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80AROUND YANGON DELTA REGIONfor deck class and $42 for cabin class (althoughwe’ve yet to encounter the cabin), and are availablein the morning at the Inland Water TransportOffice (Mahabandoola Rd; h10am-noon),located in a wooden colonial-era building near thejetty, or from 3pm onward at the jetty itself.BusFor buses from Yangon, see p 71 .Inconveniently, the bus stations for various destinationsare spread throughout central Pathein.This is confusing, but probably easier than havingto schlep all the way to the town’s bus station,located well outside the city centre.If you’re bound for Yangon (K6000, fourhours), head to the informal bus company offices(Shwezedi Rd) located directly east ofShwe Zin Yaw Restaurant. There are departuresat 3.30am, 5.30am, 6.30am and 1.30pm; arriveearly and a shuttle truck will transport you to thestation and your bus. The 6.30am departure isthe only air-con one.Insanely uncomfortable minibuses ply theroute from Pathein to Chaung Tha Beach(K2500, 2½ hours, 36 miles) at 7am, <strong>11</strong>am, 1pmand 3pm, departing from an informal bus station(Yadayagone St) a couple of blocks northeastof the clock tower.To Ngwe Saung Beach (K4000, two hours, 29miles), buses leave from yet another bus station(Strand Rd) at 9am, <strong>11</strong>am and 3pm.TaxiShare taxis for up to four people can be arrangedfrom your hotel in Pathein for Chaung Tha(K50,000), Ngwe Saung (K40,000) and Yangon(K100,000).Chaung Tha BeachexY;='"s;km'"e¨x%042 / POP C2000Chaung Tha Beach, 25 miles west of Pathein,is a place of holiday excess for the Myanmarmiddle class. There’s paddling in the water,floating about on rubber rings, ploddingup and down on ponies, wasting money ontacky souvenirs, boisterous beach footballgames and happy family picnics. As withother beaches of this type in Southeast Asia,it’s not the most awe-inspiring piece of coastlineyou’ll ever encounter, but if you need tosqueeze some sand and sun into your visit toMyanmar, it is the most convenient option.1Sights & ActivitiesThe village market is most active from 6amto 9am. East of the main village area is amangrove wetland and a canal beach with awooden jetty. It isn’t hard to persuade a fisherpersonto take you up the river and aroundthe mangroves for a few thousand kyat.Boating TripsA modest coral reef lies a short way offshorewith decent snorkelling possible both hereand around the headland at the beach’snorthern end. During the rainy season thewater clarity is terrible.The best snorkelling, though, is abouta two-hour boat ride away. Boats, whichshould be arranged through your hotel,cost K50,000 per hour for six people. If youhaven’t got your own gear some of the hotelsmight conjure up a tatty snorkel and maskfor your use – ask at Myanmar Travel Beachor the Shwe Hin Tha Hotel.The appropriately named Whitesand Island,which is visible a short way offshore,can be explored in a day trip from ChaungTha Beach. Boats (K3000 one way, 15 minutes)leave from the jetty at the south end ofthe village every hour or so from 8am (lastone back leaves at 5pm). There’s good swimmingand snorkelling around the island, butvery little shade. Bring plenty of water and,finally, don’t attempt to swim over – it’s a verylong way and around the halfway point theJaws theme tune gets lodged in your head!Other ActivitiesYou can rent canoes for about K10,000 a day,or bicycles for about K2000 a day, at hotelsand guesthouses.4SleepingOf all the beach destinations in Myanmar,Chaung Tha offers the most affordable accommodation.Yet at research time, thebeach was experiencing something of a miniboom and there will undoubtedly be evenmore top-end places by the time you readthis. Those keen to avoid places with closelinks to the military should avoid the HotelMax (see p 21 ).All but a few hotels close down from 15May to 15 September; those that remainopen discount room rates. Most places, includingeven the most expensive resorts,have electricity only from 1pm to 3pm and6pm to midnight or morning.If none of the budget places recommendedhere are available, there are several similarlypriced off-beach guesthouses south ofthe bus station, along the way to the pier.All hotels are located along Main Rd.

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