The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty - Pearson

The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty - Pearson

The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty - Pearson


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Chapter 2 Sustainable marketing: marketing ethics and social responsibility31. In<strong>for</strong>mation from ‘Xerox Equipment Remanufacture and Parts Reuse’, accessed at www.xerox.com,August 2006; speech by Sir Terry Leahy given to invited stakeholders at a joint ‘Forum <strong>for</strong> the Future’and Tesco event in London on 18 January 2007.32. Adapted from in<strong>for</strong>mation found in Joseph Tarnowski, ‘Green monster’, Progressive Grocer (1 April2006), pp. 20–6.33. Adapted from ‘<strong>The</strong> top 3 in 2005’, Global 100, accessed at http://www.global100.org, July 2005. Seealso ‘Alcoa named one of the most sustainable corporations in the world <strong>for</strong> second straight year’,27 January 2006, accessed at www.alcoa.com. For further in<strong>for</strong>mation on Alcoa’s sustainabilityprogramme, see Alcoa’s Sustainability Report at www.alcoa.com.34. ‘Cleaning up the act: Charging <strong>for</strong> household waste is a good idea’, <strong>The</strong> Economist (31 August 2007).35. Robert K. Merton, ‘<strong>The</strong> unanticipated consequences of purposive social action’, American SociologicalReview, 1, 6 (December 1936), pp. 894–904; Edward Tenner, Why Things Bite Back: Technology and therevenge of unintended consequences (Vantage Books, 1997); Jared Diamond, Collapse: How societieschoose to fail or survive (London: Penguin, 2005); Doug Cameron, ‘Cargill chief in warning over biofuelsboom’, Financial Times (30 May 2007); Robert Mathews, ‘Un<strong>for</strong>eseen consequences’, Financial Times(24 May 2007), p. 16.36. Robert Mathews, ‘Un<strong>for</strong>eseen consequences’, Financial Times (24 May 2007), p. 16; ‘Viagra and jet lag:Mile-high hamsters’, <strong>The</strong> Economist (24 May 2007).37. Carlos Grande, ‘Ethical consumption makes mark on branding’, Financial Times (20 February 2007).38. In<strong>for</strong>mation and quotes from Andy Milligan, ‘Samsung points the way <strong>for</strong> Asian firms in global brandrace’, Media (8 August 2003), p. 8; Gerry Khermouch, ‘<strong>The</strong> best global brands’, Business Week (5 August2002), p. 92; Leslie P. Norton, ‘Value brand’, Barron’s (22 September 2003), p. 19; ‘Cult brands’,BusinessWeek Online (2 August 2004) accessed at www.businessweek.com; Bill Breen, ‘<strong>The</strong> Seoul ofdesign’, Fast Company (December 2005), pp. 91–8; and Samsung Annual Reports and other in<strong>for</strong>mationaccessed at www.samsung.com, September 2006.39. In<strong>for</strong>mation from Mike Hoffman, ‘Ben Cohen: Ben & Jerry’s Homemade, established in 1978’, Inc.(30 April 2001), p. 68; and Ben & Jerry’s website at www.benjerrys.com, September 2006.40. Quotes and other in<strong>for</strong>mation from <strong>The</strong>a Singer, ‘Can business still save the world?’, Inc. (30 April 2001),pp. 58–71; and www.honesttea.com, September 2006. Also see Elizabeth Fuhrman, ‘Honest Tea Inc.:Social and environmental sinceri-tea’, Beverage Industry (April 2005), p. 44.41. Joseph Webber, ‘3M’s big cleanup’, Business Week (5 June 2000), pp. 96–8. Also see Kara Sissell, ‘3Mdefends timing of Scotchgard phaseout’, Chemical Week (11 April 2001), p. 33; Peck Hwee Sim, ‘Ausimonttargets <strong>for</strong>mer Scotchgard markets’, Chemical Week (7 August 2002), p. 32; Jennifer Lee, ‘E.P.A. orderscompanies to examine effect of chemicals’, New York Times (15 April 2003), p. F2; and Kara Sissell,‘Swedish officials propose global ban on PFOS’, Chemical Week (22 June 2005), p. 35.42. See ‘Transparency International Bribe Payers Index’ and ‘Transparency International CorruptionPerception Index’, accessed at www.transparency.org, August 2006; Minxin Pei, ‘<strong>The</strong> dark side of China’srise’, Foreign Policy (March/April 2006), pp. 32–40; ‘Everybody’s doing it’, Middle East (April 2006),pp. 20–1; and Transparency International’s web page at www.transparency.org.43. See Social Accountability International’s web page at www.sa-intl.org.44. See Samuel A. DiPiazza, ‘Ethics in action’, Executive Excellence (January 2002), pp. 15–16, ‘It’s all downto personal values’, accessed online at www.pwcglobal.com, August 2003, and ‘Code of conduct: <strong>The</strong> waywe do business’, accessed at www.pwcglobal.com/gx/eng/ins-sol/spec-int/ethics/index.html, June 2006.45. For details see http://www.<strong>for</strong>dpinto.com/blowup.htm.46. Richard Kluger, Ashes to Ashes: America’s hundred-year cigarette war, the public health and the unabashedtriumph of Philip Morris (Vintage Books, 1997); Stanton A. Glantz, John Slade, Lisa A. Bero, PeterHanauer and Deborah E. Barnes (eds), <strong>The</strong> Cigarette Papers (Berkeley: University of Cali<strong>for</strong>nia Press,1998); Peter Pringle, Cornered: Tobacco companies at the bar of justice (Henry Holt, 1998); Allan Brandt,Cigarette Century: <strong>The</strong> rise, fall and deadly persistence of the product that defined America (Basic Books,2007); also see the star-studded Walt Disney film <strong>The</strong> Insider (2000) – it is not animation.47. Andrew Ward, ‘McDonald’s selects oil to avoid trans fat risk’, Financial Times (30 January 2007); AndrewClark, ‘McDonald’s health drive delivers fatter profits’, <strong>The</strong> Guardian (21 April 2007).48. Tessa R. Salazar, ‘Is the bull bar just a lot of bull?’, Philippine Daily Inquirer (30 October 2003); ‘America’sfavourite mode of transport is under attack’, <strong>The</strong> Economist (16 January 2003).119

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