Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...

Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...

Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...


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IRINA CULICtrolling Reproduction in Ceauºescu’s Romania (Berkeley: University of CaliforniaPress, 1998); <strong>and</strong> Katherine Verdery, What Was Socialism, <strong>and</strong> What ComesNext? (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1996), especially chap. 2, “The‘Etatization’ of Time in Ceauºescu’s Romania,” pp. 39-57.13 For instance, through quotas in the party leadership or educational institutions,along with other differentiating characteristics such as sex, residence,<strong>and</strong> class.14 Katherine Verdery, <strong>Nation</strong>al Ideology Under Socialism: Identity <strong>and</strong> CulturalPolitics in Ceausescu’s Romania (Berkeley: University of California Press,1991).15 I take Pierre Bourdieu’s conception of social space as outlined in many of hisworks. See Pierre Bourdieu, Outline of a Theory of Practice (Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press, 1977); Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgementof Taste (London: Routledge, 1992); <strong>and</strong> Practical Reason: On the Theory ofAction (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1998).16 Initially, this was a discussion paper presented at Collegium Budapest; a moreelaborated study was subsequently published in Daedalus, <strong>and</strong> included asa chapter in Brubaker, <strong>Nation</strong>alism Reframed, pp. 23-54.17 Brubaker, <strong>Nation</strong>alism Reframed, p. 57.18 Brubaker, <strong>Nation</strong>alism Reframed, p. 57.19 Brubaker, <strong>Nation</strong>alism Reframed, p. 58.20 I am not talking of persons of mixed-origins, who experience more complexidentification problems, <strong>and</strong> whose practices <strong>and</strong> identity construction dependboth on the family context – the language <strong>and</strong> ethnic belonging of the personwho takes care of the baby, the structure of the family, etc. – <strong>and</strong> on the largerstructural socialization set-up of the child.21 It is important for <strong>Hungarian</strong>s that their nationality is asserted alongside theircitizenship. For example, the new <strong>Romanian</strong> passports only have one heading,“Naþionalitate” (<strong>Nation</strong>ality), st<strong>and</strong>ing for citizenship (where the authoritiesfilled in “<strong>Romanian</strong>” automatically). I know of cases of <strong>Hungarian</strong>s whorequired having their passport changed so that it became clear that their citizenship,<strong>and</strong> not nationality, is <strong>Romanian</strong>. Under this heading it is now specified:“<strong>Romanian</strong> citizen.”22 Data from a previous research are presented in Irina Culic et al., BazinulCarpatic: Români ºi maghiari în tranziþie – Imagini mentale ºi relaþii interetnice înTransilvania (The Carpathian Basin: <strong>Romanian</strong>s <strong>and</strong> <strong>Hungarian</strong>s in transition– Mental images <strong>and</strong> interethnic relations in Transylvania) (Cluj-Napoca:Research Center for Interethnic Relations, 1998).23 Except for the use of minority language in courts.24 That is, civil, political, <strong>and</strong> social rights. See T.H. Marshall, Citizenship <strong>and</strong>Social Class, <strong>and</strong> Other Essays (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1950).25 According to Ethnobarometer, there is no significant difference in the averageincome, possession of home appliances (except for color TVs <strong>and</strong> automaticwashing machines, which <strong>Hungarian</strong>s are better provided with), or appeal toalternative sources of income. Nevertheless, 58.5% of <strong>Romanian</strong>s, comparedto 26.3% of <strong>Hungarian</strong>s, declared that they experienced situations when theywere short of money for buying food, respectively 60.2% of <strong>Romanian</strong>s, com-244

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