Guidelines for Conducting Effective Employment Interviews

Guidelines for Conducting Effective Employment Interviews Guidelines for Conducting Effective Employment Interviews
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Identify and document competencies necessary to perform the position effectively--Identify the knowledge, skills, abilities, educational requirements, and experiencenecessary to perform the job effectively:• identify knowledge the job holder must possess (knowledge about the competitive/ business environment; expertise in his/her field; knowledge of current trends inthe field; general knowledge of challenges facing higher education, etc.)• define “technical skills” necessary for successful job performance (i.e., wordprocessing skills, fundraising expertise, knowledge of accounting regulations,ability to manage projects...)• identify interpersonal skills and attributes necessary for successful job performance(the ability to effectively lead and supervise people, the ability to motivate others, ,ability to collaborate with others, respect for diversity, respect for confidentiality...)• define what the job holder must be able to do / accomplish in order to be successfulin the position• think about the skills and abilities that will compliment those already presentamong your staff members• consider the kinds of past work experiences and other educational, professional, orcommunity service experiences that may have helped develop desired skills andabilities• think about the importance of commitment to the mission of Franklin & Marshalland ability to help achieve strategic objectivesDetermine in advance whether any skills or abilities will be weighed more heavily thanothers. Also, determine whether prior work experience is an acceptable substitute forformal education. Refer to the written job description when identifying required skillsand abilities. When determining what it will take to be successful in the position,consider getting input from those with whom the job holder will interact. Also, thinkabout what made prior job holders either successful or unsuccessful in the position.Be sure to avoid requirements that could be construed as discriminatory-- For example,avoid requiring candidates be "recent graduates" or "energetic", which might beperceived as wanting young candidates. Instead, you may require that the successfulcandidate be "able and willing to work long hours and a flexible schedule".Be sure all required skills and abilities, prior work experience requirements, andrequired degrees or certifications are truly necessary for effective job performance--For example, requiring a college degree when one is not truly necessary for effective jobperformance may unnecessarily screen out a large number of potential employmentcandidates.It is important to document the skills, abilities, and other qualifications upon which eachcandidate will be evaluated so there is a record of selection criteria.Form the search committee-- Generally, several individuals participate in the searchprocess, forming a search committee. The search committee is typically comprised ofCollege employees (and students, depending on the vacant position) who will frequentlyinteract with the individual hired, both from within and outside the department. Adiverse search committee will help assure different perspectives are considered.

Search committee members generally (1) develop and/or refine the list of skills, abilities,knowledge, and experience the successful candidate must possess to perform the jobeffectively; (2) screen resumes and determine who to interview, based on who appears topossess necessary job skills and experiences; (3) develop an interview guide, andcoordinate, schedule, and conduct interviews; (4) evaluate each candidate based on jobrelatedcriteria; (5) check the references of the top (most qualified) candidates; (6)recommend the most qualified few candidates to the department manager and/or VicePresident/Provost; (7) document the reasons for the committee's recommendation; (8)notify all candidates who were interviewed but will not be offered the position. Searchcommittee members also perform the important task of helping each candidate feelwelcome, and helping to assure each candidate forms a positive impression of theCollege.The manager with the vacancy should discuss, in advance, with the search committee themethod for making the final selection decision. Generally, the search committee willmake a recommendation to the department manager and/or Vice President/Provost,and he/she will making the hiring decision. Or, the search committee may recommendthe top (most qualified) few candidates, and then the department manager or generalofficer will make the final selection decision.Inform all those participating in the selection process-- Assure that everyone who willcome in contact with the candidates and/or will participate in the selection processunderstands the College's Equal Employment Opportunity policy and how to conduct aneffective, fair, and legally-sound interview. Anyone not participating in interviews, butwho may escort candidates to lunch or from interview to interview, should be aware ofquestions which may be construed as discriminatory (see below). Please contact HumanResources for interview skills training if selection team members have not had priortraining.Additionally, those participating in the selection process should understand thatcandidates will be evaluating the College just as the College will be evaluatingcandidates. Throughout the search process, each candidate should feel welcome and betreated as a “V.I.P.”.Prepare a draft employment ad-- In addition to submitting an up-to-date job description,the manager / search committee chair should send the Associate Director, HumanResources the following information, to be incorporated in the job advertisement:• the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other qualifications necessary for successful jobperformance• required education level and any necessary certifications• the amount and type of prior work experience necessary for effective jobperformance (note whether prior work experience is an acceptable substitute forformal education)• any special requirements such as frequent travel, weekend and evening work, theability to safely lift significant weights, etc. (requirements which could be construedas discriminatory must be avoided, such as "recent college graduate" or "youngprofessional")• a brief description of what the job holder will be expected to accomplish (whathe/she will need to do in order to succeed in the position)

Search committee members generally (1) develop and/or refine the list of skills, abilities,knowledge, and experience the successful candidate must possess to per<strong>for</strong>m the jobeffectively; (2) screen resumes and determine who to interview, based on who appears topossess necessary job skills and experiences; (3) develop an interview guide, andcoordinate, schedule, and conduct interviews; (4) evaluate each candidate based on jobrelatedcriteria; (5) check the references of the top (most qualified) candidates; (6)recommend the most qualified few candidates to the department manager and/or VicePresident/Provost; (7) document the reasons <strong>for</strong> the committee's recommendation; (8)notify all candidates who were interviewed but will not be offered the position. Searchcommittee members also per<strong>for</strong>m the important task of helping each candidate feelwelcome, and helping to assure each candidate <strong>for</strong>ms a positive impression of theCollege.The manager with the vacancy should discuss, in advance, with the search committee themethod <strong>for</strong> making the final selection decision. Generally, the search committee willmake a recommendation to the department manager and/or Vice President/Provost,and he/she will making the hiring decision. Or, the search committee may recommendthe top (most qualified) few candidates, and then the department manager or generalofficer will make the final selection decision.In<strong>for</strong>m all those participating in the selection process-- Assure that everyone who willcome in contact with the candidates and/or will participate in the selection processunderstands the College's Equal <strong>Employment</strong> Opportunity policy and how to conduct aneffective, fair, and legally-sound interview. Anyone not participating in interviews, butwho may escort candidates to lunch or from interview to interview, should be aware ofquestions which may be construed as discriminatory (see below). Please contact HumanResources <strong>for</strong> interview skills training if selection team members have not had priortraining.Additionally, those participating in the selection process should understand thatcandidates will be evaluating the College just as the College will be evaluatingcandidates. Throughout the search process, each candidate should feel welcome and betreated as a “V.I.P.”.Prepare a draft employment ad-- In addition to submitting an up-to-date job description,the manager / search committee chair should send the Associate Director, HumanResources the following in<strong>for</strong>mation, to be incorporated in the job advertisement:• the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other qualifications necessary <strong>for</strong> successful jobper<strong>for</strong>mance• required education level and any necessary certifications• the amount and type of prior work experience necessary <strong>for</strong> effective jobper<strong>for</strong>mance (note whether prior work experience is an acceptable substitute <strong>for</strong><strong>for</strong>mal education)• any special requirements such as frequent travel, weekend and evening work, theability to safely lift significant weights, etc. (requirements which could be construedas discriminatory must be avoided, such as "recent college graduate" or "youngprofessional")• a brief description of what the job holder will be expected to accomplish (whathe/she will need to do in order to succeed in the position)

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