Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...

Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...

Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...


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CONSTANTIN IORDACHIAnimated by Brãtianu <strong>and</strong> Kogãlniceanu, the Liberal parliamentarymajority succeeded in imposing its conception over the future organizationof Dobrogea. On 28 September, the Senate endorsed the annexationof Dobrogea, followed on 30 September by the approval of the Chamberof Deputies. In addition, the government was authorized by the Parliamentto administer Dobrogea through ad-hoc governmental regulations,until a future Legislative Assembly would pass a law on Dobrogea’s definitiveorganization.The favorable vote of the Parliament on Dobrogea’s annexation wasa strong indication that, in a short period of time, the <strong>Romanian</strong> nationaldiscourse about Dobrogea underwent a spectacular transformation.At the time of the San Stefano Treaty, Dobrogea was to many politiciansa foreign province, the symbol of an “onerous bargain,” “a fatal gift,” ora “geo-political embarrassment.” Gradually, in face of the irrevocabledecision of the Berlin Congress, the province began to be valued as a wartrophy, Romania’s recompense for its blood sacrifices in the 1877-1878Russian-Turkish war, <strong>and</strong> as a compensation for the loss of SouthernBessarabia to Russia. In 1908, Nicolae Iorga, a key figure of <strong>Romanian</strong>national ideology, suggestively synthethized this view, by pointing out thatDobrogea was “twice dear to <strong>Romanian</strong>s” since “it was paid for two times:… the first time with blood, <strong>and</strong> the second time with l<strong>and</strong>.” 28 By the endof the parliamentary debates over the Berlin Treaty, Dobrogea was reconsideredalmost unanimously as an ancient <strong>Romanian</strong> l<strong>and</strong>, <strong>and</strong> an integralpart of the <strong>Romanian</strong> national heritage. 292.“The California of the <strong>Romanian</strong>s”: Ethnic Colonization,L<strong>and</strong> <strong>Nation</strong>alization <strong>and</strong> Economic Incorporation 302.1 ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION AND THE ASSIMILATIONOF NORTHERN DOBROGEARomania took over the administration of Northern Dobrogea on 14November 1878. 31 The entry of the <strong>Romanian</strong> army in the province wassoon followed by a multitude of administrators, geographers, anthropologists<strong>and</strong> economists, who studied the province <strong>and</strong> devised plans of economicorganization. Following the annexation, <strong>Romanian</strong> political elitesimplemented in Dobrogea a modernizing nationalist project, which wasmeant to consecrate Romania’s economic integration into the West <strong>and</strong> toconfer a legitimizing progressive character on the assimilation process.At the same time, in an “Orientalist” manner, Dobrogea was mastered bya bureaucratic nationalism. The result was a three-stage mechanism of ethnicassimilation, economic modernization <strong>and</strong> cultural homogenization,128

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