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Mawlamyine (Moulmein)æ Top SightsKyaikthanlan Paya...............................C3Mahamuni (Bahaman) Paya...............C3æ Sights1 Aung Theikdi Zedi................................C42 First Baptist Church ............................B53 Htyan Haw Chinese Temple ...............A54 Kaladan Mosque..................................A25 Moghul Shiah Mosque.........................A26 Mon Cultural Museum.........................B57 Seindon Mibaya Kyaung .....................C48 Surtee Sunni Jamae Masjid................A39 U Khanti Paya ......................................C410 U Zina Paya ..........................................C4ÿ Sleeping<strong>11</strong> Attran Hotel ......................................... A<strong>11</strong>2 Aurora Guest House............................A413 Breeze Guest House............................A414 Cinderella Hotel ...................................B415 Ngwe Moe Hotel ..................................A516 Sandalwood Hotel ...............................A4ú Eating17 Chan Thar Restaurant.........................A418 Help Grandfather and MotherRestaurant ........................................A419 Mi Cho Restaurant...............................A220 Mya Than Lwin Restaurant.................A521 Peking Restaurant...............................A4Teahouse.....................................(see 12)þ Shopping22 Big Market............................................A223 Myine Yadanar Market........................B224 Zeigyi ....................................................A2ï Transport25 Boats to Bilu Kyun ...............................A226 Boats to Gaungse Kyun ...................... B127 Kyaik Hpa Nai Jetty ............................ C128 Pedestrian Jetty to Mottama..............A329 Vehicle Jetty to Mottama.................... B1Htyan Haw Chinese Temple serves the localChinese community. Of historic interestis the sturdy brick First Baptist Church (cnrHtet Lan Magyi Rd & Dawei Jetty Rd), also knownas the Judson Church; this was Myanmar’sfirst Baptist church.Gaungse Kyun (Shampoo Island) ISLANDex:='"ez"kâJn'"This picturesque little isle just off Mawlamyine’snorthern end is so named because,during the Ava period, the yearly royal hairwashingceremony customarily used watertaken from a spring on the island.You can hire a boat out here from thepier at the north end of town, not far fromthe former Mawlamyine Hotel, for K2000return. Peace rather than sights are the reasonfor venturing out here, but you can visitSandawshin Paya, a whitewash-and-silverzedi (stupa) said to contain hair relics, anda nearby Buddhist meditation centre. Manynuns, with a menagerie of pet dogs, live onthe island.4SleepingMost of Mawlamyine’s accommodation is aK1000 motorcycle taxi ride from the trainstation, bus station or boat pier.oCinderella Hotel HOTEL $$(%244<strong>11</strong>; www.cinderellahotel.com; 21 Baho Rd;s/d/tr $18/30/40; aiW) Where else couldyou afford to stay in the nicest place intown? This shockingly purple structure hasnumerous and capable staff who look afterhuge rooms with heaps of amenities: 24-hour electricity, TV, air-con, wi-fi and a hugefridge stuffed with junk food.Breeze Guest House BUDGET HOTEL $(Lay Hnyin Tha; %21450; breeze.guesthouse@gmail.com; 6 Strand Rd; s $6-12, d $16; a) Therooms aren’t much but the Breeze, an attractive,blue, colonial-style villa on StrandRd, produces its charms in other ways. Thestaff are an endless source of information,pleasant conversation and superb guidingskills. Try to snag one of the more expensiverooms, which are quite spacious and havelarge, modern bathrooms with air-con.Attran Hotel HOTEL $$(%25764; Strand Rd; r $25-60; a) Overlookingthe sultry river waters, the Attran is suitablyreminiscent of a beach resort. Tour groupsenjoy the series of orderly bungalows spreadacross the green pastures. It’s exceptionallyfriendly and helpful, but there is no gettingaway from the fact that it’s a little overpriced.The hotel restaurant, on a deck by the riverand lit up at night, is a nice place to eat.Sandalwood Hotel HOTEL $$(%27253; 278 Myoma Tadar St; r $15-35; a) Amodern and clean multi-storey hotel, convenientlylocated near the town’s attractions,restaurants and internet cafés. Communicatingin English can be problematic99MON SOUTHEASTERN STATE SLEEPINGMYANMAR SLEEPINGMAWLAMYINE (MOULMEIN)

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