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Leading pump manufacturercuts energy costs by DKK1.3 million with globalstandards-based ITinfrastructure• Backup, recovery and archiving• Data consolidation and management• Green efficiency• Migration• Standardisation• Virtualization“We gained the best globalsupplier by choosing Dell. Itprovided us with a full-timeproject manager to help rollout a standardised solutionworldwide.”Karsten Steen Sørensen,Group Vice President,Grundfos GroupCustomer profileCompany: Grundfos GroupIndustry: Manufacturing & LogisticsCountry: DenmarkEmployees: 18,000Website: www.grundfos.comBusiness needTo increase efficiency and centralise operations, Grundfos Groupwanted to standardise IT platforms across its 200 sites. The existinginfrastructures included proprietary systems, which were complexand expensive to run.SolutionGrundfos Group’s project team used the expertise of Dell consultantsto create a standards-based infrastructure. It featured Dell rack andblade servers, as well as Dell EqualLogic storage. Dell ProSupporthelps maximise IT performance across the group.Benefits• Customer rolls out new environmentsfaster• Consolidated platform will save morethan DKK 1 million in energy costs• Business lowers carbon emissions byaround 700 tons in Denmark and 1,600tons globally• IT reduces costs by around 20 per centper end user• Customer gains consistent supportacross 45-plus countries

Leading pump manufacturercuts energy costs by DKK1.3 million with globalstandards-based ITinfrastructure• Backup, recovery and archiving• Data consolidation and management• Green efficiency• Migration• Standardisation• Virtualization“We gained the best globalsupplier by choosing Dell. Itprovided us with a full-timeproject manager to help rollout a standardised solutionworldwide.”Karsten Steen Sørensen,Group Vice President,Grundfos GroupCustomer profileCompany: Grundfos GroupIndustry: Manufacturing & LogisticsCountry: DenmarkEmployees: 18,000Website: www.grundfos.comBusiness needTo increase efficiency and centralise operations, Grundfos Groupwanted to standardise IT platforms across its 200 sites. The existinginfrastructures included proprietary systems, which were complexand expensive to run.SolutionGrundfos Group’s project team used the expertise of Dell consultantsto create a standards-based infrastructure. It featured Dell rack andblade servers, as well as Dell EqualLogic storage. Dell ProSupporthelps maximise IT performance across the group.Benefits• Customer rolls out new environmentsfaster• Consolidated platform will save morethan DKK 1 million in energy costs• Business lowers carbon emissions byaround 700 tons in Denmark and 1,600tons globally• IT reduces costs by around 20 per centper end user• Customer gains consistent supportacross 45-plus countries

Grundfos Group, headquartered in Denmark, is one ofthe world’s leading pump manufacturers, with an annualproduction of more than 16 million pump units and amarket share in circulator pumps of approximately 50 percent. The organisation, which employs around 18,000people worldwide, continues to grow and operates morethan 80 companies.“We’re using the reportsfrom our Dell ServiceDelivery Manager toincrease the efficiencyof IT and reduce thenumber of supportissues.”Karsten Steen Sørensen,Group Vice President,Grundfos GroupIts success has been the result ofboth natural growth and acquisition.But while acquiring companies gaveGrundfos Group instant presence inlocal markets, it also created a numberof issues, not least concerning IT. It leftthe organisation with many localisedinfrastructures, which used a mixtureof IT solutions to deliver applicationsand storage. Though reliabilitywas good, cost and managementcomplexity became key challengesdue to the lack of standardisation.Karsten Steen Sørensen, Group VicePresident at Grundfos Group, wantedto consolidate the group’s entire ITlandscape to a single platform andresolve the current issues, creating afoundation for greater efficiency. Hesays: “By moving to a single IT solutionprovider, we could significantly reduceour overheads and deliver moreeffective IT across the business.”Company finds the idealstandards-based solutionfor global rolloutGrundfos Group created an enterpriseefficientplatform to deliver betterIT across its 200 sites with Dell. Thebusiness assessed solutions from IBMand HP – both of which were alreadyIT providers to the organisation –before choosing to standardise itsinfrastructure on Dell technology.Karsten Sørensen says: “We quicklydecided to adopt a standards-basedrather than a proprietary solutionbecause we gained the samehigh performance but with lowermaintenance costs.”Dell understood Grundfos Group’sbusiness needs. The Dell team hadexpertise in managing global projectsand offered the group a direct modelto reduce procurement cycles, givingit greater business agility. This – alongwith the fact that the Dell accountteam understood Grundfos Group’sexpectations – made Dell the preferredservice partner for a standardisedback-end rollout. Furthermore, theDell team offered a significant numberof customer references to highlightthe solution provider’s credentials.Technology at workServicesDell Consulting Services- Workshop, Assessment, Design& ImplementationDell ProSupport Enterprise-WideContract (EWC)- Service Delivery ManagerHardwareDell PowerEdge M610 bladeservers with <strong>Intel</strong> ® Xeon ®processors 5630Dell PowerEdge M1000e modularblade enclosuresDell PowerEdge R610 servers with<strong>Intel</strong> Xeon processors 5630Dell EqualLogic PS4000E,PS4000X, PS6000E and PS6000Xstorage area networksDell PowerVault MD1000 storagearraysSoftwareVMware ® Enterprise LicenseAgreementQuest software

Karsten Sørensen says: “We gained thebest global supplier by choosing Dell.It provided us with a full-time projectmanager to help roll out a standardisedsolution worldwide. In addition, eachof our sites across more than 45countries would receive the samehighly responsive level of support.”Creating a standardised platformis easier with Dell consultantsThe organisation created the idealsolution for standardising the globalinfrastructure with help from Dellservices. First, the Dell ConsultingServices team held workshops todiscuss the organisation’s objectivesand establish a model environment.“The workshops demonstrated thatDell was prepared to listen to ourideas and adjust its proposals,” saysKarsten Sørensen. “We wanted tocreate a platform that deliveredgreat performance and was simpleto manage. We saw the advantagesin virtualizing the infrastructure forenergy efficiency and managementsimplicity.” With this in mind, the Dellconsultants assessed the needs ofGrundfos Group to determine thesolution’s processing requirementsand storage capacity. This was quicklyfollowed by a pilot project, whereDell technicians deployed a numberof infrastructures at seven sites in fivecountries, and migrated existing data tovirtual environments. During the pilotprogramme, Dell and Grundfos Groupfinalised their plans to ensure thatdeployment caused as little disruptionas possible. “The pilot project wasvaluable – it provided us with theinsight to successfully roll out theenvironments globally,” says KarstenSørensen.IT team can roll out newenvironments faster and in parallelGrundfos Group has gained astandardised platform and adeployment process that can be easilyrepeated at multiple sites – savingtime and resources. At the heart ofthe infrastructure is a combination ofDell PowerEdge M610 blade serversand Dell PowerEdge R610 serverswith <strong>Intel</strong> ® Xeon ® processors 5630,to support the organisation’s moreprocessing-intensive applications.Grundfos Group chose the serversbecause of their design, ease ofinstallation and low maintenancecosts. Plus, they were ideal fordelivering the infrastructures’underlying virtualization technologyVMware, providing embeddedhypervisors to reduce installationtimes. Karsten Sørensen comments:“We can quickly roll out new platformsin parallel at different sites with ourvirtualized solution from Dell.”The PowerEdge blade servers arehoused in Dell PowerEdge M1000emodular blade enclosures, helping tosimplify management. “The advantageof the Dell PowerEdge bladeenclosures is their snap-in scalability,”says Karsten Sørensen. “Adding a bladeserver is as simple as slotting a unitinto the enclosure and powering it up.”The adoption of the blade enclosureshas also reduced cabling. KarstenSørensen says: “Compared with a rackbasedenvironment, the cabling forour blade server infrastructure is lesscomplex. It helps take the complexityout of IT and makes us more efficient.”“Compared with a rackbasedenvironment, thecabling for our bladeserver infrastructure isless complex. It helpstake the complexityout of IT and makes usmore efficient.”Karsten Steen Sørensen,Group Vice President,Grundfos GroupBusiness stores data moreeffectively, increasingenterprise efficiencyEach Grundfos Group locationprotects its data using a combinationof Dell EqualLogic PS4000E, PS4000X,PS6000E and PS6000X storage areanetworks (SANs), and Dell PowerVault MD1000 storage arrays. “The easeof use and scalability really stoodout with the Dell EqualLogic andPowerVault storage solution,” saysKarsten Sørensen. IT personnel cannow administer the SANs and storagearrays without the need for specialisedtraining, and local sites can grow,knowing they have sufficient datacapacity. Furthermore, Dell EqualLogicmanagement tools integrate tightlywith VMware, making it easier toprotect virtualized data. For example,Auto-Snapshot Manager/VMwareEdition enables fast online backups andquick restores of virtual machines. “Allthe elements of the Dell solution fittedtogether perfectly – it gave me peaceof mind,” says Karsten Sørensen.

Customer expects to savemillions on powerGrundfos Group has calculated thatthe platform has already cut poweruse, saving the organisation morethan DKK 1 million in electricitycharges. “We’ve reduced electricity useby around DKK 1.3 million in Denmarkalone as a result of the platform andby changing our PCs,” says KarstenSørensen. The new infrastructure isplaying a key role in a group-wideprogramme to cut the company’scarbon footprint, which also includesconsolidating the number of PCs andprinters wherever possible. KarstenSørensen comments: “Our Dellsolution has played an important rolein reducing our carbon footprint byaround 700 tons in Denmark.”Grundfos Group lowers costs perend user by around 20 per centBecause of the standardisedinfrastructure, the group hassignificantly lowered the expense ofsetting up new employees with PCsand network connections. KarstenSørensen comments: “We’ve reducedthe overall cost per end user by around20 per cent with Dell. And now it’smuch simpler and quicker to add a userto one of our standardised platforms.”Personnel increase productivitythanks to greater reliabilityThe new platform is boostingthe group’s overall productivity.According to local IT teams, the serverinfrastructure is more stable than theprevious solution, giving end usersbetter support and helping themwork more efficiently. “Employees arelosing less time through disruption toIT services. They can complete tasksfaster because their applications anddata are more reliable,” says KarstenSørensen.The organisation is half-way throughdeploying the infrastructure across its200 sites, and currently implementsthe platform at five locations eachmonth. “With the help of Dellconsultants, we can quickly deploy acomplete server and storage solution,”comments Karsten Sørensen. “Thisincludes migrating data from the oldto the new environment and installingQuest management software (QuestAccess Manager, Quest Reporterand Quest Storage Suite) to help ITpersonnel administer end-user access.”Once the infrastructure is in place,Grundfos Group spends a number ofweeks testing the environment andproviding management training tolocal personnel.Grundfos Group ensureshigh performance withresponsive servicesEnd users are maintaining theirproductivity with the help of Dellsupport services. For example, if oneof the sites needs new servers orstorage, the local IT team can requestthe solutions using a dedicated portalthat connects directly to Dell. “Thespecifications and pricing are alreadydefined, so the process is extremelyefficient, saving us time,” says KarstenSørensen. The organisation has alsoadopted a Dell ProSupport Enterprise-Wide Contract, giving it a dedicatedService Delivery Manager (SDM) andsingle point of contact to managethe support process proactively.Grundfos Group and the SDM arecreating a document, which will beused across the company, detailinghow to improve support routines andimplement Dell Online Self Dispatch.This will help IT teams order partsand labour directly from Dell, savingvaluable time. Karsten Sørensen says:“We’re using the reports from our DellService Delivery Manager to increasethe efficiency of IT and reduce thenumber of support issues.”For more information go dell.dkThe Efficient Enterprise runs on Dell: efficiententerprise.comAvailability and terms of Dell Services vary by region. For more information, visit:© April, 2011, Dell Inc. Dell is a trademark of Dell Inc. <strong>Intel</strong> and <strong>Intel</strong> Xeon are registered trademarks of <strong>Intel</strong>Corporation in the United States or other countries. This case study is for informational purposes only. dellmakes no warranties, express or implied, in this case study. Reference number: 10009165.

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