Lipton et al.

Lipton et al. Lipton et al.


Global analysis of the Deinococcus radioduransproteome by using accurate mass tagsMary S. Lipton*, Ljiljana Paša-Tolić*, Gordon A. Anderson*, David J. Anderson*, Deanna L. Auberry*, John R. Battista † ,Michael J. Daly ‡ , Jim Fredrickson § , Kim K. Hixson*, Heather Kostandarithes , Christophe Masselon*, Lye Meng Markillie ,Ronald J. Moore*, Margaret F. Romine § , Yufeng Shen*, Eric Stritmatter*, Nikola Tolić*, Harold R. Udseth*,Amudhan Venkateswaran ‡ , Kwong-Kwok Wong , Rui Zhao*, and Richard D. Smith* *Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, § Biogeochemistry, Molecular Biosciences, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, P.O. Box 999, MSIN: K8-98,Richland, WA 99352; † Department of Biological Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803; and ‡ Department of Pathology, UniformedServices University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD 20814Edited by Samuel Karlin, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, and approved June 26, 2002 (received for review March 22, 2002)Understanding biological systems and the roles of their constituentsis facilitated by the ability to make quantitative, sensitive, andcomprehensive measurements of how their proteome changes,e.g., in response to environmental perturbations. To this end, wehave developed a high-throughput methodology to characterizean organism’s dynamic proteome based on the combination ofglobal enzymatic digestion, high-resolution liquid chromatographicseparations, and analysis by Fourier transform ion cyclotronresonance mass spectrometry. The peptides produced serve asaccurate mass tags for the proteins and have been used to identifywith high confidence >61% of the predicted proteome for theionizing radiation-resistant bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans.This fraction represents the broadest proteome coverage for anyorganism to date and includes 715 proteins previously annotatedas either hypothetical or conserved hypothetical.The era of whole-genome DNA sequencing has yielded anearly completed human genome (1) and many completeand initially annotated genomes for lower organisms, withseveral hundred more anticipated over the next few years.Effective exploitation of this information requires technologiesthat provide more comprehensive, higher-throughput, and quantitativeanalyses of proteomes (i.e., the array of proteins expressedby a cell, tissue, or organism at a given time).To address this need, we have developed a method foridentifying peptides based on accurate mass tags (AMTs) foreach protein expressed by a given organism. This approachprovides greater sensitivity and dynamic range than previouslyachievable, more comprehensive coverage of expressed proteins,a basis for precise quantitation, and greater throughput formeasurements of proteomes, because protein identificationusing AMTs circumvents the need for routine tandem MS(MSMS).Our initial study has focused on the extremely radiationresistantbacterium Deinococcus radiodurans, but the generalapproach can be used for any organism whose genome has beensequenced. Two independent annotations are available for thesequenced genome of D. radiodurans (2, 3). This organism hasbeen the target of genetic manipulation for a decade, a candidatefor bioremediation of radioactive waste sites, and a subject forthe study of DNA repair pathways (3, 4). D. radiodurans has anextraordinary ability to tolerate both acute and chronic exposureto high levels of ionizing radiation. Exponentially growingcultures of the Gram-positive, nonmotile, red-pigmented, nonpathogenicbacterium are able to withstand 50–100 times moreionizing radiation than Escherichia coli (5, 6). D. radiodurans cansurvive 5,000–15,000 Gy of acute ionizing radiation with no lossof viability (depending on the culture conditions) (7), can growcontinuously under 60 Gyhr (8), and has the ability to reducecontaminant metals and radionuclides including Cr, Tc, and Uto less soluble species (9). Its resistance to radiation and to otherDNA-damaging conditions (e.g., UV light, hydrogen peroxide)and desiccation (10) is likely because of its efficient DNAdamage repair (6, 11). It has been suggested that the multiplecopies of the D. radiodurans genome (4–10 genome equivalents)(11) may be organized to facilitate recombinational repairprocesses (3, 12). However, the set of predicted genes for D.radiodurans appears conventional and does not reveal the basisfor its extreme radiation resistance (3). The number of annotatedDNA repair enzymes (2, 3) is less than reported for E. coli.Most likely the DNA damage-resistance phenotype is determinedcollectively by a complex array of interacting proteins (3)as well as by many more subtle structural peculiarities of proteinsand DNA. Neither of these resistance motifs is readily inferredfrom the D. radiodurans sequence, underscoring the potentialimportance of global studies to obtain a better understandingof the interactions involved, such as determining protein expressionpatterns under stressed and nonstressed conditions (i.e.,proteome-wide analyses).Experimental ProtocolCell Culture. All cell cultures were inoculated with 10 ml of starterculture in either defined (13) or rich media incubated overnightto confluence. The specific culture conditions are as follows:Defined medium mid-logarithm (log) phase: cells were culturedat 32°C; OD 600 0.3–0.4. Defined medium late-log phase: cellswere cultured at 32°C; OD 600 0.6. Defined medium stationaryphase: cells were cultured at 32°C; OD 600 0.9. Tryptoneglucoseyeast (TGY) medium mid-log phase: cells were cultured at 32°C;OD 600 0.3–0.4. TGY medium late-log phase: cells were culturedat 32°C; OD 600 0.6. TGY medium stationary phase: cells werecultured at 32°C; OD 600 0.9. For specific stress conditions, allcells were grown to mid-log phase (OD 600 0.3–0.4) at 32°C inTGY media before stress unless otherwise noted. Heat shock:incubation temperature was raised to 42°C and further incubatedfor 1 hr before harvest. Cold shock: incubation temperature waslowered to 0°C and further incubated for 1 hr before harvest.Hydrogen peroxide: H 2 O 2 was added to a final concentration of60 M and further incubated for 2 hr before harvest. One-weekstarvation: poststationary phase (OD 600 0.9) D. radioduransculture was incubated at 32°C for 1 wk without the addition offresh medium. Four-week starvation: poststationary phase(OD 600 0.9) D. radiodurans culture was incubated at 32°C for 4wk without the addition of fresh medium. Chemical shock:0.05% (volvol) trichloroethylene or xylene was added to theculture and incubated for 2 hr before harvest. Alkaline shock: theThis paper was submitted directly (Track II) to the PNAS office.Abbreviations: LC, liquid chromatography; FTICR, Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance;PMT, potential mass tag; AMT, accurate mass tag; MSMS, tandem MS; TCA,tricarboxylic acid cycle; MMA, mass measurement accuracy; log, logarithm; SOD, superoxidedismutase.See commentary on page 10943. To whom reprint requests should be addressed. E-mail: PNAS August 20, 2002 vol. 99 no. 17 11049–11054

Glob<strong>al</strong> an<strong>al</strong>ysis of the Deinococcus radioduransproteome by using accurate mass tagsMary S. <strong>Lipton</strong>*, Ljiljana Paša-Tolić*, Gordon A. Anderson*, David J. Anderson*, Deanna L. Auberry*, John R. Battista † ,Michael J. D<strong>al</strong>y ‡ , Jim Fredrickson § , Kim K. Hixson*, Heather Kostandarithes , Christophe Masselon*, Lye Meng Markillie ,Ron<strong>al</strong>d J. Moore*, Margar<strong>et</strong> F. Romine § , Yufeng Shen*, Eric Stritmatter*, Nikola Tolić*, Harold R. Uds<strong>et</strong>h*,Amudhan Venkateswaran ‡ , Kwong-Kwok Wong , Rui Zhao*, and Richard D. Smith* *Environment<strong>al</strong> Molecular Sciences Laboratory, § Biogeochemistry, Molecular Biosciences, Pacific Northwest Nation<strong>al</strong> Laboratory, P.O. Box 999, MSIN: K8-98,Richland, WA 99352; † Department of Biologic<strong>al</strong> Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803; and ‡ Department of Pathology, UniformedServices University of the He<strong>al</strong>th Sciences, B<strong>et</strong>hesda, MD 20814Edited by Samuel Karlin, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, and approved June 26, 2002 (received for review March 22, 2002)Understanding biologic<strong>al</strong> systems and the roles of their constituentsis facilitated by the ability to make quantitative, sensitive, andcomprehensive measurements of how their proteome changes,e.g., in response to environment<strong>al</strong> perturbations. To this end, wehave developed a high-throughput m<strong>et</strong>hodology to characterizean organism’s dynamic proteome based on the combination ofglob<strong>al</strong> enzymatic digestion, high-resolution liquid chromatographicseparations, and an<strong>al</strong>ysis by Fourier transform ion cyclotronresonance mass spectrom<strong>et</strong>ry. The peptides produced serve asaccurate mass tags for the proteins and have been used to identifywith high confidence >61% of the predicted proteome for theionizing radiation-resistant bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans.This fraction represents the broadest proteome coverage for anyorganism to date and includes 715 proteins previously annotatedas either hypoth<strong>et</strong>ic<strong>al</strong> or conserved hypoth<strong>et</strong>ic<strong>al</strong>.The era of whole-genome DNA sequencing has yielded anearly compl<strong>et</strong>ed human genome (1) and many compl<strong>et</strong>eand initi<strong>al</strong>ly annotated genomes for lower organisms, withsever<strong>al</strong> hundred more anticipated over the next few years.Effective exploitation of this information requires technologiesthat provide more comprehensive, higher-throughput, and quantitativean<strong>al</strong>yses of proteomes (i.e., the array of proteins expressedby a cell, tissue, or organism at a given time).To address this need, we have developed a m<strong>et</strong>hod foridentifying peptides based on accurate mass tags (AMTs) foreach protein expressed by a given organism. This approachprovides greater sensitivity and dynamic range than previouslyachievable, more comprehensive coverage of expressed proteins,a basis for precise quantitation, and greater throughput formeasurements of proteomes, because protein identificationusing AMTs circumvents the need for routine tandem MS(MSMS).Our initi<strong>al</strong> study has focused on the extremely radiationresistantbacterium Deinococcus radiodurans, but the gener<strong>al</strong>approach can be used for any organism whose genome has beensequenced. Two independent annotations are available for thesequenced genome of D. radiodurans (2, 3). This organism hasbeen the targ<strong>et</strong> of gen<strong>et</strong>ic manipulation for a decade, a candidatefor bioremediation of radioactive waste sites, and a subject forthe study of DNA repair pathways (3, 4). D. radiodurans has anextraordinary ability to tolerate both acute and chronic exposur<strong>et</strong>o high levels of ionizing radiation. Exponenti<strong>al</strong>ly growingcultures of the Gram-positive, nonmotile, red-pigmented, nonpathogenicbacterium are able to withstand 50–100 times moreionizing radiation than Escherichia coli (5, 6). D. radiodurans cansurvive 5,000–15,000 Gy of acute ionizing radiation with no lossof viability (depending on the culture conditions) (7), can growcontinuously under 60 Gyhr (8), and has the ability to reducecontaminant m<strong>et</strong><strong>al</strong>s and radionuclides including Cr, Tc, and Uto less soluble species (9). Its resistance to radiation and to otherDNA-damaging conditions (e.g., UV light, hydrogen peroxide)and desiccation (10) is likely because of its efficient DNAdamage repair (6, 11). It has been suggested that the multiplecopies of the D. radiodurans genome (4–10 genome equiv<strong>al</strong>ents)(11) may be organized to facilitate recombination<strong>al</strong> repairprocesses (3, 12). However, the s<strong>et</strong> of predicted genes for D.radiodurans appears convention<strong>al</strong> and does not reve<strong>al</strong> the basisfor its extreme radiation resistance (3). The number of annotatedDNA repair enzymes (2, 3) is less than reported for E. coli.Most likely the DNA damage-resistance phenotype is d<strong>et</strong>erminedcollectively by a complex array of interacting proteins (3)as well as by many more subtle structur<strong>al</strong> peculiarities of proteinsand DNA. Neither of these resistance motifs is readily inferredfrom the D. radiodurans sequence, underscoring the potenti<strong>al</strong>importance of glob<strong>al</strong> studies to obtain a b<strong>et</strong>ter understandingof the interactions involved, such as d<strong>et</strong>ermining protein expressionpatterns under stressed and nonstressed conditions (i.e.,proteome-wide an<strong>al</strong>yses).Experiment<strong>al</strong> ProtocolCell Culture. All cell cultures were inoculated with 10 ml of starterculture in either defined (13) or rich media incubated overnightto confluence. The specific culture conditions are as follows:Defined medium mid-logarithm (log) phase: cells were culturedat 32°C; OD 600 0.3–0.4. Defined medium late-log phase: cellswere cultured at 32°C; OD 600 0.6. Defined medium stationaryphase: cells were cultured at 32°C; OD 600 0.9. Tryptoneglucoseyeast (TGY) medium mid-log phase: cells were cultured at 32°C;OD 600 0.3–0.4. TGY medium late-log phase: cells were culturedat 32°C; OD 600 0.6. TGY medium stationary phase: cells werecultured at 32°C; OD 600 0.9. For specific stress conditions, <strong>al</strong>lcells were grown to mid-log phase (OD 600 0.3–0.4) at 32°C inTGY media before stress unless otherwise noted. Heat shock:incubation temperature was raised to 42°C and further incubatedfor 1 hr before harvest. Cold shock: incubation temperature waslowered to 0°C and further incubated for 1 hr before harvest.Hydrogen peroxide: H 2 O 2 was added to a fin<strong>al</strong> concentration of60 M and further incubated for 2 hr before harvest. One-weekstarvation: poststationary phase (OD 600 0.9) D. radioduransculture was incubated at 32°C for 1 wk without the addition offresh medium. Four-week starvation: poststationary phase(OD 600 0.9) D. radiodurans culture was incubated at 32°C for 4wk without the addition of fresh medium. Chemic<strong>al</strong> shock:0.05% (volvol) trichloro<strong>et</strong>hylene or xylene was added to theculture and incubated for 2 hr before harvest. Alk<strong>al</strong>ine shock: theThis paper was submitted directly (Track II) to the PNAS office.Abbreviations: LC, liquid chromatography; FTICR, Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance;PMT, potenti<strong>al</strong> mass tag; AMT, accurate mass tag; MSMS, tandem MS; TCA,tricarboxylic acid cycle; MMA, mass measurement accuracy; log, logarithm; SOD, superoxidedismutase.See commentary on page 10943. To whom reprint requests should be addressed. E-mail: PNAS August 20, 2002 vol. 99 no. 17 11049–11054

pH of culture was raised from 6.5 to 8.5 with 1 N NaOH andincubated for 1 hr before harvest. For experiments with irradiatedcells, D. radiodurans was cultured to stationary phase in richmedia, diluted, and irradiated without change in broth on ice at10 kGyhr [ 60 Co Gammacell irradiation unit, J. L. Sheperd andAssociates (San Fernando, CA) Shepard, Model JL 109]. Afterirradiation, cells were transferred to fresh media to recoverbefore <strong>al</strong>iquots were taken at 10 time interv<strong>al</strong>s: 0, 0.5, 1, 3, 5, 7,9, 12, 24, and 36 hr. Cells were harvested by centrifugation at10,000 g at 4°C, washed three times with PBS, <strong>al</strong>iquoted, andquick frozen for storage at 80°C.Cell Lysis and Tryptic Digestion. Cell lysis was achieved by beadbeating using three 90-sec cycles at 4,500 rpm in a Biospec(Bartlesville, OK) Minibeadbeater, with a 5-min cool down onice b<strong>et</strong>ween cycles. Lysates were immediately placed on ice toinhibit proteolysis. Protein concentration was d<strong>et</strong>ermined by theBCA assay kit (Pierce). Before liquid chromatography (LC) MSan<strong>al</strong>ysis, the protein samples were denatured and reduced by theaddition of guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl) (6 M) and DTT(1 mM) and boiled for 5 min. On reducing the GdnHClconcentration to below 2Mwith100mMNH 4 HCO 3 and5mMEDTA (pH 8.4), protein samples were digested by using bovinepancreas sequencing grade modified trypsin (Promega) (trypsinprotein,1:50, wtwt)at37°C for 16 hr. Protein lysates wereultracentrifuged for 30 min at 356,000 g, and clear supernatantwas di<strong>al</strong>yzed against 50 mM TrisHCl at 4°C with 500 molecularweight cutoff cellulose ester membrane. Lysates were subsequently<strong>al</strong>iquoted and quick frozen in nitrogen and stored in80°C freezer until an<strong>al</strong>yzed.Capillary LC Separations. The capillary LC system consisted of apair of syringe pumps (100-ml ISCO model 100DM) and controller(series D ISCO) and an in-house manufactured mixer,capillary column selector, and sample loop for manu<strong>al</strong> injections.Separations were achieved with 5,000 psi reversed-phase packedcapillaries (150 m i.d. 360 m o.d.; Polymicro Technologies,Phoenix) (14) by using two mobile-phase solvents consisting of0.2% ac<strong>et</strong>ic acid and 0.05% trifluoroac<strong>et</strong>ic acid (TFA) in water(A) and 0.1% TFA in 90% ac<strong>et</strong>onitrile10% water (B). Themobile-phase selection v<strong>al</strong>ve was switched from position A to B10 min after injection, creating an exponenti<strong>al</strong> gradient as mobilephase B displaced A in the mixer. Flow through the capillaryHPLC column was 1.8 lmin when equilibrated to 100%mobile-phase A.Initi<strong>al</strong> Mass Tag Development. Eluant from the HPLC was infusedinto a convention<strong>al</strong> ion trap MS (LCQ, ThermoFinnigan, SanJose, CA) operating in a data-dependent MSMS mode over aseries of segmented mz ranges and <strong>al</strong>so with prior fractionationby using ion exchange chromatography. For each cycle, the threemost abundant ions from MS an<strong>al</strong>ysis were selected for MSMSan<strong>al</strong>ysis by using a collision energy s<strong>et</strong>ting of 35%. Dynamicexclusion was used to discriminate against previously an<strong>al</strong>yzedions. The collision induced dissociation spectra from the convention<strong>al</strong>ion trap mass spectrom<strong>et</strong>er were an<strong>al</strong>yzed using SE-QUEST (15) and the genome sequence of D. radiodurans. Preliminaryidentifications were based on a minimumcrosscorrelation score of 2, and these peptides were used aspotenti<strong>al</strong> mass tags (PMTs) for v<strong>al</strong>idation by Fourier transformion cyclotron resonance (FTICR) measurements. These an<strong>al</strong>ysesidentified large numbers of polypeptide PMTs, of which 70%were then v<strong>al</strong>idated as AMTs based on the d<strong>et</strong>ection of a specieshaving the predicted mass for the PMT to 1 ppm at thecorresponding elution time in the LC-FTICR an<strong>al</strong>ysis. Them<strong>et</strong>hodology for PMT generation is described in d<strong>et</strong>ail elsewhere(16).V<strong>al</strong>idation of Mass Tags. The 11.4-tesla FTICR mass spectrom<strong>et</strong>erdeveloped at our laboratory uses an electrospray ionization(ESI) interface to an electrodynamic ion funnel assembly coupledto a radio frequency quadrupole for collision<strong>al</strong> ion focusingand highly efficient ion accumulation and transport to thecylindric<strong>al</strong> FTICR cell for an<strong>al</strong>ysis (17). Mass spectra wereacquired with 10 5 resolution. To obtain the desired 1-ppmmass measurement accuracy (MMA), a program that uses themultiple charge states (e.g., 2, 3) produced by ESI for manyprotonated polypeptides (18) is applied, followed by the use of‘‘lock masses’’ (i.e., confidently known species that serve aseffective intern<strong>al</strong> c<strong>al</strong>ibrants) for each spectrum derived fromcommonly occurring polypeptides that are identified with highconfidence from one capillary LC MSMS an<strong>al</strong>ysis (for eachorganism) obtained by using FTICR with accurate mass measurements(16). Our c<strong>al</strong>culations show 50% of the peptidespredicted from in silico tryptic digestion of D. radiodurans haveunique masses at MMA 1 ppm, and these peptides can be usedto identify 99.5% of the predicted proteins potenti<strong>al</strong>ly expressedby the organism. The fraction of peptides useful as AMTs isactu<strong>al</strong>ly greater than 50% due to our use of elution time data,which serves to distinguish previously identified peptides havingotherwise indistinguishable masses.ResultsStrategy for AMT-Based Measurements. The approach utilizes instrumentationthat combines high-pressure reversed-phase capillaryLC with high magn<strong>et</strong>ic field FTICR-MS (16, 19–21) andMSMS. In our initi<strong>al</strong> strategy, proteins extracted from cellsgrown under a vari<strong>et</strong>y of culture conditions are digested to yielda complex mixture of polypeptides that are an<strong>al</strong>yzed to create as<strong>et</strong> of AMTs that serve as biomarkers for their parent proteins(16, 22). Our approach for defining AMTs provides high confidencefor protein identification because of their initi<strong>al</strong> identificationby using MSMS with standard database searchingidentification (15) combined with v<strong>al</strong>idation by using high MMAand elution time (16). Although convention<strong>al</strong> capillary LC-MSMS was used for most of the initi<strong>al</strong> identifications, MSMSwith FTICR instrumentation was used in a limited number ofcases to identify peptides present in concentrations too low to bean<strong>al</strong>yzed effectively by convention<strong>al</strong> MS. The AMT-based proteinidentification <strong>al</strong>lows subsequent high-throughput proteomemeasurements because only the distinctive masses and LCelution time are needed (16).The D. radiodurans strain R1 genome consists of two chromosomes,one megaplasmid and one plasmid (3). Our an<strong>al</strong>ysisused the 3,116 protein-encoding ORFs predicted by the TIGRannotation (ftp:ftp.tigr.orgpubdatadradioduransGDR.pep) (2) (we exclude from this an<strong>al</strong>ysis 71 ORFs predictedto contain frame shifts). The proteomic measurements providea physic<strong>al</strong> v<strong>al</strong>idation that predicted ORFs actu<strong>al</strong>ly encode aprotein. A two-dimension<strong>al</strong> visu<strong>al</strong>ization of a portion of onean<strong>al</strong>ysis (Fig. 1) illustrates the ability to identify proteins fromthe peptides d<strong>et</strong>ected for D. radiodurans [grown in a definedminim<strong>al</strong> medium (13) and harvested at mid-log phase].Over<strong>al</strong>l An<strong>al</strong>ysis Yields Identification of Over 60% of the PredictedProteome. The 200 LC-MSMS an<strong>al</strong>yses of peptides from collectiveculture conditions yielded PMT identifications for 9,159peptides having a SEQUEST score 2. Our measurements verifiedwith high-confidence 6,997 AMTs, corresponding to 1,910 ORFsfrom D. radiodurans, representing 61% of the predicted ORFs(Table 1), the broadest proteome coverage for an organismachieved to date. Because the m<strong>et</strong>hod uses two distinct MSmeasurements, matching accurate mass with MSMS measurements,the use of the FTICR in these an<strong>al</strong>yses lends higherconfidence to those peptides identified compared to thosed<strong>et</strong>ected (16). In a function<strong>al</strong> category breakdown (Table 2),11050 www.pnas.orgcgidoi10.1073pnas.172170199 <strong>Lipton</strong> <strong>et</strong> <strong>al</strong>.

Fig. 1. Two-dimension<strong>al</strong> display of a capillary LC-FTICR an<strong>al</strong>ysis in which 50,000 putative polypeptides were d<strong>et</strong>ected from a tryptic digest of D. radioduransproteins harvested in mid-log phase (OD 600 0.3–0.4; 30°C). Ins<strong>et</strong> shows portions of displays for peptides from D. radiodurans harvested in mid-log (Left), late-log(Center), and poststationary (Right) phases (spot size reflects relative abundance). Each individu<strong>al</strong> spot corresponds to a peptide that can be identified <strong>al</strong>ong withthe parent protein using AMTs. Spot identifications: 1: DR1314 (hypoth<strong>et</strong>ic<strong>al</strong> protein); 2: DR1790 (homolog of yellowroy<strong>al</strong> jelly protein of insects); 3: DR1314(hypoth<strong>et</strong>ic<strong>al</strong> protein); 4: DR0309 (elongation factor Tu); 5: DR2577 (S-layer protein); 6: DR0989 (membrane protein); and 7: DR1124 (S-layer protein).coverages for categories associated with housekeeping functionswere significantly higher than hypoth<strong>et</strong>ic<strong>al</strong> proteins. In a singleFTICR an<strong>al</strong>ysis, the masses for 1,500 AMTs are typic<strong>al</strong>lyd<strong>et</strong>ected corresponding to 700 ORFs (depending on theculture condition) and 15–20% of the D. radiodurans proteome.FTICR-Based Proteomics Can Provide Sensitive and Dynamic Range forBroad Proteome Coverage. One major ch<strong>al</strong>lenge for proteomics isthe large variation in the relative abundances of proteins (5orders of magnitude). A recognized disadvantage of convention<strong>al</strong>proteomic studies by using two-dimension<strong>al</strong> polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis separations coupled with proteinidentification by MS an<strong>al</strong>ysis is that, in gener<strong>al</strong>, only higherabundanceproteins are d<strong>et</strong>ected (23, 24). We have previouslyshown that 20 zmol (12,000 molecules) of protein can bed<strong>et</strong>ected during an FTICR an<strong>al</strong>ysis (25). In this work, capillaryLC-FTICR measurements provided an over<strong>al</strong>l dynamic range of10 4 -10 5 (16). The further expansion of the dynamic range ofmeasurements by using a new DREAMS technology (26) offersthe potenti<strong>al</strong> to d<strong>et</strong>ect proteins at less than one copy per cellgiven practic<strong>al</strong> cell populations (10 8 cells per an<strong>al</strong>ysis). For moreabundant proteins, broad coverage of peptide fragments wasachieved; ribosom<strong>al</strong> proteins were identified with an average of9 AMTs. Similarly, DNA polymerase I, considered to be theTable 1. D. radiodurans proteome coverageCategory Size Predict ORFs Obs ORFs % coverageTot<strong>al</strong> 3.29 Mbp 3,116 1,910 61Chromosome 1 2.65 Mbp 2,633 1,586 60Chromosome 2 412 kbp 369 34 63Mega plasmid 177 kbp 145 76 52Sm<strong>al</strong>l plasmid 46 kbp 40 4 35most abundant polymerase in prokaryotic cells (27), is predictedto be present in about 400 copies per cell in E. coli and wasidentified with six AMTs providing 20% coverage of the protein.Another m<strong>et</strong>hod for estimating protein abundance in a cellTable 2. D. radiodurans proteome coverage by TIGR assignedfunction<strong>al</strong> categoryCategory Tot<strong>al</strong>* Seq cov † St dev ‡ Obs § % Cat Amino acid biosynthesis 80 21.5 15.1 70 88Cofactor biosynthesis, <strong>et</strong>c. 61 16.1 9.7 41 67Cell envelope 77 17.7 19 62 81Cellular processes 89 21.9 21.5 64 72Centr<strong>al</strong> m<strong>et</strong>abolism 154 14.7 10.5 111 72DNA m<strong>et</strong>abolism 81 13.2 10.1 55 68Energy m<strong>et</strong>abolism 199 24.7 20 152 76Fatty acid m<strong>et</strong>abolism 53 23.8 16.2 40 75Conserved hypoth<strong>et</strong>ic<strong>al</strong> 499 16.6 13.1 276 55Phage relatedtransposon 47 11.7 3.7 9 19Protein fate 86 22.2 20.6 65 76Protein synthesis 114 38.8 24.2 100 88Nucleic acid synthesis 53 19.2 14.7 42 79Regulatory functions 126 15.5 10.8 76 60Transcription 28 18.5 11.8 22 79Transport proteins 191 16.5 15.5 138 72Unknown function 176 15.4 12.4 107 61Hypoth<strong>et</strong>ic<strong>al</strong> 1,002 18.7 14.2 479 48*Number of ORFs assigned to each category by TIGR.† Percentage of protein sequence represented by AMTs averaged over <strong>al</strong>lproteins in a single category.‡ Standard deviation of sequence coverage for the entire category.§ Number of ORFs d<strong>et</strong>ected in each category. Percentage of ORFs identified for each category.BIOCHEMISTRY<strong>Lipton</strong> <strong>et</strong> <strong>al</strong>. PNAS August 20, 2002 vol. 99 no. 17 11051

Table 3. D<strong>et</strong>ected ORFs for different CAI and PHX v<strong>al</strong>uesCAI Tot<strong>al</strong>* Obs † Cov ‡ PHX Tot<strong>al</strong>* Obs † Cov ‡0.1–0.2 24 9 10 0–0.6 542 370 150.2–0.3 94 33 15 0.6–0.7 729 436 170.3–0.4 292 120 16 0.7–0.8 657 387 190.4–0.5 786 404 15 0.8–0.9 451 256 190.5–0.6 1,239 801 16 0.9–1 204 114 210.6–0.7 546 424 24 1–1.25 233 142 230.7–0.8 120 109 50 1.25–1.5 86 56 250.8–0.9 12 9 58 1.5–2 96 72 352.0–3 21 19 43*Tot<strong>al</strong> number of ORFs with codon adaptation index (27) or predicted highlyexpressed proteins (28) for the CAI or PHX bin ranges indicated.† Number of observed ORFs with CAI or PHX v<strong>al</strong>ues indicated.‡ Percentage of observed proteins represented by AMTs for <strong>al</strong>l the proteinspredicted in a single bin.population is the use of codon adaptation index (CAI) (28) orpredicted highly expressed (PHX) (29) proteins, two separate<strong>al</strong>gorithms devised to estimate protein abundance on the basis ofcodon usage. Although many of the proteins f<strong>al</strong>l into a rangecorresponding to proteins expressed at high abundance, about50% of the proteins we d<strong>et</strong>ected have both CAI and PHX scorespredicting low abundance. If codon usage were the only indicatorof protein abundance, the increase in AMT coverage per ORFwith higher CAI and PHX v<strong>al</strong>ues (Table 3) would suggest a slightand expected bias toward d<strong>et</strong>ection of high abundance proteins.However, the significant number of ORFs identified with lowPHX and CAI v<strong>al</strong>ues <strong>al</strong>so suggests that this approach effectivelyidentifies lower abundance proteins.Protein Expression Profiles Change with Varied Culture Conditions.The increased throughput provided by the use of AMTs <strong>al</strong>lowsthe investigation into the pattern of d<strong>et</strong>ected proteins, under arange of environment<strong>al</strong> conditions (Fig. 2A). These resultsillustrate that many predicted proteins associated with ‘‘housekeeping’’functions are d<strong>et</strong>ected under <strong>al</strong>l conditions ev<strong>al</strong>uated(Table 4, which is published as supporting information on thePNAS web site, Although d<strong>et</strong>ection of an AMTprovides high confidence, the presence of the protein, its absencecannot exclude its presence at a low level. Examination of theexpression patterns can suggest potenti<strong>al</strong> functions for ORFshaving no homology to other known proteins (Fig. 2B). Forexample, many of these hypoth<strong>et</strong>ic<strong>al</strong> proteins are d<strong>et</strong>ected underevery culture condition, suggesting that they may fill ‘‘housekeeping’’functions (e.g., DR1172, DR1245, DR1623, andDR1768; Fig. 2C). DR0253 (Fig. 2C) was d<strong>et</strong>ected only inpoststationary phase (regardless of the culture condition),whereas DR0871 and DR1228 were d<strong>et</strong>ected only in minim<strong>al</strong>medium; DR0528, DR1591, and DR2450 were d<strong>et</strong>ected onlywhen cells were exposed to various ‘‘stress’’ conditions. Althoughlimited quantities of such information cannot unequivoc<strong>al</strong>lyreve<strong>al</strong> specific protein function, they can help narrow the rangeof possible functions and identify ORFs for further study.Frame Shifts and Reading Frames Can Be D<strong>et</strong>ermined by Using AMTs.We examined data for protein expression by genes with frameshifts designated in the initi<strong>al</strong> annotation (2) and found that D.radiodurans displays both direct and indirect pathways for thesynthesis of asparaginyl-tRNA (tRNA ASN ) and glutaminyltRNA(tRNA GLN ) (30) despite the frame shift in the tRNA ASNsynth<strong>et</strong>ase (DR1270) (2) (based on an AMT an<strong>al</strong>ysis of peptidesfrom <strong>al</strong>l possible ORFs predicted from a six-frame translation ofthe D. radiodurans genome). The Comprehensive Microbi<strong>al</strong>Resource database (www.tigr.orgtigr-scriptsCMR2GenomePage3.spl?database gdr) lists 71 addition<strong>al</strong> genespredicted to encode proteins, having probable frame shifts tounknown reading frames, and where only parti<strong>al</strong> protein sequenceswere predicted. In addition to peptides for asparaginyltRNA synth<strong>et</strong>ase, we observed sever<strong>al</strong> other peptides derivedfrom genes believed to be disrupted by frame shifts. Some ofthese peptides are markers for function<strong>al</strong> proteins, suggestingthat frame-shift corrections may be occurring, perhaps at thelevel of transcription. For example, we d<strong>et</strong>ected peptides pre-Fig. 2. (A) The qu<strong>al</strong>itative pattern of ORF expression d<strong>et</strong>ected using AMTs for various conditions by TIGR assigned function<strong>al</strong> category (2) (red, AMTs d<strong>et</strong>ected;green, AMTs not observed). Each culture condition (as described in Experiment<strong>al</strong> Protocols) was an<strong>al</strong>yzed at least two times. (B) Expansion of the pattern forpredicted hypoth<strong>et</strong>ic<strong>al</strong> proteins, illustrating similarities and differences under different culture conditions. (C) Expansion showing sever<strong>al</strong> representativehypoth<strong>et</strong>ic<strong>al</strong> proteins.11052 www.pnas.orgcgidoi10.1073pnas.172170199 <strong>Lipton</strong> <strong>et</strong> <strong>al</strong>.

Fig. 3. Change in relative abundance of (F) RecA and () DNA-directed RNApolymerase in cells after exposure to 17.5 kGy of ionizing radiation obtainedbe an<strong>al</strong>ysis of a mixture of cells grown on unlabeled media and the 15 N-labeledreference proteome (control, nonirradiated cells). Cells were prepared at 0, 3,7, 9, and 12 hr after exposure.dicted from DR0100 [putative single-stranded DNA-bindingprotein (SSB)] (2) that is reported to contain three frame shifts,supporting the existence of at least some function<strong>al</strong> SSB protein.AMTs were <strong>al</strong>so identified for DR1624 (RNA helicase), DR2477(3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase), and DRC0020 (putativemodification m<strong>et</strong>hylase). AMTs were d<strong>et</strong>ected in <strong>al</strong>l threereading frames of ORF DR2477, suggesting either that D.radiodurans is able to mediate the required two frame shifts orthat there is a mistake in the genome sequence. D<strong>et</strong>ectedpeptides corresponding to ORFs and frames in which they arecoded are published as supporting information on the PNAS website.Stress Response, DNA Damage Repair, and Recognition Proteins andRecA. It is predicted that D. radiodurans encodes a spectrum of148 stress response proteins (four are predicted to containauthentic frame shifts) (3). We identified 74 proteins predictedfrom the annotated genome with an average of six AMTs perprotein corresponding to 24% over<strong>al</strong>l sequence coverage. Twoclasses of annotated proteins shown to play roles in the d<strong>et</strong>oxificationprocesses are cat<strong>al</strong>ase (DR 1998 and DRA0259) andsuperoxide dismutase (SOD) (DR1279, DR1546, andDRA0202). We confirmed the presence of both predictedcat<strong>al</strong>ases with 48 (DR1998) and 37 (DRA0259) AMTs covering80% and 50% of their sequences, respectively. Of the SODproteins, we identified DR 1279 with 14 AMTs, correspondingto 87% coverage, whereas DR1546 and DRA0202 were identifiedwith two and three AMTs, respectively. Of the predicted 75proteins with potenti<strong>al</strong> DNA repair activities (23), we identified39 with an average of three AMTs per protein corresponding to12% coverage of the amino acid sequence. RecA is centr<strong>al</strong> tohomologous recombination<strong>al</strong> repair of irradiation-induced double-strandbreaks in D. radiodurans chromosom<strong>al</strong> and plasmidDNA (6, 7, 11, 31). Five different RecA AMTs (covering 34%of the sequence) were identified primarily in cells recoveringfrom exposure to ionizing radiation.Stable isotope labeling <strong>al</strong>lows the quantitation of changes inprotein expression levels. The protein expression pattern of D.radiodurans recovering from a dose of 17.5 kGy of ionizingradiation (growing on 14 N media) was compared with the proteinexpression pattern from control cells (growing on 15 N media)(Fig. 3). Initi<strong>al</strong> studies indicate that the expression of RecA aswell as DNA-directed RNA polymerase I is significantly inducedduring recovery from 17.5 kGy irradiation, consistent withprevious observations (32).DiscussionComprehensive proteome an<strong>al</strong>yses can be achieved with greaterconfidence by using AMTs for protein identifications because ofthe combined use of sequence-related information and accuratemass measurement. Although a cat<strong>al</strong>og of proteins from aparticular organism is useful for gene verification, the an<strong>al</strong>ysis ofprotein expression patterns under various culture conditions canbe used to infer function, deduce m<strong>et</strong>abolic pathways, identifyregulatory n<strong>et</strong>works, <strong>et</strong>c.When D. radiodurans is exposed to ionizing radiation, adose-dependent delay of cellular replication suggests the existenceof a DNA damage checkpoint (33). During this delay,sever<strong>al</strong> phases of cellular d<strong>et</strong>oxification are hypothesized (34),but d<strong>et</strong>ails remain unclear. One d<strong>et</strong>oxification process in D.radiodurans involves remov<strong>al</strong> of the activated oxygen species bycat<strong>al</strong>ase and SOD. Although the biochemic<strong>al</strong> function of thes<strong>et</strong>wo enzymes is known (35), their role in radiation resistance isunclear. Bas<strong>al</strong> levels of cat<strong>al</strong>ase in exponenti<strong>al</strong>ly growing culturesof D. radiodurans have been shown to be over 100-foldgreater than for E. coli (10, 35). Gen<strong>et</strong>ic inactivation of membersof either protein group render D. radiodurans cells more sensitiv<strong>et</strong>o ionizing radiation at doses that exceed 16,000 Gy (36),whereas mutations in DR1279 result in a greater sensitivity toionizing radiation compared with mutations in DR1998. Weconfirmed the presence of both cat<strong>al</strong>ases under most cultureconditions, suggesting constitutive expression. Of the SODproteins, we identified DR1279 under many culture conditionsbut d<strong>et</strong>ected DR1546 and DRA0202 proteins in only a fewculture conditions and in relatively low abundance. Thus,DR1279 apparently dominates SOD function and <strong>al</strong>so appears tobe constitutively expressed.Addition<strong>al</strong> d<strong>et</strong>oxification processes in D. radiodurans exportsubstanti<strong>al</strong> portions of its DNA as large or sm<strong>al</strong>l oligonucleotidesfrom the cell after irradiation (37), presumably to preventreincorporation into the genome. Homologs of UvrA (includingUvrA1) are believed to play a role in these processes becaus<strong>et</strong>hey have been linked to ABC transporter proteins (2), andUvrA serves as the site of attachment for nucleotide excisionrepair proteins to the cell membrane in E. coli (2, 38). Thedramatic DNA damage resistance of D. radiodurans has beenattributed to exceedingly efficient DNA repair mechanisms,<strong>al</strong>though such mechanisms remain poorly understood (3, 34). Weobserved most of the predicted proteins associated with nucleotideexcision repair (including the UvrA1, UvrB, UvrC, Mfd,and PolA) in both stressed and unstressed cultures, which mayindicate that these processes are continuously removing damagednucleotides from the cell. UV DNA damage endonucleaseand DNA helicase II (UvrD) were not d<strong>et</strong>ected, suggesting thatthese proteins may be expressed only at low bas<strong>al</strong> levels. Thed<strong>et</strong>oxification process origin<strong>al</strong>ly ascribed to the activity of theMutT Nudix protein family has been refuted by Xu <strong>et</strong> <strong>al</strong>., whofound low levels of MutT activity for proteins putatively identifiedwith MutT domains (39), consistent with the presentobservation of the MutT Nudix protein family predominantly inunstressed cells.Although D. radiodurans can express a suite of stress responseproteins, expression patterns have initi<strong>al</strong>ly reve<strong>al</strong>ed few correlationsb<strong>et</strong>ween expression and stress response. One exception isfor the hypoth<strong>et</strong>ic<strong>al</strong> protein DR0070, which is observed onlyafter <strong>al</strong>k<strong>al</strong>ine treatment (Fig. 2). Closer examination of this ORFreve<strong>al</strong>s a limited similarity to <strong>al</strong>k<strong>al</strong>ine protease of Bacillus subtilis(39), surrounding the cat<strong>al</strong>ytic serine residue, and illustrates theuse of such data to verify or suggest protein function.One protein that has been closely linked with the DNA repairability of D. radiodurans is RecA. RecA is d<strong>et</strong>ected predominantlyin cells recovering from ionizing radiation and <strong>al</strong>so at lowlevels in nonstressed cells, suggesting a low level of constitutiveBIOCHEMISTRY<strong>Lipton</strong> <strong>et</strong> <strong>al</strong>. PNAS August 20, 2002 vol. 99 no. 17 11053

expression, contrary to previously published work. Previousstudies using convention<strong>al</strong> PAGE with a RecA immunoprobewere not sufficiently sensitive to d<strong>et</strong>ect these low levels of RecAin D. radiodurans grown under nonstress conditions (32). BesidesRecA, few proteins typic<strong>al</strong>ly associated with presynaptic orpostsynaptic recombination events were d<strong>et</strong>ected.Although this is the first study, to our knowledge, to demonstratesuch comprehensive (61%) proteome coverage, anaddition<strong>al</strong> significance of our approach lies in the breadth ofproteomic studies now enabled. The present results provide <strong>al</strong>arge s<strong>et</strong> of AMT ‘‘protein biomarkers’’ for quantitative expressionstudies that can be conducted with greater sensitivity andhigher throughput due to elimination of the need for MSMSmeasurements. Such studies use cells grown on stable-isotopelabeledmedia whose proteins (and their peptide AMTs) serveas intern<strong>al</strong> standards to establish relative expression levels (40,41). Sever<strong>al</strong> studies have now demonstrated that precision ofb<strong>et</strong>ter than 10–20% is achievable (41–43), a significant improvementover convention<strong>al</strong> proteomics approaches or gene expressionarrays. The observation that both RNA polymerase I andRecA were induced after exposure to ionizing radiation (Fig. 3),<strong>al</strong>though not surprising, illustrates that the use of AMTs forquantitation <strong>al</strong>so provides the rapid throughput that will benecessary to extract biologic<strong>al</strong> insights from glob<strong>al</strong> proteomicstudies.This research was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Officeof Biologic<strong>al</strong> and Environment<strong>al</strong> Research. 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