The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty - Pearson

The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty - Pearson

The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty - Pearson


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Part 1 Marketing now…2.1series of ads. It is promoting a philosophy, supported by a substantial advertisingbudget, the <strong>Dove</strong> Self-Esteem Fund and a website full of resources designed to buildthe self-esteem of women and young girls.Certainly, Unilever does have financial objectives <strong>for</strong> its <strong>Dove</strong> brand – mostconsumers understand and accept that. If women are not buying the message of<strong>Dove</strong> about the nature of real beauty, then they aren’t buying its products either. Butthe people behind the <strong>Dove</strong> brand and the <strong>Campaign</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Real</strong> <strong>Beauty</strong> have noblemotives beyond sales and profits. According to Fernando Acosta, <strong>Dove</strong> vice-presidentof brand development, the bold and compelling mission of the <strong>Dove</strong> brand to redefinebeauty and reassure women ranks well beyond the issues of money: ‘You should seethe faces of the people working on this brand now,’ he says. ‘<strong>The</strong>re is a real love <strong>for</strong>the brand.’SOURCES: <strong>The</strong>resa Howard, ‘<strong>Dove</strong> ad gets serious <strong>for</strong> super bowl’, USA Today (23 January 2006), accessed atwww.usatoday.com; Don Babwin, ‘<strong>Dove</strong> ads with “real” women get attention’, Associated Press Financial Wire(29 July 2005); <strong>The</strong>resa Howard, ‘Ad campaigns tell women to celebrate how they are’, USA Today (7 August2005), accessed at www.usatoday.com; Pallavi Gogoi, ‘From reality TV to reality ads’, BusinessWeek Online(17 August 2005), accessed at www.businessweek.com; ‘Positioning: Getting comfy in their skin’, Brandweek(19 December 2005), p. 16; Patricia Odell, ‘<strong>Real</strong> girls’, Promo (1 March 2006), p. 24; ‘Beyond stereotypes:Rebuilding the foundation of beauty beliefs’ (February 2006), accessed at www.campaign<strong>for</strong>realbeauty.com;Jeani Read, ‘Women modeling <strong>for</strong> <strong>Dove</strong> love challenging skinny stereotypes’, <strong>The</strong> Calgary Herald (15 May2006), p. C3; and in<strong>for</strong>mation found at www.campaign<strong>for</strong>realbeauty.com, December 2006; Tom Phillips,‘Everyone knew she was ill . . .’, <strong>The</strong> Observer (14 January 2007).In order to persuade customers to buy their brand rather than any other, manufacturerssometimes make claims that are not fully substantiated.<strong>The</strong> recent spate of food scares and the increasing popularity of functional food productsthat claim to have beneficial effects on consumer health have spurred the EuropeanCommission into action. Planned legislation would ban companies from using claims ‘thatmake reference to general, non-specific benefits to overall good health, well-being and normalfunctioning of the body’. So, slogans such as ‘90 per cent fat-free’ and ‘strengthens your body’snatural defences’ would be prohibited. According to the European Commission there is a need toensure that consumers are not fooled by in<strong>for</strong>mation provided on the products. A fundamentalrequirement is that consumers are protected. <strong>The</strong> food industry is less than enthusiastic. <strong>The</strong>ywelcome regulations that would allow companies to use the same labelling across the EU, butfear that the Commission may be overstepping the mark. It may be easy to see why. <strong>The</strong> newregulations would mean that Nestlé LCI yoghurts, Danone Actimel drinkable yoghurt range andUnilever’s Latta margarine would not be able to claim to stimulate, help or strengthen yourbody’s natural defences. Neither would Kellogg’s be allowed to use the little symbols to indicatethe health benefits that it puts on cereals in its range. 1076

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