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Heating&Cooling - Prandelli


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INDEXOJ Waterline TM energy efficient systemfor underfloor heating .....................................3Heating & cooling system in one .....................4Green Comfort - save up to 55% energy.........6Additional system features..............................8Wired and wireless communication .................9Room sensor/controller features ...................10Building Management Systems (BMS) ...........11OJ Waterline TM Master ...................................12OJ Waterline TM room sensors/controllers .......13Masterprogramme.........................................14Room sensor/controller programme ..............152 © 2011 OJ Electronics A/S

OJ Waterline TMEnergy efficient system forunderfloor heating:: Save up to 55% energy compared to simple heating control systems:: Comfort advantage with adaptive function:: Heating and cooling control for true comfort:: Humidity sensor to avoid condensation on floors:: Area control for easy operation:: Flexible installation for wired and wireless connection:: Network communication for large applications:: Easy installation with plug and lead connections:: Optional weather compensationBR-0965-A10© 2011 OJ Electronics A/S3

Heating & <strong>Cooling</strong> system in oneThe waterline system from OJ Electronics has been developed to provide a temperaturecontrol system for room heating and room cooling, integrated with switching of the primaryheating and cooling sources, and the control of water temperature and mixing devices.This ensures the best possible comfort conditions and also reduces energy consumption.Special demandsUnderfloor heating makes specialdemands on the control system as usersare in direct contact with the heatedsurfaces. A pleasant floor temperature,maintained within specific limits, istherefore required.It will feel unpleasant if the floortemperature remains excessive for longperiods, but comfort will naturally be lostif the room temperature falls too low.Heating functionsThe OJ Waterline TM system providestrue comfort through precise roomtemperature control, always ensuringoptimal energy and savings throughadvanced control of boilers, pumps etc.<strong>Cooling</strong> functionsIn addition to controlling heating, allWLM masters have the ability to controlthe system for cooling.• To enable the cooling function aninterface module WLAC and humiditysensor WLH have to be connected.• By using the humidity sensor thesystem limits the formation ofcondensation on floor surfaces dueto high humidity.• If cooling is being limited due to highhumidity a dehumidifier can beenabled by the master.• When cooling is enabled the coolingset point will be pre-determined bythe master and will override anysettings in any room controller toensure optimum energy efficiency.© 2011 OJ Electronics A/S

GREEN COMFORT- Save up to 55%* energyThe WLM2 Heating & <strong>Cooling</strong> Waterline MasterSystem has been designed to maximise usercomfort with minimum energy consumptionusing features such as, individual temperaturecontrol, weather compensation and timed PI.Save 30% energy with individualroom temperature controlA common simple way of adjusting theenergy needed to maintain the indoortemperature independently of theoutdoor temperature, is to centrallyadjust the general supply temperatureaccording to the actual outdoortemperature.This however cannot handle thedifferent needs in individual rooms andin real life desired room temperatureswill almost never be achieved.In modern houses the need for betterand more precise room temperaturecontrol is more and more oftendemanded as well as buildingregulations has changed or is changingtowards this in many countries.To meet these demands, individualroom temperature controls aremandatory.Without individual room control thetemperature is often set higher thanneeded and cannot handle sun inletor occupation, which means that theenergy savings compared touncontrolled rooms can be seen ashigh as 30%*.PI control benefits-save20%energySimple bimetallic thermostats are wellknown to over and undershoot thedesired temperature by 1 to 2°C whichmeans wasting energy.PI controlled thermostats adjusts theenergy added into a room so over andundershooting is minimised.Compared to a cheap ON/OFFthermostat, PI controlled roomtemperature can save up to 20%*energy.Weather compensation- save 10% energyAs water based underfloor heatingsystems consists of a pipe system thattransports the hot water from themanifold to the floor where the heat isneeded, there will also be an energyloss during that transportation. Thehigher the supply temperature is, thehigher the energy loss.To reduce this energy loss, a weathercompensation function can be added,which ensures that the supply watertemperature is reduced just to matchthe need according to the actualoutdoor temperature.Weather compensation can save upto 10%*.Temperature setback- save 10% energyOn underfloor heating systems withlight floor constructions, it is energyefficient to lower the temperaturesduring night or when rooms areunoccupied.Setting back the temperatures 6 hoursduring night time and 6 hour during daytime is common.Assuming roughly that the systemreduces the energy consumption up to20%* during the setback period, thiswould give and average energy savingof up to 10%*.Save 50% energy withsynchronized pump controlSimple systems without synchronizedpump control often will keep the pumprunning more than needed.The reason for this is that individualrooms almost never call for heat at thesame time, and this means that insystems with more than a few roomsthe pump will be running most of thetime.By using synchronized pump control, allheat demands from the rooms arecollected and synchronizes the openingof actuator.This is possible by using PI controlledheating, that only adds the needed heatamount into a room.By doing this energizing the pump isreduced compared to anunsynchronized system.If an unsynchronized system with morethan 10 rooms is loaded 50%, thepump often is seen running nearly allthe time.On the WLM2 the synchronized actionensures that the pump only runs at50% of the time, which in theory meansup to 50% less running costs on thepump.6 © 2011 OJ Electronics A/S

Energy savings with the WLM2:The WLM2 system can handle all of the previous mentioned energy saving functions. If the installation is meeting the mostmodern piping, insulation and floor construction types, this would in theory mean very high energy savings.Energy savings compared against centralcontrolled heating systems, without individualroom temperature control:-30% (individual room control)-20% (PI control)-10% (weather compensation)-10% (setback temp)= energy reduction up to 55%*Energy savings compared against simpleON/OFF individual room controlled heatingsystems:-20% (PI control)-10% (weather compensation)-10% (setback temp)= energy reduction up to 35%**These are estimations made under the commonly used assumption thatevery unnecessary extra degree room temperature adds around 5-10% ofenergy waste. This applies to normal well insulated houses, and the energywaste increases further if the house is poor insulated.© 2011 OJ Electronics A/S7

Additional system featuresDomestic hot water controlIt is possible to control the domestic hotwater temperature with a specialcontroller to ensure optimum energysaving. A sensor from the controllermeasures the temperature in the storagecylinder. A zone valve is then controlledvia the WLM master, which in turnactivates the boiler on demand.Radiator controlIt is possible to control a radiator circuitroom temperature with a special roomcontroller to ensure optimum energysaving.The controller measures the temperaturein the room, and a zone valve is thencontrolled via the WLM master, which inturn activates the boiler on demand.2 step heatingIf there is a need for enabling asecondary heat source in a room (e.g. abackup electrical radiator), it is possibleto use a special room controller that willcontrol two separate outputs.The second output will be activated onlyif the temperature cannot be achievedwithin a preset time period.Weather compensationThe digital Master is capable of compensatingfor outdoor temperature. All that isrequired is an outdoor compensationmodule and a supply temperature sensorto be connected.Based on current outdoor temperatureand heat demand, the Master varies thewater temperature of the underfloorheating by means of a 2, 3 or 4-waymixing valve.Mixing valve controlTo obtain controlled supply watertemperature the digital master provides a24Vac, 0-10V output for the mixing valve.Control action is P + I and the parametersare adjustable in the master.The control signal can be reversed to10-0V if required.BR-0965-A09Initially, the valve is opened 20%. Accumulatedhot water is then utilised before the boiler is turnedon. Once the boiler has been started, the mixingvalve will be fully opened.Commissioning modeDigital masters include a special“commissioning mode”, which allows thetemperature of the supply water to becontrolled to assist the drying out of anewly laid concrete floor.Note: This function relates to BS/EN-1264part 4.Adaptive function (optimum start)The adaptive function allows the start timeof the heating system to be automaticallyvaried, thus providing energy savings,but ensuring that the room will reach thecorrect temperature at the desired time.A WLCT room controller is necessary onthe system for the adaptive function tooperate.System checkCorrect operation of the system can bechecked using a special “Install Mode”.This enables the installer to individuallytest and prove each output.Networking possibilitiesIn large buildings with multiple areas it ispossible to use a master to create anetwork of multiple zones.• A “network master” could be a digitalversion for centralized control of mixedsupply water or a basic master whereno mixing is required.• “Slave Masters” can then be added tothe network to create additional zones.• “Slave Masters” controlling a commonpump are connected as a string on thenetwork system.• Up to 15 strings, each of up to 9masters, can be connected as anetwork.• Switching between cooling andheating can be done via the “NetworkMaster”using a single WLAC interface.Temperature settings on the Master are factoryprogrammed(curve 1) but can easily be altered usingthe display (curve 2).In large buildings with multiple areas it is possible to use a master to create a network of multiple zones.8 © 2011 OJ Electronics A/S

Wired and wireless communicationWIRED AND WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONThe master is universal and can be used for wirelesscommunication if a receiver is connected. Sensorswith either wireless or cable communication can becombined in the same system.31 2123Cable communication.Wireless communication.Receiver for wireless signal.Wired communicationLow-voltage sensors/controllers areconnected to the Master in star or seriesusing standard 2-core cables (0.25 mm 2 ).The total length of cable may be up to300 m with a maximum of 100 mbetween any two units.If the system is subsequently extended,the new room sensor/controller is simplyconnected to the nearest cable or roomsensor.BR-0965-A07Room sensors/controllers are connectedusing 2-core cable (0.25 mm 2 ).BR-0965-A07Wireless communicationThe Master is universal and wirelesscommunication is possible if a receiveris connected. A frequency band of 868MHz is used in order to maximisecommunication stability. Activating thesensors/controllers is extremely easy:simply set the Master in learning modeand then press the activation button onthe sensors/controllers.The sensors/controllers is powered bystandard AAA batteries and an alarmsignal indicates when these are runninglow.The alarm signal can be turned off for24 hours until the batteries have beenreplaced.BR-0965-A06BR-0965-A06The outdoor compensation module is connected using2-core cable (0.25 mm 2 ) while 4-core cable is used forthe receiver© 2011 OJ Electronics A/S9

Room sensor/controller featuresArea controlUsing the room controller, the buildingcan be divided into various areas, eachcontaining rooms with a similar patternof usage. Time and temperaturesettings can be made on the roomcontroller for each change of usage,and these settings then apply for all therooms within the area via a simpleprogramming function in the roomcontroller.Users can still adjust the temperature ofan individual room by +/- 4C.The room controller can be placed, andused, to control one of the rooms withinthe area, or it can be placed outside ofthe area, in a central position, for theconvenience of the user. Therefore, atypical installation could have two orthree room controllers placed in acentral position and controlling all therooms within the building.AREA 1 AREA 2Simple sensor and controlleractivationThe number of the output for thethermal actuator to be activated by theroom sensor/controller must be set onthe channel selector located behind thesensor/controller cover. If, for example,channel 4 is selected, the roomsensor/controller will activate thethermal actuator connected to output 4on the Master.Manual controlA room sensor with function selectorcan be installed, allowing permanentoverride for that room to either setbackor off condition.10 © 2011 OJ Electronics A/S

OJ Waterline TM MasterTHE MASTER PROVIDES SYSTEM BRAINPOWERBased on the room temperatures, the master ensures optimum operation of boilers,pumps, and – on the digital master, water temperature control. It is especially importantthat operating temperatures are optimised as these are of crucial importance for energyconsumption, and system service life.• Using an external temperature sensor,the Digital Master can compensatefor changes in outside temperatures.Water temperature is then adjustedautomatically.• Room temperature demands arecommunicated to the Master bywired, or by wireless signals.• Outputs are incorporated in themaster for the switching of thermalactuators, boilers, pumps, and mixingvalves.• Temperature settings can be set onthe digital master by a simple 3button system.• Indicator lights show the status of theoutputs, and also give error/faultmessages for simple diagnostics.• Each master can control a maximumof 8 rooms/zones.• An ADD ON module can extend thisto 14.• A system with greater than 14 zonescan be controlled by using more thanone master in a network format (seepage 6)• The Master can be used for coolingcontrol in addition to heating.A cooling kit is required and thesoftware enables dewpoint control tobe achieved via a WLH room mountedhumidity sensor.• A Master, primarily used for underfloorheating, can also be used fordomestic hot water control, and forcontrol of a radiator circuit, by theaddition of special versions of theroom WLCT controller (see productprogram and paragraphs on page 11-12)Digital Master with graphic displayThe display lights up when activated andthe various temperature parameters areillustrated by simple symbols. Settingscan be changed using the up-arrow,down-arrow and accept buttons.A special service menu allows currentreadings for the following parameters tobe accessed at any time:• Outdoor temperature (if weathercompensation is connected)• Water temperature for the underfloorheating.• Mixing valve control signal.Digital Master with graphic display which lightsup when activated. Temperature parameters areillustrated by means of simple symbols andsettings can be changed using the up-arrow,down-arrow and accept buttons.In addition, current room temperaturefor all room sensors/controllers in thehome can be displayed, as can currentfloor temperature if floor sensors areinstalled. Whether the roomsensors/controllers are functioningcorrectly can also be checked on thedisplay in a table listing all roomsensors/controllers.Error codes (E0 to E9) are shown iffaults occur, making it easy to locateand correct any faults.Master programmeStandard master8 outputs for thermal actuatorsDigital master8 outputs for thermal actuatorsand weather compensationAdditional module6 outputs for thermal actuators12 © 2011 OJ Electronics A/S

OJ Waterline TM room sensors/controllersSensors and controllers withwireless or cable communication• can be combined on the same system.• Wireless sensors use standard AAAbatteries and give an alarm signalwhen the batteries are running low.• Cable connected sensors use a 5v dcbus system and standard 2 core(0.25 mm 2 ) cable can be used.• All sensors can be changed fromheating to cooling function by a remotesignal sent to the master via a WLACmodule.A non adjustable version of the sensorcan be provided for public buildings AllWLM temperature sensors are elegantlydesigned for mounting on wall surfaces,or on wall sockets.• Temperature adjustment is restricted to+/- 4C, preventing unintentionalsettings to very high or very low levels.• Precise control is achieved by P+Iaction of the controlled output• Optional floor sensors can be used toensure that floor temperatures arenever too high or too low• A room controller provides fortemperature levels to be changed tosuit the occupancy of the room, thusensuring that energy is used efficiently.• One room controller can control anumber of rooms with similaroccupancy timings, but stillmaintaining the local +/- 4Cadjustment for individual requirements.(see paragraph on area control, page 8)• Wireless and cable type sensors.Room controller with timerEnergy consumption can be reduced ifthe temperature is lowered at night andduring weekday daytime hours. Timecontrollers can thus save money.The controller is programmed forcomfort and setback periods for one ormore rooms with similar pattern of use,e.g. three bedrooms. (see Save energy,page 4)Room sensors/controllersin generalThese are specially designed forwaterbased underfloor heating systems.Models with wireless or cablecommunication are available and bothtypes can be combined in the samesystem. As many as 24 room sensors/controllers can be combined in a singlesystem, and each of them is capable ofcontrolling one or more thermalactuators. Should a room sensor fail, thesystem maintains a minimum of 20%heat output, thus preventingunpleasantly low temperatures whenoccupants return home.Room sensorwith external floor sensorThese room sensors have two sensors.An internal temperature sensor for roomtemperature control and a floor sensorwith higher priority that ensures floortemperature is maintained at acomfortable level all year round orprevents parquet floors from becomingexcessively warm.1)2)3)4)1) Automatic comfort and setback temperatures2) Permanent comfort temperature3) Permanent setback temperature4) Permanent frost protection, approx. 5°CRoom sensors with functionselectorA function selector allows timersettings to be overridden. It is, forexample, possible to permanentlymaintain setback temperature in anunused guest room or to activate thecomfort setting in the living room ondays off when the setback settingwould otherwise have applied.Floor sensors provide additional comfort on tiledfloors and protection of wodden floorsSensors/controllers programmeWLTAWLTMWLTDWLTPWLCT2© 2011 OJ Electronics A/S13

MasterprogrammmeSTANDARD DIGITAL ADDITIONAL MODULE8 outputs for thermal actuators 8 outputs for thermal actuatorsand weather compensation6 outputs for thermal actuatorsControl panel1 LED indicates power8 LEDs indicate thermal actuators3 LEDs indicate pumps and boiler1 LED indicates setback temp.Reset for alarm and factory settings1 LED indicates power8 LEDs indicate thermal actuators3 LEDs indicate pumps and boiler1 LED indicates setback temp.Backlit display1 LED indicates power6 LEDs indicate thermal actuatorsRelay outputs· Thermal actuators or zone valves8 outputs, max. 2 A directBoiler, max. 4 A voltage free· Main pump, max. 4 A direct· Sec. pump, max. 4 A direct· Thermal actuators or zone valves8 outputs, max. 2 A direct· Boiler, max. 4 A voltage free· Main pump, max. 4 A direct· Sec. pump, max. 4 A direct· Sec. pump, max. 4 A directControl input· Setback temp. etc.· Setback temp. etc.In/Outputs for weather compensation-· Outdoor compensation module· Supply temperature sensor(incl. with Master)For mixing valve:· 0-10 V control signal· 24 V, 6 VA voltage supply-Temperature settings:Permanent settings:Standard:Range:-Room temperature -Setback temperature -Frost protection -Max. floor temperature -Min. floor temperature -Max. supply water temperature -121°C18°C5°C27°C17°C55°C121°C +5/+40°C18°C +5/+40°C5°C +3/+8°C27°C +20/+40°C17°C +10/+30°C55°C +25/+70°CWeather compensation:-Standard:Range:Low outdoor temperature -Supply water temperature --3°C-20/+10°C45°C +30/+60°CHigh outdoor temperature -Supply water temperature -25°C +10/+35°C30°C +10/+40°CPower supply230V AC230V AC230V ACDimensions (H/W/D)130/315/53 mm130/315/53 mm130/315/53 mmMaster types and accessories:Outputs for 230 V thermoelementsWLM2-1BAWLM2-1FSWLM2-1AOOutputs for 24 V thermoelementsWLM2-3BAWLM2-3FSWLM2-3AO2Receiver for wireless signalWLRC-19WLRC-19-Outdoor compensation module forweather compensation-WLOC-19-<strong>Cooling</strong> kit:<strong>Cooling</strong> kit for standard mastersWLM2-BA-COOL<strong>Cooling</strong> kit for digital mastersWLM2-FS-COOL1)2)Room temperature can be adjusted ±4°C via the thermostat.Wireless communication can be achieved by connecting a receiver (type WLRC-19) to the Master. Dimensions: (H/W/D) 80/80/24 mm.14 © 2011 OJ Electronics A/S

Room sensor/controller programmeROOM SENSORSCONTROLLERSensor typeStandardStandard withfunction selectorStandard withfunction selectorand floor sensorNon-adjustable4-eventtimer thermostatTemperature adjustment±4°C±4°C±4°C-+5/+35°CFunctions-Auto, comfort,setback, frostAuto, comfort,setback, frost-Auto, comfort,setbackRoom sensorInternal2InternalInternalInternalInternalFloor sensor--Incl. floor sensor-Can be connectedDimensions (H/W/D)80/80/24 mm80/80/24 mm80/80/24 mm80/80/24 mm80/80/24 mmFor mounting direct on wall or in wall socket.Thermostat type:Cable communicationWLTA-19WLTM-19WLTD-19WLTP-19WLCT-191Wireless communicationWLTA-29WLTM-29WLTD-29WLTP-29WLCT-29Floor sensor type--ETF-144/99A-ETF-144/99AExternal room sensor type-ETF-944/99H---1)Supplied complete with AAA batteries. 2) External room sensor can be connected instead of internal sensor.Special types:Radiator controlDomestic hot water control2-step controlWLCT-19/RWLCT-29/R3WLCT-19/HW3WLCT-29/HWWLCT-19/2WLCT-29/23)External sensor included, temperature range +5/+80°C.Symbol Time Temp. ExplanationProgram for weekdays, Mondays-Fridays:06:0008:0016:0023:0021°C19°C22°C17°CMORNING: The day beginsOUT: At work, school, etc.HOME: The family returns homeNIGHT: BedtimeProgram for Saturdays and Sundays:08:0023:0022°C17°CMORNING: It is the weekend so the day starts laterNIGHT: Bedtime4-event timer controllerWith a WLCT controller with integratedtimer, energy consumption can bereduced by automatically lowering thetemperature at night and during weekdaydaytime hours.Besides the current time and weekday,the controller display also shows theactive comfort or setback period usinglogical symbols.The controller is pre-programmed withcomfort and setback periods but thesecan easily be changed to suit personalrequirements. The table shows thesymbols used and the factoryprogrammedperiods and temperatures.© 2011 OJ Electronics A/S15

Founded in 1964, OJ Electronics developsand manufactures specialised solutions forunderfloor heating and HVAC controls andpower. Combining in-house R&D with stateof-the-artproduction and quality-assurancetechnologies, OJ’s products are acclaimedfor design, functionality, ease of installationand reliability.It is important for OJ to develop the bestsolution for our customers, focusing onmaximum comfort with minimum energyconsumption.OJ.I.Waterline.GB.0911 - Subject to alterations · ® The trademark is registered and belongs to OJ Electronics A/S · © 2011 OJ Electronics A/SOJ ELECTRONICS A/SSTENAGER 13BDK-6400 SØNDERBORGDENMARKOJ ELECTRONICS UKCRUSADER PARKWARMINSTERWILTSHIRE, BA12 8SPUNITED KINGDONT.+45 73 12 13 14F.+45 73 12 13 13OJ@OJELECTRONICS.COMWWW.OJELECTRONICS.COMT.+44 01985 213 003F.+44 01985 213 310SALES@OJUK.CO.UKWWW.OJUK.CO.UK

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