Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...

Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...

Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...


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The Dislocated Transylvanian <strong>Hungarian</strong> Student Body29 Bárdi, “A Keleti Akció,” p. 158, 178.30 The universities taken into account are: Budapest University (together withTheology), the Technical University, the University of Economics, <strong>and</strong>, in additionto the above-mentioned ones, the Veterinary College.31 Olga Molnár, “A fõiskolai hallgatók szociális és gazdasági viszonyaiBudapesten” (The social <strong>and</strong> material conditions of university students inBudapest), Statisztikai közlemények vol. 54 (1930), pp. 34-35.32 Molnár, “A fõiskolai hallgatók,” pp. 34-38.33 Only 564 were <strong>Romanian</strong> citizens. 423 of them went to Budapest.34 See Asztalos, “A fõiskolai hallgatók az 1926-27-es tanévben” (University studentsin the 1926-1927 academic year), Magyar statisztikai szemle 14, pp. 1019-1030. Having in mind the spectacular divergence that results from the use ofdifferent criteria, it may safely be estimated that there were around 1,300-1,400students of Transylvanian origins in 1926-1927. As we approach the end of thedecade, though, it is likely for such students to have switched to <strong>Hungarian</strong> citizenshipbefore they enrolled in the university. Hence the low rate of representation,if only citizenship was regarded.35 See József Asztalos, “A fõiskolai hallgatók az 1927-28 tanévben,” pp. 349-355.36 This was due not so much to the historical association of Szeged <strong>and</strong> Kolozsvárin university matters, as to more practical reasons, such as proximity <strong>and</strong> financialconsiderations.37 See for instance the sources cited in footnote 11.38 Bárdi, “A Keleti Akció,” p. 158.SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHYAsztalos, József. “A fõiskolai hallgatók az 1926-27-es tanévben” (University studentsin the 1926-1927 academic year). Magyar Statisztikai Szemle. 11(1927), pp. 349-355.________ . “A fõiskolai hallgatók az 1927-28-as tanévben” (University students inthe 1927-1928 academic year). Magyar Statisztikai Szemle 14 (1930), pp.1019-1030.Bárdi, Nándor. “A Keleti Akció – A romániai magyar intézmények támogatása az1920-as években” (The Eastern Action – support for <strong>Hungarian</strong> institutionsin Romania in the 1920s). In László Diószegi, ed., Magyarságkutatás,1995-96 (<strong>Hungarian</strong> studies, 1995-1996). Budapest: Teleki LászlóAlapítvány, 1996.Collins, R<strong>and</strong>all. “Market Closure <strong>and</strong> Conflict Theory.” In Burrage, Michael <strong>and</strong>Ralf Torstendahl, eds., Professions in Theory <strong>and</strong> History. London: Sage,1990.Iancu, Gheorghe. The Ruling Council: The Integration of Transylvania into Romania,1918-1920. Cluj-Napoca: The <strong>Romanian</strong> Cultural Foundation, 1995.Janik, Gyula. “A fõiskolai hallgatók újabb adatai” (Recent data on university students).Statisztikai Szemle 4 (1928).195

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