The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty - Pearson

The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty - Pearson

The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty - Pearson


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Part 1 Marketing now16. In<strong>for</strong>mation from ‘Shop ’til they drop?’, Christian Science Monitor (1 December 2003), p. 8; GreggEasterbrook, ‘<strong>The</strong> real truth about MONEY’, Time (17 January 2005), pp. 32–5; Bradley Johnson, ‘Day inthe life: How consumers divvy up all the time they have’, Advertising Age (2 May 2005); Rich Miller, ‘Toomuch money’, Business Week (11 July 2005), pp. 59–66; ‘Bankers encourage “consumer generation” tosave’, Texas Banking (March 2006), pp. 25–6; Ralph Atkins and Andrew Bounds, ‘EU needs carefulnurturing to flourish’, Financial Times (4 June 2007), p. 4; ‘<strong>The</strong> future of Europe’, Financial Times SpecialReport (4 June 2007).17. Paul Metzner, Crescendo of the Virtuoso: Spectacle, skill, and self-promotion in Paris during the age of revolution(Berkeley: University of Cali<strong>for</strong>nia Press, 1998); Bronislaw Malinowski, Argonauts of the WesternPacific (London: Routledge, 1922).18. See Michael Cabanatuan, ‘Toll lanes could help drivers buy time’, San Francisco Chronicle (28 December2004), accessed at www.sfgate.com; ‘London mayor increases traffic toll, angers drivers, retailers’(3 July 2005), accessed at www.bloomberg.com; Dan Sturges, Gregg Moscoe and Cliff Henke,‘Innovations at work: Transit and the changing urban landscapes’, Mass Transit (July/August 2006),pp. 34–8; <strong>for</strong> London’s latest ploys, see http://www.cclondon.com/.19. ‘Marketing under fire’, Marketing Management (July/August 2004), p. 5. Also see ‘Media: <strong>The</strong> publicwants a permanent break from ad bombardment’, Marketing Week (1 December 2005), p. 27.20. Gail Kemp, ‘Commercial break: Should kids’ TV ads be banned?’, Marketing Business (September 1999),pp. 16–18; John Clare, ‘Marketing’s “material girls” aged only three’, Daily Telegraph (23 November1999), p. 9; Martin Lindstrom and Patricia B. Seybold, Brandchild (Kogan Page, 2003); see also JonathanHall, ‘Children and the money machine’, Financial Times FT Creative Business (18 March 2003), p. 6.21. Paul Betts, ‘Germany cannot af<strong>for</strong>d EADS dogfight with France’, Financial Times (17 May 2007); DemetriSevastopulo, Stephanie Kirchgaessner and James Boxell, ‘US scrutiny on BAE increases over halting ofSaudi probe’, Financial Times (8 May 2007); Michael Peel, Jimmy Burns and James Boxell, ‘Swiss look atBAE’s Saudi sales’, Financial Times (15 May 2007); ‘US scrutiny on BAE increases over halting of Saudiprobe’, AFX Europe (Focus) (8 May 2007); Michael Peel, ‘UK role in arms trade puts PM’s reputation atstake’, Financial Times (31 May 2007), p. 2.22. Greg Winter, ‘Hershey is put on the auction block’, New York Times (26 July 2002), p. 5; Adam Jones,‘Danone to place emphasis on acquisitions’, FT.com (2 August 2006); ‘France’s Danone to buy 49 percentof Denmark’s Aqua d’Or <strong>for</strong> undisclosed sum’, AP Worldstream (19 September 2006); Haig Simonian,‘Nestlé buys Gerber <strong>for</strong> $5.5bn’, FT.com (11 April 2007).23. Oliver Wihofszki, ‘Daimler wird Chrysler gunstig los’, Financial Times Deutschland (15 May 2007).24. R.A.F. Casert, ‘Europe threatens new Microsoft fines’, AP Online (1 March 2007).25. For more discussion, see Jeremiah McWilliams, ‘Big-box retailer takes issue with small documentary’,Knight Ridder Tribune Business News (15 November 2005), p. 1; Nicole Kauffman, ‘Movie paints a darkpicture of Wal-Mart’s impact on communities’, Knight Ridder Tribune Business News (19 January 2006),p. 1; John Reid Blackwell, ‘Documentarian defends Wal-Mart’, Knight Ridder Tribune Business News (12May 2006), p. 1; ‘<strong>The</strong> global merger boom: <strong>The</strong> beat goes on’, <strong>The</strong> Economist (10 May 2007).26. For more details, see Paul N. Bloom and Stephen A. Greyser, ‘<strong>The</strong> maturing of consumerism’, HarvardBusiness Review (November–December 1981), pp. 130–9; Douglas A. Harbrecht, ‘<strong>The</strong> second comingof Ralph Nader’, Business Week (6 March 1989), p. 28; George S. Day and David A. Aaker, ‘A guide toconsumerism’, Marketing Management (Spring 1997), pp. 44–8; Benet Middleton, ‘Consumerism: apragmatic ideology’, Consumer Policy Review (November/December 1998), pp. 213–7; Colin Brown,‘Consumer activism in Europe’, Consumer Policy Review, 8, 6 (1998), pp. 209–12.27. ‘Slavery: Breaking the chains’, <strong>The</strong> Economist (22 February 2007); Jonathan Birchall, ‘Nike to strengthenef<strong>for</strong>t to combat worker abuse’, Financial Times (31 May 2007), p. 9.28. Sylvie La<strong>for</strong>et and John Saunders, ‘Managing brand portfolios: How strategies have changed’, Journal ofAdvertising Research, 45, 3 (September 2005), pp. 314–27.29. Peter M. Senge, Goran Carstedt and Patrick L. Porter, ‘Innovating our way to the next industrial revolution’,MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter 2001), pp. 24–38; in<strong>for</strong>mation from ‘BP Launches World’sGreenest Service Station’, BP press release, 25 April 2002.30. See ‘Sustainability Key to UPS Environmental Initiatives’, UPS press release, accessed at www.pressroom.ups.com, July 2006; http://www.ricoh.co.uk/environment/index.cfm, May 2007; John Reed, ‘Diesel couldoutpace hybrids in US’, Financial Times (27 May 2007); speech by Sir Terry Leahy given to invited stakeholdersat a joint ‘Forum <strong>for</strong> the Future’ and Tesco event in London on 18 January 2007.118

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