Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...

Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...

Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...


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BARNA ÁBRAHÁMcounty). In his article, he warmly described the activities of the local co-operative<strong>and</strong> the self-consciousness of the inhabitants: “Hats off to these free people,who are proud of being peasants, who have never lived in serfdom, whohave been able to block the voraciousness of the council of Sibiu <strong>and</strong> who willprevent every future attempt of subjection too, implementing the idea ofa healthy, stable democracy in their wonderful rural life that is really a <strong>Romanian</strong>one.” See Zigu Ornea, Viaþa lui C. Stere (The Life of C. Stere), vol. 1(Bucharest: Cartea Româneascã, 1989), pp. 384-385.7“During the elaboration of the questionnaire, it was impossible to start fromthe romantic preconception that genuine <strong>Romanian</strong> peasants can be studiedonly in Sãliºtea,” because “unfortunately, such flourishing <strong>Romanian</strong> villages,similar to Sãliºtea, can hardly be found yet.” Róbert Braun, “A falu lélektana”(The psychology of the village), Huszadik Század 5-6 (1913), p. 548.8“It has got such an élan in its development since 1860 that today it is one of thelittle towns of our country. It has some paved streets, many large <strong>and</strong> beautifulbuildings, a district notary <strong>and</strong> a deputy sheriff, a post <strong>and</strong> telegraph office,weekly market, large shops etc. <strong>and</strong> more cultural institutions. … Eight teacherswork in the upper school, there is a reading circle or casino, an associationof firemen, another one of artisans <strong>and</strong> a savings bank.” Silvestru Moldovan,Þara nóstrã: Descrierea pãrþilor Ardélului dela Mureº spre médã-di ºi valeaMuréºului (Our l<strong>and</strong>: Description of the parts of Transylvania south of riverMureº <strong>and</strong> the Mureº valley) (Sibiu: 1894), pp. 129-131.9Viktor Pãcalã, “A Nagyszeben vidéki resinárok lakóhelye és életviszonyai”(The dwelling place <strong>and</strong> living conditions of the Resinars in the Nagyszebenarea), Földrajzi Közlemények 33 (1905), pp. 319-24.10 “The inhabitants have a spirit of community <strong>and</strong> generosity, too. It has its evidencein the establishing <strong>and</strong> maintaining of relatively numerous social, cultural<strong>and</strong> charity institutions financed from the donations of some rich l<strong>and</strong>-holders,some children [i.e., heirs] while sharing their heritage, some young peoplebefore their marriage, <strong>and</strong> some mourners, perpetuating the memory of theirbeloved. The ‘Mitrea Aleman,’ ‘ªaguna’ <strong>and</strong> ‘Danc㺠Emilian’ foundations, thewomen’s association, the reading society, etc. all spend thous<strong>and</strong>s on clothesfor pupils, scholarships for students, aiding the poor old people, those who arenot able to work <strong>and</strong> those mentally ill. Rãºinari already possessed an ambitiousintelligentsia too, but this was not the case in the past. There wereenough rich sheep-owners living here before, who could have afforded to sendtheir children to school, but they rather sent them up to the mountains, wherethe children were growing up without care. … Thanks to the recent educationalreforms, these disadvantages disappeared, bringing the benefits of generalculture. The village has an excellently equipped <strong>and</strong> organized school withseven teachers, with the mission to spread the culture. … The younger generationof Rãºinari, brought up by rigorous religious principles in the family,once rising to higher social positions, shows self-conscious <strong>and</strong> warm patriotism,firm awareness of its duties, <strong>and</strong> an impeccable way of living.” Pãcalã,“A Nagyszeben vidéki resinárok lakóhelye és életviszonyai,” p. 325.11 It was realized, on the one h<strong>and</strong>, by parcelling some large estates (in general<strong>Hungarian</strong>), <strong>and</strong>, on the other h<strong>and</strong>, by selling at auctions some (mainly<strong>Romanian</strong>) smaller farms. At the turn of the century, Transylvania underwent218

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