Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...

Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...

Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...


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SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 1990-2000Vincze, Gábor. “Változás a Román Munkáspárt magyarságpolitikájában: A kolozsvárimagyar nyelvû felsõoktatás felmorzsolása” (Changes in the <strong>Romanian</strong> Worker’sParty’s policies towards the <strong>Hungarian</strong>s: The annihilation of the <strong>Hungarian</strong> highereducation in Kolozsvár). Korunk (1997) 4, pp. 70-82.In other languages:BOOKSDombi, Károly. Analysis of the factors determining <strong>Romanian</strong> nationality policy towards ethnic<strong>Hungarian</strong>s under the communist regime. Ottawa, 1991. 131 p.Fülöp, Mihály. Le paix inachevée: Le Conseil des Ministres des Affaires Étranges et le traité depaix avec le Hongrie (1947). Budapest: Assoc. des Sciences Historiques de Hongrie,1998. 393 p.Giurescu, Dinu C. The razing of Romania's past. London: Architecture Design <strong>and</strong> Technology,1990. 68 p.Illyés, Elemér. <strong>Nation</strong>al minorities in Romania: Changes in Transylvania. Second edition,Hamilton: Struktúra, 1992. 355 p.Joó, Rudolf <strong>and</strong> Andrew Ludányi, eds. The <strong>Hungarian</strong> minority's situation inCeauºescu's Romania. New Jersey: Atlantic Research <strong>and</strong> Publications. Highl<strong>and</strong>Lakes, 1994. 157 p.ARTICLESAndreescu, ªtefan. “A Little-known issue in the History of Romania: The Armed Anti-Communist Resistance.” Revue romaine d’histoire 33 (1994) 1-2, pp. 191-197.Dobrescu, Valerian. “Sowjetische Hegemonialpolitik in Rumänien (1943-1947).” InAnuarul Institutului de Istorie Cluj-Napoca XXX (1990-1991), pp. 357-382.Ludányi, Anrrew. “<strong>Hungarian</strong> lobbying efforts for the human rights of minorities in Rumania:The CHRR/HHRF as a case study.” <strong>Hungarian</strong> Studies (1990) 1, pp. 77-90.ªiºeºteanu, Gheorghe. “Agression et collectivisation en Sãlaj, 1950-1965.” Acta MuseiPorolissensis 18 (1994), pp. 431-456.Tismãneanu, Vladimir. “Underst<strong>and</strong>ing national Stalinism: <strong>Romanian</strong> communism in ahistorical-comparative pespective.” In Analele Universitãþii Bucureºti. Istorie (1990) 39,pp. 25-44.372

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