Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...

Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...

Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...


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<strong>Nation</strong>alizing Minorities <strong>and</strong> Homel<strong>and</strong> Politicsis that they are functionally complementary, although there is a permanentcompetition between them. The institutions <strong>and</strong> organizations belonging tothe civil sphere have such functions that resemble the functions of ministriesin a government. For instance, the Bolyai Társaság (Bolyai Society) correspondsto the Ministry of Education, <strong>and</strong> the Erdélyi Múzeum Egyesület(Transylvanian Museum Organization) resembles the Ministry of Culture.Such educational <strong>and</strong> cultural organizations become important in times ofcrisis. Also, crisis situations make it possible for some leaders to legitimizethemselves <strong>and</strong> enter into the political elite. In these cases, they lose theirrole in civic organizations <strong>and</strong> assume certain political responsibilities.These organizations are theoretically part of the <strong>Hungarian</strong> civic sphere,but since the cultural <strong>and</strong> educational problems are politicized, they enterthe political sphere <strong>and</strong> act as interest or pressure groups. Internal debatesare often channeled by these institutions, <strong>and</strong> the outcome of the debates<strong>and</strong> decisions often have political consequences for the entire minority.In the following parts, I analyze certain cases of internal debates <strong>and</strong> divisionsthat, in my view, support the model described above. I briefly describeissues concerning education, the participation of the HDUR in the <strong>Romanian</strong>government, <strong>and</strong>, in a separate chapter, the “Status Law.” Fora national minority, interpreted as a nationalizing minority, separate educationalinstitutions are of vital importance. It is not my intention to enter intosuch debates whether a national minority has the right for a separate, selfgoverneduniversity in their minority language; I simply take into accountthe expressed goal of the HDUR to establish a state-financed <strong>Hungarian</strong>University in Romania. This separate university is a key institution ofnation-building, since it is the institution where elite reproduction would bepossible. Therefore, the debate around the university in 1997 has to beinterpreted within the framework of nation-building or nationalization.Within the minority elite, there were two camps involved in thedebate: those who were in favor of a separate university, <strong>and</strong> those whofavored the current situation. However, the dispute was not about theusefulness of a separate university, but about the question of elitereproduction. On the one h<strong>and</strong>, the argument was that, at present,<strong>Hungarian</strong>s are not able to run a high-quality separate university, <strong>and</strong>the current situation serves better the purpose of having a well-educatedelite. On the other h<strong>and</strong>, those who argued for a separate universityassumed that, in spite of short-term sacrifices, separate institutionsserve better their goals in the long run. Besides the internal agreements<strong>and</strong> disagreements, the <strong>Romanian</strong> government did not pass the lawregarding the state-financed <strong>Hungarian</strong> University. In my view, this isa clear sign that the state also considered the <strong>Hungarian</strong> University asa key institution for minority nation-building. A similar view is reflected259

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