Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...

Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...

Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...


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SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 1990–2000the nationality question in the <strong>Hungarian</strong> part of the Habsburg Empire.In the last two sections, one focusing on the interwar period <strong>and</strong> WorldWar II (1918-1945), the other on the emergence, consolidation <strong>and</strong>demise of the communist regimes in Romania <strong>and</strong> Hungary (1945-1989),we sought to allocate equal weight to the interstate relations <strong>and</strong> to thehistory of the <strong>Hungarian</strong> minority in Romania. In the <strong>Hungarian</strong> historiographicaldiscourse, the relationship between the two nations was perceivedas basically conditioned by the situation of the <strong>Hungarian</strong> minorityin Romania, while the <strong>Romanian</strong> perspective concentrated mainly onthe diplomatic relations between the two countries, <strong>and</strong> on the <strong>Hungarian</strong>irredenta as a factor determining the relationship of the <strong>Hungarian</strong>minority to the <strong>Romanian</strong> state. Needless to say, these divergences cannotbe resolved by a bibliography <strong>and</strong> require thorough scholarly discussions.In order to facilitate these discussions, our selection contains representativesamples from both paradigms.A word is in order at this point about the types of works included inthis bibliography. The selection offers an overview of the <strong>Hungarian</strong> <strong>and</strong><strong>Romanian</strong> historiographical works produced between 1990 <strong>and</strong> 2000 onthe history of Romania, Hungary, Transylvania, the <strong>Romanian</strong>s in Hungary<strong>and</strong> the <strong>Hungarian</strong> minority in Romania. Apart from some exceptionalcases, it concentrates on scholarly works <strong>and</strong> does not include articlespublished in dailies, or interviews. Together with scholarly works, itcomprises also numerous polemical writings, nationalist pamphlets <strong>and</strong>propag<strong>and</strong>a works of historical nature, themselves representative of thepost-communist historiographical discourses, revealing thus an importantcomponent of the <strong>Romanian</strong>-<strong>Hungarian</strong> cultural <strong>and</strong> political relations.Special attention has been also paid to documenting the respective translationsof <strong>Hungarian</strong> or <strong>Romanian</strong> works into the other language <strong>and</strong>their critical reception, as well as the works published abroad by <strong>Hungarian</strong><strong>and</strong> <strong>Romanian</strong> scholars, thus providing the reader with a certain sampleof the reception of these historiographical traditions outside of theregion. According to the linguistic criteria of selection, the subsections referringto works published in <strong>Hungarian</strong> include <strong>Hungarian</strong> authors fromRomania, publishing mostly in <strong>Hungarian</strong>. The bibliography also includesa certain number of translated works by foreign authors who have had animpact on the intellectual life in Romania <strong>and</strong> Hungary after 1989.Finally, a word of warning about the scope of this selection. The bibliographyis the first attempt to synthetize a vast bibliographical material,<strong>and</strong> bears unavoidable time <strong>and</strong> space limitations. The project will be furtherdeveloped with annotations, works dealing with the developments in<strong>Hungarian</strong>-<strong>Romanian</strong> relations occurring after 1989, <strong>and</strong> works on the<strong>Romanian</strong>-<strong>Hungarian</strong> relations by foreign authors. At present stage, how-313

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