Physics 201 Exam 2 Write also your name in the appropriate box of ...

Physics 201 Exam 2 Write also your name in the appropriate box of ...

Physics 201 Exam 2 Write also your name in the appropriate box of ...


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Name: ______________________________________________________________ Total Po<strong>in</strong>ts: _______(Last)(First)<strong>Physics</strong> <strong>201</strong><strong>Exam</strong> 2<strong>Write</strong> <strong>also</strong> <strong>your</strong> <strong>name</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong><strong>appropriate</strong> <strong>box</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> scantron

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Total Po<strong>in</strong>ts: _______(Last)(First)Multiple choice questions [60 po<strong>in</strong>ts]Answer all <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> follow<strong>in</strong>g questions. Read each question carefully. Fill <strong>the</strong> correctbubble on <strong>your</strong> scantron sheet. Each question has exactly one correct answer. Allquestions are worth <strong>the</strong> same amount <strong>of</strong> po<strong>in</strong>ts.1.A car travels east at constant velocity. The net force on <strong>the</strong> car is:A. eastB. westC. upD. downE. zero s<strong>in</strong>ce <strong>the</strong> acceleration is 0 and F net = ma.

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Total Po<strong>in</strong>ts: _______(Last)(First)2.A circus performer <strong>of</strong> weight W is walk<strong>in</strong>g along a "high wire" asshown. The tension <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> wire is:H<strong>in</strong>t: Draw a free body diagram for <strong>the</strong> circus performer.A. approximately WB. approximately W/2C. much less than WD. much more than WDraw a free body diagram for <strong>the</strong> performerIt follows (with T <strong>the</strong> magnitude <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> tension <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> rope)−T rPLeftRopeW2 WPEs<strong>in</strong>ce θ is small.2s<strong>in</strong>θPEWPE+ T s<strong>in</strong>θ= 0 ⇒ T = ⇒ T >>E. depends on whe<strong>the</strong>r he stands on one or two feetW rPEθT rPRightRope

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Total Po<strong>in</strong>ts: _______(Last)(First)3.A 1-N pendulum bob is held at an angle θ from <strong>the</strong> vertical by a 2-Nhorizontal force F as shown. The tension <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> str<strong>in</strong>g support<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong>pendulum bob (<strong>in</strong> newtons) is:A. cos θB. 2/cos θC. s<strong>in</strong> θD. tan θE.5Draw a free body diagram for <strong>the</strong> bobT rBSF rW r BE22TBS = WBE+ F = 5N

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Total Po<strong>in</strong>ts: _______(Last)(First)4.A 70 N block and an 35-N block are connected by a str<strong>in</strong>g as shown.If <strong>the</strong> pulley is massless and <strong>the</strong> surface is frictionless, <strong>the</strong> magnitude<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> acceleration <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 70-N block is:(Recall <strong>the</strong> similar computation done <strong>in</strong> lab)A. 1.6 m/s2B. 3.3 m/s2for <strong>the</strong> 35 N blockrWrr35E+ T35S= m35a35⇒ T35S= W35E− m35a35= 35 − m35a35And for <strong>the</strong> 70 N blockr r r rT70S + W70E+ N70T= m70a70⇒ T70S= m70a70Use thatT70 S= T35Sand a 70= a 35= a to get35m70a = 35 − m35a⇒ a == 3.3m/ s(70 + 35) / 9.82C. 4.9 m/s2D. 6.7 m/s2E. 9.8 m/s2

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Total Po<strong>in</strong>ts: _______(Last)(First)5.A horizontal shove <strong>of</strong> at least 200-N is required to start mov<strong>in</strong>g a 800-N crate <strong>in</strong>itially at rest on a horizontal floor. The coefficient <strong>of</strong> staticfriction is:A. 0.25200N is <strong>the</strong> m<strong>in</strong>imum force to accelerate <strong>the</strong><strong>box</strong>. Thus it is equal to <strong>the</strong> maximum force<strong>of</strong> static friction:200 = µs800 ⇒ µs= 0.25B. 0.125C. 0.50D. 0.75E. 1.00

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Total Po<strong>in</strong>ts: _______(Last)(First)6.A <strong>box</strong> with a weight <strong>of</strong> 50 N rests on a horizontal surface. A personpulls horizontally on it with a force <strong>of</strong> 10 N and it does not move. Tostart it mov<strong>in</strong>g, a second person pulls vertically upward on <strong>the</strong> <strong>box</strong>. If<strong>the</strong> coefficient <strong>of</strong> static friction is 0.4, what is <strong>the</strong> smallest verticalforce for which <strong>the</strong> <strong>box</strong> moves?A. 4 NB. 10 NC. 14 N25 NDraw a FBDD.f r BTN rF r vBEW r BT<strong>the</strong> normal force act<strong>in</strong>g on <strong>the</strong> <strong>box</strong> isNBT= WBE− FvWhen <strong>the</strong> <strong>box</strong> starts mov<strong>in</strong>g, <strong>the</strong> frictionF r hforce is equal to F hfBT= FhBut fBT= µSNBT= µS( WBE− Fv)Fh10⇒ Fv= WBE− = 50 − = 25NµS0.4E. 35 N

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Total Po<strong>in</strong>ts: _______(Last)(First)7.Which <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> follow<strong>in</strong>g five acceleration versus radius graphs iscorrect for a particle mov<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> a circle <strong>of</strong> radius r with acceleration aat a constant speed <strong>of</strong> 10 m/s?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4E. 5 s<strong>in</strong>ceva =r2

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Total Po<strong>in</strong>ts: _______(Last)(First)8.A person rid<strong>in</strong>g a Ferris wheel is strapped <strong>in</strong>to her seat by a seat belt.The wheel is spun so that <strong>the</strong> centripetal acceleration is g. Select <strong>the</strong>correct comb<strong>in</strong>ation <strong>of</strong> forces that act on her when she is at <strong>the</strong> top. In<strong>the</strong> table, W PE = weight, down; F PB = seat belt force, down; and F PS =seat force, up.A. W PE = 0, F PB = mg, F PS = 0W PE = mg, F PB = 0, F PS = 0Draw a FBDF r PSB.rWPEr+ FPSr+ FPBF r PBW r PEr= maalong <strong>the</strong> vertical ( positive is down)mg − FPS+ FPB= mg ⇒ FPB= FPSB is <strong>the</strong> only possible answerC. W PE = 0, F PB = 0, F PS = mgD. W PE = mg, F PB = mg, F PS = 0E. W PE = mg, F PB = 0, F PS = mg

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Total Po<strong>in</strong>ts: _______(Last)(First)9.A crate moves to <strong>the</strong> right on a horizontal surface as a woman pullson it with a 10-N force. Rank <strong>the</strong> situations shown below accord<strong>in</strong>g to<strong>the</strong> work done by <strong>the</strong> 10-N force, least to greatest. The displacementis <strong>the</strong> same for all cases.3, 2, 1A. W = Fd cosθUseandθ= 0, θ2≈ 45, θ3B. 2, 1, 3C. 2, 3, 1D. 1, 3, 2E. 1, 2, 31=9010.A man pulls a sled along a rough horizontal surface by apply<strong>in</strong>g aconstant force F r at an angle θ above <strong>the</strong> horizontal. In pull<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong>sled a horizontal distance d, <strong>the</strong> work done by <strong>the</strong> man is:A. FdB. Fd cos θC. Fd s<strong>in</strong> θD. Fd/cos θE. Can’t tell without know<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> coefficient <strong>of</strong> k<strong>in</strong>etic friction.

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Total Po<strong>in</strong>ts: _______(Last)(First)11.A particle is <strong>in</strong>itially at rest on a horizontal frictionless table. It is actedupon by a constant horizontal force F. Which <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> follow<strong>in</strong>g fivegraphs is a correct plot <strong>of</strong> work W as a function <strong>of</strong> particle speed v?H<strong>in</strong>t: use <strong>the</strong> work energy <strong>the</strong>oremA. IB. IIC. IIID. W = Kf− Ki ⎫⎪1 21 2IV Kf= mv ⎬ ⇒ W = mv2 ⎪ 2Ki= 0 ⎪⎭E. V

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Total Po<strong>in</strong>ts: _______(Last)(First)12.The velocity <strong>of</strong> a particle mov<strong>in</strong>g along <strong>the</strong> x axis changes from v i to v f .For which values <strong>of</strong> v i and v f is <strong>the</strong> total work done on <strong>the</strong> particlenegative?A. v i = 2m/s, v f = 5m/sB. v i = –2m/s, v f = 5m/sC. v i = –5m/s, v f = 2m/sD. v i = 2m/s, v f = –5m/sE. v i = –2m/s, v f = –5m/s⎫W = Kf− Ki ⎪⎪21Kf= mvf ⎬ ⇒ W = m(vKi=1 2 2f− vi212mv2i⎪⎪⎪⎭2) ⇒ W< 0 ifvf

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Total Po<strong>in</strong>ts: _______(Last)(First)PROBLEM [40 po<strong>in</strong>ts]W<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>, Bl<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>, and Nod are identical triplets, each hav<strong>in</strong>g amass m = 30.0 kg. They clasp arms <strong>in</strong> a l<strong>in</strong>e and go out on toan ice-covered pond.W<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong> grabs onto a post anchored <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> ice with his freearm, and starts to go around <strong>the</strong> post. He soon reaches aconstant speed, where he makes one complete revolution <strong>in</strong> atime T = 6.28 s.The distance from <strong>the</strong> center <strong>of</strong> each boy to <strong>the</strong> end <strong>of</strong> his arm is 0.50 m, so that Nod’s body is 2.5m from <strong>the</strong> post and Bl<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>’s body is 1.5 m from <strong>the</strong> post. At <strong>the</strong> <strong>in</strong>stant shown, <strong>the</strong> boys are l<strong>in</strong>edup along <strong>the</strong> x-axis ( î ), and skat<strong>in</strong>g at constant speed <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> negative y direction ( − ĵ , out <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>page). The z-axis ( kˆ ) is vertical.1). [10 pts] If <strong>the</strong> boys’ arms stay rigid, what is Nod’s velocity as he goes around <strong>the</strong>post? Measure his velocity at <strong>the</strong> center <strong>of</strong> his body which is 2.5 m from <strong>the</strong> post.Give <strong>the</strong> direction, units and magnitude. Expla<strong>in</strong>.Nod is mov<strong>in</strong>g on a circle at constant speed. Nod makes one revolution = 2πr <strong>in</strong> T.2 rv = π = 2.5m/ sTAt <strong>the</strong> <strong>in</strong>stant shown <strong>the</strong> direction <strong>of</strong> Nod’s velocity is − ĵ (as mentioned above)2). [10 pts] What is Nod’s acceleration vector at <strong>the</strong> <strong>in</strong>stant shown (direction, units, andmagnitude). Expla<strong>in</strong>.The acceleration is toward <strong>the</strong> center <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> circle and has magnitude v 2 /r (Nod is mov<strong>in</strong>g on acircle at constant speed).2r v2a Nod= ( −iˆ)= −2.5ˆi m / sr

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Total Po<strong>in</strong>ts: _______(Last)(First)3). [15 pts]What is <strong>the</strong> force F rBN<strong>the</strong> force with which Nod pulls on Bl<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>? Give <strong>the</strong>direction, units and magnitude. Expla<strong>in</strong>.r rAccord<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> Newton’s 3 rd law F BN= −FDraw a FBD for NodNBF rNBN r NINEW rrFNB= marN= −30 × 2.5×iˆ= −75ˆi NThusr= 75iˆNF BN4). [10 pts] What is <strong>the</strong> force F rBW<strong>the</strong> force with which W<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong> pulls on Bl<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>? Give <strong>the</strong>direction, units and magnitude. Expla<strong>in</strong>.Draw a FBD for Bl<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>F rBWN r BIBEW rF rBNThe velocity <strong>of</strong> Bl<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong> isrv B= −1.5 ˆjm / sThe acceleration <strong>of</strong> Bl<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong> isThusrFBWr+ FBNr= maBr⇒ FBWra B= −1.5ˆi m / s2= 30 × ( −1.5ˆ)i − 75ˆ i = −120ˆi N

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