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Mingyi RdPathein0 500 m123A14›#13›#Inland WaterTransport Office # ðæ#æ#ClockMainTower#òJetty# îæ#3Shwemokhtaw Payaæ#Ú#City Hall10# ú›# 15æ#1 # ÿ87 # ÿ2# ÿ 5æ#6#ÿ# ú 9# ú <strong>11</strong># ñ12#þAPatheinPatheinStrand RdRiverBTo Ngwe Saung Beach(29mi); Chaung ThaBeach (35mi)Shwezigon PayaStBwetgyi StZegyaungStOhnmardandi StMerchant StShwezedi Rdæ Top SightsShwemokhtaw Paya............................B2æ Sights1 Central Market.....................................B22 New Market..........................................B23 Night Market ........................................B24 Twenty-Eight Paya .............................. C1ÿ Sleeping5 La Pyae Wun Hotel ..............................B26 Paradise Hotel .....................................B37 Sein Pyae Hlyan Inn.............................B28 Taan Taan Ta Guest House ................B2ú Eating9 Myo Restaurant ...................................B3New City Tea Centre ....................(see 5)10 Shwe Zin Yaw Restaurant...................B2<strong>11</strong> Zone Pan ..............................................B3þ Shopping12 Parasol Workshops .............................B3ï Transport13 Buses to Chaung Tha Beach .............. C<strong>11</strong>4 Buses to Ngwe Saung Beach.............. A<strong>11</strong>5 Buses to Yangon..................................B2B‚Yadayagone StCMahabandoola RdC#e 0 0.2 milesDTo Settayaw Paya(700m); Shwe SarUmbrella Workshop(700m)# Ú 4‚#£stupa supposedly enshrined Buddha relicsand a 6in gold bar.Another legend says a Muslim princessnamed Onmadandi requested each of herthree Buddhist lovers build a stupa in herhonour. One of the lovers erected Shwemokhtaw,the others the less distinguishedTazaung and Thayaunggyaung Paya.Whichever story you choose to believe,Bagan’s King Alaungsithu is thought tohave erected a 46ft stupa called Htupayonover this site in AD <strong>11</strong>15. Then, in 1263, KingSamodagossa took power, raised the stupato 132ft and changed the name to ShwemokhtawPaya, which means Stupa of theHalf-Foot Gold Bar.The hti (umbrella-like pinnacle) consistsof a topmost layer made from 14lb of solidgold, a middle tier of pure silver and a bottomtier of bronze; all three tiers are gildedand reportedly embedded with a total of 829diamond fragments, 843 rubies and 1588semiprecious stones.The southern shrine of the compoundhouses the Thiho-shin Phondaw-pyi sittingbuddha image, which, the story goes, floatedto the delta coast on a raft sent from Sri Lankaduring ancient times. According to the legend,an unknown Sinhalese sculptor fashionedfour different buddha images using piecesD12377DELTA AROUND REGION YANGON SIGHTS SIGHTS PATHEIN & & ACTIVITIES

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