38th-SFC-Central Sector Scheme Projects (GOs and NGOs) - NMPB

38th-SFC-Central Sector Scheme Projects (GOs and NGOs) - NMPB

38th-SFC-Central Sector Scheme Projects (GOs and NGOs) - NMPB


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made presentation before the St<strong>and</strong>ing Finance Committee (<strong>SFC</strong>). The proposals were approvedsubject to the following general conditions:1. The campaign will be carried out over a period of 3 years <strong>and</strong> be coordinated by the SMPBs inthe States.2. For strengthening technical back-up, both on agronomic aspects as well as post harvest, theSMPB should enter into partnership with the State Agriculture Universities, ResearchInstitutions involved in agronomy, post harvest <strong>and</strong> product development. CSIR institutions likeCFTRI <strong>and</strong> CIMAP etc. may also be involved for strengthening technical back-up for theprogramme.3. One of the key aspects of the campaign should be to create awareness about the range ofproducts which can be made out of Amla <strong>and</strong> the forms in which it can be consumed.4. The media campaign, both electronic <strong>and</strong> print, should be designed <strong>and</strong> created by engagingprofessional media agencies for the desired impact. All the creatives, both print <strong>and</strong> electronic,should be peer reviewed for technical authenticity. While designing campaign for electronicmedia, care should be taken to make claims which are scientifically valid. Exaggerated claimsshould be avoided.5. Since Amla as a crop is also being supported under the National Horticulture Mission, properlinkages should be developed with the concerned State Horticulture Missions for technologysupport, sourcing of planting material <strong>and</strong> linkages with processing <strong>and</strong> manufacturing units.6. As a part of the launch event <strong>and</strong> subsequently thereafter, there should be regular meetings withthe industry <strong>and</strong> other stake holders about the activities under the programme as well as toestablish tie-ups for usage of Amla at maturity.7. The campaign should be sustained during the entire project period so as to achieve optimumresults/ outcomes under the project.8. In order to create a stake of beneficiaries in maintenance <strong>and</strong> aftercare, suitable nominal priceshould be charged form the beneficiaries receiving plants. The funds so realized should berecycled into the programme <strong>and</strong> used for future activities under the programme.9. Atleast 50% of the employment generated under the project shall be reserved for women.10. The campaign may be initiated immediately to make use of the planting season without waitingfor the actual release of funds for the programme.Details may be seen at Annexure – I.Herbal Parks/ Garden1. The <strong>SFC</strong> also desired that the SMPBs prepare proposals for setting up/ creating herbal gardens/parks in each districts of the State, prisons, colleges <strong>and</strong> schools to showcase the medicinalplants wealth in the respective states <strong>and</strong> the usage of medicinal plants for primary health carefor common ailments.2. Such herbal parks/ gardens can be created/ set-up in the existing parks/ gardens in the districts.Where such parks/ gardens did not exist, new areas be identified for creating the herbal park/garden.3. The herbal parks/ gardens should have proper signages giving the name of the plants, usage theplant parts used for public education. Other visual publicity tools can also be adopted so as tomake the garden attractive, informative <strong>and</strong> educative.Rajwant Kaur/<strong>SFC</strong>/Minutes

4. Suitable arrangements with the Lion clubs/ Rotary clubs/ Corporate/ Municipalities <strong>and</strong> otherscan be organized so as to maintain the park/ garden beyond the project period. Thesustainability mechanism should be made an integral part of districts/ herbal gardens.Agenda item 4 - Approval of financial assistance to project proposals for In-situ/ ExsituConservation etc. recommended by PSC.The Project Screening Committee meeting recommended 4 (alongwith the project of J&K asin Supplementary Agenda) project proposals for In-situ/ Ex-situ Conservation received for financialassistance under <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Sector</strong> <strong>Scheme</strong> for “Conservation, Development <strong>and</strong> SustainableManagement of Medicinal Plants”. The comments <strong>and</strong> the suggestions of the Committee may beseen at Annexure – II. The individual proposals can be examined in file, after necessarymodifications based on the suggestion of <strong>SFC</strong> members for approval of Secretary within herdelegated powers.Agenda item 5- Approval of financial assistance to project proposals on R&D etc.recommended by PSC.In the last <strong>SFC</strong> meeting held on 12 th May 2009 certain R&D projects were presented forapproval. However, the <strong>SFC</strong> while accepting the merits of the proposals wanted <strong>NMPB</strong> to ascertainfrom CCRAS <strong>and</strong> CCRUM where projects of the nature proposed here are being funded by theseorganizations. The matters were actually taken up with these organizations. The <strong>SFC</strong> was informedthat the proposals of the nature recommended by PSC are not being given financial support. Basedon this, the <strong>SFC</strong> accorded its approval to these proposals as per the list contained in Annexure –III. The <strong>NMPB</strong> will, however, re-examine the project costs once again <strong>and</strong> seek approval of theSecretary (AYUSH) on file.Agenda item 6- Proposals for financial assistance for Training & Capacity Building,under <strong>Central</strong>ly Sponsored <strong>Scheme</strong> of National Mission on MedicinalPlantsAnnexure –IVThe <strong>SFC</strong> accorded approval to the proposal for training <strong>and</strong> capacity building in respect ofAndhra Pradesh, Meghalaya, Karnataka, Nagalanad, Orissa <strong>and</strong> Uttarakh<strong>and</strong>.The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.*******************Rajwant Kaur/<strong>SFC</strong>/Minutes

Sl.No.National Medicinal Plants BoardDepartment of AYUSHList of project proposals considered in <strong>38th</strong> St<strong>and</strong>ing Finance Committee (<strong>SFC</strong>) Meeting held on 14th July, 2009<strong>Central</strong> <strong>Sector</strong> <strong>Scheme</strong> for Conservation <strong>and</strong> Sustainable Development of Medicinal Plants - Government & Non-Government InstitutionsTitle of the project – Name &Address of the organizationBrief of the activitiesPeriod(in yrs)ProjectCostproposed(Rs. inlakhs)ProjectCostapprovedby <strong>SFC</strong>(Rs. inlakhs)Years wise break up (Rs. inlakhs)Amla Campaign 2009-10 2010-11 2011-121. "Amla Campaign" – for promotion ofAmla utilization in Andhra Pradesh –Chief Executive Officer, A.P.Medicinal <strong>and</strong> Aromatic Plants Board,6th Floor, APGLI Buidling, TilakRoad, Abids, Hyderabad - 500 0012. Mass distribution & adoption ofmedicinally valuable plants(preferably Aonla & Bael etc.) by theschool children –Chief Executive Officer, ChhattisgarhState Medicinal Plants Board,Medical College Road, Raipur - 4920013. Promote <strong>and</strong> propagate Amla in theState of M.P. –Managing Director, M.P. State MinorForest Produce (T&D) Co-operativeFederation Ltd., Khel Parisar, IndiraNikunj, 74 Bungalows, Bhopal - 462003It is proposed to undertakefollowing programme - AmlaUsthav, Amla Compendium,Publication <strong>and</strong> circulation ofAmla therapeutic propertiesdisease wise monographs,Product promotion assistance toSMEs, Karthika Snanam, KarthikaVana Bhojanam, Amla in Schools,Mass Media publicityIt is proposed to take theprogramme of Aonla in 470 & 400schools of Raipur & Raigarh dist.Respectively, 1.00 lac plants tobe distributed in each schoolsincluding cost of saplings, Staking& digging, plantation, weedingthree times, transportation,publicity, Adminstrative cost ofNGO, pesticides <strong>and</strong> bio-fertilizeretc.It is proposed to cover all the 52districts of M.P. for Amla,Campaign, Raising nurseryTraining <strong>and</strong> capacity building,Awarenss generation, training,Publication of brochures <strong>and</strong>h<strong>and</strong>book for amla, Organizing ofAnnexure-IComments of <strong>SFC</strong>160 Approved in principle subject tothe general conditions contained inthe minutes. Cost to be examined onfile.86 Approved in principle subject tothe general conditions contained inthe minutes. Cost to be examined onfile.3 303.95 Approved in principle subject tothe general conditions contained inthe minutes. Cost to be examined onfile.

4. Augmentation of Aonla fruitconsumption with reference to MidDay Meal schemes in Schools ofGujarat –Sh. S. N. Tyagi, CEO, SMPB GujaratState, 7th Floor, Building –A, NewSachivalay, <strong>Sector</strong> – 19,G<strong>and</strong>hinagar – 382 0195. National campaign on promotion ofAmla –Director ISM/Member Secretary, J&KState Medicinal Plants Board,Directorate of ISM, Govt. of J&K,Srinagar6. Amla Campaign for promotingconsumption <strong>and</strong> growing of Amla inOrissa –Dy. Conservator of Forest, StateMedicinal Plants Board, Orissa,Bhubaneswarlecturers <strong>and</strong> debates in schools<strong>and</strong> colleges etc. Planting etc.To cover total area 14,254 ha,total production 1,36,128MT/year. Training <strong>and</strong> capacitybuilding, Nursery <strong>and</strong> plantation,Consumption of Aonla amongschool children.It is proposed to undertake theproject in 3 phases - Trainingprogramme for 20 AYUSHpractioners, Training of 50farmers by each 20 AYUSHpractioners & establishment of 4nurseries (2 Jammu & 2 KashmirDivision)Awareness generation, debateson importance of Amla, Nurseriesfor raising grafted seedlings in 4different locations, Resourceaugmentation of amla in 300 ha.of l<strong>and</strong>1 299.64 Approved in principle subject tothe general conditions contained inthe minutes. Cost to be examined onfile.53.87 Approved in principle subject tothe general conditions contained inthe minutes. Cost to be examined onfile.45.2 Approved in principle subject tothe general conditions contained inthe minutes. Cost to be examined onfile.Rajwant Kaur/<strong>SFC</strong>/Minutes

Sl.No.National Medicinal Plants BoardDepartment of AYUSHList of project proposals considered in <strong>38th</strong> St<strong>and</strong>ing Finance Committee (<strong>SFC</strong>) Meeting held on 14th July, 2009<strong>Central</strong> <strong>Sector</strong> <strong>Scheme</strong> for Conservation <strong>and</strong> Sustainable Development of Medicinal Plants - Government & Non-Government InstitutionsTitle of the project – Name &Address of the organizationBrief of the activitiesPeriod(in yrs)ProjectCostproposed(Rs. inlakhs)ProjectCostapprovedby <strong>SFC</strong>(Rs. inlakhs)Years wise break up (Rs. inlakhs)CONSERVATION, CAPACITY BUILDING etc. 2009-10 2010-11 2011-121. Cultivation, Marketing <strong>and</strong> capacity3 157.071building on MAP sector –Managing Director, Arunachal Pradesh50% req.fromForest Corporation Ltd., Deptt. Of<strong>NMPB</strong>Environment & Forest, Govt. of78.535Arunachal Pradesh, Chimpu, Itanagar,Dist. Papumpare - 791 1112. Project on Resource augmentation,Arogya Van, Support to JFMCs etc. –Principal Chief Conservator of Forest,Department of Forests, Ecology,Environment & Wildlife, Govt. ofNagal<strong>and</strong>, Kohima - 797 001Capacity building - Nationalworkshop - 1, State levelworkshops -3, Training withinState - 100, Training outsideState - 100, Training of staff- 10,Cultivation - 8 species selected -Agaru, Embelia ribes, Oroxylumindicum, Piper lingum,Sarpagh<strong>and</strong>a, Aloe, Kalmegh,Sug<strong>and</strong>h Mantri in 80 ha. of l<strong>and</strong><strong>and</strong> maintenance if the gardenSurvey, documentation <strong>and</strong>inventorization - 20 lacs,Establishing a resourceaugmentation in 500 ha. Includingfocus on Paris polyphylla,Valeriana, Taxus, Ginseng ;Arogya Vans in five locations of20 ha. Each, Support of 50JFMCa Value addition, Storage,Marketing etc., Workshop fordeveloping consensus list ofspecies of medicinal to work onAnnexure – IIComments of <strong>SFC</strong>Dr. L. R. Bhuyan, made presentationbefore the <strong>SFC</strong>. Marketing tiep upsto be elaborated <strong>and</strong> included in theproject. Approved in principlesubject to revision of project outlayas per the cost norms.5 602.42 Sh. T. Lotha, made presentationbefore the Committee.1. Only plants endemic to Nagal<strong>and</strong>should be selected for plantation.2. Possibilities for marketing linkagesshould be explored.3. For JFMC value addition <strong>and</strong>survey & inventorization component,networking with organization withprofessional expertise be established7 funds spent only based on suchh<strong>and</strong>holding.4. Launch event may be held beforecommencement.5. Baseline survey be carried out.Approved as per cost norms ofMoEFRajwant Kaur/<strong>SFC</strong>/Minutes

3. Capacity Building <strong>and</strong> programmanagement for promotion of Masscultivation of medicinal plants –Director ISM/Member Secretary, J&KState Medicinal Plants Board,Directorate of ISM, Govt. of J&K, ZumZum Complex, Rambagh, Srinagar -190 0154. Conservation & Development ofmedicinal plants in J&K State –Conservator of Forests (<strong>Central</strong>) J&KForest Department, Shiekh Bagh ForestComplex, Near Lal Chowk, SrinagarCapacity Building - Training of 20AYUSH practioners (10 each forJammu & Kashmir)Training of 50farmers each by 20 AYUSHpractioners, Establishment of 4nurseries (2 each in Jammu &Kashmir)it is proposed to set up 3 MPCAsin the district of Anantnag, Kathua& Leh, 110 training programmes,Plantation in 1900 ha. of l<strong>and</strong>,seedling distribution 28 lacs,including base-line survey/inventory & mapping works53.87 To be clubbed with Amla Campaignproject. No need for training forAyurveda Practitioners/ farmers.4 808.97 Presentation made by Sh. L. K.Sharma before the <strong>SFC</strong>.1. 50% of the employment generatedshall be reserved for women.2. Species endemic to the concernedarea shall be used.3. Project launch workshop to beorganized.4. Nominal charges may be leviedfor seedlings.5. The temperate plants, beingmainly herbs should be more closelyspaced <strong>and</strong> cost devisedaccordingly.Rajwant Kaur/<strong>SFC</strong>/Minutes

Bhawan's College of Pharmacy, MIDC,Shil Road, Sonarpada, Dombivli (E), -421 2034. Medhya activity of Jatamansi withrespect to its adulterants <strong>and</strong>substitutes as evaluated by ADHD(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)Model –Dr. Manasi Desp<strong>and</strong>e, AdjunctScientist, Interactive Research Schoolfor Health Affairs (IRSHA), BharatiVidyapeeth University, Katraj, Pune -411 0465. St<strong>and</strong>ardization of Cryptocoryne spiralis(Retzius) Fosch.ex Wydler <strong>and</strong>Aconitum heterophyllum Wall –Dr. (Mrs.) S. Hemalatha, Reader inPharmacognosy, Department ofPharmaceutics, Institute of Technology,Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi -221 0056. "Bioactivity guided fractionation ofExtracts of Hepatoprotective <strong>and</strong>immunomodulatory Medicinal Plants" –Dr. Deepshikha P<strong>and</strong>e Katare, Asst.Professor, Dept. of Pharmacy, AmityUniversity Uttar Pradesh, <strong>Sector</strong>-125,Noida 201303Dr. Vidhu Aeri, Faculty of Pharmacy,Hamdard University, Hamdard Nagar,New Delhi - 110 062Herbal Garden7. Establishment of medicinal plant garden–Dr. Rama Shanker, Officer Incharge,North Eastern Institute of FolkloreMedicine, Pasighat, Arunachal PradeshR&D - Identification ofsubstitutes/adulterants for tradedmedicinal plants for theirsubsequent inclusion in AyurvedicPharmacopoeia of IndiaR&D - St<strong>and</strong>ardization ofCryptocoryne spiralis as per WHOguidelines <strong>and</strong> to compare it withAconitum heterophyllum, to studyanti-dysentry activity ofCryptocoryne sprialis <strong>and</strong>Aconitumheterophyllumcomparatively, to develop HPTLCfingerprinting profileBT- 1. To make different extractsof the selected plants <strong>and</strong> performbioassays in the selected celllines for hepatoprotective <strong>and</strong>imunomodulatory activity. 2. Toevaluate the potent extractsphytochemically/HPTLC. 3. ToIsolate <strong>and</strong> characterize thepotent extract by columnchromatography <strong>and</strong> IR, NMR,Mass, UV etc. <strong>and</strong> quantify thecompounds by HPLC. 4. Toevaluate the biochemical changesin the in-vitro system.To establish demonstration mpsgarden in 11 ha. Selection ofgermplasm of spp. - Shatavari,Agaru, Amalaki, Via vidang,Shyonaka, Bhumi amalaki,3 48.91Req. from<strong>NMPB</strong>24.06In principle approved. Cost to beexamined on file.2 16.83 In principle approved. Cost to beexamined on file.3 60.00 In principle approved. Cost to beexamined on file.3 32.62 24.2 10 8 6.2 Approved subject to the revision ofcost as per the cost normsRajwant Kaur/<strong>SFC</strong>/Minutes

8. Establishment of herbal garden inAssam Ayurvedic College Campus <strong>and</strong>conservation of RET MAP –Dr. (Mrs.) Bibha T. Choudhary,Department of Dravbya Guna, Govt.Ayurvedic College, Guwahati - 781 014SURVEY9. Survey <strong>and</strong> Documentation of medicinalPlants of Manipur - Forwarded byChief Conservator of Forests (T&P) - 2,Member Secretary, Manipur BiodiversityBoard, Govt. of Manipur,Imphal, Manipur, to be implementedthrough FRLHT, BangaloreIEC10. National Symposium on Medicinal <strong>and</strong>Aromatic Plants on 26th June, 2009 –Dr. E.V.S. Prakasa, Scientist - in -charge CIMAP Resource Centre,Allalas<strong>and</strong>ra, Bellary Road, GKVK Post,Bangalore - 560 065CONSERVATION11. In-situ conservation <strong>and</strong> Ex-situcultivation of medicinal plants –The PCCF, Maharashtra State, Nagpur,Maharashtra12. Conservation <strong>and</strong> development ofmedicinal plants –General Manager, Karnataka StateForest Industries Corporation Ltd.,Forest Office Complex, Dharwad - 580008VALUE ADDITION13. Value addition of medicinal products inDeogarh District of Orissa –Divisional Forest Officer, DeogarhPippali, Sarpag<strong>and</strong>ha, Ashoka;Greenhouse - 2, irrigation, Net lonShed construction etc.Area - 2 ha. For H. Gardenincluding Earth filling, L<strong>and</strong>preparation, Fencing, Irrigation,Drainage, Construction of Nethouse etc.2 35.59 4.4 2 2.4 Approved subject to the revision ofcost as per the cost normsSurvey 1.5 6.78 Survey <strong>and</strong> Documentation workmay be undertaken by Passighatinstitute being setup.IEC - To review the R&D relevantto farmers <strong>and</strong> industry in the past50 years <strong>and</strong> project future plansof R&DArea - 500 ha. For 20 JFMVillages @ 25 ha. Per JFMvillage; Spp. - T. bellerica, Embicaofficinalis, T. chebulaArea 35 ha. To raise medicinalplants for conservation purpose -Askoa, Bael, S<strong>and</strong>al Honne,Kokum, Kalmegh, Madhunashini,DurvasanemaraAided Natural Regeneration,Regeneration of perenial herbs &shrubs of medicinal waluesValue addition activities forcollected <strong>and</strong> cultivated plantproduces in Deogarh & Angul1 day 3.92 Req.from<strong>NMPB</strong>1.451 1 Approved5 199.4 Progress of the projects alreadysanctioned needs to be assessedfirst. Not approved5 90.42Req. from<strong>NMPB</strong>45.211 42.40Req. from<strong>NMPB</strong>May be examined in file.25 15 10 Approved. To be implemented <strong>and</strong>monitored by SMPB Orissa. Thesalary of PI/Co-PI other non-Rajwant Kaur/<strong>SFC</strong>/Minutes

Division, OrissaDistricts through a co-operativesociety of stake holders havingtheir own Ayurvedic Pharmacy inthe title of Malyagiri herbals br<strong>and</strong>products25.00 admissible components to becontributed by the organizationRajwant Kaur/<strong>SFC</strong>/Minutes

Training & Capacity BuildingAnnexure - IVAgenda Item No. 6 (along with Supplementary Agenda): Proposals for financial assistance for Training & Capacity Building under<strong>Central</strong>ly Sponsored <strong>Scheme</strong> of National Mission on Medicinal PlantsIt was explained by CEO/<strong>NMPB</strong> that there is no provision for Capacity Building <strong>and</strong> Training under <strong>Central</strong>ly Sponsored <strong>Scheme</strong> ofNational Mission on Medicinal Plants. As such, Nodal officers of Andhra Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Uttrakh<strong>and</strong>, Karnataka, Nagal<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong>Orissa have submitted their proposals for taking up this programme of Training <strong>and</strong> Capacity Building under <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Sector</strong> <strong>Scheme</strong> forConservation, Development <strong>and</strong> Sustainable Management of Medicinal Plants. The proposals were considered by St<strong>and</strong>ing Finance Committee<strong>and</strong> an amount of Rs. 207.23 lakhs was approved as under for the year 2009-10.Training <strong>and</strong> Capacity Building (Rs in Lakhs)S. StateFarmers / Stakeholders trainingOfficers TrainingWorkshop/Publication TotalNoSeminarWithin StateOutside StatePhysical Financial Physical Financial Physical Financial Physical Financial Financial1 Andhra Pradesh 1200 18.00 120 3.00 20 10.00 3 6.00 --- 37.002 Manipur 380 5.70 95 2.38 5 2.50 4 5.00 5.00 20.583 Meghalaya 200 3.00 - - 8 4.00 2 4.00 1.00 12.004 Uttrakh<strong>and</strong> 260 3.90 130 3.25 10 5.00 2 4.00 -- 16.155 Karnataka 1500 22.50 300 7.50 10 5.00 4 8.00 5.00 48.006 Nagal<strong>and</strong> 350 5.25 20 0.5 12 6.00 5 10.00 10.00 31.757 Orissa 100 1.50 50 1.25 30 15.00 31 17.00 7.00 41.75It was further decided that approved amount would be released in installments depending upon the progress made in implementation of theprogramme.Rajwant Kaur/<strong>SFC</strong>/Minutes

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