of Valletta and the National Commission Persons with Disability signed anequal opportunities agreement in line with the Equal Opportunities Act 2000. Under the agreement,BoV will be committing itself to have a substantial number of its premises and facilities accessible toall, customers and employees alike.• 4 December <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami attended the celebration of Iftar (BreakingFast) at the end of the Islamic fasting of Ramadan. The celebration, which was led by therepresentatives of the Islamic Community, was also attended by US Ambassador Anthony Gioia, otherAmbassadors, and Members from both sides of the House.• 4 December <strong>2002</strong> The Maltese Government aligned itself with two recent stands taken by the EU onthe situation in the Middle East. The EU had called on the Palestinian Authority "to do all humanlypossible to fight terrorist acts against Israel and bring the perpetrators, instigators and sponsors ofterrorist acts to justice". It had also called on Israel "to stop the use of excessive force, extra-judicialkillings, arbitrary detentions, deportations, demolition of houses and infrastructure, confiscation ofproperty and to bring to justice the guilty under due process of law".• 4 December <strong>2002</strong> Finance Minister John Dalli presided over the signing of the document establishingthe Mid-Med Employees Foundation. Representatives of the Finance Ministry, the Malta Union ofBank Employees, and the General Workers' Union took part in the ceremony.• 4 December <strong>2002</strong> The Institute for the Promotion of Small Enterprise joined forces with the MaltaExternal Trade Corporation to help clients create networks to get the best out of export opportunities.A minimum of two manufacturing enterprises employing at least 15 employees between them cansubmit an export marketing plan and apply for assistance under the Export Network Programme.Economic Services Minister commended the venture.• 4 December <strong>2002</strong> Speaking at a press conference to launch the Malta Communications Authority'sfirst annual report, Chairman Joseph Tabone said that Maltacom had asked the telecoms regulator toallow it to double the monthly connection rate for fixed line telephony to compensate for a requestedaverage 50 per cent reduction in international tariffs. Mr Tabone assured the press that increases wouldnot be sanctioned without their being justified.• 4 December <strong>2002</strong> The Permanent Secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister, Joseph R Grima,congratulated twenty-three officers from the Public Service who graduated with a Diploma in PublicAdministration from the University of Malta. The officers were on a two-year part-time attachmentwith the University's Institute of Public Administration and Management, and were sponsored by thePublic Service through the Staff Development Organisation.

• 4 December <strong>2002</strong> The Chairman of the National Commission for Persons with Disability, JosephCamilleri, said that persons with disability should join forces if they wanted to have an impact. "Let usforget our personal interests, especially those between one disability and another. We are already in aminority, but together we can bring down the barriers. Together we will get there," he said. MrCamilleri was speaking at a press conference in Bugibba, organised to mark the International Day ofPeople with a Disability.• 5 December <strong>2002</strong> Speaking in Parliament in reply to the Leader of the Opposition's remarks on theBudget, Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami announced that Italy had agreed to raise its initial offerand give Malta €75 million (Lm31 million) as part of the new financial protocol. Dr Fenech-Adamialso said that a protocol between Malta and the EU against the introduction of abortion was due to beannounced shortly.• 5 December <strong>2002</strong> In his Reply, Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami listed legislation approvedover the past four years. These included the reintroduction of VAT, the Equal Opportunities Act, thelaw that liberalised communications, the Occupational Health and Safety Act, and the Malta TourismAuthority. There had also been new legislation on fisheries, food safety, veterinary services, dataprotection and protection of consumers. The Employment and Industrial Relations Act was finallyenacted following long years of debate. Which law would a Labour Government repeal, asked thePrime Minister.• 5 December <strong>2002</strong> Disability Rights UK chairman Bertie Messie expressed his surprise at the fact thatso few cases of discrimination in employment have been reported to the National Commission –Persons with Disability. He said the reason for this was possibly because Malta was not yet a rightsbasedculture. Mr Messie attended the Parliament of People with a Disability, organised by theNational Commission Persons with Disability and spoke about the importance of enforceable rights forpersons with disability and how the issue is handled in the UK.• 6 December <strong>2002</strong> The Government and the unions representing Public Service employees signed theCollective Agreement for the years <strong>2002</strong> to 2004. The new agreement aims to maintain the congenialindustrial relations environment shared between the Government, the employees in the public serviceand their respective unions. An audio recording of the Prime Minister’s comments at the signing of theagreement can be acceded at www.doi.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>/EN/News/newsitems/newspageaudio.asp• 6 December <strong>2002</strong> Mr Richard Cachia Caruana, Chairman of the Core Negotiating Group, describedthe common position on agriculture arrived at between Malta, the Danish Presidency of the EuropeanUnion, and the European Commission, as an ‘excellent agreement for the Maltese farmer andconsumer’.• 6 December <strong>2002</strong> The Government asked Spain and Portugal to state what criteria were applied inbanning a Maltese-flagged vessel from their territorial waters. Malta Maritime Authority ChairmanMarc Bonello said in an interview that similar requests would be made to the French Governmentfollowing a similar incident involving another vessel. “If ships continue to be stopped without specificguidelines, there will be chaos," said Dr Bonello.• 6 December <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco said he had a responsibility to ensure that the will of thepeople was observed. He said that political parties owed their legitimacy to the people and it wastherefore for them to decide important issues. Prof. de Marco was speaking during a visit to theUniversity.• 6 December <strong>2002</strong> A new round-the-world service by the world's leading shipping companies is toinclude Malta Freeport. Through this new venture, the Freeport will see its connection to 104 portsextended to 121, generating additional traffic of some 40,000 containers each year.• 6 December <strong>2002</strong> Malta has the highest life expectancy and possesses the largest number of cars andmobile phones per capita among the 10 EU acceding countries. This results from figures released byEurostat.• 6 December <strong>2002</strong> According to figures released by the National Statistics Office, the inflation rate inOctober stood at 2.82 per cent, down from 2.89 per cent in September. In October <strong>2002</strong>, the retail priceindex went up by 0.22 points, or 0.18 per cent, over September, to 119.40.

• 7 December <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami met the Speaker of the House ofRepresentatives of the United States of America, Mr Dennis Hastert, at Auberge de Castille. Duringthe meeting, Mr Hastert affirmed the US Government’s support for Malta’s accession to the EuropeanUnion, stating that as a result of Malta’s membership, Malta will be a more attractive destination forUS companies to invest in. Mr Hastert’s delegation included, amongst others, US Ambassador toMalta Anthony Gioia.• 7 December <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami described go mobile’s track record as a ‘rareand outstanding achievement’. Dr Fenech-Adami said that the company's ability to register a marginalprofit so soon after it was set up was a commendable effort. The Prime Minister was speaking during aceremony marking go mobile's second anniversary at the company's head office in Marsa.• 7 December <strong>2002</strong> In its latest financial proposal, the Danish Presidency of the EU allocated anadditional 300 million Euro spread over three years to Malta, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, andSlovenia. The 300 million Euro is over and above the 23 billion Euro agreed at the Brussels summit inOctober, and the additional 1.3 billion Euro offered by the Danish Presidency over three years from2004 to 2006.• 7 December <strong>2002</strong> President and Mrs Guido de Marco left Malta for Rome on a private visit. In theabsence of Prof. de Marco, Dr George Hyzler assumed the duties of acting President.• 7 December <strong>2002</strong> Enlargement Commissioner Günter Verheugen said that the European Commissionwould use every means at its disposal to ensure that Malta complies with the Birds Directive. MrVerheugen was replying to concerns expressed by Max Van den Berg, vice President of the EuropeanSocialists Group in the European Parliament.• 7 December <strong>2002</strong> Austrian Airlines announced at a press conference that it would soon start operatingfive non-stop flights per week between Malta and Vienna, using group airline Lauda Air. The launchwas also attended by MIA Chairman Lawrence Zammit, MIA Chief Executive Peter Bolech, and theExecutive vice President of Vienna International Airport plc, Michael Hoeferer.• 7 December <strong>2002</strong> According to figures published by the National Statistics Office, domestic exportsin October rose by Lm8.8 million, to Lm67 million. Imports rose by Lm5.9 million, or 5.4 per cent, toLm114.2 million.• 7 December <strong>2002</strong> Two paintings of Grand Harbour by Giovanni Schranz (1794-1882) were sold for£98,000, in Edinburgh. A spokesman for fine art auctioneers Lyon and Turnbull said that the paintingshad been sold to an anonymous Briton.• 8 December <strong>2002</strong> Social Policy Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that the Government last year spent atleast Lm10 million on services for people with disability. He said that this did not include othersignificant amounts spent on health care and medicines. Dr Gonzi was speaking at the end of a seminaron the theme Flimkienaslu, held by the National Commission Persons with Disability.• 8 December <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg said that, with the impending enlargement of theEuropean Union, Malta feels conscious of the need to further intensify its strong participation in theMediterranean. "It is this Mediterranean dimension that we wish to promote within Europe," he said.Dr Borg was addressing the 10th meeting of the Ministerial Council of the Organisation for Securityand Co-operation in Europe, in Porto, Portugal.• 8 December <strong>2002</strong> The new Immigration Act has come into force. The most significant change in thenew law is that the deportation of illegal immigrants may be made by the Commissioner of Policewithout the need for the immigrants to be taken to court. The immigrants will, however, have the rightto appeal before a new Immigration Appeals Board.• 8 December <strong>2002</strong> Vodafone Malta launched the Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS), enablingVodafone customers to send and receive messages containing colour pictures, sound and text betweenMMS-enabled phones.• 9 December <strong>2002</strong> A new report published by the European Environment Agency shows that, in Malta,5.2 per cent of the total land available, is taken up by roads. This figure is by far the highest among the13 candidate countries and the 15 EU member states.

• 10 December <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg said that, together with Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami, he had embarked on last minute lobbying with the Foreign Ministers of member states toachieve what he termed as ‘the results we need’. Comments were given to reporters following a 45-minute meeting between Minister Borg, the Chairman of the Core Negotiation Group, Richard CachiaCaruana, Enlargement Commissioner Guenter Verheugen and Danish Foreign Minister Per StigMoeller, among others.• 10 December <strong>2002</strong> Tourism Minister Michael Refalo led a Maltese delegation to the EuropeanTourism Forum, in Brussels. The Forum brings together some 400 delegates, among them EU TourismMinisters, their colleagues from candidate countries, leading industry representatives, leaders of civilsociety, European, national and regional tourism authorities, as well as international authorities.• 10 December <strong>2002</strong> Justice and Local Government Minister Austin Gatt presented to the media therecommendations of the task force set up on the initiative of the eMalta Commission to look into thevarious aspects of child abuse on the internet. The recommendations include an educational campaignand the strengthening and extension of the legal framework dealing with the topic. Copies of the reportare available until the end of January 2003 from the Ministry website at info.justice@<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>• 10 December <strong>2002</strong> The Parliamentary Secretary in the Economic Services Ministry, Edwin Vassallo,said that the latest report on the regulatory constraints faced by SMEs reiterated the Government'scommitment to reduce the bureaucracy that hampered the self-employed and small businesses. Thereport, which is published twice a year by the Small Business Unit, contains the answers to thequestions of various individuals in the field of commerce.• 10 December <strong>2002</strong> Malta International Airport's Meteorological Office is providing five-day forecastsand climate data on Malta on the World Weather Information Service website atwww.worldweather.org. The website was developed by the Hong Kong Observatory under theauspices of the World Meteorological Organisation of the United Nations.• 11 December <strong>2002</strong> The Chairman of Malta’s Core Negotiating Group, Richard Cachia Caruana, saidthat the Danish presidency of the EU had brought Malta’s demand to retain a zero-VAT rate on foodand pharmaceuticals before the General Affairs, but a couple of countries had still not come round toaccept it. Malta is asking for a transition period longer than the five years negotiated with Cyprus, withthe right to a review should Ireland and the UK still retain the zero-rate for food and medicines by theexpiry of the set transition period.• 11 December <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Tourism Authority’s website www.visitmalta.com, winner of the BestWebsite Award in the Travel & Tourism category of the <strong>2002</strong> Web Awards, reached a milestone with1,000,000 hits since its launch in October 2001. The website is available in English, Italian, Germanand French. A concise version of the website in Chinese has also been launched.• 11 December <strong>2002</strong> Transport and Communications Minister Censu Galea said that the fullliberalisation of the telecommunications sector on 1 st January 2003 would open a new chapter in thecountry’s history. He expressed confidence that what had happened with mobile telephony wouldrepeat itself in all the markets that were opened up to competition, namely fixed telephony andinternational connectivity. Mr Galea was speaking at a forum on the telecommunications regulatoryframework.• 11 December <strong>2002</strong> Enemalta chairman Robert Ghirlando said that vehicles switching from leaded tothe lead replacement petrol that will be introduced in the New Year would require no modificationapart from an adjustment to the ignition timing. LRP consists of unleaded petrol plus an additive basedon manganese. Although it fulfils the same function as leaded petrol, LRP is not as harmful to theenvironment.• 12 December <strong>2002</strong> Malta joined nine other EU membership candidates for the enlargement summit inCopenhagen that, as expected, was witness to some last minute bargaining. Prime Minister EdwardFenech-Adami, Foreign Minister Joe Borg and the Chairman of the Core Negotiating Group, RichardCachia Caruana, attended the summit. Enlargement was also one of the main subjects to be discussedat the European People’s Party summit in Copenhagen which Dr Fenech-Adami also attended. Anaudio recording of the comments the Prime Minister made to the media before his departure forCopenhagen can be accessed at www.doi.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>/EN/News/newsitems/newspageaudio2.asp

• 12 December <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association’s survey for July to Septembershows that, while tourism remains down compared with last year, the rate of decline has slowed. Thesurvey, compiled by Deloitte & Touche, shows that while the tourism industry generally had a weakersummer than 2001, the 10 per cent decline reported during the second quarter of this year has nowbeen halved.• 12 December <strong>2002</strong> Figures published by the National Statistics Office show that the number ofunemployed persons registering for work with the Employment and Training Corporation in Octoberwas 7,691, that is a rise of 508 over October 2001. In July this year, the number of persons registeringfor work with the ETC was 7,177, an increase of 336 persons over July 2001.• 12 December <strong>2002</strong> President Emeritus Sir Anthony Mamo inaugurated a commemorative feature onRepublic Day 1974 in the series ‘Flashbacks from Malta’s Past. Sir Anthony Mamo was the lastGovernor General and the first President of Malta. The feature can be accessed on the DOI website atwww.doi.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>• 13 December <strong>2002</strong> With negotiations between the European Union and 10 candidate states set to beofficially sealed, Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami told members of the press at the EUCopenhagen summit that the Government would use the day’s session to bargain for a better financialpackage. The Prime Minister said that a report tabled at the European People's Party summit citedMalta and Poland as the two countries that had still not struck a deal with the Danish Presidency.• 13 December <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said in Parliament that Malta Drydockshad won a $1 million contract for the building of steel structures such as buoys. Minister Bonnici saidthat the contract had been won in the face of stiff competition from shipyards in Turkey and Croatia.• 13 December <strong>2002</strong> Figures released by the National Office of Statistics show that tourist arrivals haddropped by 6.7 per cent in the first eight months of the year, from 832,428 to 776,753. In the sameperiod the number of cruise liner passengers went up by 48,165 to 212,756.• 13 December <strong>2002</strong> Lateral thinker Edward de Bono was appointed Professor of Thinking by theUniversity of Pretoria, South Africa. The institute will be running a one-year course in ‘Thinking’.• 14 December <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami announced that Malta stands to benefitfrom a net financial package of €194 million, that is just over Lm80 million, from the European Unionbetween 2004 and 2006. The Prime Minister was speaking to reporters following a marathon day oftalks at the Copenhagen summit.• 14 December <strong>2002</strong> Commissioner for External Affairs Chris Patten said he firmly believed that Maltahad obtained a good deal from its negotiations. He said that the issue of EU membership now laysolely with the Maltese electorate who he believed was ‘mature and politically shrewd enough’ tomake the right decision. Mr Patten was speaking during the Copenhagen summit.• 14 December <strong>2002</strong> Swedish Prime Minister Goran Persson said: "We opted for membership becausewe believed Europe was the best partner. We wanted to have a ‘say’ about the regulations that we haveto follow whether one is inside or outside the Union. So that is why we hope to see Malta as a memberof the EU soon."• 14 December <strong>2002</strong> European Parliament President Pat Cox believes that a European vocation forMalta would be a "wonderful" thing for its people. “I don't have a vote, but if I did, I know how Iwould vote - I would vote yes," Mr Cox told The Times newspaper.• 14 December <strong>2002</strong> In his Christmas message to Maltese and Gozitans living overseas, Prime MinisterEdward Fenech-Adami called on all citizens to carefully weigh their decision on whether Malta shouldjoin the EU or not. "When we join the EU, we will also become citizens of Europe with all the rightsthat membership brings with it. We have to look ahead with courage and be certain that our choice isthe right one, not just for ourselves, but also for our children," said Dr Fenech-Adami.• 14 December <strong>2002</strong> During the annual Republic Day award ceremony, held in the Grand CouncilChamber, at the Palace in Valletta, President Guido de Marco presented the instruments ofappointment to sixteen people who, through their contribution, had helped in the building of a societybased on solidarity. During the investiture ceremony Prof. de Marco referred to the decisions the

Maltese are expected to take in the coming year. He said that, within a context of divergent opinions,the sovereign will of the people has to prevail.• 15 December <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami expressed his satisfaction that theGovernment had managed "to steer the ship inside the harbour" by securing a European Unionmembership package beneficial to the country and the people. Dr Fenech-Adami was addressing apress conference in the VIP lounge at the airport soon after his arrival from Copenhagen. An audiorecording of the press conference can be accessed atwww.doi.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>/EN/News/newsitems/newspage.asp• 15 December <strong>2002</strong> President and Mrs Guido de Marco presided over the Malta Community ChestFund's festive season activities that started off with the illumination of the Christmas tree at StGeorge's Square in Valletta. The activities are aimed at raising funds for the Malta Community ChestFund.• 16 December <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that European Union membership wasthe only guarantee of growth in employment. Dr Fenech-Adami said that, as part of the Union, Maltawould attract more investment because of its new access to European markets.• 16 December <strong>2002</strong> Malta Financial Services Authority chairman Joe Bannister said that EuropeanUnion membership was crucial for Malta in order to enable it to expand its financial services sector.Prof. Bannister said that the internal market had been exploited completely by local practitioners. WithEU membership, firms providing insurance and investment services would be able to spread overseasby marketing new products or by entering into alliances.• 16 December <strong>2002</strong> The <strong>2002</strong> annual report of ‘Pancontinental Oil and Gas NL’ says that the companyhad completed the interpretation of 75 kilometres of two-dimensional seismic data acquired earlier thisyear. Technical analysis showed that the ‘prospects are large enough to contain commercially viablereserves’ and merit further investigation. The company has an interest in two large offshore permits foroil exploration in Maltese waters.• 16 December <strong>2002</strong> Figures published by the Malta Transport Authority show that the number ofpeople using buses has continued to decline. Revenue from ticket sales between September 2001 andlast August reached Lm5.08 million, compared to Lm5.31 million in the previous year.• 16 December <strong>2002</strong> A set of five stamps issued by Maltapost in August 2001 placed second in aphilately competition organised by the Philatelic Music Circle of Great Britain. The stamps, showingold Maltese musical instruments, were designed by Gorg Mallia. The stamps show a Whistle Flute(1c), a Reed Pipe (3c), a Maltese Bagpipe (14c), a Friction Drum (20c) and a Frame Drum (25c).• 17 December <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami informed the House of Representativesabout the conclusion of the EU membership negotiations. He said in a statement that, on RepublicDay, he had on behalf of the Government accepted that Malta join the EU on May 1, 2004 accordingto the terms and conditions that had been negotiated. Dr Fenech-Adami said the conclusion ofaccession negotiations with 10 applicant countries, including Malta, marked the end of the division ofEurope and the birth of a new, united, Europe.• 17 December <strong>2002</strong> The British Government sent a message of congratulation to Prime MinisterEdward Fenech-Adami on the completion of negotiations for European Union membership. “TheGovernment of the United Kingdom wishes to congratulate you and your highly proficient negotiatingteam on the successful completion of Malta's European Union accession negotiations,” the messagesays. “Mr Blair particularly wishes to congratulate all who are part of this historic and dramaticprocess for the changes you have made on the way to a summit which has redefined Europe for thefuture.” The message was conveyed to the Maltese Government by the British High Commission.• 17 December <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici attended the official inauguration of theMalta Trade Centre in Dubai. The office will be operated by METCO in conjunction with the MalteseMinistry of Foreign Affairs and will be dedicated to the promotion and support of Maltese trade withthe U.A.E. in particular, and the Gulf region in general.• 17 December <strong>2002</strong> In a message for Christmas and the New Year to Maltese and Gozitans who liveabroad, President Guido de Marco said that next year would be a very important one for Malta ascitizens would be called upon to take an important decision over European Union membership. As a

sovereign people the Maltese should take that decision and their will should be respected, said Prof. deMarco.• 17 December <strong>2002</strong> A delegation from Algeria arrived in Malta for a three-day visit to take a closerlook at the water information systems being used by the Water Services Corporation. The delegationalso showed an interest in the desalination technology used by Malta Desalination Services, asubsidiary of WSC.• 17 December <strong>2002</strong> According to a survey carried out by the National Statistics Office, the overallschool absenteeism rate stood at 10.5 days per pupil between 25 th September 2000 and 31 st March 312001. The absenteeism rate for boys stands at 11.4 days, while that for girls is 10.4 days.• 18 December <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami and Leader of the Opposition Alfred Santengaged in a lively one-and-a-half hour debate on RTK radio, with the main focus being the financialpackage that Malta obtained from the European Union in last week’s Copenhagen summit. Dr Fenech-Adami emphasised the importance of the Maltese having a freehand on how they should vote. He said:“I will grant such liberty, and if the people vote ‘no’ then I will have to bow my head and accept thatdecision, and Dr Sant should do the same. We are servants of the people. We must accept theirdecision.”• 18 December <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said that Malta's adoption of the acquishas proved a catalyst to the adoption of internationally recognised standards and the implementation ofthe necessary support mechanism. Prof. Bonnici said: “A company wanting to export to the EU musthave its products abiding by EU standards if it wants them to be allowed to enter the EU singlemarket." Prof. Bonnici was speaking at the opening of the second session of the Euromed WorkingGroup on Regional Integration, held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, in Sliema.• 18 December <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Council for Science and Technology launched an Innovation RelayCentre to help small and medium-sized enterprises. Set up with financial assistance from the EuropeanUnion, the main objective of the IRC, which forms part of the European IRC network, is to encourage,support and exploit innovation and technology for the benefit of SMEs.• 18 December <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco was presented with a letter from Pope John Paul II tomark World Peace Day. In the letter, which was presented by the Apostolic Nuncio, Mgr Luigi Conti,at the Palace, the Pope spoke of the essential conditions and values for peace - truth, justice, love andfreedom. Prof. de Marco said that next year, the Maltese electorate should base its decisions on thesame four values.• 18 December <strong>2002</strong> Statistics released by the National Statistics Office in a brief overview of some ofthe environmental parameters in Gozo and Comino show that, during the past 40 years, dryagricultural land had decreased from 3,457 hectares in 1955, to 1,473 hectares in 2001. In the sametime span, the area of irrigated land had decreased by 20 per cent.• 18 December <strong>2002</strong> The Gozo Tourism Authority has published the Gozo Directory of Services, whichcontains the main tourist attractions in Gozo. The directory includes information on hotels, restaurants,diving schools, self-catering accommodation, farmhouses, language schools, museums, car hire, touroperators, real estate, souvenir shops and handling agents.• 19 December <strong>2002</strong> The House of Representatives approved the Budget for 2003 with 33 votes infavour and 26 against. The House then rose for the Christmas recess and will reconvene on January 132003 when it will start debating the conclusion of the EU membership talks.• 19 December <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami tabled in Parliament the SecurityCommittee’s annual report for 2001. In the report, the Security Service identified Islamicfundamentalism, the possibility of a terrorist act, and the setting up of a terrorist cell in Malta as areasrequiring ‘continuous surveillance’.• 19 December <strong>2002</strong> Transport and Communications Minister Censu Galea said that bus-owners whohad signed the agreement with the Government in 1995 to change their old buses to new low-floorones have until the end of the year to book a new vehicle. The Minister was speaking at IndustrialMotors Ltd in Blata l-Bajda during the launch of a bus prototype approved by the British VehicleCertification Agency and the Malta Transport Authority.

• 19 December <strong>2002</strong> Economic Services Minister Josef Bonnici said that the present environment wasnot conducive towards the setting up of another airline. “The market is still not liberalised in Europeand this constrains the operations of Air Malta. When the market is more liberalised it will be adifferent story. It would be premature to partially liberalise the sector here now,” said Prof. Bonnici.The Minister was speaking in the context of the Government’s refusal to consider an application by aleading local tour operator to set up a second Maltese airline.• 19 December <strong>2002</strong> Ives De Barro presented his diplomatic credentials to Tunisian President Zine ElAbdin Ben Ali as Malta’s Ambassador to Tunisia. The Tunisian President said he hoped to make astate visit to Malta in the near future in order to meet his many friends, including President Guido DeMarco, and to continue strengthening relations between the two countries.• 19 December <strong>2002</strong> Joseph F.X. Zahra, who is the chairman of the Bank of Valletta Group, said thatdespite the volatile market conditions, the falling interest rate environment, the intensification ofcompetition, and a lower economic growth in both the local and international scenarios throughout thepast financial year, Bank of Valletta Group had managed to record very encouraging results. Dr Zahrawas giving an overview of the bank’s achievements over the past year during its 29th annual generalmeeting at the Mediterranean Conference Centre.• 19 December <strong>2002</strong> Hundreds of schoolchildren made a money donation to the Malta CommunityChest Fund’s Kampanja Milied Hieni when they heard Mass in Freedom Square, in Valletta. The Masswas celebrated by Archbishop Joseph Mercieca and was attended by President and Mrs de Marco.• 19 December <strong>2002</strong> Five airport trainees from Munich International Airport took part in a vocationaltraining programme at Malta International Airport under the auspices of the European Union’sLeonardo da Vinci programme. MIA and Munich International Airport GmbH signed a letter of intentbetween them to network and co-operate in projects and other areas of activity under the Leonardo daVinci programme. They also agreed to exchange employees.• 20 December <strong>2002</strong> Dutch Ambassador Joachim Rienko Wilton presented his credentials to PresidentGuido de Marco, becoming the first resident Ambassador in Malta for the Netherlands. SwedishAmbassador Staffan Wrigstad and the Ambassador for Sierra Leone, Dr Mohamed Samura, alsopresented their credentials to President de Marco.• 20 December <strong>2002</strong> Government and the Arka Foundation signed an agreement providing the respitecentre in Gozo with up to Lm65,000 per year in financial assistance for its permanent residentialservices to disabled people. The agreement was signed at the respite centre in Ghajnsielem by SocialPolicy Minister Lawrence Gonzi, Gozo Minister Giovanna Debono, and Arka Director EmanuelCurmi.• 20 December <strong>2002</strong> Education Minister Louis Galea launched a 2003 calendar called ‘Togethertowards the future’. The calendar is the result of collaboration between students from Maria ReginaJunior Lyceum in Blata l-Bajda, and schools in Austria, Italy, and Portugal, and forms part of an EUComenius project.• 20 December <strong>2002</strong> Transport Minister Censu Galea distributed Lm3,000 to 21 voluntaryorganisations and charitable institutions. The money was raised by Maltapost from the surcharge onChristmas stamps in 2001. This year Maltapost has not issued surcharged stamps but has placedcollection boxes at all its branches.• 20 December <strong>2002</strong> Maltapost announced that a number of street letter-boxes were being lowered tofacilitate use by people with disabilities, including those in wheelchairs. The move had been agreedwith the National Commission Persons with a Disability.• 20 December <strong>2002</strong> Maltacom announced that it would halve the cost of overseas calls for residentialcustomers, between Christmas and the New year. The offer is available for all overseas callsoriginating from and terminating on any residential line.• 20 December <strong>2002</strong> The Malta Environment and Planning Authority held a digital exhibition entitled‘My history... my future - 10 years of life and land’, to mark 10 years of land-use planning in Malta.The current land-use planning system was introduced 10 years ago when Parliament approved thestructure plan for the Maltese Islands and set up the Planning Authority.

• 20 December <strong>2002</strong> ‘Malta through Russian Eyes’ was the theme of an exhibition of works of art byRussian artists and photographers, held in Moscow. The exhibition was held to mark the 35thanniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Moscow and Valletta.• 21 December <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami expressed ‘huge satisfaction’ over thesigning of the fifth financial protocol between Malta and Italy, under which the island is to receiveLm31 million over three years. Dr Fenech-Adami was speaking to reporters in Malta after the signingin Rome by Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini and Foreign Minister Joe Borg. An audiorecording of the Prime Minister’s comments to the press can be accessed athttp://www.doi.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>/EN/archive/Pmpressstatements/pmprstatementsopen.asp• 21 December <strong>2002</strong> British Prime Minister Tony Blair said that Malta would bring fresh ideas and newimpetus to the EU to help deal with subjects such as economic reform and international crime. Hiscomments were made in a letter to Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami, sent to congratulate him onconcluding the enlargement negotiations “at the truly historic European Council in Copenhagen”.• 21 December <strong>2002</strong> In a press statement Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami said that Malta wouldretain VAT exemptions on land, sea and air transport and on water, land, and property, as long as thesesectors remain exempt in other EU member countries.• 21 December <strong>2002</strong> Local Government Minister Austin Gatt announced that Local Council ExecutiveSecretaries would be visiting the UK for exchanges in order to foster greater co-operation between thetwo countries. The secretaries will be visiting the councils of Cornwall, a county roughly comparablein population to Malta and with similar interests in tourism and the maritime sector, and Torfaen andNeath Port Talbot in Wales. The secretaries will hear how the councils deal with projects underObjective 1 of the EU's structural funds.• 21 December <strong>2002</strong> Infrastructure Minister Francis Zammit Dimech announced that nine initiatives inValletta worth Lm6 million are among the projects for which EU structural and cohesion funds arebeing requested. These Valletta projects include the pedestrianisation of a larger area of the capital andthe cleaning of underground drainage tunnels. Dr Zammit Dimech said the Government had alreadyprepared the necessary documentation for its requests for the money.• 21 December <strong>2002</strong> The Central Bank of Malta cut the central intervention rate and the discount rateby 25 basis points to 3.75 per cent. The decision was taken by Bank Governor Michael Bonello, interms of the Central Bank of Malta Act, at the end of a Monetary Policy Advisory Council. Followingthe announcement, HSBC and APS Bank announced changes to their interest rates.• 22 December <strong>2002</strong> In a show of consensus, the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition had acommon message to the public - embrace the virtue of solidarity at a time when the island prepares tomake important choices on Malta's future. Dr Edward Fenech-Adami and Dr Alfred Sant, togetherwith President Guido de Marco and Archbishop Joseph Mercieca delivered their Christmas and NewYear greetings as part of the Milied Flimkien campaign. Also present were a number of foreignAmbassadors who gathered to hear the greetings.• 22 December <strong>2002</strong> Foreign Minister Joe Borg hailed the fifth Italo-Maltese financial protocol signedin Rome last week. The protocol, which covers the period 2003-2005, will entitle Malta to €75 million(around Lm31 million). Dr Borg explained that the grants from the protocol would be directed towardsa number of infrastuctural projects, as well as cultural, health, and educational initiatives. The Ministerwas speaking to The Sunday Times shortly after his return from Rome.• 22 December <strong>2002</strong> Jean Philipe Courtois, President of Microsoft Corporation in Europe, Middle Eastand Africa, expressed his Company's and his own personal satisfaction at the outcome of theCopenhagen Summit. He did this in an e-mail message sent to Local Government Minister AustinGatt, who is pushing the partnership agreement between the Government and the giant global softwarecompany. In his message, Mr Courtois asked Dr Gatt to accept Microsoft's congratulations for this‘remarkable achievement’ and to convey Microsoft's wishes to the Prime Minister for the ‘best ofsuccess in the new era that Malta is entering’.• 22 December <strong>2002</strong> Justice Minister Austin Gatt said that people should not stigmatise society'sproblems but should do something about them to foster solidarity. He said that it was pointless usingnice words if they were not translated into real initiatives. Dr Gatt was speaking during the opening ofa new IT centre that will cater for residents of the San Blas drug rehabilitation centre in Zebbug.

• 23 December <strong>2002</strong> The Office of the Prime Minister released the proposed text of the draft protocolon abortion agreed between the Government of Malta and the EU. The text states that, "Nothing in theTreaty on European Union, or in the Treaties establishing the European Communities, on in theTreaties or Acts modifying or supplementing those Treaties, shall affect the application in the territoryof Malta of national legislation relating to abortion." The document was released along withcorrespondence between Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami and the Archbishop, Mgr JosephMercieca.• 23 December <strong>2002</strong> The EU's Commissioner for Environment, Margot Wallstrom, urged the Malteseto realise that no individual state can undertake alone the ‘immense tasks’ of adopting environmentalprotection policies. "Membership will not only provide incentives and benefits, but also bring positivepressure to bear on <strong>gov</strong>ernments to keep environmental issues high in their political agenda," she said.Ms Wallstrom was being interviewed by The Times newspaper.• 23 December <strong>2002</strong> Microsoft donated 1,001 Encarta Encyclopaedia packages as give-away prizes toraise money for the annual fund raising marathon l-Istrina to be broadcast on TVM on Saturday 28 th .Justice and Local Government Minister Austin Gatt said at the presentation ceremony that thedonation was probably the largest single donation ever made to l-Istrina.• 23 December <strong>2002</strong> Emanuela Borg from Lija, at present resident at the Good Shepherd Sistersconvent in Balzan, turned 105 to become the oldest woman in Malta. Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami and the Parliamentary Secretary in the Social Policy Ministry, Antoine Mifsud Bonnici,attended Mass at the convent to celebrate Emanuela’s birthday.• 24 December <strong>2002</strong> Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat appealed to President Guido de Marco to urge theUnited Nations to intervene to stop the ‘destructive war’ that Israel is waging against the Palestinians.Mr Arafat’s letter, dated December 12, was delivered to the Palace by Palestinian Ambassador AwadYakhlef and was in response to a letter that Prof. de Marco had sent to Mr Arafat.• 24 December <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami visited a photographic installation inAttard’s parish square where eight large photographs depicting Christmas messages by local residentswere on show. The exhibition was inaugurated by President Guido de Marco.• 24 December <strong>2002</strong> The <strong>gov</strong>ernment representative at the Convention on the Future of Europe, Prof.Peter Serracino Inglott, said that the text of a proposed European constitution should be carefullycrafted to leave space for a specific mode of integration of neutral countries into a holistic Europeandefence policy. The plenary session of the convention, which convened on December 20, debatedreports by the working groups on external action and defence.• 24 December <strong>2002</strong> Video and audio recordings of the Christmas and New Year Messages to theMaltese Nation by President of Malta Guido de Marco and Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adamiwere broadcast on the website of the Department of Information at www.doi.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>.• 27 December <strong>2002</strong> Malta Communications Authority Chief of Operations Joe Cuschieri said thatthree internet service providers would start offering a cheap international telephone call service asfrom January 2003. Mr Cuschieri said that the new service could not be considered an alternative tothe service offered by Maltcom, as it would be using a different technology and medium, and would beof poorer quality.• 27 December <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco visited the Greek Catholic Church of Our Lady ofDamascus in Valletta. Prof. de Marco was welcomed by Papas Vito Borgia and Papas George Mifsudand taken on a tour of the church.• 27 December <strong>2002</strong> The Governor of the Central Bank of Malta, after consultations with the MonetaryPolicy Advisory Council, lowered both the central intervention rate and the discount rate from four percent to 3.75 per cent. Following the announcement, HSBC and APS Bank announced changes totheir interest rates, with the Bank of Valletta expected to follow suit.• 27 December <strong>2002</strong> The Deputy Attorney General who is also Chairman of the Financial IntelligenceAnalysis Unit, Dr Silvio Camilleri, chaired the Council of Europe's plenary meeting of the selectcommittee for the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures, in Strasbourg. Dr Camilleri wasunanimously re-elected Chairman of the Committee for a second term.

• 28 December <strong>2002</strong> Gozo Minister Giovanna Debono inaugurated the new premises of the GozoBusiness Chamber, at 27 Republic Street, Victoria. The chamber may be contacted on tel. 21 550305,fax 21 563389, or email info@gozobusinesschamber.org• 28 December <strong>2002</strong> Figures published by the National Statistics Office for the third quarter of <strong>2002</strong>show an improvement in the current account balance of Lm16.9 million, from a net surplus of Lm12.6million during the September 2001 quarter, to one of Lm29.5 million during the same period this year.• 28 December <strong>2002</strong> The National Statistics Office said that the number of people registering for workwith the Employment and Training Corporation in August this year was 7,412, a rise of 356 over thefigure for August in 2001. This brings the unemployment rate for August <strong>2002</strong> to 5.1 per cent.• 29 December <strong>2002</strong> This year's edition of the charity fund-raising marathon L-Istrina, broadcast onTelevision Malta, raised the all-time record sum of almost Lm900,000. Last year, L-Istrina nettedLm476,000. A selection committee set up by the Public Broadcasting Services and chaired byMagistrate Jacqueline Padovani Grima identifies organisations that would benefit from the fundscollected in any one year.• 29 December <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco paid tribute to the Polish airmen and sailors who diedduring the Second World War and are buried in Malta. At a ceremony attended by the Polishcommunity, the President laid wreaths on a number of graves at the Capuchin military cemetery atKalkara. The ceremony took up where the President’s recent state visit to Poland left off.• 29 December <strong>2002</strong> Environment Minister Francis Zammit Dimech said that two hundred and fiftyGirl Guides had, since March, collected more than 82,000 plastic bottles from the countryside. Thebottles are to be exported for recycling. The bottle-collecting exercise was the Guides' environmentalchallenge for this year.• 30 December <strong>2002</strong> President Guido de Marco said that he never dreamed that the fund-raisingprogramme L-Istrina would break last year's record sum of Lm476,000, let alone nearly double thatamount. The record sum of Lm882,000 also went beyond the wildest expectations of the charities setto benefit from the donations. They have now to revise their wish list to include projects that they hadonly previously drea<strong>mt</strong> of.• 31 December <strong>2002</strong> Prime Minister Edward Fenech-Adami received a letter from the President of theEuropean Investment Bank, Philippe Maystadt, congratulating him on the ‘momentous conclusion’ ofthe Copenhagen Summit. The letter reaffirmed the EIB's strong commitment to work together with theMaltese authorities and with the business community in a common effort to bring the advantages ofenlargement forward and closer to the citizens of Malta.• 31 December <strong>2002</strong> Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said at a news conference that workerrights will be greatly strengthened by the coming into effect of eight legal notices relating to the newEmployment and Industrial Relations Act. The new measures include the provision of three-monthunpaid parental leave for workers, the entitlement to pro-rata benefits for part-timers working morethan 14 hours per week, and the establishment of a guarantee fund for wages claimed duringinsolvency. All measures are backdated Friday 27 th December <strong>2002</strong>.• 31 December <strong>2002</strong> Maltese nationals travelling to Egypt, Turkey, and Morocco will, as from the 1 st ofJanuary, require an entry visa prior to their departure from Malta. Visitors from Egypt, Turkey, andMorocco would need to have a visa in their possession to travel to Malta. The Ministry of ForeignAffairs said the Maltese Government had introduced visas for nationals hailing from the threecountries as a result of aligning its visa policy with that of the European Union._____________________________________

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