Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...

Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...

Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...


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SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 1990-2000I. NATIONAL HISTORY IN A REGIONAL CONTEXT.ROMANIANS, HUNGARIANS, AND SYMBOLIC GEOGRAPHIESI. 1 ROMANIA: CENTRAL AND SOUTHEAST EUROPEBOOKSBabeþi, Adriana, <strong>and</strong> Cornel Ungureanu, eds. Europa Centralã: Memorie, paradis, apocalipsã(Central Europe: Memory, paradise, <strong>and</strong> apocalypse). Iaºi: Polirom, 1998. 520 p.Babeþi, Adriana, <strong>and</strong> Cornel Ungureanu, eds. Europa Centralã: Nevroze, dileme, utopii(Central Europe: Neurosis, dilemmas, <strong>and</strong> utopias). Iaºi: Polirom, 1997. 340 p.Bocºan, Nicolae, Nicolae Edroiu, <strong>and</strong> Aurel Rãduþiu, eds. Culturã ºi societate în epoca modernã:Profesorului Pompiliu Teodor, omagiu din partea studenþilor, doctoranzilor ºicolaboratorilor, la împlinirea vîrstei de 60 de ani (Culture <strong>and</strong> society in the modernepoch: Homage to Professor Pompiliu Teodor, from his students, Ph.D. c<strong>and</strong>idates,<strong>and</strong> collaborators, on his 60 th birthday). Cluj-Napoca: Editura Dacia, 1990. 301 p.Corbea-Hoisie, Andrei. Paul Celan ºi “meridianul” sau: Repere vechi ºi noi pe un atlas central-european(Paul Celan <strong>and</strong> his meridian: New <strong>and</strong> old marking signs on a Central-European atlas). Iaºi: Polirom, 1998. 198 p.Djuvara, Neagu M. Între Orient ºi Occident: Þãrile române la începutul epocii moderne(1800-1848) (Between Orient <strong>and</strong> Occident: The <strong>Romanian</strong> principalities at thebeginning of the modern epoch, 1800-1848). Bucureºti: Humanitas, 1995. 397 p.Translation of the book Le pays roumain entre Orient et Occident: les principautés danubiennesau début du XIXe siècle. Cergy-Pontoise: Publications orientalistes de France,1989. 389 p.Duþu, Alex<strong>and</strong>ru. Political models <strong>and</strong> national identities in “Orthodox Europe.” Bucureºti:Babel, 1998. 219 p.Duþu, Alex<strong>and</strong>ru. Sud-Estul european în vremea Revoluþiei Franceze: Stãri de spirit, reacþii,confluenþe (Southeast Europe at the time of the French Revolution: States of mind,reactions <strong>and</strong> confluences). Bucureºti: Academia Românã, Institutul de Studii Sud-Est Europene, 1994. 279 p.Mureºanu, Camil. Naþiune, naþionalism: Evoluþia naþionalitãþilor (<strong>Nation</strong> <strong>and</strong> nationalism:The evolution of nationalities). Cluj-Napoca: Fundaþia Culturalã Românã, 1996.Neumann, Victor. Tentaþia lui Homo-Europaeus: Geneza spiritului modern în Europa centralãºi de sud-est. Bucureºti: Editura ªtiinþificã, 1991. 240 p. Translated into English asThe temptation of Homo-Europaeus: The genesis of the modern spirit in Central <strong>and</strong>South-eastern Europe. Boulder: East European Monographs, 1993. 269 p.Spinei, Victor. Marile migraþii din estul si sud-estul Europei în secolele IX-XIII (The greatmigrations form Southern <strong>and</strong> Southeast Europe in the IX-XIII th centuries). Iaºi:Institutul European, 1999. 513 p.Theodorescu, Rãzvan. Roumains et balkaniques dans la civilisation sud-est européenne.Bucureºti: Editura Enciclopedicã, 1999. 484 p.Tismãneanu, Vladimir, <strong>and</strong> Mircea Mihãieº. Vecinii lui Franz Kafka: Romanul unei nevroze(The neighbors of Franz Kafka: The novel of a neurosis). Bilingual edition. Iaºi:Polirom, 1998. 141 p.Ungureanu, Cornel. Imediata noastrã apropiere (Our immediate vicinity). Timiºoara: Editurade Vest, 1990.Wagner, Richard. Popoare în derivã: Europa de Est la rãscruce de epoci (Declining peoples:Eastern Europe at the crossroads of epochs). Bucureºti: Kriterion, 1994. 134 p.Zbuchea, Gheorghe. România ºi rãzboaiele balcanice 1912-1913: Pagini de istorie sud-esteuropeanã (Romania <strong>and</strong> the Balkan wars, 1912-1913: Pages from the history ofSoutheast Europe). Bucureºti: Albatros, 1999. 455 p.315

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