Audit of Residential Facilities, Final report - Division for Social Policy ...

Audit of Residential Facilities, Final report - Division for Social Policy ...

Audit of Residential Facilities, Final report - Division for Social Policy ...


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2.5 Legislative Context <strong>for</strong> Older PersonsThe South African Older Persons Act, 2006 effectively addresses the plight <strong>of</strong> older persons byestablishing a framework and an enabling environment aimed at the empowerment, protection <strong>of</strong>older persons, promoting and maintaining their dignity, independence, participation, rights, wellbeing,safety and security. The Act encompasses the main pillars <strong>of</strong> the Madrid Plan <strong>of</strong> Action towhich South Africa is a signatory. The foundation <strong>of</strong> the Act is the Constitution that establishes asociety based on democratic values, social justice and fundamental human rights and seeks toimprove the quality <strong>of</strong> life <strong>of</strong> all citizens and to free the potential <strong>of</strong> each person. The Bill <strong>of</strong>Rights as set out in the Constitution, acknowledges that every citizen has inherent dignity and theright to have their dignity respected and protected. The State there<strong>for</strong>e has a duty to create anenabling environment in which the rights in the Bill <strong>of</strong> Rights must be respected, protected andfulfilled. The Act there<strong>for</strong>e consolidates and strengthens existing laws relating to older persons t<strong>of</strong>acilitate accessible, equitable and af<strong>for</strong>dable services to older persons and to empower olderpersons to continue to live meaningfully and constructively in a society that recognises them asimportant sources <strong>of</strong> knowledge, wisdom and expertise.Turok (2006) notes that these basic rights have now been laid down in law which means that allgovernment departments and organisations serving the elderly will be obliged to observe andrespect these rights. Most important issues emphasised in the Act are access to communitybased care and support services within a supportive environment, the regulation <strong>of</strong> residentialfacilities <strong>for</strong> older people, and protection against abuse, ill treatment and neglect. In order toaddress and follow through with these issues, an integrated South African Plan <strong>of</strong> Action onAgeing has been developed by the Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong> Development since they are a leaddepartment in the provision <strong>of</strong> services to older persons.The purpose <strong>of</strong> the Plan <strong>of</strong> Action on Ageing is to facilitate intersectoral collaboration amongstgovernment departments and to define roles and responsibilities <strong>of</strong> government departments andcivil society in the provision <strong>of</strong> services to older people. The aim is <strong>for</strong> older people to remainindependent, active and contributing citizens in the community <strong>for</strong> as long as possible. This willhopefully ensure that older people are treated in a dignified and respectful manner by serviceproviders, family members and members <strong>of</strong> the wider communities in which they live.28 | D S D A u d i t o f R e s i d e n t i a l F a c i l i t i e s

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