Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...

Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...

Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian ...


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<strong>Nation</strong>al Prejudices, Mass Media <strong>and</strong> History TextbooksMitu, Sorin, Lucia Copoeru, Ovidiu Pecican, Liviu Þîrãu, <strong>and</strong> Virgiliu Þârãu. IstoriaRomânilor: Manual pentru clasa a XII-a (<strong>Romanian</strong> history: Twelfthgrade textbook). Bucharest: Sigma, 1999.Moþiunea politicile educaþionale promovate prin manualele de Istoria Românilor,4 Noiembrie 1999 (Motion “The educational policy promoted throughthe textbooks of the <strong>Romanian</strong> history,” 4 November 1999). Availablefrom http://www.cdep.ro/steno/owa/plen.stenograma. Internet. Accessed10 February 2000.Mureºan, Camil, Vasile Cristian, Vasile Vesa, <strong>and</strong> Eugen Vîrgolici. Probleme fundamentaleale istoriei lumii moderne ºi contemporane: Manual pentru clasaa XI-a (Fundamental problems of modern <strong>and</strong> contemporary history:Twelfth grade textbook). Bucharest: Editura Didacticã ºi Pedagogicã,1989.Nastasã, Lucian, ed. Studii Istorice Româno-Ungare (<strong>Romanian</strong>-<strong>Hungarian</strong> historicalstudies). Iaºi: Academia Românã, Institutul de Istorie A. D.Xenopol, 1999.Paqueteau, Bernard. “‘Congelatorul’ ideilor false: Naþionalism ºi comunism înEuropa de Est” (The “refrigerator” of false ideas: <strong>Nation</strong>alism <strong>and</strong> communismin Eastern Europe). In Revista 22 34 (24-30 August 1994), p. 7;35 (31 August 31–6 September 1994), p. 10; 36 (7-13 September 1994),p. 13; 37 (14-20 September 1994), p. 12; 38 (21-27 September 1994), p. 12.Council of Europe’s Recommendation 1283 of 1996 on History <strong>and</strong> the Learning ofHistory in Europe, Adopted by the Assembly on 22 January 1996. Availablefrom http://stars.coe.fr/ta/ta96/erec1283.htm. Internet. Accessed 17 February2000.Stanciu, Anghel. Interpelarea lui Anghel Stanciu, Parlametul României, Stenogramaºedinþei Camerei Deputaþilor din 18 Octombrie 1999 (The interpellation ofAnghel Stanciu, <strong>Romanian</strong> Parliament, The shorth<strong>and</strong> report of themeeting of Deputy Chamber held on October 18th, 1999). Availablefrom http://www.cdep.ro. Internet. Accessed 3 February 2000.Verdery, Katherine. <strong>Nation</strong>al Ideology Under Socialism: Identity <strong>and</strong> Cultural Politicsin Ceausescu’s Romania. Berkeley: University of California Press,1991.117

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