Audit of Residential Facilities, Final report - Division for Social Policy ...

Audit of Residential Facilities, Final report - Division for Social Policy ...

Audit of Residential Facilities, Final report - Division for Social Policy ...


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Where homes are situatedFormer White area Former African Area Former Indian Area Former ColouredArea74%94%86%61%100%94%80%88%71%18%25%8% 6% 9%5%9%5%6%20%12%3%26%2.4.5 Management <strong>of</strong> the homesThe audit found that the key Service Providers that run large proportions <strong>of</strong> these facilities arebigger NGOs and in some outlying areas smaller FBOs or CBOs. In addition to providing frailcare accommodation and assisted living facilities, such organisations homes provide home helpand meals on wheels and they facilitate support groups and luncheon clubs. The bigger NGOsusually have a number <strong>of</strong> homes affiliated to them. Some <strong>of</strong> these NGOs are presented in thetable below:SPREAD OF NGO’S MANAGING FACILITIESNGONUMBER OF PERCENTAGEHOMESSelf Managed 170 41.98%ACVV 50 12.35%BADISA 40 9.88SAVF 32 7.90%NGMD 13 3.21%SKDB 11 2.72Methodist Homes <strong>for</strong> the Aged 9 2.22%Residentia Foundation 7 1.73%Other** 73 18.02%**This refers to NGO’s which managed between 2 and 6 homes each27 | D S D A u d i t o f R e s i d e n t i a l F a c i l i t i e s

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