The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty - Pearson

The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty - Pearson

The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty - Pearson


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Chapter 2 Sustainable marketing: marketing ethics and social responsibility2. See Richard Tomkins, ‘Smoke signals out as cigarette adverts meet their match’, Financial Times(9 February 2003), p. 3; Deborah L. Vence, ‘Match game’, Marketing News (11 November 2002), pp. 1,11–12; Neil Buckley, ‘Philip Morris case brings threat of fresh tobacco suits’, Financial Times (24 March2003), p. 30; Gordon Fairclough, ‘Study slams Philip Morris ads telling teens not to smoke – how amarket researcher who dedicated years to cigarette sales came to create antismoking ads’, Wall StreetJournal (29 May 2002), p. B1.3. ‘DFS profit warning highlights threadbare furniture market’, Investors’ Chronicle (6 February 2004);Carlos Grande, ‘Advertising up in ef<strong>for</strong>t to win shoppers’, Financial Times (13 January 2007).4. Excerpts from <strong>The</strong>odore Levitt, ‘<strong>The</strong> morality(?) of advertising’, Harvard Business Review (July–August1970), pp. 84–92; Ben Abrahams, ‘<strong>The</strong> ASA: older and wiser’, Marketing (10 July 2000), p. 3.5. Lane Jennings, ‘Hype, spin, puffery, and lies: Should we be scared?’, <strong>The</strong> Futurist (January–February2004), p. 16. For recent examples of deceptive advertising, see ‘Mobile providers sued by New YorkCity’, Telecomworldwire (22 July 2005), p. 1; Chad Bray, ‘Federated to pay civil penalty’, Wall StreetJournal (15 March 2006), p. B3; and ‘Pfizer sues P&G over Crest ads’, Wall Street Journal (6 March 2006),p. 1.6. See the 1987 film <strong>The</strong> Tin Men starring Richard Dreyfuss and Danny DeVito <strong>for</strong> some great examples ofhigh-pressure selling, and the eventual downfalls.7. Andrew Bounds, ‘Lucrative holiday property rip-offs targeted by EU’ and ‘Offer of home in sun just pie inthe sky <strong>for</strong> UK couple’, Financial Times (8 June 2007), p. 8.8. ‘McDonald’s to cut “Super Size” option’, Advertising Age (8 March 2004), p. 13; Dave Carpenter, ‘Hold thefries, take a walk’, <strong>The</strong> News & Observer (16 April 2004), p. D1; Michael V. Copeland, ‘Ronald gets back inshape’, Business 2.0 (January/February 2005), pp. 46–7; David P. Callet and Cheryl A. Falvey, ‘Is restaurantfood the new tobacco?’, Restaurant Hospitality (May 2005), pp. 94–6; Kate McArthur, ‘BK offers fat tothe land’, Advertising Age (4 April 2005), pp. 1, 60.9. Eric Schlosser, Fast Food Nation: <strong>The</strong> dark side of the all-American meal (Harper Perennial, 2006); GregCritser, Fat Land: How Americans became the fattest people in the world (Penguin Books, 2004); TobiasBuck and Jenny Wiggins, ‘EU pushes voluntary code to tackle obesity’, Financial Times (31 May 2007),p. 8; Beuc press release PR 013/2007, www.beuc.eu.10. Tobias Buck, ‘Brussels gets teeth into food groups’ “misleading” claims’, Financial Times (1/2 February2003), p. 7.11. N. Craig Smith, Robert J. Thomas and John A. Quelch, ‘A strategic approach to managing productrecalls’, Harvard Business Review (September–October 1996), pp. 102–12; ‘When quality control breaksdown’, <strong>The</strong> European (6–12 November 1997), p. 29; Vanessa Valkin, ‘Court overturns Ford/Firestoneclass-action’, FT.com (2 May 2002); James Mackintosh and Richard Milne, ‘Electronic bugs cause recallof 1.3m cars by Mercedes’, Financial Times (1 April 2005); James Mackintosh, ‘Jaguar recalls luxury carover gears fault’, Financial Times (17 April 2004); ‘Timeline: Recent safety recalls in Japan’, FT.com(25 August 2006).12. For the little tin lamp tale, see http://www.exxonmobilchemical.com.cn/China-English/LCW/About_ExxonMobil/Our_History_in_China.asp; Mark Fagan, ‘Commodity driven market’, LawrenceJournal-World (4 May 2005), p. 1. Also see Clint Swett, ‘High prices on printer cartridges feedsmarketing <strong>for</strong> alternative industry’, Knight Ridder Tribune Business News (15 February 2006), p. 1; JohnGapper, ‘A bid to reprint the pricing rule book’, <strong>The</strong> Economist (21 May 2007).13. For more discussion, see Denver D’Rozario and Jerome D. Williams, ‘Retail redlining: definition, theory,typology, and measurement’, Journal of Macromarketing (December 2005), p. 175; Jeremy Warner,‘Tragedy of Post Office closures’, <strong>The</strong> Independent (18 May 2007).14. See Brian Grow and Pallavi Gogoi, ‘A new way to squeeze the weak?’, Business Week (28 January 2002),p. 92; Marc Lifsher, ‘Allstate settles over use of credit scores’, Los Angeles Times (2 March 2004), p. C1;Judith Burns, ‘Study finds links in credit scores, insurance claims’, Wall Street Journal (28 February2005), p. D3; Erik Eckholm, ‘Black and Hispanic home buyers pay higher interest on mortgages, studyfinds’, New York Times (1 June 2006), p. A22.15. Jane Croft, ‘Banks target poor as loan sharks face crackdown’, Financial Times (25 November 2004);‘Tesco plans to spend PLN600mn on new store openings in Poland in 2007’, Business Wire (18 May2007); ‘Tesco PLC, one of the most ubiquitous retail names in Britain, said Wednesday it is to openup to 25 “Tesco Express” convenience stores in the Tokyo area this year’, Kyodo News Service (18 April2007).117

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