Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...

Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...

Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...


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SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 1990-2000Pándi, Lajos. Köztes-Európa 1756-1997: Kronológia (“Mid-Europe,” 1756-1997: A chronology).Budapest: TLA, 1999. 518 p.Pándi, Lajos. Köztes-Európa: térképgyûjtemény, 1763-1993 (Collection of maps on “Mid-Europe,” 1763-1993). Co-editor Nándor Bárdi. Budapest: Osiris, 1997. 803 p.Romsics, Ignác, ed. Integrációs törekvések Közép- és Kelet-Európában a 19-20. században(Ambitions of integration in Central <strong>and</strong> Eastern Europe in the 19-20 th centuries).Budapest: TLA, 1997. 313 p.Romsics, Ignác, ed. Magyarország és a nagyhatalmak a XX. században (Hungary <strong>and</strong> thegreat powers in the XX th century). Budapest: TLA, 1997. 313 p.Romsics, Ignác. Helyünk és sorsunk a Duna-medencében (Our place <strong>and</strong> destiny in theDanubian basin). Budapest: Osiris, 1996. 378 p.Romsics, Ignác. Nemzet, nemzetiség és állam Kelet-Közép- és Délkelet-Európában a 19. és 20.században (<strong>Nation</strong>, nationality <strong>and</strong> the state in East-Central <strong>and</strong> Southeast Europe inthe 19-20 th centuries). Budapest: Napvilág, 1998. 419 p.Rónai, András. Közép-Európa atlasz (Atlas of Central Europe). Budapest: Püski, SzentIstván Társulat, 1993. 411 p.Szarka, László. Duna-táji dilemmák: Nemzeti kisebbségek – kisebbségi politika a 20. századiKelet-Közép-Európában (Dilemmas in the Danubian region: <strong>Nation</strong>al minorities<strong>and</strong> minority policy in East-Central Europe in the 20 th century). Budapest: Ister,1998. 377 p.II. ROMANIAN-HUNGARIAN HISTORIOGRAPHICALCONVERGENCES. IMAGES OF THE OTHERIn <strong>Romanian</strong>:BOOKSAlex<strong>and</strong>rescu, Sorin. Paradoxul Român (The <strong>Romanian</strong> Paradox). Bucureºti: Univers,1998. 333 p.Antohi, Sorin. Civitas Imaginalis. Istorie ºi utopie în cultura românã (Civitas Imaginalis. History<strong>and</strong> utopia in <strong>Romanian</strong> culture). Bucureºti: Editura Litera, 1994. Second Edition:Iaºi: Polirom, 1999. 344 p. Translated into French as Imaginaire culturel et réalitépolitique dans la Roumanie moderne: le stigmate et l'utopie. Paris: L’Harmattan, 1999.304 p.Bocºan, Nicolae, <strong>and</strong> Valeriu Leu, eds. Identitate ºi alteritate: Studii de imagologie (Identity<strong>and</strong> alterity: Studies of imagology). Reºiþa: Editura Banatica, 1996. 172 p.Boia, Lucian, ed. Mituri istorice româneºti (<strong>Romanian</strong> historical myths). Bucureºti: EdituraUniversitãþii din Bucureºti, 1995. 254 p.Boia, Lucian. Istorie ºi mit în conºtiinþa româneascã. Bucureºti: Humanitas, 1997. 311 p.Translated into English as History <strong>and</strong> Myth in <strong>Romanian</strong> Consciousness. Budapest,Central European University, 2001. 285 p. Translated into <strong>Hungarian</strong> as Történelem ésmítosz a román köztudatban. Bukarest, Kolozsvár: Kriterion, 1999. 366 p.Chimet, Iordan, ed. Dreptul la memorie (The right to memory). 4 Vols. Vol. 1, Cuvintele fundamentaleºi miturile (The fundamental words <strong>and</strong> myths). Vol. 2, Intrarea în lumeamodernã (The entry into the modern world). Vol. 3, Dialog despre identitatearomâneascã (Dialogue about the <strong>Romanian</strong> identity). Vol. 4, Certitudini, îndoieli, confruntãri(Certitudes, doubts, confrontations). Cluj-Napoca: Dacia, 1992-1993.Chimet, Iordan, ed. Momentul adevãrului (The moment of truth). Cluj-Napoca: Dacia,1996. 476 p.Constantiniu, Florin. O istorie sincerã a Poporului Român (A sincere history of the <strong>Romanian</strong>people). Bucureºti: Univers Enciclopedic, 1997. 588 p. Second, revised edition.Bucureºti: Univers Enciclopedic, 1999. 555 p.Cristian, Vasile. Istoriografia paºoptistã (The historiography of the 1848 revolutionaries).Iaºi: Editura Universitãþii “Alex<strong>and</strong>ru Ioan Cuza,” 1996. 225 p.317

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