Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...

Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...

Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...


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tive. That is, situations when <strong>Hungarian</strong>s feel that <strong>Romanian</strong> features (mostlyof negative connotation) are unjustly assigned to them are importantsources of dissatisfaction. The following data provide insight to the extentof this feeling. 27TABLE 2. Degrees of agreement with the following statement: “Certain thingsmake me feel ashamed of being a <strong>Romanian</strong> citizen.”<strong>Romanian</strong>s<strong>Hungarian</strong>sFully agree 19.9% 56.0%Rather agree 23.6% 24.3%Rather disagree 18.9% 7.2%Fully disagree 30.6% 7.4%Don’t know 7.0% 5.1%TOTAL 100% 100%Source: Culic, Horváth <strong>and</strong> Lazãr, Ethnobarometer: Interethnic Relations in Romania.Another reason is the perceived situation of Romania within theregion, not least compared to Hungary. Obviously, the ethnic <strong>Hungarian</strong>s’experience of the institutions of the <strong>Romanian</strong> state is very similar to what<strong>Romanian</strong>s themselves experience. Nevertheless, they feel entitled toreceive all the extra benefits, not least symbolic, offered by their nationality<strong>and</strong> national external homel<strong>and</strong>. 28Self-Identification <strong>and</strong> Identification of the “Other”According to Table 3, most <strong>Romanian</strong>s identify themselves with a nationaltype. When asked whether they primarily identified with local, regionalor national terms, 71.1% of <strong>Romanian</strong>s declared themselves simply“<strong>Romanian</strong>s.”TABLE 3. Self-identification of <strong>Romanian</strong>s.<strong>Nation</strong>hood <strong>and</strong> IdentityIdentityPercentage<strong>Romanian</strong> 71.1%Regional type (ardelean, oltean, etc.) 24.2%East-European 0.6%Balkan 0.2%European 1.4%Other 2.5%TOTAL 100%Source: Culic, Horváth, <strong>and</strong> Lazãr, Ethnobarometer: Interethnic Relations in Romania.Data for the <strong>Romanian</strong> sample, N=1253.233

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