Worksheet 2.3

Worksheet 2.3 Worksheet 2.3
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Algebra 22.3 Inequality Word ProblemsNotes _________________Ex 1: A video store charges $19.99 for a lifetime membership. Members pay$2.00 to rent a movie, while nonmembers pay $2.25. At least how manymovies would a member have to rent in order to pay less, overall, than anonmember?Ex 2: Ellen’s first three test scores were consecutive odd integers. Her fourthscore was 83. She had a B- average (between 80 and 82, inclusive) for thefour tests. What was her lowest test score?Ex 3: Two sides of a triangle are consecutive even integers. The other side is 65cm. If the perimeter is between 215 cm and 230 cm, what are the possiblelengths for the first two sides?Ex 4: Find all sets of four consecutive integers whose sum is between 95 and105.

Algebra 2<strong>2.3</strong> Inequality Word ProblemsNotes _________________Ex 1: A video store charges $19.99 for a lifetime membership. Members pay$2.00 to rent a movie, while nonmembers pay $2.25. At least how manymovies would a member have to rent in order to pay less, overall, than anonmember?Ex 2: Ellen’s first three test scores were consecutive odd integers. Her fourthscore was 83. She had a B- average (between 80 and 82, inclusive) for thefour tests. What was her lowest test score?Ex 3: Two sides of a triangle are consecutive even integers. The other side is 65cm. If the perimeter is between 215 cm and 230 cm, what are the possiblelengths for the first two sides?Ex 4: Find all sets of four consecutive integers whose sum is between 95 and105.

Algebra 2<strong>2.3</strong> Inequality Word ProblemsNotes _________________1) The owners of a skating rink sell discount cards for $15 that are worth $.50 off the regularadmission price of $3. The discount cards are good for six months. At least how many timeswould you have to go skating in order to pay less, overall, with the discount card than without it?2) A summer recreation department charges $45 for a season ticket to the town pool. Admission tothe pool for one day is $1.75. How many days would you have to go swimming at the regularprice in order to spend at least the cost of a season ticket?3) The length of a rectangle is 3 cm more than twice its width. Find the largest possible width if theperimeter is at most 66 cm.4) The length of a leg of an isosceles triangle is twice the length of the base. What is the minimumlength of the base if the perimeter is at least 20 cm?5) Find all sets of four consecutive odd integers that are positive and whose sum is at most 25.6) Find all sets of three consecutive even integers whose sum is greater than 102 and less than 116.7) Find all pairs of consecutive even integers whose sum is greater than 73 but less than 79.8) Paul bowled games of 155, 148, and 160. What must he bowl in the next game to keep at least anaverage of 150?9) At Cheryl’s Canine Resort, there are reservations for twice as many retrievers as collies, and fortwo more shepherds than collies. If there are 21 cages in all, what is the greatest number ofcollies that can be boarded?10) Nancy’s golf score on Friday was 86. Her score on Tuesday was 8 points more than her score onThursday. If Nancy’s average score is between 80 and 84, what are the lowest and highestpossible scores she could have had on Thursday?

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