Feynman Diagrams For Pedestrians - Herbstschule Maria Laach

Feynman Diagrams For Pedestrians - Herbstschule Maria Laach

Feynman Diagrams For Pedestrians - Herbstschule Maria Laach


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• Yukawa couplingspp, µp, µfZ 0W ±kH= − i gm f(181)f2M Wp ′kHZ 0=p ′ , µ ′kHW ±i gM Zcos θ wg µµ ′ (182)p ′ , µ ′ = igM W g µµ ′ (183)• a lot more vertices: quartic couplings, Higgs selfcouplings, etc.6.3 Higgs StrahlungProblem 24. Compute the scattering amplitude for Higgs strahlung e + e − → ZHe + (p + )H(k)(184)e − (p − )Z 0 Z 0Z 0 (q)ignoring all terms of O(m e /M Z ), O(m e /M H ) and O(m e / √ s). You may assume that √ s ≫M 2 Z and ignore the width of the Z.Problem 25. Show that the four momentap − = (E; 0, 0, E)p + = (E; 0, 0, −E)k = (E H ; p sin θ cos φ, p sin θ sin φ, p cos θ)q = (E Z ; −p sin θ cos φ, −p sin θ sin φ, −p cos θ)(185a)(185b)(185c)(185d)withp =√λ(s, M2H, M 2 Z )2 √ s(186a)E H = s + M2 H − M2 Z2 √ sE Z = s + M2 Z − M2 H2 √ s(186b)(186c)37

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