Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...

Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...

Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...


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Can Democracy Work in Southeastern Europe?SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHYAnderson, Benedict. Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin <strong>and</strong> Spreadof <strong>Nation</strong>alism. London: Verso, 1991.Batai, Tibor, ed. Reports on the Situation of <strong>Hungarian</strong>s Living Abroad: <strong>Hungarian</strong>sin Romania 2000. Budapest: Government Office for <strong>Hungarian</strong> MinoritiesAbroad, 2000.Boia, Lucian, ed. Miturile comunismului românesc (Myths of <strong>Romanian</strong> Communism).Bucharest: Nemira, 1998.________ . History <strong>and</strong> Myth in <strong>Romanian</strong> Consciousness. Budapest: Central EuropeanUniversity Press, 2001.Boone, Peter, Stanislaw Gomulka, <strong>and</strong> Richard Layard, eds. Emerging from Communism:Lessons from Russia, China <strong>and</strong> Eastern Europe. Cambridge,Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1998.Brubaker, Rogers. <strong>Nation</strong>alism Reframed: <strong>Nation</strong>hood <strong>and</strong> the <strong>Nation</strong>al Questionin the New Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.Connor, Walker. Ethnonationalism: The Quest for Underst<strong>and</strong>ing. Princeton:Princeton University Press, 1994.Congresul al XI-lea al Partidului Comunist Român (The Eleventh Congress of the<strong>Romanian</strong> Communist Party). Bucharest: Editura Politicã, 1975.Coricelli, Fabrizio. Macroeconomic Policies <strong>and</strong> the Development of Markets inTransition Economies. Budapest: Central European University Press,1998.Daniels, Robert V., ed. A Documentary History of Communism <strong>and</strong> the World:From Revolution to Collapse. Hanover <strong>and</strong> London: University Press ofNew Engl<strong>and</strong>, 1994.Dãianu, Daniel. Încotro se îndreaptã þãrile postcomuniste? Curente economice înpragul secolului (Where are the post-communist countries heading for?Economic currents at the turn of the century). Iaºi: Polirom, 2000.Festinger, Leon. A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance. Evanston: Row, Peterson <strong>and</strong>Company, 1957.Fonseca, Isabel. Bury Me St<strong>and</strong>ing: The Gypsies <strong>and</strong> Their Journey. New York: VintageBooks, 1996.Gabanyi, Anneli Ute. The Ceauºescu Cult: Propag<strong>and</strong>a <strong>and</strong> Power Policy in CommunistRomania. Bucharest: The <strong>Romanian</strong> Cultural Foundation PublishingHouse, 2000.Gellner, Ernest. Thought <strong>and</strong> Change. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1964.________ . Culture, Identity, <strong>and</strong> Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1987.________ . <strong>Nation</strong>alism. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1997.Georgescu, Vlad. Politicã ºi istorie: Cazul comuniºtilor români, 1944-1977 (Politics<strong>and</strong> history: The case of <strong>Romanian</strong> communists, 1944-1977). Bucharest:Humanitas, 1991.Greskovits, Béla. The Political Economy of Protest <strong>and</strong> Patience: East European<strong>and</strong> Latin American Transformations Compared. Budapest: CentralEuropean University Press, 1998.Hirschman, Albert O. Exit, Voice, <strong>and</strong> Loyalty: Responses to Decline in Firms, Organizations,<strong>and</strong> States. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1970.299

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